Camp near Falmouth Va
Sunday Dec 7 of 62

Dear Sister

I rec. yours of
the 24th ult. a few days ago. also
several papers. I wrote to Samuel
last Thanksgiving day but did not
think of his being at Rye till just
as I was going to send it up. I hope he
won’t get tainted with Secession
this winter. I expect to get letters from
him pretty often now. We have been
very busy this past week fixing up
for the cold weather. We have raised
our tent three ft with logs. Four of
us occupy one tent. We have one bed
in one end & a nice large fire place in
the other. Capt got the bricks for us. Then
we have a table. Stools & everything is

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warm & convenient. Then we have
plenty of wood handy as our camp
is in the woods. Still we don’t know as
we shall stay in this one day for we are
liable to move at any moment. I don’t
expect these to be our winter quarters but
still I think we shall not move just at
present. We shall wait for developments
elsewhere. I have just heard that Bank’s
Texas Expedition has landed at Har-
rison’s Landing. If so Gen. Lee will
have something to look after in his war
& will have to make his stand nearer
Richmond. I hope something will be done
this winter. I enjoyed my Thanksgiving
very well. Capt gave the Sergts a tip top din-
ner. Geo Shepard was over to see me.
I heard last night that Geo Frellander[?] was
dead. He died in the hospital at Washington
when he was left last Sept. his Father
was there. His folks must feel very bad.
The Pay Master to the joy of us came

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yesterday & gave us 4 months pay. The
chaplain talks of going home to carry our
money. I shall send mine by him as by
express. We had a snow storm Friday & there
is now three inches on the ground & the weather
is quite cold. Our fireplace is just the thing now.
I want a pair of boots & I shall send home
for a box as soon as I think we can get it.
No express matter has come to the regt yet
it is hard to get things there. I have just
written to James. I got a letter from
Mother last night. Capt Tilton is sick
in Alexandria & Sall[?] is on to see him.
I would not wonder if he resigned.
Perhaps you may not know the new arrangement.
Gen. Summner has command of two Corps now.
The 2nd—his old one—and the 9th—Burnside’s old
Corps—so now we are [--?] in Sumner’s
Grand Division. Couch’s Divsion Corps,
Hancock’s Division, Coldwell’s Brigade
Right wing of the Army. My health is very
good. Please write soon. Don’t worry about

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me. I don’t think I will get a slight wound if I
can help it. I had rather be with my regt than
a hospital. Tell Samuel to write. Dr too

Your Brother
3rd Sergt Co K 5th N.H