Atascosa, Bexas Co. Texas.
	Tuesday, June 16, 1885
My Dear Father,
	Your letter of the 10th inst.
rec'd this A.M. and very glad to hear from
you again. We are in about our usual
health. I think Adah has gained a little
more in spite of herself. We all continue
to have excellent appetites. We have all 
the green corn, water mellons and peaches
that we can possibly eat. Yesterday we had
another "cotton tail" rabbit for dinner which I
shot. Tomorrow we have three more hens come
off with little chickens. I guess we have
had our last rain for the season, as it
has not rained for nearly three weeks, and
it has been so hot that gren stuff is beginning
to dry up. For a week or more the thermometer
has registered from 94° to 97° in the daytime.
But there is one great blessing which comes
with this great heat; there is almost con-
stantly blowing a splendid S.E. breeze, so
as we sit in the shade under some tree, or
in our big room with all our windows and
doors open, we can keep quite comfortable.
Adah scolds about the heat in her way,
and baby feels it some, but Horace and I
are not troubled much about it. I am sure
I suffered more in B. with a temperature of
87° than I do here with it at 97°.
We don't pretend to do anything after dinner
but lay around and read or sleep. About
5 o'clock we venture out again. Two week ago
Uncle rigged an old canvas wagon cover up
over one end of the back piazza (or "gallery"
they call it here) on the east side, so we
have the table set out there for all our meals
so we get the full benefit of the breeze
and avoid the heat of the kitchen stove.
Yesterday P.M. we took our "go bang" board
out there and had several games.
I still continue to rec'. the papers you
send. Although of not so recient a date I
like them much better than the local papers.
I rec'd a "Sunday Globe" from one of the
store boys, Frank Hanie. Through a Vt.
paper rec'd today we learn of the deathof
our Mr. Sanborn. He went home none too 
soon.     A wolf made off with another
of our hens last week, and some of our
neighbors comlain of them. One man
misses from 12 to 18 hens. They never trouble
during the day, only at and soon after day-
break. I have got up at 4-30 four mornings
in succession but have seen nothing of him.
We know he has been around, but the remains
of watermelons left behind in the patch.
They can tell a ripe melon every time.
They are the ordinary prarie wolf. There are not
enough of them about here to run in packs.
There are seldom more than two together, and
generally only one. Our dogs are only the
ordinary black and tan dogs, and are N. G.
as watch dogs. If people would only keep
their poultry shut up for an hour after
sun rise they would avoid any loss by 
the wolves. I wish that you might see
the little ones just now; they can never be
more interesting. Baby will walk all around
the room by placing her hands on a chair
and we drag the chair. She likes to stand
in that way and continually calls to "_tam _up".
When she has wet her didie we have called
her a "naughty baby", so now when she fails to
call for "chair-chair', she will call out "naughty
didies." While upon this subject I might say
that in the cow pen the other night Horace
says "See Auntie, cow sit down chair-chair."
	I am sorry Clinton's good luck does
not hold out as it commenced. I take
it that he has not laid up any money
yet if he is still obliged to borrow. Adah
rec'd a postal from him today. I intend
to write to him very soon.
	Aunt Clair did not offer us a part of
her house in which to go house keeping for our-
selves. She told us we were welcome to remain
with her, as we now are, just as long as we
wished until we could do better. The house is
not _conviently arranged for additions, and we
would rather get away just a short distance
anyway I surmise that Aunt Clair's tongue
and cooking contribute largely towards Adah's
homesickness. Auntie is very kind indeed,
and trys hard (her way) to make it pleasant
for us. But Aunt Ann was right when she 
said "Clair was a _little cracked". Her tongue
is on the go most of the time. She is apt to
stretch a story and to overestimate. She is always
sure of impossibilities, and will groan terribly over
her various little aches. But she is most
always good natured, and is attached to us,
and while the tongue is not so very very bad,
we had rather be just out of hearing most
of the time.   She thinks she is an excellent
cook, and p[ossibly is for this country, but
we are accustomed to much better, and were
it not for the variety on her table to select
from together with excellent appetites we should
often go hungry. As a sample I will speak
of the meat; be it beef, chicken or rabbit, it 
is always cooked to death so it is dry as
a chip. Instead of boiling the cornon the
cob, she will cut it off and fry it, and
generally it is half raw.  I think we
might grow fat, if we could manage
our own cooking.
Mr. O'Connor is to stay this month tho.
_perhaps longer. He takes his meals with us
but Mrs. O'C. and Bertha and Bennie eat
down at the "little house". They do their
cooking out of doors.  They cannot like
that way of living very long, only till fall
I am undecided just what to do at
present. If the O'Connor's do not leave
after this month and I do not raise any
more money from another source, I think
I shall try in town for a situation.
I have concluded that a house of
merely rough boards without some sort of
inside finishing will prove rather too
cold even in this climate. _I could
stand it well enough, but I hesitate
on account of Adah and the babies.
If the little house is soon to be vacant,
I can add on another room and
sheath the inside with matched boards
and have a cosy little home at an
expense of about $75.00   But I am
waiting for an ans. from Auntie Clark.
I have written asking her if she can
loan me $100.00   If she can let me
have it I can get along swimingly.
I hope to tell you the result by the
next time I write.   Lumber is
very cheap for this locality. It has
fallen from 25.00 to 15.00  Yesterday
I had a nine mile horse back
ride over to Sacoste and back.
It is the nearest station on the other
R.R. (The Sunset).
Horace drew in a _long breath a few
minutes ago and sais- "Horace tired".
I guess this will do for a letter this
time so will close, with love to you
both from Adah and
	Your affct. son
		Fred. W. Cheney.