State Hospital New Haven Ct
Sunday Aug.24 1862
Respected Brother
We rec. our
pay yesterday & send you the
three dollars which you lent me.
I am very much obliged to you
for the favor. I rec. four months
pay - $68.00. I shall send home
$50.00 tomorrow by express.
Two months more pay will be due
me this week. We also rec. yes
terday clothing. a full suit ex-
cept overcoat. This costs us nothing being
given to us by the Government.
My wounds are all healed, &
sound & I am well everyway.
Expect to go back to my regt.
soon. I understand some are going
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Tuesday, if so I shall go.
I feel anxious to get back.
I don’t know where McClellan
is now but expect he is at Aqerin
Creek. Appearances indicate heavy
fighting before long. The rebels
are moving their whole force
upon Pope. I hope we should
be enough for them. I rec. a letter
from Julia last week. She wrote
that Rye had voted $400.00 bounty
to volunteers. I think that is pretty
well for Seccession Rye.
Raymond is also waking up but
I suppose Julia has kept you posted
on affairs there. The Lyon Regt.
leaves this city Tuesday & 2 or 3
more will leave during the
week. I hope N.H. will not be
behind, Gen McClellan’s wife
has been here to see us. She
has been spending the summer
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at New London. If I leave
here Tuesday I will write as
soon as I arrive at my desti-
nation. If not, I will also write
by the middle of the week.
Give my love to all
Truly Yours
Geo. S. Gove