Northampton July 8, 1832 Sunday
Brother Charles,

As I do not attend meeting to day, think it my
duty to devote a little time in writing to my absent Brother,
you Being absent from the domestic circle, perhaps I can in-
form you of something new or interesting. I was at home a
short time since. John is at home now. I wish you would
write to him and advise him what business to follow, or what
to set himself about. Father sent him to Andover to school
but in a few days back he came again. he was unwell.
I believe his health would be better were he to go to work
and use more exercise. Though he he has to work some for
Warren is with Thomas. I fear he did not rise early while at
Exeter, and perhaps sat up late nights for that is very injurious
to feeble health. Charles do you rise early? Try to retire in sea-
son and you will feel the brighter in the morning.
Abby has had two visits down with me this Summer,
She tarried above a week the first time. spent 4th July with me.
John and Abby came to a funeral in Little River the day before
Independant. they called and took Martha Brown with them.
and then came home with us from the funeral. John went
home after tea, and left the girls with me. Martha and Abby
had quite a sail 4th July on the water. we talked of going
all the forenoon, but could get no one to go out with us.
In the Afternoon they took a walk out and were gone several
hours. I felt quite concerned about them, and sent out to find
them, and received news that they had gone out on the water
without me or my permission. Mr.Brown and Jonathon happened
down to the fish houses about the time they went over. So they
went out with them, and came home, (bringing several little fish,)
quite proud. The funeral that I mentioned was Jonathon Cotton's
Wife. Abigail Hobbs that used to live at Mr. Peter Jenniss'.
perhaps you recollect her, we used to be acquainted with her.

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She was quite unwell a year ago last Spring, and continued
growing worse till she lost her senses and became crazy.
they then had to confine her. last Winter she grew better
by degrees and was quite rational this Spring and summer.
She went about her work etc. We have heard within a
few weeks that she was unwell again, last Monday we
received news that she had ended her life by cutting her
throat. She had two children and one was with her at the time.
I had some young girls to help me quilt, while Abby was
here, one afternoon. Hannah Brown, Mary Knowles, Louisa Dalton
etc. I believe I did not inform you in my last letter that Joseph
Dalton had bought Mr. Johnson's farm, "the Treawell farm".
I told Joseph he must write you the news, but he has much
business etc to attend to. Can you believe that Joseph Dalton has
offered himself to Miss Hannah Brown, and is accepted. I un-
derstand he wishes her to move next Spring. Hannah is young,
but I suppose would not refuse a good offer on that account.
Joseph Dalton is highly esteemed by all the family. I expect Sarah
Ann & Hannah will be married very near together. Mary Brown
has been quite out of health this Summer, but is much better now, and
able to go about her domestic duties. Sarah Ann commenced
keeping the Summer School, but dismissed it again on account of
her Mothers health. Miss Susan Porter is married to a Cousin of hers,
Mr. Moulton of Center Harbour, and moved the next day after the Wedding.
Eliza and I spent an Afternoon at Mr. Porters a short time since.
Mother and I called to see Aunt Patty a short time since.
her health has not been good. but is better now. Jedidiah
Rand Rand is married to Eliza Yeaton, of Ipson I think the town is.
He has moved her home. I heard she had a thousand dollars in
money, but dont know the certainty of it. William Marden and
Lucy Ann Garland are married and she has moved down to Mr Mardens.
Abby attends school about all the time. the School Master boards
at Thomas Rand's, a scholar from Exeter. John is helping
Father about his hay etc. Warren is with Thomas tending store.
The domestic circle is quite small at present, but I am
often over to see them. Jonathon Charles is very much pleased to go
over to Mothers; as he calls her. She talks much about little Charles William your namesake.

July 29 Sunday. Centre Street. I am at the "family" mansion.
Your company Charles would be a great addition, likewise Brother
William's. We have not heard of William's arrival in Liverpool
yet, but hope to soon. Joseph and I were over one Sunday, while
William was at home last May. Thomas and Eliza were here
with "little Charles William the bright eyed boy" as I always call him to Jonathon Charles.
They had quite a play time together. Eliza has not been down
to see me this Summer. I intend they shall take a ride
down soon. John and Abby are just preparing to attend the
Bible class, at the Centre Schoolhouse. There is much said
about the cholera here, and Mother thinks if there should be
any cases in Washington you had better come home, Charles.
We all wish to see you fine. our conversation at Boars Head
is often about Charles and William the, absent brothers'. I hope I
shall see you come home soon in good health and looking as bright
as you used to. We would send you something
very willingly but dont know as it would go safe. Father will
send you the needful when you are in want. I will leave
the rest of this paper for Thomas to finish. you must excuse
my writing etc. Write home soon. Your affectionate Sister,
Emily P. Brown

July 30th
It appears that Emily has about completed a letter to you at last
and I shall take the liberty to add a few words-Mother
is all for your coming home in case the cholera should extend
to your city, but myself and father are quite of the opinion that you
should remain there, but be very careful not to expose yourself to
night are, or near stagnant waters or in filthy streets or wharves,
likewise have a regard to your diet etc-I do not wish you
to expose yourself by any means, but would recommend to observe
the treatment of Doct Sewall etc-Why do you not write to us,
have not received any answer to my last which had the needful
enclosed-You need not send any old papers, but when you do
send give us something new-I expect to hear from Wm soon-
tell us where Mr. Smith is and what about how your funds are
I am now at Portsmouth & shall call at the Post office before this is
mailed-Mrs. Nancy Marden wife of Samuel M-died last week, been
sick a long time. Your friends here are well as usual and
we glide along the path of life much as usual, sometimes taking
a little of its sweet & occasionally the bitter-but I anticipate
nothing pleasurable of durability without some alloy.

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Charles You continue the
flower & pride of the family,
and when we talk of you
he is all attention not
knowing what is meant by
the frequent repetition of
Charles-thinking we are
talking of him but not
paying attention to his "looks"
But Albion is the stern warrior
of the army "born to command"
as they say of General Jackson and
as incapable of being swerved
from his purpose-You
have in fact no idea of his
sternness of character-rarely
laughing except in some playful
but as contrary and willful as
he is stern-Abby and John are
almost grown up & I have
frequently thought that his
inactivity might be attributed
to his fast growth-
There is a sloop of War now at
Portsmouth ordered here I suppose
to be laid up to repair-It will
no doubt create some little
excitement for a few days,
the change will be expended
by sailors to the gratification
of the Ports people-who are
all remarkably fond of money.
Mr. Garland has come on from
New York-his brother David was
taken sick with the cholera the
next day after he left-David
was very fearless & laughed at
Wm for going away.

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But the last news said
he was better & no doubt
will recover-Wm
was at Rye on Friday last
he has visited the hospitals
together with David.
Oliver Garland has returned
to Rye but I have not
seen him, some say
he looks very thin & poor
others that he looks well-
some think he is a little
out or acts strange-
does not seem to care
about seeing his friends,
a young man called to see
him & his mother had to
call him three times before
he came into the House-
I hear he has been to see
Parson Garland & that he
saw you only a few days
before he left- and Uncle
James said he told him
that he lent you some
money before he left
But Father & I have heard
nothing of it-presume it
is incorrect-how is it?

Mother says you must
write often for she
is quite alarmed about
you, and wants to know
how you get along away
from home-I cannot
hear of any vessel bound
to Alexandria-