Collection number: MC 127
Size: 230 boxes
(76.5 cu.ft.)
About Alvah W. Sulloway (1915-2006)
Alvah Sulloway was born in Concord, NH on Nov. 25, 1915. He received his secondary education at the prestigious St. Paul’s School, graduating in 1934. He then went on to complete both his undergraduate and law degrees at Harvard College, graduating in 1938 and 1941 respectively. Alvah practiced law until 1960, when he changed careers and became an English teacher at Moses Brown School in Providence, RI. He taught there for ten years, resigning because of a difference in educational philosophy with the new headmaster.
In 1939, Alvah married Alison Green, who was a musician. She and Alvah collaborated on a musical titled Winner Take All. He wrote the book and lyrics, she composed the music. It was performed several times between 1944 and 1955 in various New England community and summer theater venues. Their marriage ended in 1952.
In 1954, Alvah married Susan Stewart (1924-2003), a dancer. After his retirement from teaching, they moved to Kittery Point, ME, where Alvah organized the York Golf and Tennis Club and was active in community affairs. He initiated and won a taxpayer suit against the town of Kittery in protest of the town council’s violation of right-to-know laws.
A year after Sue’s death, he married his third wife, Sally Kruger Goff. He died in 2006.
About the Alvah Sulloway Collection:
The Alvah Sulloway Collection consists of thousands of pieces of sheet music, advertisements, subject files, and more. Some materials from Sue Stewart Sulloway are also included.
See also: Sulloway, Alison G. and Alvah Woodbury Sulloway. "Winner Take All: A New Musical Play". Unknown publisher, 1948.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
This collection is open.
Copyright Notice
Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder Number], [Box Number], Alvah Sulloway Theater and Dance Music Collection, 1772-1978, MC 127, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Donation: Alvah Sulloway, Kittery, ME, 1993-2001 (Accession numbers: 93.026, 2001.37)
Separated Material
Ca. 1000 vinyl records from Sulloway's collection were sold by the collector prior to the textual/visual materials being acquired by UNH.
Collection Arrangement
Arrangement is alphabetical within each type of material.
Collection Contents
- Series 1: World War I Sheet Music
- Series 2: World War II Sheet Music
- Series 3: Dance Sheet Music
- Series A: Popular Music Titles A-D
- Series B: Popular Music Titles E-H
- Series C: Popular Music Titles I-K
- Series D: Popular Music Titles L-M
- Series E: Popular Music Titles N-S
- Series G: Popular Music Titles T-Z
- Series C: I-M
- Series 6: Irving Berlin Compositions
- Series 7: Susan S. Sulloway Materials
- Series B: Souvenir Books
- Series 10: Photographs and Movie Stills
Series 1: World War I Sheet Music
(7 Boxes)Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | After the War Is Over (Will There Be Any
Home Sweet Home?)
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | All Aboard For Home Sweet
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Allegiance (Patriotic
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Aloha Soldier Boy
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | America First
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | America Here's My Boy
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | America, He's For You
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | America I Love You
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | America Leads the
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | America, My Country
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | America, My Country
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | America Prepare
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | American Beauty
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | The Americans Come!
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | And He'd Say
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | The Angel God Sent From
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Angels of the Cross of
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Another Good Man Gone
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Answer Mr. Wilson's
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Apres La Guerre (After the
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Are You Half the Man Your Mother Thought
You'd Be?
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | Are You The O'Reilly?
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | At The Dixie Military
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | A'Top of the World Our
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Au Revoir, But Not Good-Bye (Soldier
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | Back in the Old Town
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | Battle Cry of Freedom
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | Battle in the Sky
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | The Battle Song of
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | The Beast of Berlin (We're Going To Get
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Belgian Rose
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | Belgian Rose
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Belgium Dry Your Tears
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Bing!, Bang!, Bing 'Em on the
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | The Birth of a Nation
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | The Boys from Yankee
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | The Bravest Heart of
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | Break the News to
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | Bring Back a Belgian Baby to
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Bring Back My Daddy to
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | Bring Back the Kaiser to
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | Bring Back the Kiss That I
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | Bring Back My Soldier Boy To
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | Buy a Bond, Buy a Bond For
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | Buy a Red Cross Rosie
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | The Call of the U.S.A.
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | The Call to Arms
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Camouflage
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | The Canteen Canter
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Captain Willie Brown
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | Cheer Up Father, Cheer Up
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Cheer Up, Mother
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Cheer Up Tommy Atkins
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | Clap Your Hands My Baby (For Your Daddy's
Coming Home)
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Come On Papa
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | (Here Is Your) Daddy's
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Dear Mother Land
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | Dear Old Pal of Mine
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | The Dixie Volunteers
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | Don't Bite the Hand That's Feeding
| |
Box 1, Folder 61 | Don't Cry Frenchy, Don't
| |
Box 1, Folder 62 | Don't Forget the Salvation Army (My
Doughnut Girl)
| |
Box 1, Folder 63 | Don't Let Us Sing Anymore About War, Just
Let Us Sing of Love
| |
Box 1, Folder 64 | Don't Take My Darling Boy
| |
Box 1, Folder 65 | Don't Trifle With a Soldier's Heart
(Unless You're Going to Love Him True)
| |
Box 1, Folder 66 | Don't Try to Steal the Sweetheart of a
| |
Box 1, Folder 67 | Doughboy Jack and Doughnut
| |
Box 1, Folder 68 | Down the Lane and Home
| |
Box 1, Folder 69 | The Dream of a Soldier
| |
Box 1, Folder 70 | Dreaming of Home Sweet
| |
Box 1, Folder 71 | Dress Up Your Dollars in Khaki (And Help
Win Democracy's Fight)
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Each Stitch Is a Thought of You
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | The End of a Perfect
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Everybody's Happy Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Every Boys a Hero in this War
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Everything is Peaches Down in
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Farewell Daisy Bell
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Father of the Land We
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | The Fatherland, The Motherland, The Land
of My Best Girl
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Flag of My Country
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Fleur De Lys, Flower of France Bloom
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Follow Me To Germany (And
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | For "God", America &
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | For the Sake of
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | For You and Me
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | For You and the Grand Old
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | For Your Boy and My
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | For Your Country and My
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Forsaken
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | France, We Have Not Forgotten
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Freedom For All
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | The French Trot Song
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Frenchy Come to Yankee
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | From the North, South, East and
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | General Pershing Song
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Giddy Giddap
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | The Girl From My Own
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | The Girl You Leave
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | Give the Job to the Gob and the
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | Give a Little Credit to the
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Give My Regards to
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | God Be With My Wandering
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | God Be With Our Boys
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | God Bring You Safely to Our Arms
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | Go Lad and May God Bless
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | Good Bye Alexander, Good Bye Honey
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Good Bye Bill
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | Good Bye Boys
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | Good-Bye Broadway, Hello
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | Good-Bye Comrades
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | Good-Bye France (You'll Never Be Forgotten
By The USA)
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | Good-Bye, Little Girl,
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | Good-Bye Mother, So Long Dad, Hello Uncle
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | Good-Bye My Soldier
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | Good-Bye, Nellie Gray
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | Good-Bye, Sally, Good Luck To
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | Good Bye Soldier Boy
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | Good Bye Sweet Marie
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | Good Morning Mr.
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | Go Over the Top With
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | Go Right Along Mr. Wilson (and We'll All
Stand By You)
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | The Greatest Battle Song of
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | Hats Off! The Flag
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | Hats Off to the Red, White and
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | The Heaven Born Banner
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | He Died on the Fighting
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | Hello America Hello
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | Hello Central! Give Me No Man's
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | Hello! Hello! Who's Your Lady
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | Her Boy In Blue
| |
Box 2, Folder 60 | He's Doing His Bit
| |
Box 2, Folder 61 | He's Got Those Big Blue Eyes Like You,
Daddy Mine
| |
Box 2, Folder 62 | He's Had No Lovin For a Long
| |
Box 2, Folder 63 | He's Well Worth Waiting
| |
Box 2, Folder 64 | Hinky Dinky Parlay
| |
Box 2, Folder 65 | His Buttons Are Marked
| |
Box 2, Folder 66 | His Majesty, the
| |
Box 2, Folder 67 | Hoe Your "Little Bit" in Your Own
| |
Box 2, Folder 68 | Home Again, Boys, Home Again, Back Across
the Sea
| |
Box 2, Folder 69 | Home Coming Week in
| |
Box 2, Folder 70 | Homeland, (I Can Hear You Calling
| |
Box 2, Folder 71 | Homeward Bound
| |
Box 2, Folder 72 | Honey Boy
| |
Box 2, Folder 73 | How We Love You Dear Old
| |
Box 2, Folder 74 | How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm
(After They've Seen Paree?)
| |
Box 2, Folder 75 | Hunting the Hun
| |
Box 2, Folder 76 | The Hut of the K. of
| |
Box 2, Folder 77 | Hurrah! For the Liberty Boys,
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | I Ain't Got Weary Yet
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | I Belong To Uncle Sammy and I Come from
the U.S.A.
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | I Can Always Find a Little Sunshine in the
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | I Cannot Bear To Say
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | I Can't Stay Here While You're Over
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | I'd Be Proud To Be the Mother of a
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | I'd Feel at Home If They'd Let Me Join the
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be a
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | I Didn't raise My Dog To Be a
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | I'd Like To See the Kaiser With a Lily in
His Hand
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | I'd Love To fall Asleep and Wake Up in My
Mammy's Arms
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | I Don't Know Where I'm going But I'm On My
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | I Don't Want To Get
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | I Dreamt My Daddy Came
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | If He Can Fight Like He Can Love,
Goodnight Germany
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | If I Am Not at Roll Call Kiss Her Goodbye
For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | If I Am Not at Roll Call Kiss Mother
Good-Bye For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | If I Had a Son for Each Star in Old
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | If I Were a Grown Up Soldier and You a
Mercy Maid
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | If They Feel Like a War Let Them Keep It
Over There
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | If War Is What Sherman Said It
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | I Hear My Country
| |
Box 3, Folder 23 | I'll Be Back in the Sweet By and
| |
Box 3, Folder 24 | I'll Be Glad To Get
| |
Box 3, Folder 25 | I'll Come Back To You When It's All
| |
Box 3, Folder 26 | I'll Come Sailing Home to
| |
Box 3, Folder 27 | I'll Dance My Way Right Back To
| |
Box 3, Folder 28 | I'll Love You More for Losing You a
| |
Box 3, Folder 29 | I'll Make You Proud of Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 30 | I'll Return Mother Darling To
| |
Box 3, Folder 31 | I'll See You Later
| |
Box 3, Folder 32 | I Love the Whole United
| |
Box 3, Folder 33 | I Love the U.S.A.
| |
Box 3, Folder 34 | I Love You Like Lincoln Loved the Old Red,
White and Blue
| |
Box 3, Folder 35 | I'm Always Thinking of
| |
Box 3, Folder 36 | I May Be Gone for a Long, Long
| |
Box 3, Folder 37 | I May Stay Away a Little
| |
Box 3, Folder 38 | I'm Crazy About My Daddy in a
| |
Box 3, Folder 39 | I'm Glad I Can Make You
| |
Box 3, Folder 40 | I'm Glad I'm Back in Yankee
| |
Box 3, Folder 41 | I'm Going to Be a Soldier and Fight for
the U.S.A.
| |
Box 3, Folder 42 | I'm Going to Follow the
| |
Box 3, Folder 43 | I'm Goin' to Fight My Way Right Back To
| |
Box 3, Folder 44 | I'm Going to Break That Mason-Dixon
| |
Box 3, Folder 45 | I'm a Long Way from
| |
Box 3, Folder 46 | I'm Hitting the Trail To Normandy So Kiss
Me Good-bye
| |
Box 3, Folder 47 | I'm On My Way To Dublin
| |
Box 3, Folder 48 | I'm Proud To Be the Mother of a Boy Like
| |
Box 3, Folder 49 | I'm Proud to Be the Sweetheart of a
| |
Box 3, Folder 50 | I'm Sorry I Made You
| |
Box 3, Folder 51 | Indianola
| |
Box 3, Folder 52 | In Flander's Field
| |
Box 3, Folder 53 | In Flander's Field
| |
Box 3, Folder 54 | In Flander's Field
| |
Box 3, Folder 55 | In the Folds of the Starry
| |
Box 3, Folder 56 | In the Navy
| |
Box 3, Folder 57 | I Think We've Got Another Washington and
Wilson Is His Name
| |
Box 3, Folder 58 | It May Be Far To Tipperary, It's a Longer
Way to Tennessee
| |
Box 3, Folder 59 | It's a Long Way from Berlin to
| |
Box 3, Folder 60 | It's a Long, Long Way to
| |
Box 3, Folder 61 | It's a Long, Long Way to the U.S.A. and
the Girl I Left Behind
| |
Box 3, Folder 62 | It's a Long Way to Berlin But We'll Get
| |
Box 3, Folder 63 | It's Hard To Settle Down (To Civilian Life
Once More)
| |
Box 3, Folder 64 | It's Time For Every Boy To Be a
| |
Box 3, Folder 65 | I've Got a New Job
| |
Box 3, Folder 66 | I've Got My Captain Working For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 67 | I've Got the Army
| |
Box 3, Folder 68 | I Want a Girl From a Yankee Doodle
| |
Box 3, Folder 69 | I Want a Patriotic
| |
Box 3, Folder 70 | I Want to Be Loved By a
| |
Box 3, Folder 71 | I Want to Go Back to
| |
Box 3, Folder 72 | I Want To Go to Tokio
| |
Box 3, Folder 73 | I Wish I Had Someone to Say "Good-Bye"
| |
Box 3, Folder 74 | I Wonder What He's Doing
| |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | Ja-Da
| |
Box 4, Folder 2 | "Jasper Jones" or I'm in the Navy
| |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Jerry Mon Cher
| |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Jerry, You Warra a Warrior in the
| |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Jim, Jim, I Always Knew You'd
| |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Jimmie Boy
| |
Box 4, Folder 7 | Joan of Arc Song
| |
Box 4, Folder 8 | Joan of Arc They Are Calling
| |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Johnny's in Town
| |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Just a Baby's Letter Found in No Man's
| |
Box 4, Folder 11 | Just a Baby's Prayer at
| |
Box 4, Folder 12 | Just Like Washington Crossed the Delaware,
General Pershing Will Cross the Rhine
| |
Box 4, Folder 13 | Keep the Home-Fires Burning ('Till the
Boys Come Home)
| |
Box 4, Folder 14 | Keep the Love-Light Burning in the Window
'Til the Boys Come Marching Home
| |
Box 4, Folder 15 | Keep the Trench Fires Going for the Boys
Out There
| |
Box 4, Folder 16 | Keep Your Head Down, Fritzie
| |
Box 4, Folder 17 | Keep Your Head Down, Fritzi Boy (We Saw
| |
Box 4, Folder 18 | The Khaki and the Blue
| |
Box 4, Folder 19 | Khaki Bill
| |
Box 4, Folder 20 | The Khaki Boys of
| |
Box 4, Folder 21 | The Kid Has Gone to the
| |
Box 4, Folder 22 | A Kiss from the Girl You
| |
Box 4, Folder 23 | Kiss Your Mother's Dear Sweet Lips for Me,
Old Pal - If You Get Home
| |
Box 4, Folder 24 | The Kiss That Made You
| |
Box 4, Folder 25 | K-K-K Katy
| |
Box 4, Folder 26 | Laddie Boy or (Good Bye and Luck Be With
You, Laddie Boy)
| |
Box 4, Folder 27 | A Laddie in France Is
| |
Box 4, Folder 28 | The Laddies Who Fought and
| |
Box 4, Folder 29 | Lafayette (We Hear You
| |
Box 4, Folder 30 | The Lanky Yankee Boys in
| |
Box 4, Folder 31 | Let Lovelight Be Always
| |
Box 4, Folder 32 | Let's All Be Americans
| |
Box 4, Folder 33 | Let's All Do Something (Uncle Sammy Wants
Us Now)
| |
Box 4, Folder 34 | Let's Be Ready, That's the Spirit of
| |
Box 4, Folder 35 | Let's Keep the Glow in Old
| |
Box 4, Folder 36 | A Letter from No Man's
| |
Box 4, Folder 37 | The Letter that Never Reached
| |
Box 4, Folder 38 | Let the Flag Fly!
| |
Box 4, Folder 39 | L-I-B-E-R-T-Y
| |
Box 4, Folder 40 | Liberty Bell
| |
Box 4, Folder 41 | Liberty Bond Magee
| |
Box 4, Folder 42 | Lips
| |
Box 4, Folder 43 | A Little Bit of
| |
Box 4, Folder 44 | The Little Good for Nothing's Good for
Something After All
| |
Box 4, Folder 45 | Little French Mother, Good
| |
Box 4, Folder 46 | Long Boy
| |
Box 4, Folder 47 | Long Live the
| |
Box 4, Folder 48 | Lorraine (My Beautiful Alsace
| |
Box 4, Folder 49 | Loyalty Is the Word
| |
Box 4, Folder 50 | Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole
| |
Box 4, Folder 51 | Mammy's Chocolate Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 52 | Mammy's Dixie Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 53 | The Man Behind
| |
Box 4, Folder 54 | The Man Behind the Hammer and the
| |
Box 4, Folder 55 | The Man in the Battle
| |
Box 4, Folder 56 | The Marching Boys
| |
Box 4, Folder 57 | Marching Out There With Old
| |
Box 4, Folder 58 | The Meaning of U.S.A.
| |
Box 4, Folder 59 | The Meaning of Y.M.C.A. (You Must Come
| |
Box 4, Folder 60 | The Message in the Bottle from the
| |
Box 4, Folder 61 | Mon Soldat (My Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 62 | Mother Here's Your Boy
| |
Box 4, Folder 63 | Mothers of America You Have done Your
| |
Box 4, Folder 64 | My Angel of the Flaming
| |
Box 4, Folder 65 | My Barney Lies Over the Ocean (The Way He
Lied To Me)
| |
Box 4, Folder 66 | My Belgian Rose
| |
Box 4, Folder 67 | My Big Little Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 68 | My Boy Joe
| |
Box 4, Folder 69 | My Choc'late Soldier Sammy
| |
Box 4, Folder 70 | My Daddy's Coming Home
| |
Box 4, Folder 71 | My Dream of the Big
| |
Box 4, Folder 72 | My Dream of the U.S.A.
| |
Box 4, Folder 73 | My Own United States
| |
Box 4, Folder 74 | My Red Cross Girlie
| |
Box 4, Folder 75 | My Salvation Nell
| |
Box 4, Folder 76 | My Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 77 | My Sweetheart Is Somewhere in
| |
Box 4, Folder 78 | My Uncle Sam
| |
Box 4, Folder 79 | My Uncle Sammy Gals
| |
Box 4, Folder 80 | My Yankee Doodle Girl
| |
Box 5 | ||
Box 5, Folder 1 | The Navy Will Bring Them
| |
Box 5, Folder 2 | The Navy Took Them Over and the Navy Will
Bring Them Back
| |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Never Forget To Write
| |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Never Swap Horses When You're Crossing a
| |
Box 5, Folder 5 | Now All the World's At
| |
Box 5, Folder 6 | Oh, Babe! (Just Save Your Kisses For Your
Yankee Soldier Boy)
| |
Box 5, Folder 7 | Oh, Danny, Love Your Annie like You
Learned It Over There
| |
Box 5, Folder 8 | Oh Frenchy
| |
Box 5, Folder 9 | Oh! How I Hate To Get Up in the
| |
Box 5, Folder 10 | Oh! How I Wish I Could Sleep Until My
Daddy Comes Home
| |
Box 5, Folder 11 | Oh, Moon of the Summer Night (Tell My
Mother Her Boy's All Right)
| |
Box 5, Folder 12 | Oh! What a Time for the
| |
Box 5, Folder 13 | Oh You Rookie
| |
Box 5, Folder 14 | Old Glory
| |
Box 5, Folder 15 | Old Glory and the
| |
Box 5, Folder 16 | Old Glory Goes Marching
| |
Box 5, Folder 17 | Old Glory, Your Flag and
| |
Box 5, Folder 18 | The Old Grey Mare
| |
Box 5, Folder 19 | Old Kaiser Bill
| |
Box 5, Folder 20 | On Duty
| |
Box 5, Folder 21 | On the Battle Field
| |
Box 5, Folder 22 | On To Plattsburg
| |
Box 5, Folder 23 | On to Spain
| |
Box 5, Folder 24 | On to Victory
| |
Box 5, Folder 25 | One for All and All for
| |
Box 5, Folder 26 | Only a Rose in No-Man's
| |
Box 5, Folder 27 | Only a Soldier Boy
| |
Box 5, Folder 28 | OO-La-La-Wee-Wee
| |
Box 5, Folder 29 | Oui, Oui, Marie
| |
Box 5, Folder 30 | Our Country's in It Now, We've Got To Win
It Now
| |
Box 5, Folder 31 | Our God, Our Country and Our
| |
Box 5, Folder 32 | Our Great United
| |
Box 5, Folder 33 | Over the Top
| |
Box 5, Folder 34 | Over There
| |
Box 5, Folder 35 | Over Yonder Where the Lilies
| |
Box 5, Folder 36 | Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag
and Smile, Smile, Smile!
| |
Box 5, Folder 37 | Patria
| |
Box 5, Folder 38 | Patriotic Songs of To-Day (Tramp, Tramp,
Tramp; Dixie Land; The Battle Cry Of Freedom; Columbia, the Gem of
the Ocean; The Star Spangled Banner
| |
Box 5, Folder 39 | Paul Revere (Won't You Ride For Us
| |
Box 5, Folder 40 | The Peacemaker
| |
Box 5, Folder 41 | Pick a Little Four Leaf Clover And Send It
Over To Me
| |
Box 5, Folder 42 | Please Bring Back My Daddy To
| |
Box 5, Folder 43 | The Ragtime Soldier
| |
Box 5, Folder 44 | The Ragtime Volunteers Are Off To
| |
Box 5, Folder 45 | A Rainbow From the
| |
Box 5, Folder 46 | Raus Mit Der Kaiser
| |
Box 5, Folder 47 | Right Hath Victory
| |
Box 5, Folder 48 | Ring Out! Sweet Bells of
| |
Box 5, Folder 49 | Rocked in the Cradle of
| |
Box 5, Folder 50 | The Rose of No Man's
| |
Box 5, Folder 51 | Roses of Lorraine
| |
Box 5, Folder 52 | The Russians Were Rushin', The Yanks
Started Yankin'
| |
Box 5, Folder 53 | Salvation Lassie of
| |
Box 5, Folder 54 | Salvation Nell
| |
Box 5, Folder 55 | Salvation Rose
| |
Box 5, Folder 56 | Save Your Kisses Till The Boys Come
| |
Box 5, Folder 57 | Say A Prayer For The Boys "Out
| |
Box 5, Folder 58 | Say "Au Revoir" But Not
| |
Box 5, Folder 59 | Second Regiment March
| |
Box 5, Folder 60 | Send Back Daddy Dear To
| |
Box 5, Folder 61 | Send Me Away With a
| |
Box 5, Folder 62 | Send Me a Picture of
| |
Box 5, Folder 63 | Set Aside Your Tears (Till the Boys Come
Marching Home)
| |
Box 5, Folder 64 | She'll Miss Me Most of
| |
Box 5, Folder 65 | Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for
| |
Box 5, Folder 66 | Soldier Boy
| |
Box 5, Folder 67 | The Soldier's Farewell
| |
Box 5, Folder 68 | A Soldier's Rosary
| |
Box 5, Folder 69 | So Long, Mother
| |
Box 5, Folder 70 | So Long Rhode Island
| |
Box 5, Folder 71 | So Long Sammy
| |
Box 5, Folder 72 | Somebody's Boy
| |
Box 5, Folder 73 | Some Day
| |
Box 5, Folder 74 | Someday They're Coming Home
| |
Box 5, Folder 75 | Somewhere in France
| |
Box 5, Folder 76 | Somewhere in France is
| |
Box 5, Folder 77 | Somewhere in France is the
| |
Box 5, Folder 78 | Sons of America
| |
Box 5, Folder 79 | Sons of the Flag
| |
Box 5, Folder 80 | The Spirit of America
| |
Box 5, Folder 81 | Spirit of Independence
| |
Box 5, Folder 82 | Stand Up and Fight Like
| |
Box 5, Folder 83 | The Star of Glory
| |
Box 5, Folder 84 | The Star Spangled
| |
Box 5, Folder 85 | The Stars in Old Glory
| |
Box 5, Folder 86 | The Story of Old Glory, the Flag We
| |
Box 5, Folder 87 | Sunshine
| |
Box 5, Folder 88 | Swing in Line
| |
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 1 | Take Care of the Man in a
| |
Box 6, Folder 2 | Take Me Back to My Dear Old
| |
Box 6, Folder 3 | The Tale the Church Bell
| |
Box 6, Folder 4 | Tell That to the
| |
Box 6, Folder 5 | That Grand Old
| |
Box 6, Folder 6 | That's a Mother's
| |
Box 6, Folder 7 | That's What the Red, White and Blue
| |
Box 6, Folder 8 | Their Heart's are Over
| |
Box 6, Folder 9 | Then You Can Come Back To
| |
Box 6, Folder 10 | There'll Be a Hot Time for the Old Men
While the Young Men Are away
| |
Box 6, Folder 11 | There'll Be a Hot-time When the Boys Are
Mustered Out
| |
Box 6, Folder 12 | There's a Battlefield in Every Mother's
| |
Box 6, Folder 13 | There's a Girl Who Is Knitting for
| |
Box 6, Folder 14 | There's a Great Day
| |
Box 6, Folder 15 | There's a Green Hill Out in
| |
Box 6, Folder 16 | There's a Happy Heart in Maryland and a
Broken Heart in Brittany
| |
Box 6, Folder 17 | There's a Light Shining Bright in the
Window To-Night
| |
Box 6, Folder 18 | There's a Little Bit if Irish
| |
Box 6, Folder 19 | There's a Little Blue Star in the Window
and It Means All the World to Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 20 | There's a Little Gold Star in the Service
| |
Box 6, Folder 21 | There's a Little Spark of Love Still
| |
Box 6, Folder 22 | There's a Long, Long
| |
Box 6, Folder 23 | There's an Angel Missing from
| |
Box 6, Folder 24 | There's a Service Flag Flying at Our
| |
Box 6, Folder 25 | There's a Sweet Little Girl and She's
Waiting for Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 26 | There's a Vacant Chair in Every Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 27 | There's Something 'Bout a Uniform that
Makes the Ladies Fall
| |
Box 6, Folder 28 | They Acted Like the
| |
Box 6, Folder 29 | They Put Our Little Percy in the
| |
Box 6, Folder 30 | They're Coming Back
| |
Box 6, Folder 31 | They're On Their Way To
| |
Box 6, Folder 32 | They're On Their Way to
| |
Box 6, Folder 33 | They Were All Out of Step But
| |
Box 6, Folder 34 | Tho' I Shared My Love with Uncle Sam I
Gave My Heart To You
| |
Box 6, Folder 35 | Those Draftin' Blues
| |
Box 6, Folder 36 | Three Wonderful Letters from
| |
Box 6, Folder 37 | Thtop Your Thtuttering
| |
Box 6, Folder 38 | Till We Meet Again
| |
Box 6, Folder 39 | A Tiny Bunch of
| |
Box 6, Folder 40 | Tom, Dick and Harry and
| |
Box 6, Folder 41 | Uncle Sam Has His Arms Around the Whole
| |
Box 6, Folder 42 | Uncle Sammy (March - Two
| |
Box 6, Folder 43 | Uncle Sammy Here's My
| |
Box 6, Folder 44 | Uncle Sammy Is A-Calling
| |
Box 6, Folder 45 | Uncle Sammy's Army
| |
Box 6, Folder 46 | Uncle Sammy's Girl
| |
Box 6, Folder 47 | Uncle Sam's Ships
| |
Box 6, Folder 48 | Victorious America
| |
Box 6, Folder 49 | Victory
| |
Box 6, Folder 50 | Wait For Your Honey
| |
Box 6, Folder 51 | Wake Up America
| |
Box 6, Folder 52 | Wake Up and Give the Boys a
| |
Box 6, Folder 53 | The Waltz Must Change to a March,
| |
Box 6, Folder 54 | War
| |
Box 6, Folder 55 | War Babies
| |
Box 6, Folder 56 | War Brides
| |
Box 6, Folder 57 | Watch Hope and Wait Little Girl, "I'm
Coming Back to You"
| |
Box 6, Folder 58 | Way Down There a Dixie Boy Is
| |
Box 6, Folder 59 | We Don't Want the Bacon, What We Want Is a
Piece of the Rhine
| |
Box 6, Folder 60 | We Stopped Them at the
| |
Box 6, Folder 61 | Wee, Wee Marie
| |
Box 6, Folder 62 | Welcome Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 63 | Welcome Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 64 | Welcome Home, Laddie Boy, Welcome
| |
Box 6, Folder 65 | We'll Build a Little Home in the
| |
Box 6, Folder 66 | We'll Carry the Star Spangled Banner Thru
the Trenches
| |
Box 6, Folder 67 | We'll Do Our Share (While You're Over
| |
Box 6, Folder 68 | We'll Follow the Stars and Stripes to
H-E-Double-L To Win For Uncle Sam
| |
Box 6, Folder 69 | We'll Keep the Things Going 'Till the Boys
Come Home (Won't We Girls?)
| |
Box 6, Folder 70 | We'll Knock the Heligo-Into Heligo Out of
| |
Box 6, Folder 71 | We'll Lick the Kaiser If It Takes Us
Twenty Years
| |
Box 6, Folder 72 | We'll Never Let Our Old Flag
| |
Box 6, Folder 73 | We're All going Calling on the
| |
Box 6, Folder 74 | We're in the Army Now
| |
Box 6, Folder 75 | We're Bound to Win with Boys Like
| |
Box 6, Folder 76 | We're Building a Bridge to
| |
Box 6, Folder 77 | We're Coming Back to
| |
Box 6, Folder 78 | We're Going Over
| |
Box 7 | ||
Box 7, Folder 1 | We're Going to Get Along Without the
| |
Box 7, Folder 2 | We're Going to Hang the
| |
Box 7, Folder 3 | We're Going to Take the Sword Away From
| |
Box 7, Folder 4 | We're On Our Way to
| |
Box 7, Folder 5 | We Want Our Daddy Dear, Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 6 | We Will Show Them What America Can
| |
Box 7, Folder 7 | We Won
| |
Box 7, Folder 8 | We Won't Be With You To-Morrow, To-Day We
March Away
| |
Box 7, Folder 9 | What Are You Going To Do To Help the
| |
Box 7, Folder 10 | What Kind of American Are
| |
Box 7, Folder 11 | What'll We Do With Him
| |
Box 7, Folder 12 | What's the Matter With
| |
Box 7, Folder 13 | When Alexander Takes His Ragtime Band to
| |
Box 7, Folder 14 | When a Blue Service Star Turns to
| |
Box 7, Folder 15 | When Dewey Comes Sailing
| |
Box 7, Folder 16 | When Germany Licks England, Old Ireland
Will Be Free
| |
Box 7, Folder 17 | When I Come Back To
| |
Box 7, Folder 18 | When I Get Back to My American
| |
Box 7, Folder 19 | When I See You, I See Red White and
| |
Box 7, Folder 20 | When I Send You a Picture of
| |
Box 7, Folder 21 | When It Comes to a Lovingless
| |
Box 7, Folder 22 | When It's Over, Over There Molly
| |
Box 7, Folder 23 | When Our Mothers Rule the
| |
Box 7, Folder 24 | When Pershing's Men Go Marching Into
| |
Box 7, Folder 25 | When The Apple Blossoms Bloom in
| |
Box 7, Folder 26 | When the Band from Dixieland Plays "La
| |
Box 7, Folder 27 | When the Band Plays
| |
Box 7, Folder 28 | When the Boys Come
| |
Box 7, Folder 29 | When the Boys From Dixie Eat the Melon on
the Rhine
| |
Box 7, Folder 30 | When the Flag Goes By
| |
Box 7, Folder 31 | When the Flowers Bloom On No Man's
| |
Box 7, Folder 32 | When the Lusitania Went
| |
Box 7, Folder 33 | When the Soldier Boys Come Marching
| |
Box 7, Folder 34 | When the Sun Goes Down in
| |
Box 7, Folder 35 | When the War Is O'er
| |
Box 7, Folder 36 | When the War is Over I'll Return to
| |
Box 7, Folder 37 | When the Yankees Yank the Kaiser Off His
| |
Box 7, Folder 38 | When the "Yanks" Come Marching
| |
Box 7, Folder 39 | When They Get Down in
| |
Box 7, Folder 40 | When Tommy Atkins Marries Dolly
| |
Box 7, Folder 41 | When Tony Goes Over the
| |
Box 7, Folder 42 | When We Go Over the
| |
Box 7, Folder 43 | When We Meet in the Sweet Bye and
| |
Box 7, Folder 44 | When We Reach That Old Port Somewhere in
| |
Box 7, Folder 45 | When We Wind Up the Watch on the
| |
Box 7, Folder 46 | When Yankee Doodle Learns to "Parlez-Vous
| |
Box 7, Folder 47 | When Yankee Doodle Sails Upon the Good
Ship "Home, Sweet Home"
| |
Box 7, Folder 48 | When Yankee Doodle Starts To Do, Good Bye
| |
Box 7, Folder 49 | When You Come Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 50 | When You Come Back My Soldier
| |
Box 7, Folder 51 | When You're Lonesome For Someone Who's
Lonesome For You
| |
Box 7, Folder 52 | Where Do We Go From
| |
Box 7, Folder 53 | While You're Away
| |
Box 7, Folder 54 | The White House Is the Light House of the
| |
Box 7, Folder 55 | The Whole World Is Calling
| |
Box 7, Folder 56 | Who'll Take Care of the
| |
Box 7, Folder 57 | The Wild Irish Boy
| |
Box 7, Folder 58 | Will You Wait Little Girl For
| |
Box 7, Folder 59 | The Winning Fight
| |
Box 7, Folder 60 | With the Rose (I Send This Heart of
| |
Box 7, Folder 61 | The Worst Is Yet To
| |
Box 7, Folder 62 | Would You Rather Be a Colonel With an
Eagle on Your Shoulder or a Private With a Chicken on Your
| |
Box 7, Folder 63 | Yankee Boys
| |
Box 7, Folder 64 | The Yankee Division
| |
Box 7, Folder 65 | The Yankee Doodle Boy
| |
Box 7, Folder 66 | Yankee Doodle's Going To
| |
Box 7, Folder 67 | Yankee Girl I Am Coming Back to
| |
Box 7, Folder 68 | Yankees on the Rhine
| |
Box 7, Folder 69 | The Yanks Are Over There
| |
Box 7, Folder 70 | You Can't Blame the Girlies At
| |
Box 7, Folder 71 | You Can't Drive My Dreams
| |
Box 7, Folder 72 | You Can Tell By His Smile Or His
| |
Box 7, Folder 73 | You Keep Sending 'Em Over and We'll Keep
Knocking 'Em Down
| |
Box 7, Folder 74 | You'll Find Old Dixieland in
| |
Box 7, Folder 75 | You'll Have To Put Him To Sleep with the
Marseillaise And Wake Him Up With a OO-La-La
| |
Box 7, Folder 76 | Young America We're Strong For
| |
Box 7, Folder 77 | Your Boy Is On the Coal Pile
| |
Box 7, Folder 78 | Your Country Needs You
| |
Box 7, Folder 79 | You're a Grand Old
| |
Box 7, Folder 80 | You're on the Right Side of the
| |
Box 7, Folder 81 | You're the Greatest Little Mothers in the
| |
Box 7, Folder 82 | Your Lips Are No Man's Land But
| |
Box 7, Folder 83 | Your Mother's Gone Away To Join the
| |
Box 7, Folder 84 | Your Mother is Thinking of
| |
Box 7, Folder 85 | You've Got To Go in or Go
Series 2: World War II Sheet Music
(2 Boxes)Subseries A: Wartime
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | America! Lets Go!
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Anchors Aweigh (The Song of the
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | And Russia Is Her
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Angels of Mercy
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Any Bonds Today? (Theme Song of the
National Defense Savings Program)
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | The Army Air Corps (Official Song of
the U.S. Army Air Corps)
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Arms for the Love of
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Bell Bottom
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | The Bombardier
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | A Boy in Khaki - A Girl in
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | British Eighth
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | Buy a Bond
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Buy a Bond Today
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | The Caissons Go Rolling
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Can't You Read Between the
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Comin' In On A Wing And A
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Counting the Days
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Cowpens
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Dear Mom
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Der Fuehrer's Face
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Don't Let It Happen
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree (With
Anyone Else But Me)
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Ev'rybody, Ev'ry
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Ev'ry Little Bit
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Ev'ry One's A Fighting Son Of That Old
Gang Of Mine
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | Favorite Songs of the Red Army and
Navy (compiled and edited by David J.
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | A Fellow On A
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | The Freedom Train
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | G. I. Jive
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | Give a Cheer for the Boys in
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Go Back Where You
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | God Bless America (incomplete, missing
pages 3 & 4)
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Good Night, Wherever You
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Goodbye Dear, I'll Be Back in a
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | Goodbye Mama (I'm Off To
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | Goodnight Soldier
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | He Wears a Pair of Silver
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | He's My Uncle
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | He's 1-A In The Army (Amnd He's A-1 In
My Heart)
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Heave Ho! My Lads, Heave Ho! (Official
Song of the Merchant Marine)
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | Here Comes the
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | Here's To You,
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | I Just Kissed Your Picture
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | I Took My Girl To An Army
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | I'll Be Home For
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | I'll Pray For You
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | In My Arms
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | In My Heart Next To
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | It's Great To Be An
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | It's Up to You-In
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | I've Been Drafted (Now I'm Drafting
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Johnny Zero
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | Just a Blue Serge
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Just a Prayer Away
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | Keep 'Em Flying
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Land of the Free
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | The Last Time I Saw
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | Let's Say a Prayer (For Somebody's
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | The Letter That Never Reached
| |
Box 1, Folder 61 | Light a Candle in the
| |
Box 1, Folder 62 | Lilliburlero: The Victory
| |
Box 1, Folder 63 | A Little Old Church in
| |
Box 1, Folder 64 | A Little On The Lonely
| |
Box 1, Folder 65a | Mairzy Doats
| |
Box 1, Folder 65b | March of the Volunteers (A Song Of
Fighting China)
| |
Box 1, Folder 66 | The Marines' Hymn (From The Halls of
Montezuma To The Shores of Tripoli)
| |
Box 1, Folder 67 | The Men of the Merchant
| |
Box 1, Folder 68 | Men of the Open
| |
Box 1, Folder 69 | Mother, My Pin Up
| |
Box 1, Folder 70 | My Boy in Khaki
| |
Box 1, Folder 71 | New Songs of Old
| |
Box 1, Folder 72 | The Nickel
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | No Letter Today
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Oh! They're Makin' Me All Over in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Old Soldiers Never Die (They Just Fade
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Onward America! (For
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Over Here
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Please Write!
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Praise the Lord and Pass the
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | The Ramparts We
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Remember Me While I'm
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Remember Pearl
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Ridin' Herd On A
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Rodger Young
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Rosie the Riveter
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | The Sailor With the Navy Blue
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | Say a Pray'r for the
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | Shout! Wherever You May Be, I Am an
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Silver Wings in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Sky Anchors
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Soldier's Life
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Soldiers of Supply
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | Something to Write Home
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Song of Stalingrad
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Song of the
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | The Song of the Marines (We're Shovin'
Right Off Again)
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | The Song of the
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | Strip Polka
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | (I Love You - I Love You - I Love You)
Sweetheart of All My Dreams
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | Thank You America
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | Thank Your Lucky Stars And Stripes
(You Live In The U.S.A.)
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Thanks To The
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | There'll Always Be An
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | (There'll Be A) Hot Time In The Town
Of Berlin (When the Yanks Go Marching In)
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | There's A Star Spangled Banner Waving
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | They Started
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | This Is Worth Fighting
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Thumbs Up
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | Thumbs Up (To The
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | Til' Reveille
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | The Time Is Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | A Touch of Texas
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | United We Stand
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | V. V. V. (The Triple
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | Victory Christmas
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | The Victory
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | Vict'ry Polka
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | Wait For Me Mary
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | We Did It Before (And We Can Do It
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | We Mustn't Say
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | We're Gonna Have To Slap the Dirty
Little Jap
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | What Do You Do in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | What Does a Soldier Dream
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | When Hitler Telephones for
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | When I Heard Taps Blow That
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | When the Allies Get Thru With
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | When the Lights Go On Again (All Over
The World)
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | When They Sound the Last All
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | When You Hear the Sirens
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | (There'll Be Blue Birds Over) The
White Cliffs of Dover
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | The Wings of
| |
Box 2, Folder 60 | Wings to Victory
| |
Box 2, Folder 61 | You'll Never Be Blue in a Blue
| |
Box 2, Folder 62 | You're a Sap, Mister
Subseries B: Between the Wars
Box 2, Folder 63 | The Air Force Takes
| |
Box 2, Folder 64 | Father of the Land We
| |
Box 2, Folder 65 | I'll Be Seeing You
| |
Box 2, Folder 66 | Marching to
| |
Box 2, Folder 67 | The Marines' Hymn (From The Halls of
Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli)
| |
Box 2, Folder 68 | The Navy Gets the Gravy, But the Army
Gets the Beans
| |
Box 2, Folder 69 | An Open Letter To My Teenage
| |
Box 2, Folder 70 | Semper Paratus
| |
Box 2, Folder 71 | Since Katy the Waitress (Became an
| |
Box 2, Folder 72 | Sound Off
| |
Box 2, Folder 73 | To Arms! To Arms!
| |
Box 2, Folder 74 | U.S. That Means Us
| |
Box 2, Folder 75 | The Universal
| |
Box 2, Folder 76 | Waltzing Matilda
| |
Box 2, Folder 77 | We're a Couple of Soldiers, My Baby
and Me
Series 3: Dance Sheet Music
(4 Boxes)Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Ain't It Funny, "That Easy, Squeezing,
Teasy, Pleasing Rag-Time"
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Alamo Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | All Muddled Up
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | American Beauty Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | The Angle Worm Wiggle
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Another Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Any Rags
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Apple-Jack
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | At the High Brown Babies' Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | At the Mississippi Cabaret
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | At the Yiddisher Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | A Bag of Rags
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Ballin' the Jack Fox-Trot
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Baltimore
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | The Baltimore Bombashay
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | The Bamboula
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Barbed Wire Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Billy-Billy Bounce Your Baby Doll
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Bingo Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Blame It on the Waltz
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Borneo Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | The Boulevard Glide
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Breakaway
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Bric-a-Brac Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | The Broadway Glide
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | The Bumble Bee Characteristic Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | By Heck, Eccentric Fox-Trot
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | Cabaret Rag Song
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | The Camel Walk
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Canadian Capers
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | Carbarlick Acid Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Castle Innovation Tango
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Castle Society Dance Folio: Tunes for the Hesitation, Maxixie,
Tango, Boston, Trot One Step
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | The Castle Walk Song
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | Cavalier Rustican' Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | The Charleston
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | The Chicken Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | Chicken Reel or Performer’s Buck
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Chills and Fever Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | The Circus Girl Two-Step
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | Clover Blossom Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | Columbia Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | C.O.D. (Come on Dance)
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | The Cootie Tickle
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | The Cubanola Glide
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | The Cute Little Wigglin' Dance
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Dainty Demoiselles Novelette
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | Daisy Rag
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Dance Coquette
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | Dance-O-Mania
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Dance-O-Mania (Revised Edition)
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Dance With a Dolly (With A Hole In Her Stockin’)
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | Dancing Marathon
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Darktown Dancin' School
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | The Darktown Strutter's Ball
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Dat Lovin' Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Dengozo Maxixe
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Dill Pickles
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Dippy Droll
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Do the Funny Fox Trot
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | Doing the Boom Boom
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Doing the Derby
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Doin' the Raccoon
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Don't Take That Black Bottom Away
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | The Dublin Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Edelweiss Glide
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | The Entertainer's Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | Everybody Rag With Me
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | Everybody's Doin' It Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Ev'rybody Loves To Dance
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Ev'rybody Shimmies Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Everybody Two-Step
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | The Flapper Walk
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | The Flippity Flop
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | The Foot Warmer
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Franco-American Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | Frenchy-Koo
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Frisco's Kitchen Stove Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | Frog Legs Rags
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | The Gaby Glide
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | The Georgia Grind
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | The Georgia Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Gigolo
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | Go and Get the Habit
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | Good Gravy Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | (The Dance of) The Grizzly Bear
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | Hanky Panky Glide
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | He's a Rag Picker
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Hesitation (L'hesitation)
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | Hitchy Koo
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | The Hold Up Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | Honolulu Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | The Horse Trot
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | I Can Dance With Everybody But My Wife
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | I Love To See the Dancers Shuffle Along
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | I Love To Tango With My Tea
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | The Irish Tango
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | I'd Rather Two-Step Than Waltz, Bill!
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | I've Joined the Squirrel Family
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | I Would Like To Try It
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | Jamaica Jinjer
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | The Joker March Two-Step
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | The Junk Man Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | The Kangaroo Hop
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | Kangaroo Hop
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | Kansas City Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | Kill That Bear
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | Let's Toddle at the Midnight Ball
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | Little Rag Baby Doll
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | Live Wires Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | Loose Feet, the Dance of Blue Goose Pete
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | The Mad Madrid
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | Mammy's Shufflin' Dance
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | Maple Leaf Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | Mariutch
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | Me Heart Breaker Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | Military Waltz
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | Minnie Shimmie For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | Minuet of the 400
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | The Mississippi Dippy Dip
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | Motor King (missing pgs.3-4)
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | My Margarita
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | My Syncopated Melody Man
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | Nigger-Toe Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | Nights of Gladness
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | Oh That Oh That Navajo Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | Oh! That Yankiana Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | Oh You Hesitating Tango Trot
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | One Wonderful Night
| |
Box 3, Folder 23 | Parisienne
| |
Box 3, Folder 24 | The Parisienne Walk
| |
Box 3, Folder 25 | Pennsylvania Polka
| |
Box 3, Folder 26 | Pigeon Walk
| |
Box 3, Folder 27 | Pigeon Walk Song
| |
Box 3, Folder 28 | Pineapple Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 29 | Porcupine Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 30 | Powder Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 31 | Pussyfoot Prance
| |
Box 3, Folder 32 | Put Me To Sleep With an Old Fashioned Melody
| |
Box 3, Folder 33 | Rag, Baby Mine
| |
Box 3, Folder 34 | Rag-Bag Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 35 | Rag Pickers Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 36 | Ragging the Baby To Sleep
| |
Box 3, Folder 37 | Ragging the Old Vienna Roll
| |
Box 3, Folder 38 | Ragtime Arabian Nights
| |
Box 3, Folder 39 | The Ragtime Dream
| |
Box 3, Folder 40 | The Ragtime Goblin Man
| |
Box 3, Folder 41 | Ragtime Nick
| |
Box 3, Folder 42 | The Ragtime Soldier Man
| |
Box 3, Folder 43 | The Red Rose Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 44 | Reuben Fox-Trot
| |
Box 3, Folder 45 | The Rock and Roll Waltz
| |
Box 3, Folder 46 | Rockaway
| |
Box 3, Folder 47 | Roll Me Around Like a Hoop My Dear
| |
Box 3, Folder 48 | Russian Rag
| |
Box 3, Folder 49 | Salome Jackson
| |
Box 3, Folder 50 | Shoogy-Shoo
| |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | Since Mary Ann McCue Came Back From Honolulu
| |
Box 4, Folder 2 | The Skeleton Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Sleepy Lou
| |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Slow and Easy
| |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Society Swing
| |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Southern Slide
| |
Box 4, Folder 7 | The St. Louis Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 8 | Strip Polka
| |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Struttin' at the Strutters Ball
| |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Sweetheart Let Us Dance the Boston
| |
Box 4, Folder 11 | Tackin' 'Em Down
| |
Box 4, Folder 12 | Take Me To the Midnight Cake Walk Ball
| |
Box 4, Folder 13 | Tango Argentino
| |
Box 4, Folder 14 | The Tango in the Sky
| |
Box 4, Folder 15 | Temptation The Great Rag Song
| |
Box 4, Folder 16 | Temptation Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 17 | Texas Steer Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 18 | That Banjo Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 19 | That Baboon Baby Dance
| |
Box 4, Folder 20 | That College Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 21 | That Ev'ry Little Movement Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 22 | That Fussy Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 23 | That Loving Rag Time Man
| |
Box 4, Folder 24 | That Mexican Twist
| |
Box 4, Folder 25 | That Pavey Glide
| |
Box 4, Folder 26 | That Raggy Rag-Time Band
| |
Box 4, Folder 27 | That Rag-Time Regimental Band
| |
Box 4, Folder 28 | That Railroad Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 29 | That Reuben Tango Huskin' Bee
| |
Box 4, Folder 30 | That Slippery Slide Trombone
| |
Box 4, Folder 31 | That Syncopated Boogie Boo
| |
Box 4, Folder 32 | That Tango Tokio
| |
Box 4, Folder 33 | They Called It The Dixie Blues
| |
Box 4, Folder 34 | They Start the Victrola (And Go Dancing Around the
| |
Box 4, Folder 35 | Those Ragtime Melodies
| |
Box 4, Folder 36 | The Tickle Toe
| |
Box 4, Folder 37 | The Tipperary Twirl
| |
Box 4, Folder 38 | Toboggan Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 39 | Toddle
| |
Box 4, Folder 40 | Tres Moutarde
| |
Box 4, Folder 41 | The Trolley Car Swing
| |
Box 4, Folder 42 | The Turkey Trot Glide
| |
Box 4, Folder 43 | Un Appel D'Amour
| |
Box 4, Folder 44 | Wall Street Rag
| |
Box 4, Folder 45 | The Wedding of the Shimmie and Jazz
| |
Box 4, Folder 46 | The Wedding Glide
| |
Box 4, Folder 47 | When I Trip Thru the One-Step With You
| |
Box 4, Folder 48 | When Rosie Riccoola Do Da Hoola Ma Boola
| |
Box 4, Folder 49 | When the Steamboats on the Swanee Whistle Rag-Time
| |
Box 4, Folder 50 | When Uncle Joe Plays a Rag on His Old Banjo
| |
Box 4, Folder 51 | When You’re Dancing The Old Fashioned Waltz
| |
Box 4, Folder 52 | While They Were Dancing Around
| |
Box 4, Folder 53 | You Can Tango You Can Trot Dear But Be Sure and
| |
Box 4, Folder 54 | You Can't Get Away From It
Series A: Popular Music Titles A-D
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | "A" - You're Adorable (The Alphabet
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | The Aba Daba Honeymoon
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Abadele
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Abdul the Bulbul Ameer
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Abdul Abulbul Amir
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | About a Quarter to
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Absence Makes the Heart Grow
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (for
somebody else)
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | Absent
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | Accent on Youth
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | Accident'ly on Purpose
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Adelai
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Adios Muchachos!
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Adorable
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Adorable (A Romance in
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Adored One
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Afghanistan
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Afraid to Dream
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | After a While
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | After All
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | After All
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | After All is Said and
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | After All of These
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | After All That I've Been To
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | After A While
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | After All I Adore You
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | After Every Party
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | After I've Called You Sweetheart (How Can
I Call You Friend)
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | After I've Spent My Best Years On
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | After My Laughter Came
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | After Sundown
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | After the Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | After the Roses Have Faded
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | After They Gather the
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | After Today
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | After You Get What You Want You Don't Want
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | After We Kiss
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | After 'While
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | (You'll Be Too Late When You Knock at my
Gate) After 'While
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | After You
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | After You've Gone
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | After You've Had Your
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | Again
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | Ages Ago
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | Aggravatin' Papa (Don't You Try to
Two-Time Me)
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | A Gozar (Let's Be Gay)
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Ah, But Is It Love?
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | Ah, But I've Learned
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Ah Ha!
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | Ah! Sweet Mystery of
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | Ain't Dat A Shame
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Ain't I the Foolish
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | (I Hold Her Hand and She Holds Mine) Ain't
Nature Grand?
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Ain't She Sweet
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | Ain't That The Way It
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Ain't That Too Bad
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | Ain't We Carryin' On
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | Ain't We Got Fun
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | Ain'tcha?
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Ain't Cha Coming Back, Mary Ann, To
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Ain't-Cha' Glad?
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Ain't That A Grand And Glorious Feeling?
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Ain't You Ashamed
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Ain't You Coming Back To
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Ain't You Coming Back To Old New Hampshire
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Ain't You Coming Out
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | Ain't You Glad You Found
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Alabama Lullaby
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Alabama Moon
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Alabamy Blacksheep (Won't You Return My
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Alabamy Bound
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Alabamy Mammy
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | Ala Moana
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | The Album of My Dreams
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | The Alcoholic Blues (Some
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Alexander (Don't You Love Your Baby No
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Alexander's Band is Back in
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Alexander's Got a Jazz Band
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Alexander's Ragtime
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | Alexandria
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Algernon
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Alice in Wonderland
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | Alice I'm in Wonderland (Since the first
day I met you)
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Alice, Where Art Though
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | All Aboard for Blanket
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | All Aboard for
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | All Aboard for Dixie
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | All Aboard for
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | All Aboard for Heaven
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | All Aboard for
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | All Aboard for Playland (Down By the
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | All About Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | All Alone
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | All Alone
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | All Alone With You in a Little
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | All American Girl
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | All Ashore
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | All By My Lonesome
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | All By Myself
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | All By Yourself in the
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | All Coons Look Alike to
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | All Dressed Up With a Broken
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | All For You
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | All For the Love of
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | All Gods Chillun Got
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | All He Does is Follow Them
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | All I Can Do is Just Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | All I Do is Dream of
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | All I Need is a Girl Like
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | All I Want is a Cottage, Some Roses, and
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | All I Want is Y-O-U
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | All I Want is You
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | All In Down And Out
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | All Mine- Almost
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | All My Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | All My Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | All Night Long
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | All of a Sudden
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | All of Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | All of the Time
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | All on Account of a Dear Little
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | All or Nothing At All
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | All Over Nothing At
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | All She'd Say Was
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | All She Gets From The Iceman is
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | The All Star Jazz Band
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | All That I Need is You
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | All That I'm Asking is
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | All That She Is Is An Old Fashioned
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | All The Boy's Love
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | All The Luck In the World To
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | All The Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers (In
Quaker Town)
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | All The World Will Be Jealous of
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | All Through The Day
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | All Through The Love of
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | All To The Merry
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | Alla
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | Alleghany Moon
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | The Alley Way of My
| |
Box 3, Folder 23 | Alma
| |
Box 3, Folder 24 | Alma Mammy
| |
Box 3, Folder 25 | Aloha Collection of Hawaiian
| |
Box 3, Folder 26 | Aloha OE
| |
Box 3, Folder 27 | Aloha Sweet Land
| |
Box 3, Folder 28 | Aloma
| |
Box 3, Folder 29 | Aloma Song
| |
Box 3, Folder 30 | Alone
| |
Box 3, Folder 31 | Alone At Last
| |
Box 3, Folder 32 | Alone In A Corner
| |
Box 3, Folder 33 | Alone in the Rain
| |
Box 3, Folder 34 | Along the Navajo Trail
| |
Box 3, Folder 35 | Along The Rocky Road to
| |
Box 3, Folder 36 | Along the Santa Fe
| |
Box 3, Folder 37 | Along the Trail Where the Blue Grass
| |
Box 3, Folder 38 | Along the Way to
| |
Box 3, Folder 39 | Along Tobacco Road
| |
Box 3, Folder 40 | Always
| |
Box 3, Folder 41 | Always
| |
Box 3, Folder 42 | Always and Always
| |
Box 3, Folder 43 | Always Be Honey to Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 44 | Always Happy
| |
Box 3, Folder 45 | Always in My Heart (Forever in my
| |
Box 3, Folder 46 | Always in My Heart
| |
Box 3, Folder 47 | Always in the Way
| |
Box 3, Folder 48 | Always Looking for a Little
| |
Box 3, Folder 49 | Always Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 50 | Always Take a Girl Named
| |
Box 3, Folder 51 | Am I A Passing Fancy (Or Am I In One Of
Your Dreams?)
| |
Box 3, Folder 52 | Am I Gonna See You Some
| |
Box 3, Folder 53 | Am I in Love?
| |
Box 3, Folder 54 | Am I To Blame?
| |
Box 3, Folder 55 | Am I Wasting My Time On
| |
Box 3, Folder 56 | Amapola
| |
Box 3, Folder 57 | America I Love You
| |
Box 3, Folder 58 | America Up To Date
| |
Box 3, Folder 59 | American Beauty Rose
| |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | The American Girl March (for
| |
Box 4, Folder 2 | The American Soldier
| |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Among My Souvenirs
| |
Among My Souvenirs
| ||
Box 4, Folder 4 | Among the Missing
| |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Amor
| |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Amorita (Spanish Fox Trot
| |
Box 4, Folder 7 | An Afternoon in
| |
Box 4, Folder 8 | An Apple Blossom
| |
Box 4, Folder 9 | An Apple For the
| |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Anastasia
| |
Box 4, Folder 11 | And A Little Bit More
| |
Box 4, Folder 12 | And A Little Child Shall Lead
| |
Box 4, Folder 13 | (I'm Just Wild About Everything) And
Especially You
| |
Box 4, Folder 14 | And Her Tears Flowed Like
| |
Box 4, Folder 15 | And I Still Do
| |
Box 4, Folder 16 | And Mimi-
| |
Box 4, Folder 17 | And So Goodbye
| |
Box 4, Folder 18 | And So I Married The
| |
Box 4, Folder 19 | And So Little Time
| |
Box 4, Folder 20 | And So To Bed
| |
Box 4, Folder 21 | And That Ain't All
| |
Box 4, Folder 22 | And The Angels Sing
| |
Box 4, Folder 23 | And Then
| |
Box 4, Folder 24 | And Then Came Love
| |
Box 4, Folder 25 | And Then I Forget
| |
Box 4, Folder 26 | And Then Some
| |
Box 4, Folder 27 | And Then Your Lips Met
| |
Box 4, Folder 28 | And There You Are
| |
Box 4, Folder 29 | And They Say He Went To
| |
Box 4, Folder 30 | Andy Gump
| |
Box 4, Folder 31 | Angel Baby
| |
Box 4, Folder 32 | Angel Chil'
| |
Box 4, Folder 33 | Angel Child
| |
Box 4, Folder 34 | Angela Mia (My Angel)
| |
Box 4, Folder 35 | Angels (We Call Them Mothers Down
| |
Box 4, Folder 36 | Angry
| |
Box 4, Folder 37 | Animal Crackers in my
| |
Box 4, Folder 38 | Anita
| |
Box 4, Folder 39 | Anna in Indiana
| |
Box 4, Folder 40 | Annabelle
| |
Box 4, Folder 41 | Annie Doesn't Live Here
| |
Box 4, Folder 42 | Anniversary Song
| |
Box 4, Folder 43 | Anona
| |
Box 4, Folder 44 | Another Perfect Day Has Passed
| |
Box 4, Folder 45 | Answer (Saying That You Love
| |
Box 4, Folder 46 | Answer Me, My Love
| |
Box 4, Folder 47 | Answer To Nobody's Darlin But
| |
Box 4, Folder 48 | Anti Cigarette Society
| |
Box 4, Folder 49 | Any Ice?
| |
Box 4, Folder 50 | Any Ice Today Lady?
| |
Box 4, Folder 51 | Any Little Girl Can Make A Bad Man
Good(And A Good Man Bad, They Say)
| |
Box 4, Folder 52 | Any Little Girl, That's a Nice Little
Girl, Is The Right Little Girl For Me
| |
Box 4, Folder 53 | Any Old Name is a Wonderful Name (If It
Labels A Wonderful Girl)
| |
Box 4, Folder 54 | Any Old Place I Can Hang My Hat is Home
Sweet Home To Me
| |
Box 4, Folder 55 | Any Old Port in a
| |
Box 4, Folder 56 | Any Old Time at All
| |
Box 4, Folder 57 | Any Old Time At All
| |
Box 4, Folder 58 | Any Old Tune At All
| |
Box 4, Folder 59 | Any Time
| |
Box 4, Folder 60 | Any Time's The Time To Fall in
| |
Box 4, Folder 61 | Any Way The Wind Blows
| |
Box 5 | ||
Box 5, Folder 1 | Anything Is Nice If It Comes From
| |
Box 5, Folder 2 | Anything To Hold Your
| |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Anything You Say
| |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Anytime, Anyday,
| |
Box 5, Folder 5 | Apple Blossoms
| |
Box 5, Folder 6 | (I'll Be With You In) Apple Blossom
| |
Box 5, Folder 7 | "Apple Sass"
| |
Box 5, Folder 8 | Apple Sauce
| |
Box 5, Folder 9 | Apres La Guerre (After the
| |
Box 5, Folder 10 | April In My Heart
| |
Box 5, Folder 11 | Arazzamatazz
| |
Box 5, Folder 12 | Arabia (One-Step Song)
| |
Box 5, Folder 13 | Arabia (Instrumental: Oriental Intermezzo
and Fox Trot)
| |
Box 5, Folder 14 | Arcady (A Melody
| |
Box 5, Folder 15 | Are You Ashamed of Me?
| |
Box 5, Folder 16 | Are You Coming Out Tonight Mary
| |
Box 5, Folder 17 | Are You From Dixie? ('Cause I'm From
Dixie, Too!)
| |
Box 5, Folder 18 | Are You From Heaven?
| |
Box 5, Folder 19 | Are You Happy? (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 20 | Are You Lonesome To-night? (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 21 | Are You Playing Fair?
| |
Box 5, Folder 22 | Are You Sincere?
| |
Box 5, Folder 23 | Are You Sorry? (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 24 | Are You Thinking Of Me To-Night?
