Manchester June 22, 1862
My son Freddie
	As I promised you if
Father sent you a letter I would send it
to you. I take this opportunity to do so.
how do you do today. We are all well.
Clinton is so lonesome and cross
since you went away that I dont
know what to do with him. The next
morning after you went away he got 
up and went to the back door and 
says Feddy-----just as loud as
he could call. I suppose you are
a good boy, and mind Aunt
Emily and uncle David dont you
and you must not  them for
any thing. Once asking is enough.
I have bought some cloth to make 
you a pair of pants and a waist, and
next Tuesday I am going over
to Bedford. I will make them as 
soon as I can and send them to
you if you want to stay and Aunt
Emily wants you to.
I expected to get a good long letter
from Father yesterday but did not.
I will send your letter with this I think,
a very nice letter, and you must
write to him while you are up there
if aunt Emily writes, and I would
be pleased to have you write to me. I
forgot to ask you to write to me when
you went away. You will excuse this
short letter as I have got a long one
to write to Father to day good by
		from your Mother
PS Emily make him be a good
boy and mind you, and dont keep
him any longer than you have a mind 
to. I will send his clothes the last of
this week if I can. Please write me a
line soon and tell me if he is a 
good boy.
Enclosure to Freddie from T C Cheney

Camped oposit Fredericksburg
	Va June 15th 1862
My Dear Son Frederick
	I was very glad to get 
a letter from you. I was glad 
to hear that you are a going
to School. You must try and
learn a lots by the time I
get home. Mother sais you
take real good care of your
Books, and try to learn a
lots. I am very happy to
hear of that. This is right
take good care of your Books
and learn all you can and
help Mother all you can and abey her
and I will get you something
real handsom when I get 
home, and besides, if you
are a good Boy and and notty [not naughty?]
and mind your Parents, God 
will bless you, for he loves
all such good little Boys.
I may not get home by
next July, but if I live I
guess I shall get home by 
next Thanksgiving Day to help
you and Mother and Clinton
Eat a Thanksgiving Turkey.
So you must help Mother 
all you can. I may come
home by September. You
must write to me again.
Kiss Mother and the Baby
a whole lots for me, good
	From you Affectionate Father
			T C Cheney