Camp 1st NH Battery
	Brandy Station, Va March
			16th 1864
Dear Brother
	Yours of the 6th 
was rec. last Sunday with
much pleasure, and found 
me enjoying good health 
and in in good Spirets. To
Night I rec. a letter from
Kitt. She is in NY again
has been at work one Week.
She gets $7.00 a Week. She
said She had a good visit at
your house and at all the 
other Places she visited. I
have not heard from Laura
since they Moved to Lake 
Village. That is a thrifty 
little place and I hope Alf.
will do well there. Well!!
you did give the Copper 
Heads  thras
-hing Election, didn't you.
Bully for you, it is a good
thing and will be a Death
blow to the hopes of
the Rebes of rec. help and
encouragement from the
North. I Cheered as loud
as I could when I read
how handsomly you whiped
the Sneaking Skunks, the
rebel Sympathisers. There
was some hurraughing for
a while in our Camp you
better believe, when we had 
assertaned the result of the
Election. Then the Miserable
Traitors did not like it to 
see the Soldiers going home
to vote did they. Well
they might dislike to see
them going home for that
purpos, for they well
knew that the Soldiers
had been Battleing against
Armed Traitors in the Field
to long, to stand much
of the blarney of Traitors
at home.  Soldiers know what 
their fighting for, and have 
gone through to many hardsh
-ips and periled their lifes to
many times for the great
Princaple of Liberty and
the , to have their
feelings trifled with to
much, by the base Cowards.
We Soldiers rejoice as much
over the victory you won
as you do, it gives us new
encouragement, hope and
Strength, for we 
feel that we shall be sus-
-tained by our Friends and
the Gov. at home. I am very
glad to hear that buisness is
so good in Nashua, and also
to hear that  have done
so well the past year. I believe
I might lay up a little something
now if I was at home. They pay 
big pay now adays. I heard that
they have got a job to build
Locomotives at the Big Shop
in Manchester. That will
make buisness tip top there.
They will find it hard work
to get help enough for a
while I reckon. Wouldent
I love to get a Job there
about now if my turn 
of Enlistment was up. There
is nothing new as regards us
as a battery of special
interest. There is some talk
of our geting 2 more Guns
but it is not sure, but I hope
we shall, according to the late
Orders of the President it looks
as though Lieut. Gen. U S Grant
was to Command this Army,
 place for him! yet he
may do well, all this Army
wants is a Good Gen. and 
let him handle it after his
own stile. There is no indications
of there being a forward move
for several weeks to come, yet
there may. I think the Army
will move about April sometime
during that Month. I rec. a Tribune
from you a while a go. I am very much
obliged to you for it. Give my love to your
family. Write me again Soon, from your Affection Brother
						T C Cheney