New York Oct 15th 1844
Dr. John W. Parsons
Rye, N.H.

My dear Sir

I have been detained
here over the weeks by a man who has for a long time
owed me Several 100 Dollars - he promised the same
bounty & daily & not untill yesterday did I succeed
in getting any thing.
I expect to start on Steam Ship Alabama for
N. Orleans on Tuesday 15th inst.
I have been unable to see any Long or from
Miss. Here - I think it would not be amiss for
you to write me a Letter on receipt of this, directed
to Shongalo. Stating pretty fully what or how you wish
me to act with regards your late Sons business at large
& it may also be best to enclose a letter to the Judge
of Probate of Carroll Co. Miss.
You may rest assured that I will endeavor to do
all I can for your interest in the above business for the
sake of the dislike of my much lamented Friend your deceased Son
Charles - during his lifetime, as also from the [----?] & friendly feeling
I have towards yourself & every member of your worthy & interesting
families.I allso to take this opportunity to thank you for your
families very kind Attention & hospitality extended to my self & wife dur-
ing our late visit to Rye, and were it not for the distress &
grief experienced by the loss of So Valuable a friend I may say
Brother (in love) as was your Son to me. I would consider the
period lately Spent at Rye, as the most pleasant we have had for a long time

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experienced. I often very often think of your late Son
Charles & my regret has lost but little of its poignancy - Still
we are mortal all - & must as aught Submissive loss to the
dreams of an all [---?] & good Providence.
Please present Mrs. Koppert as well as my own best wishes
and regard to your good Lady & familie & I hope Soon to
hear from you and your Son Thomas.
Please excuse this bad writing &c.

With much regard & best wishes
Yours truly
Chas. Koppert