4 Miles South of Petersburg
	Va. June 23d 1864

Dear Brother
	Your kind letter of
the 14th was rec. the 20th and
with much pleasure. No I had
not began to think that you were
not going to write to me again,
though I was very anxious to hear
from you as the last time I heard
from you was that Emilys health
was very poor and yours not
much better. I am happy to
hear that you both are improve
-ing and trust you both will
soon be entirly well. I am fear
-ful that you have to work to
hard being left nearly alone
so in the Store, be careful
about that. I think it would
do you and Emily both good
if you could go up to the Lake
and spend Six or Eight weeks
there. I am happy to hear that
Laura likes so well at Lake Villa
-ge and that Alfred has so good
run of work, it is a business
little place, and I should think
a steady Man Might do well
there. I have not seen Orison
yet but have heard from him
and have seen some of his Reg.
but he did not hapen to be
with the Co, that I see, he was
well, as to how I have fared
since this Campaign commenced
I hardly know not hardly what
to tell, it is impossible for me
to give you at this time in
writing a history of my experi
-ance. I have fared very well
as far as Rations are cocerned.
I never went on a Campaign
when we were as well Supplied
with Rations as we are on this
one, and rec. as many varietys
as we do now. Yestarday we drew
Beanes; Pork; Potatoes; and Apples
but the the Campaign has been
a rough one. We have Marched
so Much and fought so many
Battles and been at it so long,
hard on to two Months now,
the 3d of next Month, our Battery
has been engagned in 6 or 7 differ
-ent Battles during this Campaign.
I have been in all the Battery 
has, and have seen some very
hard fighting but through the
Providence of God have escaped
thus far and trust I may to
the end. it is a mistake that
Grant does not direct the Army
of the Potomac any more than
he does the Army of Sherman
or any other Army. Grant
directs Sherman and other Gens
to move on and Capture such
and such Places and leaves 
it to the Gens. Commanding
those Armys to drect the moves
of those Armeys and take those
places in their own way, but
Grant Personaly is with the
Armey of the Potomac is in
its Battle issues his orders
and is the Master Spitet of
all its Moves. Time and again
have I seen him rideing along
our lines, and at Spotsylvania
he established his head Quarters
during one of those days fight
close to where our Battery
had been in Position for 2
days. if Mead had directed the
movements of this Army alone
I think we should of been
back across the Rapidan ere
this. I am unable to tell you
the Situation of things here to
day you will get it in the Papers
sooner than I shall know. We
change Positions so much it is
impossible to keep track. I hear
that we are so near the Richmond
and Weldon R Road that we
controll it. There was very
heavey Cannonadeing and Musket
-ry on our Right yestarday and
last Nigh in the Direction of
Petersburg and sounded as though
it was beyond the City. I have
not yet heard the result. my health
is first rate and Spirets good. my
love to Emily tell her to write
with you. my respects to Mr. Gilchrist
Write again soon from your Affection
-ate Brother     T C Cheney