(Sentimental Waltz Ballad - with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 25 | Aren't You Glad You're
| |
Box 5, Folder 26 | Arizona Mary
| |
Box 5, Folder 27 | Armenian Maid
| |
Box 5, Folder 28 | The Army of Peace
| |
Box 5, Folder 29 | Around the Corner (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 30 | Around The World
| |
Box 5, Folder 31 | Arrah Arabia (Irish-Arabian
| |
Box 5, Folder 32 | Arrah Go On, I'm Gonna Go Back to
| |
Box 5, Folder 33 | Arrah Wanna (Song and Intermezzo
| |
Box 5, Folder 34 | As A Porcupine Pines For Its Pork (That's
How I Pine For You)(with ukelele accompaniment)
| |
Box 5, Folder 35 | As It Was Written (An Easter
| |
Box 5, Folder 36 | As Long As I Live
| |
Box 5, Folder 37 | As Long As I'm
| |
Box 5, Folder 38 | As Long As The Shamrock Grows
| |
Box 5, Folder 39 | As Long As You're Near
| |
Box 5, Folder 40 | As The Grain Needs The Rain, So I Need You
Once Again
| |
Box 5, Folder 41 | As The Nightingale Calls To Its Mate,
| |
Box 5, Folder 42 | As Time Goes By
| |
Box 5, Folder 43 | As Years Go By
| |
Box 5, Folder 44 | As You Were (When I First Met You, That's
How I Want You Today)
| |
Box 5, Folder 45 | The Ashes of My Heart
| |
Box 5, Folder 46 | Asia Minor And You
| |
Box 5, Folder 47 | Ask Me (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 48 | Ask Me Another (with ukelele
| |
Box 5, Folder 49 | At A Georgia
| |
Box 5, Folder 50 | At A Perfume Counter on the Rue de la
| |
Box 5, Folder 51 | At Close of the Day
| |
Box 5, Folder 52 | At Dusk
| |
Box 5, Folder 53 | At Half Past -!!
| |
Box 5, Folder 54 | At Last
| |
Box 5, Folder 55 | At Last
| |
Box 5, Folder 56 | At Sundown (Love Is Calling Me Home) -
with ukelele accompaniment
| |
Box 5, Folder 57 | At That Bully Wooly Wild West
| |
Box 5, Folder 58 | At That Town Hall Minstrel
| |
Box 5, Folder 59 | At The Balalaika
| |
Box 5, Folder 60 | At The Bankrupts' Ball
| |
Box 5, Folder 61 | At The Bottom of the
| |
Box 5, Folder 62 | At The Close of A Long, Long
| |
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 1 | At the Codfish Ball
| |
Box 6, Folder 2 | At the Coffee Cooler's
| |
Box 6, Folder 3 | At the End of a Beautiful
| |
Box 6, Folder 4 | At the End Of My Trail of
| |
Box 6, Folder 5 | At the End of the Lane
| |
Box 6, Folder 6 | At the End of the Road
| |
Box 6, Folder 7 | At the End of the Sunset
| |
Box 6, Folder 8 | At the Fountain of
| |
Box 6, Folder 9 | At the Funny Page Ball
| |
Box 6, Folder 10 | At the High Brownbabies'
| |
Box 6, Folder 11 | At the Garbage Gentlemen's
| |
Box 6, Folder 12 | At the Midnight
| |
Box 6, Folder 13 | At the Moving Picture
| |
Box 6, Folder 14 | At the Old Home
| |
Box 6, Folder 15 | At the Old Plantation
| |
Box 6, Folder 16 | At the Old Time Movie
| |
Box 6, Folder 17 | At the Yiddisher Ball
| |
Box 6, Folder 18 | At the Yiddish Cabaret
| |
Box 6, Folder 19 | A-Tisket A-Tasket
| |
Box 6, Folder 20 | At Twilight When the Shadows
| |
Box 6, Folder 21 | At Your Command
| |
Box 6, Folder 22 | Atlanta, GA.
| |
Box 6, Folder 23 | Auf Wiedersehen, My
| |
Box 6, Folder 24 | Auf Wiederseh'n,
| |
Box 6, Folder 25 | Auf Wiedersehn (We'll Meet
| |
Box 6, Folder 26 | Aunt Hagar's Blues
| |
Box 6, Folder 27 | Autumn Leaves
| |
Box 6, Folder 28 | Avalon
| |
Box 6, Folder 29 | (Down the Sunset Trail to) Avalon ( I'll
Travel on to You)
| |
Box 6, Folder 30 | Avalon Town
| |
Box 6, Folder 31 | Ave Maria
| |
Box 6, Folder 32 | Awake in a Dream
| |
Box 6, Folder 33 | Away Down East
| |
Box 6, Folder 34 | Away Down East in
| |
Box 6, Folder 35 | Away Down South in
| |
Box 6, Folder 36 | Away From You
| |
Box 6, Folder 37 | Baby (Everybody Calls Her
| |
Box 6, Folder 38 | Baby Blue Eyes
| |
Box 6, Folder 39 | Baby Clothes
| |
Box 6, Folder 40 | Baby Curls
| |
Box 6, Folder 41 | Baby Doll
| |
Box 6, Folder 42 | Baby Exceptional Baby
| |
Box 6, Folder 43 | Baby Face
| |
Box 6, Folder 44 | Baby Face
| |
Box 6, Folder 45 | Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter (Cross My
| |
Box 6, Folder 46 | Baby Hands
| |
Box 6, Folder 47 | Baby, It's Cold
| |
Box 6, Folder 48 | Baby, Let Me Take You
| |
Box 6, Folder 49 | The Baby Looks Like Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 50 | Baby Me
| |
Box 6, Folder 51 | Baby Mine
| |
Box 6, Folder 52 | Baby - Oh Where Can You
| |
Box 6, Folder 53 | Baby O'Mine
| |
Box 6, Folder 54 | Baby Rose
| |
Box 6, Folder 55 | Baby Save Your Kisses For
| |
Box 6, Folder 56 | Baby Save Your Tears
| |
Box 6, Folder 57 | Baby Shoes
| |
Box 6, Folder 58 | Babyin' My Baby
| |
Box 6, Folder 59 | Baby's Birthday Party
| |
Box 7 | ||
Box 7, Folder 1 | Baby Sister Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 2 | Baby's Recess
| |
Box 7, Folder 3 | Baby, What Else Can I
| |
Box 7, Folder 4 | Baby Your Mother (Like She Babied
| |
Box 7, Folder 5 | The Bachelor & the
| |
Box 7, Folder 6 | Back at Dear Old Home Sweet
| |
Box 7, Folder 7 | Back, Back, Back to
| |
Box 7, Folder 8 | Back, Back, Back to
| |
Box 7, Folder 9 | Back Home
| |
Box 7, Folder 10 | Back Home and Broke
| |
Box 7, Folder 11 | Back in Tipperary Town (I Long To Be Goin'
Where The Shamrocks Are Growin')
| |
Box 7, Folder 12 | Back in Your Own Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 13 | Back of Every Cloud There's Sunshine
(Throw Your Troubles Away)
| |
Box 7, Folder 14 | Back O'Town Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 15 | Back to Dixieland
| |
Box 7, Folder 16 | Back to Hawaii and Me
| |
Box 7, Folder 17 | Back to Mother & Home Sweet
| |
Box 7, Folder 18 | Back to the Carolina You
| |
Box 7, Folder 19 | Back to the Old Home
| |
Box 7, Folder 20 | Back Where the Daffodils
| |
Box 7, Folder 21 | Back Where Daisies
| |
Box 7, Folder 22 | Back Where the School Bell
| |
Box 7, Folder 23 | Bad Baby
| |
Box 7, Folder 24 | Bad Bad Baby
| |
Box 7, Folder 25 | Bad Girl
| |
Box 7, Folder 26 | The Bad Humor Man
| |
Box 7, Folder 27 | Bagdad
| |
Box 7, Folder 28 | Bahama
| |
Box 7, Folder 29 | The Ballad of Davy
| |
Box 7, Folder 30 | The Ballad of the Green
| |
Box 7, Folder 31 | (Dance) Ballerina
| |
Box 7, Folder 32 | Ballymooney and Biddy
| |
Box 7, Folder 33 | Baltimore
| |
Box 7, Folder 34 | Baltimore Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 35 | Bambambamy Shore
| |
Box 7, Folder 36 | Bamboo Bay
| |
Box 7, Folder 37 | Band Band Band
| |
Box 7, Folder 38 | The Band Came Back
| |
Box 7, Folder 39 | The Band Played "Nearer My God to Thee"
(As The Ship Went Down)
| |
Box 7, Folder 40 | The Band Played On
| |
Box 7, Folder 41 | Banjo Tunes
| |
Box 7, Folder 42 | Barnum Had The Right
| |
Box 7, Folder 43 | Barbara
| |
Box 7, Folder 44 | Barcelona
| |
Box 7, Folder 45 | (Oh Boy! What Joy We Had In) Barefoot
| |
Box 7, Folder 46 | Barnacle Bill
| |
Box 7, Folder 47 | Barney Google
| |
Box 7, Folder 48 | Bashful Baby (with ukelele
| |
Box 7, Folder 49 | Bashful Betsy Brown
| |
Box 7, Folder 50 | Basin Street Blues
| |
Box 7, Folder 51 | The Bat Lady
| |
Box 7, Folder 52 | Be A Good Scout
| |
Box 7, Folder 53 | Be A Little Sweeter to
| |
Box 7, Folder 54 | Be A Mason
| |
Box 7, Folder 55 | Be Careful
| |
Box 7, Folder 56 | Be Careful With Those
| |
Box 7, Folder 57 | Be Careful, Young Lady
| |
Box 7, Folder 58 | Be Good
| |
Box 7, Folder 59 | Be My Little Bumblebee
| |
Box 7, Folder 60 | Be My Love
| |
Box 7, Folder 61 | Be My Lover
| |
Box 8 | ||
Box 8, Folder 1 | Beale Street Mama
| |
Box 8, Folder 2 | Beale Street Blues (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 3 | The Bean Song (Which Way To Boston) (with
ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 8, Folder 4 | Beans! Beans!!
| |
Box 8, Folder 5 | The Beat O' My Heart
| |
Box 8, Folder 6 | Beatrice Fairfax tell Me What To
| |
Box 8, Folder 7 | Beautiful
| |
Box 8, Folder 8 | Beautiful
| |
Box 8, Folder 9 | Beautiful Annabell Lee
| |
Box 8, Folder 10 | Beautiful Arizona
| |
Box 8, Folder 11 | Beautiful Doll
| |
Box 8, Folder 12 | Beautiful Dreamer
| |
Box 8, Folder 13 | Beautiful Eyes
| |
Box 8, Folder 14 | Beautiful Isle of
| |
Box 8, Folder 15 | A Beautiful Lady in
| |
Box 8, Folder 16 | Beautiful Land of
| |
Box 8, Folder 17 | Beautiful Ohio
| |
Box 8, Folder 18 | Beautiful Stars Above
| |
Box 8, Folder 19 | Beautiful Thoughts of
| |
Box 8, Folder 20 | Beauty's Eyes
| |
Box 8, Folder 21 | Bebe
| |
Box 8, Folder 22 | Because
| |
Box 8, Folder 23 | Because I Love You
| |
Box 8, Folder 24 | Because I Love You
| |
Box 8, Folder 25 | Because I'm Married
| |
Box 8, Folder 26 | Because My Baby Don't Mean Maybe
| |
Box 8, Folder 27 | Because of You
| |
Box 8, Folder 28 | Because of You
| |
Box 8, Folder 29 | Because of You (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 30 | Because They All Love You (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 31 | Because You Believe In
| |
Box 8, Folder 32 | Because You're Irish
| |
Box 8, Folder 33 | Because You're Mine
| |
Box 8, Folder 34 | Becky From Babylon
| |
Box 8, Folder 35 | Bedelia
| |
Box 8, Folder 36 | A Bed-Time Story
| |
Box 8, Folder 37 | The Bee That Gets the Honey Doesn't Hang
Around the Hive (music only; no cover)
| |
Box 8, Folder 38 | Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out The
| |
Box 8, Folder 39 | The Beer That Made Milwaukee
| |
Box 8, Folder 40 | Bees Knees
| |
Box 8, Folder 41 | Before I Go Home (May I Have One More
Waltz With You)
| |
Box 8, Folder 42 | Before You Go
| |
Box 8, Folder 43 | Beg Your Pardon
| |
Box 8, Folder 44 | The Beggar
| |
Box 8, Folder 45 | Beggars of Life
| |
Box 8, Folder 46 | Begin The Beguine
| |
Box 8, Folder 47 | Behind The Clouds (Are Crowds and Crowds
of Sunbeams)
| |
Box 8, Folder 48 | Bei Mir Bist Du Schön (Means That You're
| |
Box 8, Folder 49 | Believe
| |
Box 8, Folder 50 | Believe It, Beloved
| |
Box 8, Folder 51 | Believe It Or Not (It's Always
| |
Box 8, Folder 52 | Bella Bella Marie
| |
Box 8, Folder 53 | The Belle of Hogan's
| |
Box 8, Folder 54 | Bells of Killarney
| |
Box 8, Folder 55 | Beloved (with ukelele
| |
Box 8, Folder 56 | Bend Down, Sister
| |
Box 8, Folder 57 | Beneath The Pines of
| |
Box 8, Folder 58 | Beneath The Silver
| |
Box 8, Folder 59 | Beneath Venetian Skies (At
| |
Box 8, Folder 60 | Be On The Level With Mother (And The World
Will Square With You)
| |
Box 8, Folder 61 | Be Prepared (Just a Colored Preachers
| |
Box 8, Folder 62 | Bermuda
| |
Box 9 | ||
Box 9, Folder 1 | Bermuda Moon
| |
Box 9, Folder 2 | Besame Mucho (Kiss Me
| |
Box 9, Folder 3 | Beside a Babbling
| |
Box 9, Folder 4 | Beside a Blue Lagoon
| |
Box 9, Folder 5 | Beside a Garden Wall
| |
Box 9, Folder 6 | Beside an Open
| |
Box 9, Folder 7 | Bessie
| |
Box 9, Folder 8 | The Best Thing in Life
| |
Box 9, Folder 9 | The Best Things In Life Are
| |
Box 9, Folder 10 | Be Still, My Heart
| |
Box 9, Folder 11 | Be Sweet to Your Daddy
| |
Box 9, Folder 12 | Betty Co-Ed
| |
Box 9, Folder 13 | Beware of Pink Pajamas
| |
Box 9, Folder 14 | Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
| |
Box 9, Folder 15 | Bibi
| |
Box 9, Folder 16 | A Bicycle Built for
| |
Box 9, Folder 17 | Bid the Hope Again
| |
Box 9, Folder 18 | Big Bad John
| |
Box 9, Folder 19 | Big Blonde Baby
| |
Box 9, Folder 20 | Big Boy!
| |
Box 9, Folder 21 | Big Boy Billie (Blow Your
| |
Box 9, Folder 22 | Big Chief Battle-Axe
| |
Box 9, Folder 23 | Big Golden Nuggets
| |
Box 9, Folder 24 | The Big Red Motor & the Little Blue
| |
Box 9, Folder 25 | The Billiken Man
| |
Box 9, Folder 26 | Billy
| |
Box 9, Folder 27 | Billy
| |
Box 9, Folder 28 | Billy-Billy Bounce Your Baby
| |
Box 9, Folder 29 | Bimini Bay
| |
Box 9, Folder 30 | Bing Bing (COVER ONLY--- NO
| |
Box 9, Folder 31 | Birdie
| |
Box 9, Folder 32 | The Bird on Nellie's
| |
Box 9, Folder 33 | (The Same Thing Happens With) The Birds
and the Bees
| |
Box 9, Folder 34 | Birds of a Feather
| |
Box 9, Folder 35 | Birds of a Feather Flock
| |
Box 9, Folder 36 | The Birthday of a Kiss
| |
Box 9, Folder 37 | A Bit O' Blarney
| |
Box 9, Folder 38 | Black Eyed Susan Brown
| |
Box 9, Folder 39 | Black Moonlight
| |
Box 9, Folder 40 | The Blacksmith Blues
| |
Box 9, Folder 41 | Blaine's Grande March
| |
Box 9, Folder 42 | Blame it on My Youth
| |
Box 9, Folder 43 | Blame It on the Waltz
| |
Box 9, Folder 44 | Blaze-Away
| |
Box 9, Folder 45 | Bless You For Being An
| |
Box 9, Folder 46 | Bless Your Ever Loving Little
| |
Box 9, Folder 47 | Bless Your Heart
| |
Box 9, Folder 48 | Bless Your Little
| |
Box 9, Folder 49 | Bl_nd and P_g
| |
Box 9, Folder 50 | Blondy
| |
Box 9, Folder 51 | Blondy
| |
Box 9, Folder 52 | Blossoms on Broadway
| |
Box 9, Folder 53 | Blow, Blow Winds of the
| |
Box 9, Folder 54 | Blue
| |
Box 9, Folder 55 | Blue Again
| |
Box 9, Folder 56 | The Blue and The Gray (Or A Mother's Gift
To Her Country)
| |
Box 9, Folder 57 | Blue Baby - Why Are You
| |
Box 9, Folder 58 | Blue Bell
| |
Box 9, Folder 59 | Blue Bells (COVER ONLY-NO
| |
Box 9, Folder 60 | The BlueBird
| |
Box 9, Folder 61 | Bluebird, Bring Back My
| |
Box 9, Folder 62 | Blue Bonnet - You Make Me Feel
| |
Box 9, Folder 63 | Blue Butterfly
| |
Box 9, Folder 64 | Blue Champagne
| |
Box 9, Folder 65 | Blue Christmas
| |
Box 9, Folder 66 | Blue Diamonds
| |
Box 10 | ||
Box 10, Folder 1 | Blue Evening Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 2 | Blue Eyed Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 3 | Blue-Eyed Sally (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 4 | Blue Eyes (Get Red, Red, Ready For
| |
Box 10, Folder 5 | Blue Feather
| |
Box 10, Folder 6 | Blue Grass
| |
Box 10, Folder 7 | Blue Hawaii
| |
Box 10, Folder 8 | Blue Hoosier Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 9 | Blue Island Blues
| |
Box 10, Folder 10 | Blue Is The Night
| |
Box 10, Folder 11 | Blue Lovebird
| |
Box 10, Folder 12 | Blue Moon
| |
Box 10, Folder 13 | Blue Moon
| |
Box 10, Folder 14 | Blue Mountain Shack
| |
Box 10, Folder 15 | Blue Orchids
| |
Box 10, Folder 16 | Blue Over You
| |
Box 10, Folder 17 | A Blue Poke Bonnet and A Stove Pipe Hat
| |
Box 10, Folder 18 | Blue Ridge Moon
| |
Box 10, Folder 19 | Blue Ridge Mountain Cottage (And You)
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 10, Folder 20 | Blue River (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 21 | Blue Roses
| |
Box 10, Folder 22 | Blue Shadows On The
| |
Box 10, Folder 23 | Blue Skies
| |
Box 10, Folder 24 | Blue Sky Avenue
| |
Box 10, Folder 25 | Blue Water (Moana)
| |
Box 10, Folder 26 | Blue Without You (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 27 | Blues In The Night (My Mama Done Tol'
| |
Box 10, Folder 28 | Blueberry Hill
| |
Box 10, Folder 29 | Bluebirds In The Moonlight (Silly
| |
Box 10, Folder 30 | Blues In My Heart (with ukelele
| |
Box 10, Folder 31 | Blues (My Naughty Sweetie Gives To
| |
Box 10, Folder 32 | The Blushing Rose
| |
Box 10, Folder 33 | Bo-Peep
| |
Box 10, Folder 34 | Boat Song
| |
Box 10, Folder 35 | Bob White (Whatch Gonna Swing
| |
Box 10, Folder 36 | Bobbin' Up And Down
| |
Box 10, Folder 37 | Bobby
| |
Box 10, Folder 38 | Bo-La-Bo
| |
Box 10, Folder 39 | Bom-Bom-Bom-Bhe (The Melody
| |
Box 10, Folder 40 | Bon Jour Mam'selle
| |
Box 10, Folder 41 | Bonnie Annie Laurie
| |
Box 10, Folder 42 | Bonnie Blue
| |
Box 10, Folder 43 | Bonnie Jean
| |
Box 10, Folder 44 | Boo-Boo-Boo
| |
Box 10, Folder 45 | The Boogie Man
| |
Box 10, Folder 46 | The Boogie Man (Boogie Woogie Etude)
(Piano Solo)
| |
Box 10, Folder 47 | Boo-Hoo
| |
Box 10, Folder 48 | Boo-Hoo-Hoo (You're Gonna Cry When I'm
| |
Box 10, Folder 49 | Boom, Boom
| |
Box 10, Folder 50 | Boom Our State
| |
Box 10, Folder 51 | Born To Be Kissed
| |
Box 10, Folder 52 | Born Too Late
| |
Box 10, Folder 53 | Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Gigolo and
| |
Box 10, Folder 54 | Bounding Sea
| |
Box 10, Folder 55 | Bow Wow Blues (My Mama Treats Me Like A
| |
Box 10, Folder 56 | The Bowery
| |
Box 10, Folder 57 | A Boy And A Girl Were
| |
Box 10, Folder 58 | Boy Of My Dreams
| |
Box 10, Folder 59 | Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy, I've Got It
| |
Box 10, Folder 60 | Boy Scouts of America
| |
Box 10, Folder 61 | Boys And Girls
| |
Box 10, Folder 62 | Brass Band Ephraham
| |
Box 11 | ||
Box 11, Folder 1 | Brave Boys Are They!
| |
Box 11, Folder 2 | Brazil (Aquarela do
| |
Box 11, Folder 3 | Braziliana
| |
Box 11, Folder 4 | Brazillian Rose
| |
Box 11, Folder 5 | Bread And Cheese And
| |
Box 11, Folder 6 | Break It Gently To My
| |
Box 11, Folder 7 | A Breath Of Virginia
| |
Box 11, Folder 8 | Breeze (Blow My Baby Back To
| |
Box 11, Folder 9 | Breezin' Along (To Georgia) (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 10 | The Bridge Of Sighs
| |
Box 11, Folder 11 | Bridget O'Flynn (Where've Ya
| |
Box 11, Folder 12 | Bright Eyed Little Nell Of Narragansett
| |
Box 11, Folder 13 | Bright Eyes
| |
Box 11, Folder 14 | Bring Along Your Dancing
| |
Box 11, Folder 15 | Bring Back My Golden
| |
Box 11, Folder 16 | Bring Back That Old-Fashioned
| |
Box 11, Folder 17 | Bring Back Those Wonderful
| |
Box 11, Folder 18 | Bring Back The Roses Kathleen
| |
Box 11, Folder 19 | Bringing Home The
| |
Box 11, Folder 20 | Bring Your Roses To Her
| |
Box 11, Folder 21 | Broadway Baby Dolls (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 22 | Broadway Blues
| |
Box 11, Folder 23 | Broadway Blues
| |
Box 11, Folder 24 | The Broadway Girl
| |
Box 11, Folder 25 | Broadway Rose
| |
Box 11, Folder 26 | Broadway's Gone Hawaii
| |
Box 11, Folder 27 | Broken Blossoms
| |
Box 11, Folder 28 | Broken Blossoms
| |
Box 11, Folder 29 | Broken-Hearted Blues
| |
Box 11, Folder 30 | Broken Hearted Melody
| |
Box 11, Folder 31 | Broken Hearted Sue (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 32 | Brokenhearted
| |
Box 11, Folder 33 | Broken Moon
| |
Box 11, Folder 34 | The Broken Record
| |
Box 11, Folder 35 | Broken Toy
| |
Box 11, Folder 36 | Broncho Sal
| |
Box 11, Folder 37 | Brother Bill
| |
Box 11, Folder 38 | Brother, Just Laugh It
| |
Box 11, Folder 39 | Brother Low Down
| |
Box 11, Folder 40 | Brown Eyes
| |
Box 11, Folder 41 | Brown Eyes Why Are You Blue? (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 42 | Brown Skin! (Incomplete: cover and page 3
| |
Box 11, Folder 43 | Brunonia's Big Brown
| |
Box 11, Folder 44 | Bubbling Over (Life Is Bubbling Over All
The Time)
| |
Box 11, Folder 45 | Buckin' The Wind
| |
Box 11, Folder 46 | Buddha
| |
Box 11, Folder 47 | Buddy
| |
Box 11, Folder 48 | Buffalo Billy
| |
Box 11, Folder 49 | Bugle Call Rag
| |
Box 11, Folder 50 | Build A Little Home
| |
Box 11, Folder 51 | Building A Nest For Mary (with ukelele
| |
Box 11, Folder 52 | Build Your Nest In The
| |
Box 11, Folder 53 | The Bullfrog And The
| |
Box 11, Folder 54 | The Bull-Frog Patrol
| |
Box 11, Folder 55 | Bum-Bum-Bumble-Bee
| |
Box 11, Folder 56 | The Bungalow in Quogue
| |
Box 11, Folder 57 | Burmah Moon
| |
Box 11, Folder 58 | Burning Sands
| |
Box 11, Folder 59 | Burn That Candle (No Cover - Sheet Music
| |
Box 11, Folder 60 | Business Is Business With
| |
Box 12 | ||
Box 12, Folder 1 | But Beautiful
| |
Box 12, Folder 2 | But Definitely
| |
Box 12, Folder 3 | But I Do - You Know I Do (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 4 | Butterflies In The
| |
Box 12, Folder 5 | Buttons and Bows
| |
Box 12, Folder 6 | Buy A Bale of Cotton For
| |
Box 12, Folder 7 | Buzzin' Along
| |
Box 12, Folder 8 | The Burning of Rome (for band and
| |
Box 12, Folder 9 | By A Lazy Country Lane
| |
Box 12, Folder 10 | By All The Stars Above You (I Love You, I
Love You, I Do)
| |
Box 12, Folder 11 | By A Rippling Stream (Waiting For
| |
Box 12, Folder 12 | By A Waterfall
| |
Box 12, Folder 13 | Bye And Bye
| |
Box 12, Folder 14 | Bye And Bye Sweetheart (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 15 | Bye Bye Blackbird (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 16 | Bye Bye Blues
| |
Box 12, Folder 17 | Bye-Bye Babykins
| |
Box 12, Folder 18 | Bye-Bye, Pretty Baby
| |
Box 12, Folder 19 | Bye Lo
| |
Box 12, Folder 20 | Bygones
| |
Box 12, Folder 21 | By My Side
| |
Box 12, Folder 22 | By The Beautiful Sea
| |
Box 12, Folder 23 | By The Blue Lagoon
| |
Box 12, Folder 24 | By The Campfire
| |
Box 12, Folder 25 | By The Dear Old River
| |
Box 12, Folder 26 | By The Dreaming Nile
| |
Box 12, Folder 27 | By The Honeysuckle
| |
Box 12, Folder 28 | By The Light of the Honeymoon (or Kiss Me
and Say You'll Miss Me)
| |
Box 12, Folder 29 | By The Light of the Jungle
| |
Box 12, Folder 30 | By The Light of the Silvery
| |
Box 12, Folder 31 | By The Light of the Stars (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 32 | By The Ocean Side
| |
Box 12, Folder 33 | By The Old Ohio Shore
| |
Box 12, Folder 34 | By The Old Rustic Seat I'll Be
| |
Box 12, Folder 35 | By The River Sainte
| |
Box 12, Folder 36 | By The Riverside
| |
Box 12, Folder 37 | By The Sapphire Sea
| |
Box 12, Folder 38 | By The Shalimar
| |
Box 12, Folder 39 | By The Silvery Nile
| |
Box 12, Folder 40 | By The Sycamore Tree
| |
Box 12, Folder 41 | By The Temple Gate
| |
Box 12, Folder 42 | By The Way (I'm Still In Love With You)
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 12, Folder 43 | Cafe Continental
| |
Box 12, Folder 44 | Cairo
| |
Box 12, Folder 45 | Cairo Land
| |
Box 12, Folder 46 | The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Artillery
| |
Box 12, Folder 47 | Calcutta
| |
Box 12, Folder 48 | Caldonia (What Makes Your Big Head So
| |
Box 12, Folder 49 | California
| |
Box 12, Folder 50 | California All For You (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 51 | California And You
| |
Box 12, Folder 52 | California For You (INCOMPLETE, third page
| |
Box 12, Folder 53 | California Here I Come (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 54 | California My Homeland (with ukelele
| |
Box 12, Folder 55 | The California Poppy
| |
Box 12, Folder 56 | California Sunshine
| |
Box 12, Folder 57 | California We Owe A Lot To
| |
Box 12, Folder 58 | Caliope Jane
| |
Box 12, Folder 59 | Call For Mr. Brown
| |
Box 12, Folder 60 | Call Me Back
| |
Box 13 | ||
Box 13, Folder 1 | Calling Me Back To You
| |
Box 13, Folder 2 | Calling Me Home (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 3 | Call Me Darling (Call Me Sweetheart, Call
Me Dear) (Sag Mir Darling) (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 4 | Call Me Irresponsible
| |
Box 13, Folder 5 | The Call of Broadway
| |
Box 13, Folder 6 | The Call Of My Heart Is
| |
Box 13, Folder 7 | The Calling of the Sea
| |
Box 13, Folder 8 | The Call To Arms
| |
Box 13, Folder 9 | Camille (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 10 | Campmeeting band
| |
Box 13, Folder 11 | Campmeetin' Time (Coon
| |
Box 13, Folder 12 | Candlelight and Wine
| |
Box 13, Folder 13 | Candy (Advanced Artist
| |
Box 13, Folder 14 | Can I Forget You?
| |
Box 13, Folder 15 | Can You Blame The Woman After
| |
Box 13, Folder 16 | Can You Bring Back The Heart I Gave
| |
Box 13, Folder 17 | Can You Imagine
| |
Box 13, Folder 18 | Can You Imagine That
| |
Box 13, Folder 19 | Can You Read In My Eyes (I Adore
| |
Box 13, Folder 20 | Can You Tame Wild
| |
Box 13, Folder 21 | Can't Feel Jolly Blues
| |
Box 13, Folder 22 | Can't Get Indiana Off My
| |
Box 13, Folder 23 | Can't You Hear Me Say I Love
| |
Box 13, Folder 24 | Can't You Read Between The
| |
Box 13, Folder 25 | Can't You Read Between The
| |
Box 13, Folder 26 | Can't You See
| |
Box 13, Folder 27 | Can't You See I'm
| |
Box 13, Folder 28 | Can't You See I'm
| |
Box 13, Folder 29 | Can't You See The Rainbow In The
| |
Box 13, Folder 30 | Can't You Take It Back and Change It For A
| |
Box 13, Folder 31 | Can't We Talk It Over
| |
Box 13, Folder 32 | Captain Baby Bunting (Of The Rocking Horse
| |
Box 13, Folder 33 | Captain D'Arcy (Of The
| |
Box 13, Folder 34 | Captain Of The Clouds
| |
Box 13, Folder 35 | Cara Mia
| |
Box 13, Folder 36 | Caravan
| |
Box 13, Folder 37 | Carefree
| |
Box 13, Folder 38 | Careless
| |
Box 13, Folder 39 | The Careless Heart
| |
Box 13, Folder 40 | Carelessly
| |
Box 13, Folder 41 | Caresses
| |
Box 13, Folder 42 | Caressing You (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 43 | Caribbean Sea
| |
Box 13, Folder 44 | Carolina
| |
Box 13, Folder 45 | Carolina in the
| |
Box 13, Folder 46 | Carolina Lullaby
| |
Box 13, Folder 47 | Carolina Mammy
| |
Box 13, Folder 48 | Carolina Mine (Your Rolling Stone Is
Rolling Home)
| |
Box 13, Folder 49 | Carolina Moon (with ukelele
| |
Box 13, Folder 50 | Carolina Rolling Stone
| |
Box 13, Folder 51 | Carolina's Calling Me
| |
Box 13, Folder 52 | Carolina Sunshine
| |
Box 13, Folder 53 | Carolina Sweetheart
| |
Box 13, Folder 54 | Caroline, I'm Coming Back To
| |
Box 13, Folder 55 | Carrie or "Carrie Marry
| |
Box 13, Folder 56 | Carry Me back To My Carolina
| |
Box 13, Folder 57 | Carry Me Back To Old
| |
Box 13, Folder 58 | Casanova Cricket
| |
Box 13, Folder 59 | Casey Jones (The Brave
| |
Box 13, Folder 60 | Casey Jones Went Down On The Robert E.
| |
Box 13, Folder 61 | ('Neath That) Castilian
| |
Box 13, Folder 62 | Castles In The Air
| |
Box 14 | ||
Box 14, Folder 1 | Castles In The Air
| |
Box 14, Folder 2 | Castles In The Moon
| |
Box 14, Folder 3 | The Cat
| |
Box 14, Folder 4 | Catalina
| |
Box 14, Folder 5 | The Cat's Whiskers
| |
Box 14, Folder 6 | 'Cause I Feel Low-Down
| |
Box 14, Folder 7 | 'Cause I'm In Love
| |
Box 14, Folder 8 | 'Cause My Baby Says It's
| |
Box 14, Folder 9 | Cecelia With A Capital
| |
Box 14, Folder 10 | Cécile
| |
Box 14, Folder 11 | Cecilia (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 12 | Celia
| |
Box 14, Folder 13 | C'Est La Vie
| |
Box 14, Folder 14 | C'Est Vous (It's You) (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 15 | Champagne Charlie
| |
Box 14, Folder 16 | The Champagne Waltz
| |
Box 14, Folder 17 | Champlain
| |
Box 14, Folder 18 | Changes (with ukelele and banjo uke
| |
Box 14, Folder 19 | Changing Partners
| |
Box 14, Folder 20 | Chansonette
| |
Box 14, Folder 21 | Chant Of The Jungle
| |
Box 14, Folder 22 | A Chapter Of My Life Called
| |
Box 14, Folder 23 | Charleston (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 24 | Charleston Cabin
| |
Box 14, Folder 25 | Charleston Parisien
| |
Box 14, Folder 26 | Charley My Boy (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 27 | Charlie Cadet
| |
Box 14, Folder 28 | The Charm Of You
| |
Box 14, Folder 29 | Charmaine (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 30 | Charming
| |
Box 14, Folder 31 | The Charming Young Widow I Met In The
| |
Box 14, Folder 32 | Chattanooga Choo Choo
| |
Box 14, Folder 33 | Chatterbox
| |
Box 14, Folder 34 | Cheating
| |
Box 14, Folder 35 | Cheatin' On Me (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 36 | Checkers
| |
Box 14, Folder 37 | Cheer Leader Charlie
| |
Box 14, Folder 38 | Cheer Up (Better Times Will Soon Be
| |
Box 14, Folder 39 | Cheer Up (Cherries Will Soon Be
| |
Box 14, Folder 40 | Cheer Up (Good Times Are
| |
Box 14, Folder 41 | Cheer Up Mary
| |
Box 14, Folder 42 | Cheer Up, Sam!
| |
Box 14, Folder 43 | Cheerie-Beerie-Be (From Sunny Italy)(with
ukelele accompaniment)
| |
Box 14, Folder 44 | Cheerio Cherry Lips Cheerio (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 45 | Cherie
| |
Box 14, Folder 46 | Cherie Chilly-Pom-Pom-Pee (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 47 | Cherie, I Love You
| |
Box 14, Folder 48 | Cherokee
| |
Box 14, Folder 49 | Cherokee (Indian Love
| |
Box 14, Folder 50 | Cherry
| |
Box 14, Folder 51 | Cherry Blossom
| |
Box 14, Folder 52 | The Cherry In The
| |
Box 14, Folder 53 | Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom
| |
Box 14, Folder 54 | Cheyenne (Shy Anne)
| |
Box 14, Folder 55 | Chi-Baba Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go To
| |
Box 14, Folder 56 | Chicago (That Todd'ling
| |
Box 14, Folder 57 | Chicago Butterfly (with ukelele
| |
Box 14, Folder 58 | Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken (Lay A
Little Egg For Me) (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 15 | ||
Box 15, Folder 1 | Chicken Reel
| |
Box 15, Folder 2 | Chickery Chick
| |
Box 15, Folder 3 | Chickie
| |
Box 15, Folder 4 | Chihuahua
| |
Box 15, Folder 5 | Child of the Wave
| |
Box 15, Folder 6 | Childhood Days
| |
Box 15, Folder 7 | Childhood Scenes
| |
Box 15, Folder 8 | Chili Bean
| |
Box 15, Folder 9 | China Dreams
| |
Box 15, Folder 10 | China Heart
| |
Box 15, Folder 11 | China Moon
| |
Box 15, Folder 12 | China Seas
| |
Box 15, Folder 13 | Chinatown, My
| |
Box 15, Folder 14 | China, We Owe A Lot To
| |
Box 15, Folder 15 | Chin - Chin Chinaman
| |
Box 15, Folder 16 | Chin - Chin Open Your Heart And Let Me
| |
Box 15, Folder 17 | Chi - Nee Fox Trot
| |
Box 15, Folder 18 | Chinese Blues
| |
Box 15, Folder 19 | Chinese Butterfly
| |
Box 15, Folder 20 | Chinese Lullaby
| |
Box 15, Folder 21 | Chinese Moon (with ukelele
| |
Box 15, Folder 22 | Ching A Ling's Jazz
| |
Box 15, Folder 23 | Ching Chong
| |
Box 15, Folder 24 | Chinky Butterfly (with ukelele
| |
Box 15, Folder 25 | Chinky Chinee Bogey
| |
Box 15, Folder 26 | Chinnin' and Chattin' With May (with
ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 15, Folder 27 | Chiquita (with ukelele and banjo uke
| |
Box 15, Folder 28 | Chloe
| |
Box 15, Folder 29 | Chloe (Song of the Swamp) (with ukelele
| |
Box 15, Folder 30 | Chong (He Come From Hong
| |
Box 15, Folder 31 | Choo-Choo (I Gotta Hurry Home) (with
ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 15, Folder 32 | Choo Choo Blues
| |
Box 15, Folder 33 | Chop Sticks
| |
Box 15, Folder 34 | Christmas Chimes
| |
Box 15, Folder 35 | Christmas Dreaming (A Little Early This
| |
Box 15, Folder 36 | Christmas in Killarney
| |
Box 15, Folder 37 | Christopher Columbus
| |
Box 15, Folder 38 | Cinda Lou
| |
Box 15, Folder 39 | Cinderella
| |
Box 15, Folder 40 | Cinderella
| |
Box 15, Folder 41 | Cinderella Blues
| |
Box 15, Folder 42 | Cinderella's Fella
| |
Box 15, Folder 43 | Circus Day in Dixie
| |
Box 15, Folder 44 | Civilization (Bongo, Bongo,
| |
Box 15, Folder 45 | Clap Hands (Here Comes
| |
Box 15, Folder 46 | Clap Your Hands My Baby (For Your Daddy's
Coming Home)
| |
Box 15, Folder 47 | Clementine (From New
| |
Box 15, Folder 48 | Cleopatra Had A Jazz
| |
Box 15, Folder 49 | Clicquot
| |
Box 15, Folder 50 | Climb A Tree With Me
| |
Box 15, Folder 51 | Cling To Me
| |
Box 15, Folder 52 | Clorinda
| |
Box 15, Folder 53 | Close Those Eyes My Babe And
| |
Box 15, Folder 54 | Close To Me
| |
Box 15, Folder 55 | Close To My Heart
| |
Box 15, Folder 56 | Close To You
| |
Box 15, Folder 57 | Coal-Black Mammy
| |
Box 15, Folder 58 | (Go On And) Coax Me
| |
Box 15, Folder 59 | Cocktails For Two
| |
Box 16 | ||
Box 16, Folder 1 | Cocoanut Grove "Jazz"
| |
Box 16, Folder 2 | The Co-Ed (with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 3 | Coffee in the Morning and Kisses At
| |
Box 16, Folder 4 | Colleen
| |
Box 16, Folder 5 | Colleen I'm Calling To
| |
Box 16, Folder 6 | Colleen's Eyes
| |
Box 16, Folder 7 | College Life
| |
Box 16, Folder 8 | College Rhythm
| |
Box 16, Folder 9 | College Yell
| |
Box 16, Folder 10 | Collegiana (with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 11 | Collegiate
| |
Box 16, Folder 12 | Collette (with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 13 | Colorado (one with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 14 | Colorado Moon
| |
Box 16, Folder 15 | Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean (The Red,
White and Blue)
| |
Box 16, Folder 16 | Come Along, Ma Honey (Down Upon the
Swanee) (arranged for ukelele)
| |
Box 16, Folder 17 | Come Along My Mandy!
| |
Box 16, Folder 18 | Come And Dream With Me In A Persian
| |
Box 16, Folder 19 | Come And Kiss Your Little
| |
Box 16, Folder 20 | Come Back, Dixie
| |
Box 16, Folder 21 | Come Back Home To Old
| |
Box 16, Folder 22 | Come Back To Arizona
| |
Box 16, Folder 23 | Come Back To Erin Mona
| |
Box 16, Folder 24 | Come Back To Jumbo Gumbo (Jeejee Boo
| |
Box 16, Folder 25 | Come Back To Me
| |
Box 16, Folder 26 | Come Back To Me (with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 27 | Come Back To Me
| |
Box 16, Folder 28 | Come Back To Me
| |
Box 16, Folder 29 | Come Back To Me,
| |
Box 16, Folder 30 | Come Back To Romany
| |
Box 16, Folder 31 | Come Back To Your Little Boy
| |
Box 16, Folder 32 | Come Down Mister Moon
| |
Box 16, Folder 33 | Come Josephine In My Flying Machine (Up
She Goes!)
| |
Box 16, Folder 34 | Come On-A My House
| |
Box 16, Folder 35 | Come On And Baby Me
| |
Box 16, Folder 36 | Come On And Play Wiz Me (My Sweet
| |
Box 16, Folder 37 | Come On Baby! (with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 38 | Come On Home
| |
Box 16, Folder 39 | Come On, Let's Razoo (On Our Little
| |
Box 16, Folder 40 | Come On Over Here It's A Wonderful
| |
Box 16, Folder 41 | Come On Over Let's All Get
| |
Box 16, Folder 42 | Come On To Nashville
| |
Box 16, Folder 43 | Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You
| |
Box 16, Folder 44 | Come Out of the
| |
Box 16, Folder 45 | Come Out of the Kitchen, Mary
| |
Box 16, Folder 46 | Come Seven
| |
Box 16, Folder 47 | Come Take A Trip In My Air
| |
Box 16, Folder 48 | Come To Me
| |
Box 16, Folder 49 | Come To Me (with ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 50 | Come To The Mardi Gras (Não Tenho
| |
Box 16, Folder 51 | Come To The Moon
| |
Box 16, Folder 52 | Comfy and Cozy (In My Baby's
| |
Box 16, Folder 53 | Confessin' That I Love
| |
Box 16, Folder 54 | Confidentially
| |
Box 16, Folder 55 | Congo Love Song
| |
Box 16, Folder 56 | Congratulations (withn ukelele
| |
Box 16, Folder 57 | A Connecticut Yankee
| |
Box 16, Folder 58 | Constantinople
| |
Box 16, Folder 59 | Constantly
| |
Box 16, Folder 60 | Contented
| |
Box 17 | ||
Box 17, Folder 1 | The Continental (You Kiss While You're
| |
Box 17, Folder 2 | Cooking Breakfast For The One I
| |
Box 17, Folder 3 | Cool Yule
| |
Box 17, Folder 4 | Coon! Coon! Coon!
| |
Box 17, Folder 5 | The Cootie Tickle
| |
Box 17, Folder 6 | Copenhagen
| |
Box 17, Folder 7 | The Cop On The Beat, The Man In The Moon,
And Me
| |
Box 17, Folder 8 | Cordalia Malone
| |
Box 17, Folder 9 | Corn Flower Waltzes
| |
Box 17, Folder 10 | The Coroner Said Oh!
| |
Box 17, Folder 11 | A Cottage For Sale
| |
Box 17, Folder 12 | Cotton Hollow Harmony
| |
Box 17, Folder 13 | Could Be
| |
Box 17, Folder 14 | Could I? I Certainly Could (with ukelele
| |
Box 17, Folder 15 | Could The Dreams Of A Dreamer Come
| |
Box 17, Folder 16 | Could You Be True To Eyes of Blue If You
Looked Into Eyes of Brown?
| |
Box 17, Folder 17 | The Country Band
| |
Box 17, Folder 18 | Country Boy
| |
Box 17, Folder 19 | Covent Garden
| |
Box 17, Folder 20 | Cover Me Up With The Sunshine of
| |
Box 17, Folder 21 | Cover Me With Kisses
| |
Box 17, Folder 22 | Covered Wagon Days
| |
Box 17, Folder 23 | Cowboy
| |
Box 17, Folder 24 | Cowboy From Brooklyn
| |
Box 17, Folder 25 | Cows May Come And Cows May Go But Bulls Go
On Forever
| |
Box 17, Folder 26 | Crab Apples
| |
Box 17, Folder 27 | The Cradle and the Music
| |
Box 17, Folder 28 | Cradle of Love
| |
Box 17, Folder 29 | Cradle Song
| |
Box 17, Folder 30 | Crazy Heart
| |
Box 17, Folder 31 | Crazy Rhythm
| |
Box 17, Folder 32 | Crazy Words, Crazy Tune Vo-Do-De-O (with
ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 17, Folder 33 | The Creaking Old Mill On The
| |
Box 17, Folder 34 | Creepy (A Skeleton
| |
Box 17, Folder 35 | Creole Belles
| |
Box 17, Folder 36 | The Crocodile
| |
Box 17, Folder 37 | Crocodile Isle
| |
Box 17, Folder 38 | Crooning
| |
Box 17, Folder 39 | Crosby, Columbo and
| |
Box 17, Folder 40 | Cross My Heart Mother (I Love
| |
Box 17, Folder 41 | Cross Patch
| |
Box 17, Folder 42 | Cross Roads
| |
Box 17, Folder 43 | 'Cross The Great Divide (I'll Wait For
| |
Box 17, Folder 44 | Cross The Mason-Dixon
| |
Box 17, Folder 45 | Cross Words (with ukelele
| |
Box 17, Folder 46 | Crossing The Bar
| |
Box 17, Folder 47 | Cry Baby
| |
Box 17, Folder 48 | Cry Baby (with ukelele
| |
Box 17, Folder 49 | Cry-Baby Blues
| |
Box 17, Folder 50 | Cry, Baby, Cry
| |
Box 17, Folder 51 | Cryin' For The
| |
Box 17, Folder 52 | Cryin' For The Moon
| |
Box 17, Folder 53 | Crying For You
| |
Box 17, Folder 54 | Crying In The Chapel
| |
Box 17, Folder 55 | Crying Myself To Sleep
| |
Box 17, Folder 56 | Crystal Ball
| |
Box 17, Folder 57 | The Cubalero (El
| |
Box 17, Folder 58 | Cuban Cabaret
| |
Box 17, Folder 59 | Cuban Love Song
| |
Box 18 | ||
Box 18, Folder 1 | Cuban Moon
| |
Box 18, Folder 2 | Cuban Pete
| |
Box 18, Folder 3 | The Cuckoo Bird
| |
Box 18, Folder 4 | Cuckoo In The Clock
| |
Box 18, Folder 5 | Cuckoo Waltz
| |
Box 18, Folder 6 | Cuddle Closer (with ukelele
| |
Box 18, Folder 7 | Cuddle Up
| |
Box 18, Folder 8 | Cuddle-Up Blues
| |
Box 18, Folder 9 | Cumberland
| |
Box 18, Folder 10 | Cupids I.O.U.
| |
Box 18, Folder 11 | A Cup Of Tea
| |
Box 18, Folder 12 | Curly Head
| |
Box 18, Folder 13 | The Curse Of An Aching
| |
Box 18, Folder 14 | The Curse Of A Pretty
| |
Box 18, Folder 15 | Cutey (Tell Me Who Tied Your
| |
Box 18, Folder 16 | Cut Yourself A Piece Of Cake (And Make
Yourself At Home)
| |
Box 18, Folder 17 | Daa Dee Dum
| |
Box 18, Folder 18 | Da-Da-Da My Darling
| |
Box 18, Folder 19 | Daddy
| |
Box 18, Folder 20 | Daddy LongLegs
| |
Box 18, Folder 21 | (Dear Old) Daddy
| |
Box 18, Folder 22 | Daddy Was A Grand Old
| |
Box 18, Folder 23 | Daddy Won't You Please Come
| |
Box 18, Folder 24 | Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A
| |
Box 18, Folder 25 | Daddy You've Been A Mother To
| |
Box 18, Folder 26 | Daddy's Boy
| |
Box 18, Folder 27 | Daddy's Depression
| |
Box 18, Folder 28 | Daddy's Little Girl
| |
Box 18, Folder 29 | A Daddy's Prayer
| |
Box 18, Folder 30 | Daddy's Wonderful Pal
| |
Box 18, Folder 31 | D-A Double D-Y (Daddy)
| |
Box 18, Folder 32 | Daisies Won't Tell
| |
Box 18, Folder 33 | Daisy Days
| |
Box 18, Folder 34 | Daisy Donahue
| |
Box 18, Folder 35 | Dames
| |
Box 18, Folder 36 | Dance Away The Night
| |
Box 18, Folder 37 | Dance Ballerina Dance
| |
Box 18, Folder 38 | Dance Me Loose
| |
Box 18, Folder 39 | Dance of the Paper
| |
Box 18, Folder 40 | Dance-O-Mania
| |
Box 18, Folder 41 | Dance With A Dolly (With A Hole In Her
| |
Box 18, Folder 42 | Dancin' Dan
| |
Box 18, Folder 43 | Dancing At The Twelve O'Clock
| |
Box 18, Folder 44 | Dancing Fool
| |
Box 18, Folder 45 | Dancing Honeymoon
| |
Box 18, Folder 46 | Dancing In The Barn
| |
Box 18, Folder 47 | Dancing On The Ceiling
| |
Box 18, Folder 48 | Dancing Starlight
| |
Box 18, Folder 49 | Dancing Tambourine
| |
Box 18, Folder 50 | Dancing The Blues Away
| |
Box 18, Folder 51 | Dancing To Save Your
| |
Box 18, Folder 52 | Dancing With My Shadow
| |
Box 18, Folder 53 | Dancing With Tears In My
| |
Box 18, Folder 54 | Dancing With the Daffodils (Down At The
Garden Ball)
| |
Box 18, Folder 55 | (Ta De Da Da De Dum) Dangerous
| |
Box 18, Folder 56 | Danny Boy
| |
Box 18, Folder 57 | Danny By My Side
| |
Box 18, Folder 58 | Dapper Dan
| |
Box 18, Folder 59 | Dardanella
| |
Box 18, Folder 60 | The Dardanella Blues
| |
Box 18, Folder 61 | Dark Eyes
| |
Box 18, Folder 62 | Dark Eyes
| |
Box 19 | ||
Box 19, Folder 1 | Dark Eyes
| |
Box 19, Folder 2 | Dark Eyes (Am Now A-Shinin' For
| |
Box 19, Folder 3 | Dark Eyes
| |
Box 19, Folder 4 | Dark Eyes
| |
Box 19, Folder 5 | Dark Hawaiian Eyes (with ukelele
| |
Box 19, Folder 6 | Dark Moon
| |
Box 19, Folder 7 | Dark Night
| |
Box 19, Folder 8 | Dark Rapture
| |
Box 19, Folder 9 | The Dark Star (May Fade Some
| |
Box 19, Folder 10 | Darkies' Serenade
| |
Box 19, Folder 11 | Darktown Dancin'
| |
Box 19, Folder 12 | Darktown Is Out
| |
Box 19, Folder 13 | The Darktown Strutters'
| |
Box 19, Folder 14 | Darling
| |
Box 19, Folder 15 | Darling, Je Vous Aime
| |
Box 19, Folder 16 | Darling Make Me Dreamy
| |
Box 19, Folder 17 | Darling, Not Without
| |
Box 19, Folder 18 | A Darn Fool Woman Like
| |
Box 19, Folder 19 | Darn That Dream
| |
Box 19, Folder 20 | Dar's Somethin' About Yer I
| |
Box 19, Folder 21 | Dat Coon's Got A Soft Spot For
| |
Box 19, Folder 22 | Date in '48
| |
Box 19, Folder 23 | Dat Friend of Mine
| |
Box 19, Folder 24 | Dat Lovin' Touch
| |
Box 19, Folder 25 | Dawn (with ukelele
| |
Box 19, Folder 26 | Dawning (with ukelele
| |
Box 19, Folder 27 | The Day After Forever
| |
Box 19, Folder 28 | Day By Day
| |
Box 19, Folder 29 | Day By Day
| |
Box 19, Folder 30 | Day By Day In Every Way I'm Getting Better
Day By Day
| |
Box 19, Folder 31 | Day-Dreaming
| |
Box 19, Folder 32 | Daydreaming (All Night
| |
Box 19, Folder 33 | Day Dreams of You
| |
Box 19, Folder 34 | Day In - Day Out
| |
Box 19, Folder 35 | The Day That I Met You (with ukelele
| |
Box 19, Folder 36 | Day Tripper
| |
Box 19, Folder 37 | A Day Without You
| |
Box 19, Folder 38 | The Day You Came Along
| |
Box 19, Folder 39 | The Day You Fall In
| |
Box 19, Folder 40 | The Deacon Told Me I was
| |
Box 19, Folder 41 | Dearest (You're The Nearest To My
| |
Box 19, Folder 42 | Dear Heart
| |
Box 19, Folder 43 | Dear Hearts And Gentle
| |
Box 19, Folder 44 | Dear Home Of Mine
| |
Box 19, Folder 45 | Dear Little Boy of
| |
Box 19, Folder 46 | Dear Little Buddy of
| |
Box 19, Folder 47 | Dear Little Girl
| |
Box 19, Folder 48 | Dear Little Home Sweet
| |
Box 19, Folder 49 | Dear Louise
| |
Box 19, Folder 50 | Dear Me
| |
Box 19, Folder 51 | Dear Old Dixie Land
| |
Box 19, Folder 52 | Dear Old Dreamy Honolulu
| |
Box 19, Folder 53 | Dear Old Gal Who's Your Pal
| |
Box 19, Folder 54 | Dear Old Girl
| |
Box 19, Folder 55 | Dear Old Home
| |
Box 19, Folder 56 | Dear Old Lady
| |
Box 19, Folder 57 | Dearest One
| |
Box 19, Folder 58 | Dearie
| |
Box 19, Folder 59 | Dearie Girl, Do You Miss
| |
Box 19, Folder 60 | Dearly Beloved
| |
Box 20 | ||
Box 20, Folder 1 | Dear Old Ma
| |
Box 20, Folder 2 | (Nobody Knows How Much I Miss You) Dear
Old Pals
| |
Box 20, Folder 3 | Dear Old Rose
| |
Box 20, Folder 4 | A Dear Old Song
| |
Box 20, Folder 5 | Dear Old Soul
| |
Box 20, Folder 6 | Dear Old Southland
| |
Box 20, Folder 7 | Dear Old Yankee Land
| |
Box 20, Folder 8 | Dear, On A Night Like
| |
Box 20, Folder 9 | Dear One (with ukelele
| |
Box 20, Folder 10 | Dear Santa, Bring Back My Daddy To
| |
Box 20, Folder 11 | Dear Sing Sing
| |
Box 20, Folder 12 | Dear When I Met You (with ukelele
| |
Box 20, Folder 13 | The Death of Floyd
| |
Box 20, Folder 14 | The Death of Taylor
| |
Box 20, Folder 15 | The Debutante Waltz
| |
Box 20, Folder 16 | 'Deed I Do
| |
Box 20, Folder 17 | Deep Henderson
| |
Box 20, Folder 18 | Deep In My Heart
| |
Box 20, Folder 19 | Deep In The Arms Of
| |
Box 20, Folder 20 | Deep In The Heart Of
| |
Box 20, Folder 21 | Deep In Your Eyes
| |
Box 20, Folder 22 | Deep Night (with ukelele
| |
Box 20, Folder 23 | Deep Purple
| |
Box 20, Folder 24 | Deep River (Negro
| |
Box 20, Folder 25 | "Deeze", "Doze" and
| |
Box 20, Folder 26 | Delhi
| |
Box 20, Folder 27 | Delia
| |
Box 20, Folder 28 | Delilah
| |
Box 20, Folder 29 | Delphine
| |
Box 20, Folder 30 | Dengozo
| |
Box 20, Folder 31 | Denny Murphy's Daughter
| |
Box 20, Folder 32 | Derby Day In Dixie
| |
Box 20, Folder 33 | Desdemona (That Personal Friend Of Mine)
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 20, Folder 34 | Desert Dreams
| |
Box 20, Folder 35 | Desert Eyes (with ukelele
| |
Box 20, Folder 36 | Desert Nights (A Nomad
| |
Box 20, Folder 37 | Desertana
| |
Box 20, Folder 38 | Desertland
| |
Box 20, Folder 39 | Destiny
| |
Box 20, Folder 40 | Deutschland
| |
Box 20, Folder 41 | The Dewdrop And The
| |
Box 20, Folder 42 | (I'm In Heaven When I See You Smile) Diane
(with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 20, Folder 43 | The Dickey-Bird Song
| |
Box 20, Folder 44 | Did I Remember
| |
Box 20, Folder 45 | Did My Heart Beat, Did I Fall In
| |
Box 20, Folder 46 | Did She Ask For Me?
| |
Box 20, Folder 47 | Did You Ever See A Dream
| |
Box 20, Folder 48 | Did You Forget
| |
Box 20, Folder 49 | Did You Mean It?
| |
Box 20, Folder 50 | Did You Mean It?
| |
Box 20, Folder 51 | Did Your Mother Come From
| |
Box 20, Folder 52 | Didn't I Tell You? (That You'd Come
| |
Box 20, Folder 53 | Dig You Later (A
| |
Box 20, Folder 54 | The Dillman March
| |
Box 20, Folder 55 | Dimples
| |
Box 20, Folder 56 | Dimples
| |
Box 20, Folder 57 | Dinah (with ukelele
| |
Box 20, Folder 58 | Dinah From Carolina
| |
Box 20, Folder 59 | Ding Toes
| |
Box 20, Folder 60 | Dinner At Eight (with ukelele
| |
Box 21 | ||
Box 21, Folder 1 | Dinner Bells
| |
Box 21, Folder 2 | Dinner For One, Please
| |
Box 21, Folder 3 | Dinty
| |
Box 21, Folder 4 | Dippy Droll
| |
Box 21, Folder 5 | The Dipsy Doodle
| |
Box 21, Folder 6 | Dirty Hands! Dirty
| |
Box 21, Folder 7 | Dis Moi: "Je T'aime" (Kun Tre Smaa
| |
Box 21, Folder 8 | Dixiana
| |
Box 21, Folder 9 | Dixie (That South Land Of
| |
Box 21, Folder 10 | Dixie Dan
| |
Box 21, Folder 11 | Dixie From Dixieland
| |
Box 21, Folder 12 | Dixie Highway
| |
Box 21, Folder 13 | Dixie Is Dixie Once
| |
Box 21, Folder 14 | Dixie Moon
| |
Box 21, Folder 15 | Dixie Moon
| |
Box 21, Folder 16 | Dixie's Land
| |
Box 21, Folder 17 | Doan Ye Cry Ma Honey
| |
Box 21, Folder 18 | Doctor, Lawyer, Indian
| |
Box 21, Folder 19 | Dodge Brothers March
| |
Box 21, Folder 20 | Does An Elephant Love
| |
Box 21, Folder 21 | Does Anybody Want A
| |
Box 21, Folder 22 | Doesn't That Mean Anything To
| |
Box 21, Folder 23 | Does She Love Me? Positively Absolutely
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 21, Folder 24 | Does The Spearmint Lose Its Flavor on the
Bedpost Over Night?
| |
Box 21, Folder 25 | Does The Spearmint Lose Its Flavor on the
Bedpost Over Night (alternate title: "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its
Flavor on the Bedpost Over Night?")
| |
Box 21, Folder 26 | Does Your Heart Beat For
| |
Box 21, Folder 27 | Do I Know 'Arry
| |
Box 21, Folder 28 | Do I Know What I'm Doing While I'm In
| |
Box 21, Folder 29 | Do I Love You?
