Collection number: MC 127
Size: 230 boxes
(76.5 cu.ft.)
About Alvah W. Sulloway (1915-2006)
Alvah Sulloway was born in Concord, NH on Nov. 25, 1915. He received his secondary education at the prestigious St. Paul’s School, graduating in 1934. He then went on to complete both his undergraduate and law degrees at Harvard College, graduating in 1938 and 1941 respectively. Alvah practiced law until 1960, when he changed careers and became an English teacher at Moses Brown School in Providence, RI. He taught there for ten years, resigning because of a difference in educational philosophy with the new headmaster.
In 1939, Alvah married Alison Green, who was a musician. She and Alvah collaborated on a musical titled Winner Take All. He wrote the book and lyrics, she composed the music. It was performed several times between 1944 and 1955 in various New England community and summer theater venues. Their marriage ended in 1952.
In 1954, Alvah married Susan Stewart (1924-2003), a dancer. After his retirement from teaching, they moved to Kittery Point, ME, where Alvah organized the York Golf and Tennis Club and was active in community affairs. He initiated and won a taxpayer suit against the town of Kittery in protest of the town council’s violation of right-to-know laws.
A year after Sue’s death, he married his third wife, Sally Kruger Goff. He died in 2006.
About the Alvah Sulloway Collection:
The Alvah Sulloway Collection consists of thousands of pieces of sheet music, advertisements, subject files, and more. Some materials from Sue Stewart Sulloway are also included.
See also: Sulloway, Alison G. and Alvah Woodbury Sulloway. "Winner Take All: A New Musical Play". Unknown publisher, 1948.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
This collection is open.
Copyright Notice
Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder Number], [Box Number], Alvah Sulloway Theater and Dance Music Collection, 1772-1978, MC 127, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Donation: Alvah Sulloway, Kittery, ME, 1993-2001 (Accession numbers: 93.026, 2001.37)
Separated Material
Ca. 1000 vinyl records from Sulloway's collection were sold by the collector prior to the textual/visual materials being acquired by UNH.
Collection Arrangement
Arrangement is alphabetical within each type of material.
Collection Contents
- Series 1: World War I Sheet Music
- Series 2: World War II Sheet Music
- Series 3: Dance Sheet Music
- Series A: Popular Music Titles A-D
- Series B: Popular Music Titles E-H
- Series C: Popular Music Titles I-K
- Series D: Popular Music Titles L-M
- Series E: Popular Music Titles N-S
- Series G: Popular Music Titles T-Z
- Series C: I-M
- Series 6: Irving Berlin Compositions
- Series 7: Susan S. Sulloway Materials
- Series B: Souvenir Books
- Series 10: Photographs and Movie Stills
Series 1: World War I Sheet Music
(7 Boxes)Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | After the War Is Over (Will There Be Any
Home Sweet Home?)
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | All Aboard For Home Sweet
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Allegiance (Patriotic
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Aloha Soldier Boy
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | America First
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | America Here's My Boy
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | America, He's For You
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | America I Love You
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | America Leads the
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | America, My Country
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | America, My Country
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | America Prepare
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | American Beauty
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | The Americans Come!
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | And He'd Say
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | The Angel God Sent From
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Angels of the Cross of
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Another Good Man Gone
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Answer Mr. Wilson's
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Apres La Guerre (After the
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Are You Half the Man Your Mother Thought
You'd Be?
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | Are You The O'Reilly?
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | At The Dixie Military
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | A'Top of the World Our
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Au Revoir, But Not Good-Bye (Soldier
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | Back in the Old Town
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | Battle Cry of Freedom
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | Battle in the Sky
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | The Battle Song of
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | The Beast of Berlin (We're Going To Get
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Belgian Rose
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | Belgian Rose
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Belgium Dry Your Tears
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Bing!, Bang!, Bing 'Em on the
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | The Birth of a Nation
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | The Boys from Yankee
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | The Bravest Heart of
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | Break the News to
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | Bring Back a Belgian Baby to
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Bring Back My Daddy to
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | Bring Back the Kaiser to
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | Bring Back the Kiss That I
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | Bring Back My Soldier Boy To
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | Buy a Bond, Buy a Bond For
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | Buy a Red Cross Rosie
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | The Call of the U.S.A.
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | The Call to Arms
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Camouflage
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | The Canteen Canter
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Captain Willie Brown
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | Cheer Up Father, Cheer Up
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Cheer Up, Mother
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Cheer Up Tommy Atkins
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | Clap Your Hands My Baby (For Your Daddy's
Coming Home)
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Come On Papa
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | (Here Is Your) Daddy's
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Dear Mother Land
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | Dear Old Pal of Mine
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | The Dixie Volunteers
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | Don't Bite the Hand That's Feeding
| |
Box 1, Folder 61 | Don't Cry Frenchy, Don't
| |
Box 1, Folder 62 | Don't Forget the Salvation Army (My
Doughnut Girl)
| |
Box 1, Folder 63 | Don't Let Us Sing Anymore About War, Just
Let Us Sing of Love
| |
Box 1, Folder 64 | Don't Take My Darling Boy
| |
Box 1, Folder 65 | Don't Trifle With a Soldier's Heart
(Unless You're Going to Love Him True)
| |
Box 1, Folder 66 | Don't Try to Steal the Sweetheart of a
| |
Box 1, Folder 67 | Doughboy Jack and Doughnut
| |
Box 1, Folder 68 | Down the Lane and Home
| |
Box 1, Folder 69 | The Dream of a Soldier
| |
Box 1, Folder 70 | Dreaming of Home Sweet
| |
Box 1, Folder 71 | Dress Up Your Dollars in Khaki (And Help
Win Democracy's Fight)
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Each Stitch Is a Thought of You
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | The End of a Perfect
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Everybody's Happy Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Every Boys a Hero in this War
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Everything is Peaches Down in
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Farewell Daisy Bell
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Father of the Land We
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | The Fatherland, The Motherland, The Land
of My Best Girl
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Flag of My Country
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Fleur De Lys, Flower of France Bloom
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Follow Me To Germany (And
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | For "God", America &
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | For the Sake of
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | For You and Me
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | For You and the Grand Old
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | For Your Boy and My
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | For Your Country and My
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Forsaken
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | France, We Have Not Forgotten
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Freedom For All
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | The French Trot Song
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Frenchy Come to Yankee
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | From the North, South, East and
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | General Pershing Song
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Giddy Giddap
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | The Girl From My Own
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | The Girl You Leave
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | Give the Job to the Gob and the
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | Give a Little Credit to the
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Give My Regards to
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | God Be With My Wandering
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | God Be With Our Boys
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | God Bring You Safely to Our Arms
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | Go Lad and May God Bless
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | Good Bye Alexander, Good Bye Honey
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Good Bye Bill
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | Good Bye Boys
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | Good-Bye Broadway, Hello
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | Good-Bye Comrades
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | Good-Bye France (You'll Never Be Forgotten
By The USA)
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | Good-Bye, Little Girl,
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | Good-Bye Mother, So Long Dad, Hello Uncle
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | Good-Bye My Soldier
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | Good-Bye, Nellie Gray
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | Good-Bye, Sally, Good Luck To
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | Good Bye Soldier Boy
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | Good Bye Sweet Marie
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | Good Morning Mr.
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | Go Over the Top With
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | Go Right Along Mr. Wilson (and We'll All
Stand By You)
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | The Greatest Battle Song of
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | Hats Off! The Flag
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | Hats Off to the Red, White and
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | The Heaven Born Banner
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | He Died on the Fighting
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | Hello America Hello
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | Hello Central! Give Me No Man's
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | Hello! Hello! Who's Your Lady
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | Her Boy In Blue
| |
Box 2, Folder 60 | He's Doing His Bit
| |
Box 2, Folder 61 | He's Got Those Big Blue Eyes Like You,
Daddy Mine
| |
Box 2, Folder 62 | He's Had No Lovin For a Long
| |
Box 2, Folder 63 | He's Well Worth Waiting
| |
Box 2, Folder 64 | Hinky Dinky Parlay
| |
Box 2, Folder 65 | His Buttons Are Marked
| |
Box 2, Folder 66 | His Majesty, the
| |
Box 2, Folder 67 | Hoe Your "Little Bit" in Your Own
| |
Box 2, Folder 68 | Home Again, Boys, Home Again, Back Across
the Sea
| |
Box 2, Folder 69 | Home Coming Week in
| |
Box 2, Folder 70 | Homeland, (I Can Hear You Calling
| |
Box 2, Folder 71 | Homeward Bound
| |
Box 2, Folder 72 | Honey Boy
| |
Box 2, Folder 73 | How We Love You Dear Old
| |
Box 2, Folder 74 | How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm
(After They've Seen Paree?)
| |
Box 2, Folder 75 | Hunting the Hun
| |
Box 2, Folder 76 | The Hut of the K. of
| |
Box 2, Folder 77 | Hurrah! For the Liberty Boys,
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | I Ain't Got Weary Yet
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | I Belong To Uncle Sammy and I Come from
the U.S.A.
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | I Can Always Find a Little Sunshine in the
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | I Cannot Bear To Say
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | I Can't Stay Here While You're Over
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | I'd Be Proud To Be the Mother of a
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | I'd Feel at Home If They'd Let Me Join the
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be a
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | I Didn't raise My Dog To Be a
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | I'd Like To See the Kaiser With a Lily in
His Hand
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | I'd Love To fall Asleep and Wake Up in My
Mammy's Arms
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | I Don't Know Where I'm going But I'm On My
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | I Don't Want To Get
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | I Dreamt My Daddy Came
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | If He Can Fight Like He Can Love,
Goodnight Germany
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | If I Am Not at Roll Call Kiss Her Goodbye
For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | If I Am Not at Roll Call Kiss Mother
Good-Bye For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | If I Had a Son for Each Star in Old
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | If I Were a Grown Up Soldier and You a
Mercy Maid
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | If They Feel Like a War Let Them Keep It
Over There
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | If War Is What Sherman Said It
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | I Hear My Country
| |
Box 3, Folder 23 | I'll Be Back in the Sweet By and
| |
Box 3, Folder 24 | I'll Be Glad To Get
| |
Box 3, Folder 25 | I'll Come Back To You When It's All
| |
Box 3, Folder 26 | I'll Come Sailing Home to
| |
Box 3, Folder 27 | I'll Dance My Way Right Back To
| |
Box 3, Folder 28 | I'll Love You More for Losing You a
| |
Box 3, Folder 29 | I'll Make You Proud of Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 30 | I'll Return Mother Darling To
| |
Box 3, Folder 31 | I'll See You Later
| |
Box 3, Folder 32 | I Love the Whole United
| |
Box 3, Folder 33 | I Love the U.S.A.
| |
Box 3, Folder 34 | I Love You Like Lincoln Loved the Old Red,
White and Blue
| |
Box 3, Folder 35 | I'm Always Thinking of
| |
Box 3, Folder 36 | I May Be Gone for a Long, Long
| |
Box 3, Folder 37 | I May Stay Away a Little
| |
Box 3, Folder 38 | I'm Crazy About My Daddy in a
| |
Box 3, Folder 39 | I'm Glad I Can Make You
| |
Box 3, Folder 40 | I'm Glad I'm Back in Yankee
| |
Box 3, Folder 41 | I'm Going to Be a Soldier and Fight for
the U.S.A.
