Atascosa, Bexar Co Texas
		Mar. 30/1885

My Dear Father --
	We did not arrive here
until yesterday noon, so I thought
I would wait until today before
writing. Nothing of special interest
occurred during our journey. We
noticed more snow in western Mass.
than anywhere else; they had
very good sleighing. In New York
there was very little; in Ohio less;
and in and south of St. Louis
there was non at all. In Ill.
they are ploughing, and in Texas
nearly everything but cottonis up,
and that they are just planting.
Horace had a fine time watching
the horses, cattle, sheep and dogs
from the car windows. He would
say, "Oh see cows!" and when the train
would leave them behind, he would
say, "Cows run away". Our Wagner
sleeper was a good one and very
convenient; while the Pullman this
side of St. Louis was an old ond, and
less pleasant; but we got along very
nicely, slep fairly well, and our appetites
held out very well until the last
day. Adah stood the journey better
then I expected she would, and it
did one good to see her eat even
more than usual. She is still rather
tired, but will soon be all right.
Baby felt the journey more than the
rest of us and was fussy and cross
most of the time while awake; but
today she acts more like her own
sweet little self. Horace was restless
at times, but held up wonderfuly
for a little fellow. Aside from a
headache Friday P.M. the trip did
not appear to affect any one any, but that
was a hot day, and I guess my
stomach had got tired of so much
cake and pastry. I examined out
trunks in Buffalo, Cleveland, St. Louis
and Texarkana. At St Louis I found
my trunk was getting rather shaky
about the cover, so I gave the baggage
master a quarter to bind it about
with a strong rope, and it came
through with the others, all more
or less damaged, but none broken 
open. At St. Louis we went from 
the depot to the Hurst Hotel in a
carriage ($1.00) but during the day I
got the lay of the town, so at night
we went ack in a horse car. (10 c)
I spent three hours in visiting the
levees etc. It is a smokey, dirty
city. You must thank Uncle Henry
for directing us to the hotel.
This is a land of cattle, but at
Texarkana and Taylor I had to
pay 25 c or "two bits" for a pint of milk.
	I tell you we were glad to see Aunt
Clair at the depot, she caught hold of
me before I could step off the car.
She was perfectly delighted to see us,
]and seems just as happy as she can
be tohave us with her. She does
appear just a little queer at times,
but so very little that I should
hardly have noticed it if Aunt Ann
had never have spoken of it. Adah
and I were both happily surprised
in her. She is as lively at 59 as most
people at 40. She looks and acts
more like Mother than any of the
other sisters. Uncle Benjamin is a
good natured easy going man, and both
he and Aunt Clair took to the
babies at once. Horace has a grand
time running around. I wish you
could see him chase after the biggest
rooster in the yard. He is already burned
badly on his nose, ears and face.
	The mail closes in ten minutes so
I must finish what what more I wish
to write in another letter in a few days.
I wish you would send 
this letter to Clint, as
I do not know where
to find him. And tell
him to write me.
Adah and babies send
love to Gran-pa and
	So Does
	Your affec. son