Camp for Drafted Men Oct.16. 1863
Dear Sister
I will write you
a few lines this morning. Various
rumors have been afloat for a
week past. Some thot that we were going
back in a short time others that
part were going etc I don’t put
much confidence in any of them
they are like all camp stories
We had about 200 men just into
one regt last Tuesday & more will
be put in soon. This looks some
as tho we might leave here
before a great while. We have
26 in our Co "k". they are a very fair
[---?] of fellows & I guess will make
good soldiers. We have enough to
[Page Break]
do now, drilling [---?] etc.
As soon as there are 800 men in the
regts I shall get my commission
as Lieut, no promotions can be
made till there are 800 men,
200 more are needed, I have
not got to wait for Sergt Fletcher
thought I have always expressed
myself willing to do so.
The Shapleigh boys were to see
me last week.
The barracks are up & we are
living in them now. don’t like
them as well as the old tents.
I shall try to get a 6 days furlough
soon I cant hope to miss more
now, am very busy.
I don’t want any thing said
about my being promoted.
Shall write home today
Love to all. Write soon
Sergt Geo s. Gove
I want you & Dr. to have your
Photgraphs taken, for me.