| |
Box 21, Folder 30 | Doing the Boom Boom
| |
Box 21, Folder 31 | Doin' It The Lambeth
| |
Box 21, Folder 32 | Doin' The Raccoon (with ukulele
| |
Box 21, Folder 33 | Do It Now
| |
Box 21, Folder 34 | Doll Dance (What A Peculiar
| |
Box 21, Folder 35 | Dolly Dear
| |
Box 21, Folder 36 | Dolly Varden
| |
Box 21, Folder 37 | Dolores
| |
Box 21, Folder 38 | Dolores (with ukulele
| |
Box 21, Folder 39 | Don Juan
| |
Box 21, Folder 40 | Donkey-Serenade (The
| |
Box 21, Folder 41 | Do Nothin' Till You Hear From
| |
Box 21, Folder 42 | Don't
| |
Box 21, Folder 43 | Don't Be Afraid To Come Home (with ukulele
| |
Box 21, Folder 44 | Don't Be A Meanie
| |
Box 21, Folder 45 | Don't Be An Old Maid,
| |
Box 21, Folder 46 | Don't Believe Everything You
| |
Box 21, Folder 47 | Don't Be Like That
| |
Box 21, Folder 48 | Don't Be That Way
| |
Box 21, Folder 49 | Don't Be Too Sure
| |
Box 21, Folder 50 | Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding
| |
Box 21, Folder 51 | Don't Blame It All On
| |
Box 21, Folder 52 | Don't Blame It All On
| |
Box 21, Folder 53 | Don't Blame Me
| |
Box 21, Folder 54 | Don't Bother Me
| |
Box 21, Folder 55 | Don't Break My Heart With Good
| |
Box 21, Folder 56 | Don't Bring Lulu (with ukulele
| |
Box 21, Folder 57 | Don't Bring Me Posies (It's Shoesies That
I Need)
| |
Box 21, Folder 58 | Don't Change (Be As You
| |
Box 21, Folder 59 | Don't Cry
| |
Box 21, Folder 60 | Don't Cry Baby
| |
Box 21, Folder 61 | Don't Cry Little Girl, Don't
| |
Box 22 | ||
Box 22, Folder 1 | Don't Feel Sorry For
| |
Box 22, Folder 2 | Don't Fence Me In
| |
Box 22, Folder 3 | Don't Forget to
| |
Box 22, Folder 4 | Don't Get Around Much
| |
Box 22, Folder 5 | Don't Give Up The Ship
| |
Box 22, Folder 6 | Don't Judge A Girl By Her
| |
Box 22, Folder 7 | Don't Keep Me In The Dark, Bright Eyes
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 22, Folder 8 | Don't Kill The Goose That Lays the Golden
| |
Box 22, Folder 9 | Don't Leave Me Mammy
| |
Box 22, Folder 10 | Don't Let Your Love Go
| |
Box 22, Folder 11 | Don't Mind The Rain
| |
Box 22, Folder 12 | Don't Put A Tax On The Beautiful
| |
Box 22, Folder 13 | Don't Say Good-Bye
| |
Box 22, Folder 14 | Don't Say Good-Bye
| |
Box 22, Folder 15 | Don't Sing Aloha When I
| |
Box 22, Folder 16 | Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree (With
Anyone Else But Me)
| |
Box 22, Folder 17 | Don't Steal Daddy's Medal (The Burglar and
The Child)
| |
Box 22, Folder 18 | Don't Stop
| |
Box 22, Folder 19 | Don't Sweetheart Me
| |
Box 22, Folder 20 | Don't Take Advantage (Of My Good
| |
Box 22, Folder 21 | Don't Take Away Those
| |
Box 22, Folder 22 | Don't Take Me Home
| |
Box 22, Folder 23 | Don't Take My Darling Boy
| |
Box 22, Folder 24 | Don't Take Your Love From
| |
Box 22, Folder 25 | Don't Tease
| |
Box 22, Folder 26 | Don't Tell Her (What Happened To
| |
Box 22, Folder 27 | Don't Think You'll Be
| |
Box 22, Folder 28 | Don't Throw Me Down
| |
Box 22, Folder 29 | Don't Turn Your Old Girl
| |
Box 22, Folder 30 | Don't Wait 'Till The Night Before
| |
Box 22, Folder 31 | Don't Wait Until The Lights Are
| |
Box 22, Folder 32 | Don't Wake Me Up (Let Me Dream) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 22, Folder 33 | Don't Waste Your Tears Over
| |
Box 22, Folder 34 | Don't We Carry On
| |
Box 22, Folder 35 | Don't Worry
| |
Box 22, Folder 36 | Don't Worry (It May Not All Be
| |
Box 22, Folder 37 | (Don't You Ever Be 'Fraid To Wade) Those
Troubled Waters
| |
Box 22, Folder 38 | Don't You Ever Think About Me,
| |
Box 22, Folder 39 | Don't You Forget To Remember (That There's
Someone Who Cannot Forget)
| |
Box 22, Folder 40 | Don't You Hear Me Calling
| |
Box 22, Folder 41 | Don't You Mind It,
| |
Box 22, Folder 42 | Don't You Remember The
| |
Box 22, Folder 43 | Don't You Think It's Time To
| |
Box 22, Folder 44 | Doo Dah Blues
| |
Box 22, Folder 45 | Doo-Dee Blues
| |
Box 22, Folder 46 | Doodle-Doo-Doo (with ukulele
| |
Box 22, Folder 47 | Doodle-oodle Dee (Means Won't You Marry
| |
Box 22, Folder 48 | Dooley's Alibi
| |
Box 22, Folder 49 | Dooley's Wedding
| |
Box 22, Folder 50 | Doo Wacka Doo (with ukulele
| |
Box 22, Folder 51 | Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
| |
Box 22, Folder 52 | Do Something
| |
Box 22, Folder 53 | Do They Miss Me At
| |
Box 22, Folder 54 | Double Trouble
| |
Box 22, Folder 55 | Dough-boy's Lullaby
| |
Box 22, Folder 56 | Do What You Wanna Do
| |
Box 22, Folder 57 | Do What Your Mother Did (I'll Do The Same
As Your Dad)
| |
Box 22, Folder 58 | Down Amongst The
| |
Box 22, Folder 59 | Down Among The Sheltering
| |
Box 22, Folder 60 | Down Among The Sleepy Hills of
| |
Box 23 | ||
Box 23, Folder 1 | Down Among The
| |
Box 23, Folder 2 | (When I'm Walkin' With My Sweetness) Down
Among The Sugar-Cane
| |
Box 23, Folder 3 | Down Argentina Way
| |
Box 23, Folder 4 | Down Around 'Sip 'Sip 'Sippy
| |
Box 23, Folder 5 | Down At The Old Swimming
| |
Box 23, Folder 6 | Down At Waikiki
| |
Box 23, Folder 7 | Down By The Old Mill
| |
Box 23, Folder 8 | Down By The Rail Road
| |
Box 23, Folder 9 | Down By The River
| |
Box 23, Folder 10 | Down By The Winegar
| |
Box 23, Folder 11 | Down Georgia Lane
| |
Box 23, Folder 12 | Down Home
| |
Box 23, Folder 13 | Down Honolulu Way
| |
Box 23, Folder 14 | Down In Bom-Bombay
| |
Box 23, Folder 15 | Down In Borneo Isle
| |
Box 23, Folder 16 | Down In Cranberrry
| |
Box 23, Folder 17 | Down In Dear Old New
| |
Box 23, Folder 18 | Down In Honky Tonky
| |
Box 23, Folder 19 | Down In Jungletown
| |
Box 23, Folder 20 | Down In Maryland
| |
Box 23, Folder 21 | Down In Mexico
| |
Box 23, Folder 22 | Down In Oyster Bay
| |
Box 23, Folder 23 | Down In Poverty Row
| |
Box 23, Folder 24 | Down In The Everglade
| |
Box 23, Folder 25 | Down In The Old Cherry
| |
Box 23, Folder 26 | Down In The Old Meadow
| |
Box 23, Folder 27 | Down In The Old Neighborhood (with ukulele
| |
Box 23, Folder 28 | Down In The Subway
| |
Box 23, Folder 29 | Down Old Harmony Way
| |
Box 23, Folder 30 | Down Old New England
| |
Box 23, Folder 31 | Down Old Virginia Way
| |
Box 23, Folder 32 | Down On Avenue A
| |
Box 23, Folder 33 | Down On The Banks Of The Old Yazoo (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 23, Folder 34 | Down On The Farm (dedicated to Mrs. Julia
| |
Box 23, Folder 35 | Down On The Lakes Of
| |
Box 23, Folder 36 | Down Our Way
| |
Box 23, Folder 37 | Down Rainbow Lane
| |
Box 23, Folder 38 | Down South (with ukulele
| |
Box 23, Folder 39 | Down South (Everybody's Happy
| |
Box 23, Folder 40 | Down The Field
| |
Box 23, Folder 41 | Down The Lane
| |
Box 23, Folder 42 | Down The Lane And Home
| |
Box 23, Folder 43 | Down The Lane (With You Again) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 23, Folder 44 | Down The Old Church
| |
Box 23, Folder 45 | Down The Old Ox Road
| |
Box 23, Folder 46 | Down The River Of Golden Dreams (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 23, Folder 47 | Down The Trail To Home Sweet
| |
Box 23, Folder 48 | Down To The Ocean
| |
Box 23, Folder 49 | Down T'Uncle Bill's
| |
Box 23, Folder 50 | Down Where The Blue Ohio
| |
Box 23, Folder 51 | Down Where The Congo
| |
Box 23, Folder 52 | Down Where The Cotton Blossoms
| |
Box 23, Folder 53 | Down Where The Orange Blossoms
| |
Box 23, Folder 54 | Down Where The Silv'ry Mohawk
| |
Box 23, Folder 55 | Down Where The Sun Goes Down (with ukulele
| |
Box 23, Folder 56 | Down Where The Swanee River
| |
Box 23, Folder 57 | Down Where The Trade Winds
| |
Box 23, Folder 58 | Down Where The Wurzburger
| |
Box 23, Folder 59 | Do Ya' Love Me? (Just A Tiny Bit, Do
| |
Box 23, Folder 60 | Do You Believe In Dreams? (with ukulele
| |
Box 24 | ||
Box 24, Folder 1 | Do You Believe In Love At Sight? (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 24, Folder 2 | Do You Care?
| |
Box 24, Folder 3 | Do You Care?
| |
Box 24, Folder 4 | Do You, Don't You, Will You, Won't You
(Love Me Too)
| |
Box 24, Folder 5 | Do You Ever Think Of
| |
Box 24, Folder 6 | Do You Hear Me
| |
Box 24, Folder 7 | Do You Know What I'd Do If I
| |
Box 24, Folder 8 | Do You Know Why
| |
Box 24, Folder 9 | Do You Love Me
| |
Box 24, Folder 10 | Do You Love Me? (When Skies Are Gray)(with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 24, Folder 11 | Do You Play, Madame?
| |
Box 24, Folder 12 | Do You Remember
| |
Box 24, Folder 13 | Do You Remember
| |
Box 24, Folder 14 | Do You Take This Woman For Your Lawful
Wife (I Do, I Do)
| |
Box 24, Folder 15 | Dream
| |
Box 24, Folder 16 | A Dream (To Miss Gertrude
| |
Box 24, Folder 17 | Dream A Little Dream Of
| |
Box 24, Folder 18 | Dream Avenue
| |
Box 24, Folder 19 | Dream Awhile
| |
Box 24, Folder 20 | Dream Buddy (with ukulele
| |
Box 24, Folder 21 | Dream Daddy (dedicated to the original
"Dream Daddy" Harry E. Ehrhart)
| |
Box 24, Folder 22 | Dream-Days
| |
Box 24, Folder 23 | The Dreamer
| |
Box 24, Folder 24 | Dreamer Of Dreams
| |
Box 24, Folder 25 | A Dreamer's Holiday
| |
Box 24, Folder 26 | Dream House
| |
Box 24, Folder 27 | Dreaming
| |
Box 24, Folder 28 | Dreaming
| |
Box 24, Folder 29 | Dreaming
| |
Box 24, Folder 30 | Dreaming
| |
Box 24, Folder 31 | Dreaming Blues
| |
Box 24, Folder 32 | Dreaming Love Of You
| |
Box 24, Folder 33 | Dreaming Of Home Sweet
| |
Box 24, Folder 34 | Dreaming Of Mothers
| |
Box 24, Folder 35 | Dreaming Of Mother At
| |
Box 24, Folder 36 | Dreaming Of The Same Old
| |
Box 24, Folder 37 | Dreaming Of Tomorrow (with ukulele
| |
Box 24, Folder 38 | Dreaming Of You
| |
Box 24, Folder 39 | The Dream In MY Heart
| |
Box 24, Folder 40 | A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart
| |
Box 24, Folder 41 | Dream Kisses
| |
Box 24, Folder 42 | Dreamland Brings Memories Of
| |
Box 24, Folder 43 | Dream Lover
| |
Box 24, Folder 44 | Dream Mother (with ukulele
| |
Box 24, Folder 45 | Dream O'Day Jill
| |
Box 24, Folder 46 | The Dream Of A Soldier
| |
Box 24, Folder 47 | Dream Of Love And You (with ukulele
| |
Box 24, Folder 48 | Dream Of Me
| |
Box 24, Folder 49 | The Dream Of The Miner's
| |
Box 24, Folder 50 | Dream On (Dutch
| |
Box 24, Folder 51 | Dream On Sue
| |
Box 24, Folder 52 | Dream Pal (with ukulele
| |
Box 24, Folder 53 | Dream River (with ukulele
| |
Box 24, Folder 54 | Dreams
| |
Box 24, Folder 55 | Dreams
| |
Box 24, Folder 56 | Dreams, Just Dreams
| |
Box 24, Folder 57 | Dreams, Just Dreams
| |
Box 24, Folder 58 | Dreams Of India
| |
Box 24, Folder 59 | Dreams Of Long Ago
| |
Box 24, Folder 60 | Dreams Of Mother
| |
Box 25 | ||
Box 25, Folder 1 | Dream Stars
| |
Box 25, Folder 2 | Dream Street
| |
Box 25, Folder 3 | Dream Sweetheart
| |
Box 25, Folder 4 | Dream Time
| |
Box 25, Folder 5 | Dream Train
| |
Box 25, Folder 6 | Dreamy Alabama
| |
Box 25, Folder 7 | Dreamy Amazon (with ukulele
| |
Box 25, Folder 8 | Dreamy Amazon
| |
Box 25, Folder 9 | Dreamy Argentina (with ukulele
| |
Box 25, Folder 10 | Dreamy Carolina Moon
| |
Box 25, Folder 11 | Dreamy Delaware(with ukulele
| |
Box 25, Folder 12 | Dreamy Delhi (with ukulele
| |
Box 25, Folder 13 | Dreamy Melody
| |
Box 25, Folder 14 | Dreamy Moon
| |
Box 25, Folder 15 | Dreamy Serenade
| |
Box 25, Folder 16 | Dreamy Sevilla
| |
Box 25, Folder 17 | Dreary Weather
| |
Box 25, Folder 18 | Drifting
| |
Box 25, Folder 19 | Drifting Along
| |
Box 25, Folder 20 | Drifting And Dreaming (Sweet
| |
Box 25, Folder 21 | Drifting Apart
| |
Box 25, Folder 22 | Drifting, Just Drifting
| |
Box 25, Folder 23 | Drifting On
| |
Box 25, Folder 24 | Driftwood
| |
Box 25, Folder 25 | Drip, Drip, Drip Went The
| |
Box 25, Folder 26 | Driving Home The Cows From
| |
Box 25, Folder 27 | Drink To The Girl Of My
| |
Box 25, Folder 28 | Drowsy Waters (with ukulele
| |
Box 25, Folder 29 | Drum Major's Song
| |
Box 25, Folder 30 | Drums In The Night
| |
Box 25, Folder 31 | Dry Your Tears
| |
Box 25, Folder 32 | Dublin Daises
| |
Box 25, Folder 33 | Du Kannst Nicht Treu
| |
Box 25, Folder 34 | Duke Of Ka-Ki-Ak!
| |
Box 25, Folder 35 | Dumbell
| |
Box 25, Folder 36 | Dummy Love Song
| |
Box 25, Folder 37 | Dummy Song (I'll Take The Legs From Some
Old Table)
| |
Box 25, Folder 38 | Dungaree Doll
| |
Box 25, Folder 39 | Dusky Stevedore
| |
Box 25, Folder 40 | Dust
| |
Box 25, Folder 41 | Dusting The Keys
| |
Box 25, Folder 42 | Dust On The Moon
Series B: Popular Music Titles E-H
Box 25 | ||
Box 25, Folder 43 | An Earful Of Music
| |
Box 25, Folder 44 | Early In The Morning
| |
Box 25, Folder 45 | Early In The Morning (Down On The
| |
Box 25, Folder 46 | Early In The Morning (When We Say
| |
Box 25, Folder 47 | Early To Bed
| |
Box 25, Folder 48 | Early To Bed And Early To Rise (Never Made
Anyone Wise)
| |
Box 25, Folder 49 | The Easiest Way
| |
Box 25, Folder 50 | East Is West
| |
Box 25, Folder 51 | East Of The Sun (And West Of The
| |
Box 25, Folder 52 | East Side Of Heaven
| |
Box 25, Folder 53 | Easter Parade
| |
Box 25, Folder 54 | Easy Come, Easy Go
| |
Box 25, Folder 55 | Easy Melody
| |
Box 25, Folder 56 | Easy Street (Dedicated to Mr. Thomas F.
| |
Box 25, Folder 57 | Ebb Tide
| |
Box 25, Folder 58 | Eddie, Eddie, Oh! (Dedicated To A.H.
| |
Box 25, Folder 59 | Eddie Leonard Blues
| |
Box 25, Folder 60 | Edna (The Sweetest Little Girl In All The
| |
Box 26 | ||
Box 26, Folder 1 | An Educated Coon Is Best Of
| |
Box 26, Folder 2 | Eeny Meeny Miney Mo
| |
Box 26, Folder 3 | The Egg and I
| |
Box 26, Folder 4 | Egypt (My Cleopatra)
| |
Box 26, Folder 5 | Egyptian Moonlight
| |
Box 26, Folder 6 | Egyptland
| |
Box 26, Folder 7 | Eight Little Letters Make Three Little
Words (I Love You)
| |
Box 26, Folder 8 | Eileen
| |
Box 26, Folder 9 | Eisenhower March
| |
Box 26, Folder 10 | Either It's Love Or It
| |
Box 26, Folder 11 | Elaine
| |
Box 26, Folder 12 | Elaine (My Moving Picture
| |
Box 26, Folder 13 | Eleanor
| |
Box 26, Folder 14 | Election In Jungle
| |
Box 26, Folder 15 | Eliza (with ukulele
| |
Box 26, Folder 16 | Elmer's Tune
| |
Box 26, Folder 17 | Eloise
| |
Box 26, Folder 18 | Elsie
| |
Box 26, Folder 19 | Elsie (Say You'll Be My
| |
Box 26, Folder 20 | Elsie Shultz-En-Heim (with ukulele
| |
Box 26, Folder 21 | Emaline
| |
Box 26, Folder 22 | Emma-Lee
| |
Box 26, Folder 23 | The Emperor Waltz
| |
Box 26, Folder 24 | Emphasis (On The
| |
Box 26, Folder 25 | Empty Cellar Blues
| |
Box 26, Folder 26 | Empty Saddles
| |
Box 26, Folder 27 | The Enchanted Rose
| |
Box 26, Folder 28 | Ending With A Kiss
| |
Box 26, Folder 29 | The End Of A Perfect
| |
Box 26, Folder 30 | The End Of The Road
| |
Box 26, Folder 31 | End The Day With A
| |
Box 26, Folder 32 | Enjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You
| |
Box 26, Folder 33 | Erin Is Calling
| |
Box 26, Folder 34 | Erin's Isle And You
| |
Box 26, Folder 35 | Estrellita (Petit Astre- Little
| |
Box 26, Folder 36 | The Eternal City Of
| |
Box 26, Folder 37 | Eternal Love
| |
Box 26, Folder 38 | Eternally
| |
Box 26, Folder 39 | Ethel Levey's Virgina
| |
Box 26, Folder 40 | Etiquette Blues (with ukulele
| |
Box 26, Folder 41 | Eva
| |
Box 26, Folder 42 | Evangeline (Dedicated to William
| |
Box 26, Folder 43 | Evangeline
| |
Box 26, Folder 44 | Eva Tanguay's Love
| |
Box 26, Folder 45 | Evelyn (Stop Meddelin' With
| |
Box 26, Folder 46 | Evening (Brings Love Dreams Of
| |
Box 26, Folder 47 | Evening Brings Rest And
| |
Box 26, Folder 48 | An Evening In June
| |
Box 26, Folder 49 | Evening Star (Help Me Find My Man) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 26, Folder 50 | Evenin' Time
| |
Box 26, Folder 51 | Everybody Has A Whistle Like
| |
Box 26, Folder 52 | Everybody Knows
| |
Box 26, Folder 53 | Everybody Knows My Sister
| |
Box 26, Folder 54 | Everybody Loves A
| |
Box 26, Folder 55 | Everybody Loves My
| |
Box 26, Folder 56 | Everybody Loves My
| |
Box 26, Folder 57 | Everybody's Baby
| |
Box 26, Folder 58 | Everybody's Buddy
| |
Box 26, Folder 59 | Everybody's Crazy Over
| |
Box 27 | ||
Box 27, Folder 1 | Everybody's Got A Girl (But Me) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 27, Folder 2 | Everybody Sings A Love Song In The
| |
Box 27, Folder 3 | Everybody's Kissing Her But
| |
Box 27, Folder 4 | Everybody's Lonesome
| |
Box 27, Folder 5 | Everybody Two-Step
| |
Box 27, Folder 6 | Everybody Wants A Key To My
| |
Box 27, Folder 7 | Everybody works But
| |
Box 27, Folder 8 | Every Day (Some One Is Falling In
| |
Box 27, Folder 9 | Every Day's A Holiday
| |
Box 27, Folder 10 | Every Day Will Be Sunday When The Town
Goes Dry
| |
Box 27, Folder 11 | Every Evening (with ukulele
| |
Box 27, Folder 12 | Every Lane Must Have A
| |
Box 27, Folder 13 | Every Little Bit Added To What You've Got
Just Makes A Little Bit More
| |
Box 27, Folder 14 | Every Little Moment
| |
Box 27, Folder 15 | Every Night At Eight
| |
Box 27, Folder 16 | Every Night I Cry Myself To Sleep Over
| |
Box 27, Folder 17 | Every Night When You Say A
| |
Box 27, Folder 18 | Every Now And Then
| |
Box 27, Folder 19 | Every Now And Then
| |
Box 27, Folder 20 | Everyone In Town Loves Little Mary
| |
Box 27, Folder 21 | Everyone Is Meant For
| |
Box 27, Folder 22 | Everybody Knows It But
| |
Box 27, Folder 23 | Everyone's In Love With
| |
Box 27, Folder 24 | Every Tear Is A Smile (In An Irishman's
| |
Box 27, Folder 25 | Everything Happens To
| |
Box 27, Folder 26 | Everything I Have Is Yours (with ukulele
| |
Box 27, Folder 27 | Everything Is Hotsy Totsy Now (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 27, Folder 28 | Everything's In Rhythm With My
| |
Box 27, Folder 29 | Everything Stops For
| |
Box 27, Folder 30 | Eve Wasn't Modest till She Ate That Apple
(We'll Have To Pass The Apples Again)
| |
Box 27, Folder 31 | An Ev'ning In Caroline
| |
Box 27, Folder 32 | Ev'rybody Calls Me
| |
Box 27, Folder 33 | Ev'rybody Loves Me But The One I
| |
Box 27, Folder 34 | Ev'rybody Loves You (with ukulele
| |
Box 27, Folder 35 | Ev'ry Day
| |
Box 27, Folder 36 | Ev'ry Day Away From
| |
Box 27, Folder 37 | Ev'ry Little While (with ukulele
| |
Box 27, Folder 38 | Ev'ryone Says "I Love
| |
Box 27, Folder 39 | Ev'ry Single Little Tingle Of My
| |
Box 27, Folder 40 | Ev'rything Is Going Up
| |
Box 27, Folder 41 | Ev'rything Must Have An Ending (But My
Love For You)
| |
Box 27, Folder 42 | Ev'rything's Been Done
| |
Box 27, Folder 43 | Ev'rything's Gonna Be All Right (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 27, Folder 44 | (You Know -I Know) Ev'rything's Made For
| |
Box 27, Folder 45 | Ev'rything's Peaches (For Peaches And Me)
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 27, Folder 46 | Ev'rything That's Nice Belongs To
| |
Box 27, Folder 47 | Ev'rything You Do
| |
Box 27, Folder 48 | Ev'ry Time (Ev'ry Time I Fall In
| |
Box 27, Folder 49 | Ev'ry Time My Heart
| |
Box 27, Folder 50 | Ev'ry Time You'd Do It In A Country
| |
Box 27, Folder 51 | Exeter Flag Song (dedicated to the
Victorious Eleven of 1913)
| |
Box 27, Folder 52 | An Eyeful of You (with ukulele
| |
Box 27, Folder 53 | Eyes Of Blue
| |
Box 27, Folder 54 | The Eyes Of Heaven (My Mother's
| |
Box 27, Folder 55 | Eyes Of The Soul
| |
Box 27, Folder 56 | The Eyes Of The World
| |
Box 27, Folder 57 | Eyes Of Youth
| |
Box 27, Folder 58 | Eyes That Say I Love
| |
Box 27, Folder 59 | A Face In A Golden
| |
Box 27, Folder 60 | The Face In The
| |
Box 28 | ||
Box 28, Folder 1 | Face To Face With The Girl Of My
| |
Box 28, Folder 2 | A Faded Summer Love
| |
Box 28, Folder 3 | A Faded Wreath of
| |
Box 28, Folder 4 | Fa Fa Father
| |
Box 28, Folder 5 | Fair and Warmer
| |
Box 28, Folder 6 | Fair Hawaii
| |
Box 28, Folder 7 | Fair Maid of Tokio
| |
Box 28, Folder 8 | Fair One
| |
Box 28, Folder 9 | The Fairest Rose
| |
Box 28, Folder 10 | Fairy Moon
| |
Box 28, Folder 11 | The Fairy Pipers
| |
Box 28, Folder 12 | Fairy Tales
| |
Box 28, Folder 13 | Faithful Forever
| |
Box 28, Folder 14 | Faithfully Yours
| |
Box 28, Folder 15 | Fallen Idols
| |
Box 28, Folder 16 | Fallen Leaf
| |
Box 28, Folder 17 | Falling
| |
Box 28, Folder 18 | Falling In Love Again (Can't Help
| |
Box 28, Folder 19 | Falling In Love With You (with ukelele
| |
Box 28, Folder 20 | Falling Star
| |
Box 28, Folder 21 | Falling Star
| |
Box 28, Folder 22 | Fall River
| |
Box 28, Folder 23 | False Faces
| |
Box 28, Folder 24 | Fancies
| |
Box 28, Folder 25 | Fancies
| |
Box 28, Folder 26 | Fanella
| |
Box 28, Folder 27 | The Far-Away Bells
| |
Box 28, Folder 28 | Faraway In Honolulu (They've Got the Tango
| |
Box 28, Folder 29 | Far Away Places
| |
Box 28, Folder 30 | Fare Thee Well
| |
Box 28, Folder 31 | Fare Thee Well
| |
Box 28, Folder 32 | Farewell
| |
Box 28, Folder 33 | Farewell
| |
Box 28, Folder 34 | Farewell Blues
| |
Box 28, Folder 35 | Farewell Daisy Bell
| |
Box 28, Folder 36 | Farewell Killarney
| |
Box 28, Folder 37 | Farewell Mister Abner
| |
Box 28, Folder 38 | Farewell My Love (Aloha
| |
Box 28, Folder 39 | Farewell Nellie Mine!
| |
Box 28, Folder 40 | Farewell To Arms
| |
Box 28, Folder 41 | The Farmer Took Another Load Away Hay!
Hay! (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 28, Folder 42 | The Fascinating Widow
| |
Box 28, Folder 43 | Fascination
| |
Box 28, Folder 44 | Fast Asleep In
| |
Box 28, Folder 45 | Fatal Fascination
| |
Box 28, Folder 46 | Fate (It Was Fate When I First Met
| |
Box 28, Folder 47 | Fate Introduced Me To
| |
Box 28, Folder 48 | Father of the Land We
| |
Box 28, Folder 49 | Father's Allowed To See Us Twice A
| |
Box 28, Folder 50 | Fatima Brown
| |
Box 28, Folder 51 | Fatimah
| |
Box 28, Folder 52 | Faugh-A-Ballagh
| |
Box 28, Folder 53 | Feather Your Nest
| |
Box 28, Folder 54 | Feel Like A Million
| |
Box 28, Folder 55 | Feelin' Kind O'Blue
| |
Box 28, Folder 56 | Feelin' That Way
| |
Box 28, Folder 57 | Feelin' The Way I Do
| |
Box 28, Folder 58 | A Fellow On A Furlough
| |
Box 28, Folder 59 | Ferdinand The Bull
| |
Box 28, Folder 60 | Ferry Boat Serenade
| |
Box 28, Folder 61 | Festival
| |
Box 29 | ||
Box 29, Folder 1 | Feudin' And Fightin'
| |
Box 29, Folder 2 | Fickle Flo From Kokomo
| |
Box 29, Folder 3 | Fidgety Joe
| |
Box 29, Folder 4 | Fido Is A Hot Dog Now
| |
Box 29, Folder 5 | Fifty-Fifty
| |
Box 29, Folder 6 | 55 Giorni A Pechino (55 Days At
| |
Box 29, Folder 7 | Fifty-Million Frenchmen Can't Be
| |
Box 29, Folder 8 | Fifty-Second Street
| |
Box 29, Folder 9 | Fifty Years Ago (Dear Old
| |
Box 29, Folder 10 | Find Me A Girl
| |
Box 29, Folder 11 | Find The Girl
| |
Box 29, Folder 12 | Finding The Long Way Home (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 13 | Fine And Mellow
| |
Box 29, Folder 14 | Fire! (Turn The Hose On Me) (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 15 | Fireflies
| |
Box 29, Folder 16 | The First Kiss (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 17 | First, Last And Always (I Love
| |
Box 29, Folder 18 | First Rose Of Summer
| |
Box 29, Folder 19 | The First Time I Saw
| |
Box 29, Folder 20 | The First Waltz (Belongs To
| |
Box 29, Folder 21 | Fishing
| |
Box 29, Folder 22 | Fit As A Fiddle
| |
Box 29, Folder 23 | Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue (Has Anybody
Seen My Girl?)(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 29, Folder 24 | Three Little Diamonds
| |
Box 29, Folder 25 | Five Minutes More
| |
Box 29, Folder 26 | The Flagship Of The Fleet (On Blanket
| |
Box 29, Folder 27 | Flamin' Mamie (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 28 | The Flapper Blues
| |
Box 29, Folder 29 | The Flapper Wife (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 30 | Flappers On Parade
| |
Box 29, Folder 31 | The Flat Foot Floogee
| |
Box 29, Folder 32 | Fleur D'Amour
| |
Box 29, Folder 33 | The Flippity Flop
| |
Box 29, Folder 34 | Floatin' Down The Mississippi (On The Way
Back Home)
| |
Box 29, Folder 35 | Floatin' Down To Cotton
| |
Box 29, Folder 36 | Floatin' Down The Mississippi River On My
Way To New Orleans
| |
Box 29, Folder 37 | Flora (I A-Dor-A You) (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 38 | Florence
| |
Box 29, Folder 39 | Florida (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 40 | Flower Of Araby
| |
Box 29, Folder 41 | The Flower Garden Ball
| |
Box 29, Folder 42 | Flower Of Love
| |
Box 29, Folder 43 | Flower Of Memory
| |
Box 29, Folder 44 | Flower O' The Heather
| |
Box 29, Folder 45 | Flowers And Palms (A Garden
| |
Box 29, Folder 46 | Flowers For Madame
| |
Box 29, Folder 47 | Flowers Mean
| |
Box 29, Folder 48 | Flowers Of Dixieland
| |
Box 29, Folder 49 | Flutter By Butterfly
| |
Box 29, Folder 50 | The Folks Who Live On The
| |
Box 29, Folder 51 | Following You Around (with ukulele
| |
Box 29, Folder 52 | Follow The Swallow
| |
Box 29, Folder 53 | Fooling
| |
Box 29, Folder 54 | Fooling You
| |
Box 29, Folder 55 | Foolish Child
| |
Box 29, Folder 56 | Foolish Facts
| |
Box 29, Folder 57 | Fool Me Some More
| |
Box 29, Folder 58 | Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To
| |
Box 29, Folder 59 | A Fool There Was
| |
Box 29, Folder 60 | Football
| |
Box 30 | ||
Box 30, Folder 1 | Footloose
| |
Box 30, Folder 2 | For All We Know
| |
Box 30, Folder 3 | Forbidden Love
| |
Box 30, Folder 4 | Forever (with ukulele
| |
Box 30, Folder 5 | Forever
| |
Box 30, Folder 6 | Forever
| |
Box 30, Folder 7 | Forever
| |
Box 30, Folder 8 | Forever Is A Long Long
| |
Box 30, Folder 9 | Forevermore
| |
Box 30, Folder 10 | Forever My Darling
| |
Box 30, Folder 11 | For Dixie And Uncle
| |
Box 30, Folder 12 | For Every Boy Who's On The Level (There's
A Girl Who's On The Square)
| |
Box 30, Folder 13 | For Every Smile You Gave Me (You Caused A
Thousand Tears)
| |
Box 30, Folder 14 | Forget
| |
Box 30, Folder 15 | Forget If You Can
| |
Box 30, Folder 16 | Forget Me Not
| |
Box 30, Folder 17 | Forget -Me-Nots
| |
Box 30, Folder 18 | Forget The Past
| |
Box 30, Folder 19 | Forgive Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 30, Folder 20 | Forgotten Perfumes
| |
Box 30, Folder 21 | For Johnny And Me
| |
Box 30, Folder 22 | For Killarney And You
| |
Box 30, Folder 23 | For Love Of You
| |
Box 30, Folder 24 | For Mary, The Baby And
| |
Box 30, Folder 25 | For Me And My Gal
| |
Box 30, Folder 26 | For My Baby (with ukulele
| |
Box 30, Folder 27 | For My Sweetheart (with ukulele
| |
Box 30, Folder 28 | For Old Times' Sake
| |
Box 30, Folder 29 | Forsaken Blues
| |
Box 30, Folder 30 | (I Love You) For Sentimental
| |
Box 30, Folder 31 | For The First Time In My Life (I'm Really
In Love)
| |
Box 30, Folder 32 | For The Sake Of A Rose
| |
Box 30, Folder 33 | For The Sake Of Auld Lang
| |
Box 30, Folder 34 | For The Two Of Us
| |
Box 30, Folder 35 | For You
| |
Box 30, Folder 36 | For You
| |
Box 30, Folder 37 | For You
| |
Box 30, Folder 38 | For You
| |
Box 30, Folder 39 | For You And Me
| |
Box 30, Folder 40 | For You A Rose
| |
Box 30, Folder 41 | For Your Caresses
| |
Box 30, Folder 42 | Four Letter Varsity
| |
Box 30, Folder 43 | Four Little
| |
Box 30, Folder 44 | Four Walls (with ukulele
| |
Box 30, Folder 45 | The Four Winds And The Seven
| |
Box 30, Folder 46 | Foxy Grandpa
| |
Box 30, Folder 47 | Fraidy Cat
| |
Box 30, Folder 48 | France, Glorious
| |
Box 30, Folder 49 | Frankie And Johnny
| |
Box 30, Folder 50 | Franklin D. Roosevelt
| |
Box 30, Folder 51 | Frat
| |
Box 30, Folder 52 | Freckle Face, You're
| |
Box 30, Folder 53 | Freckles
| |
Box 30, Folder 54 | Freddy The Freshman (The Freshest Kid In
| |
Box 30, Folder 55 | The Free And Easy
| |
Box 30, Folder 56 | Fresh As A Daisy
| |
Box 30, Folder 57 | Freshie (with ukulele
| |
Box 30, Folder 58 | A Friend Of Johnny's
| |
Box 30, Folder 59 | A Friend Of Mine Told A Friend Of
| |
Box 30, Folder 60 | A Friend Of Yours
| |
Box 31 | ||
Box 31, Folder 1 | Friends
| |
Box 31, Folder 2 | F'r Instance
| |
Box 31, Folder 3 | Frisco
| |
Box 31, Folder 4 | Frisco Bound
| |
Box 31, Folder 5 | Frisco Dan
| |
Box 31, Folder 6 | Frisco's Kitchen Stove
| |
Box 31, Folder 7 | Frolic Of The Frogs
| |
Box 31, Folder 8 | From Am To Pm (I Love You All The
| |
Box 31, Folder 9 | From Darkness To Dawn
| |
Box 31, Folder 10 | From Here To Shanghai
| |
Box 31, Folder 11 | From Me To You
| |
Box 31, Folder 12 | From Midnight Till Dawn (with ukulele
| |
Box 31, Folder 13 | From Monday On
| |
Box 31, Folder 14 | From Now On Let Me Miss
| |
Box 31, Folder 15 | From One Till Two (I Dream Of
| |
Box 31, Folder 16 | From Prison To Mother's
| |
Box 31, Folder 17 | From Sunrise To Sunset (From Sunset Till
| |
Box 31, Folder 18 | From The top Of Your Head (To The Tip Of
Your Toes)
| |
Box 31, Folder 19 | From This Day Forward
| |
Box 31, Folder 20 | From You I'll Never
| |
Box 31, Folder 21 | Frosty The Snow Man
| |
Box 31, Folder 22 | Full Moon And Empty
| |
Box 31, Folder 23 | Funny, Dear, What Love Can
| |
Box 31, Folder 24 | Funny Face (A New Pet Name For Your
| |
Box 31, Folder 25 | The Funny Old Hills
| |
Box 31, Folder 26 | Fuzzy Wuzzy Bird
| |
Box 31, Folder 27 | The Gaby Glide
| |
Box 31, Folder 28 | A Gal In Calico
| |
Box 31, Folder 29 | Gallant Lady
| |
Box 31, Folder 30 | The Gambling Man
| |
Box 31, Folder 31 | A Garden In The Rain (with ukulele
| |
Box 31, Folder 32 | The Garden Of Dreams
| |
Box 31, Folder 33 | The Garden Of Roses
| |
Box 31, Folder 34 | Garden Of The Brave
| |
Box 31, Folder 35 | Garden Of The Moon
| |
Box 31, Folder 36 | Garry Owen
| |
Box 31, Folder 37 | Gasoline Gus And His Jitney
| |
Box 31, Folder 38 | The Gates Of Gladness (On The Road To
Sunshine Land)
| |
Box 31, Folder 39 | The Gateway Of Dreams
| |
Box 31, Folder 40 | Gathering Shells From The Sea
| |
Box 31, Folder 41 | A Gay Caballero
| |
Box 31, Folder 42 | The Gay Young Bride
| |
Box 31, Folder 43 | Gee! But I Feel Blue
| |
Box 31, Folder 44 | Gee! But I Hate To Go Home
| |
Box 31, Folder 45 | Gee! But I'm Lonesome
| |
Box 31, Folder 46 | Gee, But It's Great To Meet A Friend From
Your Home Town
| |
Box 31, Folder 47 | Gee! But There's Class To A Girl Like
| |
Box 31, Folder 48 | Gee! But This Is A Lonesome
| |
Box 31, Folder 49 | Gee, But I Like The Music With My
| |
Box 31, Folder 50 | Gee! I'm Glad I'm Home
| |
Box 31, Folder 51 | Gee! I'm Glad I'm From
| |
Box 31, Folder 52 | Gee! I Wish I Had Someone To Rock Me (In
The Cradle Of Love)
| |
Box 31, Folder 53 | Gem O' My Heart
| |
Box 31, Folder 54 | General Grant's Grand
| |
Box 31, Folder 55 | The Gentleman Obviously Doesn't
| |
Box 31, Folder 56 | Georgette
| |
Box 31, Folder 57 | Georgia
| |
Box 31, Folder 58 | A Georgia Barn Dance
| |
Box 31, Folder 59 | Georgia Land
| |
Box 31, Folder 60 | Georgia Lullaby
| |
Box 32 | ||
Box 32, Folder 1 | Georgia Moon
| |
Box 32, Folder 2 | Georgianna (with ukulele
| |
Box 32, Folder 3 | Georgia Rose
| |
Box 32, Folder 4 | Georgie Porgie
| |
Box 32, Folder 5 | Georgy Girl
| |
Box 32, Folder 6 | Geraldine
| |
Box 32, Folder 7 | Get A Little Fun Out Of
| |
Box 32, Folder 8 | Get Away, Old Man, Get Away (with ukulele
| |
Box 32, Folder 9 | Get To To Love You (And You'll Get
| |
Box 32, Folder 10 | Get Out And Get Under The Moon (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 32, Folder 11 | Getting Even With Her
| |
Box 32, Folder 12 | Get Your Money's Worth (Instructions From
The Boss)
| |
Box 32, Folder 13 | Get Yourself A Broom And Sweep Your
Troubles Away (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 32, Folder 14 | The Ghost Breaker
| |
Box 32, Folder 15 | (I Don't Stand ) A Ghost of A Chance With
| |
Box 32, Folder 16 | The Ghost Of Goblin
| |
Box 32, Folder 17 | The Ghost Of The Terrible
| |
Box 32, Folder 18 | The Ghost Of The
| |
Box 32, Folder 19 | Gid-ap, Garibaldi
| |
Box 32, Folder 20 | Gidget
| |
Box 32, Folder 21 | The Gift Of Love
| |
Box 32, Folder 22 | Gigolo
| |
Box 32, Folder 23 | Gi' Me!
| |
Box 32, Folder 24 | Gimme A Little Kiss, Will Ya
| |
Box 32, Folder 25 | Ginger Bread
| |
Box 32, Folder 26 | Giovanna (To Thee I Am Calling) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 32, Folder 27 | The Gipsey Schottisch
| |
Box 32, Folder 28 | The Girl Behind The Venetian
| |
Box 32, Folder 29 | A Girlie Was Just Made To
| |
Box 32, Folder 30 | The Girl Friend Of The Whirling
| |
Box 32, Folder 31 | The Girl From Mars
| |
Box 32, Folder 32 | (I Long To See) The Girl I Left
| |
Box 32, Folder 33 | The Girl I Loved In Sunny
| |
Box 32, Folder 34 | A Girl In Dixie In The Days Of 1860 (Loved
A Yankee Soldier Boy)
| |
Box 32, Folder 35 | The Girl In The Bonnet Of
| |
Box 32, Folder 36 | The Girl In The Little Green
| |
Box 32, Folder 37 | Girl Of Mine
| |
Box 32, Folder 38 | Girl Of My Dreams (with ukulele
| |
Box 32, Folder 39 | Girl Of My Dreams
| |
Box 32, Folder 40 | The Girl Of My Dreams
| |
Box 32, Folder 41 | Girl Of My Dreams
| |
Box 32, Folder 42 | The Girl Of The Olden
| |
Box 32, Folder 43 | The Girl On The
| |
Box 32, Folder 44 | Girls
| |
Box 32, Folder 45 | Girl Shy
| |
Box 32, Folder 46 | Girl Trouble
| |
Box 32, Folder 47 | The Girl With The Dreamy
| |
Box 32, Folder 48 | The Girl Who Threw Me
| |
Box 32, Folder 49 | The Girl You Love
| |
Box 32, Folder 50 | Give A Little Credit To Your Dad (Why
Don't You Say A Word For Poor Old Father)
| |
Box 32, Folder 51 | Give A Man A Horse He Can
| |
Box 32, Folder 52 | Give Her A Kiss
| |
Box 32, Folder 53 | Give Me All Of You
| |
Box 32, Folder 54 | Give Me A Million Beautiful Girls (But
Give Me Them One At A Time)
| |
Box 32, Folder 55 | Give Me A Night In
| |
Box 32, Folder 56 | Give Me A Small-Town
| |
Box 32, Folder 57 | Give Me A Smile And
| |
Box 32, Folder 58 | Give Me A Ukulele (And A Ukulele Baby) And
Leave The Rest to Me
| |
Box 32, Folder 59 | Give Me Liberty Or Give Me
| |
Box 32, Folder 60 | Give Me Music
| |
Box 32, Folder 61 | Give Me That Rose (Madame
| |
Box 32, Folder 62 | Give Me The Moonlight, Give The Girl, (And
Leave The Rest To Me)
| |
Box 33 | ||
Box 33, Folder 1 | Give Me The Right To Love
| |
Box 33, Folder 2 | Give Me The Sultan's Harem (Won't You Give
That Harem To Me)
| |
Box 33, Folder 3 | Give Me Today (And You Can Have
| |
Box 33, Folder 4 | Give Me Your Love
| |
Box 33, Folder 5 | Give My Love To Dixie
| |
Box 33, Folder 6 | Give My Regards To
| |
Box 33, Folder 7 | Give Your Little Baby Lots Of Lovin' (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 33, Folder 8 | Give Yourself A Pat On The
| |
Box 33, Folder 9 | Glad
| |
Box 33, Folder 10 | Glad Rag Doll
| |
Box 33, Folder 11 | Gloomy Sunday
| |
Box 33, Folder 12 | Gloriana
| |
Box 33, Folder 13 | The Glory Of Love
| |
Box 33, Folder 14 | Glow Little Lantern Of
| |
Box 33, Folder 15 | The Glowworm And The
| |
Box 33, Folder 16 | Go Back
| |
Box 33, Folder 17 | Gobbel Song (spelled "Gobble Song" on
| |
Box 33, Folder 18 | The Goblin Man
| |
Box 33, Folder 19 | Gobs Of Love
| |
Box 33, Folder 20 | The Goddess
| |
Box 33, Folder 21 | Goddess Of The Nile
| |
Box 33, Folder 22 | God Gives Us One Mother (That's
| |
Box 33, Folder 23 | God Remembers When The World
| |
Box 33, Folder 24 | God Save All Here (Erin's
| |
Box 33, Folder 25 | Go Fly A Kite
| |
Box 33, Folder 26 | Go Home And Tell Your
| |
Box 33, Folder 27 | Go Home And Tell Your Mother (That I Love
You)(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 33, Folder 28 | Going! Going!! Gone!!!
| |
Box 33, Folder 29 | Going Up The Sawdust
| |
Box 33, Folder 30 | The Gold Digger (Dig A Little
| |
Box 33, Folder 31 | Golden Deer
| |
Box 33, Folder 32 | Golden Earrings
| |
Box 33, Folder 33 | Golden Gate (Open For
| |
Box 33, Folder 34 | Golden Hearted Daisies
| |
Box 33, Folder 35 | Golden Rod
| |
Box 33, Folder 36 | (Those Doggone) Golfers Blues (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 33, Folder 37 | The Gondolier Song
| |
Box 33, Folder 38 | Gone
| |
Box 33, Folder 39 | Gone (But Still In My
| |
Box 33, Folder 40 | Gone Are The Days
| |
Box 33, Folder 41 | Gone Are The Days
| |
Box 33, Folder 42 | Gone With The Wind
| |
Box 33, Folder 43 | Gonna Get A Girl
| |
Box 33, Folder 44 | Good-by Betty Brown
| |
Box 33, Folder 45 | Good Bye!
| |
Box 33, Folder 46 | Goodbye Again
| |
Box 33, Folder 47 | Good-Bye Blues
| |
Box 33, Folder 48 | Good-Bye Boys
| |
Box 33, Folder 49 | Good-Bye Cabarabian
| |
Box 33, Folder 50 | Good-Bye, Dixie,
| |
Box 33, Folder 51 | Good-Bye Dixie Lee
| |
Box 33, Folder 52 | Good-Bye Dolly Gray
| |
Box 33, Folder 53 | Good Bye Eliza Jane
| |
Box 33, Folder 54 | Good, Good, Good (That's You-That's
| |
Box 33, Folder 55 | Good-Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You (Is All
That I Can Say)
| |
Box 33, Folder 56 | Good-Bye, Little Dream,
| |
Box 33, Folder 57 | Good-Bye Little Girl,
| |
Box 33, Folder 58 | Good-bye, Little Girl Of My
| |
Box 33, Folder 59 | Good-Bye Mary
| |
Box 33, Folder 60 | Goodbye, Mother
| |
Box 34 | ||
Box 34, Folder 1 | Good-Bye My Lady Love
| |
Box 34, Folder 2 | Good Bye, Old Pal Of
| |
Box 34, Folder 3 | Good Bye, Pal!
| |
Box 34, Folder 4 | Good Bye, Rose
| |
Box 34, Folder 5 | Good-Bye Shanghai!
| |
Box 34, Folder 6 | Good Bye, Soldier Boy
| |
Box 34, Folder 7 | Good-Bye Summer! So Long Fall! Hello
| |
Box 34, Folder 8 | Good Bye, Sweet Day!
| |
Box 34, Folder 9 | Goodbye, Sweet Dream
| |
Box 34, Folder 10 | Good Bye, Sweetheart, Good
| |
Box 34, Folder 11 | Good Bye Sweet Marie
| |
Box 34, Folder 12 | Goodbye Sweet Old Manhattan
| |
Box 34, Folder 13 | Good-Bye Virginia
| |
Box 34, Folder 14 | Good-Bye, Wild Women,
| |
Box 34, Folder 15 | Good Evenin'
| |
Box 34, Folder 16 | Good Evenin'
| |
Box 34, Folder 17 | Good Evening Caroline
| |
Box 34, Folder 18 | Good Little Bad Little
| |
Box 34, Folder 19 | Good Luck Mary
| |
Box 34, Folder 20 | A Good Man Is Hard To
| |
Box 34, Folder 21 | Good Mornin'
| |
Box 34, Folder 22 | Good Morning
| |
Box 34, Folder 23 | Good Morning Carrie
| |
Box 34, Folder 24 | Good Night
| |
Box 34, Folder 25 | Good Night
| |
Box 34, Folder 26 | Good Night (I'll See You In The
| |
Box 34, Folder 27 | Good Night Angel
| |
Box 34, Folder 28 | Good Night, Angeline
| |
Box 34, Folder 29 | Good Night Blue Eyes
| |
Box 34, Folder 30 | Good Night Dear
| |
Box 34, Folder 31 | Good Night Dearie
| |
Box 34, Folder 32 | Good Night, Irene
| |
Box 34, Folder 33 | Good Night Little Baby Good
| |
Box 34, Folder 34 | Good Night Little Girl, Good
| |
Box 34, Folder 35 | Good Night, Little Girl, Good
| |
Box 34, Folder 36 | Good Night, Little Girl Of My
| |
Box 34, Folder 37 | Good Night Lovely Little
| |
Box 34, Folder 38 | Good Night Moon
| |
Box 34, Folder 39 | Goodnight, Moonlight
| |
Box 34, Folder 40 | Good Night Mr. Moon
| |
Box 34, Folder 41 | Goodnight My Love
| |
Box 34, Folder 42 | Good-Night My Sweet
| |
Box 34, Folder 43 | Good-Night, Nurse
| |
Box 34, Folder 44 | Good Night, Pleasant Dreams, God Bless
| |
Box 34, Folder 45 | Good Night Sweetheart
| |
Box 34, Folder 46 | Good Night Vienna
| |
Box 34, Folder 47 | The Good Ship Mary Ann
| |
Box 34, Folder 48 | Goody-Goody
| |
Box 34, Folder 49 | Goofus
| |
Box 34, Folder 50 | Gosh Darn!
| |
Box 34, Folder 51 | Got No Time (with ukulele
| |
Box 34, Folder 52 | Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep, Go To
| |
Box 34, Folder 53 | Go To Sleep, My Baby
| |
Box 34, Folder 54 | Go To Sleep My Little Creole
| |
Box 34, Folder 55 | Gotta Be This Or That
| |
Box 34, Folder 56 | Gotta Big Date With A Little Girl (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 34, Folder 57 | Gotta Get Some
| |
Box 34, Folder 58 | Got The Bench - Got The Park (But I
Haven't Got You)
| |
Box 34, Folder 59 | Got The Moon In My
| |
Box 34, Folder 60 | Got The South In My
| |
Box 35 | ||
Box 35, Folder 1 | Governor's March
| |
Box 35, Folder 2 | Granada
| |
Box 35, Folder 3 | Grandfather's Clock
| |
Box 35, Folder 4 | Grandfather's Clock (with ukulele
| |
Box 35, Folder 5 | Grandfather's Clock
| |
Box 35, Folder 6 | Grandfather's Clock
| |
Box 35, Folder 7 | Granny
| |
Box 35, Folder 8 | Granny (You're My Mammy's
| |
Box 35, Folder 9 | The Grass Grows Greener (Way Down Home)
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 35, Folder 10 | The Grass Is Always Greener (In The Other
Fellow's Yard)
| |
Box 35, Folder 11 | The Graveyard Blues
| |
Box 35, Folder 12 | Gray Eyes
| |
Box 35, Folder 13 | A Great Big Bunch Of
| |
Box 35, Folder 14 | The Greatest Battle Song Of
| |
Box 35, Folder 15 | The Greatest Day The world Will Ever
| |
Box 35, Folder 16 | The Greatest Show On
| |
Box 35, Folder 17 | The Great White Way
| |
Box 35, Folder 18 | Green Eyes
| |
Box 35, Folder 19 | And The Green Grass Grew All
| |
Box 35, Folder 20 | Green Palms
| |
Box 35, Folder 21 | Grieving
| |
Box 35, Folder 22 | Grieving For You
| |
Box 35, Folder 23 | Guilty
| |
Box 35, Folder 24 | Guy Massey's Farewell
| |
Box 35, Folder 25 | Gypsy (with ukulele
| |
Box 35, Folder 26 | The Gypsy
| |
Box 35, Folder 27 | Gypsy Charmer (with ukulele
| |
Box 35, Folder 28 | Gypsy Dream Rose
| |
Box 35, Folder 29 | Gypsy Dreams
| |
Box 35, Folder 30 | Gypsy Girl
| |
Box 35, Folder 31 | A Gypsy Told Me
| |
Box 35, Folder 32 | Honest! (I'm Falling For
| |
Box 35, Folder 33 | Honest And Truly
| |
Box 35, Folder 34 | Honest (I'm In Love With You) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 35, Folder 35 | Honest John
| |
Box 35, Folder 36 | Honey
| |
Box 35, Folder 37 | Honey Babe
| |
Box 35, Folder 38 | Honey Behave
| |
Box 35, Folder 39 | Honey Boy
| |
Box 35, Folder 40 | Honey Boy
| |
Box 35, Folder 41 | Honey Bunch
| |
Box 35, Folder 42 | Honey Bunch
| |
Box 35, Folder 43 | Honey Heart
| |
Box 35, Folder 44 | Honey, Ise Comin' Back To
| |
Box 35, Folder 45 | (Nothin' is Sweeter Than Honey) Honey Is
Sweet On Me (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 35, Folder 46 | Honey-Land
| |
Box 35, Folder 47 | Honey Man
| |
Box 35, Folder 48 | Honey Moon Bells
| |
Box 35, Folder 49 | Honeymoon Chimes
| |
Box 35, Folder 50 | Honeymoon Hotel
| |
Box 35, Folder 51 | Honeymoon Lane
| |
Box 35, Folder 52 | Honeymoon Love
| |
Box 35, Folder 53 | Honeymoon Time
| |
Box 35, Folder 54 | Honey On Our Honeymoon
| |
Box 35, Folder 55 | Honey Rose (Way Down Yonder In The
| |
Box 35, Folder 56 | The Honeysuckle And The
| |
Box 35, Folder 57 | Honeysuckle Rose
| |
Box 35, Folder 58 | Honey Time
| |
Box 35, Folder 59 | Honey When It's Sunny
| |
Box 35, Folder 60 | Honey, You'se Ma Lady
| |
Box 35, Folder 61 | Honey, You were Made For
| |
Box 36 | ||
Box 36, Folder 1 | Hong Kong
| |
Box 36, Folder 2 | Hong Kong Blues
| |
Box 36, Folder 3 | Honky Tonkin'
| |
Box 36, Folder 4 | Honolulu
| |
Box 36, Folder 5 | Honolulu
| |
Box 36, Folder 6 | Honolulu, America Loves You (We've Got To
Hand It To You)
| |
Box 36, Folder 7 | Honolulu Blues
| |
Box 36, Folder 8 | The Honolulu Blues
| |
Box 36, Folder 9 | Honolulu Eyes
| |
Box 36, Folder 10 | The Honolulu Hicki Boola
| |
Box 36, Folder 11 | The Honolulu Hula Boola
| |
Box 36, Folder 12 | Honolulu Moon (with ukulele
| |
Box 36, Folder 13 | Honolulu Moonlight
| |
Box 36, Folder 14 | Honorah
| |
Box 36, Folder 15 | Honor Thy Father And Mother (And Good Luck
Will Follow You)
| |
Box 36, Folder 16 | The Hoodlum
| |
Box 36, Folder 17 | The HooDoo Man
| |
Box 36, Folder 18 | Hoo-oo (Ain't You Coming Out
| |
Box 36, Folder 19 | Hoop-Dee-Doo
| |
Box 36, Folder 20 | Hooray For Love
| |
Box 36, Folder 21 | Hooray For Love
| |
Box 36, Folder 22 | Hoosier Sweetheart (Say
| |
Box 36, Folder 23 | Horses (with ukulele
| |
Box 36, Folder 24 | The Horse Trot
| |
Box 36, Folder 25 | The Horse With Lavender
| |
Box 36, Folder 26 | Hortense
| |
Box 36, Folder 27 | Hosanna
| |
Box 36, Folder 28 | The Hot Canary
| |
Box 36, Folder 29 | Hot-Cha-Cha
| |
Box 36, Folder 30 | Hot Eskimo (with ukulele
| |
Box 36, Folder 31 | Hot Feet
| |
Box 36, Folder 32 | Hot-House Rose
| |
Box 36, Folder 33 | Hot Lips
| |
Box 36, Folder 34 | Hot Tamale Molly
| |
Box 36, Folder 35 | Hotsy Totsy Town
| |
Box 36, Folder 36 | An Hour Never Passes
| |
Box 36, Folder 37 | The Hour Of Parting
| |
Box 36, Folder 38 | The Hours I Spent With
| |
Box 36, Folder 39 | The Hour That Gave Me
| |
Box 36, Folder 40 | The House O' Dream
| |
Box 36, Folder 41 | The House Of David
| |
Box 36, Folder 42 | A House With Love In
| |
Box 36, Folder 43 | How About You
| |
Box 36, Folder 44 | How Do I Know?
| |
Box 36, Folder 45 | How Are You Goin' To Wet Your Whistle?
