Camp Near Petersburg, VA
Aug.2nd 1864

Dear Sister
I recd a letter, three papers & Harpers for
Aug last Saturday all from you and Doctor. I can’t express to
you the pleasure they give me. I can only thank you & be
deserving of such kind remembrance.
We have been having some hard [---?] this past week. A week
ago to day we packed up for a march. Started at 4½ PM. marched
down nearly to City Point Union to Point of Rack when we crossed
the Appomattox on a pontoon bridge. Then to the James River
at Jones Neck which we also crossed on pontoons. We got
through at 3 o'clock this morning. The night was very warm
& sultry. This march was one of our hardest.
A small force under Gen Foster had been on this side of the James
for some time. The day before the rebs came down [--?] [----?] with a
large force & drove him back nearly into the river. they were
intending to finish the work the day we got there.
We formed line [---?] after day light. Our regt, the 183 Pa & 28
Mass were sent forward in action. My Co & one other of the 5th
& part of the 28 Mass were deployed as skirmishers. We had
to advance ¼ mile across a field. the rebs were [----?] in

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the edge of woods just back of a ridge, had breastworks &
a battery of 6 pieces. they opened on us with the battery
but did no damage beyond making a noise. We advanced
our skirmishers close up to the top of the ridge & commenced
firing. this developed the fact that they had a heavy line
of battle then but that its left was exposed.. So we skirmishers
made big demonstrations in front as tho we were going to charge
directly on them & drew all their fire on us. while the line on our
right swung around their left & took them in rear. This
caused them to skeedadle leaving 4.2 pches & 2 caisons in our
possession. We also got several prisoners. It was one of the best
managed affairs I ever saw & 3 small regiments did it all. The
5th N.H. 185 Pa & 28 Mass. all of Miles Brigade. We had 1 killed and 12
wounded in our regt. After some delay our skirmish line was
advanced thru the woods to an opening where we found the rebs
in a striking position with breastworks batteries &c. pushed our
skirmishers close up to theirs & remained till night when we
were relieved. went back a short distance to this [--?] & camped
for the night & then the next day. One of our lookouts kept up
a constant fire on the enemy from a 100 pds. which troubled them
exceedingly. That night we moved back to the works we
took from the enemy [----?] them [--?] to fire the other way & con-
nected them with Fablin[?] on the left. worked all night & part of
the next day. During the day the 19th Corps lately from New
Orleans came in. The 14th was with them. I saw Henry Pitt

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Page. he is Lieut. now. he wished to be remembered to
you. the 14th never been on enemy’s [---?] till they got there,
Friday night at dark we packed up a [---?] back in Petersburg
again got here at daylight just as the attack was made
by the 9th Corps. Our batteries opened all along our line. Now
we drew up in reserve and were ordered to be ready to go in
at any moment. but were not called upon. in the P.M. were
ordered to take 5 days rations for another night march but
just as we were starting the order was countermanded & came back
into our old camp for the great joy of all, for we were all tired
out. for 3 days & 2 nights I had had only one hours sleep.
The attack in the 9th Corps last Saturday morning was made
by Griffin's Brig on the 6th, 9th & 11th Regt & part of
a Negro division. A rebel fort which we had been mined
was blown up & they immediately charged forward to gain
& hold this position but they went too far. the Negroes went
in on their right, the rebels made a charge on them and
the Negroes gave way & came rushing back on Griffins
Brig. pell[?] mill throwing them into confusion & giving the
rebs chance to get right in to them. they had one of the
most obstinate fights on record. bayonets, swords & the
butts of muskets were freely used & in many instances
fought each other with fists. But our men had to
give way & not much over half got back.
Our men all say that had it not been for the Negroes they

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could have held their ground they are very mad & say
they never will go into a fight with Negroes again.
Burnside is trying to get them out of his corps.
The 11th Regt has only 60 or 70 men left. Capt. Tillin got a flesh
wound in right arm, Orin Cram[?] taken prisoner and Lawrence
Stevens killed.
The rebs would not allow a flag of truce to bury the dead & get the
wounded till yesterday morning.
I think many of our men were Killed that would not have been
had they not been in company with Negroes.
It seems the rebels are making another raid into Md.& Pa. I’m
afraid we wasted [----?] [----?]. I think we should go some
where soon.
Grant needs more men. He ought to have them now.
A reserve of at least 50,000 men should have been raised,
organized & drilled.last winter & spring beside filling
up the old regts. If Grant could have had that number
all in one [---?], to have put in [---?] the 20th of [---?] Richmond
would have been ours now. No country should carry on in
war without a strong reserve army which it can throw into the
field at critical moments.
Were it not necessary to keep Lee from reinforcing the army
in Georgia it would be better for us to lay off till fall & the army
is filled up. but we must or should keep every man away
from Georgia. else [----?] he will all he has gained.
I think there is to be some change in this program but where I do
not know but it will take another year to end
this war. if it does I’m in for it.
I had a commission come Sunday as 1st Lieut. shall have to be
mustered in again for 3 years more. according to a late orders all
officers will be kept 3 years from the date of their last muster if the
exigencies of the service require it.
I wrote to James last Sunday.

Please write often. I shall be sure to get all papers you send me.
Love to all. Johnson is well.

George S. Gove