Blue Lick Springs Kenty
Aug. 6 1853
My Dear Sister,

I wrote you from Louisville
and then promised to write more frequently in future.
I have not much to write about. I went out
to Bardstown 40 miles by stage to visit Mr. & Mrs.
Yulce(?) at her father's residence. Gov. Wickliffe
has a pleasant residence about a mile from town
beautiful grounds with flowery bordered walks
and a park of many acres of old & magnificent
Beeches, Oaks, maples &c - fine orchard, garden
& a fine spring of water - an artificial pond &c -
The house is a large airy brick building
with five rooms, but I think not so imposing
in outward appearance as Gov Woodbury's.
I found myself in the midst of a half dozen
young ladies when I got there. One daughter
and the other nieces of Gov W's from
Phil- Well, my time passed very pleasantly
and they were very kind to the invalid as
they termed me. I went Blackberrying with
the girls, listened to their music & played
backgammon & cards with them - also rode
over to catholic Seminary where were
forty "sisters of charity" or nuns - they have about
300 hundred scholars - young ladies.

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It is the largest [Tear in letter]----.
We went through all the buildings(?) - the
church of Gothic order - the ceiling painted
sky blue & bespangled with stars - It was
the finest church I ever saw although not
so grand or large as the Trinity in New York.
The priest showed us all around the grounds
the garden- the graping or vineyard - the dairy
with the Spring running through it -
We afterwards dined with the priest - had a
nun to wait on us at table - had boiled
ham & cabbage - roast mutton, potatoes
tomatoes - a rice pudding for dessert, and
a bottle of claret. The priests live well and
have a fine time. Sisters of Charity renew
their vows every year and are not shut up
from the world like other nuns. They can
leave the order after their year is out - but I
learn that most of them remain & never leave.
I saw one very beautiful one - She was left
with a sister orphans - They told me in returning
that the sisters were both beautiful & good and
like the characters of Rose & Blanche in
the Wandering Jew - one of the sisters died a year
or two ago. But most of the nuns are old
or very plain. Well I left after a stay of four
or five days - returned to Louisville - visited my
friends there again & then took the cars - passed
through Frankfort, but without seeing enough of

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[Tear in letter] arrived at Lexington.
This is a really beautiful city - and has in its
suburbs the finest private residences I ever saw
about a place of its size - I went out to Ashland,
Henry Clay's residence - now occupied by his Sons.
I was disappointed in the appearance of the house -
it is in bad repair - The grounds are very extensive
and it is a beautiful location -
I had one letter to a Gentleman in Lexington.
I delivered it & he was very attentive, conducted
me through his grounds, his garden, his grapery
&c - He is a brother of Gov Wickliffe - is called
the old Decke(?) to distinguish him from the
others of the family - is a strong old democrat -
Well I took the stage 40 miles to this place -
there are about 400 here, all for pleasure, except
a Colonel from Arkansas & myself -
They dance every night until after midnight
& after that there is a row or racket at
least for several hours - There was a fight
night before last but I have got used to it, and
hardly wake up at anything they do.
There are lots of pretty ladies her, and some of
good moral character, which means here in
Kentucky to be worth lots of money or property.
Two or three came up they say to 100,000 one perhaps
to 200,000$ This is considered the highest
moral character. I have some acquaintances
here, but shall not press myself into the lists
for favor amongst the young ladies unless I get

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in better health. [Tear in letter]
improving materially. The [Tear in letter] powerful
effect on me & it remains to be seen whether
it will materially benefit me or not.
If it don't produce a considerable change
in another week I shall leave for the
East via the Lakes & Niagara.

My love to Mother & all -
Yr affectionate Brother
John Parsons

P.S. I received some letters from Brother Thomas
about matters in Washington which I had
written him about.