Camped at Warrenton Va.
		July 30th 1863
Dear Brother
	I rec. your kind
letter of the 21st inst. last 
Monday the 17th and I assure
you I was very  pleased
to hear from you, it is one
great souirce of comfort to
me in rec. letters from my
Friends and Relitives at home,
if it was not for their letters
which I rec. I should be
Very!! Very!!! lonesome indeed.
I wish I might rec. more
of them, but I am well
awere they have other dutys
to do at home besides writing
all the time, but when they
get time they must try and
write to the poor Soldier,
for they little know how it
Cheeres his Heart in his lonely
hours, to read a Cheering letter
from a Friend, now I have no
word of complaint to make
towards you, for you have most
always been as prompt in writing
to me as I could ask. Knowing
your circumstances as I do,
for your business is such it
must take up most of your
time, and what Evenings you
do get to your self; you devote
to your Family at home. I know
how this is. There are a Thousand
and one little Chores to be done
at home, especily where there
are Children and more especily
when the wife and Mother 
are unwell. I cirtainly shall
excuse you to write in your
own good time, but still I
always rec. such  letters
from you, the more of them
I get the better I like it
so please me as often as you
can wount you. I am sory 
to hear that your health is
so poor, a rest of 5 or 6 weeks
would do you good, and you
ought to take it if you possibly
can. I am very glad to hear
that you  health is
so good. I hope it will always
be so; it be  easyer
takeing care of it, and it
makes the Father & Mother
feel so much better also, and
above all it is so much better
for the Child not to be
troubled with thes aches and
paines when it is so young.
I would love to see your
Baby very much, it will
be qwite a Child when I
get home. I expect I shall
hardly know my Baby when
I get home, he will of grown
so. I happy to hear that they
are going to build up in F.
again, it will be so much
better for you and Alfred
and the Town &c. It will
make your business and Alfreds
much getter, it gives 
 to all old Soldiers
that Government has at last
determined to enforce the
draft. I honestly believe the
Law has been got up to be as
honorable and just to all Classes
as it could be got up, and I
believe Gov. intends to be as
just in inforceing it as they
Possibly can, it is not expected
that there could be a law of that
kind got up that would suit all
parteys and classes, it is impossible
the paying of three Hundred
Dollars by those that feel that
they can not possibly go is
Eqwitable to all, more so to
to the  Poor Man, for he
can pay his $300, to Gov.
by this law while most
laws of this kinds allow
every one to procure a Substitute
if they can. That way the
Poor Man, has to bid for a
substitute against the Rich
Man, who will bid up as 
high as one or two Thousand
Dollars for a Substitute. Thus
you see the Poor Man stands
no kind of a chance by such
a law. You take the presant
law right through as a whole
and I think it is the best
and most Eqwetible that
could of been made at
this time, and   will
denie but there  to
to be a , so I will
not attempt to argue that,
as to any Man resisting
that Draft, we know who
those are that would and
have done it. I think we
have not many such in
the Good Old Granite
State, it would of been 
a sory day to those rioters
in N Y City, if there had
much of a force from the
Armey of the Potomac sent 
there. They would of 
as qwick as they would a
, yes and qwicker. I never
see such Angry feelings
manifested before, as there
was among all Classes in
this Armey on the receipt
of the news of that riot,
if we could of got hold 
of them we should of torn 
them limb from Limb. I
never wanted to go in to a fight
so much in my life as I did
to go to N Y City and help
quill that Riot, the miserable
Cowardly Villens. I never felt
so much like butchering my
fellow men before, and I
trust God I never Shall
again. That feeling was not
with me alone at that time
neither, but extended throughout
the whole Armey, but enough
of this, it harrowes up feel
-ings in me I do not like
to have. I suppose you would
like to hear something about
the Battle of Gettysburg
from me. You have or
can get a much better
account of it in the Papers
than I can give you.
Suffise to say that our
Battery (as usual) took
a very active part in
it, and had the name of
doing its duty well, at 
any rate, we stood at our
posts two days and two 
Nights Thursday and Friday,
and did not leave till the
Enemy had fled and we
were releaved. We were in position
most of the time on Cemetary
Hill where there was some
of the severest Cannonadeing
dureing the whole two or three days
Fighting, and through the provid
-ence of God our Co. escaped
without the loss of a Man Killed
and but one wounded much and he
not seriously, one other Slightly,
my self escaped without a
scratch, for which I truly
thank God; and give him the
Praise. my health is very good
and Spirets also good. We have
had some very hard Marching
since we left Falmouth. We
marched 60 Miles in two days,
100 in 4 days through a hot sun,
but the most of us stood it
first rate. We have not a
Man on the Sick list at this
time, how long we shall
stop here I can not tell,
but we do not expect to long.
I am in hope we shall be
inside of Richmond in
one Month from this date,
the Lord grant it. The war
news is qwite encouraging. I trust
it may continue so. Please give
my love to Emily and to Laura
and Family, and with Prayers for
Gods Blessings to rest on you and yours,
hopeing I may hear from you again
soon, I remain your Affectionate Brother T.C.C.
I am very
much obliged
to you for
those Stamps,
if you send any more do
not weet them
and stick them
to the Sheet of
paper. I lost
one of the
last ones it
stuck so much
of it to the