Manchester July 13 1862
My deat Son Freddie & Aunt Emily
	I have been thinking today how I
would like hear from you both, so
I thought I would answer your kind
letters which I received before I went over
to Bedford. I came home last Friday.
I picked a lots of strawburys and rasburys
and had lots of short cakes that Aunt Lucy
made while I was over there. I brought home
rasburys enough to make one and had
enough left to make three pounds of
rasbury jam which is very nice I think.
When I got home last Friday Mr. Glines
had two nice long letters that came
the day before from Father, with a picture
map in one of them for you which I will
send to you in this letter. You must be
very careful of it and bring it home
when you come. Which I hope will soon
for I want to see my little man. Which
I expect you have grown to be since
you have been up to Aunt Emilys.
I suppose you are having a nice time
up there, and sometimes I almost wish
myself up there with you. Did your clothes
fit you, and how much longer do you
want to stay, and are you a good boy and
mind all Aunt Emily and uncle David 
tells you. I hope you do.
	Father has got this box and he is
pleased enough with it. I sent it on 
Tuesday and he got it on the next Wednesday.
I think he got it quick dont you. He says
he is well and weighs 142 and says that is
more then he ever weighed in Manchester
in his best days. He is feeling anxious
to have this Rebellion come to a close
so he can come home. He says he begins
to want to see the Baby. he sent me his
Picture I think it is a real good one.
it is taken full length. he stands with
his cap in one hand and the other one
on his hip, and that looks the most
natural to see him stand so, it was
taken outdoors and in the background
you can see the little white tents and the
poor soldier boys sitting around on the
ground. They are there at Fredericsburg
yet and I hope they will remain there well
after the battle at Richmond, which I
hope will be soon, for it does seem as
though that would decide which way
the stone will roll. We are all well Clinton
is out in the back yard to play with
Kellie. he wants to see  he frequently
goes to the back door and calls for Feddie.
Well Emily I wish I could tell you some
news but cannot. Mrs Dudley is well, 
and Mrs. Follenshee has got a little
daughter born the fourth. How does
Freddie behave you must make him mind
you and the first time you speak to him,
and dont keep him a day longer than
you have a mind to. Do you have any
warm weather up there, we have had some
pretty hot days here for the last two or three
weeks. This week I have got another of
thin dresses to tuck, and I tell you I dont
crave the job very much, and would
not do it if it was not for the pay.
Mrs Goodwin sends love to you, but I must
		I remain the same
		Mother Rachel
Give my love to Laura and family, if you
dont send Fredde home soon please writ
me a line wont you, remember me to