| |
Box 3, Folder 42 | I'm Going to Follow the
| |
Box 3, Folder 43 | I'm Goin' to Fight My Way Right Back To
| |
Box 3, Folder 44 | I'm Going to Break That Mason-Dixon
| |
Box 3, Folder 45 | I'm a Long Way from
| |
Box 3, Folder 46 | I'm Hitting the Trail To Normandy So Kiss
Me Good-bye
| |
Box 3, Folder 47 | I'm On My Way To Dublin
| |
Box 3, Folder 48 | I'm Proud To Be the Mother of a Boy Like
| |
Box 3, Folder 49 | I'm Proud to Be the Sweetheart of a
| |
Box 3, Folder 50 | I'm Sorry I Made You
| |
Box 3, Folder 51 | Indianola
| |
Box 3, Folder 52 | In Flander's Field
| |
Box 3, Folder 53 | In Flander's Field
| |
Box 3, Folder 54 | In Flander's Field
| |
Box 3, Folder 55 | In the Folds of the Starry
| |
Box 3, Folder 56 | In the Navy
| |
Box 3, Folder 57 | I Think We've Got Another Washington and
Wilson Is His Name
| |
Box 3, Folder 58 | It May Be Far To Tipperary, It's a Longer
Way to Tennessee
| |
Box 3, Folder 59 | It's a Long Way from Berlin to
| |
Box 3, Folder 60 | It's a Long, Long Way to
| |
Box 3, Folder 61 | It's a Long, Long Way to the U.S.A. and
the Girl I Left Behind
| |
Box 3, Folder 62 | It's a Long Way to Berlin But We'll Get
| |
Box 3, Folder 63 | It's Hard To Settle Down (To Civilian Life
Once More)
| |
Box 3, Folder 64 | It's Time For Every Boy To Be a
| |
Box 3, Folder 65 | I've Got a New Job
| |
Box 3, Folder 66 | I've Got My Captain Working For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 67 | I've Got the Army
| |
Box 3, Folder 68 | I Want a Girl From a Yankee Doodle
| |
Box 3, Folder 69 | I Want a Patriotic
| |
Box 3, Folder 70 | I Want to Be Loved By a
| |
Box 3, Folder 71 | I Want to Go Back to
| |
Box 3, Folder 72 | I Want To Go to Tokio
| |
Box 3, Folder 73 | I Wish I Had Someone to Say "Good-Bye"
| |
Box 3, Folder 74 | I Wonder What He's Doing
| |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | Ja-Da
| |
Box 4, Folder 2 | "Jasper Jones" or I'm in the Navy
| |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Jerry Mon Cher
| |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Jerry, You Warra a Warrior in the
| |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Jim, Jim, I Always Knew You'd
| |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Jimmie Boy
| |
Box 4, Folder 7 | Joan of Arc Song
| |
Box 4, Folder 8 | Joan of Arc They Are Calling
| |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Johnny's in Town
| |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Just a Baby's Letter Found in No Man's
| |
Box 4, Folder 11 | Just a Baby's Prayer at
| |
Box 4, Folder 12 | Just Like Washington Crossed the Delaware,
General Pershing Will Cross the Rhine
| |
Box 4, Folder 13 | Keep the Home-Fires Burning ('Till the
Boys Come Home)
| |
Box 4, Folder 14 | Keep the Love-Light Burning in the Window
'Til the Boys Come Marching Home
| |
Box 4, Folder 15 | Keep the Trench Fires Going for the Boys
Out There
| |
Box 4, Folder 16 | Keep Your Head Down, Fritzie
| |
Box 4, Folder 17 | Keep Your Head Down, Fritzi Boy (We Saw
| |
Box 4, Folder 18 | The Khaki and the Blue
| |
Box 4, Folder 19 | Khaki Bill
| |
Box 4, Folder 20 | The Khaki Boys of
| |
Box 4, Folder 21 | The Kid Has Gone to the
| |
Box 4, Folder 22 | A Kiss from the Girl You
| |
Box 4, Folder 23 | Kiss Your Mother's Dear Sweet Lips for Me,
Old Pal - If You Get Home
| |
Box 4, Folder 24 | The Kiss That Made You
| |
Box 4, Folder 25 | K-K-K Katy
| |
Box 4, Folder 26 | Laddie Boy or (Good Bye and Luck Be With
You, Laddie Boy)
| |
Box 4, Folder 27 | A Laddie in France Is
| |
Box 4, Folder 28 | The Laddies Who Fought and
| |
Box 4, Folder 29 | Lafayette (We Hear You
| |
Box 4, Folder 30 | The Lanky Yankee Boys in
| |
Box 4, Folder 31 | Let Lovelight Be Always
| |
Box 4, Folder 32 | Let's All Be Americans
| |
Box 4, Folder 33 | Let's All Do Something (Uncle Sammy Wants
Us Now)
| |
Box 4, Folder 34 | Let's Be Ready, That's the Spirit of
| |
Box 4, Folder 35 | Let's Keep the Glow in Old
| |
Box 4, Folder 36 | A Letter from No Man's
| |
Box 4, Folder 37 | The Letter that Never Reached
| |
Box 4, Folder 38 | Let the Flag Fly!
| |
Box 4, Folder 39 | L-I-B-E-R-T-Y
| |
Box 4, Folder 40 | Liberty Bell
| |
Box 4, Folder 41 | Liberty Bond Magee
| |
Box 4, Folder 42 | Lips
| |
Box 4, Folder 43 | A Little Bit of
| |
Box 4, Folder 44 | The Little Good for Nothing's Good for
Something After All
| |
Box 4, Folder 45 | Little French Mother, Good
| |
Box 4, Folder 46 | Long Boy
| |
Box 4, Folder 47 | Long Live the
| |
Box 4, Folder 48 | Lorraine (My Beautiful Alsace
| |
Box 4, Folder 49 | Loyalty Is the Word
| |
Box 4, Folder 50 | Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole
| |
Box 4, Folder 51 | Mammy's Chocolate Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 52 | Mammy's Dixie Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 53 | The Man Behind
| |
Box 4, Folder 54 | The Man Behind the Hammer and the
| |
Box 4, Folder 55 | The Man in the Battle
| |
Box 4, Folder 56 | The Marching Boys
| |
Box 4, Folder 57 | Marching Out There With Old
| |
Box 4, Folder 58 | The Meaning of U.S.A.
| |
Box 4, Folder 59 | The Meaning of Y.M.C.A. (You Must Come
| |
Box 4, Folder 60 | The Message in the Bottle from the
| |
Box 4, Folder 61 | Mon Soldat (My Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 62 | Mother Here's Your Boy
| |
Box 4, Folder 63 | Mothers of America You Have done Your
| |
Box 4, Folder 64 | My Angel of the Flaming
| |
Box 4, Folder 65 | My Barney Lies Over the Ocean (The Way He
Lied To Me)
| |
Box 4, Folder 66 | My Belgian Rose
| |
Box 4, Folder 67 | My Big Little Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 68 | My Boy Joe
| |
Box 4, Folder 69 | My Choc'late Soldier Sammy
| |
Box 4, Folder 70 | My Daddy's Coming Home
| |
Box 4, Folder 71 | My Dream of the Big
| |
Box 4, Folder 72 | My Dream of the U.S.A.
| |
Box 4, Folder 73 | My Own United States
| |
Box 4, Folder 74 | My Red Cross Girlie
| |
Box 4, Folder 75 | My Salvation Nell
| |
Box 4, Folder 76 | My Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 77 | My Sweetheart Is Somewhere in
| |
Box 4, Folder 78 | My Uncle Sam
| |
Box 4, Folder 79 | My Uncle Sammy Gals
| |
Box 4, Folder 80 | My Yankee Doodle Girl
| |
Box 5 | ||
Box 5, Folder 1 | The Navy Will Bring Them
| |
Box 5, Folder 2 | The Navy Took Them Over and the Navy Will
Bring Them Back
| |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Never Forget To Write
| |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Never Swap Horses When You're Crossing a
| |
Box 5, Folder 5 | Now All the World's At
| |
Box 5, Folder 6 | Oh, Babe! (Just Save Your Kisses For Your
Yankee Soldier Boy)
| |
Box 5, Folder 7 | Oh, Danny, Love Your Annie like You
Learned It Over There
| |
Box 5, Folder 8 | Oh Frenchy
| |
Box 5, Folder 9 | Oh! How I Hate To Get Up in the
| |
Box 5, Folder 10 | Oh! How I Wish I Could Sleep Until My
Daddy Comes Home
| |
Box 5, Folder 11 | Oh, Moon of the Summer Night (Tell My
Mother Her Boy's All Right)
| |
Box 5, Folder 12 | Oh! What a Time for the
| |
Box 5, Folder 13 | Oh You Rookie
| |
Box 5, Folder 14 | Old Glory
| |
Box 5, Folder 15 | Old Glory and the
| |
Box 5, Folder 16 | Old Glory Goes Marching
| |
Box 5, Folder 17 | Old Glory, Your Flag and
| |
Box 5, Folder 18 | The Old Grey Mare
| |
Box 5, Folder 19 | Old Kaiser Bill
| |
Box 5, Folder 20 | On Duty
| |
Box 5, Folder 21 | On the Battle Field
| |
Box 5, Folder 22 | On To Plattsburg
| |
Box 5, Folder 23 | On to Spain
| |
Box 5, Folder 24 | On to Victory
| |
Box 5, Folder 25 | One for All and All for
| |
Box 5, Folder 26 | Only a Rose in No-Man's
| |
Box 5, Folder 27 | Only a Soldier Boy
| |
Box 5, Folder 28 | OO-La-La-Wee-Wee
| |
Box 5, Folder 29 | Oui, Oui, Marie
| |
Box 5, Folder 30 | Our Country's in It Now, We've Got To Win
It Now
| |
Box 5, Folder 31 | Our God, Our Country and Our
| |
Box 5, Folder 32 | Our Great United
| |
Box 5, Folder 33 | Over the Top
| |
Box 5, Folder 34 | Over There
| |
Box 5, Folder 35 | Over Yonder Where the Lilies
| |
Box 5, Folder 36 | Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag
and Smile, Smile, Smile!
