Rye August 25,1831
Dear Son,

I learn from your letter that you
have enjoyed your health since you left home
which is the greatest blessing this world can
afford you If you had not your health
though you possessed millions you would be
unhappy - All of our family enjoy their
health as well as they did when you left
home except John who complains of a dizziness
in his head and if engaged in his studies
is exercised with pain and is of late ob-
liged to discontinue his studies. I wrote
a line to Mr. Bell to ask the favour of his
name to the paper you sent, Thomas said
he would do any thing for me in his
power and wished you would call on him
at Washington. I think he will befriend you
in any way he can for he has been very
friendly to me and if you call on him thank
him kindly for his favours both to you and
me. You will also pay your respects to Mr.
Hill and present him with your thanks for
a person that is unthankful cannot expect to
have favours continued to them-You wrote
home for fifty dollars to be sent on I was in
hopes you would be able to pay your own
bills in future without any more assistance
from me I sent twenty dollars in Thomas'
letter and shall enclose thirty more in
this letter or give it to Mr. Smith If I
see him-You will improve your time
to the best advantage and have a
character that is unblemishable-at
present you do not know who you
may want favours off therefore make

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everyone your friend and have no

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We have had a Typhus fever which
has proven very mortal according to the
number who have had it Mr. Clark has
lost two Daughters and one Son and
Capt Samuel Locke has lost his wife
John Clarks wife is now sick and will
die-John H. Websters wife is sick and
Mr. Tiltons wife-I have more business
at present than I want-
and these few lines that I have written
is done in haste having three places
now to go and am under the necessity
of going to Portsmouth alfo-
I hope above all things that you
conduct will be good I must stop
for want of time your affectionate Father
John W. Parsons

Charles G. Parsons