Washington City Jan 29 1833
My Dear Brother,
A letter fr Emily & another was this day received
& much to my disappointment it does not relieve my
uncertainty & anxiety about were I shall go & what
I shall do on the 14th of March. In my last I distinctly
asked the question whether, were I to remain here
& not support myself for the year the deficiency could be made
up at home. I am in great doubt for my next
step will probably be the most important of my whole
life. But first let me distinctly state my circum-
stances – I have not one single cent in my pock-
ets – The last "Phip" was this day spent for the paper – I
am now writing on a dollar I have not had for this
month past – On the first of March I must pay $20
for my graduating fee - $4 for subjects in dissecting
this winter - and some few debts I have been compel-
led to contract as for boots &c – a hat & vest – I should
like to buy ere 1st of March – Lately there has been a
fire next house to Dr Sewall’s – His goods were all
moved out of the house – An old coat & my great coat
I have never been able to find – I have worn
no great coat since – The Winter is mild –
About my habits – tell mother she need not be alarmed
about the "cold Water Society" for me at present –
2 yrs past – have not been at theatre once this winter –
have been at Congress only 2 times - & that within the
last days when Burgess & Calhoun spoke – have
called on Bell once & will not on Hill –
[Page Break]
Now Brother, if I have $20 in hand on the 1st of
March to present the Professor I shall obtain the
privilege of being examined & perhaps shall pass
& obtain a degree - & then what will I do? Dr Sewall
will have no farther use for me – he has a student
a relation now waiting to take my place. Then
1st I shall immediately settle myself at "Love Bridge"
and commence practice among the blacks – Irish &
Germans. Read Dr Sewalls books Keep Batchelor Hall
receive my cloths &c fr. Home - & if at the end of
summer, it should be dull times, I do then apply for an
examination for Surgeons Mate – What think you of this?
Can you & the folks second it if it should be necy?
Or I shall immediately come home go on board
Wms vessel sail for Charlestown – Savannah – or Mobile
& then & there live or die? What say ye? Or
I shall go west into Illinois where love
is plenty & people few – Subject myself to "Fever
and Ague" or a seasoning – settle down and grow with
the growth of the country & become a great man
among the backwoodsmen? Perhaps Uncle, if
he still holds his "Bounty Lands" will even
pay my expenses out if I will undertake
the care & movage of his wilderness? What
say ye to this plan? Suppose I can
engage myself as private tutor in some
gentleman’s family in the south, where my
leisure hours would be devoted to
my studies & practice had I better accept?
I know of no such place nor where
I could be received as partner –
[Page Break]
Brother – Money money that is the cry here in this
world – among the good bad and indifferent – that is
the god that seeks to be worshiped or desired
& now – I should find some quite convenient
1st to buy me a few instruments – teethfaucets &c
2 to purchase a few Standard Medl works
3 to brush up my appearance for March 1st
4 to [letter tear] my pocket for comfort sake –
and now forget not that you are to answer me
immediately on the receipt of this & send some money
for this "great pinch" – No what does your letter say
I wrote William & sent it to Charleston received no answer –
Has Mr Carter become a Methodist? – I am in the [----?] [Portion of letter teared]
Sewall is one – I am not acquainted with the [Portion of letter teared]
G.B. Brown chief Clerk has a son attending [Portion of letter teared]
I visit his house & have become acquainted [Portion of letter teared]
Give my love to all & fail not [Portion of letter teared]