| |
Box 5, Folder 37 | Patria
| |
Box 5, Folder 38 | Patriotic Songs of To-Day (Tramp, Tramp,
Tramp; Dixie Land; The Battle Cry Of Freedom; Columbia, the Gem of
the Ocean; The Star Spangled Banner
| |
Box 5, Folder 39 | Paul Revere (Won't You Ride For Us
| |
Box 5, Folder 40 | The Peacemaker
| |
Box 5, Folder 41 | Pick a Little Four Leaf Clover And Send It
Over To Me
| |
Box 5, Folder 42 | Please Bring Back My Daddy To
| |
Box 5, Folder 43 | The Ragtime Soldier
| |
Box 5, Folder 44 | The Ragtime Volunteers Are Off To
| |
Box 5, Folder 45 | A Rainbow From the
| |
Box 5, Folder 46 | Raus Mit Der Kaiser
| |
Box 5, Folder 47 | Right Hath Victory
| |
Box 5, Folder 48 | Ring Out! Sweet Bells of
| |
Box 5, Folder 49 | Rocked in the Cradle of
| |
Box 5, Folder 50 | The Rose of No Man's
| |
Box 5, Folder 51 | Roses of Lorraine
| |
Box 5, Folder 52 | The Russians Were Rushin', The Yanks
Started Yankin'
| |
Box 5, Folder 53 | Salvation Lassie of
| |
Box 5, Folder 54 | Salvation Nell
| |
Box 5, Folder 55 | Salvation Rose
| |
Box 5, Folder 56 | Save Your Kisses Till The Boys Come
| |
Box 5, Folder 57 | Say A Prayer For The Boys "Out
| |
Box 5, Folder 58 | Say "Au Revoir" But Not
| |
Box 5, Folder 59 | Second Regiment March
| |
Box 5, Folder 60 | Send Back Daddy Dear To
| |
Box 5, Folder 61 | Send Me Away With a
| |
Box 5, Folder 62 | Send Me a Picture of
| |
Box 5, Folder 63 | Set Aside Your Tears (Till the Boys Come
Marching Home)
| |
Box 5, Folder 64 | She'll Miss Me Most of
| |
Box 5, Folder 65 | Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for
| |
Box 5, Folder 66 | Soldier Boy
| |
Box 5, Folder 67 | The Soldier's Farewell
| |
Box 5, Folder 68 | A Soldier's Rosary
| |
Box 5, Folder 69 | So Long, Mother
| |
Box 5, Folder 70 | So Long Rhode Island
| |
Box 5, Folder 71 | So Long Sammy
| |
Box 5, Folder 72 | Somebody's Boy
| |
Box 5, Folder 73 | Some Day
| |
Box 5, Folder 74 | Someday They're Coming Home
| |
Box 5, Folder 75 | Somewhere in France
| |
Box 5, Folder 76 | Somewhere in France is
| |
Box 5, Folder 77 | Somewhere in France is the
| |
Box 5, Folder 78 | Sons of America
| |
Box 5, Folder 79 | Sons of the Flag
| |
Box 5, Folder 80 | The Spirit of America
| |
Box 5, Folder 81 | Spirit of Independence
| |
Box 5, Folder 82 | Stand Up and Fight Like
| |
Box 5, Folder 83 | The Star of Glory
| |
Box 5, Folder 84 | The Star Spangled
| |
Box 5, Folder 85 | The Stars in Old Glory
| |
Box 5, Folder 86 | The Story of Old Glory, the Flag We
| |
Box 5, Folder 87 | Sunshine
| |
Box 5, Folder 88 | Swing in Line
| |
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 1 | Take Care of the Man in a
| |
Box 6, Folder 2 | Take Me Back to My Dear Old
| |
Box 6, Folder 3 | The Tale the Church Bell
| |
Box 6, Folder 4 | Tell That to the
| |
Box 6, Folder 5 | That Grand Old
| |
Box 6, Folder 6 | That's a Mother's
| |
Box 6, Folder 7 | That's What the Red, White and Blue
| |
Box 6, Folder 8 | Their Heart's are Over
| |
Box 6, Folder 9 | Then You Can Come Back To
| |
Box 6, Folder 10 | There'll Be a Hot Time for the Old Men
While the Young Men Are away
| |
Box 6, Folder 11 | There'll Be a Hot-time When the Boys Are
Mustered Out
| |
Box 6, Folder 12 | There's a Battlefield in Every Mother's
| |
Box 6, Folder 13 | There's a Girl Who Is Knitting for
| |
Box 6, Folder 14 | There's a Great Day
| |
Box 6, Folder 15 | There's a Green Hill Out in
| |
Box 6, Folder 16 | There's a Happy Heart in Maryland and a
Broken Heart in Brittany
| |
Box 6, Folder 17 | There's a Light Shining Bright in the
Window To-Night
| |
Box 6, Folder 18 | There's a Little Bit if Irish
| |
Box 6, Folder 19 | There's a Little Blue Star in the Window
and It Means All the World to Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 20 | There's a Little Gold Star in the Service
| |
Box 6, Folder 21 | There's a Little Spark of Love Still
| |
Box 6, Folder 22 | There's a Long, Long
| |
Box 6, Folder 23 | There's an Angel Missing from
| |
Box 6, Folder 24 | There's a Service Flag Flying at Our
| |
Box 6, Folder 25 | There's a Sweet Little Girl and She's
Waiting for Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 26 | There's a Vacant Chair in Every Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 27 | There's Something 'Bout a Uniform that
Makes the Ladies Fall
| |
Box 6, Folder 28 | They Acted Like the
| |
Box 6, Folder 29 | They Put Our Little Percy in the
| |
Box 6, Folder 30 | They're Coming Back
| |
Box 6, Folder 31 | They're On Their Way To
| |
Box 6, Folder 32 | They're On Their Way to
| |
Box 6, Folder 33 | They Were All Out of Step But
| |
Box 6, Folder 34 | Tho' I Shared My Love with Uncle Sam I
Gave My Heart To You
| |
Box 6, Folder 35 | Those Draftin' Blues
| |
Box 6, Folder 36 | Three Wonderful Letters from
| |
Box 6, Folder 37 | Thtop Your Thtuttering
| |
Box 6, Folder 38 | Till We Meet Again
| |
Box 6, Folder 39 | A Tiny Bunch of
| |
Box 6, Folder 40 | Tom, Dick and Harry and
| |
Box 6, Folder 41 | Uncle Sam Has His Arms Around the Whole
| |
Box 6, Folder 42 | Uncle Sammy (March - Two
| |
Box 6, Folder 43 | Uncle Sammy Here's My
| |
Box 6, Folder 44 | Uncle Sammy Is A-Calling
| |
Box 6, Folder 45 | Uncle Sammy's Army
| |
Box 6, Folder 46 | Uncle Sammy's Girl
| |
Box 6, Folder 47 | Uncle Sam's Ships
| |
Box 6, Folder 48 | Victorious America
| |
Box 6, Folder 49 | Victory
| |
Box 6, Folder 50 | Wait For Your Honey
| |
Box 6, Folder 51 | Wake Up America
| |
Box 6, Folder 52 | Wake Up and Give the Boys a
| |
Box 6, Folder 53 | The Waltz Must Change to a March,
| |
Box 6, Folder 54 | War
| |
Box 6, Folder 55 | War Babies
| |
Box 6, Folder 56 | War Brides
| |
Box 6, Folder 57 | Watch Hope and Wait Little Girl, "I'm
Coming Back to You"
| |
Box 6, Folder 58 | Way Down There a Dixie Boy Is
| |
Box 6, Folder 59 | We Don't Want the Bacon, What We Want Is a
Piece of the Rhine
| |
Box 6, Folder 60 | We Stopped Them at the
| |
Box 6, Folder 61 | Wee, Wee Marie
| |
Box 6, Folder 62 | Welcome Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 63 | Welcome Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 64 | Welcome Home, Laddie Boy, Welcome
| |
Box 6, Folder 65 | We'll Build a Little Home in the
| |
Box 6, Folder 66 | We'll Carry the Star Spangled Banner Thru
the Trenches
| |
Box 6, Folder 67 | We'll Do Our Share (While You're Over
| |
Box 6, Folder 68 | We'll Follow the Stars and Stripes to
H-E-Double-L To Win For Uncle Sam
| |
Box 6, Folder 69 | We'll Keep the Things Going 'Till the Boys
Come Home (Won't We Girls?)
| |
Box 6, Folder 70 | We'll Knock the Heligo-Into Heligo Out of
| |
Box 6, Folder 71 | We'll Lick the Kaiser If It Takes Us
Twenty Years
| |
Box 6, Folder 72 | We'll Never Let Our Old Flag
| |
Box 6, Folder 73 | We're All going Calling on the
| |
Box 6, Folder 74 | We're in the Army Now
| |
Box 6, Folder 75 | We're Bound to Win with Boys Like
| |
Box 6, Folder 76 | We're Building a Bridge to
| |
Box 6, Folder 77 | We're Coming Back to
| |
Box 6, Folder 78 | We're Going Over
| |
Box 7 | ||
Box 7, Folder 1 | We're Going to Get Along Without the
| |
Box 7, Folder 2 | We're Going to Hang the
| |
Box 7, Folder 3 | We're Going to Take the Sword Away From
| |
Box 7, Folder 4 | We're On Our Way to
| |
Box 7, Folder 5 | We Want Our Daddy Dear, Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 6 | We Will Show Them What America Can
| |
Box 7, Folder 7 | We Won
| |
Box 7, Folder 8 | We Won't Be With You To-Morrow, To-Day We
March Away
| |
Box 7, Folder 9 | What Are You Going To Do To Help the
| |
Box 7, Folder 10 | What Kind of American Are
| |
Box 7, Folder 11 | What'll We Do With Him
| |
Box 7, Folder 12 | What's the Matter With
| |
Box 7, Folder 13 | When Alexander Takes His Ragtime Band to
| |
Box 7, Folder 14 | When a Blue Service Star Turns to
| |
Box 7, Folder 15 | When Dewey Comes Sailing
| |
Box 7, Folder 16 | When Germany Licks England, Old Ireland
Will Be Free
| |
Box 7, Folder 17 | When I Come Back To
| |
Box 7, Folder 18 | When I Get Back to My American
| |
Box 7, Folder 19 | When I See You, I See Red White and
| |
Box 7, Folder 20 | When I Send You a Picture of
| |
Box 7, Folder 21 | When It Comes to a Lovingless
| |
Box 7, Folder 22 | When It's Over, Over There Molly
| |
Box 7, Folder 23 | When Our Mothers Rule the
| |
Box 7, Folder 24 | When Pershing's Men Go Marching Into
| |
Box 7, Folder 25 | When The Apple Blossoms Bloom in
| |
Box 7, Folder 26 | When the Band from Dixieland Plays "La
| |
Box 7, Folder 27 | When the Band Plays
| |
Box 7, Folder 28 | When the Boys Come
| |
Box 7, Folder 29 | When the Boys From Dixie Eat the Melon on
the Rhine
| |
Box 7, Folder 30 | When the Flag Goes By
| |
Box 7, Folder 31 | When the Flowers Bloom On No Man's
| |
Box 7, Folder 32 | When the Lusitania Went
| |
Box 7, Folder 33 | When the Soldier Boys Come Marching
| |
Box 7, Folder 34 | When the Sun Goes Down in
| |
Box 7, Folder 35 | When the War Is O'er
| |
Box 7, Folder 36 | When the War is Over I'll Return to
| |
Box 7, Folder 37 | When the Yankees Yank the Kaiser Off His
| |
Box 7, Folder 38 | When the "Yanks" Come Marching
| |
Box 7, Folder 39 | When They Get Down in
| |
Box 7, Folder 40 | When Tommy Atkins Marries Dolly
| |
Box 7, Folder 41 | When Tony Goes Over the
| |
Box 7, Folder 42 | When We Go Over the
| |
Box 7, Folder 43 | When We Meet in the Sweet Bye and
| |
Box 7, Folder 44 | When We Reach That Old Port Somewhere in
| |
Box 7, Folder 45 | When We Wind Up the Watch on the
| |
Box 7, Folder 46 | When Yankee Doodle Learns to "Parlez-Vous
| |
Box 7, Folder 47 | When Yankee Doodle Sails Upon the Good
Ship "Home, Sweet Home"
| |
Box 7, Folder 48 | When Yankee Doodle Starts To Do, Good Bye
| |
Box 7, Folder 49 | When You Come Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 50 | When You Come Back My Soldier
| |
Box 7, Folder 51 | When You're Lonesome For Someone Who's
Lonesome For You
| |
Box 7, Folder 52 | Where Do We Go From
| |
Box 7, Folder 53 | While You're Away
| |
Box 7, Folder 54 | The White House Is the Light House of the
| |
Box 7, Folder 55 | The Whole World Is Calling
| |
Box 7, Folder 56 | Who'll Take Care of the
| |
Box 7, Folder 57 | The Wild Irish Boy
| |
Box 7, Folder 58 | Will You Wait Little Girl For
| |
Box 7, Folder 59 | The Winning Fight
| |
Box 7, Folder 60 | With the Rose (I Send This Heart of
| |
Box 7, Folder 61 | The Worst Is Yet To
| |
Box 7, Folder 62 | Would You Rather Be a Colonel With an
Eagle on Your Shoulder or a Private With a Chicken on Your
| |
Box 7, Folder 63 | Yankee Boys
| |
Box 7, Folder 64 | The Yankee Division
| |
Box 7, Folder 65 | The Yankee Doodle Boy
| |
Box 7, Folder 66 | Yankee Doodle's Going To
| |
Box 7, Folder 67 | Yankee Girl I Am Coming Back to
| |
Box 7, Folder 68 | Yankees on the Rhine
| |
Box 7, Folder 69 | The Yanks Are Over There
| |
Box 7, Folder 70 | You Can't Blame the Girlies At
| |
Box 7, Folder 71 | You Can't Drive My Dreams
| |
Box 7, Folder 72 | You Can Tell By His Smile Or His
| |
Box 7, Folder 73 | You Keep Sending 'Em Over and We'll Keep
Knocking 'Em Down
| |
Box 7, Folder 74 | You'll Find Old Dixieland in
| |
Box 7, Folder 75 | You'll Have To Put Him To Sleep with the
Marseillaise And Wake Him Up With a OO-La-La
| |
Box 7, Folder 76 | Young America We're Strong For
| |
Box 7, Folder 77 | Your Boy Is On the Coal Pile
| |
Box 7, Folder 78 | Your Country Needs You
| |
Box 7, Folder 79 | You're a Grand Old
| |
Box 7, Folder 80 | You're on the Right Side of the
| |
Box 7, Folder 81 | You're the Greatest Little Mothers in the
| |
Box 7, Folder 82 | Your Lips Are No Man's Land But
| |
Box 7, Folder 83 | Your Mother's Gone Away To Join the
| |
Box 7, Folder 84 | Your Mother is Thinking of
| |
Box 7, Folder 85 | You've Got To Go in or Go
Series 2: World War II Sheet Music
(2 Boxes)Subseries A: Wartime
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | America! Lets Go!
