Brandy Station Va. March 1st 1864
Dear Sister Melissa
	Your kind and good letter
of the 18th was rec. the 26th and with
much pleasure too, for it always
gives me much pleasur to rec. letters
from my Brother and Sisters and
Father; yes, and all my Friends, but
more especily from my Dear Wife
and Relitives, my Brother & Sisters. I
am very sorry to hear of the sad
illness of Davids wife. I cirtainly
hope and Pray that she may soon
again be restored to her Husband
and little Children in her usual
health and Strength. I felt
truly sad to hear of this calamity
(I know not what else to call so appropriately)
which had befell David, it must be
hard for him, and espicily do I
pity those little Children, so young
and the same as lost their Mother for
a season at least. I have no doubt
Melissa, but you will take  
of them (the Poor little things) but there
is no one than take care of a Child
like the Mother. do the best you can
for the little things. how Providential
it was that you went there. Only
it does seem as though the hand of God
was in it, you arriveing there so
opportune, and truly as you say you
now have a chance to do good. 
 therefor take courage; trust
in God do your whole duty and God
will bless you, and you will rec.
the heartfelt thanks of David and
a    from the greatful Heart
of the "Mother". you must not give
over to feelings of dispondancy, nor
allow the blues to take hold of you.
Think of the  work you are
doing, and learn a lesson which may
be beneficial to you some day. Study
those little minds, learn their necessary
wants and desires; moraly and intilectualy
Physicaly and Spiretualy, but I have
no feares but you will do well for
I know you love Children. So do I
therefore I have said or writen this few words
from the heart. Oh!! how I love 
to Study the minds of my little
Boys. I feel that they are Treasures
lent to me by my Heavenly Father,
and as such it is my Earnest Prayer
and disire to make good use of them,
and lead them in the way they should
go, that they may grow up  and
useful Men, but enough of this for
now. I am  glad to hear that
Charlie is well and enjoying himself.
Tell me the exact way you Back a
letter to him. I hope he will write
to me soon. I wrote to him last. give
him my love and tell him if I
do not meet him in Richmond next
Summer I trust I may in NH
when his turm of Enlistment
expires. There has been some talk
of those of our Battery Boys that
have not reinlisted, going home
to vote for Gov. at this State Election
but I do not credit it. They have
got the same story in Manchester
and Rachel realy thinks I am coming,
but I think She will be disappointed.
I had a letter from her last Night.
She was well and so were the Children.
She sais she is making her a nice Rug.
Laura & Alf were there week before
last and made her a visit also Kittie.
Kittie talks of going to NY again. Uncle
Henery and wife were also there that week.
The called on their way to Goffstown.
Alfred has moved to Lake Village.
I heard from Father a short time
since, he and Family were all well
there is no special news to write that I
know of. There has been a very great
Revival of Religion in Manchester
some 400 or 500 have been converted
 how I would love to be there.
27 went forward for Prayers in our
little Church one Evening, it has
truly been a great work. There has
been nothing doing in this Army
except Several Revicns of Corps and
Divisions. We have made one Campaign
since I wrote you last it was of only
two days duration. We were gone only
one Night, but we Marched in the
Night going out and comeing Back
and it Rained qwite hard the day we
Marched so it was qwite muddy and
very bad Marching, but we got back
all safe and sound. We went on a
Reconnoitence with the 3d Corps with
which we are connected. We went
almost to the Rapidan River, but
we, our Battery did not go near enough to see any
Johneys. my health is excelent and
Spriets good. Write to me again
soon as you can give my respects to David
and God bless and assist you is the Prayer
of your Affectionate Brother   T C Cheney.