Cooperative Extension National Program Evaluation Files, 1977-1980

Collection number: UA 14/8/2
Size: 4 boxes (1.32 cu.ft.)

About National Program Evaluation Files

The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 required that the Secretary of Agriculture provide the Congress with " evaluation of the economic and social consequences of the programs of the Extension Service and the Cooperative Extension Services..." The evalutaion was undertaken as a joint effort of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the State Cooperative Extension Services, the latter throught the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) of the National Association of State Universitiies and Land-Grant Colleges.

ECOP appointed an evaluation task force in August 1977 to explore means of assisting and participating with the Department. In January 1978, a policy group was convened to provide guidance for conducting the evaluation of Extension programs. The policy group named a design team to develop a project plan and to develop procedures for implementing the plan.

Program evaluation methods were designed by project core staff members who were responsible for individual program areas. Each of the program areas identified in the madate--comprising the broad scope of Extension education--was pursued as a quasi-independent study. This approach resulted in the development of several evaluation techniques which gave a variety of program results, making consolidaiton into an integrated report difficult. The final report, published January 1980 is titled Evaluation of Economic and Social Consequences of Cooperative Extension Programs.

About the Cooperative Extension National Program Evaluation files

This series contains the committee files and rough drafts written for the National Program Evaluation collected by Maynard Heckel, Director of the New Hampshire Cooperative Extension Services. Heckel served as chairman of the steering committe for this project.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open.

Copyright Notice

Copyright is retained by the University of New Hampshire.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Cooperative Extension National Program Evaluation Files, 1977-1980, UA 14/8/2, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.

Acquisitions Information

Culled from Cooperative Extension files

Collection Contents

Box 1
Box 1, Folder 11977National Task Force on Program Evaluation
Box 1, Folder 21978National Task Force on Program Evaluation
Box 1, Folder 31979National Task Force on Program Evaluation
Box 1, Folder 41979Policy Group Meetings
Box 1, Folder 51978-1979Design Team correspondence
Box 1, Folder 6January 8, 1979Draft: Social and Economic Consequences of the Cooperative Extension Service. Part One. Jack Belck
Box 1, Folder 7March 10, 1979Status Report: Evaluation Project. William Wood
Box 1, Folder 8April 25, 1979Working Draft: Food and Nutrition Programs, Nancy Harries-Belck
Box 1, Folder 9May 31, 1979Working Draft: Purpose, Background and Programs of Home Economics Extension
Box 2
Box 2, Folder 1June 1979Preliminary Draft: Report of An Evaluation of the Economic and Social Consequences of the 4-H Program, Pigg/Meyers/Boyce/Abbott
Box 2, Folder 2July - November 1979Comments on draft reports
Box 2, Folder 3July 12, 1979Evaluation: Sections on Description of CES System, Fedkiw
Box 2, Folder 4July 16, 1979County Visits, Susan DeMarco
Box 2, Folder 5July 25, 1979Draft: 1890 Cooperative Extension Evaluation Report, George Thomas
Box 2, Folder 6August 1, 1979Preliminary Draft: Agricultural Program, Maish/Davison/Erickson
Box 2, Folder 7August 3, 1979Agriculture Program working papers
Box 2, Folder 8August 15, 1979Revised Draft: Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program.
Box 2, Folder 9August 29, 1979Draft: Introduction and Background. William Wood
Box 2, Folder 10August 30, 1979Background Documentations
Box 3
Box 3, Folder 1August 30, 1979Semi-Final Draft: Evaluation of the Economic and Social Consequences of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Program
Box 3, Folder 2September 1979Overview of Contractual Work to Review, Appraise and Summarize Studies of Extension Program Effectiveness,1961-1978. Claude Bennett
Box 3, Folder 3September 1979Draft reports: 4-H Evaluation
Box 3, Folder 4September 13, 1979Draft: Limitations and Suggestions for Extension Program Evaluation. William Wood
Box 3, Folder 5September 17, 1979Draft: 1890 Institution's Report. Mary Johnson
Box 3, Folder 6September 1979Preliminary Draft: A Report of the Evaluation of the Economic and Social Consequences of the 4-H Program. Pigg and Meyers
Box 3, Folder 7October 22, 1979Extension Evaluation Project Observations, William Wood
Box 3, Folder 8November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, I. Introduction, Wood and Carpenter
Box 3, Folder 9November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, II. Cooperative Extension Service, Carpenter
Box 3, Folder 10November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, IV. Home Economics and Nutrition, Rodgers/Fedkiw/Carpenter
Box 3, Folder 11November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, V. 4-H Youth, Pigg/Carpenter
Box 3, Folder 12November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, VI. Community and Rural Development. Tankersley/Wheaton/Carpenter
Box 3, Folder 13November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, VII. Summary of Economic and Social Consequences of Ext. Program, Fedkiw/Schaller/Carpenter
Box 3, Folder 14December 28, 1979Draft 3: Congressional Report, VII. Summary of Economic and Social Consequences of Ext. Program, Fedkiw/Schaller/Carpenter
Box 4
Box 4, Folder 1November 15, 1979Draft 2: Congressional Report, VIII. Summary, Interpretations, and Issues, Fedkiw/Schaller/Carpenter
Box 4, Folder 2December 7, 1979Draft of Executive Summary, Schaller
Box 4, Folder 3December 20, 1979IX. Suggestions for Continuing Program Evaluation, Bennett
Box 4, Folder 4January 2, 1980IX. Suggestions for Continuing Program Evaluation (Revised)
Box 4, Folder 5September 17, 1979Evaluation Issues; Home Economics Team, N. Belek
Box 4, Folder 6Additional Concerns and Issues
Box 4, Folder 7December 28, 1979Draft 2: Citizen's Review Panel Report


Manuscripts & Typescripts
Minutes & Reports