(When The Whole Darn World Goes Dry)
| |
Box 36, Folder 46 | How Blue The Night
| |
Box 36, Folder 47 | How Can Any Girlie Be A Good Little Girl,
When She Loves A Naughty Little Boy?
| |
Box 36, Folder 48 | How Can I Forget (When There's So Much To
| |
Box 36, Folder 49 | How Can I Go On Without
| |
Box 36, Folder 50 | How Can They Tell That Oi'm
| |
Box 36, Folder 51 | How Can You Face Me?
| |
Box 36, Folder 52 | How Can You Forget
| |
Box 36, Folder 53 | How Can You Say No (When All The World is
Saying Yes)
| |
Box 36, Folder 54 | How Can You Say You Love
| |
Box 36, Folder 55 | How Can You Tell?
| |
Box 36, Folder 56 | How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 36, Folder 57 | How Could Red Riding
| |
Box 36, Folder 58 | How Could Washington Be A Married Man (and
Never, Never Tell A Lie?)
| |
Box 36, Folder 59 | How Could You?
| |
Box 37 | ||
Box 37, Folder 1 | How Could You Believe Me When I Said I
Love You When I've Been A Liar All My Life
| |
Box 37, Folder 2 | How'Dja Like To Love
| |
Box 37, Folder 3 | How Do I Know It's
| |
Box 37, Folder 4 | How Do They Get That
| |
Box 37, Folder 5 | How Do You Do
| |
Box 37, Folder 6 | How Do You Do Miss
| |
Box 37, Folder 7 | Howdy!
| |
Box 37, Folder 8 | How'd You Like To Be My
| |
Box 37, Folder 9 | How'd You Like To Be The
| |
Box 37, Folder 10 | How'd You Like To Be My
| |
Box 37, Folder 11 | How'd You Like To Spoon With
| |
Box 37, Folder 12 | How Easy It Is To Remember (The Things
You'd Like To Forget)
| |
Box 37, Folder 13 | How High Can A Little Bird
| |
Box 37, Folder 14 | How I Love My Lu
| |
Box 37, Folder 15 | How Late Can You Stay Out
| |
Box 37, Folder 16 | How Little We Know
| |
Box 37, Folder 17 | How Long Will It Last?
| |
Box 37, Folder 18 | (You Don't Know ) How Lucky You
| |
Box 37, Folder 19 | How'm I Doin'?
| |
Box 37, Folder 20 | How's Ev'ry Little Thing In
| |
Box 37, Folder 21 | How Soon? (Will I Be Seeing
| |
Box 37, Folder 22 | How Sweet You Are
| |
Box 37, Folder 23 | How's Your Uncle
| |
Box 37, Folder 24 | How The Time Can Fly (Whenever I'm With
| |
Box 37, Folder 25 | How Ya Gonna Keep Your Mind On Dancing
(When You're Dancing With Someone You Love)
| |
Box 37, Folder 26 | Huckleberry Finn
| |
Box 37, Folder 27 | Huggable Kissable You (with ukulele
| |
Box 37, Folder 28 | A Huggin' And A
| |
Box 37, Folder 29 | Hugo (with ukulele
| |
Box 37, Folder 30 | The Hukilau Song
| |
Box 37, Folder 31 | Hula Blues
| |
Box 37, Folder 32 | Hula Lou (with ukulele
| |
Box 37, Folder 33 | The Humble Side Of The
| |
Box 37, Folder 34 | Humming
| |
Box 37, Folder 35 | (I've Got The Words-I've Got The Tune)
Hummin' To Myself
| |
Box 37, Folder 36 | Humoreskimo (with ukulele
| |
Box 37, Folder 37 | Humoresque
| |
Box 37, Folder 38 | Humoresque
| |
Box 37, Folder 39 | Humpty Dumpty
| |
Box 37, Folder 40 | Humpty Dumpty Heart
| |
Box 37, Folder 41 | A Hundred Years From
| |
Box 37, Folder 42 | Hurrah For Baffin's
| |
Box 37, Folder 43 | Hurry Home
| |
Box 37, Folder 44 | Hurt (with ukulele
| |
Box 37, Folder 45 | Hush-A-Bye
| |
Box 37, Folder 46 | Hush-A-Bye, O Baby
| |
Box 37, Folder 47 | Hush! Curly Head
| |
Box 37, Folder 48 | Hush, Little Baby, Don't You Cry (Or
You'll Be An Angel Bye And Bye)
Series C: Popular Music Titles I-K
Box 37 | ||
Box 37, Folder 49 | I Adore You (Je Vous
| |
Box 37, Folder 50 | (Enchanted) I Adore
| |
Box 37, Folder 51 | I Ain't Gonna Grieve
| |
Box 37, Folder 52 | I Ain't 'bliged To Stan'no Nigger
| |
Box 37, Folder 53 | I Ain't-en Got-en No Time To Have The
| |
Box 37, Folder 54 | I Ain't Going To
| |
Box 37, Folder 55 | I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None O'This
Jelly Roll
| |
Box 37, Folder 56 | I Ain't Got Nobody And I Don't Want Nobody
But You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 37, Folder 57 | I Ain't Got Nobody (And Nobody Cares For
| |
Box 37, Folder 58 | I Ain't Got Nobody To Love (with ukulele
| |
Box 37, Folder 59 | I Ain't got No Ear For
| |
Box 38 | ||
Box 38, Folder 1 | I Ain't Lazy - I'm Just
| |
Box 38, Folder 2 | I Ain't Nobody's
| |
Box 38, Folder 3 | I Ain't That Kind Of A
| |
Box 38, Folder 4 | I Always Think I'm Up In Heaven (When I'm
Down In Dixieland)
| |
Box 38, Folder 5 | I Am Always Building Castles In The
| |
Box 38, Folder 6 | I Am Climbing
| |
Box 38, Folder 7 | I Am De Leadin' Lady Oh De
| |
Box 38, Folder 8 | I Am Going Home
| |
Box 38, Folder 9 | I Am Longing For Tomorrow When I Think Of
| |
Box 38, Folder 10 | I Am Only The Words, You Are The
| |
Box 38, Folder 11 | I Am Waiting For You Darling At The Old
Red Mill
| |
Box 38, Folder 12 | I Apologize
| |
Box 38, Folder 13 | I 'Aven't Told 'im
| |
Box 38, Folder 14 | I Beg Your Pardon,
| |
Box 38, Folder 15 | I Begged Her
| |
Box 38, Folder 16 | I Believe
| |
Box 38, Folder 17 | I Believe In Miracles
| |
Box 38, Folder 18 | I Called You My
| |
Box 38, Folder 19 | I Came To You
| |
Box 38, Folder 20 | I Can Dance With Everyone But My
| |
Box 38, Folder 21 | I Can Dream, Can't I?
| |
Box 38, Folder 22 | I Can Get It For You Wholesale (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 38, Folder 23 | I Can Get More Lovin' From A
Dum-Dum-Dummy( Than I've Been Getting From You) (with ukulele
| |
Box 38, Folder 24 | I Can Hear The Ukuleles Calling
| |
Box 38, Folder 25 | I Can Wriggle My Ears
| |
Box 38, Folder 26 | I Cannot Drink The Old
| |
Box 38, Folder 27 | I Cannot Tell You Why (All I Know Is I'm
In Love With You)
| |
Box 38, Folder 28 | I Can't Be Arrested For Making Love To
| |
Box 38, Folder 29 | I Can't Begin To Tell
| |
Box 38, Folder 30 | I Can't Believe It's
| |
Box 38, Folder 31 | I Can't Believe That You're In Love With
Me (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 38, Folder 32 | I Can't Escape From
| |
Box 38, Folder 33 | I Can't Get Away From
| |
Box 38, Folder 34 | I Can't Get Enough Of
| |
Box 38, Folder 35 | I Can't Get No
| |
Box 38, Folder 36 | I Can't Get Started
| |
Box 38, Folder 37 | I Can't See The Good In
| |
Box 38, Folder 38 | I Can't Stop Loving You
| |
Box 38, Folder 39 | I Can't Take My Eyes Off
| |
Box 38, Folder 40 | I Can't Tell Why I Love You But I
| |
Box 38, Folder 41 | I Can't Waltz Alone
| |
Box 38, Folder 42 | (With You on My Mind, I Find) I Can't
Write The Words
| |
Box 38, Folder 43 | I Care Not What Your Past May Be (I Love
You Just The Same)
| |
Box 38, Folder 44 | I Caught You Making
| |
Box 38, Folder 45 | Ich Liebe Dich (I Love
| |
Box 38, Folder 46 | I Could Kiss You For
| |
Box 38, Folder 47 | I Couldn't Get To It In
| |
Box 38, Folder 48 | I Couldn't Sleep A Wink Last
| |
Box 38, Folder 49 | I Couldn't Tell Them What
| |
Box 38, Folder 50 | I Could Say Good Night To A Thousand Girls
(But Only Dream Of One)
| |
Box 38, Folder 51 | I Cover The Waterfront
| |
Box 38, Folder 52 | I Cried For You (Now It's Your Turn to Cry
Over Me)
| |
Box 38, Folder 53 | Ida! Sweet As Apple
| |
Box 38, Folder 54 | Idaho
| |
Box 38, Folder 55 | Ida I Do (with ukulele
| |
Box 38, Folder 56 | (If I Could Ask A Wish Of Heaven) I'd Ask
For You
| |
Box 38, Folder 57 | I'd Be Lost Without
| |
Box 38, Folder 58 | I'd Climb The Highest Mountain If I Knew
I'd Find You
| |
Box 38, Folder 59 | I'd Do Anything For You (with ukulele
| |
Box 38, Folder 60 | I'd Do As Much For You
| |
Box 39 | ||
Box 39, Folder 1 | (If I Were You) I'd Fall In Love With
| |
Box 39, Folder 2 | I'd Give A Lot Of Love (To Get A Little
Love From Someone)
| |
Box 39, Folder 3 | I'd Give A Million Tomorrows (For Just One
| |
Box 39, Folder 4 | I'd Give Anything Under The Sun To Get You
Under The Moon
| |
Box 39, Folder 5 | I Did It All For You
| |
Box 39, Folder 6 | I Didn't Ask, He Didn't Say, So I Don't
| |
Box 39, Folder 7 | I Didn't Know About
| |
Box 39, Folder 8 | I'd Know You Anywhere
| |
Box 39, Folder 9 | I'd Like A Nice Little Girl Like
| |
Box 39, Folder 10 | I'd Like To Be A Quitter, But I Find It
Hard To Quit
| |
Box 39, Folder 11 | I'd Like To Be In Texas When They Round Up
In The Spring
| |
Box 39, Folder 12 | I'd Like To Be Like Peter
| |
Box 39, Folder 13 | I'd Like To Be The Fellow That Girl Is
Waiting For
| |
Box 39, Folder 14 | I'd Like To Be Your Honey
| |
Box 39, Folder 15 | I'd Like To But I
| |
Box 39, Folder 16 | I'd Like To Dance The Whole Night
| |
Box 39, Folder 17 | I'd Like To Do Some Loving With You (And
That Ain't All)
| |
Box 39, Folder 18 | I'd Like To Have A Photograph Of
| |
Box 39, Folder 19 | I'd Like To Have You Like Me As Much I
Like You
| |
Box 39, Folder 20 | I'd Like To Know Your Address & Your
| |
Box 39, Folder 21 | I'd Like To Lock You In My
| |
Box 39, Folder 22 | I'd Like To See A Little More Of
| |
Box 39, Folder 23 | I'd Like To See Samoa Of
| |
Box 39, Folder 24 | I'd Like To See You Sunday (In The
| |
Box 39, Folder 25 | I'd Like To Tie You To My Heart
| |
Box 39, Folder 26 | Idling Away The Time
| |
Box 39, Folder 27 | I'd Live Or I Would Die For
| |
Box 39, Folder 28 | I'd Love To Be In Ireland The Day They Set
Old Ireland Free
| |
Box 39, Folder 29 | I'd Love To Call You My
| |
Box 39, Folder 30 | I'd Love To Fall Asleep and Wake Up In My
Mammy's Arms
| |
Box 39, Folder 31 | I'd Love To Live In Loveland With A girl
Like You
| |
Box 39, Folder 32 | I'd Love To Meet That Old Sweetheart Of
Mine (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 39, Folder 33 | I'd Love To Take Orders From
| |
Box 39, Folder 34 | I'd Love You All Over
| |
Box 39, Folder 35 | I Do! (Do You?) (with ukulele
| |
Box 39, Folder 36 | Idol (Just Let Me Worship
| |
Box 39, Folder 37 | Idolizing (with ukulele
| |
Box 39, Folder 38 | I Don't Believe You
| |
Box 39, Folder 39 | I Don't Believe You (with ukulele
| |
Box 39, Folder 40 | I Don't Care
| |
Box 39, Folder 41 | I Don't Care
| |
Box 39, Folder 42 | I Don't Care Who Knows
| |
Box 39, Folder 43 | I Don't Know How I Can do Without
| |
Box 39, Folder 44 | I Don't Know How To Tell Yer How I Lubs
| |
Box 39, Folder 45 | I Don't Know Why (I Just
| |
Box 39, Folder 46 | I Don't Mind Walking In The Rain (When I'm
Walking In The Rain With You)
| |
Box 39, Folder 47 | I Don't See Me In Your Eyes
| |
Box 39, Folder 48 | I Don't Stand a Ghost Of a Chance With
| |
Box 39, Folder 49 | I Don't Suppose
| |
Box 39, Folder 50 | (If This Is Love) I Don't Want
| |
Box 39, Folder 51 | (I Ain't Got Nobody And) I Don't Want
Nobody But You
| |
Box 39, Folder 52 | I Don't Want The World (All I Want Is You)
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 39, Folder 53 | I Don't Want To (Oh, Come
| |
Box 39, Folder 54 | I Don't Want To Love You (Like I
| |
Box 39, Folder 55 | I Don't Want To Make History (I Just Want
To Make Love)
| |
Box 39, Folder 56 | I Don't Want To Marry
| |
Box 39, Folder 57 | I Don't Want To Play In Your
| |
Box 39, Folder 58 | I Don't Want To Set The World On
| |
Box 39, Folder 59 | I Don't Want To Walk Without
| |
Box 39, Folder 60 | I Don't Want You To Cry Over
| |
Box 40 | ||
Box 40, Folder 1 | I Don't Want Your Kisses (If I Can't Have
your Love)
| |
Box 40, Folder 2 | I Double Dare You
| |
Box 40, Folder 3 | I'd Rather Be A Country
| |
Box 40, Folder 4 | I'd Rather Be At Block Island Than Any
Place I Know
| |
Box 40, Folder 5 | I'd Rather Be Blue Over You (Than Be Happy
With Somebody Else)
| |
Box 40, Folder 6 | I'd Rather Be The Girl In Your Arms (Than
The Girl In Your Dreams) (with ukulele
| |
Box 40, Folder 7 | I'd Rather Listen To Your
| |
Box 40, Folder 8 | I'd Rather Love What I Cannot Have Than
Have What I Cannot Love
| |
Box 40, Folder 9 | I'd Rather Two Step Than Waltz,
| |
Box 40, Folder 10 | I Dreamed Of You
| |
Box 40, Folder 11 | I Dream Of A Garden Of
| |
Box 40, Folder 12 | I Dream Of San Marino
| |
Box 40, Folder 13 | I Dream Of You More Than You Dream I
| |
Box 40, Folder 14 | I Dream Too Much
| |
Box 40, Folder 15 | I'd Walk A Million Miles (To Be A Little
Nearer To You)
| |
Box 40, Folder 16 | If
| |
Box 40, Folder 17 | If (If I Hadn't The Right To
| |
Box 40, Folder 18 | If A Girl Like You Loved A Boy Like
| |
Box 40, Folder 19 | I Fall In Love With You Every
| |
Box 40, Folder 20 | If All The Girls were Good Little Girls
(Wouldn't It Be Too Bad)
| |
Box 40, Folder 21 | If All The Girls Were
| |
Box 40, Folder 22 | If Anybody Wants To Meet A Jonah, Shake
Hands With Me
| |
Box 40, Folder 23 | I Faw Down An' Go Boom
| |
Box 40, Folder 24 | If Daisies Could Tell What They
| |
Box 40, Folder 25 | If Dreams Came True
| |
Box 40, Folder 26 | If Dreams Come True
| |
Box 40, Folder 27 | I Feel A Song Comin'
| |
Box 40, Folder 28 | I Feel Like A Feather In The
| |
Box 40, Folder 29 | I Fell Head Over Heels In
| |
Box 40, Folder 30 | I Fell In Love
| |
Box 40, Folder 31 | If I Ever Get Back To Birmingham To The
Girl Who Waits For Me
| |
Box 40, Folder 32 | If He Cared
| |
Box 40, Folder 33 | If I Came Back To You And Said I'm
| |
Box 40, Folder 34 | If I Can't Get The Sweetie I Want, I Pity
The Sweetie I Get
| |
Box 40, Folder 35 | If I Can't Have You (If You Can't Have
| |
Box 40, Folder 36 | If I Can't Have You (I Want To Be Lonesome
- I Want To Be Blue)
| |
Box 40, Folder 37 | If I Catch The Guy Who Wrote Poor
| |
Box 40, Folder 38 | If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight)
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 40, Folder 39 | If I Could Live Life
| |
Box 40, Folder 40 | If I Could Peep Thru The Window
| |
Box 40, Folder 41 | If I Could Read Your
| |
Box 40, Folder 42 | If I Didn't Care
| |
Box 40, Folder 43 | If I'd Only Believed In You (with ukulele
| |
Box 40, Folder 44 | If I Ever Meet The Girl Of My
| |
Box 40, Folder 45 | If I Forgot You
| |
Box 40, Folder 46 | If I Had A Dozen
| |
Box 40, Folder 47 | If I Had A Girl Like
| |
Box 40, Folder 48 | If I Had A Girl Like You (with ukulele
| |
Box 40, Folder 49 | If I Had A Man Like
| |
Box 40, Folder 50 | If I Had A Million
| |
Box 40, Folder 51 | If I Had A Thousand Hearts I'd Send Them
All To You
| |
Box 40, Folder 52 | If I Had My Life To Live
| |
Box 40, Folder 53 | If I Had My Way
| |
Box 40, Folder 54 | If I Had My Way
| |
Box 40, Folder 55 | If I Had Rhythm In My Nursery
| |
Box 40, Folder 56 | If I Had Some One Like You At Home (I
Wouldn't Want To Go Out)
| |
Box 40, Folder 57 | If I Had You (with ukulele
| |
Box 40, Folder 58 | If I Knew You Then As I Know You
| |
Box 40, Folder 59 | If I Knew You Were Coming I'd 'Ve Baked A
| |
Box 40, Folder 60 | If I Knock The L Out Of Kelly (It Would
Still Be Kelly To Me)
| |
Box 41 | ||
Box 41, Folder 1 | If I'm Dreaming (Don't Wake me Too
| |
Box 41, Folder 2 | I Find My Sunshine (In The Moonlight With
| |
Box 41, Folder 3 | If I Only Had A Dollah Of My
| |
Box 41, Folder 4 | If I Only Had A Home Sweet
| |
Box 41, Folder 5 | If I Only Had A Job
| |
Box 41, Folder 6 | If I Only Had A
| |
Box 41, Folder 7 | If I Only Had The
| |
Box 41, Folder 8 | If I Should (If I Told You That I Loved
| |
Box 41, Folder 9 | If I Should Lose You
| |
Box 41, Folder 10 | If I Should Lose You
| |
Box 41, Folder 11 | If It's Love
| |
Box 41, Folder 12 | If It's The Last Thing I
| |
Box 41, Folder 13 | If It Wasn't For The Irish And The
| |
Box 41, Folder 14 | If It Wasn't For You
| |
Box 41, Folder 15 | If It Wasn't For You, I Wouldn't Be Crying
Now (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 41, Folder 16 | If I Was A Millionaire
| |
Box 41, Folder 17 | If I Were A Bee And You Were A Red Red
| |
Box 41, Folder 18 | If I Were A Weaver Of
| |
Box 41, Folder 19 | If I Were King
| |
Box 41, Folder 20 | If Love Came Wrapped In
| |
Box 41, Folder 21 | If Love Makes You Give Up Steak And
Potatoes Then I Don't Want Love
| |
Box 41, Folder 22 | If Love Were All
| |
Box 41, Folder 23 | If Loving Is Forgetting, Then I've
Forgotten You
| |
Box 41, Folder 24 | If My Baby Cooks (As Good As She
| |
Box 41, Folder 25 | If My Heart Could Only
| |
Box 41, Folder 26 | If My Love Could Talk
| |
Box 41, Folder 27 | I Found A Dream
| |
Box 41, Folder 28 | I Found A Rose In The Devil's
| |
Box 41, Folder 29 | I Found A Round-A-Bout Way To Heaven (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 41, Folder 30 | I Found My Romance For Ten Cents A
| |
Box 41, Folder 31 | I Found My Yellow
| |
Box 41, Folder 32 | I Found The End Of The
| |
Box 41, Folder 33 | I Found The End Of The
| |
Box 41, Folder 34 | I Found The Sweetest Rose That Grows In
| |
Box 41, Folder 35 | I Found You
| |
Box 41, Folder 36 | I Found You (with ukulele
| |
Box 41, Folder 37 | I Found You Among The
| |
Box 41, Folder 38 | If She Comes From
| |
Box 41, Folder 39 | If Somebody Loved Me
| |
Box 41, Folder 40 | If Tears Could Bring You Back To Me (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 41, Folder 41 | If The Can-Canny Cannibals Captured New
York Town
| |
Box 41, Folder 42 | If The Garden Of Roses Should Change To
| |
Box 41, Folder 43 | If The Man In The Moon Were A
| |
Box 41, Folder 44 | If The Moon Turns
| |
Box 41, Folder 45 | If The Orange Grew In Ireland (Sure He'd
Pluck It While It's Green) (with ukulele
| |
Box 41, Folder 46 | If The Rest Of The World Don't Want You
(Go Back To Mother And Dad)
| |
Box 41, Folder 47 | If They Don't Stop Making Them So
| |
Box 41, Folder 48 | If They'd Only Move Old Ireland Over
| |
Box 41, Folder 49 | If This Is Love I Don't Want
| |
Box 41, Folder 50 | If We Can't Be The Same Old Sweethearts,
We'll Just Be The Same Old Friends
| |
Box 41, Folder 51 | If We Never Should Meet
| |
Box 41, Folder 52 | If You Are No One's Sweetheart, Is There A
Chance For Me?
| |
Box 41, Folder 53 | If You Believed In Me
| |
Box 41, Folder 54 | If You But Knew
| |
Box 41, Folder 55 | If You Can't Get A Girl In The Summertime
(You'll Never Get A Girl At All)
| |
Box 41, Folder 56 | If You Can't Have The Girl Of Your
| |
Box 41, Folder 57 | If You Don't Love Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 41, Folder 58 | If You Don't Want To Be Sweethearts (I
Don't Want To Be Friends)
| |
Box 41, Folder 59 | If You Ever Come Down To Virginia There'll
Be Nothing Too Good for You
| |
Box 41, Folder 60 | If You Ever Get Lonely
| |
Box 42 | ||
Box 42, Folder 1 | If You Had All The World And Its
| |
Box 42, Folder 2 | If You Had The Brains Your Mother
| |
Box 42, Folder 3 | (I Wouldn't Be Where I Am ) If You Hadn't
Gone Away
| |
Box 42, Folder 4 | If You Knew How Much I Loved
| |
Box 42, Folder 5 | If You Knew Susie Like I Know
| |
Box 42, Folder 6 | If You Knew What I Know About
| |
Box 42, Folder 7 | If You Like Me, Like I Like
| |
Box 42, Folder 8 | If You Love Me
| |
Box 42, Folder 9 | If You Love Me (Really Love
| |
Box 42, Folder 10 | If You Miss Me As I Miss You (with ukulele
| |
Box 42, Folder 11 | If You Only Had My
| |
Box 42, Folder 12 | If You Only Knew (with ukulele
| |
Box 42, Folder 13 | If You Please
| |
Box 42, Folder 14 | If You Regret (Come Back To
| |
Box 42, Folder 15 | If You See Sally
| |
Box 42, Folder 16 | If You See That Gal Of Mine (Send Her
| |
Box 42, Folder 17 | If You Should Ever Need Me (You'll Always
Find Me Here)
| |
Box 42, Folder 18 | If You Smile At The Sun (The Sun Will
Smile At You)
| |
Box 42, Folder 19 | If You Talk In Your Sleep (Don't Mention
My Name)
| |
Box 42, Folder 20 | If You Want The Rainbow (You Must Have The
Rain) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 42, Folder 21 | If You Were Mine
| |
Box 42, Folder 22 | If You Were Mine
| |
Box 42, Folder 23 | If You Were Mine (with ukulele
| |
Box 42, Folder 24 | If You Were The Only
| |
Box 42, Folder 25 | If You'll Be My Eve (I'll Build An Eden
For You)
| |
Box 42, Folder 26 | If You'll Come Back
| |
Box 42, Folder 27 | If You'll Come Back To My Garden Of
| |
Box 42, Folder 28 | If You'll Only Come Back To
| |
Box 42, Folder 29 | If You're Crazy About The Women You're Not
Crazy At All
| |
Box 42, Folder 30 | If You're Going Back To
| |
Box 42, Folder 31 | If You've Never Been In Dreamland (You've
Never Been In Love)
| |
Box 42, Folder 32 | If You've Won The Only One (In The World
You Want To Win)
| |
Box 42, Folder 33 | I Gave Her That
| |
Box 42, Folder 34 | (I Gave My Heart And Hand To) Someone In
| |
Box 42, Folder 35 | I Gave You Up Just Before You Threw Me
| |
Box 42, Folder 36 | I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except
| |
Box 42, Folder 37 | I Get The Blues When It
| |
Box 42, Folder 38 | I Get The Neck Of The
| |
Box 42, Folder 39 | I Give You All You Ask
| |
Box 42, Folder 40 | I Give You My Word
| |
Box 42, Folder 41 | I Go For That
| |
Box 42, Folder 42 | I Got A Code In My
| |
Box 42, Folder 43 | I Got Love
| |
Box 42, Folder 44 | I Gotta Get Myself Somebody To Love (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 42, Folder 45 | I Gotta Go Get My Baby
| |
Box 42, Folder 46 | I Got The Ritz From The One I Love (I Got
the Big Go-by)
| |
Box 42, Folder 47 | I Got You Steve
| |
Box 42, Folder 48 | I Guess I'll Get The Papers And Go
| |
Box 42, Folder 49 | I Guess I'll Have To Change My
| |
Box 42, Folder 50 | I Guess I'll Have To Telegraph My
| |
Box 42, Folder 51 | I Guess I'll Take The Train Back
| |
Box 42, Folder 52 | I Guess It Had To Be That
| |
Box 42, Folder 53 | I Guess You'd Better Hush! Hush!
| |
Box 42, Folder 54 | I'll Always Be In Love With
| |
Box 42, Folder 55 | I'll Always Be Mother's Boy (with ukulele
| |
Box 42, Folder 56 | I'll Always Be Waiting For
| |
Box 42, Folder 57 | I'll Always Keep A Corner In My Heart For
| |
Box 42, Folder 58 | I'll Always Remember
| |
Box 42, Folder 59 | I'll Always Remember You (with ukulele
| |
Box 42, Folder 60 | I'll Be Around
| |
Box 43 | ||
Box 43, Folder 1 | I'll Be Blue Just Thinking Of You (From
Now On)
| |
Box 43, Folder 2 | I'll Be Faithful (with ukulele
| |
Box 43, Folder 3 | I'll Be Glad To Get Back To My Home
| |
Box 43, Folder 4 | I'll Be Happy When The Preacher Makes You
| |
Box 43, Folder 5 | I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In My
| |
Box 43, Folder 6 | I'll Be In My Dixie Home Again
| |
Box 43, Folder 7 | I'll Be Much Obligated To
| |
Box 43, Folder 8 | I'll Be Seeing You
| |
Box 43, Folder 9 | I'll Be Smiling When You're
| |
Box 43, Folder 10 | I'll Be There, Mary
| |
Box 43, Folder 11 | I'll Bet You Tell That To All The
| |
Box 43, Folder 12 | I'll Be Waiting In The Gloaming, Sweet
| |
Box 43, Folder 13 | I'll Be Welcome In My Home Town (Good Bye
To Bright Lights)
| |
Box 43, Folder 14 | I'll Be With You Bye And
| |
Box 43, Folder 15 | I'll Be With You Honey In Honeysuckle
| |
Box 43, Folder 16 | I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom
| |
Box 43, Folder 17 | I'll Be With You When It's Daisy Time In
| |
Box 43, Folder 18 | I'll Be With You When The Clouds Roll
| |
Box 43, Folder 19 | I'll Be With You When The Roses Bloom
| |
Box 43, Folder 20 | I'll Be Your Baby Vampire If You'll Be The
Fool There Was
| |
Box 43, Folder 21 | I'll Be Your Regular Sweetie (But I Won't
Be Your Once In A While)
| |
Box 43, Folder 22 | I'll Be Yours
| |
Box 43, Folder 23 | I'll Blame The Waltz (Not
| |
Box 43, Folder 24 | I'll Bob Up With The Bob-O-Link (In The
| |
Box 43, Folder 25 | I'll Bring A Rose
| |
Box 43, Folder 26 | I'll Build A Bungalow For
| |
Box 43, Folder 27 | I'll Buy That Dream
| |
Box 43, Folder 28 | I'll Buy The Blarney Castle (And Raise A
Lot Of Shamrocks For You)
| |
Box 43, Folder 29 | I'll Close My Eyes
| |
Box 43, Folder 30 | I'll Close My Eyes To The Rest Of The
World (And Dream Sweet Dreams Of You) (with ukulele
| |
Box 43, Folder 31 | I'll Come Back To Dixieland If You'll Come
Back To Me
| |
Box 43, Folder 32 | I'll Dance At Your Wedding (Honey
| |
Box 43, Folder 33 | I'll Dance At Your
| |
Box 43, Folder 34 | I'll Do Anything In The World For
| |
Box 43, Folder 35 | I'll Do It All Over
| |
Box 43, Folder 36 | I'll Do My Best (with ukulele
| |
Box 43, Folder 37 | I'll Dream Tonight
| |
Box 43, Folder 38 | I'll Fold Up My Tent And Steal
| |
Box 43, Folder 39 | I'll Forget You
| |
Box 43, Folder 40 | I'll Get By (As Long As I Have
| |
Box 43, Folder 41 | I'll Get You
| |
Box 43, Folder 42 | I'll Go Home To Dear Old
| |
Box 43, Folder 43 | I'll Have The Last Waltz With
| |
Box 43, Folder 44 | I'll Keep On Loving
| |
Box 43, Folder 45 | I'll Lend You Everything I've Got Except
My Wife
| |
Box 43, Folder 46 | I'll Let The Whole World Know I Love You
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 43, Folder 47 | I'll Love You (All Over
| |
Box 43, Folder 48 | I'll Love You In My
| |
Box 43, Folder 49 | I'll Love You More For Losing You A
| |
Box 43, Folder 50 | I'll Make A Ring Around
| |
Box 43, Folder 51 | I'll March In April With
| |
Box 43, Folder 52 | I'll Never Ask For
| |
Box 43, Folder 53 | I'll Never Be The Same
| |
Box 43, Folder 54 | I'll Never Forget
| |
Box 43, Folder 55 | I'll Never Forget I Love
| |
Box 43, Folder 56 | I'll Never Have To Dream
| |
Box 43, Folder 57 | I'll Never Let A Day Pass
| |
Box 43, Folder 58 | I'll Never Love Again
| |
Box 43, Folder 59 | I'll Never Miss You
| |
Box 43, Folder 60 | I'll Never Smile Again
| |
Box 44 | ||
Box 44, Folder 1 | I'll Never Tell You I Love
| |
Box 44, Folder 2 | I'll Pin Another Petal On The
| |
Box 44, Folder 3 | I'll Put My Lips Against Yours
| |
Box 44, Folder 4 | I'll Say She Does
| |
Box 44, Folder 5 | I'll See You In Cuba
| |
Box 44, Folder 6 | I'll See You In My Dreams (with ukulele
| |
Box 44, Folder 7 | I'll See You In The
| |
Box 44, Folder 8 | I'll Sing You A Song About Dear Old Dixie
| |
Box 44, Folder 9 | I'll Sing You A Thousand Love
| |
Box 44, Folder 10 | I'll Si-Si Ya In Bahia
| |
Box 44, Folder 11 | I'll Sit Right On The Moon And Keep My
Eyes On You
| |
Box 44, Folder 12 | I'll Stand By
| |
Box 44, Folder 13 | I'll Still Go On Wanting
| |
Box 44, Folder 14 | I'll String Along With
| |
Box 44, Folder 15 | I'll Take An Option On
| |
Box 44, Folder 16 | I'll Take Her Back If She Wants To Come
| |
Box 44, Folder 17 | I'll Take You Back To
| |
Box 44, Folder 18 | I'll Take You Home Again,
| |
Box 44, Folder 19 | I'll Take You Home Again, Pal
| |
Box 44, Folder 20 | I'll Tell Papa On You!
| |
Box 44, Folder 21 | I'll Tell The World
| |
Box 44, Folder 22 | I'll Tell The World (You're All The World
To Me) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 44, Folder 23 | I'll Think Of You (with ukulele
| |
Box 44, Folder 24 | I'll Try Anything Once
| |
Box 44, Folder 25 | I'll Wait For You 'Till the Cows Come
| |
Box 44, Folder 26 | I'll Walk Alone
| |
Box 44, Folder 27 | I'll Wed The Girl I Left
| |
Box 44, Folder 28 | I'll Wed You In The Golden
| |
Box 44, Folder 29 | ILO (A Voice From
| |
Box 44, Folder 30 | Ilsa
| |
Box 44, Folder 31 | I'm A Black Sheep Who's
| |
Box 44, Folder 32 | I'm A Dreamer, Aren't We
| |
Box 44, Folder 33 | I'm A Fool To Care
| |
Box 44, Folder 34 | I'm A Fool Who Believed In
| |
Box 44, Folder 35 | I'm Afraid I'm Beginning To Love
| |
Box 44, Folder 36 | I'm Afraid Of The Beautiful
| |
Box 44, Folder 37 | I'm Afraid To Come Home In The
| |
Box 44, Folder 38 | I'm After Madame Tettrazzini's
| |
Box 44, Folder 39 | I'm A Gambler
| |
Box 44, Folder 40 | Imagination (with ukulele
| |
Box 44, Folder 41 | I'm A Jazz Vampire
| |
Box 44, Folder 42 | I'm A Lady
| |
Box 44, Folder 43 | I'm All A-Twitter and All
| |
Box 44, Folder 44 | I'm All Bound 'Round With The Mason Dixon
| |
Box 44, Folder 45 | I'm Alone Because I Love
| |
Box 44, Folder 46 | I'm A Lonesome Little Rain Drop (Looking
For A Place To Drop)
| |
Box 44, Folder 47 | I'm A Lonesome Melody
| |
Box 44, Folder 48 | I'm Alongin' Fo' You
| |
Box 44, Folder 49 | I'm A Long Way From
| |
Box 44, Folder 50 | I'm A Lover Of Paree
| |
Box 44, Folder 51 | I'm Always Chasing
| |
Box 44, Folder 52 | I'm Always Falling In Love With The Other
Fellow's Girl
| |
Box 44, Folder 53 | I'm Always Stuttering
| |
Box 44, Folder 54 | I'm Always The Same Old
| |
Box 44, Folder 55 | I'm Always Watching Clouds Roll
| |
Box 44, Folder 56 | IMAM
| |
Box 44, Folder 57 | I'm A Member Of The Midnight
| |
Box 44, Folder 58 | I'm An Old Cowhand
| |
Box 44, Folder 59 | I'm An Unemployed Sweetheart (Looking For
Somebody To Love)
| |
Box 44, Folder 60 | I'm A Real Kind Mama (Lookin' For A Lovin'
| |
Box 44, Folder 61 | I'm As Blue As The Blue Grass Of
| |
Box 44, Folder 62 | I'm A Trying To Teach My Sweet Papa Right
From Wrong
| |
Box 45 | ||
Box 45, Folder 1 | I'm A 12 O'Clock Feller In A 9 O'Clock
| |
Box 45, Folder 2 | I'm At Your Service
| |
Box 45, Folder 3 | I'm Away From The World When I'm Away From
You 'Cause You're All The World To Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 45, Folder 4 | I'm A Yiddish Cowboy (Tough Guy
| |
Box 45, Folder 5 | I'm Beginning To See The
| |
Box 45, Folder 6 | I'm Bubbling Over
| |
Box 45, Folder 7 | I'm Bugs About You
| |
Box 45, Folder 8 | I'm Building Up To An Awful
| |
Box 45, Folder 9 | I'm Climbing Up A
| |
Box 45, Folder 10 | I'm Coming Back To California That's Where
I Belong
| |
Box 45, Folder 11 | I'm Coming Back To Dixie And
| |
Box 45, Folder 12 | I'm Coming Back To You
| |
Box 45, Folder 13 | I'm Coming Back To You Poor
| |
Box 45, Folder 14 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love
| |
Box 45, Folder 15 | I'm Counting On You
| |
Box 45, Folder 16 | I'm Crazy 'Bout Somebody (And That
Somebody Is You)
| |
Box 45, Folder 17 | I'm Croonin' A Tune About
| |
Box 45, Folder 18 | I'm Crying Just For
| |
Box 45, Folder 19 | I'm De Happiest Darkey Dat Ever Was
| |
Box 45, Folder 20 | I'm Doing What I'm Doing For
| |
Box 45, Folder 21 | I'm Doin' That Thing
| |
Box 45, Folder 22 | I'm Doublin' Back To
| |
Box 45, Folder 23 | I'm Dreaming Of The Girl I
| |
Box 45, Folder 24 | I'm Drifting Back To
| |
Box 45, Folder 25 | I'm Fine And Dandy
| |
Box 45, Folder 26 | I'm Following You!
| |
Box 45, Folder 27 | I'm Forever Blowing
| |
Box 45, Folder 28 | I'm Forever Thinking Of
| |
Box 45, Folder 29 | I'm For You A Hundred Per Cent (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 45, Folder 30 | I'm Getting Ready For My
| |
Box 45, Folder 31 | I'm Getting So Now I Don't
| |
Box 45, Folder 32 | I'm Getting Sentimental Over
| |
Box 45, Folder 33 | I'm Glad I Can Make You
| |
Box 45, Folder 34 | I'm Glad I'm A Boy (And I'm Glad I'm A
| |
Box 45, Folder 35 | I'm Glad I Met You,
| |
Box 45, Folder 36 | I'm Glad I Waited For
| |
Box 45, Folder 37 | I'm Glad My Wife's In
| |
Box 45, Folder 38 | I'm Glad There Is You (In This World of
Ordinary People)
| |
Box 45, Folder 39 | I'm Going Away
| |
Box 45, Folder 40 | I'm Going Back To California (That's Where
I Belong)
| |
Box 45, Folder 41 | I'm Going Back To Erin (To My Sweet
Killarney Rose)
| |
Box 45, Folder 42 | I'm Going Back To
| |
Box 45, Folder 43 | I'm Going Back To Norway (The Land Of The
Mid-Night Sun)
| |
Box 45, Folder 44 | I'm Going Back To Reno
| |
Box 45, Folder 45 | I'm Going Over The Hills To
| |
Box 45, Folder 46 | I'm Going Right Back To
| |
Box 45, Folder 47 | I'm Going To Climb The Blue Ridge
Mountains Back To You
| |
Box 45, Folder 48 | I'm Going To Follow The
| |
Box 45, Folder 49 | I'm going To Hit The Trail To My Home
| |
Box 45, Folder 50 | I'm Going To Let The Whole World Know I
Love You
| |
Box 45, Folder 51 | I'm Going To
| |
Box 45, Folder 52 | I'm Going To Take The First Train (Back To
See My Folks In Sunny Tennessee)
| |
Box 45, Folder 53 | I'm Goin' Out If Lizzie Comes
| |
Box 45, Folder 54 | I'm Goin' Shoppin' With
| |
Box 45, Folder 55 | I'm Goin' South
| |
Box 45, Folder 56 | I'm Goin' To Plant Myself In My Old
Plantation Home
| |
Box 45, Folder 57 | I'm Goin' To Settle Down Outside Of London
Town (When I'm Dry, Dry, Dry)
| |
Box 45, Folder 58 | I'm Gonna Bring A Watermelon To My Girl
Tonight (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 45, Folder 59 | I'm Gonna Dance Wit De Guy Wot Brung Me
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 45, Folder 60 | I'm Gonna Get Lit Up (When The Lights Go
Up on Broadway)
| |
Box 46 | ||
Box 46, Folder 1 | I'm Gonna Get You
| |
Box 46, Folder 2 | I'm Gonna Love That Guy (Like He's Never
Been Loved Before)
| |
Box 46, Folder 3 | I'm Gonna Make Hay While The Sun Shines in
| |
Box 46, Folder 4 | I'm Gonna Play In The Varsity
| |
Box 46, Folder 5 | I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself
A Letter
| |
Box 46, Folder 6 | I'm Gonna Spend My Honeymoon In
| |
Box 46, Folder 7 | I'm Gonna Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 46, Folder 8 | I'm Gonna Wander Out Yonder (Where The
Rainbow Ends)
| |
Box 46, Folder 9 | I'm Grateful To You
| |
Box 46, Folder 10 | I'm Growing Fonder Of
| |
Box 46, Folder 11 | I'm Happy Darling, Dancing With
| |
Box 46, Folder 12 | I'm Happy When You're
| |
Box 46, Folder 13 | I'm Happy When You're
| |
Box 46, Folder 14 | I'm Hummin' - I'm Whistlin' - I'm
| |
Box 46, Folder 15 | I'm In Heaven When I'm In My Mother's
| |
Box 46, Folder 16 | I'm In Love Again
| |
Box 46, Folder 17 | I'm In Love All Over
| |
Box 46, Folder 18 | I'm In Love With A Chocolate
| |
Box 46, Folder 19 | I'm In Love With The Rose Of My
| |
Box 46, Folder 20 | I'm In Love With The Slide
| |
Box 46, Folder 21 | I'm In Love With
| |
Box 46, Folder 22 | I'm In Love With You
| |
Box 46, Folder 23 | I'm In Love With You
| |
Box 46, Folder 24 | I'm In Love With You, That's Why (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 46, Folder 25 | I'm In My Glory
| |
Box 46, Folder 26 | I'm In Seventh Heaven
| |
Box 46, Folder 27 | I'm In The Business (What
| |
Box 46, Folder 28 | I'm In The Market For
| |
Box 46, Folder 29 | I'm In The Mood For
| |
Box 46, Folder 30 | I'm Jealous (with ukulele
| |
Box 46, Folder 31 | I'm Just A Dancing
| |
Box 46, Folder 32 | I'm Just A Little Blue (For
| |
Box 46, Folder 33 | I'm Just A Vagabond
| |
Box 46, Folder 34 | I'm Just A Wall Flower (Waiting For
Someone To Call)
| |
Box 46, Folder 35 | I'm Just Pinin' For
| |
Box 46, Folder 36 | I'm Just Simply Full Of
| |
Box 46, Folder 37 | I'm Just That Way
| |
Box 46, Folder 38 | I've Got The Blues But I'm Just Mean To
| |
Box 46, Folder 39 | I'm Just Wild About Animal
| |
Box 46, Folder 40 | I'm Just Wild About Everything And
Especially You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 46, Folder 41 | I'm Just About Harry
| |
Box 46, Folder 42 | I'm Ka-razy For You
| |
Box 46, Folder 43 | I'm Keepin' Company
| |
Box 46, Folder 44 | I'm Knitting A Rosary
| |
Box 46, Folder 45 | I'm Like A Fish Out Of
| |
Box 46, Folder 46 | I'm Like Ship Without A
| |
Box 46, Folder 47 | I'm Living A Life Of Shadows (Bring Back
The Sunshine To Me)
| |
Box 46, Folder 48 | I'm Livin' In A Great Big
| |
Box 46, Folder 49 | I'm Lonely Without You
| |
Box 46, Folder 50 | I'm Lonesome For You,
| |
Box 46, Folder 51 | I'm Longing For My Old Kentucky
| |
Box 46, Folder 52 | I'm Longing For Old Virginia And
| |
Box 46, Folder 53 | I'm Looking For A Shady
| |
Box 46, Folder 54 | I'm Looking For A Sweetheart And I Think
You'll Do
| |
Box 46, Folder 55 | I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf
| |
Box 46, Folder 56 | I'm Mad About You
| |
Box 46, Folder 57 | I'm Madly In Love With
| |
Box 46, Folder 58 | I'm Making Believe
| |
Box 46, Folder 59 | I'm Makin' Hay In The Moonlight In My
Baby's Arms
| |
Box 46, Folder 60 | (Step By Step-Mile By Mile) I'm Marching
Home To You
| |
Box 47 | ||
Box 47, Folder 1 | I'm Missin' Mammy's Kissin' (And I Know
She's Missin' Mine)
| |
Box 47, Folder 2 | I'm Mistress Jack
| |
Box 47, Folder 3 | I'm More Than Satisfied / (Just A Little
Bit O') Driftwood
| |
Box 47, Folder 4 | I'm My Own Grandpaw
| |
Box 47, Folder 5 | I'm Needin' You (with ukulele
| |
Box 47, Folder 6 | I'm No Angel
| |
Box 47, Folder 7 | I'm Nobody's Baby
| |
Box 47, Folder 8 | I'm Not Going Anywhere (And I'm Not Coming
| |
Box 47, Folder 9 | I'm Not Jealous (But I Just Don't Like
| |
Box 47, Folder 10 | I'm Not That Kind Of A
| |
Box 47, Folder 11 | Imogene
| |
Box 47, Folder 12 | I'm Old Enough For A Little Lovin' (Mama
Told Me So Last Night)
| |
Box 47, Folder 13 | I'm Old Fashioned
| |
Box 47, Folder 14 | I'm On A Diet Of Love
| |
Box 47, Folder 15 | I'm On A See-Saw
| |
Box 47, Folder 16 | I'm Only Making
| |
Box 47, Folder 17 | I'm On My Way To Dublin
| |
Box 47, Folder 18 | I'm On My Way To
| |
Box 47, Folder 19 | I'm On My Way To Reno
| |
Box 47, Folder 20 | I'm On The Jury
| |
Box 47, Folder 21 | I'm On The Road To Happiness (The Road
That Leads To You)
| |
Box 47, Folder 22 | We're On The Verge Of A
| |
Box 47, Folder 23 | I'm On The Water Wagon
| |
Box 47, Folder 24 | Impecunious Davis
| |
Box 47, Folder 25 | I'm Proud Of You
| |
Box 47, Folder 26 | I'm Sailing On A
| |
Box 47, Folder 27 | I'm Satisfied To Step
| |
Box 47, Folder 28 | I'm Saving All My
| |
Box 47, Folder 29 | I'm Saving Up My Dough For Rae And
| |
Box 47, Folder 30 | I'm Shooting High
| |
Box 47, Folder 31 | I'm Simply Crazy Over
| |
Box 47, Folder 32 | I'm Singing Your Love Songs To Somebody
| |
Box 47, Folder 33 | I'm Sitting Pretty In A Pretty Little City
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 47, Folder 34 | I'm Sitting On Top Of The World (Just
Rolling Along-Just Rolling Along) (with ukulele
| |
Box 47, Folder 35 | I'm Sitting High On A Hill
| |
Box 47, Folder 36 | I'm So Afraid Of You
| |
Box 47, Folder 37 | I'm So Lonely (Jimmy Won't You Please Come
| |
Box 47, Folder 38 | I'm So Lonesome
| |
Box 47, Folder 39 | I'm Somebody Nobody
| |
Box 47, Folder 40 | I'm Sorry
| |
Box 47, Folder 41 | I'm Sorry Dear
| |
Box 47, Folder 42 | I'm Sorry I Didn't Say I'm
| |
Box 47, Folder 43 | I'm Sorry I Made You
| |
Box 47, Folder 44 | I'm Sorry Sally
| |
Box 47, Folder 45 | I'm So Tired Of It All
| |
Box 47, Folder 46 | I'm Starving For One Sight Of
| |
Box 47, Folder 47 | I'm Still Caring
| |
Box 47, Folder 48 | I'm Sure Of Everything But
| |
Box 47, Folder 49 | I'm Tellin' The Birds - Tellin' The Bees
How I Love You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 47, Folder 50 | I'm That Way About Baby (And She's That
Way About Me)
| |
Box 47, Folder 51 | I'm The Brother Of Lily Of The
| |
Box 47, Folder 52 | I'm The Good Man That Was Hard To
| |
Box 47, Folder 53 | I'm The Greatest Father Of Them
| |
Box 47, Folder 54 | (Look At Me! Bing! Bang!) I'm The
| |
Box 47, Folder 55 | I'm The Guy
| |
Box 47, Folder 56 | I'm The Kid That Built The
| |
Box 47, Folder 57 | I'm The Lonesomest Gal In
| |
Box 47, Folder 58 | I'm The Man That Wrote
| |
Box 47, Folder 59 | I'm The Medicine Man For The
| |
Box 47, Folder 60 | I'm Thirsty For Kisses-Hungry For Love
(Lonely, With Only, Just Me)
| |
Box 47, Folder 61 | I'm Through (Shedding Tears Over
| |
Box 48 | ||
Box 48, Folder 1 | I'm Thru With Love
| |
Box 48, Folder 2 | I'm Tired
| |
Box 48, Folder 3 | I'm Tired Of Being
| |
Box 48, Folder 4 | I'm Tired Of Being Tired Of You (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 48, Folder 5 | I'm Tired Of Everything But You (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 48, Folder 6 | I'm True To Them All (And They're Just As
True To Me)
| |
Box 48, Folder 7 | I'm Trusting My Best To
| |
Box 48, Folder 8 | I'm Trying So Hard To Forget
| |
Box 48, Folder 9 | I'm Unlucky
| |
Box 48, Folder 10 | I'm Up On A Mountain (Talking To The
| |
Box 48, Folder 11 | I'm Waiting For To-Morrow To
| |
Box 48, Folder 12 | I'm Walkin' Around In A
| |
Box 48, Folder 13 | I'm Walking Around In
| |
Box 48, Folder 14 | (Look Over Your Shoulder) I'm Walking
Behind You
| |
Box 48, Folder 15 | I'm Walking Between The
| |
Box 48, Folder 16 | I'm Walking In The Sunshine (Sitting In
The Moonlight Now)
| |
Box 48, Folder 17 | I'm Waltzing In Love With You (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 48, Folder 18 | I'm Wearing My Heart Away for
| |
Box 48, Folder 19 | (Like A Bird That's On The Wing) I'm
Wingin' Home (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 48, Folder 20 | I'm With the Right Girl
| |
Box 48, Folder 21 | I'm With You
| |
Box 48, Folder 22 | I'm Without You
| |
Box 48, Folder 23 | I'm Yours
| |
Box 48, Folder 24 | I'm Yours For Tonight
| |
Box 48, Folder 25 | In A Bamboo Garden
| |
Box 48, Folder 26 | In A Blue Sunbonnet And A Gingham
| |
Box 48, Folder 27 | In A Boat (For Two)
| |
Box 48, Folder 28 | In A Café On The Road to
| |
Box 48, Folder 29 | In A Chimney Corner (On A Winter's
| |
Box 48, Folder 30 | In A Corner Of The World (All Our
| |
Box 48, Folder 31 | In A Cosy Little Homestead On The Old New
England Shore
| |
Box 48, Folder 32 | In A Covered Wagon With
| |
Box 48, Folder 33 | In A Hammock Built For
| |
Box 48, Folder 34 | In Alabama
| |
Box 48, Folder 35 | In A Land That's Far
| |
Box 48, Folder 36 | In A Little Dutch Kindergarten (Down By
The Zuider Zee)
| |
Box 48, Folder 37 | In A Little Front Parlor (On An Old Back
| |
Box 48, Folder 38 | In A Little Garden (You Made
| |
Box 48, Folder 39 | In A Little Gypsy Tea
| |
Box 48, Folder 40 | In A Little House That's Built For
| |
Box 48, Folder 41 | In A Little Hula
| |
Box 48, Folder 42 | In A Little Italian
| |
Box 48, Folder 43 | In A Little Love Nest (Way Up On The Hill)
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 48, Folder 44 | In A Little Second Hand
| |
Box 48, Folder 45 | In A Little Spanish Town ('Twas On A Night
Like This) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 48, Folder 46 | In A Little Wigwam
| |
Box 48, Folder 47 | In All My Dreams, I Dream Of
| |
Box 48, Folder 48 | In An Airship Built For
| |
Box 48, Folder 49 | In An Oriental Garden
| |
Box 48, Folder 50 | In Apple Blossom Time (Down On The
| |
Box 48, Folder 51 | Inari
| |
Box 48, Folder 52 | In A Shady Little Dell In
| |
Box 48, Folder 53 | In A Shanty In Old Shanty
| |
Box 48, Folder 54 | In A Tent
| |
Box 48, Folder 55 | In A Window, In A House, In
| |
Box 48, Folder 56 | In Autumn Time (I Love You
| |
Box 48, Folder 57 | In A Wonderful World Of Our
| |
Box 48, Folder 58 | In Banjo Land
| |
Box 48, Folder 59 | In Berlin
| |
Box 48, Folder 60 | Inky Blinky, Winky, Chinky
| |
Box 48, Folder 61 | In California (I'm Waiting For
| |
Box 49 | ||
Box 49, Folder 1 | In China
| |
Box 49, Folder 2 | In Cleopatra's Land
| |
Box 49, Folder 3 | In Cupid's Canoe
| |
Box 49, Folder 4 | In Dear Old Arizona
| |
Box 49, Folder 5 | In Dear Old California's Sunny
| |
Box 49, Folder 6 | In Dear Old Georgia
| |
Box 49, Folder 7 | India Nights
| |
Box 49, Folder 8 | In Disguise
| |
Box 49, Folder 9 | In Dixie Land With Dixie
| |
Box 49, Folder 10 | In Germany
| |
Box 49, Folder 11 | In God We Trust
| |
Box 49, Folder 12 | In Honeysuckle Time
| |
Box 49, Folder 13 | In Honolulu
| |
Box 49, Folder 14 | In Honolulu By The Sea
| |
Box 49, Folder 15 | In London Town At
| |
Box 49, Folder 16 | In Love In Vain
| |
Box 49, Folder 17 | In Love's Garden, Just You and
| |
Box 49, Folder 18 | In Maytime (I Learned To
| |
Box 49, Folder 19 | In Memory Of You
| |
Box 49, Folder 20 | In Miami (Where Mammy's Waiting For
| |
Box 49, Folder 21 | In Monterey
| |
Box 49, Folder 22 | In My Arms
| |
Box 49, Folder 23 | In My Birch Bark Canoe, With Emily
| |
Box 49, Folder 24 | In My Bouquet Of Memories (with ukulele
| |
Box 49, Folder 25 | In My Canoe
| |
Box 49, Folder 26 | In My Dream Of You
| |
Box 49, Folder 27 | In My Dreams Of You
| |
Box 49, Folder 28 | In My Gondola
| |
Box 49, Folder 29 | In My Heart Of Hearts
| |
Box 49, Folder 30 | In My Heart - On My Mind - All Day
| |
Box 49, Folder 31 | In My Hide - Away
| |
Box 49, Folder 32 | In My Home Town
| |
Box 49, Folder 33 | In My Little Hope
| |
Box 49, Folder 34 | In My Little Red Book
| |
Box 49, Folder 35 | In My Merry Oldsmobile
| |
Box 49, Folder 36 | In My Own Back Yard
| |
Box 49, Folder 37 | In My Rosy Love Dreams Of
| |
Box 49, Folder 38 | In My Tippy Canoe
| |
Box 49, Folder 39 | An Innocent Young Maid
| |
Box 49, Folder 40 | In Oklahoma
| |
Box 49, Folder 41 | In Old Ireland, Where The River Kenmare
| |
Box 49, Folder 42 | In Old Madrid
| |
Box 49, Folder 43 | In Old Manila
| |
Box 49, Folder 44 | In Old Missouri
| |
Box 49, Folder 45 | In Old New Hampshire Far
| |
Box 49, Folder 46 | In Old Tia Juana
| |
Box 49, Folder 47 | In Room 202
| |
Box 49, Folder 48 | In San Domingo
| |
Box 49, Folder 49 | In Shadowland
| |
Box 49, Folder 50 | In Shadowland
| |
Box 49, Folder 51 | In Siam
| |
Box 49, Folder 52 | In Sun Kissed
| |
Box 49, Folder 53 | In Sweet September
| |
Box 49, Folder 54 | In That Kingdom Over There (with ukulele
| |
Box 49, Folder 55 | In The Baggage Coach
| |
Box 49, Folder 56 | In The Blue Of The
| |
Box 49, Folder 57 | In The Candle-Light
| |
Box 49, Folder 58 | In The Chapel In The
| |
Box 49, Folder 59 | In The City Of Broken
| |
Box 49, Folder 60 | In The City Where Nobody
| |
Box 49, Folder 61 | In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The
| |
Box 49, Folder 62 | In The Cozy Winter
| |
Box 50 | ||
Box 50, Folder 1 | In The Dawn Of Another
| |
Box 50, Folder 2 | In The Days Of
| |
Box 50, Folder 3 | In The Dusk (In The Dusk I Wait for
| |
Box 50, Folder 4 | In The Evening
| |
Box 50, Folder 5 | In The Evening
| |
Box 50, Folder 6 | In The Evening By The
| |
Box 50, Folder 7 | In The Evening By The Moonlight In Dear
Old Tennessee
| |
Box 50, Folder 8 | In The Garden Of My
| |
Box 50, Folder 9 | In The Garden Of The
| |
Box 50, Folder 10 | In The Gloaming (Was The song She sang To
| |
Box 50, Folder 11 | In The Gloaming By The
| |
Box 50, Folder 12 | In The Gloaming Of Wyoming (Back With The
Girl I Love)
| |
Box 50, Folder 13 | In The Glow Of The Harvest
| |
Box 50, Folder 14 | In The Golden Autumn Time My Sweet
| |
Box 50, Folder 15 | In The Golden Harvest
| |
Box 50, Folder 16 | In The Golden
| |
Box 50, Folder 17 | In The Good Old Irish
| |
Box 50, Folder 18 | In The Good Old Snowball
| |
Box 50, Folder 19 | In The Good Old Summer
| |
Box 50, Folder 20 | In The Harbor Of Home Sweet
| |
Box 50, Folder 21 | In The Harbor Of My Mother's
| |
Box 50, Folder 22 | In The Harbor Of Your
| |
Box 50, Folder 23 | In The Haven Of My
| |
Box 50, Folder 24 | In The Heart Of A Fool
| |
Box 50, Folder 25 | In The Heart Of A
| |
Box 50, Folder 26 | In The Heart Of An Irish
| |
Box 50, Folder 27 | In The Heart Of A Rose
| |
Box 50, Folder 28 | In The Heart Of Dear Old
| |
Box 50, Folder 29 | In The Heart Of Kentucky (Where You Gave
Your Heart To Me)
| |
Box 50, Folder 30 | In The Heart Of The City That Has No
| |
Box 50, Folder 31 | In The Hills Of Old Kentucky (My Mountain
| |
Box 50, Folder 32 | In The Hush Of The
| |
Box 50, Folder 33 | In The Land Of Beginning
| |
Box 50, Folder 34 | In The Land Of Far
| |
Box 50, Folder 35 | In The Land Of Harmony
| |
Box 50, Folder 36 | In The Land Of Love With The Song
| |
Box 50, Folder 37 | In The Land Of Plankity
| |
Box 50, Folder 38 | In The Land Of Shady Palm
| |
Box 50, Folder 39 | In The Land Of The
| |
Box 50, Folder 40 | In The Land Of Wedding
| |
Box 50, Folder 41 | In The Land O' Yamo Yamo (Funiculi,
Funiculi, Funicula)
| |
Box 50, Folder 42 | In The Lives Of Famous
| |
Box 50, Folder 43 | In The Love Trail, Where Dreams Come
| |
Box 50, Folder 44 | In The Luxembourg
| |
Box 50, Folder 45 | In The Magic Of The
| |
Box 50, Folder 46 | In The Middle Of A
| |
Box 50, Folder 47 | In The Middle Of A
| |
Box 50, Folder 48 | In The Middle Of The Night (with ukulele
| |
Box 50, Folder 49 | In The Mood
| |
Box 50, Folder 50 | In The Navy
| |
Box 50, Folder 51 | In The Old Sweet Way
| |
Box 50, Folder 52 | In The Old Town Hall
| |
Box 50, Folder 53 | In The Orchard Where The Children Used To
| |
Box 50, Folder 54 | In The Palace Of
| |
Box 50, Folder 55 | In The Park In Paree
| |
Box 50, Folder 56 | In The Shade Of Her
| |
Box 50, Folder 57 | In The Shade Of The Old Apple
| |
Box 50, Folder 58 | In The Shadow Of The Desert
| |
Box 50, Folder 59 | In The Shadows
| |
Box 50, Folder 60 | In The Spirit Of The
| |
Box 51 | ||
Box 51, Folder 1 | In The Springtime
| |
Box 51, Folder 2 | In The Days Of
| |
Box 51, Folder 3 | In The Still Of The
| |
Box 51, Folder 4 | In The Summertime
| |
Box 51, Folder 5 | In The Summer Time (Take A Trip To The
| |
Box 51, Folder 6 | In The Sweet Bye And
| |
Box 51, Folder 7 | In The Sweet Bye And
| |
Box 51, Folder 8 | In The Sweet Long Ago (Can't You Bring
Back The Olden Love Days) (with ukulele
| |
Box 51, Folder 9 | In The Sweet Long Ago
| |
Box 51, Folder 10 | In The Swim
| |
Box 51, Folder 11 | In The Town Where I Was
| |
Box 51, Folder 12 | In The Valley
| |
Box 51, Folder 13 | In The Valley Of
| |
Box 51, Folder 14 | In The Valley Of Roses With
| |
Box 51, Folder 15 | In The Valley Of The Giants (with ukulele
| |
Box 51, Folder 16 | In The Valley Of The
| |
Box 51, Folder 17 | In The Valley Of The
| |
Box 51, Folder 18 | In The Valley Of The
| |
Box 51, Folder 19 | In The Valley Of
| |
Box 51, Folder 20 | In The Village By The
| |
Box 51, Folder 21 | In The Wildwood Where The Blue Bells
| |
Box 51, Folder 22 | In Tokio
| |
Box 51, Folder 23 | In Your Arms
| |
Box 51, Folder 24 | In Your Eyes
| |
Box 51, Folder 25 | In Your Own Quiet Way
| |
Box 51, Folder 26 | In Zanzibar (My Little
| |
Box 51, Folder 27 | Indeed
| |
Box 51, Folder 28 | Indian Summer
| |
Box 51, Folder 29 | Indiana
| |
Box 51, Folder 30 | Indiana Lullaby
| |
Box 51, Folder 31 | Indiana Moon
| |
Box 51, Folder 32 | Indiana Moon
| |
Box 51, Folder 33 | Indianola
| |
Box 51, Folder 34 | Indians And Trees
| |
Box 51, Folder 35 | Indiscreet
| |
Box 51, Folder 36 | Inka Dinka Doo
| |
Box 51, Folder 37 | Innamorata
| |
Box 51, Folder 38 | Insufficient Sweetie
| |
Box 51, Folder 39 | Into Each Life Some Rain Must
| |
Box 51, Folder 40 | Into My Heart
| |
Box 51, Folder 41 | Intrigue
| |
Box 51, Folder 42 | Inverary
| |
Box 51, Folder 43 | Iola
| |
Box 51, Folder 44 | I Only Have Eyes For
| |
Box 51, Folder 45 | I Only Love One
| |
Box 51, Folder 46 | I Owe $10 To O'Grady
| |
Box 51, Folder 47 | I Owe You
| |
Box 51, Folder 48 | I Poured My Heart Into A
| |
Box 51, Folder 49 | I Promise You
| |
Box 51, Folder 50 | I Promise You
| |
Box 51, Folder 51 | I Promise You
| |
Box 51, Folder 52 | I Raised My Hat
| |
Box 51, Folder 53 | I Ran All The Way Home
| |
Box 51, Folder 54 | Ireland Is Ireland To
| |
Box 51, Folder 55 | Ireland, I Hear You
| |
Box 51, Folder 56 | Ireland, I Love You, Acushla
| |
Box 51, Folder 57 | Ireland Must Be Heaven, For My Mother Came
From There
| |
Box 51, Folder 58 | Ireland, The Footstool Of
| |
Box 51, Folder 59 | I Remember Mama
| |
Box 51, Folder 60 | I Remember You
| |
Box 51, Folder 61 | I Remember You
| |
Box 51, Folder 62 | I Remember You From
| |
Box 51, Folder 63 | Irene, My Midnight
| |
Box 51, Folder 64 | The Irish Blues
| |
Box 52 | ||
Box 52, Folder 1 | The Irish Were Egyptians Long
| |
Box 52, Folder 2 | Irvina
| |
Box 52, Folder 3 | Isabella (Tell Your Fella That It's Time
To Go) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 52, Folder 4 | Isabelle (A Girl Who Is One Of The
| |
Box 52, Folder 5 | Isabelle
| |
Box 52, Folder 6 | I Said My Pajamas (And Put On My
| |
Box 52, Folder 7 | Is Anyone Looking For A
| |
Box 52, Folder 8 | I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa
| |
Box 52, Folder 9 | I Saw Stars
| |
Box 52, Folder 10 | I Say Whoopee - She Says Boom-Boom (We
Have A Wonderful Time) (with ukulele
| |
Box 52, Folder 11 | Isch Ga-Bibble (I Should
| |
Box 52, Folder 12 | I Scream-You Scream-We All Scream For Ice
| |
Box 52, Folder 13 | I Sent My Wife To The Thousand
| |
Box 52, Folder 14 | I Should Care
| |
Box 52, Folder 15 | I Should Have Known You Years
| |
Box 52, Folder 16 | I Should Worry
| |
Box 52, Folder 17 | I Sing All My Long Songs To
| |
Box 52, Folder 18 | Is I In Love ? I Is
| |
Box 52, Folder 19 | Is It Gonna Be Long? (Till You Belong To
Me) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 52, Folder 20 | Is It Possible (That She Loves Me) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 52, Folder 21 | Is It True What They Say About
| |
Box 52, Folder 22 | Is It Warm Enough For
| |
Box 52, Folder 23 | The Island Of By And
| |
Box 52, Folder 24 | The Island Of Roses And
| |
Box 52, Folder 25 | Isle D'Amour
| |
Box 52, Folder 26 | Isle Of Capri
| |
Box 52, Folder 27 | Isle Of Content
| |
Box 52, Folder 28 | Isn't It Heavenly
| |
Box 52, Folder 29 | Isn't It Kinda Fun
| |
Box 52, Folder 30 | Isn't It Romantic?
