Brandy Station Va Jan 8th 1863

Dear Brother
	Friday Eve and
I will try and write you
a few lines to let you
know that I am once more
in Camp in the Old
State of Va. I arrived
here Safe and Sound the
Afternoon of the 2nd.
I should of got to Washington
the Eve. of the 1st but
when we got to New London
it was Storming so hard
that the Boat did not dare
to go out till 2 OClock 
the next Morning, four
hours behind its regular
time; so that made us
late all the rest of the 
Day. The Storme cleared 
off about Sunrise so we
had a  plesant ride
all the rest of our way
in to NY City, and we 
did not get there till
Noon. There has 39 of
our Old Members reinlisted
since I left for home;
they are all at home 
now on Furloughs, 35
days. Furloughs are not gra
-nted to anyone now but
those that reinlist, so
you see I got mine just
in nick of time, a Week
later and I could not 
of had one, all of those
that have gone home now
from our Battery that
have reinlisted (20) of
them) get from $775,
to $800, Bounty a piece,
the other 19 that are to 
go home as soon as those 
get back, will probably
get about the Same. They
get $402, from the US, and
$100, from NH (State bounty)
and 18 of them have been
assigned to the Town of
which pays $275. The 
other two have been ass-
-igned to the quota of
some other Town which
pays $300. $800,  isent it, but 
not  to
Catch this Child for
three years more. I
C--a--n--t See 
it. . When
I have served my three
years that is all that 
is required of me I 
think, then I shall
have done  that is
my duty, and can then 
stay at home with my
Family contented. There is
no news to write that I
know of. I have not seen
a newspaper  since I got
back except one Old one
so I can not tell what is
being done in the outside
world. Our Co. have 
got Exallent Quarters
built said to be the best
in the Army of the Potomac.
They are cirtainly the best
we have had since we have
been out here, my self
Rachel and the Children
had very good visit
up to Franklin, also at
Fishersville. We found
Willie Gardner qwite
Sick however with the
Typhoid Feavor. I feel
anxious to hear how he is.
David and Emily take the
Death of their Child very
hard, my health is very
good, give my love to Hellen
and Your Family. Write soon
from your Affectionate Brother  T C Cheney