Board of Trustees Correspondence and Files, 1866-1915

Collection number: UA 1/3
Size: 2 boxes (0.66 cu.ft.)

About the Board of Trustees

The original Board of Trustees of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts consisted of five members chosen by the State of New Hampshire and four members chosen by the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College. While sharing location and Trustee members, New Hampshire College and Dartmouth College were still separate schools. This situation persisted from 1866-1893, at which time New Hampshire College moved from Hanover to Durham. George W. Nesmith of Franklin, NH, became president of the Board of Trustees in 1877. The NHCAMA became the University of New Hampshrie in 1923.

About the Board of Trustees Correspondence and Files

This series contains various correspondence and files of the Board of Trustees of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. There are also various reports and records from other Board activities.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open.

Copyright Notice

Copyright is retained by the University of New Hampshire.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], [Folder], [Box], Board of Trustees Correspondence and files, 1866-1915, UA 1/3, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.

Acquisitions Information

These records were transferred to the University Library for storage prior to the establishment of the University Archives in 1992.

Collection Arrangement


Collection Contents

Box 1
Box 1, Folder 11860-1890Notebook belonging to George W. Nesmith containing financial records of NHC
Box 1, Folder 21864-1876Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 3Letters to George W. Nesmith relating to the death and estate of Ezekial Dimond
Box 1, Folder 4Jan. 1877-Aug. 1877Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 5Sept. 1877-Dec. 1877Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 61879Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 71878-1885Letters from George Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 81879Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 91880Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 101881Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 111882Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 121879Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 131884Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 141885Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 151886Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 161887Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 171888Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 181890Letters to George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 191890Death of George W. Nesmith
Box 1, Folder 20Oct. 1883-Feb. 1892Letters to Lyman Stevens, mostly concerning the move to Durham
Box 2
Box 2, Folder f. 1March 1892-May, 1892Letters
Box 2, Folder 2June 1892-Dec. 1892Letters
Box 2, Folder 3Dec.1892-June 1893 Letters to Lyman Stevens concerning the election of a president for NHC
Box 2, Folder 4Feb. 1893-May 1893Letters to Lyman Stevens
Box 2, Folder 5June 1893-July 1893Letters to Lyman Stevens
Box 2, Folder 61878-1893Reports from Library to Board of Trustees
Box 2, Folder 71885Letters to Joseph B. Walker
Box 2, Folder 8Letters to Lucien Thompson, secretary
Box 2, Folder 91891-1893Minutes of the Executinve Committee
Box 2, Folder 101894-1907Records of the Board of Control
Box 2, Folder 11191432nd Report of the NUC Board of Trustees
Box 2, Folder 12Letters to William Wheeler, board member
Box 2, Folder 13March 1871-April 1888Conant Endowment: extract from records
Box 2, Folder 141866-1906Letters concerning conduct of Trustees
Box 2, Folder 15Letters and reports to Board of Trustees
Box 2, Folder 161888-1896Reports of the NHC Board of Trustees
Box 2, Folder 171897-1907Reports of the NHC Board of Trustees
Box 2, Folder 18July 1, 1884Lease of land to Dartmouth College by NHC
Box 2, Folder 191885-1892Reports and letters regarding move of MHC from Hanover to Durham
Box 2, Folder 201898Correspondence to Lucien Thompson re: board members and terms
Box 2, Folder 211915Report to the Board of Trustees on the work of the NH Agricultural Experiment Station