Camped oposit Fredericksburg
		Va. July 11th 1862
Dear Brother and Sister,
	Having a little
leasure time I will try and
answer your kind letter of
the 7th inst. which I rec.
Wednesday and was very
happy to hear from you I
assure you. I am happy to
hear that you are all well.
I am glad to hear that
Freddy enjoys himself so well,
with you. I would liked to
of been up there with him.
I suppose Emily you have 
got so you can make the
House work take up by this
time cant you, do you like
it first rate. I hope Freddy
does not trouble you much, 
you  must send him home
when he gets troublesom to
you. I think he intends to
be a good boy. I rec. a letter
from Rachel yestarday. She
was over to Bedford she and 
Clinton were having a good
time picking Strawberrys and
Blackberrys. She has made
some preserves she sais for
me when I get home. I sent
her my Minature a few
days since. She thinks we
are rather a rustic looking
set out here. We look a
little Black, something
like , but we
enjoy good health. We live 
very well now. We have
nice warm Soft bread most
every day, and every few
days we have Rost Beaf, Baked
Beanes, Pork, and Ham. We
have got a nice large Brick Oven
that we made. We have some
very hot weather here, it
makes the Grease run to sit
still under a Shade. I should
hate to March in such hot
days, my health is very good. I
sent for some bitters of Rachel
because I thought I ought
to have something to Clear
me out after having the
Jaundice. I enjoy myself
very well, you must write
to me often Emily, and
David I suppose you have 
got over your feares in regard
to the safety of Little
Mack. To be sure he fell
back, but he loses nothing
by the move (concidering
his Inferiority in the nomber
of his Troops to the Rebeles)
but is the gainer, by it, as you
probably have learned by
this time. Richmond is
McClellans, and the Rebeles
cant prevent it. Those were
hard Battles that he fought
there and it was a bold move
that he made a changing his
Posicion in the face of such
a Superior force. The Rebeles
must of suffered terribly.
We got Orders yestarday to
be ready to March in an 
hour or to March at an hours
notice. The Order came
from Gen Pope, but we
have not gone yet and may
not go for a week and I 
should not be supprised at any
moment if orders came to
March. We can never tell
when we shall be on the
March. I think the War
news is qwite encourageing
yet, and we have great reason to
be thankful for the continu
-ed Success of our Armes.
We like the Change of Comman
-ders in our Department, (the 
puting of Gen. Pope in Chief
Commander,) very much. he 
is the Man for us. There
is some activity to him. We have
had enough of McDowell.
I do not know but he is a good
General, but I have never been
able to see it yet, he is almost
univercaly disliked in his own
Corps. We have no faith in
him, but never mind it
is as Gen. Pope sais, and not Gen.
McDowell. We have not
seen Pope yet, he Commands
(you know) Bankses, McDowells,
and what was formaly Gen.
Fremonts Corpses. We do not
know which way we shall
March, when we do go. Some
think to Gordnsville, and
some think to Richmond.
I would prefer to go to
the latter place. I want
to go there before I go home.
I rather think they will
raise their compliment of
Regiments in N.H. without
much trouble, a least as
soon as the other States
will accordingly. NH
has done as well as any other
State thus far, in sending
out troops, and cirtainly a
great deal better in their
out fits. This I have seen
myself, and her Troops
have been among the 
that have been sent here.
They have never wanted
in true Courage thus far
and I hope never will. I
am not ashamed or afraid
to have her placed by the
side of any of her Sister
States for Patriotism or good
Troops, but enough of this.
I do feel Proud of Freddy,
and all my little Family
as a Father and Husband should
feel, and I would like him
out here to play with
as you say. That Paper
I sent you is a fare specman
of the condition of the
South. I have rec. a 
nomber of papers of you
lately and I am very much
Obliged to you for them.
The have afforded me a
good deal of pleasure in reading
them. I will now Close
hopeing to be able to write
you a more interesting
letter next time. Perhaps
I may write from Richmond
and perhaps not, continue to
direct your letters the same
till I tell you different.
give my love to all and
Write often, and may God
bless you all is the Prayer
of your Brother.
		T C Cheney