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Anchors Aweigh (The Song of the
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | And Russia Is Her
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Angels of Mercy
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Any Bonds Today? (Theme Song of the
National Defense Savings Program)
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | The Army Air Corps (Official Song of
the U.S. Army Air Corps)
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Arms for the Love of
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Bell Bottom
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | The Bombardier
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | A Boy in Khaki - A Girl in
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | British Eighth
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | Buy a Bond
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Buy a Bond Today
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | The Caissons Go Rolling
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Can't You Read Between the
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Comin' In On A Wing And A
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Counting the Days
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Cowpens
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Dear Mom
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Der Fuehrer's Face
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Don't Let It Happen
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree (With
Anyone Else But Me)
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Ev'rybody, Ev'ry
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Ev'ry Little Bit
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Ev'ry One's A Fighting Son Of That Old
Gang Of Mine
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | Favorite Songs of the Red Army and
Navy (compiled and edited by David J.
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | A Fellow On A
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | The Freedom Train
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | G. I. Jive
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | Give a Cheer for the Boys in
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Go Back Where You
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | God Bless America (incomplete, missing
pages 3 & 4)
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Good Night, Wherever You
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Goodbye Dear, I'll Be Back in a
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | Goodbye Mama (I'm Off To
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | Goodnight Soldier
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | He Wears a Pair of Silver
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | He's My Uncle
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | He's 1-A In The Army (Amnd He's A-1 In
My Heart)
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Heave Ho! My Lads, Heave Ho! (Official
Song of the Merchant Marine)
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | Here Comes the
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | Here's To You,
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | I Just Kissed Your Picture
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | I Took My Girl To An Army
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | I'll Be Home For
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | I'll Pray For You
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | In My Arms
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | In My Heart Next To
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | It's Great To Be An
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | It's Up to You-In
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | I've Been Drafted (Now I'm Drafting
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Johnny Zero
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | Just a Blue Serge
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Just a Prayer Away
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | Keep 'Em Flying
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Land of the Free
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | The Last Time I Saw
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | Let's Say a Prayer (For Somebody's
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | The Letter That Never Reached
| |
Box 1, Folder 61 | Light a Candle in the
| |
Box 1, Folder 62 | Lilliburlero: The Victory
| |
Box 1, Folder 63 | A Little Old Church in
| |
Box 1, Folder 64 | A Little On The Lonely
| |
Box 1, Folder 65a | Mairzy Doats
| |
Box 1, Folder 65b | March of the Volunteers (A Song Of
Fighting China)
| |
Box 1, Folder 66 | The Marines' Hymn (From The Halls of
Montezuma To The Shores of Tripoli)
| |
Box 1, Folder 67 | The Men of the Merchant
| |
Box 1, Folder 68 | Men of the Open
| |
Box 1, Folder 69 | Mother, My Pin Up
| |
Box 1, Folder 70 | My Boy in Khaki
| |
Box 1, Folder 71 | New Songs of Old
| |
Box 1, Folder 72 | The Nickel
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | No Letter Today
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Oh! They're Makin' Me All Over in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Old Soldiers Never Die (They Just Fade
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Onward America! (For
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Over Here
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Please Write!
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Praise the Lord and Pass the
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | The Ramparts We
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Remember Me While I'm
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Remember Pearl
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Ridin' Herd On A
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Rodger Young
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Rosie the Riveter
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | The Sailor With the Navy Blue
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | Say a Pray'r for the
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | Shout! Wherever You May Be, I Am an
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Silver Wings in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Sky Anchors
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Soldier's Life
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Soldiers of Supply
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | Something to Write Home
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Song of Stalingrad
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Song of the
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | The Song of the Marines (We're Shovin'
Right Off Again)
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | The Song of the
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | Strip Polka
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | (I Love You - I Love You - I Love You)
Sweetheart of All My Dreams
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | Thank You America
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | Thank Your Lucky Stars And Stripes
(You Live In The U.S.A.)
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Thanks To The
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | There'll Always Be An
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | (There'll Be A) Hot Time In The Town
Of Berlin (When the Yanks Go Marching In)
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | There's A Star Spangled Banner Waving
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | They Started
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | This Is Worth Fighting
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Thumbs Up
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | Thumbs Up (To The
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | Til' Reveille
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | The Time Is Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | A Touch of Texas
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | United We Stand
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | V. V. V. (The Triple
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | Victory Christmas
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | The Victory
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | Vict'ry Polka
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | Wait For Me Mary
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | We Did It Before (And We Can Do It
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | We Mustn't Say
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | We're Gonna Have To Slap the Dirty
Little Jap
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | What Do You Do in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | What Does a Soldier Dream
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | When Hitler Telephones for
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | When I Heard Taps Blow That
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | When the Allies Get Thru With
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | When the Lights Go On Again (All Over
The World)
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | When They Sound the Last All
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | When You Hear the Sirens
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | (There'll Be Blue Birds Over) The
White Cliffs of Dover
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | The Wings of
| |
Box 2, Folder 60 | Wings to Victory
| |
Box 2, Folder 61 | You'll Never Be Blue in a Blue
| |
Box 2, Folder 62 | You're a Sap, Mister
Subseries B: Between the Wars
Box 2, Folder 63 | The Air Force Takes
| |
Box 2, Folder 64 | Father of the Land We
| |
Box 2, Folder 65 | I'll Be Seeing You
| |
Box 2, Folder 66 | Marching to
| |
Box 2, Folder 67 | The Marines' Hymn (From The Halls of
Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli)
| |
Box 2, Folder 68 | The Navy Gets the Gravy, But the Army
Gets the Beans
| |
Box 2, Folder 69 | An Open Letter To My Teenage
| |
Box 2, Folder 70 | Semper Paratus
| |
Box 2, Folder 71 | Since Katy the Waitress (Became an
| |
Box 2, Folder 72 | Sound Off
| |
Box 2, Folder 73 | To Arms! To Arms!
| |
Box 2, Folder 74 | U.S. That Means Us
| |
Box 2, Folder 75 | The Universal
| |
Box 2, Folder 76 | Waltzing Matilda
| |
Box 2, Folder 77 | We're a Couple of Soldiers, My Baby
and Me
Series 3: Dance Sheet Music
(4 Boxes)Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Ain't It Funny, "That Easy, Squeezing,
Teasy, Pleasing Rag-Time"
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Alamo Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | All Muddled Up
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | American Beauty Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | The Angle Worm Wiggle
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Another Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Any Rags
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Apple-Jack
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | At the High Brown Babies' Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | At the Mississippi Cabaret
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | At the Yiddisher Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | A Bag of Rags
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Ballin' the Jack Fox-Trot
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Baltimore
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | The Baltimore Bombashay
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | The Bamboula
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Barbed Wire Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Billy-Billy Bounce Your Baby Doll
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Bingo Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Blame It on the Waltz
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Borneo Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | The Boulevard Glide
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Breakaway
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Bric-a-Brac Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | The Broadway Glide
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | The Bumble Bee Characteristic Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | By Heck, Eccentric Fox-Trot
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | Cabaret Rag Song
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | The Camel Walk
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Canadian Capers
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | Carbarlick Acid Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Castle Innovation Tango
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Castle Society Dance Folio: Tunes for the Hesitation, Maxixie,
Tango, Boston, Trot One Step
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | The Castle Walk Song
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | Cavalier Rustican' Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | The Charleston
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | The Chicken Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | Chicken Reel or Performer’s Buck
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Chills and Fever Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | The Circus Girl Two-Step
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | Clover Blossom Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | Columbia Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | C.O.D. (Come on Dance)
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | The Cootie Tickle
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | The Cubanola Glide
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | The Cute Little Wigglin' Dance
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Dainty Demoiselles Novelette
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | Daisy Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Dance Coquette
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | Dance-O-Mania
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Dance-O-Mania (Revised Edition)
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Dance With a Dolly (With A Hole In Her Stockin’)
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | Dancing Marathon
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Darktown Dancin' School
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | The Darktown Strutter's Ball
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Dat Lovin' Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Dengozo Maxixe
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Dill Pickles
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Dippy Droll
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Do the Funny Fox Trot
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | Doing the Boom Boom
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Doing the Derby
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Doin' the Raccoon
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Don't Take That Black Bottom Away
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | The Dublin Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Edelweiss Glide
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | The Entertainer's Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | Everybody Rag With Me
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | Everybody's Doin' It Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Ev'rybody Loves To Dance
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Ev'rybody Shimmies Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Everybody Two-Step
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | The Flapper Walk
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | The Flippity Flop
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | The Foot Warmer
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Franco-American Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | Frenchy-Koo
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Frisco's Kitchen Stove Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | Frog Legs Rags
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | The Gaby Glide
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | The Georgia Grind
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | The Georgia Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Gigolo
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | Go and Get the Habit
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | Good Gravy Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | (The Dance of) The Grizzly Bear
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | Hanky Panky Glide
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | He's a Rag Picker
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Hesitation (L'hesitation)
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | Hitchy Koo
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | The Hold Up Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | Honolulu Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | The Horse Trot
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | I Can Dance With Everybody But My Wife
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | I Love To See the Dancers Shuffle Along
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | I Love To Tango With My Tea
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | The Irish Tango
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | I'd Rather Two-Step Than Waltz, Bill!
