Bay of Islands New Zealand
November 29th 1835
Dear Brother

I arrived at this port after
a passage of ten days from Sydney. In my last letter
dated Oct per Ship Tybee of Salem I gave a few outlines
of the voyage and of the intended route that the vessel would
go, but a new arrangement has been made and we shall
proceed from this Port to Olaheite, Society Islands touching
at several of the adjacent Islands for the purpose of trade
and then return back to Sydney, calling at this port on
our return. On our arrival in Sydney we shall have
a cargo already and shall proceed directly for the
United States by way of Cape Horn- It is quite
improbable that I shall arrive home until one year
from this date. I expect to be back to Sydney in about
four months. 30 days is the common passage from
New Zealand to the Society Islands. At Sydney we
sold our flour to a very good advantage $15 per Barrel
5 percent duty - 350 Barrels, also India Rubber Shoes from
$2 to $3 per from cost only 62 cts - Small Kegs of Tounges & Louns
sell at $2 a keg by the thousand, numerous other articles pay
equally well. At Sydney or Hobart Town all Goods imported
pay only 5 per cent Duty, except spirits tobacco they pay
15 to 20 per cent duty. Had I been at all acquainted with
this trade before I left Boston I could made a few
hundred dollars very comfortably - But as it was
I took nothing with me not knowing to what Port
was going - Our rum Gin &c we could not sell
at Sydney but have sold it here. The A Rum sold for 50 cts
per gall (12 Whds 50 Barrels) 40 Gin at 62 cts A Brandy at 75 per Gal
20 Barrels. At this port there is no Custom House only about two hundred
English Inhabitants. We have sold part of the spirits to the
natives. There are a number of missionaries stationed here.
The natives of new Zealand are a noble race of looking men.
They are all rather more than the common size thick
set, well built large features and straight hair little
darker than our american Indians they are harmless and
tractable quiet a number go out in every ship that comes
in, they like to be on the water. They wear little
or no clothing no covering to the head and very little to their

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bodies. One of the chiefs has been on Board and
has bought some liquor, paid us in Pigs Potatoes &c.
They are far ahead of the natives of New Holland in civilization
though they live in caves & trees &c much the same.
The natives of New Holland as jet ill formed
& horrible to look at - With regard to myself
I am very comfortably situated have a second mate and
every thing else make me contented. I have enjoyed
the best of health and hope to continue to-
This letter I send by the whale Ship Montano. She
put in here for to refit for home. She has been
out 28 months and has 3000 Barrels Sperm Oil made
a great voyage - We are all ready for sea and expect
to sail tomorrow for the the Society Island -
I have written to Charles only once since I left
Boston But if an other opportunity offers I shall
write him Remember me to all, Father, Mother
Brothers Sister & all my friends
Forever your Brother
William Parsons