Camp Dupont Va
	Near Munsons Hill
	March 2nd/62
Dear Sister and Brother
	I will now try 
and answer your kind
letter of the 23d inst.
which I rceived last Wednesday
and was very happy to hear
from you. I received a letter
from Rachel Friday. She
was qwite unwell. She got 
Cold, and was threatned
with a fever, but She
said that she was better
when she wrote. I hope
She wount be sick. The
Children are well. Rachel 
wrote that Orison was at
Manchester with her, he
had not got a place yet.
I wish he could get a 
good place. What is Father
doing now is he in Fisherville
Tell him to write to me.
You speak of Snow in NH,
as being qwite deep. There
was not any on the Ground
here this Morning, but
it has snowed a little
since then, so there is
some now, but it wount
last long. We have
had a few days of pleasant
weather up to today, so the
mud has pretty much
dried up, but this Snow
will make it some muddy
again. The prospects are
that we shall March
very soon. We can not
tell how soon, but we 
keep out knap Sacks packed
all the time, and the Officers
have sent off all their extrys.
We are expecting Orders to
March at any day or hour
and we are ready, and
want to do so to, for the
Sooner we fight the Sooner
the War will close, and
my Dear Brother and Sister
if I fall in this war
I wiant you should give your
Council and what assistance
you can to my Dear Wife
and to the Children, and
God will bless you for it,
but i trust that I
Shall be permited to Meet
with them and you again
on Earth. my health
if first rate and I am
in good Spirets. We are
bound to whip the Rebeles.
They seem to be geting
the worst of it every
where now. This Rebelion
will soon be wiped out. 
We expect to get home
by July. I have received
some Papers from you
David at differant times
and am very much obliged
to you for them. I do
not think of any thing that
I want now, that I would like
to have you send me. I feel
very thankful to you for
your kind offer, and if I
should want any thing very
much, I may call on you,
and Emily. I will send
you the Ring in this letter
that I Promised to send
you, and if we do not go 
from here for a week or 
two I will try and make
David one, if I can get time,
but I must close. Write 
often, give my love to Laura
and all her folks, tell
them to write. Good day
and may God bless you all
is the Prayer of your Affection
-ate Brother
		T C Cheney