Camped at Culpper C.H. Va. Sept 27, 1863
Dear Father
	Having a little leasure
time to day I will improve it in
writing to you to let you know
where I am and that I am well, 
as you have probably already learned
the Army of the Potomac has been
on the Move again. We now hold
a position to the Rapidan
River. The Reserve Artillery Corps
to which our Battery is now attached
and one or two Corps of Infantry
are Camped around the Village of
Culpepper Court House, some 10 miles
North of the Rapidan River. We
came here one week ago last Wednesday.
We are Camped in a very plesant
place, how long we shall stop
here I can not tell. We may not
advance any further this fall, and
we may March forward tomorrow,
it is all uncirtain with the Soldier
I presume it depends on results 
else where or what Lee does.
whether Gen. Mead advances yea or
nay. We are very anxious to hear the
result of Roecrans several days hard
fighting, it will be a great Victory
for him if he Repulses the overwhelm
-ing nombers that have attacked him, he
is the Man that  do it if any
of our Gens , if the Rebes are
defeated there by him it looks 
to me that their cause must be 
desperate indeed, for what hopes
can they have else wher,e they
have put forth every effort in
their Power; to crush Rosecrans in this
Battle and if they faile in this; where
can they Succeed. Perhaps they had
better try the Old Army of the
Potomac again. They will not catch
us naping. God has blessed the
Armys of the Union for the
past 4 Months and I trust he
will continue to do so till this
Wicked Rebelion is crushed out.
I am very anxious to hear
that Gilmore had taken Charleston
or humbled it in the dust. I have
no doubt but he  do it before he
gets through with them there, it
has got to fall sure, the cause
of the Union looks prosperous
and encourageing everywhere now.
We have been blessed with Political
and Military success. The former
I Concider of nearly as much
importance as the latter, for
Offices of Government must
be sustained by the People to
be able to succede. They  the
Government and as such must
be sustained and Supported in their
efforts to crush the Rebelion
both by our Money and lifes if
necessary, and we to the Man
or Party of Men that try to
Parelise their efforts, such men
will yet see the day (if they live)
that they will be dispised worse
than the Tories of the Revolution.
	We have had very Cold
weather most of the time we
have been here, to day I believe
is the warmest day we have had
here at Culpepper. It is very cool Nights
now, just two years ago yestarday
(Sept 26th) we were Sworn in to the
U S Service at Camp Stark
Manchester NH. So you see
we ,the Battery, we have got just one day less
than one year more to stay in
the Service. That will soon pass
by than I am in hopes if the
Lord to See my Family and
Friends once more. my health is 
excellent and Spirets good. The health
of the Co. is good, and in good Sprirets
there is no news to write but what
you get as soon or sooner than I 
do. I had a letter from Rachel
a day or two since. She and the Children
are well. Clinton L. growes like a
little Pig She Said. I also had a letter
from Melissa a few days since. She 
is in NY City boarding with Christiana.
They both are well. Christiana makes
from $6.00 to $7.00 a week running a
Sewing Machine I believe, the same
work she done at Boston and at 
Northfield Vt. Melissa makes $9.00
a week at her traid. Charlie is in Kt.
doing Garrison duty I believe
Write me soon, my love to Mother and
Respects to all enqwiring Friends and God
bless you all is the Prayer of your affectionate
Son  T C Cheney