Mobile Bay. Ship Isaac Newton December 15th 1836
Dear Brother

I arrived at this Port a day or two since
after a fair passage for twenty Days from Portsmouth. We had
a fine run off the Coast the first day when the wind became
rather unfavorable and very boisterous I recovered of
my lameness in a few days after my sailing and attended
to my duties throughout the time. The wound was in a
much forwarder state than I anticipated for it soon
became perfectly well without using either Cane or staff
after leaving home. Captain Rice has been very kind and
polite during the Passage and am in hopes I shall be able to
perform the voyage to his satisfaction and also to the parties
concerned - He immediately left me in charge of the
Ship on our arrival and will be but seldom on Board
as it is 30 miles from the Ship to the City I have 17 or 18
men placed or [---?] altogether under my charge and direction to look
after, keep in order, and employee to the best interest of
the Ship. It requires one to be very much on the alert
to keep all at work to advantage and make all strings
draw - It is very gratifying some times to stop and look
around and see all the Ships company, busily employed
each one to his task, and no idlers.

[Page Break]

My thoughts, mind, and judgment are called more into exercise
than ever they where before in any ship that I have ever been
in. I have learned the art of self decision or rather decision
of character. With regard to the Ship I am very much pleased
with her. She sails well and has gone ahead of every vessel
we have been in company with, although she is not coppense[?]
We should have been here a number of days before but every
thing being new and stretching out we were obliged to go
under easy sail. You will excuse the shortnefs of my
letter as I have no particular news to write and my
duties signaling more of my attention than common.
But still my thoughts move back to Home and days gone by.
I have not written to Charles but shall soon -
To Eliza I am very much obliged for her Nice Pies,
the last of the apple sauce was used up the day we arrived
here. Of John I have heard nothing and suppose I
shall not be able to until my arrival back to the U.S.
We shall sail in about 4 or 5 weeks probably,
no freight engaged, but are considered at a fair rate
I shall endeavor to write again before I leave for
Europe My love to Abby, Emily and all Yours truly,
William Parsons
P.S. your cane was left at
Mr Walkers's in Portsmouth