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | I've Joined the Squirrel Family
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | I Would Like To Try It
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | Jamaica Jinjer
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | The Joker March Two-Step
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | The Junk Man Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | The Kangaroo Hop
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | Kangaroo Hop
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | Kansas City Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | Kill That Bear
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | Let's Toddle at the Midnight Ball
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | Little Rag Baby Doll
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | Live Wires Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | Loose Feet, the Dance of Blue Goose Pete
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | The Mad Madrid
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | Mammy's Shufflin' Dance
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | Maple Leaf Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | Mariutch
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | Me Heart Breaker Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | Military Waltz
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | Minnie Shimmie For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | Minuet of the 400
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | The Mississippi Dippy Dip
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | Motor King (missing pgs.3-4)
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | My Margarita
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | My Syncopated Melody Man
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | Nigger-Toe Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | Nights of Gladness
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | Oh That Oh That Navajo Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | Oh! That Yankiana Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | Oh You Hesitating Tango Trot
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | One Wonderful Night
| |
Box 3, Folder 23 | Parisienne
| |
Box 3, Folder 24 | The Parisienne Walk
| |
Box 3, Folder 25 | Pennsylvania Polka
| |
Box 3, Folder 26 | Pigeon Walk
| |
Box 3, Folder 27 | Pigeon Walk Song
| |
Box 3, Folder 28 | Pineapple Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 29 | Porcupine Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 30 | Powder Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 31 | Pussyfoot Prance
| |
Box 3, Folder 32 | Put Me To Sleep With an Old Fashioned Melody
| |
Box 3, Folder 33 | Rag, Baby Mine
| |
Box 3, Folder 34 | Rag-Bag Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 35 | Rag Pickers Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 36 | Ragging the Baby To Sleep
| |
Box 3, Folder 37 | Ragging the Old Vienna Roll
| |
Box 3, Folder 38 | Ragtime Arabian Nights
| |
Box 3, Folder 39 | The Ragtime Dream
| |
Box 3, Folder 40 | The Ragtime Goblin Man
| |
Box 3, Folder 41 | Ragtime Nick
| |
Box 3, Folder 42 | The Ragtime Soldier Man
| |
Box 3, Folder 43 | The Red Rose Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 44 | Reuben Fox-Trot
| |
Box 3, Folder 45 | The Rock and Roll Waltz
| |
Box 3, Folder 46 | Rockaway
| |
Box 3, Folder 47 | Roll Me Around Like a Hoop My Dear
| |
Box 3, Folder 48 | Russian Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 49 | Salome Jackson
| |
Box 3, Folder 50 | Shoogy-Shoo
| |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | Since Mary Ann McCue Came Back From Honolulu
| |
Box 4, Folder 2 | The Skeleton Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Sleepy Lou
| |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Slow and Easy
| |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Society Swing
| |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Southern Slide
| |
Box 4, Folder 7 | The St. Louis Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 8 | Strip Polka
| |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Struttin' at the Strutters Ball
| |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Sweetheart Let Us Dance the Boston
| |
Box 4, Folder 11 | Tackin' 'Em Down
| |
Box 4, Folder 12 | Take Me To the Midnight Cake Walk Ball
| |
Box 4, Folder 13 | Tango Argentino
| |
Box 4, Folder 14 | The Tango in the Sky
| |
Box 4, Folder 15 | Temptation The Great Rag Song
| |
Box 4, Folder 16 | Temptation Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 17 | Texas Steer Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 18 | That Banjo Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 19 | That Baboon Baby Dance
| |
Box 4, Folder 20 | That College Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 21 | That Ev'ry Little Movement Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 22 | That Fussy Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 23 | That Loving Rag Time Man
| |
Box 4, Folder 24 | That Mexican Twist
| |
Box 4, Folder 25 | That Pavey Glide
| |
Box 4, Folder 26 | That Raggy Rag-Time Band
| |
Box 4, Folder 27 | That Rag-Time Regimental Band
| |
Box 4, Folder 28 | That Railroad Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 29 | That Reuben Tango Huskin' Bee
| |
Box 4, Folder 30 | That Slippery Slide Trombone
| |
Box 4, Folder 31 | That Syncopated Boogie Boo
| |
Box 4, Folder 32 | That Tango Tokio
| |
Box 4, Folder 33 | They Called It The Dixie Blues
| |
Box 4, Folder 34 | They Start the Victrola (And Go Dancing Around the
| |
Box 4, Folder 35 | Those Ragtime Melodies
| |
Box 4, Folder 36 | The Tickle Toe
| |
Box 4, Folder 37 | The Tipperary Twirl
| |
Box 4, Folder 38 | Toboggan Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 39 | Toddle
| |
Box 4, Folder 40 | Tres Moutarde
| |
Box 4, Folder 41 | The Trolley Car Swing
| |
Box 4, Folder 42 | The Turkey Trot Glide
| |
Box 4, Folder 43 | Un Appel D'Amour
| |
Box 4, Folder 44 | Wall Street Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 45 | The Wedding of the Shimmie and Jazz
| |
Box 4, Folder 46 | The Wedding Glide
| |
Box 4, Folder 47 | When I Trip Thru the One-Step With You
| |
Box 4, Folder 48 | When Rosie Riccoola Do Da Hoola Ma Boola
| |
Box 4, Folder 49 | When the Steamboats on the Swanee Whistle Rag-Time
| |
Box 4, Folder 50 | When Uncle Joe Plays a Rag on His Old Banjo
| |
Box 4, Folder 51 | When You’re Dancing The Old Fashioned Waltz
| |
Box 4, Folder 52 | While They Were Dancing Around
| |
Box 4, Folder 53 | You Can Tango You Can Trot Dear But Be Sure and
| |
Box 4, Folder 54 | You Can't Get Away From It
Series A: Popular Music Titles A-D
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | "A" - You're Adorable (The Alphabet
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | The Aba Daba Honeymoon
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Abadele
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Abdul the Bulbul Ameer
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Abdul Abulbul Amir
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | About a Quarter to
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Absence Makes the Heart Grow
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (for
somebody else)
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | Absent
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | Accent on Youth
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | Accident'ly on Purpose
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Adelai
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Adios Muchachos!
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Adorable
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Adorable (A Romance in
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Adored One
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Afghanistan
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Afraid to Dream
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | After a While
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | After All
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | After All
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | After All is Said and
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | After All of These
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | After All That I've Been To
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | After A While
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | After All I Adore You
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | After Every Party
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | After I've Called You Sweetheart (How Can
I Call You Friend)
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | After I've Spent My Best Years On
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | After My Laughter Came
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | After Sundown
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | After the Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | After the Roses Have Faded
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | After They Gather the
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | After Today
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | After You Get What You Want You Don't Want
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | After We Kiss
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | After 'While
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | (You'll Be Too Late When You Knock at my
Gate) After 'While
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | After You
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | After You've Gone
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | After You've Had Your
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | Again
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | Ages Ago
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | Aggravatin' Papa (Don't You Try to
Two-Time Me)
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | A Gozar (Let's Be Gay)
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Ah, But Is It Love?
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | Ah, But I've Learned
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Ah Ha!
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | Ah! Sweet Mystery of
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Ain't Dat A Shame
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Ain't I the Foolish
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | (I Hold Her Hand and She Holds Mine) Ain't
Nature Grand?
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Ain't She Sweet
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | Ain't That The Way It
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Ain't That Too Bad
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | Ain't We Carryin' On
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | Ain't We Got Fun
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | Ain'tcha?
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Ain't Cha Coming Back, Mary Ann, To
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Ain't-Cha' Glad?
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Ain't That A Grand And Glorious Feeling?
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Ain't You Ashamed
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Ain't You Coming Back To
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Ain't You Coming Back To Old New Hampshire
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Ain't You Coming Out
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | Ain't You Glad You Found
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Alabama Lullaby
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Alabama Moon
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Alabamy Blacksheep (Won't You Return My
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Alabamy Bound
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Alabamy Mammy
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | Ala Moana
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | The Album of My Dreams
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | The Alcoholic Blues (Some
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Alexander (Don't You Love Your Baby No
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Alexander's Band is Back in
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Alexander's Got a Jazz Band
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Alexander's Ragtime
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | Alexandria
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Algernon
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Alice in Wonderland
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | Alice I'm in Wonderland (Since the first
day I met you)
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Alice, Where Art Though
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | All Aboard for Blanket
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | All Aboard for
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | All Aboard for Dixie
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | All Aboard for
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | All Aboard for Heaven
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | All Aboard for
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | All Aboard for Playland (Down By the
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | All About Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | All Alone
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | All Alone
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | All Alone With You in a Little
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | All American Girl
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | All Ashore
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | All By My Lonesome
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | All By Myself
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | All By Yourself in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | All Coons Look Alike to
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | All Dressed Up With a Broken
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | All For You
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | All For the Love of
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | All Gods Chillun Got
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | All He Does is Follow Them
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | All I Can Do is Just Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | All I Do is Dream of
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | All I Need is a Girl Like
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | All I Want is a Cottage, Some Roses, and
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | All I Want is Y-O-U
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | All I Want is You
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | All In Down And Out
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | All Mine- Almost
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | All My Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | All My Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | All Night Long
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | All of a Sudden
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | All of Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | All of the Time
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | All on Account of a Dear Little
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | All or Nothing At All
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | All Over Nothing At
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | All She'd Say Was
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | All She Gets From The Iceman is
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | The All Star Jazz Band
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | All That I Need is You
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | All That I'm Asking is
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | All That She Is Is An Old Fashioned
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | All The Boy's Love
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | All The Luck In the World To
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | All The Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers (In
Quaker Town)
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | All The World Will Be Jealous of
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | All Through The Day
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | All Through The Love of
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | All To The Merry
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | Alla
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | Alleghany Moon
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | The Alley Way of My
| |
Box 3, Folder 23 | Alma
| |
Box 3, Folder 24 | Alma Mammy
| |
Box 3, Folder 25 | Aloha Collection of Hawaiian
| |
Box 3, Folder 26 | Aloha OE
| |
Box 3, Folder 27 | Aloha Sweet Land
| |
Box 3, Folder 28 | Aloma
| |
Box 3, Folder 29 | Aloma Song
| |
Box 3, Folder 30 | Alone
| |
Box 3, Folder 31 | Alone At Last
| |
Box 3, Folder 32 | Alone In A Corner
| |
Box 3, Folder 33 | Alone in the Rain
| |
Box 3, Folder 34 | Along the Navajo Trail
| |
Box 3, Folder 35 | Along The Rocky Road to
| |
Box 3, Folder 36 | Along the Santa Fe
| |
Box 3, Folder 37 | Along the Trail Where the Blue Grass
| |
Box 3, Folder 38 | Along the Way to
| |
Box 3, Folder 39 | Along Tobacco Road
| |
Box 3, Folder 40 | Always
| |
Box 3, Folder 41 | Always
| |
Box 3, Folder 42 | Always and Always
| |
Box 3, Folder 43 | Always Be Honey to Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 44 | Always Happy
| |
Box 3, Folder 45 | Always in My Heart (Forever in my
| |
Box 3, Folder 46 | Always in My Heart
| |
Box 3, Folder 47 | Always in the Way
| |
Box 3, Folder 48 | Always Looking for a Little
| |
Box 3, Folder 49 | Always Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 50 | Always Take a Girl Named
| |
Box 3, Folder 51 | Am I A Passing Fancy (Or Am I In One Of
Your Dreams?)
| |
Box 3, Folder 52 | Am I Gonna See You Some
| |
Box 3, Folder 53 | Am I in Love?
| |
Box 3, Folder 54 | Am I To Blame?
| |
Box 3, Folder 55 | Am I Wasting My Time On
| |
Box 3, Folder 56 | Amapola
| |
Box 3, Folder 57 | America I Love You
| |
Box 3, Folder 58 | America Up To Date
| |
Box 3, Folder 59 | American Beauty Rose
| |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | The American Girl March (for
| |
Box 4, Folder 2 | The American Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Among My Souvenirs
| |
Among My Souvenirs
| ||
Box 4, Folder 4 | Among the Missing
| |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Amor
| |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Amorita (Spanish Fox Trot
| |
Box 4, Folder 7 | An Afternoon in
| |
Box 4, Folder 8 | An Apple Blossom
| |
Box 4, Folder 9 | An Apple For the
| |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Anastasia
| |
Box 4, Folder 11 | And A Little Bit More
| |
Box 4, Folder 12 | And A Little Child Shall Lead
| |
Box 4, Folder 13 | (I'm Just Wild About Everything) And
Especially You
| |
Box 4, Folder 14 | And Her Tears Flowed Like
| |
Box 4, Folder 15 | And I Still Do
| |
Box 4, Folder 16 | And Mimi-
| |
Box 4, Folder 17 | And So Goodbye
| |
Box 4, Folder 18 | And So I Married The
| |
Box 4, Folder 19 | And So Little Time
| |
Box 4, Folder 20 | And So To Bed
| |
Box 4, Folder 21 | And That Ain't All
| |
Box 4, Folder 22 | And The Angels Sing
| |
Box 4, Folder 23 | And Then
| |
Box 4, Folder 24 | And Then Came Love
| |
Box 4, Folder 25 | And Then I Forget
| |
Box 4, Folder 26 | And Then Some
| |
Box 4, Folder 27 | And Then Your Lips Met
| |
Box 4, Folder 28 | And There You Are
| |
Box 4, Folder 29 | And They Say He Went To
| |
Box 4, Folder 30 | Andy Gump
| |
Box 4, Folder 31 | Angel Baby
| |
Box 4, Folder 32 | Angel Chil'
| |
Box 4, Folder 33 | Angel Child
| |
Box 4, Folder 34 | Angela Mia (My Angel)
| |
Box 4, Folder 35 | Angels (We Call Them Mothers Down
| |
Box 4, Folder 36 | Angry
| |
Box 4, Folder 37 | Animal Crackers in my
| |
Box 4, Folder 38 | Anita
| |
Box 4, Folder 39 | Anna in Indiana
| |
Box 4, Folder 40 | Annabelle
| |
Box 4, Folder 41 | Annie Doesn't Live Here
| |
Box 4, Folder 42 | Anniversary Song
| |
Box 4, Folder 43 | Anona
| |
Box 4, Folder 44 | Another Perfect Day Has Passed
| |
Box 4, Folder 45 | Answer (Saying That You Love
| |
Box 4, Folder 46 | Answer Me, My Love
| |
Box 4, Folder 47 | Answer To Nobody's Darlin But
| |
Box 4, Folder 48 | Anti Cigarette Society
| |
Box 4, Folder 49 | Any Ice?
