Students from Professor Melinda White’s English 510: Introduction to Digital Humanities class worked closely with Kai Uchida in the University Archives this spring to create a guided virtual tour of the exhibit,This is UNH 100 Years Ago, currently on display in Dimond Library.
Professor White tasked students with capturing the exhibit with a specialized 360-degree camera, creating the guided tour on a digital platform, annotating each photograph, and writing reflections about how they interpreted images they chose. Excerpts from select ekphrastic essays from Professor White's ENG 501 students were also included.

English 510 students presenting their finished project to the university archivist, April 16, 2024
This digital exhibit represented a semester long-learning experience in which students were exposed to various digital platforms, learned about digital museum curation, and acquired design strategies to showcase collections.
Take the Virtual Tour
About the Exhibit
This is UNH 100 Years Ago showcases a set of 50 photos compiled mostly from the Clement Moran Photographic Collection and provides viewers with a snapshot of how UNH looked a century ago. This centennial celebration is an important moment in the institutional history of the school, as the academic year of 1923 – 1924 marks the school’s rebranding from New Hampshire College for Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts to the University of New Hampshire.
This exhibit runs until August 2024, but items from this historic collection will be periodically featured in Dimond Library and included in future exhibits.
Virtual Tour Creators
English 510: Introduction to Digital Humanities
Stephen Bentzlin, Eve Huot, Victoria Ndugnu, Ana Nikolenko, Julianna Pascuccio, Luke Sintros, Jonas Smith, and Sydney Vlach
Ekphrastic Essay Contributors
English 501: Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction
Natalia Rivera and Cameron Slide
Exhibit Curator
Rebecca Chasse
Exhibit Installation
Rebecca Chasse, Katie Hutchinson, Nancy Miner, and Sarah Stinson
Class Instructional Liaison
Kai Uchida
Camera & Media Support
Michael McIntire
Exhibit Content
Clement Moran Collection, 1914-1940, UA 4/2/1, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA
Clement Moran Digital Collection, UNH Library Digital Collections
Questions about the collection or the exhibit can be sent to:
Virtual Exhibit Platform
The student project was created using ThingLink.
Direct project link: English 510 Virtual Exhibit Project