In the trenches In front of Petersburg Va
Monday June 20. 1864

Dear Sister
You will see that we have
made another great change of base, and instead
of being in front of Richmond and within 8 miles
of it; are 20 miles away and paying our atten-
tions to another city. We left the trenches
on Gaines Farm a week ago last night,
moving out very quietly at 9 in the evening
without exciting suspicion, marched till
near day light when our regt was left alone
at Bollins[?] Bridge for 3 hours then moved
on after the [---?] crossed the [------?]
at noon on pontoons & arrived at night in the
James River a few miles below Harrisons[?]
Landing. We were 22 hours on the road
very hot & dusty the march was one of the
hardest; that night had to throw up rifle
pits as [---?]. the next day laid still and

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got some rest; at dark were ordered to
pack up and be in readiness to move
at a moments notice. waited till 2 o'clock
in the morning not daring to unroll
our blankets & lay down. then started for the
landing waited then till day light. Got aboard
steamers crossed the river landed and rested
till 1½ o'clock and commenced the march.
Our march was quite rapid & was kept up
till midnight – even then we were not
permitted to rest but kept changing
position till after sunrise. we found
ourselves in front of Petersburg and
within sight of the city; there had been fighting
here that day – the 16th - by the 18 corps. Gen
Hinks Div of negroes were engaged and
fought like tigers. 9 pieces of artillery and
500 prisoners were taken, on the 17th after we
got into position we laid quiet till 5 P.M.
then moved to the right and formed
for the charge. we were in the 2nd line
the first line moved forward, and were
immediately under heavy fire we were

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ordered forward to support, had to cross
a deep ravine filled with ditches & bushes
the air was filled with bursting shell
when we got thro. The 1st line had disappear-
ed in front of this ravine was high open
ground. we were ordered to take and hold
the crest of this after a sharp contest which
lasted till 9 o'clock we succeeded in doing
so, with a loss of Col. Hupgrove wounded
& one Lieut killed & about 30 men, threw
up a strong rifle pit during the night.
the next day – 18th – laid still in the pit
with the usual shelling & sharpshooting
the rebs had a string line of breastworks
in our front; in the P.M. a Div. of the 9th Corps
charged this but broke in confusion.
At sunset another Div charged and
carried them in gallant style. we
could see this while our boys were anxious
to go in, and we soon got the order, then sprang
over our works a[nd] went in on the run, formed
on the crest of a little ridge. the rebs were
behind rifle pits, it was now dark. they

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opened on us, and we returned, we [---?]
there 3 hours, each man loading and fireing
as fast as possible. We fired over 100 rounds to
a man; the rebs, as usual with troops behind
breastworks – fired a little to high and our loss
was not very heavy, about 50 killed & wounded.
I lost my first Sergt & 1 man killed and one wounded.
After we had exhausted our ammunition 3 times
and our rifles got to hot to be used we were
relieved and fell back to the rear. the rebs
were finally driven entirely from their works and
fell back to a new position, the next morning
we moved forward till we came upon them
again. I was sent out with some men to strengthen
our pickets. – in the P.M. we circled to [----?]
over a ridge to the R.R. in this valley beyond
this was done in good style. for 900 yds were ex-
posed to a [---?] fire from 3 directions. I never had
bullets fly any closer about me. get one
thru my coat-sleeve gracing my arm and
one thro my blanket. we lost 12 men getting
over, the pickets were themselves out cautiously
up the hill as near as possible and each dug
a little pit for himself. Were relieved at
2 o'clock the next morning. yesterday and so
for today – 11 o'clock there has been no fighting
except shelling & sharpshooting, we are lying
in the edge of a [---?] of woods behind breast-
works. The rebs have a very strong position
in front of us. I don’t think it can be taken
by assault, they act entirely on the defensive.
The 6th, 9th & 11th are only 100 yds to our left. I saw
Capt Tilton yesterday, he is well.
Our regt has not over 150 men for duty now, left Pt Lookout
with 500, have had very hard work since we
joined the army. I wrote to Mother this A.M. we
landed on this side of the river.
I write to her as often as possible.
Gilman Johnson is well, we are ordered to get
ready for a move and I must close.

Write me. we got our first mail yesterday
G.S. Gove