Conference Rooms

UNH students and faculty in Dimond Library conference room

The information on this page applies to UNH faculty and staff who wish to reserve a conference room in Dimond Library during regular business hours. Students looking to reserve a study room should refer to the Spaces to Study & Work page.

Increasing demands for meeting space in the Library combined with a core element of the library's mission and values (to ensure a safe and welcoming space conducive to research and study) indicate that conference room guidelines are necessary.

Most conference rooms in Dimond Library are equipped with tables and chairs on casters to allow for flexible arrangements. Whiteboard markers are available at the Information Desk.

If you elect to adjust the room configuration we kindly ask that you:

  • Consider the time it will take for you to set up and return the furniture to its original configuration when you make your reservation.
  • Return the room to the original configuration at the conclusion of your meeting.
  • Do not attempt to move any furniture or equipment that is not designed to be easily moved.

The following rooms are available for academic and administrative meetings:

  • 327 (10 seats, conference phone connection, and whiteboard)
  • 343 (25 seats, LCD projector, conference phone connection, and whiteboard)
  • 352 (30 seats, LCD projector, and whiteboard)

Dimond room 235 is also available to reserve, but priority is given to media viewing and library instruction. Groups of 6 or more only. If you reserve room 235, you will need to get the room key from the Information Desk in exchange for your ID.

Conference Room Availability

During business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, conference rooms are available by reservation to UNH Offices for official University business.

Outside of business hours, conference rooms 327 and 352 may be reserved by student groups for academic purposes. Academic purposes include study groups, meetings of academic organizations, and other academic activities. Student groups needing space for non-academic purposes are requested to seek alternatives on campus, such as the Memorial Union Building.

Guidelines for Room Booking & Use

Room Reservation and Use Policy

Conference rooms are reserved online using the UNH Event Services Portal up to 6 weeks in advance. Requests will be reviewed and a response will be sent within two business days.

Due to high demand, classes and weekly seminars are not scheduled in Library conference rooms and recurring meetings are very limited. If a meeting you scheduled is cancelled or moved, please use the UNH Event Services Portal to cancel or update your reservation.

The University Library Dean’s Office reserves the right to cancel or change reservations. In the unlikely event a cancellation or change to the reservation is necessary, requestors will be notified as soon as possible.

Reserve a conference room