| |
Box 52, Folder 31 | Isn't It Wonderful, Isn't It
| |
Box 52, Folder 32 | Isn't She The Sweetest Thing (with ukulele
| |
Box 52, Folder 33 | Isn't That Just Like
| |
Box 52, Folder 34 | Isn't This A Night For
| |
Box 52, Folder 35 | I Speak To The Stars
| |
Box 52, Folder 36 | Is She My Girlfriend? (with ukulele
| |
Box 52, Folder 37 | Is There Any Room In Heaven, For A Little
Girl Like Me
| |
Box 52, Folder 38 | Is There Anything Wrong In
| |
Box 52, Folder 39 | Is There Still Room for Me 'Neath The Old
Apple Tree
| |
Box 52, Folder 40 | I Still Believe In You (with ukulele
| |
Box 52, Folder 41 | I Still Get A Thrill (Thinking Of
| |
Box 52, Folder 42 | I Still Love To Kiss You
| |
Box 52, Folder 43 | I Surrender, Dear
| |
Box 52, Folder 44 | Is You Is Or Is You Ain't (Ma'
| |
Box 52, Folder 45 | It Ain't Gonna Rain No
| |
Box 52, Folder 46 | Italian Girl
| |
Box 52, Folder 47 | (Come Down To Your) Italian
| |
Box 52, Folder 48 | It All Comes Back To Me
| |
Box 52, Folder 49 | It All Depends On You (with ukulele
| |
Box 52, Folder 50 | Italy
| |
Box 52, Folder 51 | Italy
| |
Box 52, Folder 52 | It Can't Be Wrong
| |
Box 52, Folder 53 | It Could Happen To You
| |
Box 52, Folder 54 | It Don't Do Nothin' But Rain (with ukulele
| |
Box 52, Folder 55 | It Don't Mean A Thing Without
| |
Box 52, Folder 56 | It Had To Be You
| |
Box 52, Folder 57 | I Thank You
| |
Box 52, Folder 58 | It Happened In
| |
Box 52, Folder 59 | I Think It Must Be
| |
Box 52, Folder 60 | I Think Of You By Day, I Dream Of You By
| |
Box 53 | ||
Box 53, Folder 1 | I Thought I'd Die
| |
Box 53, Folder 2 | It Isn't What She does That Makes Me Love
| |
Box 53, Folder 3 | It Looks Like A Big Night
| |
Box 53, Folder 4 | It Looks Like Love
| |
Box 53, Folder 5 | It Looks Like Rain
| |
Box 53, Folder 6 | It Looks Like Rain In Cherry Blossom
| |
Box 53, Folder 7 | It Made You Happy When You Made Me Cry
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 53, Folder 8 | It Makes No Diff'rence Whose Sweetie You
Were (You're My Sweetie Now)
| |
Box 53, Folder 9 | It Might As Well Be
| |
Box 53, Folder 10 | It Might Have Been
| |
Box 53, Folder 11 | It Might Have Been Me
| |
Box 53, Folder 12 | It Might Have Been You
| |
Box 53, Folder 13 | It Must Be A Dream (A Wonderful
| |
Box 53, Folder 14 | It Must Be Love
| |
Box 53, Folder 15 | It Must Be Love
| |
Box 53, Folder 16 | It Must Be True
| |
Box 53, Folder 17 | It Must Be You
| |
Box 53, Folder 18 | It Must Have Been Svengali In
| |
Box 53, Folder 19 | It Never Dawned On Me
| |
Box 53, Folder 20 | I Told Them All About
| |
Box 53, Folder 21 | I Took My Harp To A
| |
Box 53, Folder 22 | It's About Time
| |
Box 53, Folder 23 | It's A Coincidence
| |
Box 53, Folder 24 | It's A Fine Thing To
| |
Box 53, Folder 25 | It's A Good Day
| |
Box 53, Folder 26 | It's A Great Life If You Don't
| |
Box 53, Folder 27 | It's A Great Life (If You Don't
| |
Box 53, Folder 28 | It's A Habit Of Mine
| |
Box 53, Folder 29 | It's A Hap-Hap-Happy
| |
Box 53, Folder 30 | It's A Hundred To One, You're From
| |
Box 53, Folder 31 | It's All Forgotten Now
| |
Box 53, Folder 32 | It's All In The Game
| |
Box 53, Folder 33 | It's All Over Now
| |
Box 53, Folder 34 | (I Used To Love You But) It's All Over
| |
Box 53, Folder 35 | It's All Right In The
| |
Box 53, Folder 36 | It's All Right With Me Old
| |
Box 53, Folder 37 | It's All So New To Me
| |
Box 53, Folder 38 | It's A Long Long Time (Since I've Been
| |
Box 53, Folder 39 | It's A Man, Ev'ry Time, It's A
| |
Box 53, Folder 40 | It's A Million To One You're In
| |
Box 53, Folder 41 | It's A Most Unusual
| |
Box 53, Folder 42 | It's An Old Spanish Custom In The
| |
Box 53, Folder 43 | It's A Shame That We Have To Grow
| |
Box 53, Folder 44 | It's A Short Way Through Mother's Doorway
But It's A Long Way Back To Mother's Knee
| |
Box 53, Folder 45 | It's A Sin To Tell A
| |
Box 53, Folder 46 | It's A Small World After
| |
Box 53, Folder 47 | It's A Wonderful World After
| |
Box 53, Folder 48 | It's A Wonderful World After
| |
Box 53, Folder 49 | It's Been A Long, Long
| |
Box 53, Folder 50 | It's Been So Long
| |
Box 53, Folder 51 | It's Beginning To Look Like
| |
Box 53, Folder 52 | It's Dark On Observatory
| |
Box 53, Folder 53 | It's Delightful To Be
| |
Box 53, Folder 54 | It's Easy To Remember
| |
Box 53, Folder 55 | It Seems Like Ages And Ages (And You've
Only Been Gone A Day)
| |
Box 53, Folder 56 | It Seems To Be Spring
| |
Box 53, Folder 57 | It's Goin' To Be A Cold, Cold Winter (But
I'll Never Freeze When You're Around)
| |
Box 53, Folder 58 | It's Good Enough For
| |
Box 53, Folder 59 | It's Great To Be In Love With
| |
Box 53, Folder 60 | It's Just Because I Love You
| |
Box 54 | ||
Box 54, Folder 1 | It's Just Because You're Different From
All Other Girls I've Met
| |
Box 54, Folder 2 | It's Love
| |
Box 54, Folder 3 | It's Love I'm After
| |
Box 54, Folder 4 | It's Love -Love -Love
| |
Box 54, Folder 5 | It's Magic
| |
Box 54, Folder 6 | It's Mating Time
| |
Box 54, Folder 7 | It's Never Too Late To Be
| |
Box 54, Folder 8 | It's Never Too Late To Be
| |
Box 54, Folder 9 | It's Nice To Get Up In The Morning (But
It's Nicer To Lie In Bed)
| |
Box 54, Folder 10 | It's Nobody's Business But My
| |
Box 54, Folder 11 | It's No Fun
| |
Box 54, Folder 12 | It's Not The First Time You Left Me (But
It's The Last Time You'll Come Back)
| |
Box 54, Folder 13 | It's Not Your Nationality (It's Simply
| |
Box 54, Folder 14 | It's Only A Paper Moon
| |
Box 54, Folder 15 | It's Raining (One Umbrella For
| |
Box 54, Folder 16 | It's So Peaceful In The
| |
Box 54, Folder 17 | It's Swell Of You
| |
Box 54, Folder 18 | It's The Chink, Chink
| |
Box 54, Folder 19 | It's The Girl!
| |
Box 54, Folder 20 | It's The Natural Thing To
| |
Box 54, Folder 21 | It's The Pretty Things You
| |
Box 54, Folder 22 | It's The Smart Little Feller Who Stocked
Up His Cellar
| |
Box 54, Folder 23 | It's The Talk Of The
| |
Box 54, Folder 24 | It's The Thing You Do With Your
| |
Box 54, Folder 25 | It's Tulip Time In Holland (Two Lips Are
Calling Me)
| |
Box 54, Folder 26 | It's Unanimous Now (with ukulele
| |
Box 54, Folder 27 | It's Up To You
| |
Box 54, Folder 28 | It's Up To You
| |
Box 54, Folder 29 | It's You
| |
Box 54, Folder 30 | It's You Or No One
| |
Box 54, Folder 31 | It Takes A Great Big Irish Heart To Sing
An Irish Song
| |
Box 54, Folder 32 | It Takes A Little Rain With The Sunshine
To Make The World Go Round
| |
Box 54, Folder 33 | It Takes But A Moment To Say Goodbye (But
A Mighty Long Time To Forget)
| |
Box 54, Folder 34 | It Takes Time
| |
Box 54, Folder 35 | It Took A Small Town Girl Like You (To
Make A Big Town Lonesome To Me)
| |
Box 54, Folder 36 | It Took Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen
Years (To Make A Girl Like You)
| |
Box 54, Folder 37 | It Was A Night In June
| |
Box 54, Folder 38 | It Was Only A Sun
| |
Box 54, Folder 39 | It Was So Beautiful (And You Were
| |
Box 54, Folder 40 | It Was Summer Time In
| |
Box 54, Folder 41 | It Was The Dawn Of
| |
Box 54, Folder 42 | It Will Have To do Until The Real Thing
Comes Along
| |
Box 54, Folder 43 | It Won't Be Long Now
| |
Box 54, Folder 44 | I Used To Be Afraid To go Home In The Dark
(Now I'm Afraid To Go At All)
| |
Box 54, Folder 45 | I Used To call Her
| |
Box 54, Folder 46 | I Used To Love You But It's all Over
| |
Box 54, Folder 47 | I Used To Sigh For The Silvery
| |
Box 54, Folder 48 | I've A Cabaret At Home
| |
Box 54, Folder 49 | I've A Cosy Little Cottage In The
| |
Box 54, Folder 50 | I've Been Floating Down The Old Green
| |
Box 54, Folder 51 | I've Been Making A Grandstand Play For
| |
Box 54, Folder 52 | I've Been Waiting All My Life For You
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 54, Folder 53 | I've Found My Sweetheart Sally (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 54, Folder 54 | I've Found The Nesting Place Of The Blue
| |
Box 54, Folder 55 | I've Found What I Wanted In You (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 54, Folder 56 | I've Found You, Honey, Found You, Now Be
| |
Box 54, Folder 57 | I've Got A Cross-eyed Papa But He Looks
Straight To Me (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 54, Folder 58 | I've Got A Date With A
| |
Box 54, Folder 59 | I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 54, Folder 60 | I Got a Gal In
| |
Box 54, Folder 61 | I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of
| |
Box 55 | ||
Box 55, Folder 1 | I've Got A Million Dollars Worth Of Love
For You
| |
Box 55, Folder 2 | I've Got A Moving Picture In My Heart Of
| |
Box 55, Folder 3 | I've Got Another Day From The N.R.A. (To
Love That Baby Of Mine)
| |
Box 55, Folder 4 | I've Got A Pain In My
| |
Box 55, Folder 5 | I've Got A Pocketful Of
| |
Box 55, Folder 6 | I've Got A Warm Spot In My Heart For
| |
Box 55, Folder 7 | I Got A White Man Running My
| |
Box 55, Folder 8 | I've Got Everything I Want But
| |
Box 55, Folder 9 | I've Got My Eyes On
| |
Box 55, Folder 10 | I've Got My Fingers
| |
Box 55, Folder 11 | I've Got My Habits On
| |
Box 55, Folder 12 | I've Got My Heart Set On
| |
Box 55, Folder 13 | I've Got Rings On My
| |
Box 55, Folder 14 | I've Got Some Lovin' To
| |
Box 55, Folder 15 | I've Got So that Now I Don't
| |
Box 55, Folder 16 | I've Got The Blue Ridge
| |
Box 55, Folder 17 | I've Got The Blues For Home Sweet
| |
Box 55, Folder 18 | I've Got The Blues For My Kentucky
| |
Box 55, Folder 19 | I've Got The Finest
| |
Box 55, Folder 20 | I've Got the Girl! (with ukulele
| |
Box 55, Folder 21 | I've Got The Joys
| |
Box 55, Folder 22 | I've Got the Mumps
| |
Box 55, Folder 23 | I've Got the Profiteering
| |
Box 55, Folder 24 | I've Got The Red White And
| |
Box 55, Folder 25 | I've got The Shimmee
| |
Box 55, Folder 26 | I've Got The Sweetest Girl In
| |
Box 55, Folder 27 | I've Got the Time, I've Got The Place But
It's Hard To Find The Girl
| |
Box 55, Folder 28 | I've Got the Wonder Where He Went And When
He's Coming Back Blues
| |
Box 55, Folder 29 | I've Got The Yes! We Have No Banana
| |
Box 55, Folder 30 | I've Got To Dance Till The Band Gits
| |
Box 55, Folder 31 | I've Got Your Number
| |
Box 55, Folder 32 | I've Had Fifty-Seven Varieties Of
| |
Box 55, Folder 33 | I've Had My Moments
| |
Box 55, Folder 34 | I've Heard That Song
| |
Box 55, Folder 35 | I've Hitched My Wagon To A
| |
Box 55, Folder 36 | I've Lived, I've Loved, I'm Satisfied
(What More Is There To Say)
| |
Box 55, Folder 37 | I've Lost My Gal
| |
Box 55, Folder 38 | I've Lost My Little
| |
Box 55, Folder 39 | I've Lost You So Why Do I
| |
Box 55, Folder 40 | I've Never Seen A Smile Like
| |
Box 55, Folder 41 | I've Never Seen A Straight Banana (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 55, Folder 42 | I've Only One Idea About The Girls (And
That's To Love 'em)
| |
Box 55, Folder 43 | I've Taken Quite A Fancy To
| |
Box 55, Folder 44 | I've Waited A Lifetime For
| |
Box 55, Folder 45 | I've Waited, Honey, Waited Long For
| |
Box 55, Folder 46 | Ivy
| |
Box 55, Folder 47 | Ivy (Cling To Me)
| |
Box 55, Folder 48 | The Ivy And The Oak
| |
Box 55, Folder 49 | I Wake Up Smiling
| |
Box 55, Folder 50 | I Walked In With My Eyes Wide
| |
Box 55, Folder 51 | I Wanna Be Around My Baby All The
| |
Box 55, Folder 52 | I Wanna Be In Winchell's
| |
Box 55, Folder 53 | I Wanna Count Sheep Till The Cows Come
| |
Box 55, Folder 54 | I Wanna Go Places And Do
| |
Box 55, Folder 55 | I Wanna Go Where You Go, Do What You Do
And Then I'll Be Happy (with ukulele
| |
Box 55, Folder 56 | I Wanna Kiss'em
| |
Box 55, Folder 57 | I Wanna Sing About You
| |
Box 55, Folder 58 | I Wanna Squeeze Your Red Nose,
| |
Box 55, Folder 59 | I Wanna Woo
| |
Box 55, Folder 60 | I Want A Daddy To Cuddle
| |
Box 56 | ||
Box 56, Folder 1 | I Want A Dixie
| |
Box 56, Folder 2 | I Want A Doll
| |
Box 56, Folder 3 | I Want A Filipino Man
| |
Box 56, Folder 4 | I Want A Girl (Just Like The Girl That
Married Dear Old Dad)
| |
Box 56, Folder 5 | I Want A Girl From Home Sweet
| |
Box 56, Folder 6 | I Want A Little Lovin'
| |
Box 56, Folder 7 | I Want A Political Man
| |
Box 56, Folder 8 | I Want A Ragtime
| |
Box 56, Folder 9 | I Want Just You
| |
Box 56, Folder 10 | I Want My Mammy
| |
Box 56, Folder 11 | I Want My Old Girl
| |
Box 56, Folder 12 | I Want My Share Of
| |
Box 56, Folder 13 | I Want One Like Pa Had
| |
Box 56, Folder 14 | I Want Somebody To Love
| |
Box 56, Folder 15 | I Want Somebody To Play
| |
Box 56, Folder 16 | I Want Some One To Call Me
| |
Box 56, Folder 17 | I Want Someone Who Hasn't Anyone To
| |
Box 56, Folder 18 | I Want The Twilight And
| |
Box 56, Folder 19 | I Want To Be A Janitor's
| |
Box 56, Folder 20 | I Want To Be A Lady
| |
Box 56, Folder 21 | I Want To Be A Merry Merry
| |
Box 56, Folder 22 | I Want To Be A Regular Rah Rah
| |
Box 56, Folder 23 | I Want To Be In Dixie
| |
Box 56, Folder 24 | I Want To Be Loved Like A
| |
Box 56, Folder 25 | I Want To Be Loved Like A Leading
| |
Box 56, Folder 26 | I Want To Be One Of The Smart
| |
Box 56, Folder 27 | I Want To Be There
| |
Box 56, Folder 28 | I Want To Be 'Way Down Yonder In The
| |
Box 56, Folder 29 | I Want To Be Where The Moon Shines On The
| |
Box 56, Folder 30 | I Want To Dream By The Old Mill
| |
Box 56, Folder 31 | I Want To Go Back To Michigan (Down On The
| |
Box 56, Folder 32 | I Want To Go To The Ball
| |
Box 56, Folder 33 | I Want To Go To The Land Where The Sweet
Daddies Grow
| |
Box 56, Folder 34 | I Want To Go To Tokio
| |
Box 56, Folder 35 | I Want To Hold Your
| |
Box 56, Folder 36 | I Want To Linger
| |
Box 56, Folder 37 | I Want To Love You While The Music's
| |
Box 56, Folder 38 | I Want To Meander In The
| |
Box 56, Folder 39 | I Want To Ring Bells
| |
Box 56, Folder 40 | I Want To See My Tennessee (with ukulele
| |
Box 56, Folder 41 | I Want to Spoon To The Tune Of The Silvery
| |
Box 56, Folder 42 | I Want To Spread A Little
| |
Box 56, Folder 43 | I Want Yer, Ma Honey!
| |
Box 56, Folder 44 | I Want You
| |
Box 56, Folder 45 | I Want You
| |
Box 56, Folder 46 | I Want You All For Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 56, Folder 47 | I Want You Georgia
| |
Box 56, Folder 48 | I Want You, I Need You, I Love
| |
Box 56, Folder 49 | (Most Of All) I Want Your
| |
Box 56, Folder 50 | I Was A Florodora Baby
| |
Box 56, Folder 51 | I Was A Hero Too
| |
Box 56, Folder 52 | I Was Coming Thru The Clover (When I
Tipped Your Milk Pail)
| |
Box 56, Folder 53 | I Was Lucky
| |
Box 56, Folder 54 | I Was Never Kissed Like That
| |
Box 56, Folder 55 | I Was Never Nearer Heaven In My
| |
Box 56, Folder 56 | I Was Not So
| |
Box 56, Folder 57 | I Wasn't Born To Be
| |
Box 56, Folder 58 | I Was Taken By Storm
| |
Box 56, Folder 59 | I Was Taken By Storm
| |
Box 56, Folder 60 | I Was Waiting For A
| |
Box 57 | ||
Box 57, Folder 1 | I Went to Your Wedding
| |
Box 57, Folder 2 | I Will Always Love You
| |
Box 57, Folder 3 | I'll Be Waiting For
| |
Box 57, Folder 4 | I Will Love You, Like The Red, White And
Blue, My Own Sunshine
| |
Box 57, Folder 5 | I Wished On The Moon
| |
Box 57, Folder 6 | I Wish I Could Leave You
| |
Box 57, Folder 7 | I Wish I Didn't Love You
| |
Box 57, Folder 8 | I Wish I Had A Girl
| |
Box 57, Folder 9 | I Wish I Had A Pal Like
| |
Box 57, Folder 10 | I Wish I Had My Old Gal Back Again (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 57, Folder 11 | I Wish I Had My Old Gal Back
| |
Box 57, Folder 12 | I Wish I Knew
| |
Box 57, Folder 13 | I Wish I Knew
| |
Box 57, Folder 14 | I Wish I Knew
| |
Box 57, Folder 15 | I Wish I Were Aladdin
| |
Box 57, Folder 16 | I Wish I Were Twins
| |
Box 57, Folder 17 | I Wish That I could Hide Inside This
| |
Box 57, Folder 18 | I Wish That I'd Been Satisfied With
| |
Box 57, Folder 19 | I Wish That I Had A
| |
Box 57, Folder 20 | I Wish That I Was Back Again With
| |
Box 57, Folder 21 | I Wish There Was A Wireless To
| |
Box 57, Folder 22 | I Wish't I Was In Peoria (with ukulele
| |
Box 57, Folder 23 | I Wish Today Were Yesterday And Yesterday
| |
Box 57, Folder 24 | I Wish We Didn't Have To Say
| |
Box 57, Folder 25 | I Wish You'd Keep Out Of My
| |
Box 57, Folder 26 | I Wish You Were Here
| |
Box 57, Folder 27 | I Wish You Were Jealous Of
| |
Box 57, Folder 28 | I Wonder (with ukulele
| |
Box 57, Folder 29 | I Wonder How The Old Folks Are At
| |
Box 57, Folder 30 | I Wonder If She's
| |
Box 57, Folder 31 | I Wonder If They Care To See Me
| |
Box 57, Folder 32 | I Wonder If You Miss Me To-Night (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 57, Folder 33 | I Wonder If You Still Care For
| |
Box 57, Folder 34 | I Wonder If We'll Ever Meet Again (Dear
Old Gal Of Mine)
| |
Box 57, Folder 35 | I Wonder, I Wonder, I
| |
Box 57, Folder 36 | I Wonder How I Look When I'm
| |
Box 57, Folder 37 | I Wonder What's Become Of Sally (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 57, Folder 38 | I Wonder What Will William
| |
Box 57, Folder 39 | I Wonder Where My Baby Is
| |
Box 57, Folder 40 | I Wonder Where My Old Girl Is
| |
Box 57, Folder 41 | I Wonder Where My Sweet Sweet Daddy's
| |
Box 57, Folder 42 | I Wonder Who's Dancing With You
| |
Box 57, Folder 43 | I Wonder Who's Kissing Her
| |
Box 57, Folder 44 | I Wonder Who's Next In Your
| |
Box 57, Folder 45 | I Wonder Who's Under The Moon With You
| |
Box 57, Folder 46 | I Wonder Who You're Calling
| |
Box 57, Folder 47 | I Wonder Why I Love
| |
Box 57, Folder 48 | I Wonder Why I Love You
| |
Box 57, Folder 49 | I Wonder Will You Always Call Me
| |
Box 57, Folder 50 | I Won't Be Back Until
| |
Box 57, Folder 51 | I Won't Believe It's Raining (Until I See
The Rain)
| |
Box 57, Folder 52 | I Won't Cry Anymore
| |
Box 57, Folder 53 | I Work Eight Hours, Sleep Eight Hours,
That Leaves Eight Hours For Love
| |
Box 57, Folder 54 | I Would Always Like To Be With
| |
Box 57, Folder 55 | I Would Like To Be Your
| |
Box 57, Folder 56 | I Would Like To Marry
| |
Box 57, Folder 57 | (If It Wasn't For You) I Wouldn't Be
Crying Now/Let It Rain, Let It Pour
| |
Box 57, Folder 58 | I Wouldn't Change You For The
| |
Box 57, Folder 59 | I Wouldn't, Would You?
| |
Box 57, Folder 60 | I Wuv A Wabbit
| |
Box 57, Folder 61 | Izzie Get Busy (Write Another Little
Ragtime Tune)
| |
Box 58 | ||
Box 58, Folder 1 | Ja-Da (Ja Da, Ja Da, Jing Jing
| |
Box 58, Folder 2 | Jabberwocky
| |
Box 58, Folder 3 | Jamaica
| |
Box 58, Folder 4 | Jane
| |
Box 58, Folder 5 | Jane (From A Little Town In
| |
Box 58, Folder 6 | The Japanese Sandman
| |
Box 58, Folder 7 | A Japanese Sunset
| |
Box 58, Folder 8 | Japansy
| |
Box 58, Folder 9 | Jazz Baby
| |
Box 58, Folder 10 | The Jazz Me Blues
| |
Box 58, Folder 11 | The Jazz Singer
| |
Box 58, Folder 12 | Jazzing The Blues Away
| |
Box 58, Folder 13 | Jazzola
| |
Box 58, Folder 14 | Jene Sais Pa Pa (I Do Not
| |
Box 58, Folder 15 | Je Vous Aime
| |
Box 58, Folder 16 | Jealous
| |
Box 58, Folder 17 | Jealous Moon
| |
Box 58, Folder 18 | Jealous Of You
| |
Box 58, Folder 19 | Jean
| |
Box 58, Folder 20 | Jean
| |
Box 58, Folder 21 | Jeanie With The Light Brown
| |
Box 58, Folder 22 | Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac
| |
Box 58, Folder 23 | Jeepers Creepers
| |
Box 58, Folder 24 | Jennie
| |
Box 58, Folder 25 | Jennie Lee
| |
Box 58, Folder 26 | Jericho
| |
Box 58, Folder 27 | Jerry
| |
Box 58, Folder 28 | Jersey Bounce
| |
Box 58, Folder 29 | Ji - Ji - Boo (with ukulele
| |
Box 58, Folder 30 | Jicky
| |
Box 58, Folder 31 | Jilted
| |
Box 58, Folder 32 | Jim
| |
Box 58, Folder 33 | Jim - A- Da - Jeff
| |
Box 58, Folder 34 | Jim Jim (I Aways Knew That You'd
| |
Box 58, Folder 35 | Jimbo Jambo
| |
Box 58, Folder 36 | Jimminy Gee!
| |
Box 58, Folder 37 | Jimmy Had A Nickel
| |
Box 58, Folder 38 | Jimmy, I Love But You
| |
Box 58, Folder 39 | Jimmy Valentine (with ukulele
| |
Box 58, Folder 40 | Jing-A-Ling-A-Ling
| |
Box 58, Folder 41 | Jinga-Bula-Jing-Jing
| |
Box 58, Folder 42 | Jingle Bells
| |
Box 58, Folder 43 | (I Got Spurs) Jingle Jangle
| |
Box 58, Folder 44 | The Jockey On The
| |
Box 58, Folder 45 | Johnnie Get Your Hair Cut (Short Like
| |
Box 58, Folder 46 | Johnny Get A Girl
| |
Box 58, Folder 47 | Johnson Rag
| |
Box 58, Folder 48 | Jolly Jennie Jones
| |
Box 58, Folder 49 | Jolly Pickaninnies
| |
Box 58, Folder 50 | John F. Fitzgerald
| |
Box 58, Folder 51 | Joltin' Joe Di Maggio
| |
Box 58, Folder 52 | Josephine
| |
Box 58, Folder 53 | Josephine, My Jo
| |
Box 58, Folder 54 | Josette
| |
Box 58, Folder 55 | Joy Bells
| |
Box 58, Folder 56 | Joy Riding
| |
Box 58, Folder 57 | Judy
| |
Box 58, Folder 58 | Juke-Box Baby
| |
Box 58, Folder 59 | Julia, You Are A Wonderful
| |
Box 59 | ||
Box 59, Folder 1 | June (I Love No One But
| |
Box 59, Folder 2 | June Brought The Roses
| |
Box 59, Folder 3 | June Dreams
| |
Box 59, Folder 4 | June In January
| |
Box 59, Folder 5 | June Moon
| |
Box 59, Folder 6 | June Moon
| |
Box 59, Folder 7 | June Night (Just Give Me A June Night, The
Moonlight And You) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 59, Folder 8 | Jungle Fever
| |
Box 59, Folder 9 | Junior
| |
Box 59, Folder 10 | Just A Baby's Prayer At
| |
Box 59, Folder 11 | Just A Bird's-Eye View (Of My Old Kentucky
Home) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 59, Folder 12 | Just A Chain Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 13 | Just A Cottage Small (By A
| |
Box 59, Folder 14 | Just A Crazy Song
| |
Box 59, Folder 15 | Just A Dream At The Break Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 16 | Just A Dream Of You
| |
Box 59, Folder 17 | Just A Dream Of You,
| |
Box 59, Folder 18 | Just A Gigolo
| |
Box 59, Folder 19 | Just A Girl Like You
| |
Box 59, Folder 20 | Just A Girl That Men
| |
Box 59, Folder 21 | Just A Gleam Of Heaven In Her
| |
Box 59, Folder 22 | Just A Little Bit O' Driftwood (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 59, Folder 23 | Just A Little Bit Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 24 | Just A Little Bit South Of North
| |
Box 59, Folder 25 | Just A Little Closer
| |
Box 59, Folder 26 | Just A Little Cottage In The Country
Calling: Come Back Home
| |
Box 59, Folder 27 | Just A Little Cottage (I'll Call It Home
Sweet Home)
| |
Box 59, Folder 28 | Just A Little Dance
| |
Box 59, Folder 29 | Just A Little Drink
| |
Box 59, Folder 30 | Just A Little Fond
| |
Box 59, Folder 31 | Just A Little Glimpse Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 32 | Just A Little Kiss From A Little
| |
Box 59, Folder 33 | Just A Little Love
| |
Box 59, Folder 34 | Just A Little on
| |
Box 59, Folder 35 | Just A Little Song At Twilight (Who Do You
Sing It To Now?)
| |
Box 59, Folder 36 | Just A Little Way Away from Home (with
ukulele arrangement)/ In My Bouquet Of Memories
| |
Box 59, Folder 37 | Just A Little Word
| |
Box 59, Folder 38 | Just A Lucky Moment
| |
Box 59, Folder 39 | Just A Melody
| |
Box 59, Folder 40 | Just A Memory
| |
Box 59, Folder 41 | Just A Night For
| |
Box 59, Folder 42 | Just A Plain Little Irish
| |
Box 59, Folder 43 | Just A Prayer Away
| |
Box 59, Folder 44 | Just A Simple Melody
| |
Box 59, Folder 45 | Just A Sweetheart
| |
Box 59, Folder 46 | Just A Thought Of You
| |
Box 59, Folder 47 | Just A Word Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 48 | Just A Year Ago
| |
Box 59, Folder 49 | Just Across The Bridge Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 50 | Just Across The Street From
| |
Box 59, Folder 51 | Just An Echo In The Valley (with ukulele
| |
Box 59, Folder 52 | Just An Ivy Covered
| |
Box 59, Folder 53 | Just An Old Fashioned Song At
| |
Box 59, Folder 54 | Just An Old Love Song
| |
Box 59, Folder 55 | Just An Old Sweetheart Of
| |
Box 59, Folder 56 | Just Another Day Wasted
| |
Box 59, Folder 57 | Just Another Kiss
| |
Box 59, Folder 58 | Just Another Night
| |
Box 59, Folder 59 | Just Another Poor Man Gone
| |
Box 59, Folder 60 | Just Around The Corner (with ukulele
| |
Box 60 | ||
Box 60, Folder 1 | Just As Soon As I Laid Eyes On
| |
Box 60, Folder 2 | Just As The Ship Went
| |
Box 60, Folder 3 | Just As The Sun Went
| |
Box 60, Folder 4 | Just As Two Children Would
| |
Box 60, Folder 5 | Just As We Used To Be
| |
Box 60, Folder 6 | Just As Your Mother
| |
Box 60, Folder 7 | Just A-Wearyin' For
| |
Box 60, Folder 8 | Just Because
| |
Box 60, Folder 9 | Just Because It Reminds Me Of
| |
Box 60, Folder 10 | Just Because She comes From A One Horse
Town (That's No Sign She's A One Horse Girl)
| |
Box 60, Folder 11 | Just Because She Made Dem Goo-Goo
| |
Box 60, Folder 12 | Just Because You're
| |
Box 60, Folder 13 | Just Because You're You, That's Why I Love
| |
Box 60, Folder 14 | Just Call On Me
| |
Box 60, Folder 15 | (The One I Love) Just Can't Be Bothered
With Me
| |
Box 60, Folder 16 | Just For A Dear Little
| |
Box 60, Folder 17 | Just For A Girl
| |
Box 60, Folder 18 | Just For Me And Mary
| |
Box 60, Folder 19 | Just For Remembrance (Bring Me A Red, Red
| |
Box 60, Folder 20 | Just For Tonight
| |
Box 60, Folder 21 | Just For Tonight
| |
Box 60, Folder 22 | Just For Tonight
| |
Box 60, Folder 23 | Just For Tonight
| |
Box 60, Folder 24 | Just For You
| |
Box 60, Folder 25 | Just Forget
| |
Box 60, Folder 26 | Just Friends
| |
Box 60, Folder 27 | Just Keep A Thought For
| |
Box 60, Folder 28 | Just Keep The Roses A-Blooming Till I Come
Back Again
| |
Box 60, Folder 29 | Just Kiss Yourself
| |
Box 60, Folder 30 | Just Let Me Creep Back (In Your Arms Once
| |
Box 60, Folder 31 | Just Like A Butterfly (That's Caught In
The Rain) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 60, Folder 32 | Just Like A Corner Of Heaven (with ukulele
| |
Box 60, Folder 33 | Just Like A Gipsy
| |
Box 60, Folder 34 | Just Like A Melody Out Of the
| |
Box 60, Folder 35 | Just Like A Rainbow
| |
Box 60, Folder 36 | Just Like A Thief
| |
Box 60, Folder 37 | Just Like The End Of A Story (with ukulele
| |
Box 60, Folder 38 | Just Like The Rose
| |
Box 60, Folder 39 | Just Like The Will O' The
| |
Box 60, Folder 40 | Just Make It Moxie For
| |
Box 60, Folder 41 | Just Me And My Radio
| |
Box 60, Folder 42 | Just Next Door
| |
Box 60, Folder 43 | Just Once Again
| |
Box 60, Folder 44 | Just Once For All Time
| |
Box 60, Folder 45 | Just One Day
| |
Box 60, Folder 46 | Just One Dearie
| |
Box 60, Folder 47 | Just One More Chance
| |
Box 60, Folder 48 | Just One More Kiss (with ukulele
| |
Box 60, Folder 49 | Just One Sweet Girl
| |
Box 60, Folder 50 | Just One Word From You
| |
Box 60, Folder 51 | Just Remember (I Asked You To Wait
| |
Box 60, Folder 52 | Just Snap Your Fingers At
| |
Box 60, Folder 53 | Just So You'll
| |
Box 60, Folder 54 | Just Some One
| |
Box 60, Folder 55 | Just Take Me Down To
| |
Box 60, Folder 56 | Just The Girl For Me
| |
Box 60, Folder 57 | (Oh, The Whippoorwill Sings In the
Sycamore) Just The Same
| |
Box 60, Folder 58 | Just Try To Picture Me Down Home In
| |
Box 60, Folder 59 | Just Wait Till We Get
| |
Box 60, Folder 60 | Just You And I
| |
Box 61 | ||
Box 61, Folder 1 | Just You And I And The
| |
Box 61, Folder 2 | Just You, Just Me
| |
Box 61, Folder 3 | K-A-L-A-M-A-ZOO (That's My Home
| |
Box 61, Folder 4 | Kansas City Kitty
| |
Box 61, Folder 5 | Karama
| |
Box 61, Folder 6 | Karavan
| |
Box 61, Folder 7 | Karzan
| |
Box 61, Folder 8 | Kashmiri Song
| |
Box 61, Folder 9 | Kate (Have I Come Too Early, Too
| |
Box 61, Folder 10 | Kathleen (My Rose)
| |
Box 61, Folder 11 | Katinka (with ukulele
| |
Box 61, Folder 12 | Keep A Song In Your
| |
Box 61, Folder 13 | Keep Away From The Fellow Who Owns An
| |
Box 61, Folder 14 | Keep Away From The
| |
Box 61, Folder 15 | Keep Off My Shoes
| |
Box 61, Folder 16 | Keep Building Castles In The
| |
Box 61, Folder 17 | Keep On Croonin' A
| |
Box 61, Folder 18 | Keep On Doin' What Your
| |
Box 61, Folder 19 | Keep On The Sunny Side
| |
Box 61, Folder 20 | Keep That Old Smile
| |
Box 61, Folder 21 | Keep That Twinkle In Your
| |
Box 61, Folder 22 | Keep The Home Fires Burning (Till The Boys
Come Home)
| |
Box 61, Folder 23 | Keep Young And
| |
Box 61, Folder 24 | Keep Your Eye On The girlie You
| |
Box 61, Folder 25 | Keep Your Foot On The Soft
| |
Box 61, Folder 26 | Keepin' Out Of Mischief
| |
Box 61, Folder 27 | The Kellys Are At It
| |
Box 61, Folder 28 | Kelly's Gone To Kingdom
| |
Box 61, Folder 29 | Kentucky Blues (I've Got The Blues For My
Kentucky Home)
| |
Box 61, Folder 30 | Kentucky Days
| |
Box 61, Folder 31 | Kentucky Dream
| |
Box 61, Folder 32 | Kentucky Echoes
| |
Box 61, Folder 33 | Kentucky Home
| |
Box 61, Folder 34 | Kentucky Lullaby
| |
Box 61, Folder 35 | Kentucky Smiles
| |
Box 61, Folder 36 | Kentucky Sue
| |
Box 61, Folder 37 | Kentucky Was Lucky When She Raised A Girl
Like You
| |
Box 61, Folder 38 | Kelsey City, U.S.A.
| |
Box 61, Folder 39 | Kerry Mills Barn Dance
| |
Box 61, Folder 40 | Kharmine
| |
Box 61, Folder 41 | Kicky-Koo You For Me - Me For
| |
Box 61, Folder 42 | Kid Days
| |
Box 61, Folder 43 | Killaloo
| |
Box 61, Folder 44 | Killarney
| |
Box 61, Folder 45 | Killarney, My Home O'er The
| |
Box 61, Folder 46 | Kind Treatment
| |
Box 61, Folder 47 | Kind'a Lonesome
| |
Box 61, Folder 48 | Kindness
| |
Box 61, Folder 49 | King B (March)
| |
Box 61, Folder 50 | A King Can Do No Wrong
| |
Box 61, Folder 51 | King Carnival (March)
| |
Box 61, Folder 52 | King Chanticleer
| |
Box 61, Folder 53 | King Cotton (March)
| |
Box 61, Folder 54 | King For A Day (with ukulele
| |
Box 61, Folder 55 | King Kamehameha
| |
Box 61, Folder 56 | King Of The Bungaloos
| |
Box 61, Folder 57 | The King's Horses (And The King's
| |
Box 61, Folder 58 | Kinky Koo
| |
Box 61, Folder 59 | Kismet
| |
Box 61, Folder 60 | Kiss A Miss
| |
Box 62 | ||
Box 62, Folder 1 | Kiss And Make Up
| |
Box 62, Folder 2 | Kiss By Kiss (I'm Falling In Love With
| |
Box 62, Folder 3 | The Kiss In Your Eyes
| |
Box 62, Folder 4 | Kiss Me And Then Say
| |
Box 62, Folder 5 | Kiss Me Good-Bye
| |
Box 62, Folder 6 | Kiss Me Goodnight
| |
Box 62, Folder 7 | Kiss Me Goodnight
| |
Box 62, Folder 8 | Kiss Me Goodnight (Out The Window You Must
| |
Box 62, Folder 9 | Kiss Me Goodnight Dear
| |
Box 62, Folder 10 | Kiss Me Goodnight, Not
| |
Box 62, Folder 11 | The Kiss I Can't
| |
Box 62, Folder 12 | A Kiss In The Dark
| |
Box 62, Folder 13 | Kiss Me, Honey, Do
| |
Box 62, Folder 14 | Kiss Me, Honey, Kiss
| |
Box 62, Folder 15 | Kiss Me With Your Eyes
| |
Box 62, Folder 16 | Kiss Of Fire
| |
Box 62, Folder 17 | The Kiss That Made Me
| |
Box 62, Folder 18 | The Kiss That Made You
| |
Box 62, Folder 19 | The Kiss That You've Forgotten (Is The
Kiss I Can't Forget)
| |
Box 62, Folder 20 | Kiss Waltz (with ukulele
| |
Box 62, Folder 21 | Kiss Your Little Baby, Good Night! (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 62, Folder 22 | Kissable Baby
| |
Box 62, Folder 23 | Kisses (The Sweetest Kisses Of
| |
Box 62, Folder 24 | Kitten On The Keys
| |
Box 62, Folder 25 | Kitty From Kansas City
| |
Box 62, Folder 26 | Knick Knacks On The
| |
Box 62, Folder 27 | Knit One Purl Two
| |
Box 62, Folder 28 | Knitting
| |
Box 62, Folder 29 | Knock At The Door
| |
Box 62, Folder 30 | Knock, Knock - Who's
| |
Box 62, Folder 31 | Knock Wood
| |
Box 62, Folder 32 | Kokomo
| |
Box 62, Folder 33 | Kokomo, Indiana
| |
Box 62, Folder 34 | Ko-Ko-San
| |
Box 62, Folder 35 | Koo-Kee-Koo
| |
Box 62, Folder 36 | Koolemoff (Cool'em
| |
Box 62, Folder 37 | Kuddles And Kiss
| |
Box 62, Folder 38 | The Kungsholm Song
Series D: Popular Music Titles L-M
Box 62 | ||
Box 62, Folder 39 | La Cucaracha
| |
Box 62, Folder 40 | La Lo La (with ukulele
| |
Box 62, Folder 41 | La Serenata De La
| |
Box 62, Folder 42 | La Veeda
| |
Box 62, Folder 43 | La Vie En Rose
| |
Box 62, Folder 44 | Laddie
| |
Box 62, Folder 45 | (Good-Bye And Luck Be With You) Laddie
| |
Box 62, Folder 46 | Laddie Boy, He's Gone
| |
Box 62, Folder 47 | Laddie Buck Of Mine
| |
Box 62, Folder 48 | A Laddie In France Is Dreaming (Little
Girlie Of You)
| |
Box 62, Folder 49 | Laddie In Khaki (The Girl Who Waits At
| |
Box 62, Folder 50 | The Ladies Or I Learned About Women From
| |
Box 62, Folder 51 | Lady Angeline
| |
Box 62, Folder 52 | Lady Bountiful
| |
Box 62, Folder 53 | Lady Divine (with ukulele
| |
Box 62, Folder 54 | The Lady From 29 Palms
| |
Box 62, Folder 55 | The Lady In Red
| |
Box 62, Folder 56 | Lady! Lady!
| |
Box 62, Folder 57 | Lady Love
| |
Box 62, Folder 58 | Lady Luck
| |
Box 62, Folder 59 | Lady O' Dreams
| |
Box 62, Folder 60 | Lady Of Spain
| |
Box 63 | ||
Box 63, Folder 1 | Lady Of The Morning
| |
Box 63, Folder 2 | Lady Of The Nile
| |
Box 63, Folder 3 | The Lady On The Two Cent
| |
Box 63, Folder 4 | Lady, Play Your
| |
Box 63, Folder 5 | The Lady Who Couldn't Be
| |
Box 63, Folder 6 | The Lady's In Love With
| |
Box 63, Folder 7 | Lafayette (We Hear You
| |
Box 63, Folder 8 | The Lamb That Strayed From The
| |
Box 63, Folder 9 | A Lamp And A Chair (By The
| |
Box 63, Folder 10 | The Lamp Is Low
| |
Box 63, Folder 11 | The Land O' Romance
| |
Box 63, Folder 12 | Land Of Dreams
| |
Box 63, Folder 13 | The Land Of Golden
| |
Box 63, Folder 14 | The Land Of Make
| |
Box 63, Folder 15 | Land Of Mine
| |
Box 63, Folder 16 | Land Of My Dreams
| |
Box 63, Folder 17 | Land Of My Sunset
| |
Box 63, Folder 18 | The Land Of Rest
| |
Box 63, Folder 19 | The Landlord Blues
| |
Box 63, Folder 20 | L'Andrietta
| |
Box 63, Folder 21 | A Lane In Spain
| |
Box 63, Folder 22 | The Language Of
| |
Box 63, Folder 23 | Lanigan's Ball
| |
Box 63, Folder 24 | The Last Call For Love
| |
Box 63, Folder 25 | Last Night
| |
Box 63, Folder 26 | Last Night (Dear
| |
Box 63, Folder 27 | Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 63, Folder 28 | Last Night On The Back Porch (I Loved Her
Best Of All)
| |
Box 63, Folder 29 | Last Night Was The End Of The
| |
Box 63, Folder 30 | The Last Round-Up (with ukulele
| |
Box 63, Folder 31 | The Last Time I Saw
| |
Box 63, Folder 32 | Later Tonight
| |
Box 63, Folder 33 | Laugh Clown Laugh (with ukulele
| |
Box 63, Folder 34 | Laugh You Son Of A Gun
| |
Box 63, Folder 35 | The Laugh With A Tear In It (Laugh And The
World Will Laugh With You; Weep And You'll Weep
| |
Box 63, Folder 36 | Laughing At Life
| |
Box 63, Folder 37 | The Laughing Little Red-Head
| |
Box 63, Folder 38 | Laughing Marionette
| |
Box 63, Folder 39 | Laughing On The Outside (Crying On The
| |
Box 63, Folder 40 | Laughing Water
| |
Box 63, Folder 41 | Laura
| |
Box 63, Folder 42 | Laura
| |
Box 63, Folder 43 | Lavender Blue (Dilly
| |
Box 63, Folder 44 | Lay My Head Beneath A
| |
Box 63, Folder 45 | Lazy Bones Gotta Job
| |
Box 63, Folder 46 | Lazy Day
| |
Box 63, Folder 47 | A Lazy Day In The Sun (Just Readin',
Fishin', Dreamin')
| |
Box 63, Folder 48 | Lazy Levee Loungers
| |
Box 63, Folder 49 | Lazy Lou'siana Moon
| |
Box 63, Folder 50 | Lazy Mississippi
| |
Box 63, Folder 51 | Lazy River
| |
Box 63, Folder 52 | Lazy Weather (with ukulele
| |
Box 63, Folder 53 | Lazybones (with ukulele
| |
Box 63, Folder 54 | De Leader Of De Company
| |
Box 63, Folder 55 | The Leader Of Frocks And
| |
Box 63, Folder 56 | Leaf By Leaf The Roses
| |
Box 63, Folder 57 | Learn To Croon
| |
Box 63, Folder 58 | Learning
| |
Box 63, Folder 59 | Learning
| |
Box 63, Folder 60 | Leave A Little Smile
| |
Box 64 | ||
Box 64, Folder 1 | Leave It That Way
| |
Box 64, Folder 2 | Leave Me Something To Remember (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 64, Folder 3 | Leave Me With A Smile
| |
Box 64, Folder 4 | Leave Us Face It (We're In
| |
Box 64, Folder 5 | Leaving
| |
Box 64, Folder 6 | Left All Alone Again
| |
Box 64, Folder 7 | Left All Alone With The
| |
Box 64, Folder 8 | The Legend Of The
| |
Box 64, Folder 9 | Legionaires
| |
Box 64, Folder 10 | A Lemon In The Garden Of
| |
Box 64, Folder 11 | Lenora (with ukulele
| |
Box 64, Folder 12 | Leoline
| |
Box 64, Folder 13 | Leonora
| |
Box 64, Folder 14 | Let A Little Pleasure Interfere With
| |
Box 64, Folder 15 | Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella (On A Rainy
Day) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 64, Folder 16 | Let By-Gones Be By-Gones (And Let Us Be
Sweethearts Again)
| |
Box 64, Folder 17 | (If Your Wife Wants To Go To The Country)
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go
| |
Box 64, Folder 18 | Let It Be Me
| |
Box 64, Folder 19 | Let It Rain! Let It Pour! (I'll Be In
Virginia In the Morning)
| |
Box 64, Folder 20 | Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It
| |
Box 64, Folder 21 | Let Me Be The First To Kiss You Good
Morning And The Last To Kiss Good Night (with ukulele
| |
Box 64, Folder 22 | Let Me Be The One
| |
Box 64, Folder 23 | Let Me Call You Mine
| |
Box 64, Folder 24 | Let Me Call You Sweetheart (I'm In Love
With You)
| |
Box 64, Folder 25 | Let Me Hum A Hymn To Her
| |
Box 64, Folder 26 | Let Me Linger Longer In Your Arms (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 64, Folder 27 | Let Me Live And Love You (Just For
| |
Box 64, Folder 28 | Let Me Love You
| |
Box 64, Folder 29 | Let Me Show You The Way To
| |
Box 64, Folder 30 | Let Me Sing You To Sleep With A Love
| |
Box 64, Folder 31 | Let Me Take Her Away
| |
Box 64, Folder 32 | Let Me Whisper
| |
Box 64, Folder 33 | Let The End Of The World Come Tomorrow As
Long As You Love Today (with ukulele
| |
Box 64, Folder 34 | Let The Rest Of the World Go
| |
Box 64, Folder 35 | Let Us Forget
| |
Box 64, Folder 36 | Let's All Be Good Pals
| |
Box 64, Folder 37 | Let's All Go Up To
| |
Box 64, Folder 38 | Let's All Sing Like The Birdies
| |
Box 64, Folder 39 | Let's Be Domestic
| |
Box 64, Folder 40 | Let's Dance
| |
Box 64, Folder 41 | Let's Dine Alone
| |
Box 64, Folder 42 | Let's Don't 'N' Say We Did (with ukulele
| |
Box 64, Folder 43 | Let's Dream This One
| |
Box 64, Folder 44 | Let's Fall In Love
| |
Box 64, Folder 45 | Let's Forget
| |
Box 64, Folder 46 | Let's Forget (And Be Sweethearts
| |
Box 64, Folder 47 | Let's Forget Tomorrow
| |
Box 64, Folder 48 | Let's Forgive & Forget & Start
Over Again (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 64, Folder 49 | Let's Get Friendly
| |
Box 64, Folder 50 | Let's Get Lost
| |
Box 64, Folder 51 | Let's Get Together
| |
Box 64, Folder 52 | Let's Give Love Another
| |
Box 64, Folder 53 | Let's Give Three Cheers For
| |
Box 64, Folder 54 | Let's Go In To A Picture
| |
Box 64, Folder 55 | Let's Go Native
| |
Box 64, Folder 56 | Let's Go Out In The Open
| |
Box 64, Folder 57 | Let's Grow Old
| |
Box 64, Folder 58 | Let's Grow Old Together,
| |
Box 64, Folder 59 | Let's Harmonize
| |
Box 64, Folder 60 | Let's Have Breakfast In
| |
Box 65 | ||
Box 65, Folder 1 | Leave It That Way
| |
Box 65, Folder 2 | Let's Make Love While The Moon
| |
Box 65, Folder 3 | Let's Misbehave
| |
Box 65, Folder 4 | Let's Put Out The Lights (And Go To
| |
Box 65, Folder 5 | Let's Sing A Song About
| |
Box 65, Folder 6 | Let's Sing Again
| |
Box 65, Folder 7 | Let's Spill The Beans
| |
Box 65, Folder 8 | Let's Start All Over
| |
Box 65, Folder 9 | Let's Stop The Clock (has no
| |
Box 65, Folder 10 | Let's Talk About My Sweetie (with ukulele
| |
Box 65, Folder 11 | Let's Try Again
| |
Box 65, Folder 12 | Let's Wait For The Last Train
| |
Box 65, Folder 13 | Let's Wander Away (with ukulele
| |
Box 65, Folder 14 | The Letter (Dear John)
| |
Box 65, Folder 15 | Letter Edged In Black
| |
Box 65, Folder 16 | 'Leven Pounds Of
| |
Box 65, Folder 17 | Lies
| |
Box 65, Folder 18 | Life (Let Me Live My Life For
| |
Box 65, Folder 19 | Life And Love Seem Sweeter After The
| |
Box 65, Folder 20 | Life Begins When You're In
| |
Box 65, Folder 21 | Life Begins With Love
| |
Box 65, Folder 22 | Life Could Not Better
| |
Box 65, Folder 23 | Life Is A Song (Let's Sing It
| |
Box 65, Folder 24 | Life Is So Peculiar
| |
Box 65, Folder 25 | Life's A Funny Proposition After
| |
Box 65, Folder 26 | Light A Candle In The
| |
Box 65, Folder 27 | The Light House Song
| |
Box 65, Folder 28 | The Lights Are Low (The Music Is
| |
Box 65, Folder 29 | Lights Of Home
| |
Box 65, Folder 30 | Lights Out (Close Your Eyes & Dream Of
| |
Box 65, Folder 31 | Like A Breath Of Spring
| |
Box 65, Folder 32 | Like A Romance In A
| |
Box 65, Folder 33 | Like A Rose You Have Faded
| |
Box 65, Folder 34 | Like Me A Little Bit Less (Love Me A
Little Bit More)
| |
Box 65, Folder 35 | Like The Rose, You're The Fairest
| |
Box 65, Folder 36 | Lil-Lil-Lillian
| |
Box 65, Folder 37 | Li'l Liza Jane
| |
Box 65, Folder 38 | Lila
| |
Box 65, Folder 39 | Lila
| |
Box 65, Folder 40 | Lilac Blossoms
| |
Box 65, Folder 41 | Lilah (Sugar Baby Of
| |
Box 65, Folder 42 | Lili Marlene
| |
Box 65, Folder 43 | Lili Marlene (My Lili Of The
| |
Box 65, Folder 44 | Lillette
| |
Box 65, Folder 45 | Lily Belle
| |
Box 65, Folder 46 | Lily Dale
| |
Box 65, Folder 47 | Lily Of The Prairie
| |
Box 65, Folder 48 | Lily Of The Valley
| |
Box 65, Folder 49 | Lily Of The Valley
| |
Box 65, Folder 50 | The Lily Or The Rose?
| |
Box 65, Folder 51 | Limehouse Blues
| |
Box 65, Folder 52 | Lina
| |
Box 65, Folder 53 | Lindbergh (The Eagle Of The
| |
Box 65, Folder 54 | Lindy! Lindy!
| |
Box 65, Folder 55 | Linger Awhile
| |
Box 65, Folder 56 | Linger Longer Lou
| |
Box 65, Folder 57 | Linka
| |
Box 65, Folder 58 | Listen To That Dixie
| |
Box 65, Folder 59 | Listen To The German
| |
Box 65, Folder 60 | Listen To That Jungle
| |
Box 65, Folder 61 | Listen To The Mocking
| |
Box 66 | ||
Box 66, Folder 1 | Listen To This
| |
Box 66, Folder 2 | Listening
| |
Box 66, Folder 3 | Listening In
| |
Box 66, Folder 4 | Little Alabama Coon
| |
Box 66, Folder 5 | Little Annie Rooney
| |
Box 66, Folder 6 | A Little Birch Canoe And
| |
Box 66, Folder 7 | A Little Bird Told Me
| |
Box 66, Folder 8 | A Little Bit
| |
Box 66, Folder 9 | A Little Bit O'Honey
| |
Box 66, Folder 10 | A Little Bit Of Heaven (Shure They Call It
| |
Box 66, Folder 11 | A Little Bit Of Lovin' Goes A Long, Long
| |
Box 66, Folder 12 | A Little Bit Off The
| |
Box 66, Folder 13 | The Little Black
| |
Box 66, Folder 14 | Little Bluebird Of My
| |
Box 66, Folder 15 | Little Blue Bonnet
| |
Box 66, Folder 16 | Little Boy
| |
Box 66, Folder 17 | Little Boy Blue Jeans
| |
Box 66, Folder 18 | A Little Boy Called
| |
Box 66, Folder 19 | A Little Boy In Blue
| |
Box 66, Folder 20 | The Little Boy That Santa Claus
| |
Box 66, Folder 21 | Little Brown Hut In The
| |
Box 66, Folder 22 | A Little Bunch Of Shamrocks (I Am Holding
In My Hand)
| |
Box 66, Folder 23 | Little By Little
| |
Box 66, Folder 24 | Little By Little You're Breaking My
| |
Box 66, Folder 25 | A Little Church Around The
| |
Box 66, Folder 26 | A Little Church Around The
| |
Box 66, Folder 27 | A Little Coat Of Tan
| |
Box 66, Folder 28 | Little Colonel
| |
Box 66, Folder 29 | Little Crumbs Of
| |
Box 66, Folder 30 | Little Curly Hair In A High
| |
Box 66, Folder 31 | Little Did I Dream
| |
Box 66, Folder 32 | A Little Drop Of Irish And A Wee Bit Of
| |
Box 66, Folder 33 | Little Dutch Mill
| |
Box 66, Folder 34 | Little Fighting Soldier
| |
Box 66, Folder 35 | The Little Ford Rambled Right
| |
Box 66, Folder 36 | Little Fraternity Pin
| |
Box 66, Folder 37 | Little Girl
| |
Box 66, Folder 38 | Little Girl (Don't Say
| |
Box 66, Folder 39 | Little Girl You'll Do
| |
Box 66, Folder 40 | The Little Grey Mother (Who Waits All
| |
Box 66, Folder 41 | Little Grey Sweetheart Of
| |
Box 66, Folder 42 | The Little Gypsy Maid
| |
Box 66, Folder 43 | The Little House That Love
| |
Box 66, Folder 44 | (There's A Light That's Burning In The
Window Of) The Little House Upon The Hill
| |
Box 66, Folder 45 | Little Hunka Love
| |
Box 66, Folder 46 | The Little Irish Girl
| |
Box 66, Folder 47 | Little Irish Rose
| |
Box 66, Folder 48 | Little King Of Toyland
| |
Box 66, Folder 49 | A Little Kiss Each Morning (A Little Kiss
Each Night)
| |
Box 66, Folder 50 | Little Lady Make
| |
Box 66, Folder 51 | A Little Later On
| |
Box 66, Folder 52 | Little Log Cabin Of
| |
Box 66, Folder 53 | Little Lost Rolling
| |
Box 66, Folder 54 | A Little Love, A Little
| |
Box 66, Folder 55 | A Little Lunch For Two
| |
Box 66, Folder 56 | The Little Man Who Wasn't
| |
Box 66, Folder 57 | Little Man, You've Had A Busy
| |
Box 66, Folder 58 | Little Miss Lonesome
| |
Box 66, Folder 59 | Little Miss No-One From
| |
Box 66, Folder 60 | Little Moth Keep Away From The
| |
Box 67 | ||
Box 67, Folder 1 | Little Mother (with ukulele
| |
Box 67, Folder 2 | The Little Old Church In the
| |
Box 67, Folder 3 | The Little Old Clock On the
| |
Box 67, Folder 4 | Little Old Cross-Road
| |
Box 67, Folder 5 | Little Old Lady
| |
Box 67, Folder 6 | The Little Old Mill (Went 'Round And
| |
Box 67, Folder 7 | A Little On The Lonely
| |
Box 67, Folder 8 | Little Pal Of Long Ago
| |
Box 67, Folder 9 | A Little Pink Rose
| |
Box 67, Folder 10 | A Little Ray Of Sunshine Follows Each Dark
| |
Box 67, Folder 11 | The Little Red Caboose Behind The
| |
Box 67, Folder 12 | The Little Red Fox (N'Ya, N'Ya, Ya Can't
Catch Me)
| |
Box 67, Folder 13 | The Little Red School
| |
Box 67, Folder 14 | Little Red Wagon
| |
Box 67, Folder 15 | A Little Rendezvous In
| |
Box 67, Folder 16 | The Little Road That Leads Back
| |
Box 67, Folder 17 | Little Rose Of The
| |
Box 67, Folder 18 | The Little Rosewood Casket (A Package Of
Old Letters)
| |
Box 67, Folder 19 | Little Rover, Don't Forget To Come Back
| |
Box 67, Folder 20 | The Little Rustic Cottage By The
| |
Box 67, Folder 21 | Little Shepherd Of My
| |
Box 67, Folder 22 | Little Sir Echo
| |
Box 67, Folder 23 | A Little Something - That's
| |
Box 67, Folder 24 | Little Sonny O'Mine
| |
Box 67, Folder 25 | A Little Street Where Old Friends
| |
Box 67, Folder 26 | Little Sweetheart Of The
| |
Box 67, Folder 27 | Little Sweetheart Of The
| |
Box 67, Folder 28 | Little Thoughts
| |
Box 67, Folder 29 | The Little Tin Soldier (Or The Little Rag
| |
Box 67, Folder 30 | Little Tommy Murphy
| |
Box 67, Folder 31 | Little Town In The Ould Country
| |
Box 67, Folder 32 | The Little White Cloud That
| |
Box 67, Folder 33 | A Little White
| |
Box 67, Folder 34 | Little White Lies
| |
Box 67, Folder 35 | Little Women (Like
| |
Box 67, Folder 36 | Live, Laugh And Love
| |
Box 67, Folder 37 | Live And Love Today
| |
Box 67, Folder 38 | Live and Love Tonight
| |
Box 67, Folder 39 | Living A Life Of Dreams (with ukulele
| |
Box 67, Folder 40 | Living In Dreams
| |
Box 67, Folder 41 | (I'm Waiting For You) Liza
| |
Box 67, Folder 42 | Liza Lou
| |
Box 67, Folder 43 | 'Lizabeth Ann
| |
Box 67, Folder 44 | Lo And Behold!
