Camped Near Brandy Station
	Va--Jan 14th 1864

Dear Father
	Once more am
I back to Camp and set
-tled down to all a Soldiers
uneaven life and liveing
I left Manchester in the
4 OClock Train of the 30th
and arrived here the PM 
of the 2nd of this Month, 
Safe and Sound, well and
hearty. I found a letter 
and 2 Papers here for
me from you, for which
I am much Obliged to 
you for. That Saturday
Evening  Traveller
is a very interesting Paper
that alaways revuewes the
doing and news of the
week past. I read the
Presidents messeg in the
Indipendant Democrat, it
was the first opertunity
I had had to Read it. I
suppose it is not necessary
for me to State what I
think of Meades last move,
now as I have told you by
word of mouth. it looks 
now as though the Gov. do
not intend removeing Gen
Mead yet a while. I think
they had better try him
a while longer. There does
not seem to be any War
News of interest at the
Present time. The different
Armys seem to of Settled
down for Winter Quarters,
our Battery had the Name
of haveing the Best Quarters
there is in the Army of the
Potomac. They are truely,
excelent Quarters for Soldiers
we also have very good 
Stables we built for our
Horses. We are now fully
prepared for Winter, and
a Va. Winter is already
upon us. We have Snow
rain and Sunshine and
Mud, Mud, Some 39
of our Old Members
Reinlisted while I was
at home. 20 of them are
now home on 35 days Furlo
-ughs. The rest of the 39
will go when the 20 get
back. They get for reinlisting
$400, from the US. Gov.
$100, from the State of NH
and from $275, to $300, from
Towns as Town bounty.
They are allowed to be reck
-aned on the Quota of
Such Towns as see fit to
take them and pay a
bounty to them. it makes
Some $800, to each Man,
Qwite an inducement as far
as Money is concerned, but
it is not enough to induce
Me to reinlist. When I
have served my three years
I think I have done 
duty and can Stay at home
Justified and contended
feeling that I have done
all that is reqwired of .
I rec. a letter from Rachel
to day. They were all well. 
I had a Splended time
while at. I enjoyed my Self
much. I gained 10 lbs while
at home, my health continues
first rate and Spirets good
I was some homesick when
I first got back, but I
have got pretty much over
it now. give my love to
Mother and all Enqwiring
Friends. Write Soon, from
your Devoted Son
		T C Cheney