Brig Levant Port au Prince – Oct 22.1833
My Dear Brother
I have at last after a tedious passage of
five weeks, arrived safe at this place – After our sudden start
we met with warm water in 3 days, though the winds were
light; here we overtook the Planet & continued in company
7 days – winds constantly from the South & S,W.; we sailing S.E.
& sometimes W; a current constantly setting us 30 miles daily
to the N. & probably as much to the E., as we must have
gone to the E., of the Bermudas Isls, indeed there is not a
doubt that we did – but so far E. as not to see them
For the 1st week I was constantly more or less affected with
sea sickness; constantly loosing my dinner & occasionally my
breakfast & supper – yet the sickness was not bad – a little
nausea and a great lassitude – We crossed the Gulf Stream
in 2 days – There I first saw "Gulf Weed." When we arrived
at near 300 N. Latitude we took the "Trade Winds" fr. the N.E we
sailing S. by W. to fetch E. end of Hayti, E of the "Silver Keys" & in
a few days we found ourselves in Latitude 200; having
averaged for 3 or 4 days together "6 Knots" – i.e. we ran down our
Latitude in 2 weeks – but here we a lay a whole week
with calms & Squalls fr. the N.W. not sailing West 100 miles for
the whole time – Here I saw lightning such as I never saw
before – We spoke a French Brig fr. Montinique to Dunkirk -
& according to their Longitude we were in 630 or 50 or 60
E of Hayti 80 or 90 E. of Pau P. All this was owing to a
[Editors Note: Along the side of the page, continued from the back]
How do all the folks get along? Has William any business yet? Write by the 1st of [---?] even
if I do not get it. My love &c to you all. C Parsons.
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current setting E. as well as N. When on our passage we occasionally caught "Dolphins" - Ship Jacks' &c & fortunately we
caught a shark 5 ft long & 4 rows of teeth – We cut him up
& saved part of his skin only – We hooked another but he broke
loose before we could get a rope around him – We saw porpoises
– Grampus &c. Did you meet with any thunder Storms on your passage?
I have seen it lighten all around the housen & yet over head not
a cloud to be seen – I have seen the horizon ½ covered with a
thunder Storm - & the lightening extend ¼ round the horizon at one
flash – Our vessle has remained in a dead calm for 2 hours
in the night with every rag unfurled but the 3 reefed fore & main top[?]
sails – every flash of lighning illuminating the vessel &c - &
not a word spoken or a sound heard or an object move
but creak of the tiller & the main yard as the vessel silently rolled
in the smooth swell – but when it did come, then there was
a rattling of rain & a rushing of wind – On Thursday spoke schooner
William N.Y. fr St. Thomas to Turk [--?] – on Saturday Oct 12, 4 weeks
out made Land – east end of Hayti – distant 50 or 60 miles –
On Monday Night passed Nicholas Mole. N.W. point of Hayti -
& here again calms & squalls in the bay so that it was not till
Sunday after noon that we anchored off Port au P –
There we four - Capt.Cutter Schooner & Presid Boyar Capt. Clark Brig
Constantia & Capt Zucher Brig Levina – all fr Portsmouth – I expected
to have received a letter by some of them – but am disappointed
I came away in such hurry that I forgot many things
which are very necessary - I expect (by report) to see
Capt. Knight here soon – fr. Portsmouth –
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I have been ashore, & have seen the great "Black City."
The wealthy blacks appear well but the City gen'l is similar
to the black habitations in any of our U.S. Cities – i.e. the
streets &c are filled with filth & stagnant water -
I have called upon Reynolds & Esquire – the merchants.
Reynolds says that in Hayti there are Physicians, sufficient
unless the cholera appears – of which they have little fear.
The young Physician has returned from France that
was formerly at Jeremie & has lately gone there again –
Reynolds thinks that as he is rather avaricious he
might be opposed – At Jakmel there is only one Phys
rich & very avaricious – who is neglecting his practice
attending to commerce. Reynolds will write
& see if he wishes a partner &c.
I can learn nothing of Brown at Gomaines –
have sent my letters – Reynolds advises my tarry
a little and not determining too soon concerning any
place – He says that a Phys. Should keep an Apothe-
caries Shop – They all do well – I breakfast with R
today at 12 oclock – I am boarding at present aboard
of the vessel – It is somewhat sickly among the shipping –
I can do nothing unless I get a License & it would not
be advisable till I determine to stay – Market here very
dull – coffee high and scarce – Mahogany not cut – as they
intend soon to survey the Isle – On Sunday Morn the
President reviews his troops – I shall endeavor to be present –
[Page Break]
(at present I can tell you nothing decidedly concerning my remaining
here or going south – I wish I could – for if I remain here, I shall
want many things that I forgot to take i.e. Watch – Catheters – Teeth-
Instruments large & small injecting syringes – a few books as Comachoel on
Syphylis – Coopers Surgic Dict – Johnson on Climate.
My clothes are all to thick for this place – if I stay "Pougee" would be
a good article for pantaloons &c but it is no use to write now about these things