| |
Box 67, Folder 45 | The Load That Father
| |
Box 67, Folder 46 | Loading Up The Mandy
| |
Box 67, Folder 47 | Loca, Loca (Madness)
| |
Box 67, Folder 48 | Lola (Lola's Theme)
| |
Box 67, Folder 49 | Lo-La-Lo
| |
Box 67, Folder 50 | Lolita
| |
Box 67, Folder 51 | Lona
| |
Box 67, Folder 52 | Lo-Nah
| |
Box 67, Folder 53 | London On A Rainy
| |
Box 67, Folder 54 | Lonely
| |
Box 67, Folder 55 | Lonely
| |
Box 67, Folder 56 | Lonely
| |
Box 67, Folder 57 | Lonely And Blue
| |
Box 67, Folder 58 | Lonely Eyes
| |
Box 67, Folder 59 | Lonely For Only You
| |
Box 67, Folder 60 | Lonely Gondolier
| |
Box 68 | ||
Box 68, Folder 1 | Lonely Heart
| |
Box 68, Folder 2 | Lonely In A Crowd (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 3 | Lonely Lane
| |
Box 68, Folder 4 | Lonely Little Cinderella (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 5 | Lonely Little
| |
Box 68, Folder 6 | Lonely Love
| |
Box 68, Folder 7 | Lonely Melody (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 8 | Lonely Troubadour (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 9 | Lonely Vagabond
| |
Box 68, Folder 10 | Lonesome (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 11 | Lonesome
| |
Box 68, Folder 12 | Lonesome
| |
Box 68, Folder 13 | Lonesome (Gee, I'm Awf'ly Lonesome) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 68, Folder 14 | Lonesome And Blue
| |
Box 68, Folder 15 | Lonesome And Blue
| |
Box 68, Folder 16 | Lonesome And Sorry (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 17 | Lonesome For The One I
| |
Box 68, Folder 18 | Lonesome Hours
| |
Box 68, Folder 19 | Lonesome In The
| |
Box 68, Folder 20 | Lonesome Land
| |
Box 68, Folder 21 | Lonesome Little Doll
| |
Box 68, Folder 22 | Lonesome Little Maid
| |
Box 68, Folder 23 | Lonesome Lover
| |
Box 68, Folder 24 | Lonesome Lullaby
| |
Box 68, Folder 25 | Lonesome Mama Blues
| |
Box 68, Folder 26 | Lonesome Me
| |
Box 68, Folder 27 | Lonesome Me
| |
Box 68, Folder 28 | Lonesome-That's All
| |
Box 68, Folder 29 | The Lonesomest Girl In
| |
Box 68, Folder 30 | Long After Tonight
| |
Box 68, Folder 31 | Long Ago And Far Away
| |
Box 68, Folder 32 | Long Beach By The Sea
| |
Box 68, Folder 33 | Long Live The Ladies
| |
Box 68, Folder 34 | Long Lost Mama (Daddy Misses
| |
Box 68, Folder 35 | Longin'
| |
Box 68, Folder 36 | Longing
| |
Box 68, Folder 37 | Longing
| |
Box 68, Folder 38 | Longing for You
| |
Box 68, Folder 39 | Longing For You
| |
Box 68, Folder 40 | Look At Me (Bing) (Bang) I'm The
| |
Box 68, Folder 41 | Look At Those Eyes (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 42 | Look Me Over Once (Laughing
| |
Box 68, Folder 43 | Look Out For the Bogie
| |
Box 68, Folder 44 | Look What You've Done to
| |
Box 68, Folder 45 | Look What You've Done With Your Dog-Gone
Dangerous Eyes
| |
Box 68, Folder 46 | Look Who's Here
| |
Box 68, Folder 47 | Lookie Lookie Lookie Here Comes
| |
Box 68, Folder 48 | Looking At The World Thru Rose Colored
| |
Box 68, Folder 49 | Looking For the Love-Light In Your
| |
Box 68, Folder 50 | Looking In The Window (with ukulele
| |
Box 68, Folder 51 | Lookout Mountain
| |
Box 68, Folder 52 | Loop-De-Loo
| |
Box 68, Folder 53 | Loose Ankles
| |
Box 68, Folder 54 | Lopez Speaking
| |
Box 68, Folder 55 | Lord! Have Mercy On A Married
| |
Box 68, Folder 56 | Lord Of Grace And
| |
Box 68, Folder 57 | Lorna Doone
| |
Box 68, Folder 58 | Losing You
| |
Box 68, Folder 59 | Lost
| |
Box 68, Folder 60 | Lost (A Wonderful
| |
Box 68, Folder 61 | Lost And Found
| |
Box 69 | ||
Box 69, Folder 1 | Lost In A Dream
| |
Box 69, Folder 2 | Lost In A Fog
| |
Box 69, Folder 3 | Lost My Pal (with ukulele
| |
Box 69, Folder 4 | The Lost World (with ukulele
| |
Box 69, Folder 5 | Louise
| |
Box 69, Folder 6 | Louisian'
| |
Box 69, Folder 7 | Louisiana
| |
Box 69, Folder 8 | Louisiana
| |
Box 69, Folder 9 | Louisiana Home
| |
Box 69, Folder 10 | Louisiana Louise
| |
Box 69, Folder 11 | Louisiana Waltz
| |
Box 69, Folder 12 | Louisville
| |
Box 69, Folder 13 | Louisville Lou (That Vampin'
| |
Box 69, Folder 14 | Lou'siana
| |
Box 69, Folder 15 | Lou'siana Lullaby
| |
Box 69, Folder 16 | Lovable And Sweet
| |
Box 69, Folder 17 | Love (Your Spell Is
| |
Box 69, Folder 18 | Love Ain't Blind No
| |
Box 69, Folder 19 | Love Among The Whispering
| |
Box 69, Folder 20 | Love Among The Young
| |
Box 69, Folder 21 | Love And A Dime
| |
Box 69, Folder 22 | Love And Learn
| |
Box 69, Folder 23 | Love And Marriage
| |
Box 69, Folder 24 | Love And The Moon
| |
Box 69, Folder 25 | Love Bird
| |
Box 69, Folder 26 | Love Bound (with ukulele
| |
Box 69, Folder 27 | Love Brought The Sunshine(with ukulele
| |
Box 69, Folder 28 | The Love Bug Will Bite You (If You Don't
Watch Out)
| |
Box 69, Folder 29 | Love Days
| |
Box 69, Folder 30 | Love Divided By Two
| |
Box 69, Folder 31 | Love Dreams (with ukulele
| |
Box 69, Folder 32 | Love Dreams
| |
Box 69, Folder 33 | Love Dreams
| |
Box 69, Folder 34 | Love Dropped In For
| |
Box 69, Folder 35 | Love For Love
| |
Box 69, Folder 36 | Love Has Come To Live In Our
| |
Box 69, Folder 37 | Love, Honor and O-Baby
| |
Box 69, Folder 38 | Love In Bloom
| |
Box 69, Folder 39 | Love Is A Dream
| |
Box 69, Folder 40 | Love Is A Dreamer (with ukulele
| |
Box 69, Folder 41 | Love Is A Song
| |
Box 69, Folder 42 | Love Is All
| |
Box 69, Folder 43 | Love Is A Wonderful
| |
Box 69, Folder 44 | Love Is Blue
| |
Box 69, Folder 45 | Love Is Just A Flower
| |
Box 69, Folder 46 | Love Is Just Around The
| |
Box 69, Folder 47 | Love Is Like A
| |
Box 69, Folder 48 | Love Is Like A Rose
| |
Box 69, Folder 49 | Love Is Like A Song
| |
Box 69, Folder 50 | Love Is Like That (What Can You
| |
Box 69, Folder 51 | Love Is Love Anywhere
| |
Box 69, Folder 52 | Love Is On The Air
| |
Box 69, Folder 53 | Love Is The Same The Whole World
| |
Box 69, Folder 54 | Love Is The Sweetest
| |
Box 69, Folder 55 | Love Is The Thing
| |
Box 69, Folder 56 | Love Is Where You Find
| |
Box 69, Folder 57 | Love, Kiss Me
| |
Box 69, Folder 58 | Love Letters
| |
Box 69, Folder 59 | Love Letters In The
| |
Box 69, Folder 60 | Love Locked Out
| |
Box 70 | ||
Box 70, Folder 1 | Love Made A Gypsy Out Of Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 70, Folder 2 | Love Makes Our Dreaming Come
| |
Box 70, Folder 3 | Love Me
| |
Box 70, Folder 4 | Love Me
| |
Box 70, Folder 5 | Love Me
| |
Box 70, Folder 6 | Love Me
| |
Box 70, Folder 7 | Love Me
| |
Box 70, Folder 8 | Love Me All The Time
| |
Box 70, Folder 9 | Love Me, And The World Is
| |
Box 70, Folder 10 | Love Me As I Am
| |
Box 70, Folder 11 | Love Me At Twilight
| |
Box 70, Folder 12 | Love Me Forever
| |
Box 70, Folder 13 | Love Me Just Like Romeo Loved Miss
| |
Box 70, Folder 14 | Love Me Like I Like To Be
| |
Box 70, Folder 15 | Love Me Or Leave Me
| |
Box 70, Folder 16 | Love Me To-Night
| |
Box 70, Folder 17 | Love Me To-Night
| |
Box 70, Folder 18 | Love Me While The Music
| |
Box 70, Folder 19 | Love Me While The Lovin' Is
| |
Box 70, Folder 20 | The Love Of My Life
| |
Box 70, Folder 21 | Love On The Brain
| |
Box 70, Folder 22 | Love Passes By
| |
Box 70, Folder 23 | Love Sends A Little Gift Of
| |
Box 70, Folder 24 | Love Sings A Song In My Heart (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 70, Folder 25 | Love Somebody
| |
Box 70, Folder 26 | Love Songs Of The Nile
| |
Box 70, Folder 27 | Love Spells Trouble To
| |
Box 70, Folder 28 | A Love Story
| |
Box 70, Folder 29 | A Love Tale Of Alsace Lorraine (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 70, Folder 30 | Love Tales
| |
Box 70, Folder 31 | Love Tales
| |
Box 70, Folder 32 | Love Thy Neighbor
| |
Box 70, Folder 33 | Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself But Leave His
Wife Alone
| |
Box 70, Folder 34 | Love Walked In
| |
Box 70, Folder 35 | The Love Waltz
| |
Box 70, Folder 36 | The Love Waltz
| |
Box 70, Folder 37 | The Love Waltz
| |
Box 70, Folder 38 | Love, What Are You Doing To My
| |
Box 70, Folder 39 | Love, You Funny Thing!
| |
Box 70, Folder 40 | Loved And Lost
| |
Box 70, Folder 41 | The Loveliest Night Of The
| |
Box 70, Folder 42 | Lovelight In The
| |
Box 70, Folder 43 | The Loveliness Of You
| |
Box 70, Folder 44 | Lover
| |
Box 70, Folder 45 | Lovely Lady
| |
Box 70, Folder 46 | Lovely Lady (with ukulele
| |
Box 70, Folder 47 | A Lovely Way To Spend An
| |
Box 70, Folder 48 | A Lover's Lullaby
| |
Box 70, Folder 49 | Lovers Waltz
| |
Box 70, Folder 50 | Loves Dreamy Strain
| |
Box 70, Folder 51 | Love's First Kiss
| |
Box 70, Folder 52 | Love's Lament
| |
Box 70, Folder 53 | Love's Lullaby
| |
Box 70, Folder 54 | Love's Melody
| |
Box 70, Folder 55 | Love's Old Sweet Song
| |
Box 70, Folder 56 | Love's Rosary
| |
Box 70, Folder 57 | Love's Ship
| |
Box 70, Folder 58 | Love's Sorrow
| |
Box 70, Folder 59 | Lovey Came Back
| |
Box 70, Folder 60 | Lovey-Dovey
| |
Box 71 | ||
Box 71, Folder 1 | Lovie Dear
| |
Box 71, Folder 2 | Lovin' Dad
| |
Box 71, Folder 3 | Lovin' Sam (The Sheik of
| |
Box 71, Folder 4 | Loving Chimes
| |
Box 71, Folder 5 | Loving Eyes
| |
Box 71, Folder 6 | Loving Whippoorwill
| |
Box 71, Folder 7 | Loving You
| |
Box 71, Folder 8 | Loving You
| |
Box 71, Folder 9 | Loving You The Way I
| |
Box 71, Folder 10 | Lucia
| |
Box 71, Folder 11 | Lucille
| |
Box 71, Folder 12 | Lucille Love
| |
Box 71, Folder 13 | Lucky Jim
| |
Box 71, Folder 14 | Lucky Kentucky
| |
Box 71, Folder 15 | Lucky Lindy
| |
Box 71, Folder 16 | Lucky Little Devil
| |
Box 71, Folder 17 | Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me
| |
Box 71, Folder 18 | Lucky Moon
| |
Box 71, Folder 19 | Lucy-Anna-Lou
| |
Box 71, Folder 20 | Lullaby Blues In The
| |
Box 71, Folder 21 | Lullaby Lady
| |
Box 71, Folder 22 | Lullaby Land
| |
Box 71, Folder 23 | Lullaby Moon
| |
Box 71, Folder 24 | Lullaby Of Birdland
| |
Box 71, Folder 25 | Lullaby Of Broadway
| |
Box 71, Folder 26 | Lullaby Of The Rain
| |
Box 71, Folder 27 | Lullaby Time
| |
Box 71, Folder 28 | Lulu Belle (with ukulele
| |
Box 71, Folder 29 | Lying In The Hay (with ukulele
| |
Box 71, Folder 30 | Lyra
| |
Box 71, Folder 31 | M' Sugar's Crazy ('Bout
| |
Box 71, Folder 32 | Ma
| |
Box 71, Folder 33 | Ma Ebony Belle
| |
Box 71, Folder 34 | Ma-Ma-Maria
| |
Box 71, Folder 35 | Ma Onliest One!
| |
Box 71, Folder 36 | Ma Tiger Lily
| |
Box 71, Folder 37 | Mad ('Cause You Treat Me This
| |
Box 71, Folder 38 | Madelaine
| |
Box 71, Folder 39 | Madly In Love
| |
Box 71, Folder 40 | Madrigal Of May
| |
Box 71, Folder 41 | Maggie! (Yes! Ma'am!) (Come Right
| |
Box 71, Folder 42 | The Magic Flame
| |
Box 71, Folder 43 | Magic Moments
| |
Box 71, Folder 44 | Magic Music
| |
Box 71, Folder 45 | Magical Ocean Of Love
| |
Box 71, Folder 46 | Magnolia (with ukulele
| |
Box 71, Folder 47 | The Maharajah Of
| |
Box 71, Folder 48 | Maid Of My Heart
| |
Box 71, Folder 49 | The Maiden And The Jay
| |
Box 71, Folder 50 | The Maiden With The Dreamy
| |
Box 71, Folder 51 | Main Street Wasn't Big Enough For Mary
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 71, Folder 52 | Mairzy Doats
| |
Box 71, Folder 53 | Major Marjory
| |
Box 71, Folder 54 | Make A Fuss Over Me
| |
Box 71, Folder 55 | Make A Noise Like A Hoop, And Roll
| |
Box 71, Folder 56 | Make Believe
| |
Box 71, Folder 57 | Make Love With A
| |
Box 71, Folder 58 | Make Me (Want To Be Loved By
| |
Box 71, Folder 59 | Make Me Laugh
| |
Box 71, Folder 60 | Make Me Love You
| |
Box 72 | ||
Box 72, Folder 1 | Make Me Love You Like I Never Loved
| |
Box 72, Folder 2 | Make The Dream Of The Rose Come True/As
Long As I Have You
| |
Box 72, Folder 3 | Make Up Your Mind
| |
Box 72, Folder 4 | Makin' Faces At The Man In The
| |
Box 72, Folder 5 | Making Eyes
| |
Box 72, Folder 6 | Mama From The Train (A Kiss, A
| |
Box 72, Folder 7 | Mama I Wanna Make
| |
Box 72, Folder 8 | Mama, That Moon Is Here
| |
Box 72, Folder 9 | Mamie (with ukulele
| |
Box 72, Folder 10 | Mamie! Come Kiss Your Honey
| |
Box 72, Folder 11 | Mamma Loves Papa (Papa Loves
| |
Box 72, Folder 12 | Mamma's Boy
| |
Box 72, Folder 13 | Mamma's Little Baby (with ukulele
| |
Box 72, Folder 14 | Mammy Blossom's Possum
| |
Box 72, Folder 15 | Mammy Land
| |
Box 72, Folder 16 | Mammy O'Mine
| |
Box 72, Folder 17 | Mammy's Apron Strings
| |
Box 72, Folder 18 | Mammy's Goodnight
| |
Box 72, Folder 19 | Mammy's Lit'l Choc'late Cullud
| |
Box 72, Folder 20 | Mammy's Little Coal Black
| |
Box 72, Folder 21 | Mammy's Little Kinky Headed
| |
Box 72, Folder 22 | Mammy's Little Pumpkin Colored
| |
Box 72, Folder 23 | Mammy's Little Sugar
| |
Box 72, Folder 24 | Mammy's Little Sunny Honey
| |
Box 72, Folder 25 | Mammy's Lullaby
| |
Box 72, Folder 26 | Mammy's Melody
| |
Box 72, Folder 27 | Mam'selle
| |
Box 72, Folder 28 | A Man, A Maid, A Moon, A
| |
Box 72, Folder 29 | A Man And His Dream
| |
Box 72, Folder 30 | The Man Behind
| |
Box 72, Folder 31 | The Man I Love
| |
Box 72, Folder 32 | The Man From The South (With A Big Cigar
In His Mouth)
| |
Box 72, Folder 33 | The Man In The
| |
Box 72, Folder 34 | The Man In The Silvery
| |
Box 72, Folder 35 | Man, Man, Fickle Man
| |
Box 72, Folder 36 | The Man On The Flying
| |
Box 72, Folder 37 | The Man Who Fights The
| |
Box 72, Folder 38 | Managua, Nicaragua
| |
Box 72, Folder 39 | Mandalay
| |
Box 72, Folder 40 | Mandy, How Do You Do?
| |
Box 72, Folder 41 | Mandy Is Two
| |
Box 72, Folder 42 | Mandy Lee
| |
Box 72, Folder 43 | Mandy Lou
| |
Box 72, Folder 44 | Mandy 'N' Me
| |
Box 72, Folder 45 | Manhattan
| |
Box 72, Folder 46 | The Manila Quickstep
| |
Box 72, Folder 47 | The Mansion Of Aching
| |
Box 72, Folder 48 | A Mansion Of Dreams
| |
Box 72, Folder 49 | Many An Honest Heart May Beat Beneath A
Ragged Coat
| |
Box 72, Folder 50 | Many Happy Returns Of The Day (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 72, Folder 51 | Manyana
| |
Box 72, Folder 52 | March Of The Mannikins
| |
Box 72, Folder 53 | March Of The Old Guard
| |
Box 72, Folder 54 | A March To Eisenhower
| |
Box 72, Folder 55 | Marching Along
| |
Box 72, Folder 56 | Marching Down The
| |
Box 72, Folder 57 | Marching With Ike
| |
Box 72, Folder 58 | Mardi Gras
| |
Box 72, Folder 59 | The Mardi Gras March
| |
Box 72, Folder 60 | Margie
| |
Box 72, Folder 61 | Marguerite (with ukulele
| |
Box 73 | ||
Box 73, Folder 1 | Maria Elena
| |
Box 73, Folder 2 | Marianne
| |
Box 73, Folder 3 | Mariar
| |
Box 73, Folder 4 | Marie
| |
Box 73, Folder 5 | Marie
| |
Box 73, Folder 6 | Marie
| |
Box 73, Folder 7 | Marie, Marie, Marie (with ukulele
| |
Box 73, Folder 8 | Mariette
| |
Box 73, Folder 9 | Marimba
| |
Box 73, Folder 10 | Marion (You'll Soon Be Marryin'
| |
Box 73, Folder 11 | The Marriage Game
| |
Box 73, Folder 12 | Marta (Rambling Rose Of The Wildwood)
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 73, Folder 13 | Martha (Just A Plain Old Fashioned
| |
Box 73, Folder 14 | The Martins & The
| |
Box 73, Folder 15 | Marvelous (with ukulele
| |
Box 73, Folder 16 | Mary, You Must Marry
| |
Box 73, Folder 17 | Mary Ann (with ukulele
| |
Box 73, Folder 18 | Mary Dear (Someday We Will Meet
| |
Box 73, Folder 19 | Mary Della
| |
Box 73, Folder 20 | M-A-R-Y (I Love You)
| |
Box 73, Folder 21 | Mary Jane
| |
Box 73, Folder 22 | Mary Jane
| |
Box 73, Folder 23 | Mary Lou (with ukulele
| |
Box 73, Folder 24 | Mary O'Brian
| |
Box 73, Folder 25 | Mary Pickford
| |
Box 73, Folder 26 | Mary Regan
| |
Box 73, Folder 27 | Mary Was My Mother's
| |
Box 73, Folder 28 | Mary, You're A big Girl
| |
Box 73, Folder 29 | Marry, You're A Little Bit Old
| |
Box 73, Folder 30 | Mary, You're The Sweetest Girl I
| |
Box 73, Folder 31 | Maryland My Maryland
| |
Box 73, Folder 32 | Masquerade
| |
Box 73, Folder 33 | Masquerade
| |
Box 73, Folder 34 | Matilda, Matilda!
| |
Box 73, Folder 35 | Matin de Septembre (September
| |
Box 73, Folder 36 | Mavourneen Roamin'
| |
Box 73, Folder 37 | May Heaven Bless Your Wedding
| |
Box 73, Folder 38 | May I?
| |
Box 73, Folder 39 | May I Have The Next Romance With
| |
Box 73, Folder 40 | May I Never Love Again
| |
Box 73, Folder 41 | May Moon (with ukulele
| |
Box 73, Folder 42 | May Time
| |
Box 73, Folder 43 | Maybe
| |
Box 73, Folder 44 | Maybe
| |
Box 73, Folder 45 | Maybe
| |
Box 73, Folder 46 | Maybe (She'll Write Me, She'll Phone
| |
Box 73, Folder 47 | Maybe It's Love
| |
Box 73, Folder 48 | Maybe Sometime
| |
Box 73, Folder 49 | Maybe Sometime
| |
Box 73, Folder 50 | Maybe That Is Why I'm
| |
Box 73, Folder 51 | Maybe! Who Knows?
| |
Box 73, Folder 52 | Maybe You'll Be There
| |
Box 73, Folder 53 | Maybe You're Not the Only One Who Loves
| |
Box 73, Folder 54 | Mazie
| |
Box 73, Folder 55 | McElwee
| |
Box 73, Folder 56 | Me And My Shadow (with ukulele
| |
Box 73, Folder 57 | Me And The Boy Friend
| |
Box 73, Folder 58 | Me And The Clock
| |
Box 73, Folder 59 | Me And The Man In The
| |
Box 73, Folder 60 | Me And The Moon
| |
Box 74 | ||
Box 74, Folder 1 | Me For Michigan
| |
Box 74, Folder 2 | Me No Speak'a Good
| |
Box 74, Folder 3 | Me Too
| |
Box 74, Folder 4 | MeadowBrook Fox Trot
| |
Box 74, Folder 5 | The Meadows (Route 9, On The
| |
Box 74, Folder 6 | Mean Mean Mama (Why Don't You Mean What
You Say?)
| |
Box 74, Folder 7 | Mean To Mean
| |
Box 74, Folder 8 | Meet Me At The Station,
| |
Box 74, Folder 9 | Meet Me In Bubble Land
| |
Box 74, Folder 10 | Meet Me In Rose Time,
| |
Box 74, Folder 11 | Meet Me In St. Louis,
| |
Box 74, Folder 12 | Meet Me, Jenny, When The Sun Goes
| |
Box 74, Folder 13 | Meet Me Next Sunday (I'll Wait For
| |
Box 74, Folder 14 | Meet Me On The Joy
| |
Box 74, Folder 15 | Meet Tonight At The Modern,
| |
Box 74, Folder 16 | Meet Me Sweet Kathleen In Honeysuckle
| |
Box 74, Folder 17 | Meet Me Tonight In
| |
Box 74, Folder 18 | Meet Me Tonight 'Neath The Big Arc
| |
Box 74, Folder 19 | Meet Me Where The Lanterns
| |
Box 74, Folder 20 | Meetcha 'Round The
| |
Box 74, Folder 21 | Melancholy
| |
Box 74, Folder 22 | Melancholy Me
| |
Box 74, Folder 23 | Melancholy Rhapsody
| |
Box 74, Folder 24 | Melinda's Wedding Day
| |
Box 74, Folder 25 | Mello Cello
| |
Box 74, Folder 26 | Mellow Mountain Moon (with ukulele
| |
Box 74, Folder 27 | Melody Chimes
| |
Box 74, Folder 28 | Melody Farm
| |
Box 74, Folder 29 | A Melody From The Sky
| |
Box 74, Folder 30 | Melody In Spring
| |
Box 74, Folder 31 | Melody Of Spring
| |
Box 74, Folder 32 | The Melody That Made You
| |
Box 74, Folder 33 | Melody Time
| |
Box 74, Folder 34 | Memories
| |
Box 74, Folder 35 | Memories
| |
Box 74, Folder 36 | Memories (I Can't
| |
Box 74, Folder 37 | Memories Of College
| |
Box 74, Folder 38 | Memories Of France
| |
Box 74, Folder 39 | Memories Of Mother
| |
Box 74, Folder 40 | Memories Of Shadow
| |
Box 74, Folder 41 | Memories Of The Old Mill
| |
Box 74, Folder 42 | Memory-Land
| |
Box 74, Folder 43 | Memory Lane
| |
Box 74, Folder 44 | Mem'ries (Golden Memory
| |
Box 74, Folder 45 | Mem'ries Of One Sweet
| |
Box 74, Folder 46 | The Mender Of Broken Dreams (with ukulele
| |
Box 74, Folder 47 | Mending A Heart
| |
Box 74, Folder 48 | ME-OW
| |
Box 74, Folder 49 | The Merry Christmas
| |
Box 74, Folder 50 | The Merry-Go-Round Broke
| |
Box 74, Folder 51 | The Message Of The
| |
Box 74, Folder 52 | The Message Of The
| |
Box 74, Folder 53 | Mexicali Rose
| |
Box 74, Folder 54 | Mexico
| |
Box 74, Folder 55 | Mi Amado
| |
Box 74, Folder 56 | Mia Bella Rosa (My Beautiful
| |
Box 74, Folder 57 | On Miami Shore
| |
Box 74, Folder 58 | Mickey
| |
Box 74, Folder 59 | Mickey Donohue
| |
Box 74, Folder 60 | Mickey O'Neil
| |
Box 75 | ||
Box 75, Folder 1 | 'Mid The Blue Grass Of
| |
Box 75, Folder 2 | The Midnight
| |
Box 75, Folder 3 | The Midnight Girl
| |
Box 75, Folder 4 | Midnight In Paris
| |
Box 75, Folder 5 | Midnight Maid
| |
Box 75, Folder 6 | Midnight Masquerade
| |
Box 75, Folder 7 | A Midnight Romance
| |
Box 75, Folder 8 | Midnight Rose (with ukulele
| |
Box 75, Folder 9 | Midnight Waltz
| |
Box 75, Folder 10 | Midnight With The Stars And
| |
Box 75, Folder 11 | Mifanwy
| |
Box 75, Folder 12 | Mighty Blue (with ukulele
| |
Box 75, Folder 13 | Mike
| |
Box 75, Folder 14 | Milenberg Joys
| |
Box 75, Folder 15 | Milkman, Keep Those Bottles
| |
Box 75, Folder 16 | The Mill By The Sea
| |
Box 75, Folder 17 | Millie
| |
Box 75, Folder 18 | Milo
| |
Box 75, Folder 19 | Mimi
| |
Box 75, Folder 20 | Mimi
| |
Box 75, Folder 21 | Mindin' My Bus'ness (with ukulele
| |
Box 75, Folder 22 | Mine
| |
Box 75, Folder 23 | Mine
| |
Box 75, Folder 24 | Mine-All Mine (with ukulele
| |
Box 75, Folder 25 | Mine For All Time
| |
Box 75, Folder 26 | Mine For Life
| |
Box 75, Folder 27 | Minnie, Shimme for Me
| |
Box 75, Folder 28 | Minnie The Moucher
| |
Box 75, Folder 29 | The Miracle Man
| |
Box 75, Folder 30 | The Miracle Of The
| |
Box 75, Folder 31 | Misirlou
| |
Box 75, Folder 32 | Miss Annabelle Lee (with ukulele
| |
Box 75, Folder 33 | Miss Bob White
| |
Box 75, Folder 34 | Miss Brown To You
| |
Box 75, Folder 35 | Miss Hallelujah Brown
| |
Box 75, Folder 36 | Miss Otis Regrets
| |
Box 75, Folder 37 | Miss Virginia
| |
Box 75, Folder 38 | Miss You
| |
Box 75, Folder 39 | Miss You (with ukulele
| |
Box 75, Folder 40 | Miss Wonderful
| |
Box 75, Folder 41 | Missing You
| |
Box 75, Folder 42 | M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I
| |
Box 75, Folder 43 | Mississippi Choo Choo
| |
Box 75, Folder 44 | Mississippi Cradle
| |
Box 75, Folder 45 | Mississippi Days
| |
Box 75, Folder 46 | Mississippi Flood Song
| |
Box 75, Folder 47 | Mississippi Holiday
| |
Box 75, Folder 48 | Mississippi Ripples
| |
Box 75, Folder 49 | Mississippi River (Keep On
| |
Box 75, Folder 50 | Mississippi Shore
| |
Box 75, Folder 51 | Mississippi Steamboat
| |
Box 75, Folder 52 | Missouri Waltz
| |
Box 75, Folder 53 | Missus Lowsborough -
| |
Box 75, Folder 54 | Missy (A Southern
| |
Box 75, Folder 55 | Mistakes
| |
Box 75, Folder 56 | Mr. & Mrs. Is The
| |
Box 75, Folder 57 | Mister Butterfly
| |
Box 75, Folder 58 | Mister Dooley
| |
Box 75, Folder 59 | Mister E. Z. Mark
| |
Box 75, Folder 60 | Mister Five By Five
| |
Box 76 | ||
Box 76, Folder 1 | Mister Gallagher And Mister
| |
Box 76, Folder 2 | Mister Morton, Stop Your
| |
Box 76, Folder 3 | Mister Pollyanna
| |
Box 76, Folder 4 | Mister Santa
| |
Box 76, Folder 5 | Mister Sun Man Roll The Clouds
| |
Box 76, Folder 6 | Misto Cristofo Columbo
| |
Box 76, Folder 7 | Mistreatin' Daddy
| |
Box 76, Folder 8 | Misty Islands Of The
| |
Box 76, Folder 9 | Mockin' Bird Hill
| |
Box 76, Folder 10 | Mohammed
| |
Box 76, Folder 11 | Molasses, Molasses
| |
Box 76, Folder 12 | Molly
| |
Box 76, Folder 13 | Molly Carew
| |
Box 76, Folder 14 | Molly Dear, It's You I'm
| |
Box 76, Folder 15 | Molly Wood From Hollywood (with ukulele
| |
Box 76, Folder 16 | Molly Lee
| |
Box 76, Folder 17 | Molly O (I Love You)
| |
Box 76, Folder 18 | Molly O'Malley And Me
| |
Box 76, Folder 19 | Moments
| |
Box 76, Folder 20 | Mommy Darlin'
| |
Box 76, Folder 21 | Mon Amour
| |
Box 76, Folder 22 | Mon Homme
| |
Box 76, Folder 23 | Mona
| |
Box 76, Folder 24 | Mona Lisa
| |
Box 76, Folder 25 | Monavanna (with ukulele
| |
Box 76, Folder 26 | Money Is The Root Of All
| |
Box 76, Folder 27 | Monkey Doodle Dandy
| |
Box 76, Folder 28 | Monkey Land
| |
Box 76, Folder 29 | The Monkey Song (with ukulele
| |
Box 76, Folder 30 | Montezuma
| |
Box 76, Folder 31 | The Month Of June Is A Song Of
| |
Box 76, Folder 32 | Montmartre Rose
| |
Box 76, Folder 33 | Moo-Cow-Moo
| |
Box 76, Folder 34 | Mood Indigo
| |
Box 76, Folder 35 | Moolbarri (Mulberry)
| |
Box 76, Folder 36 | Moon Blinks
| |
Box 76, Folder 37 | Moon Dear
| |
Box 76, Folder 38 | Moon Deer
| |
Box 76, Folder 39 | The Moon Got In My
| |
Box 76, Folder 40 | The Moon Has His Eyes On
| |
Box 76, Folder 41 | The Moon Is Blue
| |
Box 76, Folder 42 | The Moon Is Low
| |
Box 76, Folder 43 | Moon Love
| |
Box 76, Folder 44 | The Moon-Mad Moon
| |
Box 76, Folder 45 | The Moon Of Manakoora
| |
Box 76, Folder 46 | Moon On My Pillow
| |
Box 76, Folder 47 | Moon Over Miami
| |
Box 76, Folder 48 | Moon River
| |
Box 76, Folder 49 | Moon River
| |
Box 76, Folder 50 | The Moon Shines On The
| |
Box 76, Folder 51 | Moon Song (That Wasn't Meant For
| |
Box 76, Folder 52 | The Moon Won't Talk
| |
Box 76, Folder 53 | Moonbeam, Kiss Her For Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 76, Folder 54 | Moonbeams
| |
Box 76, Folder 55 | Moonburn
| |
Box 76, Folder 56 | Moonglow
| |
Box 76, Folder 57 | Moonlight
| |
Box 76, Folder 58 | Moonlight
| |
Box 76, Folder 59 | Moonlight, A Love Song And
| |
Box 76, Folder 60 | Moonlight And Roses
| |
Box 77 | ||
Box 77, Folder 1 | The Moonlight, A Waltz And
| |
Box 77, Folder 2 | Moonlight And Shadows
| |
Box 77, Folder 3 | Moonlight Bay
| |
Box 77, Folder 4 | Moonlight Becomes You
| |
Box 77, Folder 5 | Moonlight Cocktail
| |
Box 77, Folder 6 | Moonlight Down In
| |
Box 77, Folder 7 | Moonlight In
| |
Box 77, Folder 8 | Moonlight In Venice
| |
Box 77, Folder 9 | Moonlight Lane
| |
Box 77, Folder 10 | Moonlight Madness
| |
Box 77, Folder 11 | Moonlight Memories
| |
Box 77, Folder 12 | Moonlight On The
| |
Box 77, Folder 13 | Moonlight On The
| |
Box 77, Folder 14 | Moonlight On The Ganges (with ukulele
| |
Box 77, Folder 15 | Moonlight On The
| |
Box 77, Folder 16 | Moonlight On The Nile
| |
Box 77, Folder 17 | Moonlight Saving Time
| |
Box 77, Folder 18 | Moonlight Serenade
| |
Box 77, Folder 19 | The Moonlight, The Rose And
| |
Box 77, Folder 20 | Moonlit Waters (with ukulele
| |
Box 77, Folder 21 | Moonshine Sally
| |
Box 77, Folder 22 | Moonstruck
| |
Box 77, Folder 23 | Moontime
| |
Box 77, Folder 24 | More And More
| |
Box 77, Folder 25 | The More I See You
| |
Box 77, Folder 26 | The More You Hurt Me
| |
Box 77, Folder 27 | The More We Are
| |
Box 77, Folder 28 | Morning (Won't You Ever Come 'Round) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 77, Folder 29 | Morning Cy!
| |
Box 77, Folder 30 | Morning Glory
| |
Box 77, Folder 31 | A Morning Glory Song
| |
Box 77, Folder 32 | Morning, Noon And
| |
Box 77, Folder 33 | Morning Will Come
| |
Box 77, Folder 34 | The Morningside Of The
| |
Box 77, Folder 35 | Mosha From Nova Scotia
| |
Box 77, Folder 36 | The Mosquitoes' Parade
| |
Box 77, Folder 37 | The Most Beautiful Picture Of
| |
Box 77, Folder 38 | Mother (I Love You)
| |
Box 77, Folder 39 | M-O-T-H-E-R, A Word That Means The World
To Me
| |
Box 77, Folder 40 | Mother And Home
| |
Box 77, Folder 41 | Mother Darling
| |
Box 77, Folder 42 | Mother, Dixie And You
| |
Box 77, Folder 43 | Mother Hasn't Spoken To Father
| |
Box 77, Folder 44 | Mother, Here's Your
| |
Box 77, Folder 45 | Mother, I'm Dreaming Of
| |
Box 77, Folder 46 | Mother In Ireland
| |
Box 77, Folder 47 | Mother Is The Best Sweetheart Of
| |
Box 77, Folder 48 | Mother Is The Bravest Hero Of Them
| |
Box 77, Folder 49 | Mother Machree
| |
Box 77, Folder 50 | Mother, May I Go To
| |
Box 77, Folder 51 | Mother Mine, She's Just Like
| |
Box 77, Folder 52 | Mother My Own
| |
Box 77, Folder 53 | Mother! O My Mother!
| |
Box 77, Folder 54 | Mother Of Mine, I Still Have You (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 77, Folder 55 | Mother, Pin A Rose
| |
Box 77, Folder 56 | Mothers' Apron Strings
| |
Box 77, Folder 57 | A Mother's Croon
| |
Box 77, Folder 58 | Mother's Good Night
| |
Box 77, Folder 59 | Mother's Hands
| |
Box 77, Folder 60 | Mother's Little Slumbering
| |
Box 78 | ||
Box 78, Folder 1 | A Mother's Love Is
| |
Box 78, Folder 2 | Mother's Rosary Love
| |
Box 78, Folder 3 | Mother's Voice
| |
Box 78, Folder 4 | Motor King
| |
Box 78, Folder 5 | Motor King
| |
Box 78, Folder 6 | Mount Ida Song
| |
Box 78, Folder 7 | Moving Day In Jungle
| |
Box 78, Folder 8 | Movin' Man Don't Take My Baby
| |
Box 78, Folder 9 | Moxie
| |
Box 78, Folder 10 | Mr. Ghost Goes To Town
| |
Box 78, Folder 11 | Mr. Mulligan And Mr.
| |
Box 78, Folder 12 | Mr. Touchdown, U.S.A.
| |
Box 78, Folder 13 | Mr. Wilson (That's
| |
Box 78, Folder 14 | Mrs. Murphy Chowder
| |
Box 78, Folder 15 | Mrs. Santa Claus
| |
Box 78, Folder 16 | Mrs. Sippi, You're A Grand Old
| |
Box 78, Folder 17 | Mrs. Worthington
| |
Box 78, Folder 18 | The M.T.A.
| |
Box 78, Folder 19 | Much Obliged to You
| |
Box 78, Folder 20 | Muddy Water (with ukulele
| |
Box 78, Folder 21 | The Mug Song
| |
Box 78, Folder 22 | Mule Train
| |
Box 78, Folder 23 | Mummy Mine
| |
Box 78, Folder 24 | Mumsey My Own
| |
Box 78, Folder 25 | Murder
| |
Box 78, Folder 26 | Murder, He Says
| |
Box 78, Folder 27 | The Music Goes 'round And
| |
Box 78, Folder 28 | Music In My Fingers
| |
Box 78, Folder 29 | Music, Maestro,
| |
Box 78, Folder 30 | The Music Of The Wedding
| |
Box 78, Folder 31 | The Music Stopped
| |
Box 78, Folder 32 | Music Vot's Music Must Come From
| |
Box 78, Folder 33 | Music, When Soft Voices
| |
Box 78, Folder 34 | The Musket Or The
| |
Box 78, Folder 35 | Mutiny In The Parlor
| |
Box 78, Folder 36 | My Adobe Hacienda
| |
Box 78, Folder 37 | My Angel
| |
Box 78, Folder 38 | My Ann Elizer
| |
Box 78, Folder 39 | My Arab Man
| |
Box 78, Folder 40 | My Baby Knows How (with ukulele
| |
Box 78, Folder 41 | My Beautiful Rose
| |
Box 78, Folder 42 | My Bed Is Like A Little
| |
Box 78, Folder 43 | My Best Girl
| |
Box 78, Folder 44 | My Bill From
| |
Box 78, Folder 45 | My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds
| |
Box 78, Folder 46 | My Blue Heaven (with ukulele
| |
Box 78, Folder 47 | My Bluebird Was Caught In The
| |
Box 78, Folder 48 | My Blushin' Rose
| |
Box 78, Folder 49 | My Bonnie Rose
| |
Box 78, Folder 50 | My Brooklyn Love Song
| |
Box 78, Folder 51 | My Brudda Sylvest
| |
Box 78, Folder 52 | My Buddy Rose
| |
Box 78, Folder 53 | My Buddy
| |
Box 78, Folder 54 | My Butterfly
| |
Box 78, Folder 55 | My Cabin Of Dreams
| |
Box 78, Folder 56 | My Cairo Love
| |
Box 78, Folder 57 | My Cairo Maid
| |
Box 78, Folder 58 | (I'm Headin' For - For I Adore) My
| |
Box 78, Folder 59 | My Canary Has Circles Under His
| |
Box 78, Folder 60 | My Carolina Rose
| |
Box 78, Folder 61 | My Castle in Spain
| |
Box 79 | ||
Box 79, Folder 1 | My Castle In The Air
| |
Box 79, Folder 2 | My Castles In The Air Are Tumbling
| |
Box 79, Folder 3 | My Cavalier
| |
Box 79, Folder 4 | My Chain Of Memories
| |
Box 79, Folder 5 | My Cherry Blossom
| |
Box 79, Folder 6 | My Chilly Baby
| |
Box 79, Folder 7 | My Co-Ed (with ukulele
| |
Box 79, Folder 8 | My Cosey Corner Girl
| |
Box 79, Folder 9 | My Cousin Caruso
| |
Box 79, Folder 10 | My Cradle Sweetheart
| |
Box 79, Folder 11 | My Croony Melody
| |
Box 79, Folder 12 | My Daddy
| |
Box 79, Folder 13 | My Daddy Long Legs
| |
Box 79, Folder 14 | My Dancing Lady
| |
Box 79, Folder 15 | My Darling
| |
Box 79, Folder 16 | My Dear
| |
Box 79, Folder 17 | My Dear (with ukulele
| |
Box 79, Folder 18 | My Desert Fantasy
| |
Box 79, Folder 19 | My Desert Love
| |
Box 79, Folder 20 | My Dixie
| |
Box 79, Folder 21 | My Dixie Rosary
| |
Box 79, Folder 22 | My Dream Memory
| |
Box 79, Folder 23 | My Dream Of The Big Parade (with ukulele
| |
Box 79, Folder 24 | My Dreams
| |
Box 79, Folder 25 | My Dreams Are Getting Better All The
| |
Box 79, Folder 26 | My Dreamy China Lady
| |
Box 79, Folder 27 | My Dusky Ola
| |
Box 79, Folder 28 | My Dusky Queen, Good
| |
Box 79, Folder 29 | My Extraordinary Gal
| |
Box 79, Folder 30 | My Fairy Princess
| |
Box 79, Folder 31 | My Farewell Don't Mean Good
| |
Box 79, Folder 32 | My Fate Is In Your Hands (with ukulele
| |
Box 79, Folder 33 | My First Love To Last
| |
Box 79, Folder 34 | My Flower Of Italy
| |
Box 79, Folder 35 | My Fluff-A-De Ruff
| |
Box 79, Folder 36 | My Forest Flower My Red Skin
| |
Box 79, Folder 37 | My Fox Trot Girl
| |
Box 79, Folder 38 | My Gal
| |
Box 79, Folder 39 | My Gal Don't Love Me Anymore (with ukulele
| |
Box 79, Folder 40 | My Gal Irene
| |
Box 79, Folder 41 | My Gal Sal (with ukulele
| |
Box 79, Folder 42 | My Gee Gee From The Fiji
| |
Box 79, Folder 43 | My Georgiana Lou
| |
Box 79, Folder 44 | My Girl From Philippino
| |
Box 79, Folder 45 | My Girl From The
| |
Box 79, Folder 46 | My Girl Has Eye Trouble/Calling Me
| |
Box 79, Folder 47 | My Girl O' Dreams
| |
Box 79, Folder 48 | My Girl Uses Mineralava (That's Why I'm
Her Bean)
| |
Box 79, Folder 49 | My Golden West (I Love You
| |
Box 79, Folder 50 | My Grandfather's Girl
| |
Box 79, Folder 51 | My Guiding Star
| |
Box 79, Folder 52 | My Hat's On The Side Of My
| |
Box 79, Folder 53 | My Hawaii
| |
Box 79, Folder 54 | My Hawaiian Sunshine
| |
Box 79, Folder 55 | My Heart Belongs To
| |
Box 79, Folder 56 | My Heart Belongs To The Girl Who Belongs
To Somebody Else
| |
Box 79, Folder 57 | My Heart Cries For You
| |
Box 79, Folder 58 | My Heart Has Learned To Love You, Now Do
Not Say Good Bye
| |
Box 79, Folder 59 | My Heart Is A Hobo
| |
Box 79, Folder 60 | My Heart Is A Wireless Station Of
| |
Box 80 | ||
Box 80, Folder 1 | My Heart Is An Open
| |
Box 80, Folder 2 | My Heart Is Beating Overtime For
| |
Box 80, Folder 3 | My Heart Is Bluer Than Your
| |
Box 80, Folder 4 | My Heart Is Calling (with ukulele
| |
Box 80, Folder 5 | My Heart Is Taking
| |
Box 80, Folder 6 | My Heart Keeps Cryin'
| |
Box 80, Folder 7 | My Heart Knows A Lovely
| |
Box 80, Folder 8 | My Heart Sings
| |
Box 80, Folder 9 | My Heart Tells Me
| |
Box 80, Folder 10 | My Heart's At Ease
| |
Box 80, Folder 11 | My Heart's Delight
| |
Box 80, Folder 12 | My Heart's To-Night In Old New
| |
Box 80, Folder 13 | My Heart's To-Night In
| |
Box 80, Folder 14 | My Heart's Way Out In
| |
Box 80, Folder 15 | My Heaven On Earth
| |
Box 80, Folder 16 | My Hindoo Man
| |
Box 80, Folder 17 | My Home In The Old Bay
| |
Box 80, Folder 18 | My Home Town Is A One Horse
| |
Box 80, Folder 19 | My Honey Bee
| |
Box 80, Folder 20 | My Honey Lu
| |
Box 80, Folder 21 | My Honey Rose
| |
Box 80, Folder 22 | My Honey's Lovin' Arms
| |
Box 80, Folder 23 | My Honolulu Queen
| |
Box 80, Folder 24 | My, How The Time Goes
| |
Box 80, Folder 25 | My Hula-Hula Love
| |
Box 80, Folder 26 | My Husband's In The
| |
Box 80, Folder 27 | My Idea Of A Good Little Girl Is A Girl
Who Is Good to Me
| |
Box 80, Folder 28 | My Idea Of Heaven (Is To Be In Love With
You) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 80, Folder 29 | My Ideal
| |
Box 80, Folder 30 | My Indian Maiden
| |
Box 80, Folder 31 | My Inspiration Is You
| |
Box 80, Folder 32 | My Irish Molly O
| |
Box 80, Folder 33 | My Irish Rose
| |
Box 80, Folder 34 | My Irish Rosie
| |
Box 80, Folder 35 | My Isle Of Golden
| |
Box 80, Folder 36 | My Jean (with ukulele
| |
Box 80, Folder 37 | My Jersey Lily
| |
Box 80, Folder 38 | My Kalua Rose
| |
Box 80, Folder 39 | My Keepsake Waltz
| |
Box 80, Folder 40 | My Kinda Love (with ukulele
| |
Box 80, Folder 41 | My Kingdom For A Kiss
| |
Box 80, Folder 42 | My Last Affair
| |
Box 80, Folder 43 | My Last Goodbye
| |
Box 80, Folder 44 | My Life Is In Your Hands (with ukulele
| |
Box 80, Folder 45 | My Little Bimbo
| |
Box 80, Folder 46 | My Little Buckaroo
| |
Box 80, Folder 47 | My Little Butterfly
| |
Box 80, Folder 48 | My Little China Doll
| |
Box 80, Folder 49 | My Little Coney Isle
| |
Box 80, Folder 50 | My Little Dream Girl
| |
Box 80, Folder 51 | My Little Georgia Rose
| |
Box 80, Folder 52 | My Little Girl
| |
Box 80, Folder 53 | My Little Girlie Girl
| |
Box 80, Folder 54 | My Little Grass Shack In
| |
Box 80, Folder 55 | My Little Gypsy Wanda (Won't You Wander
Back To Me)
| |
Box 80, Folder 56 | My Little Hong Kong
| |
Box 80, Folder 57 | My Little Kangaroo
| |
Box 80, Folder 58 | My Little Lovin' Sugar
| |
Box 80, Folder 59 | My Little Mignonette
| |
Box 80, Folder 60 | My Little Rambling
| |
Box 81 | ||
Box 81, Folder 1 | My Little Rose Of
| |
Box 81, Folder 2 | My Little Rose Of
| |
Box 81, Folder 3 | My Little Sing Song
| |
Box 81, Folder 4 | My Little Sunshine
| |
Box 81, Folder 5 | My Little White Rose
| |
Box 81, Folder 6 | My Lonely Lola Lo
| |
Box 81, Folder 7 | My Love For You Grows Fonder, As Your
Golden Hair Turns Gray
| |
Box 81, Folder 8 | My Love, I Dare Not
| |
Box 81, Folder 9 | My Love Is Greater Than The
| |
Box 81, Folder 10 | My Love Is In The
| |
Box 81, Folder 11 | My Love Keeps On A Growing All For
| |
Box 81, Folder 12 | My Magnolia Maid
| |
Box 81, Folder 13 | My Mammy
| |
Box 81, Folder 14 | My Mammy Knows
| |
Box 81, Folder 15 | My Man
| |
Box 81, Folder 16 | My Man From Caroline (with ukulele
| |
Box 81, Folder 17 | My Marguerite
| |
Box 81, Folder 18 | My Marie
| |
Box 81, Folder 19 | My Mariuccia (Take A
| |
Box 81, Folder 20 | My Mary Green
| |
Box 81, Folder 21 | My Melancholy Baby (with ukulele
| |
Box 81, Folder 22 | My Memory Of You
| |
Box 81, Folder 23 | My Mem'ry Of Home Sweet Home (with ukulele
| |
Box 81, Folder 24 | My Mexicana Queen
| |
Box 81, Folder 25 | My Miami Mammy
| |
Box 81, Folder 26 | My Mind's Made Up To Marry
| |
Box 81, Folder 27 | My Molly Dear
| |
Box 81, Folder 28 | My Monkey Man
| |
Box 81, Folder 29 | My Moonlight Babe
| |
Box 81, Folder 30 | My Moonlight Madonna
| |
Box 81, Folder 31 | My Mother
| |
Box 81, Folder 32 | My Mother's Evening
| |
Box 81, Folder 33 | My Mother's Eyes
| |
Box 81, Folder 34 | My Mother's Lullaby
| |
Box 81, Folder 35 | My Mother's Rosary
| |
Box 81, Folder 36 | My Mother's Waltz
| |
Box 81, Folder 37 | My Music Teacher
| |
Box 81, Folder 38 | My Name Is Kelly (But I'm Livin' The Life
Of Reilly)
| |
Box 81, Folder 39 | My Name Is Morgan But It Ain't
| |
Box 81, Folder 40 | My Ohio Home (with ukulele
| |
Box 81, Folder 41 | My Old Gal
| |
Box 81, Folder 42 | My Old Girl's My New Girl Now (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 81, Folder 43 | My Old Hawaiian Home
| |
Box 81, Folder 44 | My Old Home Town
| |
Box 81, Folder 45 | My Old Lady
| |
Box 81, Folder 46 | My Old Man (with ukulele
| |
Box 81, Folder 47 | My Old New Hampshire
| |
Box 81, Folder 48 | My Old Penobscot Home
| |
Box 81, Folder 49 | My Old Rose
| |
Box 81, Folder 50 | My Old Southern Home
| |
Box 81, Folder 51 | My One Ambition Is You
| |
Box 81, Folder 52 | My Oriental Rose-Bud
| |
Box 81, Folder 53 | My Oriola
| |
Box 81, Folder 54 | My Otaheitee Lady
| |
Box 81, Folder 55 | My Own
| |
Box 81, Folder 56 | My Own Home Town In
| |
Box 81, Folder 57 | My Own Iona
| |
Box 81, Folder 58 | My Own Kathlyne
| |
Box 81, Folder 59 | My Own Venetian Rose
| |
Box 81, Folder 60 | My Pal
| |
Box 82 | ||
Box 82, Folder 1 | My Papa Doesn't Two-Time No
| |
Box 82, Folder 2 | My Paradise
| |
Box 82, Folder 3 | My Pavo Real Girl
| |
Box 82, Folder 4 | My Persian Pearl
| |
Box 82, Folder 5 | My Pet (with ukulele
| |
Box 82, Folder 6 | My Pony Boy
| |
Box 82, Folder 7 | My Post Card Girl
| |
Box 82, Folder 8 | My Prairie Song Bird
| |
Box 82, Folder 9 | My Prayer
| |
Box 82, Folder 10 | My Pretty Girl
| |
Box 82, Folder 11 | My Pretty Little
| |
Box 82, Folder 12 | My Pretty Moonbeam
| |
Box 82, Folder 13 | My Pretty Poppy
| |
Box 82, Folder 14 | My Reverie
| |
Box 82, Folder 15 | My River Home
| |
Box 82, Folder 16 | My Rock-A-Bye-Lo Lady
| |
Box 82, Folder 17 | My Rosary Of Dreams
| |
Box 82, Folder 18 | My Rosary Of Dreams
| |
Box 82, Folder 19 | My Rose Of Old Kildare
| |
Box 82, Folder 20 | My Rose Of Old Pekin
| |
Box 82, Folder 21 | My Ruby Belle
| |
Box 82, Folder 22 | My Sahara Rose
| |
Box 82, Folder 23 | My Ship O' Dreams
| |
Box 82, Folder 24 | My Sighing Siamese
| |
Box 82, Folder 25 | My Sin
| |
Box 82, Folder 26 | My Sister And I
| |
Box 82, Folder 27 | My Sist'Tetrazin'
| |
Box 82, Folder 28 | My Skylark Love
| |
Box 82, Folder 29 | My Song Of The Nile
| |
Box 82, Folder 30 | My Southern Rose
| |
Box 82, Folder 31 | My Star Of Love
| |
Box 82, Folder 32 | My Strongest Weakness Is
| |
Box 82, Folder 33 | My Sugar (with ukulele
| |
Box 82, Folder 34 | My Sugar-Coated Chocolate
| |
Box 82, Folder 35 | My Sugar Is So Refined
| |
Box 82, Folder 36 | My Sugar Plum
| |
Box 82, Folder 37 | My Sunday Girl (with ukulele
| |
Box 82, Folder 38 | My Sunflower Maid
| |
Box 82, Folder 39 | My Sunflower Sue
| |
Box 82, Folder 40 | My Sunny Tennesse
| |
Box 82, Folder 41 | My Sunset Sue
| |
Box 82, Folder 42 | My Sunshine Jane
| |
Box 82, Folder 43 | My Suppressed Desire (with ukulele
| |
Box 82, Folder 44 | My Sweet
| |
Box 82, Folder 45 | My Sweet Adair
| |
Box 82, Folder 46 | My Sweet Derry Rose
| |
Box 82, Folder 47 | My Sweet Gal
| |
Box 82, Folder 48 | My Sweet Miami Girl
| |
Box 82, Folder 49 | My Sweet Virginia Rose
| |
Box 82, Folder 50 | My Sweeter Than Sweet
| |
Box 82, Folder 51 | My Sweetheart
| |
Box 82, Folder 52 | My Sweetheart
| |
Box 82, Folder 53 | My Sweetheart Serenade
| |
Box 82, Folder 54 | My Sweetheart Waltz (with ukulele
| |
Box 82, Folder 55 | My Sweetheart's The Man In The
| |
Box 82, Folder 56 | My Sweetie Knows
| |
Box 82, Folder 57 | My Sweetie Turned Me Down (with ukulele
| |
Box 82, Folder 58 | My Sweetie Went Away
| |
Box 82, Folder 59 | My Sweetie's Sweeter Than
| |
Box 82, Folder 60 | My Syncopated Melody
| |
Box 82, Folder 61 | My Temptation
| |
Box 82, Folder 62 | My Tom Tom Man
| |
Box 82, Folder 63 | My Tonia
| |
Box 83 | ||
Box 83, Folder 1 | My Trilby Maid
| |
Box 83, Folder 2 | My Troubles Are Over
| |
Box 83, Folder 3 | My Trundle Bed
| |
Box 83, Folder 4 | My Turkish Opal
| |
Box 83, Folder 5 | My Twilight Dream
| |
Box 83, Folder 6 | My Varsity Girl, I'll Cling To
| |
Box 83, Folder 7 | My Victory
| |
Box 83, Folder 8 | My Violet
| |
Box 83, Folder 9 | My Violet
| |
Box 83, Folder 10 | My Wife's Gone To The
| |
Box 83, Folder 11 | My Wild Days Are Over
| |
Box 83, Folder 12 | My Wild Deer
| |
Box 83, Folder 13 | My Window Of Dreams (with ukulele
| |
Box 83, Folder 14 | My Woman
| |
Box 83, Folder 15 | My Wonder Girl
| |
Box 83, Folder 16 | My Wonderful Dream
| |
Box 83, Folder 17 | My Yiddisha Butterfly
| |
Box 83, Folder 18 | My Yiddisha Mammy
| |
Box 83, Folder 19 | My Yiddisha Blonde
| |
Box 83, Folder 20 | Mysterious Mose (with ukulele
| |
Box 83, Folder 21 | Mystery
Series E: Popular Music Titles N-S
Box 83 | ||
Box 83, Folder 22 | NA-JO
| |
Box 83, Folder 23 | The Name Of Abraham
| |
Box 83, Folder 24 | Nancy
| |
Box 83, Folder 25 | Nancy Brown
| |
Box 83, Folder 26 | Nancy Lee
| |
Box 83, Folder 27 | Narcissus
| |
Box 83, Folder 28 | The Narrative
| |
Box 83, Folder 29 | Nashville Tennessee
| |
Box 83, Folder 30 | Nasty Man
| |
Box 83, Folder 31 | Natacha, My Star Of Love
| |
Box 83, Folder 32 | Nat'an (Nathan) (For What Are You Waitin'
| |
Box 83, Folder 33 | Natoma
| |
Box 83, Folder 34 | Nature Boy
| |
Box 83, Folder 35 | Naughty Angeline
| |
Box 83, Folder 36 | Naughty Eyes
| |
Box 83, Folder 37 | The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane
| |
Box 83, Folder 38 | Naughty, Naughty, Naughty
| |
Box 83, Folder 39 | Naughty, Naughty, Naughty
| |
Box 83, Folder 40 | Navajo
| |
Box 83, Folder 41 | Navajo
| |
Box 83, Folder 42 | Nay! Nay! Neighbor
| |
Box 83, Folder 43 | The NC-4 March
| |
Box 83, Folder 44 | The Nearness Of You
| |
Box 83, Folder 45 | Neapolitan Nights (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 83, Folder 46 | Nearest & Dearest
| |
Box 83, Folder 47 | 'Neath Egyptian Skies
| |
Box 83, Folder 48 | 'Neath The Honeysuckle Vine
| |
Box 83, Folder 49 | 'Neath The Mellow Midnight Moon
| |
Box 83, Folder 50 | 'Neath The Old Acorn Tree, Sweet Estelle
| |
Box 83, Folder 51 | 'Neath The Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Marie
| |
Box 83, Folder 52 | 'Neath The Shadow Of The Pyramids
| |
Box 83, Folder 53 | 'Neath The Silv'ry Moon
| |
Box 83, Folder 54 | 'Neath The Spreading Chestnut Tree
| |
Box 83, Folder 55 | Needles And Pins
| |
Box 83, Folder 56 | Neighbors
| |
Box 83, Folder 57 | Nellie Kelly I Love You
| |
Box 83, Folder 58 | Nesting Time (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 83, Folder 59 | Nesting Time
| |
Box 83, Folder 60 | Nestle In Your Daddy's Arms
| |
Box 83, Folder 61 | Nestlin' Time
| |
Box 83, Folder 62 | Never
| |
Box 84 | ||
Box 84, Folder 1 | Never
| |
Box 84, Folder 2 | Never Again
| |
Box 84, Folder 3 | Never Before
| |
Box 84, Folder 4 | Never In A Million Years
| |
Box 84, Folder 5 | Never Introduce Your Bloke To Your Lady Friend
| |
Box 84, Folder 6 | Never Mind
| |
Box 84, Folder 7 | Never No More
| |
Box 84, Folder 8 | Never Till Now
| |
Box 84, Folder 9 | Never Took A Lesson In My Life
| |
Box 84, Folder 10 | Never Swat A Fly
| |
Box 84, Folder 11 | Never Without You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 84, Folder 12 | Nevermore
| |
Box 84, Folder 13 | Nevertheless
| |
Box 84, Folder 14 | New England
| |
Box 84, Folder 15 | A New Kind Of Man
| |
Box 84, Folder 16 | New Moon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 84, Folder 17 | A New Moon Is Over My Shoulder
| |
Box 84, Folder 18 | The Newsboys March
| |
Box 84, Folder 19 | Next Sunday At Nine
| |
Box 84, Folder 20 | A Nice Wee Cup O' Tea
| |
Box 84, Folder 21 | Nice Work If You Can Get It
| |
Box 84, Folder 22 | A Nickel Ain't Worth A Cent Today
| |
Box 84, Folder 23 | Night
| |
Box 84, Folder 24 | Night
| |
Box 84, Folder 25 | Night Club Rose (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 84, Folder 26 | A Night, A Girl, A Moon
| |
Box 84, Folder 27 | The Night Is Young
| |
Box 84, Folder 28 | A Night Of Happiness
| |
Box 84, Folder 29 | A Night Of Love
| |
Box 84, Folder 30 | The Night Of Love (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 84, Folder 31 | Night Over Shanghai
| |
Box 84, Folder 32 | Night Shall Be Filled With Music
| |
Box 84, Folder 33 | Night-Time In Little Italy
| |
Box 84, Folder 34 | The Night When Love Was Born
| |
Box 84, Folder 35 | Nightingale
| |
Box 84, Folder 36 | Nightingale
| |
Box 84, Folder 37 | A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
| |
Box 84, Folder 38 | Nights Of Gladness
| |
Box 84, Folder 39 | The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria
| |
Box 84, Folder 40 | Nine Little Miles From Ten-Ten-Tennessee
| |
Box 84, Folder 41 | Nine O'Clock Sal
| |
Box 84, Folder 42 | 99 Out Of a Hundred Wanna Be Loved
| |
Box 84, Folder 43 | Nix On The Glow-Worm, Lena!
| |
Box 84, Folder 44 | Nize Baby (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 84, Folder 45 | Nize Baby
| |
Box 84, Folder 46 | No Can Do
| |
Box 84, Folder 47 | No Fool Man (Can Make A Fool Out Of Me)
| |
Box 84, Folder 48 | No Foolin' (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 84, Folder 49 | No Love, No Nothin'
| |
Box 84, Folder 50 | No More Love
| |
Box 84, Folder 51 | No More Toujours L'Amour
| |
Box 84, Folder 52 | No More Worryin'
| |
Box 84, Folder 53 | No! No! A Thousand Times No!
