University System of New Hampshire (UA 1/1)
- Incorporation, By-laws, and Charters, 1862-1996 (UA 1/1)
- USNH Property Documents, 1836-2013 (UA 1/1/1)
- USNH Contracts and Agreements, 1891-1974 (UA 1/1/2)
- Gifts and Wills, 1849-1982 (UA 1/1/3)
- Permits, 1919-1956 (UA 1/1/4)
- USNH Licenses, 1928-1967 (UA 1/1/5)
- Patents, 1942-1969 (UA 1/1/6)
- Copyrights, 1895-1943 (UA 1/1/7)
- Writs, 1897-1899, 1941-1944 (UA 1/1/8)
- Bonds, 1868-1925 (UA 1/1/9)
Board of Trustees (UA 1/2)
- Board of Trustees Minutes, 1866-2012 (UA 1/2)
- Executive Committee Minutes, 1980-2006 (UA 1/2/1)
- Agricultural Affairs Committee Minutes, 1951-1997 (UA 1/2/2)
- Alumni Affairs Committee Minutes, 1975-1999 (UA 1/2/3)
- Audit Committee Reports, 1977-2013 (UA 1/2/4)
- Long-Range Capital Planning Subcommittee Reports, 1992-2000 (UA 1/2/5)
- Capital and Strategic Planning Committee Minutes, 1970-1999 (UA 1/2/6)
- Financial Affairs Committee Minutes, 1893-95; 1988-2012 (UA 1/2/7)
- Finance and Budget Committee Meeting Agenda Materials and Reports, 1979-1991 (UA 1/2/8)
- New Hampshire Public Television Board of Governors Reports, 1992-2006 (UA 1/2/9)
- Personnel Committee Minutes, 1951-1999 (UA 1/2/10)
- Student Affairs Committee Minutes, 1966-1998 (UA 1/2/11)
- Academic Affairs Committee Minutes, 1987-1998 (UA 1/2/12)
- Property and Physical Plant Development Committee Minutes, 1949-1988 (UA 1/2/13)
- Educational Policy Committee Files, 1964-1986 (UA 1/2/14)
- Miscellaneous Ad Hoc Committee Files, 1987-2000 (UA 1/2/15)
- Board of Trustees Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee Files, 1969-1986 (UA 1/2/16)
- External Affairs Committee Reports, 1999-2006 (UA 1/2/17)
- Programs and Services Committee Reports, 1999-2005 (UA 1/2/18)
- Finance Committee for Investments Reports, 1990-2012 (UA 1/2/19)
New Hampshire College of Agriculture & the Mechanic Arts (UA 1/3)
- Board of Trustees Correspondence and Files, 1866-1915 (UA 1/3)
- Board of Trustees Record Book, 1891-1956 (UA 1/3/2)
- New Hampshire College (NHC) Photographs, 1868-1923 (UA 1/3/3)
- Clement Moran Collection, 1914-1938 (UA 1/3/4)
Committees (UA 1/4)
- Committee on Scholastic Standing Files, 1961-1967 (UA 1/4/1)
- Faculty Minutes, 1893-1919 (UA 1/4/2)
- Real Estate Committee Minutes and Reports, 1892-1919 (UA 1/4/3)
- Centennial Committee Files, 1964-1966 (UA 1/4/4)
- Faculty Council Records, 1955-1965 (UA 1/4/5)
- Committee on Academic Programs and Teaching Methods Records, 1959-1962 (UA 1/4/6)
- Space Allocation, Repairs, and Renovations Committee Records, 1984-1997 (UA 1/4/8)
- USNH Administrative Board Minutes, 1984-1991 (UA 1/4/9)
- Administration Committee Minutes, 1919-1936 (UA 1/4/10)
Miscellaneous (UA 1/5)
- Miscellaneous Documents, 1862-1908 (UA 1/5/1)
- UNH Annual Reports to Bureau of Education, 1893-1958 (UA 1/5/2)
- UNH 75th Anniversary Files, 1941 (UA 1/5/3)
- Honorary Degrees Files, 1881-1956 (UA 1/5/4)
Financial Documents (UA 1/6)
- Benjamin Thompson Trust Fund Financial Documents, 1856-1964 (UA 1/6/1)
- New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts Treasurer's Reports, 1876-1915 (UA 1/6/2)
- New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts Securities Documents, 1898-1922 (UA 1/6/4)
Individual Trustees (UA 1/7)
- Harvey L. Boutwell Papers, 1896-1929 (UA 1/7/1)
- Mildred McAfee Horton Papers, 1869-1974 (UA 1/7/2)
- Frank Wiggen Randall Trustees Certificates, 1936-1964 (UA 1/7/3)
- Marion James Collection, 1876-2011 (UA 1/7/4)