Brandy Station Va Jan 31st 1864

Dear Brother
	Yours of the 
24th was rec. the 28th and
I was very happy to hear 
from you and know that
you were all well or
nearly so. I hope Ella
and Frank will both soon
be entirely well. I am
happy to hear that they are
starting up the Mills
again it will be so much
better for poor People.
They are also starting up
the Mills in Manchester,
and they are doing all they
can for the want of help, 
in the Old Shop. I could
get good pay now if I
was at home. I rec. the
Papers you sent me with
the letter and they were 
very acceptable and afforded
a good deal of pleasure in
reading them, and helped
me to pass away the time,
which hangs heavy on my
hands since I went home.
I had a letter from David
Gilchrist last week. The 
Folks were all well in
Franklin. Willie had got
nearly well. Alfred talks
of moveing to Lake Village
soon. I am glad to hear
that Old Joe Gilmore has
been Nominated again, 
he is the Man for these
time, he has got the Snap
and goeahead to him. You
must Elect him by the People
this time, and next November
we will reelect  again. Then we
shall do justice to worthy
Men and Shame the Rebes
that we are determined to
to prosicute this War till
the last Rebel lays down
his Armes or is exterminated.
The Army is a unit (or
nearly so) for Abraham Lincoln
for our next President and
they could vote, he would 
get nearly the entire vote
of the Army. There is a
different feeling in the Army
now towards Lincoln to what there was one
year ago. There is no 
one like , as
you say, there has not 
been any War news of
interest of late, but by 
yesterdays Papers there
seemes to be something
a going on of great interest
near Knoxville just now. Old
Longstreet is determined to
take Knoxville if he can
I suppose, but he c-a-n-t
, I dont believe.
I think he will find 
Old Foster enough for
him. Old  will 
be , probably,
if the Rebes faile there
this time, they might as well
knock under, for they never
will have as good a chance
again. I can not help thinking
but most of the hard fighting
will be over by a nother
fall, but I believe there
will be a necessity of
keeping a large force
in the Field for some
two or three years yet.
So those that reinlist will
have a chance to stay their 
time out. There is nothing
of interest here worthy
of writing about. We have
had Splended weather
for the past two weeks,
but it looks like a Storm
now my health is excelent
and Spirets good. Rachel and
the Children were well the last
I heard. Give my love to Hellen and
your Family. Write often, from your
Affectionate Brother  T C Cheney