Camp 5th NH Vols Ft. Lookout May 25 1862

Dear Mother

We are under orders
to leave this place tomorrow. The
orders came early this P.M. we are
to go up the Rappahanock in trains.
port to Port Royal and from
there I presume go to Grants army.
We are relieved by a regt. of
Veteran Reserves. they arrived here
this P.M. I have very busy all
this P.M. till now 11o’clock evening
have had property to turn over. clothing
rations, etc. to draw. and returns for
this month to make. I have no
Co. clerk and have to do it all to do my
self. I have not got thru yet. but
thought I must write you a few lines
anyway. I must write but few now.

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I sent a box of letters am giving to
Cuve are here with a letter and
he will forward it the first chance
it [----?] his Camp Churis, an
overcoat & woolen blankets and a
small box belonging to me. Some
thing belonging to 1st Sargent
and to Lt.Durne. I will write
a few lines and put in the small
box telling about these.
Louis Durne has not come back to
Co."K" yet and will not. So I am in
command and likely to remain so
all summer. I have everything to
look after my self.
I suppose you will feel badly because
we are going into the army again
but you must try and be cheerful.
I think that it is our duty to go. Every
man is needed in the field and in
[----?] can do this duty than as well
as we, and we can do something

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towards putting down this rebellion
though we may not do much. All the
other New Hamp. regulars are at work &
I want to be in with them. It has
been gulling to lie here idle.
Now keep up great courage and be cheer-
ful. God rules over all things and his
way will be right & best.
I can’t write more now I’ve got clothing
returns to make before I go to bed,
and it is now midnight. I will write
again the first opportunity. I don’t know
what the mail facilities will be in
the field, but will try to get the letter off
as soon as possible.
You must all write and often. I
wrote to Sarah a few days ago.
Give my love to all.

Good night

Direct –letter to Washington D.C.
As formerly Geo.