Washington, April 1-1832
Why do you not write me a letter when I
am so uneasy? Is your time so much employed
that you cannot spare me an hour or two?
Here I have been waiting - waiting expecting every
night to find a letter when I return fr Dr Sewall.
You must know that I am & have been rather
empty in the pockets - indeed, for three weeks past
they have not had the "ballast" of even a single
copper!- And the pleasure I have experienced
for the dunning of my shoemaker! My Tuition
does not come due till the 1st of May - Moreover
Dr. Miller is about to give a summer course on
Theoretical and operative Surgy Ticket $10 which I
wish to attend My time at the present is spent
in the followg manner - After my attendance at
school I proceed immediately to Dr Sewall's
Office there read with Dr Rose till Dinner
2 or 3 hrs after din. read again till sunset, then
for 1 hr. visit those patients Dr. S. commits to our care
& again read till nine or ten - then return to
Mrs. Smiths - to sleep & Breakfast - For a fortnight
I have not been once to the Capital - Of course you
must expect but little Political News fr me - Dr. Sewall
says I must not even look into a newspaper - but give
my whole soul to the study of medicine - yet I do not & prob-
ably shall fail to regard the papers with a particular in-
terest - especially the shipping list - until I receive news
from Home - Indeed I can see no reason why you
do not write me though there may be some for
not sending money or why you cannot set
John, Emily or Abby to writing - so that I need
not drag along in this vexatious anticipation

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April 5th-
At last I have received a letter! The long expected
has arrived - & eagerly did come over its contents - & not
uninteresting was the superficial part which first
caught my eye.-but such light stuff soon evaporates -
it did not remain with me three days - I had not
before settled wholly for my suit of clothes - which cost
an extravagant price -- $35 - I should wish, if were pos-
sible to obtain all my clothes fr. you & have it made or
for what ever it bought here is valued at a Wash-
ington price - viz Boots $7. Hats $5. to 10 &c &c - But of this
I will speak again - Now of my future intentions
which please to keep to yourself - I shall apply
to the Secty of Navy for permission to be examined
next Jany by the Medl Board for the Birth of &
Assistant Surgeon in the Navy - Smith - who has
influence with Woodbury will endeavour to
obtain permission for me to be examined - though
out of 200 applicants last year only 30 got permis
& I shall endeavor in the mean time to prepare
myself for that examination Dr.Sewall gives
me a list daily of such patients of his as are
worth seeing - upon whom I call between sun
set & dark - I shall take my degree here next
spring - Now of the above I wish you not to
say one word for there are many uncertain-
ties & I would rather it should not be known
that I had ever applied & had not obtained
permiss or was rejected - At present I have
no other plans - succeed or not -As to
politics I say but little - Bill is more
interested about me than Hill - Woodbu-
ry, I, at present do not attempt to count.

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Of William I know nothing except fr your letter -
I rejoice that the Capt. can place so much con-
fidence in him, as to make his first of-
ficer - I hope he goes farther & endeavors to
instruct them in each & every duty of his sta-
tion & to qualify him for taking with honor
& profit the chief command on some future
occasion - I have not the least object. to his
bestowing upon him the whole duty of the ship
in port & out - provided he stands by & sees
that he performs them right. William ought
to both read and study - since his [---?] for Soci-
ety will tend greatly to narrow & contract
his ideas on all subjects unconnected with his
profs. If he continues for life in
this profess - I should wish him to be some thing
more than a mere sea Capt - only capable of
doing his duty on the Sea. I should wish
to see him knowing the Process by his [----?]
intelligence - his gentlemanly manners &
his upright honorable conduct - He ought
to have a small select Library - I know nothing
about him - he has never written me thoh I
urged him to do it-Daily I am attend-
a Lect on Anat & Surgy fr Dr Miller which for
6 months will cost $10 - I shall soon want a
suit of thin clothes & It will be cheaper for you
to send me the cloth - I should like the material
called Lasting Black - enough to make frock
coat - vest & pantaloons - also thin stockings
Your Watch you say nothing about - I am
depending upon it for I want it very
much --& shall want it still more if I
teach any of Mr. Smith's Scholars durinmg vacat -