Camp Jackson
Concord N.H.
Oct 9 61
Dear Sister:
I rec. your
letter yesterday. I am sorry
you feel so about my en-
listing. You want to know
what I think & how I feel.
You read the last letter
Uncle Norris wrote to Aunt
Mary. Well I feel & think just
as he does. I feel that it is
my duty to go to the war and
I never should have be con-
tented till I enlisted. If it is my
destiny to be killed I know
of no better death to die than
in fighting for my country.
This struggle is of far more im-

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portance than the old Revolu-
tion. I arrived here from
Pluiston[?] last Monday week
with 42 others. I am in the
Rockingham Company Capt
Welch it numbers 90 men
at present & more are coming
today to fill it up. We
have the best Company in
the field. The Camp is 1 ¼ miles
from Concord S.E. on a
high level piece of ground
overlooking the city it is a
very pretty place. We have
excellent tents warm and
well ventilated. We have good
food & plenty of it. There are
about 800 men in camp at
present. Col. Cross told us last
night at dress parade that he
should commence to muster in

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uniform & pay off the Cos next
Monday and as fast as muster-
ed in should give each Co a
three days furlough. Our Co
may not be mustered in till
the last of this week. I will
let you know when I shall
go home, as soon as I find
out myself. My health has been
excellent since I have been here
and I take a soldiers life thus
far [---?] [---?]. This will be
the best regiment from
N.H. in all respects. Col Cross
has the whole control of fitting
us out – we should have two
entire suits of cloth blankets
and every thing to march.
Are to be armed with the
French Minic rifle & sabre
bayonet. I am in guard

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to day and shall be to night –
I go on at 11 o clock this A.M.
and stay two hours. then off till
4 then on till 6. & so on thru.
the night – 2 hours on & four off.
I do not have to drill today
and shall not be obliged to
tomorrow. I have two
more letters to write so
I will close. Please write
again. Direct your letters to
Camp Jackson Concord NH
Care of Capt Welch
Your Aff
Geo S. Gove