New York, January 17th 1849
Dear Father

I enclose to your address a Bank
certificate of the Bk. of America for three hundred
dollars which please invest for me in the Boston
and Worcester Rail Road Stock unless you
know of a better investment.
As yet I have done nothing towards discharging
for want of a berth The harbor is filled with
floating ice and berths are difficult to be
obtained. Most all the ships are loading
for California. The Gold fever is increasing
and if I had a ship the size of the Glendover(?)
should pick up for those gold diggings. There
are some enquires for the ship and if a good
price came be obtained for her then shall advocate
Abby's kind note has just been received &
feel pleased to learn she had a visit from
Mrs. Goodwin. She must return the call
the first opportunity I will write soon.
Your Son Truly
Wm H Parsons

[Running along the page]

P.S. I have just heard in Wall St. that the [torn page] Washington had receive
further news from California which will be communicated to the people in few days
and that it will create tremendous excitement. I suppose therefore I shall go
to the Gold regions. W.H.R.