Rye, N.H. Feb 10, 1862
Monday Eve

Dear Mother,

As Julia and
Warren have gone to the sing-
ing school this evening, and
left me to look after Freddie
and Ella – I will spend part
of the time in writing a few
lines to you – I have been
trying to get Julia to write
to you for the week past
but she must have a letter
from you first – Have
been improving, since I
left Raymond and am now
quite smart. I wrote a short
letter to George to day,
and gave him a copy of Uncle
Norris’ letter to his Father –

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We visited Boston last week,
the day of the rail road meet-
ing, saw T.O. Page at the
Boston and Maine rail road
depot – Called at the Massachus-
etts Eye and Ear Infirmary
consulted Doctor Hooper of
Boston – Said that Julia’s
hearing may not be any
worse. Advised Tinctur Mush
and Glycerin – Told her not
to irritate her ears in any
way – not even to Syringe
them - We like Doctor Hooper
very much –
We had Mrs Caswell to do
our washing and look after
the children when at Boston.
We started from the Greenland
depot Monday morning before

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Abby has been at my brothers
two or three weeks – Eliza
has had a sick turn and
is now better.
The most that we do now
a days is to cook and eat-
the Boys & Ella are not slow
about that time.
Not much sicknefs in town,
a few old people have died
of late.
Warren’s school continues two
or three weeks longer.
The Farmers here are troubled to find
a good chance to sell their big
oxen they think they are cows
Last week I paid the last cent
that I owe, and had one
cent left for seed – Julia
made sum fun over it
to think we had such a

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large sum on hand for
these hard times.
Julia and I have a share each
in the Concord and Portsmouth
rail road – Mr Joseph Blake
was on his way to Portsmouth
to attend a meeting as one of
the directors. He says it is
to be good 7 per cent stock.
But think we must now also
get stock in the Concord and
Boston rail road – So as to
go to Manchester by the way
of Raymond and perhaps
even to Boston to attend the
rail road meetings –
It may give Julia an opportunity
to visit home at some time
if she should you will not find
fault – Julia has come –
Love to you all. Write Soon.
Your’s Affectionately,
Warren Parsons -