Apalachicola March 3 - 1844
Dear Father

Your kind favour of the 24th inst came safe to hand
previous to my leaving Mobile for this place and should have
immediately answered it, but have been in hopes I should
have something interesting to communicate either in the
way of business or news, and so I have delayed it up to
the present time without either - though I can inform you
of my engagement of a freight at 13/16 of a cent per [--?] for Cotton
to New York which will leave a small profit and then
hope to be in time for an European freight - In case I should
return into the Gulf again, and in case I do not, think
I shall meet with business in New York that will pay
well - there are a great number of ships in all the Southern
ports with a great amount of cotton on hand, and a much
larger amount in New York than ever there was before,
these with other reasons will give fair summer business
for all the ships idle -
With regard to the settlement of my business with Mess. Goodwin
+ Cours[?] I was glad to find you let it remain as it was
under all the circumstances and as they were
willing to pay six per cent interest - I shall
probably have a small amount of spare funds on
my arrival in New York and should like to know
how I can invest it to good advantage, or wether I
had better purchase Rail Road Stock, I am somewhat
in favor of insurance stock, that seems often to declare
very good dividends, although somewhat like the others, a
complete lottery, worth today 100 per cent, tomorrow nothing -

[Page Break]

My paper is ruled and I find that I commenced my letter on the
last page instead of the first, which has induced me
to number my pages to prevent confusion in reading -
I received a letter from Charles at Mobile in answer
to one I wrote him at Boston previous to my sailing, and
have written in return, once or twice since then,
but he seems so busy in making collections that he can
scarcely write his friends much less visit them, though
he wrote me the only hinderance to his coming to see
me was, that, then was the only period during the
year, in which he could make any collections - Chs
ought to be doing well now, as the planters are getting
great prices for their cotton, nearly double what they
anticipated some months ago, and realizing a handsome
income - the currency in a sound state and the whole
Southern Country in a very flourishing condition, so different
from what it has been for years past - money flowing
in from every quarter and not possessing the same
value as among the "hard fisted" people of New England
it comes much easier and goes the same, that may at
once be seen by the country being entirely destitute,
of copper even among the very poorest and nothing ever
seen of a less denomination than a five cent piece - I
find in my travel in different countries , where the
currency is divided into pieces of small value and
much in circulation, the people are very poor
and destitute - and it is not so in any of the Southern
states. There are very many of what is here termed poor
farmers with no education and almost as ignorant
as the slave they may own, but as always provided with
food and clothing but often very much in debt -
[Page Break]

Of John or Thomas I have not received a word, although
I have written several times since I have been
South - It would be a fine opportunity for either
of them to visit the north, as it is quite probably I shall
return direct back from New York. But I think it
would be difficult for either of them to reach here after
hearing of my engagement - I should like to hear from
John very much, and how he succeeds with his claim
against Government - Tell Thomas his letter was received
in Mobile and I mailed one the same day for the
north - The Deputy Collector here, a Mr Ellis from Dedham
Mass. where Warren stoped one night, makes inquires
how he succeeded in his object with regard to Schools.
It appears by your letter and from the papers that you have
had one of the coldest Winters that had been for years, while
we at the South have had fine warm spring weather,
without any frost, and scarcely needing at any
time an over coat - having been much warmer
than any winter I have passed at the South for a long time -
Here the roses are out in all there beauty and the
gardens filled with flowers of all kinds - Potatoes and
Peas in blossom - I shall leave here in about
8 or 10 days and possibly catch some of your cold weather,
though the winter will be over - I shall probably
be in New York previous to the 1st of April when
I hope to hear from you - What is the matter with
Warren that he cannot write me once and
let me know how you all prosper? My love
to Abby, and she must write also

Your Aff. Son
Wm H Parsons