Manchester Dec 18 My dear H. I am up this morning early for the reason I coud not lay in bed. So I thought I would write you just a line. We are here all of us. Christie has been down town evry day this week. All daylong trying to dispose of the things, but I cannot learn from him much about what he is doing. He is rather inclined to keep his his afairs to himself, but I dont think they have disposed of any thing except Iron rods and a Little Oil. I think Benj is a little anxious to know what _________________________________ 2 he is going to do, but Clint is unconcerned to all appearances when he is in the house he is fooling and sleeping. As long as he has got a place to eat and sleep he is not going to trouble himself. Willie sent them an order for about ninety pounds of candy. They bought the candy and sent it last night. They will not make much on it. Clint got a splendid letter from Fred Monday. he read it before he came home then sit down and read it to us, and you would of supposed he was reading a story. it seemed to affect him just the same. I fear it will not have the desired affect, any length of time, ______________________________ 3 for last night he was going to meeting. Kittie and I told him we would like to go with him, he said no not with him. before he went or it was time to go he learned that the Bennet girl was not going so he goes on the street and spends his whole evening get home a little past nine. I hope Clint will do well. I think Fred has many anxious hours about him. I will send his letter as soon as I can get him to answer it. He goes on to discribe or show C. how young Dexter began to go down and he commensed just as Clint has. Some how I dont and cant keep him out of my mind night or day How does the blanket go ____________________________ 4 does it have the desired affect. Kittie and I slelpt real warm and nice last night. I wish you had a good soft bed and I would try the feather bed again and if you dont sleep any warmer for it you can take it off again. Well it is time to get some breakfast so I will close hoping to hear from soon. Ever your affec. R E C