| |
Box 4, Folder 50 | Any Ice Today Lady?
| |
Box 4, Folder 51 | Any Little Girl Can Make A Bad Man
Good(And A Good Man Bad, They Say)
| |
Box 4, Folder 52 | Any Little Girl, That's a Nice Little
Girl, Is The Right Little Girl For Me
| |
Box 4, Folder 53 | Any Old Name is a Wonderful Name (If It
Labels A Wonderful Girl)
| |
Box 4, Folder 54 | Any Old Place I Can Hang My Hat is Home
Sweet Home To Me
| |
Box 4, Folder 55 | Any Old Port in a
| |
Box 4, Folder 56 | Any Old Time at All
| |
Box 4, Folder 57 | Any Old Time At All
| |
Box 4, Folder 58 | Any Old Tune At All
| |
Box 4, Folder 59 | Any Time
| |
Box 4, Folder 60 | Any Time's The Time To Fall in
| |
Box 4, Folder 61 | Any Way The Wind Blows
| |
Box 5 | ||
Box 5, Folder 1 | Anything Is Nice If It Comes From
| |
Box 5, Folder 2 | Anything To Hold Your
| |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Anything You Say
| |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Anytime, Anyday,
| |
Box 5, Folder 5 | Apple Blossoms
| |
Box 5, Folder 6 | (I'll Be With You In) Apple Blossom
| |
Box 5, Folder 7 | "Apple Sass"
| |
Box 5, Folder 8 | Apple Sauce
| |
Box 5, Folder 9 | Apres La Guerre (After the
| |
Box 5, Folder 10 | April In My Heart
| |
Box 5, Folder 11 | Arazzamatazz
| |
Box 5, Folder 12 | Arabia (One-Step Song)
| |
Box 5, Folder 13 | Arabia (Instrumental: Oriental Intermezzo
and Fox Trot)
| |
Box 5, Folder 14 | Arcady (A Melody
| |
Box 5, Folder 15 | Are You Ashamed of Me?
| |
Box 5, Folder 16 | Are You Coming Out Tonight Mary
| |
Box 5, Folder 17 | Are You From Dixie? ('Cause I'm From
Dixie, Too!)
| |
Box 5, Folder 18 | Are You From Heaven?
| |
Box 5, Folder 19 | Are You Happy? (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 20 | Are You Lonesome To-night? (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 21 | Are You Playing Fair?
| |
Box 5, Folder 22 | Are You Sincere?
| |
Box 5, Folder 23 | Are You Sorry? (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 24 | Are You Thinking Of Me To-Night?
(Sentimental Waltz Ballad - with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 25 | Aren't You Glad You're
| |
Box 5, Folder 26 | Arizona Mary
| |
Box 5, Folder 27 | Armenian Maid
| |
Box 5, Folder 28 | The Army of Peace
| |
Box 5, Folder 29 | Around the Corner (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 30 | Around The World
| |
Box 5, Folder 31 | Arrah Arabia (Irish-Arabian
| |
Box 5, Folder 32 | Arrah Go On, I'm Gonna Go Back to
| |
Box 5, Folder 33 | Arrah Wanna (Song and Intermezzo
| |
Box 5, Folder 34 | As A Porcupine Pines For Its Pork (That's
How I Pine For You)(with ukelele accompaniment)
| |
Box 5, Folder 35 | As It Was Written (An Easter
| |
Box 5, Folder 36 | As Long As I Live
| |
Box 5, Folder 37 | As Long As I'm
| |
Box 5, Folder 38 | As Long As The Shamrock Grows
| |
Box 5, Folder 39 | As Long As You're Near
| |
Box 5, Folder 40 | As The Grain Needs The Rain, So I Need You
Once Again
| |
Box 5, Folder 41 | As The Nightingale Calls To Its Mate,
| |
Box 5, Folder 42 | As Time Goes By
| |
Box 5, Folder 43 | As Years Go By
| |
Box 5, Folder 44 | As You Were (When I First Met You, That's
How I Want You Today)
| |
Box 5, Folder 45 | The Ashes of My Heart
| |
Box 5, Folder 46 | Asia Minor And You
| |
Box 5, Folder 47 | Ask Me (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 48 | Ask Me Another (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 49 | At A Georgia
| |
Box 5, Folder 50 | At A Perfume Counter on the Rue de la
| |
Box 5, Folder 51 | At Close of the Day
| |
Box 5, Folder 52 | At Dusk
| |
Box 5, Folder 53 | At Half Past -!!
| |
Box 5, Folder 54 | At Last
| |
Box 5, Folder 55 | At Last
| |
Box 5, Folder 56 | At Sundown (Love Is Calling Me Home) -
with ukelele accompaniment
| |
Box 5, Folder 57 | At That Bully Wooly Wild West
| |
Box 5, Folder 58 | At That Town Hall Minstrel
| |
Box 5, Folder 59 | At The Balalaika
| |
Box 5, Folder 60 | At The Bankrupts' Ball
| |
Box 5, Folder 61 | At The Bottom of the
| |
Box 5, Folder 62 | At The Close of A Long, Long
| |
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 1 | At the Codfish Ball
| |
Box 6, Folder 2 | At the Coffee Cooler's
| |
Box 6, Folder 3 | At the End of a Beautiful
| |
Box 6, Folder 4 | At the End Of My Trail of
| |
Box 6, Folder 5 | At the End of the Lane
| |
Box 6, Folder 6 | At the End of the Road
| |
Box 6, Folder 7 | At the End of the Sunset
| |
Box 6, Folder 8 | At the Fountain of
| |
Box 6, Folder 9 | At the Funny Page Ball
| |
Box 6, Folder 10 | At the High Brownbabies'
| |
Box 6, Folder 11 | At the Garbage Gentlemen's
| |
Box 6, Folder 12 | At the Midnight
| |
Box 6, Folder 13 | At the Moving Picture
| |
Box 6, Folder 14 | At the Old Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 15 | At the Old Plantation
| |
Box 6, Folder 16 | At the Old Time Movie
| |
Box 6, Folder 17 | At the Yiddisher Ball
| |
Box 6, Folder 18 | At the Yiddish Cabaret
| |
Box 6, Folder 19 | A-Tisket A-Tasket
| |
Box 6, Folder 20 | At Twilight When the Shadows
| |
Box 6, Folder 21 | At Your Command
| |
Box 6, Folder 22 | Atlanta, GA.
| |
Box 6, Folder 23 | Auf Wiedersehen, My
| |
Box 6, Folder 24 | Auf Wiederseh'n,
| |
Box 6, Folder 25 | Auf Wiedersehn (We'll Meet
| |
Box 6, Folder 26 | Aunt Hagar's Blues
| |
Box 6, Folder 27 | Autumn Leaves
| |
Box 6, Folder 28 | Avalon
| |
Box 6, Folder 29 | (Down the Sunset Trail to) Avalon ( I'll
Travel on to You)
| |
Box 6, Folder 30 | Avalon Town
| |
Box 6, Folder 31 | Ave Maria
| |
Box 6, Folder 32 | Awake in a Dream
| |
Box 6, Folder 33 | Away Down East
| |
Box 6, Folder 34 | Away Down East in
| |
Box 6, Folder 35 | Away Down South in
| |
Box 6, Folder 36 | Away From You
| |
Box 6, Folder 37 | Baby (Everybody Calls Her
| |
Box 6, Folder 38 | Baby Blue Eyes
| |
Box 6, Folder 39 | Baby Clothes
| |
Box 6, Folder 40 | Baby Curls
| |
Box 6, Folder 41 | Baby Doll
| |
Box 6, Folder 42 | Baby Exceptional Baby
| |
Box 6, Folder 43 | Baby Face
| |
Box 6, Folder 44 | Baby Face
| |
Box 6, Folder 45 | Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter (Cross My
| |
Box 6, Folder 46 | Baby Hands
| |
Box 6, Folder 47 | Baby, It's Cold
| |
Box 6, Folder 48 | Baby, Let Me Take You
| |
Box 6, Folder 49 | The Baby Looks Like Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 50 | Baby Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 51 | Baby Mine
| |
Box 6, Folder 52 | Baby - Oh Where Can You
| |
Box 6, Folder 53 | Baby O'Mine
| |
Box 6, Folder 54 | Baby Rose
| |
Box 6, Folder 55 | Baby Save Your Kisses For
| |
Box 6, Folder 56 | Baby Save Your Tears
| |
Box 6, Folder 57 | Baby Shoes
| |
Box 6, Folder 58 | Babyin' My Baby
| |
Box 6, Folder 59 | Baby's Birthday Party
| |
Box 7 | ||
Box 7, Folder 1 | Baby Sister Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 2 | Baby's Recess
| |
Box 7, Folder 3 | Baby, What Else Can I
| |
Box 7, Folder 4 | Baby Your Mother (Like She Babied
| |
Box 7, Folder 5 | The Bachelor & the
| |
Box 7, Folder 6 | Back at Dear Old Home Sweet
| |
Box 7, Folder 7 | Back, Back, Back to
| |
Box 7, Folder 8 | Back, Back, Back to
| |
Box 7, Folder 9 | Back Home
| |
Box 7, Folder 10 | Back Home and Broke
| |
Box 7, Folder 11 | Back in Tipperary Town (I Long To Be Goin'
Where The Shamrocks Are Growin')
| |
Box 7, Folder 12 | Back in Your Own Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 13 | Back of Every Cloud There's Sunshine
(Throw Your Troubles Away)
| |
Box 7, Folder 14 | Back O'Town Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 15 | Back to Dixieland
| |
Box 7, Folder 16 | Back to Hawaii and Me
| |
Box 7, Folder 17 | Back to Mother & Home Sweet
| |
Box 7, Folder 18 | Back to the Carolina You
| |
Box 7, Folder 19 | Back to the Old Home
| |
Box 7, Folder 20 | Back Where the Daffodils
| |
Box 7, Folder 21 | Back Where Daisies
| |
Box 7, Folder 22 | Back Where the School Bell
| |
Box 7, Folder 23 | Bad Baby
| |
Box 7, Folder 24 | Bad Bad Baby
| |
Box 7, Folder 25 | Bad Girl
| |
Box 7, Folder 26 | The Bad Humor Man
| |
Box 7, Folder 27 | Bagdad
| |
Box 7, Folder 28 | Bahama
| |
Box 7, Folder 29 | The Ballad of Davy
| |
Box 7, Folder 30 | The Ballad of the Green
| |
Box 7, Folder 31 | (Dance) Ballerina
| |
Box 7, Folder 32 | Ballymooney and Biddy
| |
Box 7, Folder 33 | Baltimore
| |
Box 7, Folder 34 | Baltimore Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 35 | Bambambamy Shore
| |
Box 7, Folder 36 | Bamboo Bay
| |
Box 7, Folder 37 | Band Band Band
| |
Box 7, Folder 38 | The Band Came Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 39 | The Band Played "Nearer My God to Thee"
(As The Ship Went Down)
| |
Box 7, Folder 40 | The Band Played On
| |
Box 7, Folder 41 | Banjo Tunes
| |
Box 7, Folder 42 | Barnum Had The Right
| |
Box 7, Folder 43 | Barbara
| |
Box 7, Folder 44 | Barcelona
| |
Box 7, Folder 45 | (Oh Boy! What Joy We Had In) Barefoot
| |
Box 7, Folder 46 | Barnacle Bill
| |
Box 7, Folder 47 | Barney Google
| |
Box 7, Folder 48 | Bashful Baby (with ukelele
| |
Box 7, Folder 49 | Bashful Betsy Brown
| |
Box 7, Folder 50 | Basin Street Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 51 | The Bat Lady
| |
Box 7, Folder 52 | Be A Good Scout
| |
Box 7, Folder 53 | Be A Little Sweeter to
| |
Box 7, Folder 54 | Be A Mason
| |
Box 7, Folder 55 | Be Careful
| |
Box 7, Folder 56 | Be Careful With Those
| |
Box 7, Folder 57 | Be Careful, Young Lady
| |
Box 7, Folder 58 | Be Good
| |
Box 7, Folder 59 | Be My Little Bumblebee
| |
Box 7, Folder 60 | Be My Love
| |
Box 7, Folder 61 | Be My Lover
| |
Box 8 | ||
Box 8, Folder 1 | Beale Street Mama
| |
Box 8, Folder 2 | Beale Street Blues (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 3 | The Bean Song (Which Way To Boston) (with
ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 8, Folder 4 | Beans! Beans!!
