Camped oposit Fredericksburg
                Va June 15th 1862

My Dear Son Frederick
	I was very glad to get
A letter from you, I was glad
to hear that you are a going 
to school, you must try and
learn a lots by the time I
get home. Mother sais you
take real good care of you
Books, and try to learn a
lots, I am very happy to
hear of that, that is right
take good care of your Books
and learn all you can and
                       and obey her
help Mother all you can, ^
and I will gert you something
real hansom when I get
home, and besides, if you
are a good Boy and and notty
and mind your Parents, God
will bless you, for he loves
all such good little Boys,
I may not get home by
next July, but if I live I
guess I shall get home by
next Thanksgiving Day to help
you and Mother and Clinton
eat a Thanksgiving Turkey,
so you must help Mother
all you can, I may come
home by September, you
must write to me again,
Kiss Mother and the Baby
A whole lots for me, good
   From your Affectionate Father
                          T C Cheney