Camped at Unionville Va. July 22nd
Dear Brother,
	I rec. your kind
letter of the 12th inst. the
19th while at Percellville Va.
at the place we halted for
the Night and our second 
days March in this State,
and I assure you I was
very glad to hear from you.
I should of writen to you 
before if I could of found
the time but, we have been
Marching most of the time
since the Battle of Gettysburg.
Therefore I have not been
able to find time hardly
to write to Rachel. We
have done some pretty hard
Marching within the last
5 or 6 weeks, in 4 days
we Marched 100 Miles, and
in 2 of them we Marched
60 Miles, that is a pretty hard
days work, specily to March
that distance through a hot
Sun as we have had to some days.
You better believe we were
some tired come Night when
we went in to Camp, but
we all stood it first rate
and were able to give the
Jonney Rebes the 
Whipping at Gettysburg that
their Army in Va. never
got. Yes? God has given
this Army a .
I will not attempt to give
you an account, for you can
get a better one in the Papers
than I can give and besides
I have not the time. They
are now blowing Boots and
Saddles in some of the Batterys
now. That means hitch up,
they are doing it in our Battery
now, so I must close for this
time and finish when I can
get an opertunity.     Well
we Marched some 4 Miles
and have gone in to Camp
some two Miles from Uppervi
-lle, I expect the reason we
went in to Camp so soon
is the road is full of
Troops and Baggage Waggons,
so we shall have to wait till
they get out of the way. We
are Marching for Warrenton,
where we shall go to from
there I can not tell, but
probably for Richmond,
if we can get there, and
I am in hopes we can this
time, for the Rebele Army
of Va. got badly used
up at Gettysburg. They must
of recrossed the Potomac
with nearly 40,000 less
men than they had when
they first entered Md.,
but probably their Army
has been reinforced by part
of Gen Brags Army, but
that will not make them
any more than whole.  We
have rec. conciderable
Reinforcements since the
Battle, and if Gov. will
let Gen. Meade keep them
to March on to Richmond
and let Gen Foster (who is
a Fighting Man) act against
that Rebelious City on the
Pernincula (where he has
superceded Gen Dix) I think
Richmond must fall, and
besides; there will be
one or two hundred Thous
-and conscripts in the Field
within two or three weeks.
Things look very encouraging
now and I hope and Pray they
may continue to do so till this
wicked Rebelion is put down, 
as regards our enticeing the
Rebes on to our battery at
the Late Battle, it is mostly
true, the mane part of the
story is true, one or two other
Batterys done the same thing
at the same time (that
stood near us) the Rebes
suffered teribly for their
false belief, in thinking
they had Silanced our 
Batterys. We mowed them
down like Sheep, it looked
hard, but it could not
be helped. We would
make great Gaps in their
ranks, but they (poor
Fellowes) would close up again
and again would we make
great Gaps in their ranks.
There was some three
thousand Men in that
attacking Column, but 
not over 1,000 of that No.
ever lived to get back again.
The rest were either Killed
or wounded or taken prisoners.
I never saw so many Prisoners
taken, before, in so Short a
time, it has hapned with
us as you say, ever since we
have been out here when
there has ever been a fight
we have had to have a hand
in it, such has always
been our fortune or missfortune
which ever you are a mined
to Call it, but through the
blessings of God we have
escaped with the loss of a
very few men, through
his Mercies I again escaped
without rec. a scratch, for
which I feel truly thankful
the Shells and bullets come  sometimes. Gen. Mead I
think is a very good Gen. he
handled the Troops well at
Gettysburg. I think Hooker
would of done as well. I
have a few Stamps left and
will use them till they are
gone or nearly so, then will
do as you say, send them without
a stamp to you. give my love
to your Family, to Melissa and Hellen
ask  Melissa how she directs a letter
to Charles. my health is first rate and
Spirets good. I rec. those Papers you sent me
and thank you for them. Write often. I
will try and write a more interesting letter
when I get time, but I hardly think that
will be this Summer or Fall. I must now
close. I remain your affectionate Brother
			T C Cheney