| |
Box 8, Folder 5 | The Beat O' My Heart
| |
Box 8, Folder 6 | Beatrice Fairfax tell Me What To
| |
Box 8, Folder 7 | Beautiful
| |
Box 8, Folder 8 | Beautiful
| |
Box 8, Folder 9 | Beautiful Annabell Lee
| |
Box 8, Folder 10 | Beautiful Arizona
| |
Box 8, Folder 11 | Beautiful Doll
| |
Box 8, Folder 12 | Beautiful Dreamer
| |
Box 8, Folder 13 | Beautiful Eyes
| |
Box 8, Folder 14 | Beautiful Isle of
| |
Box 8, Folder 15 | A Beautiful Lady in
| |
Box 8, Folder 16 | Beautiful Land of
| |
Box 8, Folder 17 | Beautiful Ohio
| |
Box 8, Folder 18 | Beautiful Stars Above
| |
Box 8, Folder 19 | Beautiful Thoughts of
| |
Box 8, Folder 20 | Beauty's Eyes
| |
Box 8, Folder 21 | Bebe
| |
Box 8, Folder 22 | Because
| |
Box 8, Folder 23 | Because I Love You
| |
Box 8, Folder 24 | Because I Love You
| |
Box 8, Folder 25 | Because I'm Married
| |
Box 8, Folder 26 | Because My Baby Don't Mean Maybe
| |
Box 8, Folder 27 | Because of You
| |
Box 8, Folder 28 | Because of You
| |
Box 8, Folder 29 | Because of You (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 30 | Because They All Love You (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 31 | Because You Believe In
| |
Box 8, Folder 32 | Because You're Irish
| |
Box 8, Folder 33 | Because You're Mine
| |
Box 8, Folder 34 | Becky From Babylon
| |
Box 8, Folder 35 | Bedelia
| |
Box 8, Folder 36 | A Bed-Time Story
| |
Box 8, Folder 37 | The Bee That Gets the Honey Doesn't Hang
Around the Hive (music only; no cover)
| |
Box 8, Folder 38 | Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out The
| |
Box 8, Folder 39 | The Beer That Made Milwaukee
| |
Box 8, Folder 40 | Bees Knees
| |
Box 8, Folder 41 | Before I Go Home (May I Have One More
Waltz With You)
| |
Box 8, Folder 42 | Before You Go
| |
Box 8, Folder 43 | Beg Your Pardon
| |
Box 8, Folder 44 | The Beggar
| |
Box 8, Folder 45 | Beggars of Life
| |
Box 8, Folder 46 | Begin The Beguine
| |
Box 8, Folder 47 | Behind The Clouds (Are Crowds and Crowds
of Sunbeams)
| |
Box 8, Folder 48 | Bei Mir Bist Du Schön (Means That You're
| |
Box 8, Folder 49 | Believe
| |
Box 8, Folder 50 | Believe It, Beloved
| |
Box 8, Folder 51 | Believe It Or Not (It's Always
| |
Box 8, Folder 52 | Bella Bella Marie
| |
Box 8, Folder 53 | The Belle of Hogan's
| |
Box 8, Folder 54 | Bells of Killarney
| |
Box 8, Folder 55 | Beloved (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 56 | Bend Down, Sister
| |
Box 8, Folder 57 | Beneath The Pines of
| |
Box 8, Folder 58 | Beneath The Silver
| |
Box 8, Folder 59 | Beneath Venetian Skies (At
| |
Box 8, Folder 60 | Be On The Level With Mother (And The World
Will Square With You)
| |
Box 8, Folder 61 | Be Prepared (Just a Colored Preachers
| |
Box 8, Folder 62 | Bermuda
| |
Box 9 | ||
Box 9, Folder 1 | Bermuda Moon
| |
Box 9, Folder 2 | Besame Mucho (Kiss Me
| |
Box 9, Folder 3 | Beside a Babbling
| |
Box 9, Folder 4 | Beside a Blue Lagoon
| |
Box 9, Folder 5 | Beside a Garden Wall
| |
Box 9, Folder 6 | Beside an Open
| |
Box 9, Folder 7 | Bessie
| |
Box 9, Folder 8 | The Best Thing in Life
| |
Box 9, Folder 9 | The Best Things In Life Are
| |
Box 9, Folder 10 | Be Still, My Heart
| |
Box 9, Folder 11 | Be Sweet to Your Daddy
| |
Box 9, Folder 12 | Betty Co-Ed
| |
Box 9, Folder 13 | Beware of Pink Pajamas
| |
Box 9, Folder 14 | Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
| |
Box 9, Folder 15 | Bibi
| |
Box 9, Folder 16 | A Bicycle Built for
| |
Box 9, Folder 17 | Bid the Hope Again
| |
Box 9, Folder 18 | Big Bad John
| |
Box 9, Folder 19 | Big Blonde Baby
| |
Box 9, Folder 20 | Big Boy!
| |
Box 9, Folder 21 | Big Boy Billie (Blow Your
| |
Box 9, Folder 22 | Big Chief Battle-Axe
| |
Box 9, Folder 23 | Big Golden Nuggets
| |
Box 9, Folder 24 | The Big Red Motor & the Little Blue
| |
Box 9, Folder 25 | The Billiken Man
| |
Box 9, Folder 26 | Billy
| |
Box 9, Folder 27 | Billy
| |
Box 9, Folder 28 | Billy-Billy Bounce Your Baby
| |
Box 9, Folder 29 | Bimini Bay
| |
Box 9, Folder 30 | Bing Bing (COVER ONLY--- NO
| |
Box 9, Folder 31 | Birdie
| |
Box 9, Folder 32 | The Bird on Nellie's
| |
Box 9, Folder 33 | (The Same Thing Happens With) The Birds
and the Bees
| |
Box 9, Folder 34 | Birds of a Feather
| |
Box 9, Folder 35 | Birds of a Feather Flock
| |
Box 9, Folder 36 | The Birthday of a Kiss
| |
Box 9, Folder 37 | A Bit O' Blarney
| |
Box 9, Folder 38 | Black Eyed Susan Brown
| |
Box 9, Folder 39 | Black Moonlight
| |
Box 9, Folder 40 | The Blacksmith Blues
| |
Box 9, Folder 41 | Blaine's Grande March
| |
Box 9, Folder 42 | Blame it on My Youth
| |
Box 9, Folder 43 | Blame It on the Waltz
| |
Box 9, Folder 44 | Blaze-Away
| |
Box 9, Folder 45 | Bless You For Being An
| |
Box 9, Folder 46 | Bless Your Ever Loving Little
| |
Box 9, Folder 47 | Bless Your Heart
| |
Box 9, Folder 48 | Bless Your Little
| |
Box 9, Folder 49 | Bl_nd and P_g
| |
Box 9, Folder 50 | Blondy
| |
Box 9, Folder 51 | Blondy
| |
Box 9, Folder 52 | Blossoms on Broadway
| |
Box 9, Folder 53 | Blow, Blow Winds of the
| |
Box 9, Folder 54 | Blue
| |
Box 9, Folder 55 | Blue Again
| |
Box 9, Folder 56 | The Blue and The Gray (Or A Mother's Gift
To Her Country)
| |
Box 9, Folder 57 | Blue Baby - Why Are You
| |
Box 9, Folder 58 | Blue Bell
| |
Box 9, Folder 59 | Blue Bells (COVER ONLY-NO
| |
Box 9, Folder 60 | The BlueBird
| |
Box 9, Folder 61 | Bluebird, Bring Back My
| |
Box 9, Folder 62 | Blue Bonnet - You Make Me Feel
| |
Box 9, Folder 63 | Blue Butterfly
| |
Box 9, Folder 64 | Blue Champagne
| |
Box 9, Folder 65 | Blue Christmas
| |
Box 9, Folder 66 | Blue Diamonds
| |
Box 10 | ||
Box 10, Folder 1 | Blue Evening Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 2 | Blue Eyed Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 3 | Blue-Eyed Sally (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 4 | Blue Eyes (Get Red, Red, Ready For
| |
Box 10, Folder 5 | Blue Feather
| |
Box 10, Folder 6 | Blue Grass
| |
Box 10, Folder 7 | Blue Hawaii
| |
Box 10, Folder 8 | Blue Hoosier Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 9 | Blue Island Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 10 | Blue Is The Night
| |
Box 10, Folder 11 | Blue Lovebird
| |
Box 10, Folder 12 | Blue Moon
| |
Box 10, Folder 13 | Blue Moon
| |
Box 10, Folder 14 | Blue Mountain Shack
| |
Box 10, Folder 15 | Blue Orchids
| |
Box 10, Folder 16 | Blue Over You
| |
Box 10, Folder 17 | A Blue Poke Bonnet and A Stove Pipe Hat
| |
Box 10, Folder 18 | Blue Ridge Moon
| |
Box 10, Folder 19 | Blue Ridge Mountain Cottage (And You)
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 10, Folder 20 | Blue River (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 21 | Blue Roses
| |
Box 10, Folder 22 | Blue Shadows On The
| |
Box 10, Folder 23 | Blue Skies
| |
Box 10, Folder 24 | Blue Sky Avenue
| |
Box 10, Folder 25 | Blue Water (Moana)
| |
Box 10, Folder 26 | Blue Without You (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 27 | Blues In The Night (My Mama Done Tol'
| |
Box 10, Folder 28 | Blueberry Hill
| |
Box 10, Folder 29 | Bluebirds In The Moonlight (Silly
| |
Box 10, Folder 30 | Blues In My Heart (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 31 | Blues (My Naughty Sweetie Gives To
| |
Box 10, Folder 32 | The Blushing Rose
| |
Box 10, Folder 33 | Bo-Peep
| |
Box 10, Folder 34 | Boat Song
| |
Box 10, Folder 35 | Bob White (Whatch Gonna Swing
| |
Box 10, Folder 36 | Bobbin' Up And Down
| |
Box 10, Folder 37 | Bobby
| |
Box 10, Folder 38 | Bo-La-Bo
| |
Box 10, Folder 39 | Bom-Bom-Bom-Bhe (The Melody
| |
Box 10, Folder 40 | Bon Jour Mam'selle
| |
Box 10, Folder 41 | Bonnie Annie Laurie
| |
Box 10, Folder 42 | Bonnie Blue
| |
Box 10, Folder 43 | Bonnie Jean
| |
Box 10, Folder 44 | Boo-Boo-Boo
| |
Box 10, Folder 45 | The Boogie Man
| |
Box 10, Folder 46 | The Boogie Man (Boogie Woogie Etude)
(Piano Solo)
| |
Box 10, Folder 47 | Boo-Hoo
| |
Box 10, Folder 48 | Boo-Hoo-Hoo (You're Gonna Cry When I'm
| |
Box 10, Folder 49 | Boom, Boom
| |
Box 10, Folder 50 | Boom Our State
| |
Box 10, Folder 51 | Born To Be Kissed
| |
Box 10, Folder 52 | Born Too Late
| |
Box 10, Folder 53 | Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Gigolo and
| |
Box 10, Folder 54 | Bounding Sea
| |
Box 10, Folder 55 | Bow Wow Blues (My Mama Treats Me Like A
| |
Box 10, Folder 56 | The Bowery
| |
Box 10, Folder 57 | A Boy And A Girl Were
| |
Box 10, Folder 58 | Boy Of My Dreams
| |
Box 10, Folder 59 | Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy, I've Got It
| |
Box 10, Folder 60 | Boy Scouts of America
| |
Box 10, Folder 61 | Boys And Girls
| |
Box 10, Folder 62 | Brass Band Ephraham
| |
Box 11 | ||
Box 11, Folder 1 | Brave Boys Are They!