| |
Box 84, Folder 54 | No! No! Nora!
| |
Box 84, Folder 55 | No One But You
| |
Box 84, Folder 56 | No One But You Knows How To Love (with ukulele
| |
Box 84, Folder 57 | No One But Our Dear Old Dad
| |
Box 84, Folder 58 | No One Else Can Take Your Place
| |
Box 84, Folder 59 | No One Knows
| |
Box 84, Folder 60 | No One Knows What It's All About (with ukulele
| |
Box 85 | ||
Box 85, Folder 1 | No One Loves You Any Better Than Your
| |
Box 85, Folder 2 | No One's Fool
| |
Box 85, Folder 3 | No Regrets
| |
Box 85, Folder 4 | No Use Crying (If Your Sweetheart Goes Away)
| |
Box 85, Folder 5 | No Wedding Bells For Me
| |
Box 85, Folder 6 | No Wonder (That I Love You) (with ukulele
| |
Box 85, Folder 7 | No Wonder I'm Blue
| |
Box 85, Folder 8 | Nobody
| |
Box 85, Folder 9 | Nobody Cares If I'm Blue
| |
Box 85, Folder 10 | Nobody Else Can Love Me Like My Old Tomato Can
| |
Box 85, Folder 11 | Nobody Ever
| |
Box 85, Folder 12 | Nobody Home
| |
Box 85, Folder 13 | Nobody Knows But My Pillow And Me
| |
Box 85, Folder 14 | Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares
| |
Box 85, Folder 15 | Nobody Knows What A Red Head Mamma Can Do
| |
Box 85, Folder 16 | Nobody Lied (When They Said I Cried Over You)
| |
Box 85, Folder 17 | Nobody Knows Where Tosti Goes (When Tosti Says
| |
Box 85, Folder 18 | Nobody Knows You Like I Do
| |
Box 85, Folder 19 | Nobody Loves Me But My Mother
| |
Box 85, Folder 20 | Nobody Loves You Like I Do
| |
Box 85, Folder 21 | Nobody To Love
| |
Box 85, Folder 22 | Nobody Worries 'Bout Me
| |
Box 85, Folder 23 | Nobody's Child (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 85, Folder 24 | Nobody's Fault But Your Own
| |
Box 85, Folder 25 | Nobody's Little Girl
| |
Box 85, Folder 26 | Nobody's Rose
| |
Box 85, Folder 27 | Nobody's Sweetheart
| |
Box 85, Folder 28 | Nola
| |
Box 85, Folder 29 | Nona
| |
Box 85, Folder 30 | Nonie
| |
Box 85, Folder 31 | Norah Machree
| |
Box 85, Folder 32 | Nora O'Neal
| |
Box 85, Folder 33 | Norma Darling
| |
Box 85, Folder 34 | Normandy
| |
Box 85, Folder 35 | Norway (Land Of The Midnight Sun)
| |
Box 85, Folder 36 | Not Bad
| |
Box 85, Folder 37 | Not Because Your Hair Is Curly
| |
Box 85, Folder 38 | Not Here - Not There (It's Fifty Miles From
| |
Box 85, Folder 39 | Not 'Till Then (Will I Cease To Love You)
| |
Box 85, Folder 40 | Nothing Bothers Me
| |
Box 85, Folder 41 | Nothing More, Nothing Less
| |
Box 85, Folder 42 | November Rose
| |
Box 85, Folder 43 | Now And Then
| |
Box 85, Folder 44 | Now I Ask You, Is That Nice
| |
Box 85, Folder 45 | Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
| |
Box 85, Folder 46 | Now Is The Hour
| |
Box 85, Folder 47 | Now That I Need You, You're Gone
| |
Box 85, Folder 48 | Now That You're Gone
| |
Box 85, Folder 49 | Now They Call It Yankee-Land
| |
Box 85, Folder 50 | Now You're In My Arms
| |
Box 85, Folder 51 | Now's The Time To Fall In Love
| |
Box 85, Folder 52 | Number 3 (The Old Gold Song)
| |
Box 85, Folder 53 | Number Ten Lullaby Lane
| |
Box 85, Folder 54 | Nutthin' But
| |
Box 85, Folder 55 | O'Brien Is Tryin' To Learn To Talk Hawaiian
| |
Box 85, Folder 56 | O Starry Night
| |
Box 85, Folder 57 | O Time Take Me Back
| |
Box 85, Folder 58 | Oasis
| |
Box 85, Folder 59 | The Object Of My Affection
| |
Box 85, Folder 60 | The Ocean Never Sleeps
| |
Box 86 | ||
Box 86, Folder 1 | An Occasional Man
| |
Box 86, Folder 2 | Ocean Roll
| |
Box 86, Folder 3 | Off With The Old Love, On With The New
| |
Box 86, Folder 4 | Officer Kelly (Don't You Think It's Time To Wake
| |
Box 86, Folder 5 | Ogalalla
| |
Box 86, Folder 6 | O (Oh!)
| |
Box 86, Folder 7 | Oh! Babe!
| |
Box 86, Folder 8 | Oh Baby! (Don't Say No, Say Maybe)
| |
Box 86, Folder 9 | Oh! Baby Don't We Get Along (with ukulele
| |
Box 86, Folder 10 | Oh Boy! How It Was Raining
| |
Box 86, Folder 11 | Oh! Boy, What A Girl
| |
Box 86, Folder 12 | Oh, But I Do
| |
Box 86, Folder 13 | Oh By Jingo! (Oh By Gee, You're The Only Girl For
| |
Box 86, Folder 14 | Oh, Danny, Love Your Annie
| |
Box 86, Folder 15 | Oh'Dars But Little Consolation
| |
Box 86, Folder 16 | Oh Death Where Is Thy Sting
| |
Box 86, Folder 17 | Oh Desdemona
| |
Box 86, Folder 18 | Oh! Fudge!
| |
Box 86, Folder 19 | Oh! Gee, Oh! Gosh, Oh! Golly I'm In Love
| |
Box 86, Folder 20 | Oh Helen!
| |
Box 86, Folder 21 | Oh I How I Laugh When I Think About How I Cried About
| |
Box 86, Folder 22 | Oh! How I Love Bulgarians
| |
Box 86, Folder 23 | Oh How I Love You
| |
Box 86, Folder 24 | Oh How I Miss You Tonight (with ukulele
| |
Box 86, Folder 25 | Oh! How I Wish I Could Sleep Until My Daddy Comes
| |
Box 86, Folder 26 | Oh! How I Wish I Knew (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 86, Folder 27 | Oh How She Could Play The Ukulele (with ukulele
| |
Box 86, Folder 28 | Oh, How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo
| |
Box 86, Folder 29 | Oh! Is She Dumb
| |
Box 86, Folder 30 | Oh Isabella!
| |
Box 86, Folder 31 | Oh, It Looks Like Rain
| |
Box 86, Folder 32 | Oh, Joe, With Your Fiddle And Bow (You Stole My Heart
| |
Box 86, Folder 33 | Oh John
| |
Box 86, Folder 34 | Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!
| |
Box 86, Folder 35 | Oh! Look At Me Now!
| |
Box 86, Folder 36 | Oh! Lucindy
| |
Box 86, Folder 37 | Oh Mabel! (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 86, Folder 38 | Oh! Marie
| |
Box 86, Folder 39 | Oh Maw! Oh Paw! Isn't She The Sweetest Thing (with ukulele
| |
Box 86, Folder 40 | Oh! Min
| |
Box 86, Folder 41 | Oh Miss Malinda (Or When Evening Times Comes
| |
Box 86, Folder 42 | Mister Gallagher And Mister Shean
| |
Box 86, Folder 43 | Oh! Mother I'm Wild
| |
Box 86, Folder 44 | Oh! Mr. Dream Man (Please Let Me Dream Some More)
| |
Box 86, Folder 45 | Oh! My Goodness
| |
Box 86, Folder 46 | Oh! My Love
| |
Box 86, Folder 47 | Oh! My Pa-Pa
| |
Box 86, Folder 48 | Oh! Papa, Oh! Papa (Won't You Be a Pretty Papa To
| |
Box 86, Folder 49 | Oh Peter (You're So Nice)
| |
Box 86, Folder 50 | Oh Promise Me
| |
Box 86, Folder 51 | Oh Return, My Mother
| |
Box 86, Folder 52 | Oh Say! Can I See You Tonight
| |
Box 86, Folder 53 | Oh! Say! Doctor! (He Falls For The Ladies Every
| |
Box 86, Folder 54 | Oh! Sir, You'll Have To Marry Me Now
| |
Box 86, Folder 55 | Oh! Susanna
| |
Box 86, Folder 56 | Oh! Susie Behave
| |
Box 86, Folder 57 | Oh Sweetheart, Where Are You Tonight
| |
Box 86, Folder 58 | Oh! Take Me To My Mamma Dear
| |
Box 86, Folder 59 | Oh That Navajo Rag
| |
Box 87 | ||
Box 87, Folder 1 | Oh! That Yankiana Rag
| |
Box 87, Folder 2 | Oh! That Woman In Room 13
| |
Box 87, Folder 3 | Oh! Those Blues!
| |
Box 87, Folder 4 | Oh! Uncle John
| |
Box 87, Folder 5 | Oh! What A Beautiful Baby
| |
Box 87, Folder 6 | Oh! What A Beautiful Dream (You Seem)
| |
Box 87, Folder 7 | Oh! What A Pal Was Mary
| |
Box 87, Folder 8 | Oh! What A Pal Was "Whoozis" / Wistful And Blue
| |
Box 87, Folder 9 | Oh What A Wonderful Summer
| |
Box 87, Folder 10 | Oh What Big Eyes You Have - Oh What Sweet Lips You Have - Oh
If I Only Had You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 87, Folder 11 | Oh! What It Seemed To Be
| |
Box 87, Folder 12 | Oh Why, Oh Why Did I Ever Leave Wyoming
| |
Box 87, Folder 13 | Oh! You Beautiful Doll
| |
Box 87, Folder 14 | Oh You Big Blue Moon
| |
Box 87, Folder 15 | Oh! You Circus Day
| |
Box 87, Folder 16 | Oh! You Cuddlesome Baby
| |
Box 87, Folder 17 | Oh, You Delicious Little Devil
| |
Box 87, Folder 18 | Oh You Dream
| |
Box 87, Folder 19 | Oh! You Georgia Rose
| |
Box 87, Folder 20 | Oh You Haunting Waltz
| |
Box 87, Folder 21 | Oh! You Have No Idea (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 87, Folder 22 | Oh! You Little Bear
| |
Box 87, Folder 23 | Oh You Little Sun-Uv-Er-Gun
| |
Box 87, Folder 24 | Oh! You Loving Gal!
| |
Box 87, Folder 25 | Oh, You Million Dollar Doll
| |
Box 87, Folder 26 | Oh You Mister Moon
| |
Box 87, Folder 27 | Oh, You Naughty Little Girlie, Does Your Mother Know You're
| |
Box 87, Folder 28 | Oh, You Silv'ry Bells
| |
Box 87, Folder 29 | Oh! You Summer Time
| |
Box 87, Folder 30 | Oh You Tease
| |
Box 87, Folder 31 | Oh, You Women
| |
Box 87, Folder 32 | Oh, You Wonderful Child
| |
Box 87, Folder 33 | Oh, You Wonderful Girls!
| |
Box 87, Folder 34 | O-HI-O (O-MY-O)
| |
Box 87, Folder 35 | O-K-M-N-X We're Twenty Million Strong (The Brotherhood Of
Billy Goats)
| |
Box 87, Folder 36 | The Old Apple Tree
| |
Box 87, Folder 37 | Old Black Joe
| |
Box 87, Folder 38 | Old Familiar Faces
| |
Box 87, Folder 39 | Old Fashioned Garden
| |
Box 87, Folder 40 | Old Fashioned Girl
| |
Box 87, Folder 41 | Old Fashioned Girl
| |
Box 87, Folder 42 | Old Fashioned Lady
| |
Box 87, Folder 43 | Old Fashioned Romance
| |
Box 87, Folder 44 | Old Folks At Home
| |
Box 87, Folder 45 | The Old Garden Gate (Is Always Open)
| |
Box 87, Folder 46 | An Old Guitar And An Old Refrain (with ukulele
| |
Box 87, Folder 47 | An Old Horse That Knows His Way Home
| |
Box 87, Folder 48 | Old King Tut
| |
Box 87, Folder 49 | The Old Lamp-Lighter
| |
Box 87, Folder 50 | Old Maid Blues
| |
Box 87, Folder 51 | Old Man Jazz
| |
Box 87, Folder 52 | Old Man Sunshine (Little Boy Bluebird) (with ukulele
| |
Box 87, Folder 53 | The Old New England Homestead On The Hill
| |
Box 87, Folder 54 | Old New England Moon
| |
Box 87, Folder 55 | Old Pal (Why Don't You Answer Me?)
| |
Box 87, Folder 56 | Old Plantation Moon
| |
Box 87, Folder 57 | Old Playmate
| |
Box 87, Folder 58 | Old Soldiers Never Die
| |
Box 88 | ||
Box 88, Folder 1 | The Old Spinning Wheel
| |
Box 88, Folder 2 | The Old Street Band
| |
Box 88, Folder 3 | An Old Sweetheart Of Mine
| |
Box 88, Folder 4 | Old York Beach
| |
Box 88, Folder 5 | Ole Buttermilk Sky
| |
Box 88, Folder 6 | Ole Faithful
| |
Box 88, Folder 7 | Ole South
| |
Box 88, Folder 8 | Ole Virginny Barbecue
| |
Box 88, Folder 9 | Omar Khayyam
| |
Box 88, Folder 10 | On A Beautiful Night With A Beautiful Girl
| |
Box 88, Folder 11 | On A Blue And Moonless Night
| |
Box 88, Folder 12 | On A Good Old Time Sleigh Ride
| |
Box 88, Folder 13 | On A Good Old Time Straw Ride
| |
Box 88, Folder 14 | On A Little Balcony In Spain
| |
Box 88, Folder 15 | On A Little Bamboo Bridge
| |
Box 88, Folder 16 | On A Little Farm In Normandie
| |
Box 88, Folder 17 | On A Monkey Honeymoon
| |
Box 88, Folder 18 | On A Night Like This (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 88, Folder 19 | On A Slow Boat to China
| |
Box 88, Folder 20 | On A Summery Night (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 88, Folder 21 | On A Sunday Afternoon
| |
Box 88, Folder 22 | On An Old Fashioned Buggy Ride
| |
Box 88, Folder 23 | On Lake Champlain
| |
Box 88, Folder 24 | On Mobile Bay
| |
Box 88, Folder 25 | On Our Eskimo Honeymoon
| |
Box 88, Folder 26 | On Parade
| |
Box 88, Folder 27 | On Sweetheart Bay
| |
Box 88, Folder 28 | On The Alamo
| |
Box 88, Folder 29 | On The Avenue
| |
Box 88, Folder 30 | On The Avenue
| |
Box 88, Folder 31 | On The Banks Of Honolulu Bay
| |
Box 88, Folder 32 | On The Banks Of The Rhine
| |
Box 88, Folder 33 | On The Bark Of An Old Cherry Tree
| |
Box 88, Folder 34 | On The Bay Of Biscay
| |
Box 88, Folder 35 | On The Bay Of Old Bombay
| |
Box 88, Folder 36 | On The Beach At Bali-Bali
| |
Box 88, Folder 37 | On The Beach With You
| |
Box 88, Folder 38 | On The Beautiful Isle Of My Dreams
| |
Box 88, Folder 39 | On The Benches In The Park
| |
Box 88, Folder 40 | On The Boardwalk (In Atlantic City)
| |
Box 88, Folder 41 | On The Blue Lagoon With You
| |
Box 88, Folder 42 | On The Boulevard
| |
Box 88, Folder 43 | On The Dreamy Amazon
| |
Box 88, Folder 44 | On The 5.15
| |
Box 88, Folder 45 | On The 'Gin 'Gin 'Ginny Shore
| |
Box 88, Folder 46 | On The Good Ship Lollipop
| |
Box 88, Folder 47 | On The Hoko Moko Isle
| |
Box 88, Folder 48 | On The Honeymoon Express
| |
Box 88, Folder 49 | On The Mississippi
| |
Box 88, Folder 50 | On The Moonlit Stream (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 88, Folder 51 | On The New York, New Haven & Hartford
| |
Box 88, Folder 52 | On The Old Back Seat Of The Henry Ford
| |
Box 88, Folder 53 | On The Old Dominion Line
| |
Box 88, Folder 54 | On The Old Fall River Line
| |
Box 88, Folder 55 | On The Old Front Porch
| |
Box 88, Folder 56 | On The Putt Putt Course
| |
Box 88, Folder 57 | On The Riviera (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 88, Folder 58 | On The Road To Happiness
| |
Box 88, Folder 59 | On The Road To Home Sweet Home
| |
Box 88, Folder 60 | On The Sentimental Side
| |
Box 89 | ||
Box 89, Folder 1 | On The Shores Of Italy
| |
Box 89, Folder 2 | On The South Sea Isle
| |
Box 89, Folder 3 | On The Street Of Regret
| |
Box 89, Folder 4 | On The Sunny Side Of The Street
| |
Box 89, Folder 5 | On The Sunset Trail
| |
Box 89, Folder 6 | On The Trail Of The Honeymoon
| |
Box 89, Folder 7 | On The Trail To Happiness (And You)
| |
Box 89, Folder 8 | On The Umpah Isle
| |
Box 89, Folder 9 | On The Way To Monterey
| |
Box 89, Folder 10 | On Treasure Island
| |
Box 89, Folder 11 | On Your Knee
| |
Box 89, Folder 12 | (As The Grain Needs The Rain, So I Need You) Once
| |
Box 89, Folder 13 | Once In A Blue Moon
| |
Box 89, Folder 14 | Once In A Blue Moon
| |
Box 89, Folder 15 | Once In A While
| |
Box 89, Folder 16 | Once In May
| |
Box 89, Folder 17 | Once Upon A Nickel
| |
Box 89, Folder 18 | Once Upon A Time
| |
Box 89, Folder 19 | Once You Find Your Guy
| |
Box 89, Folder 20 | One - A - Strike
| |
Box 89, Folder 21 | The One And Only
| |
Box 89, Folder 22 | (It Takes A Lot Of Likes To Make) One Big Love
| |
Box 89, Folder 23 | One Called "Mother" And The Other "Home Sweet
| |
Box 89, Folder 24 | One Day In June
| |
Box 89, Folder 25 | One Dozen Roses
| |
Box 89, Folder 26 | One Eyed Jacks
| |
Box 89, Folder 27 | One Hour With You
| |
Box 89, Folder 28 | The One I Love
| |
Box 89, Folder 29 | The One I Love Belongs To Somebody Else
| |
Box 89, Folder 30 | The One In The World (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 89, Folder 31 | One Kiss And All Is O'er
| |
Box 89, Folder 32 | One Little Date With You
| |
Box 89, Folder 33 | One Meat Ball
| |
Box 89, Folder 34 | One Million Times A Day
| |
Box 89, Folder 35 | One Minute To One
| |
Box 89, Folder 36 | One More Kiss Then Good-Night
| |
Box 89, Folder 37 | One More Night
| |
Box 89, Folder 38 | One More Time
| |
Box 89, Folder 39 | One More Tomorrow
| |
Box 89, Folder 40 | One Night Alone With You
| |
Box 89, Folder 41 | One Night In June
| |
Box 89, Folder 42 | One Night Of Love
| |
Box 89, Folder 43 | One Night Of Love
| |
Box 89, Folder 44 | One O'Clock Baby
| |
Box 89, Folder 45 | One Of Us Was Wrong
| |
Box 89, Folder 46 | One Song
| |
Box 89, Folder 47 | One Step To Heaven (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 89, Folder 48 | One Summer Night (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 89, Folder 49 | One Sweet Kiss
| |
Box 89, Folder 50 | One Sweet Smile
| |
Box 89, Folder 51 | The One That I Love, Loves Me
| |
Box 89, Folder 52 | One, Two, Button Your Shoe
| |
Box 89, Folder 53 | One, Two, Three, Four
| |
Box 89, Folder 54 | One Wonderful Night
| |
Box 89, Folder 55 | One-zy, Two-zy (I Love You-zy)
| |
Box 89, Folder 56 | Only A Bunch Of Violets
| |
Box 89, Folder 57 | Only A Dream Of The Golden Past
| |
Box 89, Folder 58 | Only A Dream
| |
Box 89, Folder 59 | Only A Faded Rosebud
| |
Box 89, Folder 60 | Only A Memory Of You
| |
Box 90 | ||
Box 90, Folder 1 | Only A Message From Home Sweet Home
| |
Box 90, Folder 2 | Only A Rose Bud
| |
Box 90, Folder 3 | Only A Rose To Remind You
| |
Box 90, Folder 4 | Only A Soldier Boy
| |
Box 90, Folder 5 | Only A Wreath Of Roses
| |
Box 90, Folder 6 | Only Forever
| |
Box 90, Folder 7 | Only Me
| |
Box 90, Folder 8 | Only One Girl In The World For Me
| |
Box 90, Folder 9 | The Only Only One For Me
| |
Box 90, Folder 10 | The Only Pal I Ever Had Came From 'Frisco Town
| |
Box 90, Folder 11 | The Only Way To Happy Land Is Down The Road Of
| |
Box 90, Folder 12 | Only You
| |
Box 90, Folder 13 | Only You And Lonely Me (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 90, Folder 14 | Oogie Oogie Wa Wa
| |
Box 90, Folder 15 | Ooh La La I'm Having A Wonderful Time
| |
Box 90, Folder 16 | Oolong Li
| |
Box 90, Folder 17 | O-OO Ernest
| |
Box 90, Folder 18 | O-O-Ohio
| |
Box 90, Folder 19 | Opechee
| |
Box 90, Folder 20 | The Open Door
| |
Box 90, Folder 21 | Open The Door, Richard
| |
Box 90, Folder 22 | Open Your Arms My Alabamy
| |
Box 90, Folder 23 | Open Your Eyes
| |
Box 90, Folder 24 | Orange Day In California (missing pages 2-4)
| |
Box 90, Folder 25 | Oranges
| |
Box 90, Folder 26 | Orchid
| |
Box 90, Folder 27 | An Orchid To You
| |
Box 90, Folder 28 | The Order Of The Moose
| |
Box 90, Folder 29 | The Oregon Trail
| |
Box 90, Folder 30 | Organ Grinder's Swing
| |
Box 90, Folder 31 | Orient (You Seem To Be Calling)
| |
Box 90, Folder 32 | Oriental
| |
Box 90, Folder 33 | Oriental Love Dreams
| |
Box 90, Folder 34 | Oriental Moon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 90, Folder 35 | Our Absent Friends
| |
Box 90, Folder 36 | Our Big Love Scene
| |
Box 90, Folder 37 | Our Love
| |
Box 90, Folder 38 | Our Love Affair
| |
Box 90, Folder 39 | Our Penthouse On Third Avenue
| |
Box 90, Folder 40 | Our Very Own
| |
Box 90, Folder 41 | Out For No Good
| |
Box 90, Folder 42 | Out In The Cold Again
| |
Box 90, Folder 43 | Out Of A City Of Six Million People (Why Did I Pick
| |
Box 90, Folder 44 | Out of My Dreams
| |
Box 90, Folder 45 | Out Of Nowhere
| |
Box 90, Folder 46 | Out Of The Cradle (Into My Heart)
| |
Box 90, Folder 47 | Out Of The Dawn
| |
Box 90, Folder 48 | Out Of The East
| |
Box 90, Folder 49 | Outside Of Heaven
| |
Box 90, Folder 50 | Out Of The Inkwell
| |
Box 90, Folder 51 | Out Of The Sunshine (Into My Heart)
| |
Box 90, Folder 52 | Out There In The Sunshine With You
| |
Box 90, Folder 53 | Over On The Jersey Side
| |
Box 90, Folder 54 | Over Somebody Else's Shoulder
| |
Box 90, Folder 55 | Over The Alpine Mountains
| |
Box 90, Folder 56 | Over The Hill
| |
Box 90, Folder 57 | Over The Hills And Far Away
| |
Box 90, Folder 58 | Over The Hills To Mary
| |
Box 90, Folder 59 | Overalls And Calico
| |
Box 90, Folder 60 | Oysters And Clams
| |
Box 91 | ||
Box 91, Folder 1 | Pack Me Up In Your Heart
| |
Box 91, Folder 2 | The Packard And the Ford
| |
Box 91, Folder 3 | Paddle-Addle (In Your Little Canoe)
| |
Box 91, Folder 4 | Paddlin' Madelin' Home
| |
Box 91, Folder 5 | Pagan Love Song
| |
Box 91, Folder 6 | Pagan Moon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 91, Folder 7 | Page Miss Glory
| |
Box 91, Folder 8 | Pahjamah
| |
Box 91, Folder 9 | Painting A Picture Of You
| |
Box 91, Folder 10 | A Pair Of Blue Eyes
| |
Box 91, Folder 11 | Pal Of Mine
| |
Box 91, Folder 12 | Pal Of My Cradle Days
| |
Box 91, Folder 13 | Pal Of My Dreams
| |
Box 91, Folder 14 | Pal Of My Lonesome Hours
| |
Box 91, Folder 15 | The Pal That I Loved Stole The Gal That I Loved (with ukulele
| |
Box 91, Folder 16 | Palesteena
| |
Box 91, Folder 17 | Panama
| |
Box 91, Folder 18 | Pansy Faces
| |
Box 91, Folder 19 | Papa
| |
Box 91, Folder 20 | Pa-Paya Mama
| |
Box 91, Folder 21 | Paper Doll
| |
Box 91, Folder 22 | Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
| |
Box 91, Folder 23 | Paradise
| |
Box 91, Folder 24 | Paradise
| |
Box 91, Folder 25 | Paradise For Two
| |
Box 91, Folder 26 | Paradise Isle
| |
Box 91, Folder 27 | Pardon Me Pretty Baby (Don't I Look Familiar To
| |
Box 91, Folder 28 | Pardon My Southern Accent
| |
Box 91, Folder 29 | Paree!
| |
Box 91, Folder 30 | Parisienne
| |
Box 91, Folder 31 | Parlez Moi D'Amour (Speak To Me Of Love)
| |
Box 91, Folder 32 | Parthenia Johnsing
| |
Box 91, Folder 33 | Passe
| |
Box 91, Folder 34 | Pat Mallory
| |
Box 91, Folder 35 | Patches
| |
Box 91, Folder 36 | The Path That Leads To You
| |
Box 91, Folder 37 | Patsy
| |
Box 91, Folder 38 | Patsy
| |
Box 91, Folder 39 | Pawnee
| |
Box 91, Folder 40 | The Peanut Vendor
| |
Box 91, Folder 41 | Peanuts! 5 A Bag
| |
Box 91, Folder 42 | Peasant Love Song
| |
Box 91, Folder 43 | Peek-A-Boo, Little Girl, Peek-A-Boo
| |
Box 91, Folder 44 | Peek-A-Boo Mister Moon Peek-A-Boo
| |
Box 91, Folder 45 | Peg O' My Heart
| |
Box 91, Folder 46 | Peggy
| |
Box 91, Folder 47 | Peggy Dear
| |
Box 91, Folder 48 | Peggy Gray
| |
Box 91, Folder 49 | Peggy O'Neil
| |
Box 91, Folder 50 | Pennies From Heaven
| |
Box 91, Folder 51 | Pennsylvania Polka
| |
Box 91, Folder 52 | People Like You And Me
| |
Box 91, Folder 53 | Penny Serenade
| |
Box 91, Folder 54 | A Perfect Day
| |
Box 91, Folder 55 | A Perfect Kiss
| |
Box 91, Folder 56 | Perfidia
| |
Box 91, Folder 57 | The Perfume Of The Flowers
| |
Box 91, Folder 58 | Perhaps
| |
Box 91, Folder 59 | (When You Want Someone Who Don't Want You) Perhaps You'll
Think Of Me (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 91, Folder 60 | Persian Rug (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 91, Folder 61 | Personality
| |
Box 92 | ||
Box 92, Folder 1 | Peter Pan (I Love You) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 92, Folder 2 | Peter Piper
| |
Box 92, Folder 3 | Petty (If You Love Me, Pat My Dog)
| |
Box 92, Folder 4 | Phillipian March
| |
Box 92, Folder 5 | Philosophy Song
| |
Box 92, Folder 6 | Piccolo Pete
| |
Box 92, Folder 7 | Pick A Little Four Leaf Clover And Send It Over To
| |
Box 92, Folder 8 | Pick A Rose In Picardy (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 92, Folder 9 | The Pick Of the Family (Take A Look At Her)
| |
Box 92, Folder 10 | Pick Me Up & Lay Me Down In Dear Old Dixeland
| |
Box 92, Folder 11 | Pickaninny Blues
| |
Box 92, Folder 12 | Pickaninny Lullaby
| |
Box 92, Folder 13 | The Pickaninny's Paradise
| |
Box 92, Folder 14 | Picnic
| |
Box 92, Folder 15 | A Picnic For You
| |
Box 92, Folder 16 | A Picture Of Dear Old Ireland
| |
Box 92, Folder 17 | Pigeon Walk
| |
Box 92, Folder 18 | Piney Ridge
| |
Box 92, Folder 19 | The Ping Pong Song
| |
Box 92, Folder 20 | Pining
| |
Box 92, Folder 21 | Pining For You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 92, Folder 22 | Pining Just For You
| |
Box 92, Folder 23 | Pink Elephants
| |
Box 92, Folder 24 | Pip Pip, Toot Toot, Good-Bye-ee
| |
Box 92, Folder 25 | Pistol Packin' Mama
| |
Box 92, Folder 26 | Plantation Lullaby
| |
Box 92, Folder 27 | Play Days
| |
Box 92, Folder 28 | Play, Fiddle, Play (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 92, Folder 29 | Play Me A Good Old Fashion Melody
| |
Box 92, Folder 30 | Play That Barber Shop Chord
| |
Box 92, Folder 31 | Play That Song Of India Again
| |
Box 92, Folder 32 | Play To Me, Gypsy
| |
Box 92, Folder 33 | Playing The Game Of Love
| |
Box 92, Folder 34 | Playmates
| |
Box 92, Folder 35 | Pleading
| |
Box 92, Folder 36 | Please
| |
Box 92, Folder 37 | Please
| |
Box 92, Folder 38 | Please
| |
Box 92, Folder 39 | Please Be Good To My Old Girl (with ukulele
| |
Box 92, Folder 40 | Please Believe Me
| |
Box 92, Folder 41 | Please Come And Play In My Yard
| |
Box 92, Folder 42 | Please Don't Go
| |
Box 92, Folder 43 | Please Don't Jazz My Mammy's Lullaby
| |
Box 92, Folder 44 | Please Don't Say No
| |
Box 92, Folder 45 | Please Don't Talk About When I'm Gone
| |
Box 92, Folder 46 | Please Don't Tell My Wife
| |
Box 92, Folder 47 | Please Let Me Dream In Your Arms
| |
Box 92, Folder 48 | Please Let Me Sleep
| |
Box 92, Folder 49 | Please, Miss Central, Find My Mamma
| |
Box 92, Folder 50 | Please Mr. President
| |
Box 92, Folder 51 | Please, Mr. Conductor, Don't Put Me Off The Train
| |
Box 92, Folder 52 | Please No Squeeza Da Banana
| |
Box 92, Folder 53 | Plenty Of Sunshine
| |
Box 92, Folder 54 | Poinciana
| |
Box 92, Folder 55 | The Police Won't Let Mariuch-a Dance
| |
Box 92, Folder 56 | Political Solilquy
| |
Box 92, Folder 57 | Polly
| |
Box 92, Folder 58 | Polly-Wolly-Doodle
| |
Box 92, Folder 59 | Pollyanna (You Have Made Me Glad)
| |
Box 92, Folder 60 | Poor Barney Mulligan
| |
Box 93 | ||
Box 93, Folder 1 | Poor John!
| |
Box 93, Folder 2 | Poor Kid (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 93, Folder 3 | Poor Little Butterfly
| |
Box 93, Folder 4 | Poor Little Butterfly Is A Fly Girl Now
| |
Box 93, Folder 5 | Poor Little Me
| |
Box 93, Folder 6 | Poor Little Puritan Maiden
| |
Box 93, Folder 7 | Poor Little Rich Girl
| |
Box 93, Folder 8 | Poor Little Rhode Island
| |
Box 93, Folder 9 | Poor Lizzie (What'll Become Of You Now?) (with ukulele
| |
Box 93, Folder 10 | Poor Papa (He's Got Nothin' At All)
| |
Box 93, Folder 11 | Poor Pauline
| |
Box 93, Folder 12 | The Poor People Of Paris
| |
Box 93, Folder 13 | Pop Goes Your Heart
| |
Box 93, Folder 14 | Port Of Spain
| |
Box 93, Folder 15 | Practice Makes Perfect
| |
Box 93, Folder 16 | Pray For Sunshine (But Always Be Prepared For
| |
Box 93, Folder 17 | Precious (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 93, Folder 18 | A Precious Little Thing Called Love (with ukulele
| |
Box 93, Folder 19 | Pretending (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 93, Folder 20 | Pretty Angel Mine
| |
Box 93, Folder 21 | Pretty Baby
| |
Box 93, Folder 22 | Pretty Little Dinah Jones
| |
Box 93, Folder 23 | Pretty Kitty Kelly
| |
Box 93, Folder 24 | Pretty Lips
| |
Box 93, Folder 25 | Pretty Little baby (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 93, Folder 26 | Pretty Little Bom Bom From Bombay (with ukulele
| |
Box 93, Folder 27 | Pretty Little Rainbow
| |
Box 93, Folder 28 | Pretty Little Thing
| |
Box 93, Folder 29 | Pretty Little You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 93, Folder 30 | Pretty Minnie Clare
| |
Box 93, Folder 31 | Pretty Molly Shannon
| |
Box 93, Folder 32 | Pretty Quadroon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 93, Folder 33 | Pretty Soon
| |
Box 93, Folder 34 | The Princeton Cannon Song-March
| |
Box 93, Folder 35 | A Princeton Tiger March
| |
Box 93, Folder 36 | Prisoner Of Love
| |
Box 93, Folder 37 | The Prisoner's Bride
| |
Box 93, Folder 38 | The Prize Waltz
| |
Box 93, Folder 39 | Prohibition Blues
| |
Box 93, Folder 40 | Proud Of A Baby Like You (with ukulele
| |
Box 93, Folder 41 | The Prune Song
| |
Box 93, Folder 42 | P.S. I Love You
| |
Box 93, Folder 43 | Pucker Up And Whistle ('Til The Clouds Roll By)
| |
Box 93, Folder 44 | Pucker Up Your Lips (I Want A Loving Kiss)
| |
Box 93, Folder 45 | Puddin' Head Jones
| |
Box 93, Folder 46 | Pu-Leeze! Mister Hemingway!
| |
Box 93, Folder 47 | Pull Me Up, O'Reilly, Where It's Dry
| |
Box 93, Folder 48 | Pullman Porter Blues
| |
Box 93, Folder 49 | Pullman Porter Man
| |
Box 93, Folder 50 | The Purple People Eater
| |
Box 93, Folder 51 | Purple Road
| |
Box 93, Folder 52 | Push For Pawtucket
| |
Box 93, Folder 53 | The Pussy Cat Song
| |
Box 93, Folder 54 | Put A Little Sunshine In Your Home
| |
Box 93, Folder 55 | Put Another Nail In Hitler's Coffin
| |
Box 93, Folder 56 | Put Away A Little Ray Of Golden Sunshine
| |
Box 93, Folder 57 | Put It On, Take It Off (Wrap It Up - Take It
| |
Box 93, Folder 58 | Put Me Off At Buffalo
| |
Box 93, Folder 59 | Put Me Off At Redlands
| |
Box 93, Folder 60 | Put Me To Sleep With An Old Fashioned Melody
| |
Box 94 | ||
Box 94, Folder 1 | Put On Your Blue Gingham Gown
| |
Box 94, Folder 2 | Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet
| |
Box 94, Folder 3 | Put On Your Slippers And Fill Up Your Pipe
| |
Box 94, Folder 4 | Put On Your Pajamas
| |
Box 94, Folder 5 | Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey
| |
Box 94, Folder 6 | Put Your Arms Where They Belong (with ukulele
| |
Box 94, Folder 7 | Quaker Army Marching Song
| |
Box 94, Folder 8 | The Queen Of Charcoal-Alley
| |
Box 94, Folder 9 | The Queen Was In The Parlor
| |
Box 94, Folder 10 | The Queen Of Spades
| |
Box 94, Folder 11 | The Queen Of the Roses
| |
Box 94, Folder 12 | Quicker Than You Can Say Jack Robinson
| |
Box 94, Folder 13 | Quit Cryin' The Blues
| |
Box 94, Folder 14 | Radio Time
| |
Box 94, Folder 15 | Rae! Rae! Rae!
| |
Box 94, Folder 16 | Ragamuffin Romeo
| |
Box 94, Folder 17 | A Ragged Rascal
| |
Box 94, Folder 18 | Rags (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 94, Folder 19 | Rags To Riches
| |
Box 94, Folder 20 | Ragging The Scale
| |
Box 94, Folder 21 | Ragtime Cowboy Joe
| |
Box 94, Folder 22 | The Ragtime Goblin Man
| |
Box 94, Folder 23 | Rain
| |
Box 94, Folder 24 | Rain
| |
Box 94, Folder 25 | Rain On The Roof
| |
Box 94, Folder 26 | Rainbow
| |
Box 94, Folder 27 | Rainbow On The River
| |
Box 94, Folder 28 | Rainbow Land
| |
Box 94, Folder 29 | Rainy Day Pal (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 94, Folder 30 | Ramblin' Joe
| |
Box 94, Folder 31 | Ramona (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 94, Folder 32 | Reaching For Someone (And Not Finding Anyone
| |
Box 94, Folder 33 | A Real Moving Picture From Life
| |
Box 94, Folder 34 | Rebecca (Came Back From Mecca)
| |
Box 94, Folder 35 | Rebecca Of Sunny Brook Farm
| |
Box 94, Folder 36 | Recollections
| |
Box 94, Folder 37 | Redhead
| |
Box 94, Folder 38 | Redhead Music Maker
| |
Box 94, Folder 39 | Red Hot Mama
| |
Box 94, Folder 40 | A Red Hot Member
| |
Box 94, Folder 41 | The Red Lantern
| |
Box 94, Folder 42 | Red Lips, Kiss My Blues Away (with ukulele
| |
Box 94, Folder 43 | Red Moon
| |
Box 94, Folder 44 | Red Red Rose
| |
Box 94, Folder 45 | Red Rose Rag
| |
Box 94, Folder 46 | Red Sails In The Sunset
| |
Box 94, Folder 47 | Red Silk Stockings And Green Perfume
| |
Box 94, Folder 48 | Redemption
| |
Box 94, Folder 49 | Redskin
| |
Box 94, Folder 50 | Red Wing
| |
Box 94, Folder 51 | Relax-Ay-Voo
| |
Box 94, Folder 52 | Remember Me?
| |
Box 94, Folder 53 | Remember Me
| |
Box 94, Folder 54 | Remember Pearl Harbor
| |
Box 94, Folder 55 | Remember The Poor Sufferers Of The South
| |
Box 94, Folder 56 | Remember The Rose
| |
Box 94, Folder 57 | Reminiscing (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 94, Folder 58 | A Rendezvous With A Dream
| |
Box 94, Folder 59 | The Rescue Of The Antinoe
| |
Box 94, Folder 60 | Returned
| |
Box 95 | ||
Box 95, Folder 1 | Revenge (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 95, Folder 2 | Revolutionary Rhythm
| |
Box 95, Folder 3 | Rhode Island
| |
Box 95, Folder 4 | Rhode's, Rhode's, Rhode's
| |
Box 95, Folder 5 | Rhythm Of The Rain
| |
Box 95, Folder 6 | Ricochet
| |
Box 95, Folder 7 | Ride On Vaquero
| |
Box 95, Folder 8 | Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride
| |
Box 95, Folder 9 | Riders In The Sky
| |
Box 95, Folder 10 | Ridin' Around In The Rain
| |
Box 95, Folder 11 | Riding On A Load Of Hay
| |
Box 95, Folder 12 | The Right Kind Of Love
| |
Box 95, Folder 13 | The Right Kind Of Man
| |
Box 95, Folder 14 | The Right Somebody To Love
| |
Box 95, Folder 15 | Rings
| |
Box 95, Folder 16 | Rio Nights
| |
Box 95, Folder 17 | Rip Van Winkle Slept With One Eye Open
| |
Box 95, Folder 18 | Rip Van Winkle Was A Lucky Man
| |
Box 95, Folder 19 | Ripple Bay
| |
Box 95, Folder 20 | Risen Indeed
| |
Box 95, Folder 21 | The River And Me
| |
Box 95, Folder 22 | River, Stay'way From My Door
| |
Box 95, Folder 23 | The Road To Yesterday
| |
Box 95, Folder 24 | Roam On Little Gypsy Sweetheart
| |
Box 95, Folder 25 | Roamin' In The Gloamin'
| |
Box 95, Folder 26 | Roaming Romeo
| |
Box 95, Folder 27 | Rob Roy MacIntosh
| |
Box 95, Folder 28 | Robin Hood
| |
Box 95, Folder 29 | Robins And Roses
| |
Box 95, Folder 30 | Rockaby Lullaby
| |
Box 95, Folder 31 | Rock-A-Bye Baby
| |
Box 95, Folder 32 | (Bring Back Those) Rock-A-Bye Baby Days (with ukulele
| |
Box 95, Folder 33 | Rock-A-Bye Lullabye Mammy
| |
Box 95, Folder 34 | Rock-A-Bye Moon
| |
Box 95, Folder 35 | Rock-A-Bye My Baby Blues
| |
Box 95, Folder 36 | Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody
| |
Box 95, Folder 37 | The Rock And Roll Waltz
| |
Box 95, Folder 38 | (We're Gonna) Rock Around The Clock
| |
Box 95, Folder 39 | Rock Me In My Swanee Cradle
| |
Box 95, Folder 40 | The Rockin' Horse
| |
Box 95, Folder 41 | Rocky Mountain Lullaby
| |
Box 95, Folder 42 | Roll Along Prairie Moon
| |
Box 95, Folder 43 | Roll'Em Girls (Roll Your Own) (with ukulele
| |
Box 95, Folder 44 | Roll Me Around Like A Hoop, My Dear
| |
Box 95, Folder 45 | Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On
| |
Box 95, Folder 46 | Roll On, Missouri
| |
Box 95, Folder 47 | Roll, Roll, Roll Me Along To the Land Of Melody
| |
Box 95, Folder 48 | Rolin' Down The River
| |
Box 95, Folder 49 | Rolling In His Little Rolling Chair
| |
Box 95, Folder 50 | Rolling Stones
| |
Box 95, Folder 51 | Romance
| |
Box 95, Folder 52 | Romance Runs In The Family
| |
Box 95, Folder 53 | Romanoff Caviar
| |
Box 95, Folder 54 | Romany Love
| |
Box 95, Folder 55 | A Room With A View
| |
Box 95, Folder 56 | Rosalie
| |
Box 95, Folder 57 | The Rosary
| |
Box 95, Folder 58 | Rose
| |
Box 95, Folder 59 | Rose Dreams
| |
Box 95, Folder 60 | Rose Dreams
| |
Box 95, Folder 61 | The Rose In Her Hair
| |
Box 96 | ||
Box 96, Folder 1 | The Rose Is Red, The Violets Blue
| |
Box 96, Folder 2 | Rose Marie
| |
Box 96, Folder 3 | Rose Mary
| |
Box 96, Folder 4 | Rose Of Bagdad (I Love You So)
| |
Box 96, Folder 5 | Rose Of California (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 96, Folder 6 | Rose Of Egyptland
| |
Box 96, Folder 7 | Rose Of Italy
| |
Box 96, Folder 8 | Rose Of Mine
| |
Box 96, Folder 9 | Rose Of Monterey (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 96, Folder 10 | Rose Of My Dreams
| |
Box 96, Folder 11 | Rose Of My Soul
| |
Box 96, Folder 12 | The Rose Of No Man's Land
| |
Box 96, Folder 13 | Rose Of Old Castile
| |
Box 96, Folder 14 | The Rose Of The Mountain Trail
| |
Box 96, Folder 15 | Rose Of The Prairie Land
| |
Box 96, Folder 16 | Rose Of the Rio Grande
| |
Box 96, Folder 17 | Rose Of Washington Square
| |
Box 96, Folder 18 | Rose Room
| |
Box 96, Folder 19 | A Rose Was Born
| |
Box 96, Folder 20 | Rosebud Waltz
| |
Box 96, Folder 21 | Rosemary
| |
Box 96, Folder 22 | Roses And Memories
| |
Box 96, Folder 23 | Roses At Twilight
| |
Box 96, Folder 24 | Roses Bring Dreams Of You
| |
Box 96, Folder 25 | Roses In December
| |
Box 96, Folder 26 | Roses Of Arcadie
| |
Box 96, Folder 27 | Roses Remind Me Of You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 96, Folder 28 | Roses, Roses Everywhere
| |
Box 96, Folder 29 | Rosie Make It Rosy For Me
| |
Box 96, Folder 30 | Rosie May
| |
Box 96, Folder 31 | Rosie O'Reilly
| |
Box 96, Folder 32 | Rosy Cheeks (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 96, Folder 33 | Rosy Cheeks
| |
Box 96, Folder 34 | 'Round My Heart
| |
Box 96, Folder 35 | Round On The End And High In The Middle, O-HI-O
| |
Box 96, Folder 36 | The Roving Kind
| |
Box 96, Folder 37 | Row! Row! Rosie (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 96, Folder 38 | Ruby
| |
Box 96, Folder 39 | The Ruby And The Pearl
| |
Box 96, Folder 40 | Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
| |
Box 96, Folder 41 | Rum And Coca-Cola
| |
Box 96, Folder 42 | Rum Tum Tiddle
| |
Box 96, Folder 43 | Rumors Are Flying
| |
Box 96, Folder 44 | Runaway June
| |
Box 96, Folder 45 | Runnin' Wild
| |
Box 96, Folder 46 | Running Between The Rain-Drops
| |
Box 96, Folder 47 | Ruspana
| |
Box 96, Folder 48 | Russian Lullaby
| |
Box 96, Folder 49 | Sables And Spurs
| |
Box 96, Folder 50 | Sacramento
| |
Box 96, Folder 51 | Sadie Brady
| |
Box 96, Folder 52 | Sadie Thompson's Song
| |
Box 96, Folder 53 | The Safest O' The Family
| |
Box 96, Folder 54 | Safety First
| |
Box 96, Folder 55 | Sahara
| |
Box 96, Folder 56 | Sail On To Ceylon
| |
Box 96, Folder 57 | A Sailboat In The Moonlight
| |
Box 96, Folder 58 | Sailin' On the Robert E. Lee
| |
Box 96, Folder 59 | Sailing Down The Chesapeake Bay
| |
Box 96, Folder 60 | Sailing Down The River In The Moonlight Mandy And
| |
Box 97 | ||
Box 97, Folder 1 | The Saint Louis Blues (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 97, Folder 2 | Sally (Shame On You!)
| |
Box 97, Folder 3 | Sally Of My Dreams
| |
Box 97, Folder 4 | Sally's In The Movies Now
| |
Box 97, Folder 5 | Sal-0-May (Salome)
| |
Box 97, Folder 6 | Salome
| |
Box 97, Folder 7 | Salvation Nell
| |
Box 97, Folder 8 | Sam, The Old Accordion Man
| |
Box 97, Folder 9 | Sam, You Made The Pants Too Long
| |
Box 97, Folder 10 | Same Old Moon (Same Old June - But Not The Same Old
| |
Box 97, Folder 11 | The Same Old Story
| |
Box 97, Folder 12 | The Same Sweet Girl
| |
Box 97, Folder 13 | Sammy
| |
Box 97, Folder 14 | San
| |
Box 97, Folder 15 | San Antonio
| |
Box 97, Folder 16 | San Antonio Rose
| |
Box 97, Folder 17 | San Fernando Valley
| |
Box 97, Folder 18 | San Francisco
| |
Box 97, Folder 19 | San Salvador (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 97, Folder 20 | Sand Dance (Moonlight On The Suwanee)
| |
Box 97, Folder 21 | Sand Dunes (My Desert Rose)
| |
Box 97, Folder 22 | Santa Claus Came In The Spring
| |
Box 97, Folder 23 | The Santa Claus Express
| |
Box 97, Folder 24 | Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
| |
Box 97, Folder 25 | Santa Fe
| |
Box 97, Folder 26 | Santaville
| |
Box 97, Folder 27 | Santiago Flynn
| |
Box 97, Folder 28 | Satan Takes A Holiday
| |
Box 97, Folder 29 | Satisfied
| |
Box 97, Folder 30 | Savannah
| |
Box 97, Folder 31 | Save The Last Dance for Me
| |
Box 97, Folder 32 | Save Your Sorrow (For Tomorrow) (with ukulele
| |
Box 97, Folder 33 | Say A Little Prayer for Me
| |
Box 97, Folder 34 | Say Arabella (What's A Fella To Do?) (with ukulele
| |
Box 97, Folder 35 | Say "Au Revoir" But Not "Good-Bye"
| |
Box 97, Folder 36 | Say Hello To The Folks Back Home
| |
Box 97, Folder 37 | Say It (Over And Over Again)
| |
Box 97, Folder 38 | (I Don't Believe It-But) Say It Again (with ukulele
| |
Box 97, Folder 39 | Say It While Dancing
| |
Box 97, Folder 40 | Say It With Diamonds
| |
Box 97, Folder 41 | Say It With Sables
| |
Box 97, Folder 42 | Say-Persianna-Say
| |
Box 97, Folder 43 | Say Si Si
| |
Box 97, Folder 44 | Say When
| |
Box 97, Folder 45 | Say You Intend To See Old Tennessee And Me
| |
Box 97, Folder 46 | Say You'll Be My Lady, Dinah Do!
| |
Box 97, Folder 47 | Say I To Myself, Says I
| |
Box 97, Folder 48 | Says My Heart
| |
Box 97, Folder 49 | Scatter-Brain
| |
Box 97, Folder 50 | School Day Sweethearts
| |
Box 97, Folder 51 | School Days (When We Were A Couple Of Kids)
| |
Box 97, Folder 52 | School Life
| |
Box 97, Folder 53 | School Mates
| |
Box 97, Folder 54 | The School Where Lincoln Went
| |
Box 97, Folder 55 | 'Scuse Me Today
| |
Box 97, Folder 56 | The Sea Shell
| |
Box 97, Folder 57 | Seal It With A Kiss
| |
Box 97, Folder 58 | The Secret In My Heart
| |
Box 97, Folder 59 | Secret Love
| |
Box 97, Folder 60 | Secretly
| |
Box 98 | ||
Box 98, Folder 1 | Seems Like Old Times
| |
Box 98, Folder 2 | Seems To Me
| |
Box 98, Folder 3 | Seems To Me The World Is Singing, Marguerite
| |
Box 98, Folder 4 | Seminola
| |
Box 98, Folder 5 | Semper Paratus (Always Ready)
| |
Box 98, Folder 6 | Send Her Some Roses
| |
Box 98, Folder 7 | Send Me A Bluebird With Beautiful Blue Eyes
| |
Box 98, Folder 8 | Send Me Away With A Smile
| |
Box 98, Folder 9 | Sentimental Journey
| |
Box 98, Folder 10 | Sentimental Me
| |
Box 98, Folder 11 | September In The Rain
| |
Box 98, Folder 12 | September Song
| |
Box 98, Folder 13 | Serait-Ce Un Reve?
| |
Box 98, Folder 14 | Serenade In Blue
| |
Box 98, Folder 15 | Serenade Of The Bells
| |
Box 98, Folder 16 | Seven Or Eleven (My Dixie Pair O' Dice)
| |
Box 98, Folder 17 | (I'm In) Seventh Heaven
| |
Box 98, Folder 18 | Shades Of Night
| |
Box 98, Folder 19 | The Shadow In My Dream
| |
Box 98, Folder 20 | Shadows Of the Moon
| |
Box 98, Folder 21 | Shadows On The Sand
| |
Box 98, Folder 22 | Shadows On The Swanee
| |
Box 98, Folder 23 | Shadows Will Fade Away
| |
Box 98, Folder 24 | Shadowland
| |
Box 98, Folder 25 | Shadow-Time
| |
Box 98, Folder 26 | A Shady Tree (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 98, Folder 27 | Shame On You
| |
Box 98, Folder 28 | (Why Did I Tell You I Was Going To) Shanghai
| |
Box 98, Folder 29 | Shanghai Honeymoon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 98, Folder 30 | Shanghai Lil
| |
Box 98, Folder 31 | Shanghai Lullaby
| |
Box 98, Folder 32 | Shantung
| |
Box 98, Folder 33 | Share Your lips With Me, Cherie
| |
Box 98, Folder 34 | She Don't Wanna
| |
Box 98, Folder 35 | She Gives Them All The Ha! Ha! Ha!
| |
Box 98, Folder 36 | She Had To Go And Lose It At The Astor
| |
Box 98, Folder 37 | She Is Ma Daisy
| |
Box 98, Folder 38 | She Is My Honey And I Am Her Bee
| |
Box 98, Folder 39 | She Is The Sunshine Of Virginia
| |
Box 98, Folder 40 | She Just Sat There A-Giggling
| |
Box 98, Folder 41 | She Knows Her Onions (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 98, Folder 42 | She Lives Down In Our Valley
| |
Box 98, Folder 43 | (She Walks Like You-She Talks Like You) She Reminds Me Of
| |
Box 98, Folder 44 | She Shall Have Music
| |
Box 98, Folder 45 | She Used To Be the Slowest Girl In Town
| |
Box 98, Folder 46 | She Was Bred In Old Kentucky
| |
Box 98, Folder 47 | She Was Happy Till She Met You
| |
Box 98, Folder 48 | She Was Just A Dancer In A French Cafe
| |
Box 98, Folder 49 | She Was Just A Sailor's Sweetheart (with ukulele
| |
Box 98, Folder 50 | She Went To Old St. Mary's, I Went To Notre Dame
| |
Box 98, Folder 51 | ('Round Her Neck) She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
| |
Box 98, Folder 52 | She Wouldn't Do (What I Asked Her To)
| |
Box 98, Folder 53 | The Sheik Of Araby
| |
Box 98, Folder 54 | She'll Miss Me Most Of All
| |
Box 98, Folder 55 | Shenanigans
| |
Box 98, Folder 56 | The Shepard Boy
| |
Box 98, Folder 57 | Shepherd Serenade
| |
Box 98, Folder 58 | The Shepherd's Serenade
| |
Box 98, Folder 59 | She's A Latin From Manhattan
| |
Box 98, Folder 60 | She's A Singer, But A Lady, Just The Same
| |
Box 99 | ||
Box 99, Folder 1 | She's All Right
| |
Box 99, Folder 2 | She's An Awful Nice Gal
| |
Box 99, Folder 3 | She's Dixie All The Time
| |
Box 99, Folder 4 | She's Everybody's Sweetheart (But Nobody's Gal)
| |
Box 99, Folder 5 | She's Just A Little Bit Old Fashioned, Still, She's
Everything A Girl Should Be
| |
Box 99, Folder 6 | She's Mine, All Mine
| |
Box 99, Folder 7 | She's Mine, All Mine (That's Why I Love Her So)
| |
Box 99, Folder 8 | She's Sleeping By The James
| |
Box 99, Folder 9 | She's Such A Nice Girl
| |
Box 99, Folder 10 | She's The Daughter Of Mother Machree
| |
Box 99, Folder 11 | She's The Real Thing My Baby
| |
Box 99, Folder 12 | Shine On, Harvest Moon
| |
Box 99, Folder 13 | Shine On Oh Star
| |
Box 99, Folder 14 | Shoe Shine Boy
| |
Box 99, Folder 15 | Shoo-Fly Pie And Apple Pan Dowdy
| |
Box 99, Folder 16 | Shoo-Shoo Baby
| |
Box 99, Folder 17 | Shoo Shoo Boogie Boo
| |
Box 99, Folder 18 | Shoo The Hoodoo Away (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 99, Folder 19 | Shoot Me Back To California Land
| |
Box 99, Folder 20 | The Shorter They Wear'em, The Longer They Look
| |
Box 99, Folder 21 | Short'nin' Bread
| |
Box 99, Folder 22 | (She's One Sweet) Show Girl
| |
Box 99, Folder 23 | Show Me The Way (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 99, Folder 24 | Show Me The Way To Go Home (with ukulele
| |
Box 99, Folder 25 | Show Me The Way To Loveland
| |
Box 99, Folder 26 | Show The White Of Yo' Eye
| |
Box 99, Folder 27 | Shrimp Boats (A Comin'- There's Dancin' Tonight)
| |
Box 99, Folder 28 | (Gotta Get Some) Shut-Eye
| |
Box 99, Folder 29 | Shy-Try
| |
Box 99, Folder 30 | Siam
| |
Box 99, Folder 31 | Siam And You
| |
Box 99, Folder 32 | Siboney
| |
Box 99, Folder 33 | Side By Side
| |
Box 99, Folder 34 | The Sidewalk Waltz
| |
Box 99, Folder 35 | The Sidewalks Of New York (East Side, West Side) (with
ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 99, Folder 36 | Silver Bay
| |
Box 99, Folder 37 | Silver Bell
| |
Box 99, Folder 38 | Silver Head (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 99, Folder 39 | Silver Heels
| |
Box 99, Folder 40 | Silver On The Sage
| |
Box 99, Folder 41 | Silver Star
| |
Box 99, Folder 42 | Silver Stars
| |
Box 99, Folder 43 | Silver Swanee
| |
Box 99, Folder 44 | Silver Threads Among The Gold
| |
Box 99, Folder 45 | Silv'ry Moon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 99, Folder 46 | The Simple Simon Party
| |
Box 99, Folder 47 | (It's No) Sin
| |
Box 99, Folder 48 | Sinbad Was In Bad All The Time
| |
Box 99, Folder 49 | Since Arrah Wanna Married Barney Carney
| |
Box 99, Folder 50 | Since I Fell In Love With Mary
| |
Box 99, Folder 51 | Since I First Knew You
| |
Box 99, Folder 52 | Since Maggie Doley Learned The Hooley Hooley
| |
Box 99, Folder 53 | Since Mother Goes To The Movie Shows
| |
Box 99, Folder 54 | Since Your Eyes Looked Into Mine
| |
Box 99, Folder 55 | Sing A Little Low-Down Tune
| |
Box 99, Folder 56 | Sing A New Song
| |
Box 99, Folder 57 | Sing A Song Of Sunbeams
| |
Box 99, Folder 58 | Sing An Old Fashioned Song
| |
Box 99, Folder 59 | Sing, Baby, Sing
| |
Box 99, Folder 60 | Sing, Kate, Sing
| |
Box 100 | ||
Box 100, Folder 1 | Sing Me A Baby Song (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 100, Folder 2 | Sing Me A "Come-All-Ye" (Like My Daddy Sang To
| |
Box 100, Folder 3 | Sing Me A Song Of The Islands
| |
Box 100, Folder 4 | Sing Me A Song Of The South
| |
Box 100, Folder 5 | Sing Me An Old Sweet Song Of Love
| |
Box 100, Folder 6 | Sing Me "The Rosary," The Sweetest Song Of All
| |
Box 100, Folder 7 | Sing Me To Sleep (With A Chinese Lullaby)
| |
Box 100, Folder 8 | Sing No Love Songs
| |
Box 100, Folder 9 | Sing Something Simple
| |
Box 100, Folder 10 | Sing Song Girl
| |
Box 100, Folder 11 | Sing Song Man
| |
Box 100, Folder 12 | Sing To Me
| |
Box 100, Folder 13 | Sing You Sinners
| |
Box 100, Folder 14 | Sing Your Way Home
| |
Box 100, Folder 15 | Singapore
| |
Box 100, Folder 16 | Singin' In The Bathtub
| |
Box 100, Folder 17 | Singing A Song To The Stars
| |
Box 100, Folder 18 | Singing A Vagabond Song
| |
Box 100, Folder 19 | The Singing Hills
| |
Box 100, Folder 20 | Sinner Or Saint
| |
Box 100, Folder 21 | Sioux City Sue
| |
Box 100, Folder 22 | Sipping Cider Thru A Straw
| |
Box 100, Folder 23 | A Siren Dream (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 100, Folder 24 | Siren Of A Southern Sea
| |
Box 100, Folder 25 | Sister Louisa
| |
Box 100, Folder 26 | Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts For Soldiers
| |
Box 100, Folder 27 | Sit Down! You're Rocking The Boat
| |
Box 100, Folder 28 | Sittin' Around On Sunday
| |
Box 100, Folder 29 | Sittin' In A Corner
| |
Box 100, Folder 30 | Sittin' On A Backyard Fence
| |
Box 100, Folder 31 | Sittin' On A Log (Pettin' My dog)
| |
Box 100, Folder 32 | Sittin' On A Rainbow
| |
Box 100, Folder 33 | Sitting By The Window
| |
Box 100, Folder 34 | Sitting On The World With You
| |
Box 100, Folder 35 | Six Times Six Is Thirty-Six
| |
Box 100, Folder 36 | Skookum
| |
Box 100, Folder 37 | Sky Blue
| |
Box 100, Folder 38 | Skylark
| |
Box 100, Folder 39 | Slaughter On Tenth Avenue
| |
Box 100, Folder 40 | Sleep (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 100, Folder 41 | Sleep (Come And Take Me)
| |
Box 100, Folder 42 | Sleepy Baby (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 100, Folder 43 | Sleepy Head
| |
Box 100, Folder 44 | Sleepy Head
| |
Box 100, Folder 45 | Sleepy Lagoon
| |
Box 100, Folder 46 | Sleepy Time Gal (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 100, Folder 47 | The Sleepy Town Express
| |
Box 100, Folder 48 | Sleepy Valley
| |
Box 100, Folder 49 | Sleigh Bells
| |
Box 100, Folder 50 | Sleigh Ride In July
| |
Box 100, Folder 51 | (The Chicks I Pick Are) Slender, Tender And Tall
| |
Box 100, Folder 52 | Slow And Easy
| |
Box 100, Folder 53 | Slow Poke
| |
Box 100, Folder 54 | Sluefoot
| |
Box 100, Folder 55 | Slumber On
| |
Box 100, Folder 56 | Smarty
| |
Box 100, Folder 57 | Smile A Little Bit (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 100, Folder 58 | Smile And The World Smiles With You (Weep And You Weep
| |
Box 100, Folder 59 | Smiles
| |
Box 100, Folder 60 | Smiles, Smiles, Smiles
| |
Box 101 | ||
Box 101, Folder 1 | Smilin'
| |
Box 101, Folder 2 | Smilin' Through
| |
Box 101, Folder 3 | Smiling Irish Eyes (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 101, Folder 4 | Smiling Moon
| |
Box 101, Folder 5 | Smoke Dreams
| |
Box 101, Folder 6 | Smoke Rings
| |
Box 101, Folder 7 | Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette)
| |
Box 101, Folder 8 | (When Your Heart's On Fire) Smoke Gets In Your
| |
Box 101, Folder 9 | Smoke Your Troubles Away
| |
Box 101, Folder 10 | Smoky Mokes
| |
Box 101, Folder 11 | Smother Me With Kisses
| |
Box 101, Folder 12 | Snake Charmer
| |
Box 101, Folder 13 | Snakes Hips
| |
Box 101, Folder 14 | The Sneak
| |
Box 101, Folder 15 | Snow Bird
| |
Box 101, Folder 16 | The Snow Storm
| |
Box 101, Folder 17 | Snowtime Serenade
| |
Box 101, Folder 18 | Snuggled On Your shoulder (Cuddled In Your Arms)
| |
Box 101, Folder 19 | So Beats My Heart For You
| |
Box 101, Folder 20 | So Blue (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 101, Folder 21 | So Do I
| |
Box 101, Folder 22 | So Does Your Old Mandarin (with ukulele
| |
Box 101, Folder 23 | So Far So Good, So Good So Far, But Whatcha Gonna Do Do
| |
Box 101, Folder 24 | So I Took The $50,000.00
| |
Box 101, Folder 25 | So Long! OO-Long (How Long You Gonna Be Gone?)
