Newspapers & Microforms


We have an extensive collection of newspapers available electronically, including both current and historic titles. Use the newspaper databases to find articles or search collections. Many older titles are also held in microfilm format.

Browse News & Newspaper Databases

The New York Times Online Access

Current UNH students, faculty, and staff can get online access to the New York Times through the library. The library's online access includes breaking news, archives, games, recipes, podcasts, newsletters, multimedia, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions of, and more.

Creating a New Account

If you do not already have a New York Times account, visit: and select Create Account. Be sure to type University of New Hampshire in the school's name section, then follow the instructions based on your location.

Existing New York Times Subscribers

If you are already paying for a New York Times subscription, you can still get online access through UNH Library. Before signing up through the library, you will need to cancel your paid subscription.

After you have canceled your paid subscription, visit: and select the Already have an account? log in option. Log in using the username and password you were using with your paid subscription (not your UNH login information). This will allow you to take advantage of the library-provided access while preserving your previous account settings, such as your favorite podcasts and newsletters.



  • Dimond, Room 210 – Government publications, primarily U.S. Federal Depository items, newspapers, magazines, journals, various collections including ERIC documents
  • Dimond Level G closed stacks; these collections can be requested online, through the library catalog.

We have three formats of Microforms: microFILM, microFICHE, and microCARD. All formats are micro-reproductions of print materials. Viewing microforms requires special machines that are located in Dimond Library, Level 3.

Printing & Scanning Microforms

  • Printing through networked printers is 10 cents per page (Cat’s Cache only).
  • Scanning to digital formats is free.
  • If you are a UNH student, faculty, or staff member, we will scan and deliver PDFs of microforms to you as part of our Document Delivery service. Place your requests through your Interlibrary Loan account.

For assistance, see staff at the Information Desk in Dimond Library.