| |
Box 11, Folder 2 | Brazil (Aquarela do
| |
Box 11, Folder 3 | Braziliana
| |
Box 11, Folder 4 | Brazillian Rose
| |
Box 11, Folder 5 | Bread And Cheese And
| |
Box 11, Folder 6 | Break It Gently To My
| |
Box 11, Folder 7 | A Breath Of Virginia
| |
Box 11, Folder 8 | Breeze (Blow My Baby Back To
| |
Box 11, Folder 9 | Breezin' Along (To Georgia) (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 10 | The Bridge Of Sighs
| |
Box 11, Folder 11 | Bridget O'Flynn (Where've Ya
| |
Box 11, Folder 12 | Bright Eyed Little Nell Of Narragansett
| |
Box 11, Folder 13 | Bright Eyes
| |
Box 11, Folder 14 | Bring Along Your Dancing
| |
Box 11, Folder 15 | Bring Back My Golden
| |
Box 11, Folder 16 | Bring Back That Old-Fashioned
| |
Box 11, Folder 17 | Bring Back Those Wonderful
| |
Box 11, Folder 18 | Bring Back The Roses Kathleen
| |
Box 11, Folder 19 | Bringing Home The
| |
Box 11, Folder 20 | Bring Your Roses To Her
| |
Box 11, Folder 21 | Broadway Baby Dolls (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 22 | Broadway Blues
| |
Box 11, Folder 23 | Broadway Blues
| |
Box 11, Folder 24 | The Broadway Girl
| |
Box 11, Folder 25 | Broadway Rose
| |
Box 11, Folder 26 | Broadway's Gone Hawaii
| |
Box 11, Folder 27 | Broken Blossoms
| |
Box 11, Folder 28 | Broken Blossoms
| |
Box 11, Folder 29 | Broken-Hearted Blues
| |
Box 11, Folder 30 | Broken Hearted Melody
| |
Box 11, Folder 31 | Broken Hearted Sue (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 32 | Brokenhearted
| |
Box 11, Folder 33 | Broken Moon
| |
Box 11, Folder 34 | The Broken Record
| |
Box 11, Folder 35 | Broken Toy
| |
Box 11, Folder 36 | Broncho Sal
| |
Box 11, Folder 37 | Brother Bill
| |
Box 11, Folder 38 | Brother, Just Laugh It
| |
Box 11, Folder 39 | Brother Low Down
| |
Box 11, Folder 40 | Brown Eyes
| |
Box 11, Folder 41 | Brown Eyes Why Are You Blue? (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 42 | Brown Skin! (Incomplete: cover and page 3
| |
Box 11, Folder 43 | Brunonia's Big Brown
| |
Box 11, Folder 44 | Bubbling Over (Life Is Bubbling Over All
The Time)
| |
Box 11, Folder 45 | Buckin' The Wind
| |
Box 11, Folder 46 | Buddha
| |
Box 11, Folder 47 | Buddy
| |
Box 11, Folder 48 | Buffalo Billy
| |
Box 11, Folder 49 | Bugle Call Rag
| |
Box 11, Folder 50 | Build A Little Home
| |
Box 11, Folder 51 | Building A Nest For Mary (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 52 | Build Your Nest In The
| |
Box 11, Folder 53 | The Bullfrog And The
| |
Box 11, Folder 54 | The Bull-Frog Patrol
| |
Box 11, Folder 55 | Bum-Bum-Bumble-Bee
| |
Box 11, Folder 56 | The Bungalow in Quogue
| |
Box 11, Folder 57 | Burmah Moon
| |
Box 11, Folder 58 | Burning Sands
| |
Box 11, Folder 59 | Burn That Candle (No Cover - Sheet Music
| |
Box 11, Folder 60 | Business Is Business With
| |
Box 12 | ||
Box 12, Folder 1 | But Beautiful
| |
Box 12, Folder 2 | But Definitely
| |
Box 12, Folder 3 | But I Do - You Know I Do (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 4 | Butterflies In The
| |
Box 12, Folder 5 | Buttons and Bows
| |
Box 12, Folder 6 | Buy A Bale of Cotton For
| |
Box 12, Folder 7 | Buzzin' Along
| |
Box 12, Folder 8 | The Burning of Rome (for band and
| |
Box 12, Folder 9 | By A Lazy Country Lane
| |
Box 12, Folder 10 | By All The Stars Above You (I Love You, I
Love You, I Do)
| |
Box 12, Folder 11 | By A Rippling Stream (Waiting For
| |
Box 12, Folder 12 | By A Waterfall
| |
Box 12, Folder 13 | Bye And Bye
| |
Box 12, Folder 14 | Bye And Bye Sweetheart (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 15 | Bye Bye Blackbird (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 16 | Bye Bye Blues
| |
Box 12, Folder 17 | Bye-Bye Babykins
| |
Box 12, Folder 18 | Bye-Bye, Pretty Baby
| |
Box 12, Folder 19 | Bye Lo
| |
Box 12, Folder 20 | Bygones
| |
Box 12, Folder 21 | By My Side
| |
Box 12, Folder 22 | By The Beautiful Sea
| |
Box 12, Folder 23 | By The Blue Lagoon
| |
Box 12, Folder 24 | By The Campfire
| |
Box 12, Folder 25 | By The Dear Old River
| |
Box 12, Folder 26 | By The Dreaming Nile
| |
Box 12, Folder 27 | By The Honeysuckle
| |
Box 12, Folder 28 | By The Light of the Honeymoon (or Kiss Me
and Say You'll Miss Me)
| |
Box 12, Folder 29 | By The Light of the Jungle
| |
Box 12, Folder 30 | By The Light of the Silvery
| |
Box 12, Folder 31 | By The Light of the Stars (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 32 | By The Ocean Side
| |
Box 12, Folder 33 | By The Old Ohio Shore
| |
Box 12, Folder 34 | By The Old Rustic Seat I'll Be
| |
Box 12, Folder 35 | By The River Sainte
| |
Box 12, Folder 36 | By The Riverside
| |
Box 12, Folder 37 | By The Sapphire Sea
| |
Box 12, Folder 38 | By The Shalimar
| |
Box 12, Folder 39 | By The Silvery Nile
| |
Box 12, Folder 40 | By The Sycamore Tree
| |
Box 12, Folder 41 | By The Temple Gate
| |
Box 12, Folder 42 | By The Way (I'm Still In Love With You)
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 12, Folder 43 | Cafe Continental
| |
Box 12, Folder 44 | Cairo
| |
Box 12, Folder 45 | Cairo Land
| |
Box 12, Folder 46 | The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Artillery
| |
Box 12, Folder 47 | Calcutta
| |
Box 12, Folder 48 | Caldonia (What Makes Your Big Head So
| |
Box 12, Folder 49 | California
| |
Box 12, Folder 50 | California All For You (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 51 | California And You
| |
Box 12, Folder 52 | California For You (INCOMPLETE, third page
| |
Box 12, Folder 53 | California Here I Come (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 54 | California My Homeland (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 55 | The California Poppy
| |
Box 12, Folder 56 | California Sunshine
| |
Box 12, Folder 57 | California We Owe A Lot To
| |
Box 12, Folder 58 | Caliope Jane
| |
Box 12, Folder 59 | Call For Mr. Brown
| |
Box 12, Folder 60 | Call Me Back
| |
Box 13 | ||
Box 13, Folder 1 | Calling Me Back To You
| |
Box 13, Folder 2 | Calling Me Home (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 3 | Call Me Darling (Call Me Sweetheart, Call
Me Dear) (Sag Mir Darling) (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 4 | Call Me Irresponsible
| |
Box 13, Folder 5 | The Call of Broadway
| |
Box 13, Folder 6 | The Call Of My Heart Is
| |
Box 13, Folder 7 | The Calling of the Sea
| |
Box 13, Folder 8 | The Call To Arms
| |
Box 13, Folder 9 | Camille (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 10 | Campmeeting band
| |
Box 13, Folder 11 | Campmeetin' Time (Coon
| |
Box 13, Folder 12 | Candlelight and Wine
| |
Box 13, Folder 13 | Candy (Advanced Artist
| |
Box 13, Folder 14 | Can I Forget You?
| |
Box 13, Folder 15 | Can You Blame The Woman After
| |
Box 13, Folder 16 | Can You Bring Back The Heart I Gave
| |
Box 13, Folder 17 | Can You Imagine
| |
Box 13, Folder 18 | Can You Imagine That
| |
Box 13, Folder 19 | Can You Read In My Eyes (I Adore
| |
Box 13, Folder 20 | Can You Tame Wild
| |
Box 13, Folder 21 | Can't Feel Jolly Blues
| |
Box 13, Folder 22 | Can't Get Indiana Off My
| |
Box 13, Folder 23 | Can't You Hear Me Say I Love
| |
Box 13, Folder 24 | Can't You Read Between The
| |
Box 13, Folder 25 | Can't You Read Between The
| |
Box 13, Folder 26 | Can't You See
| |
Box 13, Folder 27 | Can't You See I'm
| |
Box 13, Folder 28 | Can't You See I'm
| |
Box 13, Folder 29 | Can't You See The Rainbow In The
| |
Box 13, Folder 30 | Can't You Take It Back and Change It For A
| |
Box 13, Folder 31 | Can't We Talk It Over
| |
Box 13, Folder 32 | Captain Baby Bunting (Of The Rocking Horse
| |
Box 13, Folder 33 | Captain D'Arcy (Of The
| |
Box 13, Folder 34 | Captain Of The Clouds
| |
Box 13, Folder 35 | Cara Mia
| |
Box 13, Folder 36 | Caravan
| |
Box 13, Folder 37 | Carefree
| |
Box 13, Folder 38 | Careless
| |
Box 13, Folder 39 | The Careless Heart
| |
Box 13, Folder 40 | Carelessly
| |
Box 13, Folder 41 | Caresses
| |
Box 13, Folder 42 | Caressing You (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 43 | Caribbean Sea
| |
Box 13, Folder 44 | Carolina
| |
Box 13, Folder 45 | Carolina in the
| |
Box 13, Folder 46 | Carolina Lullaby
| |
Box 13, Folder 47 | Carolina Mammy
| |
Box 13, Folder 48 | Carolina Mine (Your Rolling Stone Is
Rolling Home)
| |
Box 13, Folder 49 | Carolina Moon (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 50 | Carolina Rolling Stone
| |
Box 13, Folder 51 | Carolina's Calling Me
| |
Box 13, Folder 52 | Carolina Sunshine
| |
Box 13, Folder 53 | Carolina Sweetheart
| |
Box 13, Folder 54 | Caroline, I'm Coming Back To
| |
Box 13, Folder 55 | Carrie or "Carrie Marry
| |
Box 13, Folder 56 | Carry Me back To My Carolina
| |
Box 13, Folder 57 | Carry Me Back To Old
| |
Box 13, Folder 58 | Casanova Cricket
| |
Box 13, Folder 59 | Casey Jones (The Brave
| |
Box 13, Folder 60 | Casey Jones Went Down On The Robert E.
| |
Box 13, Folder 61 | ('Neath That) Castilian