Camped Near Falmouth Va. Aug 18th/63

My Dear Sister
	I rec. your kind
letter of the 19th inst. last
Saturday and was very happy
to hear from you and hear
that you were all well in
Fishersville. I should of
written to you yestarday but
did not have time. As you
will probably hear before
you get this, I have again
through the Providence of
God escaped uninjured through
several more fights, and so
has the whole Battery, not a
Man hit nor a horse for
all which we have great
reason thank God, and I
do thank and Praise his holy
Name. We were not in Sundays
fight. That was the hardest
fought Battle on that day
of the whole 7 days fighting.
We were in the reserve that
day till nearly Sun down
when we were ordered up to
the Front, and took a Position
and Stoped there till Tuesday
Night when we and the Whole
Armey withdrew across the
River again. There will be no need
of my giving you an account 
of the Fighting even if I could
for you can get a better and
more interesting account of
it in the Papers. A Soldier 
may Pass through a whole Battle
and not be able to give an
account of it, only what took
place around or near his own
Regiment or Battery. That is
the true case as a general thing.
Our Battery in the first place
had an Artillery fight with
the Rebes down on the left
some 3 or 4 Miles below Freder
-icksburg where the 1st Armey
Corps first crossed or a part
of it. We went in to Position
there on Wednesday and left
Saturday for the right some
8 or 10 Miles above Fredericks-
-burg where we crossed the
Rappahannock River on Pontoons
at N Y Forde. We done some
Fireing on the Right but not
a great sight. There were a nomber
of Men wounded about us but
none of our men were hit.
Gen. Whipple was Shot not
far from us. Gen Hooker
passed along our lines on foot
as unconserned as though he had
been out playing Snow ball.
As to the plan of Hookers to
force the Rebes to fight him
out side of their Fortifycations
it was good and he succeeded
and would of given the
Rebes a severe Defeat if they
had not of rec. heavy reinfo-
rcements from Richmond
and the South, which they
did. We all have the utmost
confidence in Hooker, more
than we did before the Fight
if any thing. The Armey is in
good Spirets, our Battery has
been put in to the reserve
Artillery since we got back.
We are Camped in Sight of
Fredericksburg, which is some
two miles off. We can see the 
hights back of the city and the
Rebel Camps on them. I owe
Charles a letter and would
like to have you tell me how
to direct a letter to him do you
direct them to Washington as
usual or to Cincinattia or where
when you write to him give him
my best respects an tell him to
write to me. My health is first rate
and Spirets good. Give my love to 
Father and Mother tell them to
write to me. I must now close for this time
Write to me again as soon as you can, and may God
bless you all is the Prayers of your Affectionate
		T C Cheney