| |
Box 101, Folder 26 | So Many Memories
| |
Box 101, Folder 27 | So Rare
| |
Box 101, Folder 28 | (If I Hadn't Been) So Sure Of You
| |
Box 101, Folder 29 | So That's The Kind Of Girl You Are
| |
Box 101, Folder 30 | So This Is Paris
| |
Box 101, Folder 31 | So This Is Venice
| |
Box 101, Folder 32 | So Tired (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 101, Folder 33 | So You're The One
| |
Box 101, Folder 34 | Soconyland Is Everywhere You Go
| |
Box 101, Folder 35 | Solitude
| |
Box 101, Folder 36 | Some Beautiful Morning (You'll Find Me Gone)
| |
Box 101, Folder 37 | Some Boy
| |
Box 101, Folder 38 | Some Day
| |
Box 101, Folder 39 | Some Day I'll Make You Glad
| |
Box 101, Folder 40 | Some Day When Dreams Come True
| |
Box 101, Folder 41 | Some Day You'll Know
| |
Box 101, Folder 42 | Some Girls Do and Some Girls Don't
| |
Box 101, Folder 43 | Some Little Bug Is Going To Find You
| |
Box 101, Folder 44 | Some Lonesome Night
| |
Box 101, Folder 45 | Some Of These Days (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 101, Folder 46 | Some Other Day, Some Other Girl
| |
Box 101, Folder 47 | Some Other Time
| |
Box 101, Folder 48 | Some Pretty Day
| |
Box 101, Folder 49 | Some Sunday Morning
| |
Box 101, Folder 50 | Some Sunday Morning
| |
Box 101, Folder 51 | Some Sweet Day(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 101, Folder 52 | Somebody Else Is Crazy 'Bout Me (But I Want You)
| |
Box 101, Folder 53 | Somebody Else Is Getting It
| |
Box 101, Folder 54 | Somebody Else, It's Always Somebody Else
| |
Box 101, Folder 55 | Somebody Else Will If You Don't
| |
Box 101, Folder 56 | Somebody Knows
| |
Box 101, Folder 57 | Somebody Loves You
| |
Box 101, Folder 58 | Somebody Misses Somebody's Kisses
| |
Box 101, Folder 59 | (What Do I Care What) Somebody Said
| |
Box 101, Folder 60 | Somebody Stole My Gal (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 102 | ||
Box 102, Folder 1 | Somebody's Comimg To Town
| |
Box 102, Folder 2 | Somebody's Lonesome
| |
Box 102, Folder 3 | Somebody's Mother
| |
Box 102, Folder 4 | Somebody's Sweetheart I Want To Be
| |
Box 102, Folder 5 | Somebody's Waiting For Me
| |
Box 102, Folder 6 | Somebody's Waiting For Someone
| |
Box 102, Folder 7 | Somebody's Wrong
| |
Box 102, Folder 8 | Someday I'll Find You
| |
Box 102, Folder 9 | Someday, I'll Meet You Again
| |
Box 102, Folder 10 | Some Day, Somebody's Gonna Get You
| |
Box 102, Folder 11 | Someday, Somewhere (We'll Meet Again)
| |
Box 102, Folder 12 | Someday Sweetheart
| |
Box 102, Folder 13 | Somehow I Can't Forget You
| |
Box 102, Folder 14 | Somehow, I'm Always To Blame
| |
Box 102, Folder 15 | Somehow, Mother's Different From The Rest
| |
Box 102, Folder 16 | Somehow, Sometime, Some Place
| |
Box 102, Folder 17 | Someone Is Losin' Susan (with ukulele & Richard A.
| |
Box 102, Folder 18 | Someone Like You
| |
Box 102, Folder 19 | Someone's Stolen My Sweet Sweet Baby
| |
Box 102, Folder 20 | Something In The Night
| |
Box 102, Folder 21 | Something That I Can't Explain
| |
Box 102, Folder 22 | Something's Gotta Give
| |
Box 102, Folder 23 | Sometime (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 102, Folder 24 | Sometime When The Lights Are Low
| |
Box 102, Folder 25 | Somewhere
| |
Box 102, Folder 26 | Somewhere (There Is Someone)
| |
Box 102, Folder 27 | Somewhere A Heart Is Breaking And Calling Me Back To
| |
Box 102, Folder 28 | Somewhere In Dixie
| |
Box 102, Folder 29 | Somewhere In Dixie Lives The Girl I Love
| |
Box 102, Folder 30 | Somewhere In Dixie
| |
Box 102, Folder 31 | Somewhere In Georgia
| |
Box 102, Folder 32 | Somewhere In Naples
| |
Box 102, Folder 33 | Somewhere In The Night
| |
Box 102, Folder 34 | Somewhere On Broadway
| |
Box 102, Folder 35 | Somewhere There Is Someone I'd Like To Know
| |
Box 102, Folder 36 | Somewhere There's Someone
| |
Box 102, Folder 37 | Sonata
| |
Box 102, Folder 38 | Song Album
| |
Box 102, Folder 39 | The Song From Moulin Rouge (Where Is Your Heart)
| |
Box 102, Folder 40 | The Song I Love
| |
Box 102, Folder 41 | Song Of Persia
| |
Box 102, Folder 42 | Song Of The Dawn
| |
Box 102, Folder 43 | Song Of The Sun-Dial
| |
Box 102, Folder 44 | Song To Eisenhower
| |
Box 102, Folder 45 | Song Of My Heart
| |
Box 102, Folder 46 | A Song to Remember
| |
Box 102, Folder 47 | The Song Without A Name
| |
Box 102, Folder 48 | Sonny Boy
| |
Box 102, Folder 49 | Sonoma
| |
Box 102, Folder 50 | Sonora
| |
Box 102, Folder 51 | Sonya (Yup Alay Yup!) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 102, Folder 52 | Soon
| |
Box 102, Folder 53 | Sooner Or Later
| |
Box 102, Folder 54 | Sooner Or Later (Your Heart Will Cry I Want You)
| |
Box 102, Folder 55 | Soothing
| |
Box 102, Folder 56 | Sophie
| |
Box 102, Folder 57 | Sophisticated Lady
| |
Box 102, Folder 58 | Sophisticated Swing
| |
Box 102, Folder 59 | Sorta On The Border
| |
Box 102, Folder 60 | The Sousa Girl
| |
Box 103 | ||
Box 103, Folder 1 | South Of Pago-Pago
| |
Box 103, Folder 2 | South Of The Border (Dow n Mexico Way)
| |
Box 103, Folder 3 | South Sea Island Magic
| |
Box 103, Folder 4 | South Sea Rose
| |
Box 103, Folder 5 | South Wind
| |
Box 103, Folder 6 | Southern Gals
| |
Box 103, Folder 7 | A Southern Lullaby
| |
Box 103, Folder 8 | Southern Moon
| |
Box 103, Folder 9 | Spain
| |
Box 103, Folder 10 | The Spaniard That Blighted My Life
| |
Box 103, Folder 11 | The Spanish Coon
| |
Box 103, Folder 12 | Spanish Doll
| |
Box 103, Folder 13 | Spanish Shawl
| |
Box 103, Folder 14 | Spanky Whippy (What Did You Do)
| |
Box 103, Folder 15 | Sparrow In the Tree Top
| |
Box 103, Folder 16 | Speak To Me Of Love
| |
Box 103, Folder 17 | Speedy Gonzales
| |
Box 103, Folder 18 | The Spelling Bee
| |
Box 103, Folder 19 | The Spirit Of Mischief
| |
Box 103, Folder 20 | Spooky-ooky Blues
| |
Box 103, Folder 21 | Spooning
| |
Box 103, Folder 22 | Spoony Ways
| |
Box 103, Folder 23 | S'posin
| |
Box 103, Folder 24 | Spreading New England's Fame
| |
Box 103, Folder 25 | Spring Is In My Heart Again
| |
Box 103, Folder 26 | Spring, Sweet Spring
| |
Box 103, Folder 27 | Springtime
| |
Box 103, Folder 28 | Sprinkle Me With Kisses (If You Want My Love To
| |
Box 103, Folder 29 | A Square In The Social Circle
| |
Box 103, Folder 30 | Stack O' Lee Blues
| |
Box 103, Folder 31 | Stairway Of Dreams
| |
Box 103, Folder 32 | Stairway To The Stars
| |
Box 103, Folder 33 | Stand Up And Cheer
| |
Box 103, Folder 34 | Stand Up And Sing For Your Father, An Old Time
| |
Box 103, Folder 35 | Star Dust
| |
Box 103, Folder 36 | Starlight
| |
Box 103, Folder 37 | Stars
| |
Box 103, Folder 38 | Stars Are The Windows Of Heaven
| |
Box 103, Folder 39 | Stars Fell On Alabama
| |
Box 103, Folder 40 | Stars In My Eyes
| |
Box 103, Folder 41 | Stars In Your Eyes
| |
Box 103, Folder 42 | State Street Blues
| |
Box 103, Folder 43 | Stay As Sweet As You Are
| |
Box 103, Folder 44 | Stay Home, Little Girl, Stay Home
| |
Box 103, Folder 45 | Stay In Your Own Backyard
| |
Box 103, Folder 46 | (If You Want To Miss a Heaven On Earth) Stay Out Of The South
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 103, Folder 47 | Steal A Little Kiss While Dancing
| |
Box 103, Folder 48 | Stealing
| |
Box 103, Folder 49 | Stealing A Kiss At The Garden Gate
| |
Box 103, Folder 50 | Steamboat Bill
| |
Box 103, Folder 51 | Stein Song
| |
Box 103, Folder 52 | The Stellamina Gavotte
| |
Box 103, Folder 53 | Stephanie Gavotte
| |
Box 103, Folder 54 | Steppin' Along
| |
Box 103, Folder 55 | Steppin' Around
| |
Box 103, Folder 56 | Steppin' Out
| |
Box 103, Folder 57 | The Sterling
| |
Box 103, Folder 58 | Sterling Fox Trot
| |
Box 103, Folder 59 | Steven Got Even
| |
Box 103, Folder 60 | Stick To Your Mother Mary
| |
Box 104 | ||
Box 104, Folder 1 | Stick To Your Mother Tom
| |
Box 104, Folder 2 | Stingy Moon
| |
Box 104, Folder 3 | Stolen Kisses
| |
Box 104, Folder 4 | Stop It
| |
Box 104, Folder 5 | Stop Look And Listen
| |
Box 104, Folder 6 | Stop The Sun, Stop The Moon (My Man's Gone)
| |
Box 104, Folder 7 | Stop Yer Tickling, Jock!
| |
Box 104, Folder 8 | Stop! You're Breakin' My Heart
| |
Box 104, Folder 9 | Stormy Weather (Keeps Rainin' All the Time)
| |
Box 104, Folder 10 | The Story Book Ball
| |
Box 104, Folder 11 | The Story Of A Faded Flower
| |
Box 104, Folder 12 | The Story Of The Rose
| |
Box 104, Folder 13 | Straight From The Shoulder (Right From The Heart)
| |
Box 104, Folder 14 | Strange Interlude
| |
Box 104, Folder 15 | Strangers
| |
Box 104, Folder 16 | Strawberries (Here Comes The Strawberry Man)
| |
Box 104, Folder 17 | The Stricken City
| |
Box 104, Folder 18 | Strike Up The Band (Here Comes A Sailor)
| |
Box 104, Folder 19 | Stringin' Along On A Shoestring
| |
Box 104, Folder 20 | Strip Polka
| |
Box 104, Folder 21 | Strolling With Your Summer Girl
| |
Box 104, Folder 22 | Strut, Miss Lizzie
| |
Box 104, Folder 23 | Stumbling
| |
Box 104, Folder 24 | The Submarine Boat
| |
Box 104, Folder 25 | Such A Little Queen
| |
Box 104, Folder 26 | Such Is My Love For You
| |
Box 104, Folder 27 | Sudan
| |
Box 104, Folder 28 | Suez
| |
Box 104, Folder 29 | Suez
| |
Box 104, Folder 30 | Sugar babe, I'm Leaving
| |
Box 104, Folder 31 | Sugar Moon
| |
Box 104, Folder 32 | Suki San (Where The Cherry Blossoms Fall)
| |
Box 104, Folder 33 | Summer Days (Those Good Old Summer Days)
| |
Box 104, Folder 34 | Summer Nights (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 104, Folder 35 | Summer Nights
| |
Box 104, Folder 36 | Summer Souvenirs
| |
Box 104, Folder 37 | Summertime
| |
Box 104, Folder 38 | Sun Bathing In The Park
| |
Box 104, Folder 39 | Sun Bird
| |
Box 104, Folder 40 | Sunbonnet Sue
| |
Box 104, Folder 41 | Sunday (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 104, Folder 42 | Sunday, Monday Or Always
| |
Box 104, Folder 43 | Sunny Days
| |
Box 104, Folder 44 | Sunnyside Sal
| |
Box 104, Folder 45 | Sunrise Serenade
| |
Box 104, Folder 46 | Sunset Brings Idle Dreams
| |
Box 104, Folder 47 | Sunshine
| |
Box 104, Folder 48 | Sunshine (Spread All The Sunshine You Can)
| |
Box 104, Folder 49 | Sunshine Cake
| |
Box 104, Folder 50 | Sunshine Of Mine
| |
Box 104, Folder 51 | Sunshine Of Paradise Alley
| |
Box 104, Folder 52 | Suppose I Met You Face To Face
| |
Box 104, Folder 53 | Supposing I Make You Wait 'Til We Get Married
| |
Box 104, Folder 54 | (You're In Kentucky) Sure As You're Born (with ukulele
| |
Box 104, Folder 55 | Surprise Party
| |
Box 104, Folder 56 | Susan
| |
Box 104, Folder 57 | Suzanna
| |
Box 104, Folder 58 | Suzanne
| |
Box 104, Folder 59 | Suzannah
| |
Box 104, Folder 60 | Swallows
| |
Box 104, Folder 61 | Swanee
| |
Box 105 | ||
Box 105, Folder 1 | Swanee Bluebird
| |
Box 105, Folder 2 | Swanee Blues
| |
Box 105, Folder 3 | Swanee Butterfly (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 105, Folder 4 | Swanee River Moon
| |
Box 105, Folder 5 | Swanee River Rose
| |
Box 105, Folder 6 | Swanee Shore
| |
Box 105, Folder 7 | Swanee Smiles
| |
Box 105, Folder 8 | Sweet And Gentle
| |
Box 105, Folder 9 | Sweet And Lovely
| |
Box 105, Folder 10 | Sweet And Low
| |
Box 105, Folder 11 | Sweet And Slow
| |
Box 105, Folder 12 | Sweet Annie Moore
| |
Box 105, Folder 13 | Sweet As A Song
| |
Box 105, Folder 14 | Sweet Child (I'm Wild About You) (with ukulele
| |
Box 105, Folder 15 | Sweet Cider Time, When You were Mine
| |
Box 105, Folder 16 | Sweet Daddy
| |
Box 105, Folder 17 | Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart
| |
Box 105, Folder 18 | Sweet Eileen Asthore
| |
Box 105, Folder 19 | Sweet Emalina, My Gal
| |
Box 105, Folder 20 | Sweet Georgia Brown (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 105, Folder 21 | Sweet Indiana Home
| |
Box 105, Folder 22 | Sweet Is The Word for You
| |
Box 105, Folder 23 | Sweet Jennie Lee
| |
Box 105, Folder 24 | Sweet Kentucky Lady
| |
Box 105, Folder 25 | Sweet Kentucky Sue
| |
Box 105, Folder 26 | Sweet Kisses (That Came In The Night)
| |
Box 105, Folder 27 | Sweet Lavender And Lace
| |
Box 105, Folder 28 | Sweet Little Buttercup
| |
Box 105, Folder 29 | Sweet Little Mary Ann
| |
Box 105, Folder 30 | Sweet Little You
| |
Box 105, Folder 31 | Sweet Lorraine (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 105, Folder 32 | Sweet Lullaby Come Back To Me
| |
Box 105, Folder 33 | Sweet Mama Of Mine
| |
Box 105, Folder 34 | Sweet Marie (with ukulele arrangement) / Where The Wild, Wild
Flowers Grow
| |
Box 105, Folder 35 | Sweet Marie
| |
Box 105, Folder 36 | Sweet Moments At Home
| |
Box 105, Folder 37 | Sweet 'N Pretty
| |
Box 105, Folder 38 | Sweet One
| |
Box 105, Folder 39 | Sweet Petootie
| |
Box 105, Folder 40 | Sweet Rose-A-Lee
| |
Box 105, Folder 41 | Sweet Rose O'Connor
| |
Box 105, Folder 42 | Sweet Sana-oo
| |
Box 105, Folder 43 | Sweet Seventeen (That's What I Call My Baby)
| |
Box 105, Folder 44 | Sweet Siamese
| |
Box 105, Folder 45 | Sweet Someone
| |
Box 105, Folder 46 | Sweet Summer Breeze
| |
Box 105, Folder 47 | The Sweet Sunny South
| |
Box 105, Folder 48 | Sweet Swanee Sue
| |
Box 105, Folder 49 | Sweet Varsity Sue
| |
Box 105, Folder 50 | Sweet Violets
| |
Box 105, Folder 51 | The Sweetest Girl In Dixie
| |
Box 105, Folder 52 | The Sweetest Girl In Monterey
| |
Box 105, Folder 53 | The Sweetest Girl Of All
| |
Box 105, Folder 54 | The Sweetest Rose Of All
| |
Box 105, Folder 55 | The Sweetest Story Ever Told
| |
Box 105, Folder 56 | A Sweeter Story Still
| |
Box 105, Folder 57 | Sweetheart
| |
Box 105, Folder 58 | Sweetheart
| |
Box 105, Folder 59 | Sweetheart (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 105, Folder 60 | Sweetheart Darlin'
| |
Box 105, Folder 61 | Sweetheart Let's Grow Old Together
| |
Box 106 | ||
Box 106, Folder 1 | Sweetheart Of All My Dreams
| |
Box 106, Folder 2 | Sweetheart Of Mine
| |
Box 106, Folder 3 | The Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi
| |
Box 106, Folder 4 | The Sweetheart That I Lost In Dear Old 'Frisco
| |
Box 106, Folder 5 | Sweetheart Time
| |
Box 106, Folder 6 | Sweetheart Town
| |
Box 106, Folder 7 | Sweetheart Waltz
| |
Box 106, Folder 8 | Sweethearts
| |
Box 106, Folder 9 | Sweethearts Of Boyhood Days
| |
Box 106, Folder 10 | Sweethearts On Parade
| |
Box 106, Folder 11 | Sweetie Pie
| |
Box 106, Folder 12 | Sweetie Sweet
| |
Box 106, Folder 13 | Sweetness (Honey Suckle Of Mine)
| |
Box 106, Folder 14 | Swing High, Swing Low
| |
Box 106, Folder 15 | Swingin' Down The Lane
| |
Box 106, Folder 16 | Swingin' In A Hammock
| |
Box 106, Folder 17 | Sylvia
| |
Box 106, Folder 18 | Sympathy Waltz (Just A Bit Of Sympathy) (with ukulele
| |
Box 106, Folder 19 | Symphony
Series G: Popular Music Titles T-Z
Box 106 | ||
Box 106, Folder 20 | Taffy
| |
Box 106, Folder 21 | Tain't No Sin (To Dance Around In Your Bones)
| |
Box 106, Folder 22 | Take A Chance
| |
Box 106, Folder 23 | Take A Sail In My Boat
| |
Box 106, Folder 24 | Take In The Sun, Hang Out The Moon
| |
Box 106, Folder 25 | Take It From Me (I'm Talking To You)
| |
Box 106, Folder 26 | Take Me
| |
Box 106, Folder 27 | Take Me Around Again
| |
Box 106, Folder 28 | Take Me Back, Babe
| |
Box 106, Folder 29 | Take Me Back To Baby Land
| |
Box 106, Folder 30 | Take Me Back To New York Town
| |
Box 106, Folder 31 | Take Me Back To Old Broadway
| |
Box 106, Folder 32 | Take Me Back To Sweetheart Land
| |
Box 106, Folder 33 | Take Me Back To The Garden Of Love
| |
Box 106, Folder 34 | Take Me Back To Your Garden Of Roses
| |
Box 106, Folder 35 | Take Me In Your Arms
| |
Box 106, Folder 36 | Take Me On The Rollers
| |
Box 106, Folder 37 | Take Me Out To The Ball Game
| |
Box 106, Folder 38 | Take Me To Honeymoon Lane
| |
Box 106, Folder 39 | Take Me To My Alabam' (Come Back, They're Calling
| |
Box 106, Folder 40 | Take Me To That Swanee Shore
| |
Box 106, Folder 41 | Take Me To The Cabaret
| |
Box 106, Folder 42 | Take Me To The Chicken Ball
| |
Box 106, Folder 43 | Take Me To The Land Of Jazz
| |
Box 106, Folder 44 | Take Me With You, Cutey, And Forget To Bring Me
| |
Box 106, Folder 45 | Take My Love
| |
Box 106, Folder 46 | Take, Oh Take, Those Lips Away
| |
Box 106, Folder 47 | Tale These Flowers, Old Lady
| |
Box 106, Folder 48 | Take Your Finger Out Of Your Mouth (I Want To Kiss You) (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 106, Folder 49 | Take Your Girlie To The Movies (If You Can't Make Love At
| |
Box 106, Folder 50 | The Tale Of A Bumble Bee
| |
Box 106, Folder 51 | A Tale Of A Kangaroo
| |
Box 106, Folder 52 | A Tale Of Tokio
| |
Box 106, Folder 53 | The Tale The Church Bells Tolled
| |
Box 106, Folder 54 | Tales From The Vienna Woods
| |
Box 106, Folder 55 | Tales Of Hoffmann
| |
Box 106, Folder 56 | Talkin' To Myself
| |
Box 106, Folder 57 | Talking Through My Heart
| |
Box 106, Folder 58 | Talking To The Moon
| |
Box 106, Folder 59 | (Under The Moon) Talking To You About Me
| |
Box 106, Folder 60 | Tambourines And Oranges
| |
Box 106, Folder 61 | Tamiami Trail (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 107 | ||
Box 107, Folder 1 | Tammany
| |
Box 107, Folder 2 | Tammy
| |
Box 107, Folder 3 | Tam O'Shanter
| |
Box 107, Folder 4 | The Tango In The Sky
| |
Box 107, Folder 5 | Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-Der-e
| |
Box 107, Folder 6 | Taxation Blues
| |
Box 107, Folder 7 | Taxi
| |
Box 107, Folder 8 | Tea Leaves
| |
Box 107, Folder 9 | Tea Leaves
| |
Box 107, Folder 10 | Teach Me That Beautiful Love
| |
Box 107, Folder 11 | Teacher - Teacher
| |
Box 107, Folder 12 | Tear Drops
| |
Box 107, Folder 13 | Tears Of Love
| |
Box 107, Folder 14 | Tears Tell (The Story To Me)
| |
Box 107, Folder 15 | Teasin'
| |
Box 107, Folder 16 | Teasing
| |
Box 107, Folder 17 | Teddy Bear Blues
| |
Box 107, Folder 18 | Tell Her At Twilight (Just Sing Loves Sweet Song)
| |
Box 107, Folder 19 | Tell Her Everything She Ought To Know
| |
Box 107, Folder 20 | Tell Me
| |
Box 107, Folder 21 | Tell Me A Story
| |
Box 107, Folder 22 | Tell Me a Story
| |
Box 107, Folder 23 | Tell Me Not
| |
Box 107, Folder 24 | Tell Me That You Love Me
| |
Box 107, Folder 25 | Tell Me While We're Dancing
| |
Box 107, Folder 26 | Tell Me Why
| |
Box 107, Folder 27 | Tell Me Why You Smile, Mona Lisa?
| |
Box 107, Folder 28 | Tell Me With A Love Song
| |
Box 107, Folder 29 | Tell Me Your Day Dreams
| |
Box 107, Folder 30 | Tell Me You're Mine
| |
Box 107, Folder 31 | Tell Tale Eyes
| |
Box 107, Folder 32 | Telling It To The Daisies (But It Never Gets Back To
| |
Box 107, Folder 33 | Temporarily Blue
| |
Box 107, Folder 34 | Temptation
| |
Box 107, Folder 35 | Ten Baby Fingers
| |
Box 107, Folder 36 | Ten Little Fingers And Ten Little Toes (Down In
| |
Box 107, Folder 37 | Ten Little Miles From Town
| |
Box 107, Folder 38 | Ten Pretty Girls
| |
Box 107, Folder 39 | Ten Thousand Years From Now
| |
Box 107, Folder 40 | Ten Tiny Toes - One Baby Nose (That's All I'm Living
| |
Box 107, Folder 41 | Ten Yards To Go
| |
Box 107, Folder 42 | Tenderly
| |
Box 107, Folder 43 | Tennessee, I Hear You Calling Me
| |
Box 107, Folder 44 | Tentin' Down In Tennessee (with ukulele
| |
Box 107, Folder 45 | Teresa
| |
Box 107, Folder 46 | A Terrible Turk
| |
Box 107, Folder 47 | Tessie! Stop Teasin' Me
| |
Box 107, Folder 48 | Tessie, You Are The Only, Only, Only
| |
Box 107, Folder 49 | Thank You For a Lovely Evening
| |
Box 107, Folder 50 | Thanks
| |
Box 107, Folder 51 | Thanks
| |
Box 107, Folder 52 | Thanks For The Buggy Ride (with ukulele
| |
Box 107, Folder 53 | Thanks For The Lobster
| |
Box 107, Folder 54 | Thanks For the Memory
| |
Box 107, Folder 55 | Thanks To You
| |
Box 107, Folder 56 | That Baboon Baby Dance
| |
Box 107, Folder 57 | That Big Blond Mama
| |
Box 107, Folder 58 | That Certain Party
| |
Box 107, Folder 59 | That Dreamy Italian Waltz
| |
Box 107, Folder 60 | That Dreamy Waltz
| |
Box 108 | ||
Box 108, Folder 1 | (Did You Ever Get) That Feeling In The Moonlight
| |
Box 108, Folder 2 | That Girl Of Mine
| |
Box 108, Folder 3 | That Grand Old Party
| |
Box 108, Folder 4 | That Haunting Melody
| |
Box 108, Folder 5 | That Hypnotizing Man
| |
Box 108, Folder 6 | That Little Dream Got Nowhere
| |
Box 108, Folder 7 | That Lullaby Of Long Ago (Sweet & Low)
| |
Box 108, Folder 8 | That Mellow Melody
| |
Box 108, Folder 9 | That Melody Of Love
| |
Box 108, Folder 10 | That Midnight Frolic Of Mine
| |
Box 108, Folder 11 | That Naughty Melody
| |
Box 108, Folder 12 | That Naughty Waltz
| |
Box 108, Folder 13 | That Night
| |
Box 108, Folder 14 | That Night In Araby
| |
Box 108, Folder 15 | That Old Black Magic
| |
Box 108, Folder 16 | That Old Feeling
| |
Box 108, Folder 17 | That Old Gang Of Mine
| |
Box 108, Folder 18 | That Old Girl Of Mine
| |
Box 108, Folder 19 | That Old Irish Mother Of Mine
| |
Box 108, Folder 20 | That Red Head Girl
| |
Box 108, Folder 21 | That Second Hand Car Of Mine (with ukulele
| |
Box 108, Folder 22 | That Soothing Symphony
| |
Box 108, Folder 23 | That Southern Hospitality (When You're Down In
| |
Box 108, Folder 24 | That Tango Tokio
| |
Box 108, Folder 25 | That Tumble Down Shack In Athlone
| |
Box 108, Folder 26 | That Wonderful Ford
| |
Box 108, Folder 27 | That Wonderful Kid From Madrid
| |
Box 108, Folder 28 | That Wonderful Mother Of Mine
| |
Box 108, Folder 29 | That Wonderful Night And You (with ukulele
| |
Box 108, Folder 30 | That Wonderful Something
| |
Box 108, Folder 31 | That's All One Mother Can Do
| |
Box 108, Folder 32 | That's All There Is, There Ain't No More (with ukulele
| |
Box 108, Folder 33 | That's Amore
| |
Box 108, Folder 34 | That's "Cow"
| |
Box 108, Folder 35 | That's For Me
| |
Box 108, Folder 36 | That's Georgia (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 108, Folder 37 | That's How I Believe In You
| |
Box 108, Folder 38 | That's How I Feel About You
| |
Box 108, Folder 39 | That's How I Need You
| |
Box 108, Folder 40 | That's How Rhythm Was Born
| |
Box 108, Folder 41 | That's How You Can Tell They're Irish
| |
Box 108, Folder 42 | That's Just My Way Of Forgetting You
| |
Box 108, Folder 43 | That's Living
| |
Box 108, Folder 44 | That's Love
| |
Box 108, Folder 45 | That's Me Without You
| |
Box 108, Folder 46 | That's My Desire
| |
Box 108, Folder 47 | That's My Girl (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 108, Folder 48 | That's My Hap-Hap-Happiness (with ukulele
| |
Box 108, Folder 49 | That's My Idea Of Heaven
| |
Box 108, Folder 50 | That's My Idea Of You
| |
Box 108, Folder 51 | That's My Weakness Now
| |
Box 108, Folder 52 | That's Nice
| |
Box 108, Folder 53 | That's Sabotage
| |
Box 108, Folder 54 | That's "Some" Honeymoon
| |
Box 108, Folder 55 | That's Some Love
| |
Box 108, Folder 56 | That's The Beginning Of The End
| |
Box 108, Folder 57 | That's The Good Old Sunny South
| |
Box 108, Folder 58 | That's The Kind Of A Baby For Me
| |
Box 108, Folder 59 | That's The Reason I Want You
| |
Box 108, Folder 60 | That's The Song Of Songs For Me
| |
Box 109 | ||
Box 109, Folder 1 | That's What A Rainy Day Is For
| |
Box 109, Folder 2 | That's What I Like
| |
Box 109, Folder 3 | That's What I Like About You
| |
Box 109, Folder 4 | That's What I Want For Christmas
| |
Box 109, Folder 5 | That's What The Daisy Said
| |
Box 109, Folder 6 | That's What The Rose Said To Me
| |
Box 109, Folder 7 | That's What You Think
| |
Box 109, Folder 8 | That's When I Learned To Love You
| |
Box 109, Folder 9 | That's Where I Meet My Girl (with ukulele
| |
Box 109, Folder 10 | That's Why Darkies Were Born
| |
Box 109, Folder 11 | That's Why I Love You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 109, Folder 12 | That's Why I Never Married
| |
Box 109, Folder 13 | That's Why I Stole A Kiss From You
| |
Box 109, Folder 14 | That's Worth While Waiting For
| |
Box 109, Folder 15 | That's Worth While Waiting For
| |
Box 109, Folder 16 | That's You, Baby
| |
Box 109, Folder 17 | There's A Girl In Havana
| |
Box 109, Folder 18 | (I Say To Myself, Says I, Says I) There's The One For
| |
Box 109, Folder 18 | The Thing
| |
Box 109, Folder 20 | This Heart Of Mine
| |
Box 109, Folder 21 | Those Wonderful Eyes
| |
Box 109, Folder 22 | 'Til Reveille
| |
Box 109, Folder 23 | Till
| |
Box 109, Folder 24 | Till I Waltz Again With You
| |
Box 109, Folder 25 | Till The End Of Time
| |
Box 109, Folder 26 | Till The Sands Of The Desert Grow Cold
| |
Box 109, Folder 27 | Till Then
| |
Box 109, Folder 28 | Till We Meet Again
| |
Box 109, Folder 29 | Timber
| |
Box 109, Folder 30 | Timbucktoo (Timbuctoo)
| |
Box 109, Folder 31 | Time After Time
| |
Box 109, Folder 32 | Time After Time
| |
Box 109, Folder 33 | Time Has Come To Bid You "Adieu"
| |
Box 109, Folder 34 | Time On My Hands (You In My Arms)
| |
Box 109, Folder 35 | Time Waits For No One
| |
Box 109, Folder 36 | Tina (Teena)
| |
Box 109, Folder 37 | Ti-Pi-Tin
| |
Box 109, Folder 38 | Tin Pan Parade (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 109, Folder 39 | Ting-A-Ling (The Waltz Of The Bells) (with ukulele
| |
Box 109, Folder 40 | Tip Toe Through The Tulips With Me
| |
Box 109, Folder 41 | Tip-Top Tipperary Mary
| |
Box 109, Folder 42 | Tired Hands
| |
Box 109, Folder 43 | Tired Of It All
| |
Box 109, Folder 44 | Tired Of Me
| |
Box 109, Folder 45 | Titina (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 109, Folder 46 | To Be In Love (Espesh'lly With You)
| |
Box 109, Folder 47 | To Be Loved By The Girl You Love
| |
Box 109, Folder 48 | To Each His Own
| |
Box 109, Folder 49 | To Have, To Hold, To Love
| |
Box 109, Folder 50 | To Lou
| |
Box 109, Folder 51 | To Love In Vain
| |
Box 109, Folder 52 | To Make A Long Story Short (I Love You)
| |
Box 109, Folder 53 | To The End Of The World With You
| |
Box 109, Folder 54 | To Whom It May Concern
| |
Box 109, Folder 55 | To You
| |
Box 109, Folder 56 | To You Dear
| |
Box 109, Folder 57 | To You Sweetheart, Aloha
| |
Box 109, Folder 58 | Toddle
| |
Box 109, Folder 59 | Together
| |
Box 109, Folder 60 | Told In The Hills
| |
Box 109, Folder 61 | Tommy (Tell Me True)
| |
Box 109, Folder 62 | Tomorrow Is Another Day
| |
Box 110 | ||
Box 110, Folder 1 | Tomorrow (My Honey's Comin' Home)
| |
Box 110, Folder 2 | Tomorrow Is Forever
| |
Box 110, Folder 3 | Tomorrow Morning
| |
Box 110, Folder 4 | Tonight (Give Me Hour Of Love) (with ukulele
| |
Box 110, Folder 5 | Tonight Is Mine
| |
Box 110, Folder 6 | Tonight You Belong To Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 110, Folder 7 | Tonight's My Last Night Single
| |
Box 110, Folder 8 | Tonight's My Night With Baby (with ukulele
| |
Box 110, Folder 9 | Tonight's The Night
| |
Box 110, Folder 10 | Tony's Wife
| |
Box 110, Folder 11 | Too Fat For The Chimney
| |
Box 110, Folder 12 | Too Fat Polka (She's Too Fat For Me)
| |
Box 110, Folder 13 | Too Good To Be True
| |
Box 110, Folder 14 | Too Late
| |
Box 110, Folder 15 | Too Many Parties And Too Many Pals (with ukulele
| |
Box 110, Folder 16 | Too Many Tears
| |
Box 110, Folder 17 | Too Marvelous For Words
| |
Box 110, Folder 18 | Too Much Ginger
| |
Box 110, Folder 19 | Too Romantic
| |
Box 110, Folder 20 | Too Tired (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 110, Folder 21 | Toodle-oo, So Long, Good-Bye
| |
Box 110, Folder 22 | Toolie Oolie Doolie
| |
Box 110, Folder 23 | Toot, Toot, Tootsie (Goo' Bye)
| |
Box 110, Folder 24 | Top O' The Mornin'
| |
Box 110, Folder 25 | Toro
| |
Box 110, Folder 26 | A Touch Of Texas
| |
Box 110, Folder 27 | The Touch Of Your Lips
| |
Box 110, Folder 28 | Toward Morning (Dancing With You)
| |
Box 110, Folder 29 | The Toy Trumpet
| |
Box 110, Folder 30 | Trading Smiles
| |
Box 110, Folder 31 | Trail Of Dreams (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 110, Folder 32 | The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine
| |
Box 110, Folder 33 | Travel, Travel Little Star
| |
Box 110, Folder 34 | The Treasures Of The Sea Are Buried Deep
| |
Box 110, Folder 35 | The Treasure Of Sierra Madre
| |
Box 110, Folder 36 | A Tree In The Meadow
| |
Box 110, Folder 37 | Tricks
| |
Box 110, Folder 38 | A Trip To Niagara
| |
Box 110, Folder 39 | Tripoli
| |
Box 110, Folder 40 | Tripping Along
| |
Box 110, Folder 41 | Triumphant Lindbergh / We
| |
Box 110, Folder 42 | The Trolley Car Swing
| |
Box 110, Folder 43 | The Trolley Song
| |
Box 110, Folder 44 | The Troubles Of The Reuben And The Maid
| |
Box 110, Folder 45 | Troubled Waters
| |
Box 110, Folder 46 | Trudy (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 110, Folder 47 | True Blue Lou
| |
Box 110, Folder 48 | True Confession
| |
Box 110, Folder 49 | True Love Never Runs Smooth
| |
Box 110, Folder 50 | A True Soldier
| |
Box 110, Folder 51 | Truly I Do
| |
Box 110, Folder 52 | Trying
| |
Box 110, Folder 53 | Tubby, The Tuba
| |
Box 110, Folder 54 | Tuck Me To Sleep In My Old 'Tucky Home
| |
Box 110, Folder 55 | Tumbledown Dreams (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 110, Folder 56 | Tune In On My Heart
| |
Box 110, Folder 57 | Turkestan
| |
Box 110, Folder 58 | Turkish Towel (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 110, Folder 59 | Turn Back The Universe And Give Me Yesterday
| |
Box 110, Folder 60 | Turn Off The Moon
| |
Box 111 | ||
Box 111, Folder 1 | Turn To The Right
| |
Box 111, Folder 2 | Tuxedo Junction
| |
Box 111, Folder 3 | 'Twas Only An Irishman's Dream
| |
Box 111, Folder 4 | Tweedle-Dee Tweedle-Doo, You Love Me-I'll Love
| |
Box 111, Folder 5 | Twelve O'Clock At Night
| |
Box 111, Folder 6 | Twelve O'Clock Waltz
| |
Box 111, Folder 7 | Twenty One Guns For Susie
| |
Box 111, Folder 8 | The Twilight
| |
Box 111, Folder 9 | Twilight (The Stars And You) (with ukulele
| |
Box 111, Folder 10 | Twilight Lullaby
| |
Box 111, Folder 11 | Twilight Reminds Me Of You
| |
Box 111, Folder 12 | Twilight Time
| |
Box 111, Folder 13 | The Twist
| |
Box 111, Folder 14 | Two Blue Eyes
| |
Box 111, Folder 15 | Two Buck Tim From Timbuctoo
| |
Box 111, Folder 16 | Two Cigarettes In The Dark
| |
Box 111, Folder 17 | Two Empty Arms
| |
Box 111, Folder 18 | Two Faced Woman
| |
Box 111, Folder 19 | Two Hearts
| |
Box 111, Folder 20 | Two Hearts That Pass In The Night
| |
Box 111, Folder 21 | Two Little Baby Shoes
| |
Box 111, Folder 22 | Two Little, Blue Little Shoes
| |
Box 111, Folder 23 | Two Little Girls Loved One Little Boy
| |
Box 111, Folder 24 | Two Little Sailor Boys
| |
Box 111, Folder 25 | Two Loves
| |
Box 111, Folder 26 | The Two Of Us (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 111, Folder 27 | Two Sleepy People
| |
Box 111, Folder 28 | Two Tickets To Georgia
| |
Box 111, Folder 29 | Two Time Dan
| |
Box 111, Folder 30 | Ty-Tee (Tahiti)
| |
Box 111, Folder 31 | Tzena
| |
Box 111, Folder 32 | Ukulele Baby
| |
Box 111, Folder 33 | Ukulele Blues (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 111, Folder 34 | Ukulele Lady
| |
Box 111, Folder 35 | Ukulele Moon
| |
Box 111, Folder 36 | The Umbrella Man
| |
Box 111, Folder 37 | Uncle Sammy
| |
Box 111, Folder 38 | The Uncle Sammy Girls
| |
Box 111, Folder 39 | Uncle Sam's Ships
| |
Box 111, Folder 40 | Under A Shady Tree With You
| |
Box 111, Folder 41 | Under A Texas Moon
| |
Box 111, Folder 42 | Under Dixie Skies
| |
Box 111, Folder 43 | Under Southern Skies
| |
Box 111, Folder 44 | Under The Bamboo Tree
| |
Box 111, Folder 45 | Under The Banana Tree
| |
Box 111, Folder 46 | Under The Big September Moon
| |
Box 111, Folder 47 | Under The Blue Skies Of France
| |
Box 111, Folder 48 | Under The Clover Moon
| |
Box 111, Folder 49 | Under The Honey Moon In June Time
| |
Box 111, Folder 50 | Under The Irish Moon
| |
Box 111, Folder 51 | Under The Maples With Mary-O
| |
Box 111, Folder 52 | Under The Mistletoe Bough
| |
Box 111, Folder 53 | Under the Moon (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 111, Folder 54 | Under The Pretzel Bough
| |
Box 111, Folder 55 | Under The Rose
| |
Box 111, Folder 56 | Under The Spell Of The Roses (with ukulele
| |
Box 111, Folder 57 | Under The Spell Of Your Kiss
| |
Box 111, Folder 58 | Under The Stars
| |
Box 111, Folder 59 | Under The Swanee Moon
| |
Box 111, Folder 60 | Under The Yum Yum Tree
| |
Box 112 | ||
Box 112, Folder 1 | Under Vesuvian Skies
| |
Box 112, Folder 2 | Under Your Spell
| |
Box 112, Folder 3 | Underneath Hawaiian Skies
| |
Box 112, Folder 4 | Underneath The Cotton Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 5 | Underneath The Gentle Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 6 | Underneath The Harlem Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 7 | Underneath The Monkey Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 8 | Underneath The Russian Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 9 | Underneath The Southern Skies
| |
Box 112, Folder 10 | Underneath The Tango Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 11 | The Unforgiven
| |
Box 112, Folder 12 | United Nations
| |
Box 112, Folder 13 | The Unknown Soldier
| |
Box 112, Folder 14 | Unless
| |
Box 112, Folder 15 | Unter Den Linden
| |
Box 112, Folder 16 | Until Love Comes Along
| |
Box 112, Folder 17 | Until You Said "Goodbye"
| |
Box 112, Folder 18 | Up In Mabel's Room
| |
Box 112, Folder 19 | Up In The Cocoanut Tree
| |
Box 112, Folder 20 | Upper Broadway After Dark
| |
Box 112, Folder 21 | Upstairs And Down
| |
Box 112, Folder 22 | Us On A Bus
| |
Box 112, Folder 23 | Used To You
| |
Box 112, Folder 24 | Vacation Time
| |
Box 112, Folder 25 | Valencia (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 112, Folder 26 | The Valley Of Laughter
| |
Box 112, Folder 27 | The Valley Of The Giants
| |
Box 112, Folder 28 | Valparaiso
| |
Box 112, Folder 29 | The Vamp
| |
Box 112, Folder 30 | Vamping Rose
| |
Box 112, Folder 31 | Variety Is The Spice Of Life
| |
Box 112, Folder 32 | Venetian Love Boat
| |
Box 112, Folder 33 | Venetian Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 34 | Venezia
| |
Box 112, Folder 35 | The Very Thought Of You
| |
Box 112, Folder 36 | Victory
| |
Box 112, Folder 37 | Vieni, Vieni
| |
Box 112, Folder 38 | Vienna Dreams
| |
Box 112, Folder 39 | Virginia Blues
| |
Box 112, Folder 40 | Virginia Brown
| |
Box 112, Folder 41 | Virginia Lee
| |
Box 112, Folder 42 | Virginia's Calling Me
| |
Box 112, Folder 43 | Vision Girl
| |
Box 112, Folder 44 | Vision Of Salome
| |
Box 112, Folder 45 | The Voice In The Old Village Choir
| |
Box 112, Folder 46 | The Voice Of The RKO
| |
Box 112, Folder 47 | Wabash Blues
| |
Box 112, Folder 48 | Wabash Moon
| |
Box 112, Folder 49 | Wacky Dust
| |
Box 112, Folder 50 | Wagon Wheels
| |
Box 112, Folder 51 | Waiki-Ki-Ki Lou
| |
Box 112, Folder 52 | Wait And See (You'll Want Me Back)
| |
Box 112, Folder 53 | Wait And See
| |
Box 112, Folder 54 | Wait 'Till The Sun Shines, Nellie
| |
Box 112, Folder 55 | Wait Till You Get Them Up In The Air, Boys
| |
Box 112, Folder 56 | Wait Till You See Me Sunday
| |
Box 112, Folder 57 | Wait Till You're Blue
| |
Box 112, Folder 58 | Wait Till You See My Madeline
| |
Box 112, Folder 59 | Waitin' For Katy
| |
Box 112, Folder 60 | Waitin' For The Evenin' Mail
| |
Box 112, Folder 61 | Waitin' For The Train To Come In
| |
Box 113 | ||
Box 113, Folder 1 | Waiting (When I Hear The Gate A-Swinging)
| |
Box 113, Folder 2 | Waiting At The Church
| |
Box 113, Folder 3 | Waiting At The Old Church Door
| |
Box 113, Folder 4 | Waiting Dear
| |
Box 113, Folder 5 | Waiting For the Robert E Lee
| |
Box 113, Folder 6 | Waiting, Waiting For The Day That Ne'er Will Come
| |
Box 113, Folder 7 | Wake Up And Live
| |
Box 113, Folder 8 | Wake Up And Sing
| |
Box 113, Folder 9 | Wake Up Little Girl (You're Just Dreaming)
| |
Box 113, Folder 10 | Wal, I Swan!
| |
Box 113, Folder 11 | Walkin' By The River
| |
Box 113, Folder 12 | Walkin' My Baby Back Home
| |
Box 113, Folder 13 | Walking With Susie
| |
Box 113, Folder 14 | Walla-Walla
| |
Box 113, Folder 15 | A Waltz In The Moonlight And You
| |
Box 113, Folder 16 | Waltz Me Around Again Willie
| |
Box 113, Folder 17 | Waltz Me, Bill!
| |
Box 113, Folder 18 | A Waltz Was Born In Vienna
| |
Box 113, Folder 19 | The Waltz You Saved For Me
| |
Box 113, Folder 20 | Waltzing In A Dream
| |
Box 113, Folder 21 | Wana (When I Wana - You No Wana)
| |
Box 113, Folder 22 | Wander With Me To Loveland
| |
Box 113, Folder 23 | Wandering Home
| |
Box 113, Folder 24 | Wang-Wang Blues
| |
Box 113, Folder 25 | Wanita (Wanna Eat? Wanna Eat?)
| |
Box 113, Folder 26 | Want A Little Lovin'
| |
Box 113, Folder 27 | Wanted! A Harp Like The Angels Play
| |
Box 113, Folder 28 | Wanted, A Pal By the Name Of Mary
| |
Box 113, Folder 29 | A Warm Reception
| |
Box 113, Folder 30 | Was It A Dream?(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 113, Folder 31 | Was It Love?
| |
Box 113, Folder 32 | Was It Wrong
| |
Box 113, Folder 33 | Was It You?
| |
Box 113, Folder 34 | Was That The Human Thing To Do? (with ukulele
| |
Box 113, Folder 35 | Watchin' The Moon Rise
| |
Box 113, Folder 36 | Watching My Dreams Go By (with ukulele
| |
Box 113, Folder 37 | Watching The World Go By (with ukulele
| |
Box 113, Folder 38 | Water
| |
Box 113, Folder 39 | Water Under The Bridge
| |
Box 113, Folder 40 | Watermelon Moon
| |
Box 113, Folder 41 | Way Down By The Little Mill
| |
Box 113, Folder 42 | 'Way Down In Borneo-o-o-o
| |
Box 113, Folder 43 | 'Way Down South
| |
Box 113, Folder 44 | 'Way Out West In Kansas (with ukulele
| |
Box 113, Folder 45 | Way Up In New Hampshire When It's Summer Time
| |
Box 113, Folder 46 | (I've Got Nothin'-You've Got Nothin') We Ain't Got Nothin' To
| |
Box 113, Folder 47 | We Could Make Such Beautiful Music
| |
Box 113, Folder 48 | We Just Couldn't Say Goodbye
| |
Box 113, Folder 49 | We Must Have A Song To Remember
| |
Box 113, Folder 50 | We Mustn't Say Goodbye
| |
Box 113, Folder 51 | We Need A Man
| |
Box 113, Folder 52 | We Never Seemed So Far Apart Before
| |
Box 113, Folder 53 | We Want Just A Little Bit More
| |
Box 113, Folder 54 | We Will Always Be Sweethearts
| |
Box 113, Folder 55 | We Will Meet At The End Of The Trail
| |
Box 113, Folder 56 | The Wearing Of The Green
| |
Box 113, Folder 57 | Weary River
| |
Box 113, Folder 58 | The Web Of Love
| |
Box 113, Folder 59 | The Weddin' O' Sandy MacNab
| |
Box 113, Folder 60 | Wedding Bells
| |
Box 114 | ||
Box 114, Folder 1 | Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang Of
| |
Box 114, Folder 2 | The Wedding Glide
| |
Box 114, Folder 3 | The Wedding In The Ark
| |
Box 114, Folder 4 | The Wedding Of Jack And Jill
| |
Box 114, Folder 5 | The Wedding Of Sweet Sue And Me
| |
Box 114, Folder 6 | The Wedding Of The Painted Doll
| |
Box 114, Folder 7 | The Wedding Of The Rueben And The Maid
| |
Box 114, Folder 8 | The Wedding Of The Sunshine And The Rose
| |
Box 114, Folder 9 | A Wee Deoch-An-Doris
| |
Box 114, Folder 10 | The Wee Hoose 'Mang The Heather
| |
Box 114, Folder 11 | Weegee Weegee (Ouija)
| |
Box 114, Folder 12 | Weep No More (My Mammy)
| |
Box 114, Folder 13 | Weeping Willow Lane
| |
Box 114, Folder 14 | Welcome Home
| |
Box 114, Folder 15 | Welcome Honey To Your Old Plantation Home
| |
Box 114, Folder 16 | We'll All Go There Together
| |
Box 114, Folder 17 | We'll All Need Forgiveness Some Day
| |
Box 114, Folder 18 | We'll Always Be The Same Sweethearts
| |
Box 114, Folder 19 | We'll Be Cutting Paper Dolls Together
| |
Box 114, Folder 20 | We'll Build A Rainbow In The Sky
| |
Box 114, Folder 21 | We'll Have A Jubilee In My Old Kentucky Home
| |
Box 114, Folder 22 | We'll Make Hay While The Sun Shines
| |
Box 114, Folder 23 | We're Friends Again
| |
Box 114, Folder 24 | We're Growing Old Together
| |
Box 114, Folder 25 | We're Nearing The Day
| |
Box 114, Folder 26 | We're Ready For Teddy Again
| |
Box 114, Folder 27 | We're The Couple In The Castle
| |
Box 114, Folder 28 | Were You Sincere
| |
Box 114, Folder 29 | The West, A Nest And You
| |
Box 114, Folder 30 | West Of The Great Divide
| |
Box 114, Folder 31 | Western Land
| |
Box 114, Folder 32 | Westward Ho!
| |
Box 114, Folder 33 | We've Got To Put That Sun Back In The Sky (with ukulele
| |
Box 114, Folder 34 | We've Kept The Golden Rule
| |
Box 114, Folder 35 | We've Loved Before
| |
Box 114, Folder 36 | What A Day!
| |
Box 114, Folder 37 | What A Day That'll Be
| |
Box 114, Folder 38 | What A Difference A Day Makes
| |
Box 114, Folder 39 | What A Fool I'd Be
| |
Box 114, Folder 40 | What A Fool I've Been
| |
Box 114, Folder 41 | What A Wonderful Girl You Are
| |
Box 114, Folder 42 | What A Wonderful Mother You'd Be
| |
Box 114, Folder 43 | What A Wonderful Time
| |
Box 114, Folder 44 | What Are We Goin' To Do (When There's Nothing To Do On
| |
Box 114, Folder 45 | What Are You Waiting for Mary? (with ukulele
| |
Box 114, Folder 46 | What Can I say After I Say I'm Sorry? (with ukulele
| |
Box 114, Folder 47 | What Cha Gonna Do When There Ain't No Jazz?
| |
Box 114, Folder 48 | What Could Be Sweeter
| |
Box 114, Folder 49 | What Did Eve Give Adam For Christmas?
| |
Box 114, Folder 50 | What Do I Care
| |
Box 114, Folder 51 | What Do I Care - What Do I Care, My Sweetie Turned Me Down
(with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 114, Folder 52 | What Do I Care What Somebody Said
| |
Box 114, Folder 53 | What Do We Do On A Dew-Dew-Dewy Day (with ukulele
| |
Box 114, Folder 54 | What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For
| |
Box 114, Folder 55 | What Does It Matter? / C'est Vous
| |
Box 114, Folder 56 | What Does The Pussy Cat Mean When She Says
| |
Box 114, Folder 57 | What Is It
| |
Box 114, Folder 58 | What Makes My Baby Blue?
| |
Box 114, Folder 59 | What Might Have Been
| |
Box 114, Folder 60 | What! No Women? (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 115 | ||
Box 115, Folder 1 | What The Brass Band Played
| |
Box 115, Folder 2 | What Will I Tell Her Tonight
| |
Box 115, Folder 3 | What Would I Do Without You
| |
Box 115, Folder 4 | What Would You Do?
| |
Box 115, Folder 5 | What Wouldja Like For Breakfast?
| |
Box 115, Folder 6 | What Wouldn't I Do For That Man (with ukulele
| |
Box 115, Folder 7 | Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)
| |
Box 115, Folder 8 | What'll You Do?
| |
Box 115, Folder 9 | What's Good For The Goose (Is Good For The
| |
Box 115, Folder 10 | What's The Good Of Moonlight (When You Haven't Got A Girl To
| |
Box 115, Folder 11 | What's The Matter With Father
| |
Box 115, Folder 12 | What's The Matter With Uncle Sam
| |
Box 115, Folder 13 | What's The Reason (I'm Not Pleasin' You)
| |
Box 115, Folder 14 | What's The Use?
| |
Box 115, Folder 15 | What's The Use Of Crying
| |
Box 115, Folder 16 | What's The Use Of Going Home (When There's Nobody There To
| |
Box 115, Folder 17 | What's Today Got To Do With Tomorrow
| |
Box 115, Folder 18 | When
| |
Box 115, Folder 19 | When A Boy From Old New Hampshire Loves A Girl From
| |
Box 115, Folder 20 | When A Girl Whose Heart Is Breaking, Loves A Boy Who Doesn't
| |
Box 115, Folder 21 | When A Feller Needs A Friend
| |
Box 115, Folder 22 | When A Kid Who Came From The East Side (Found A Sweet Society
| |
Box 115, Folder 23 | When A Maiden's Eyes Say, Yes
| |
Box 115, Folder 24 | When A Woman Loves A Man
| |
Box 115, Folder 25 | When Am I Gonna Kiss You Good Morning
| |
Box 115, Folder 26 | When Bhudda Smiles
| |
Box 115, Folder 27 | When Broadway Was A Pasture
| |
Box 115, Folder 28 | When Darling Bess First Whispered Yes
| |
Box 115, Folder 29 | When Day Is Done
| |
Box 115, Folder 30 | When Did You Leave Heaven
| |
Box 115, Folder 31 | When Dixie Stars Are Playing Peek-A-Boo
| |
Box 115, Folder 32 | When Evening Shadows Fall
| |
Box 115, Folder 33 | When Eyes Of Blue Are Fooling You
| |
Box 115, Folder 34 | When Father Laid The Carpet On The Stairs
| |
Box 115, Folder 35 | When Francis Dances With Me
| |
Box 115, Folder 36 | When He's All Dolled Up
| |
Box 115, Folder 37 | When I Carried Your Books Home From School
| |
Box 115, Folder 38 | When I Am Dreaming
| |
Box 115, Folder 39 | When I Am In Siam
| |
Box 115, Folder 40 | When I Come Home To You
| |
Box 115, Folder 41 | When I Dream Of Old Erin (I'm Dreaming Of You)
| |
Box 115, Folder 42 | When I Dream Of You
| |
Box 115, Folder 43 | When I First Met Mary
| |
Box 115, Folder 44 | When I First Met You
| |
Box 115, Folder 45 | When I Get Back Again Tae Bonnie Scotland
| |
Box 115, Folder 46 | When I Get Back To Loveland And You
| |
Box 115, Folder 47 | When I Get You Alone Tonight
| |
Box 115, Folder 48 | When I Grow Too Old To Dream
| |
Box 115, Folder 49 | When I Hear A Dreamy Waltz Melody
| |
Box 115, Folder 50 | When I Look At You
| |
Box 115, Folder 51 | When I Look Into Your Eyes
| |
Box 115, Folder 52 | When I Looked In Your Wonderful Eyes
| |
Box 115, Folder 53 | When I Marry You
| |
Box 115, Folder 54 | When I Met You
| |
Box 115, Folder 55 | When I Said Goodbye To Mother
| |
Box 115, Folder 56 | When I Said Goodbye To You
| |
Box 115, Folder 57 | When I Take My Sugar To Tea
| |
Box 115, Folder 58 | When I Told The Sweetest Girl The Sweetest Story Ever
| |
Box 115, Folder 59 | When I Waltz With You
| |
Box 115, Folder 60 | When I Wanna - You No Wanna - Wanna
| |
Box 115, Folder 61 | When I Was A Dreamer (And You Were My Dream)
| |
Box 116 | ||
Box 116, Folder 1 | When I Was Twenty-One And You Were Sweet Sixteen
| |
Box 116, Folder 2 | When I'm A Man Like You
| |
Box 116, Folder 3 | When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget
| |
Box 116, Folder 4 | When I'm Looking At You
| |
Box 116, Folder 5 | When I'm With You
| |
Box 116, Folder 6 | When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
| |
Box 116, Folder 7 | When It's Apple Blossom Time In Normandie
| |
Box 116, Folder 8 | When It's Buzz, Buzz, Buzzin' Time In Bee Bee Bee
| |
Box 116, Folder 9 | When It's Cotton Pickin' Time In Alabam'
| |
Box 116, Folder 10 | When It's Moonlight On The Swannee Shore
| |
Box 116, Folder 11 | When It's Night Time Down In Burgundy
| |
Box 116, Folder 12 | When It's Night Time In Italy, It's Wednesday Over
| |
Box 116, Folder 13 | When It's Orange Blossom Time In Loveland
| |
Box 116, Folder 14 | When It's Ringtime In Springtime (Then I'll Bring A Ring To
| |
Box 116, Folder 15 | When It's Rose Time In Old Virginia (I'll Be Coming Down Your
| |
Box 116, Folder 16 | When It's Sleepy Time Down South
| |
Box 116, Folder 17 | When It's Springtime In The Rockies
| |
Box 116, Folder 18 | When John McCormack Sings A Song
| |
Box 116, Folder 19 | When June Time Brings The Roses
| |
Box 116, Folder 20 | When Lights Are Low
| |
Box 116, Folder 21 | When Love Comes In The Moonlight
| |
Box 116, Folder 22 | When Love Creeps In Your Heart
| |
Box 116, Folder 23 | When Love Is Young
| |
Box 116, Folder 24 | When Mother Nature Sings Her Lullaby
| |
Box 116, Folder 25 | While Mother Played The Organ (And Daddy Sang A
| |
Box 116, Folder 26 | When Mother Sang The Songs I Loved To Hear
| |
Box 116, Folder 27 | When Mother Wields The Shingle
| |
Box 116, Folder 28 | When Mr. Cupid Comes To Town
| |
Box 116, Folder 29 | When My Baby Smiles At Me
| |
Box 116, Folder 30 | When My Dream Boat Comes Home
| |
Box 116, Folder 31 | When My Girl From Tipp'rary Tips Me
| |
Box 116, Folder 32 | When My Golden Hair Has Turned To Silver Gray
| |
Box 116, Folder 33 | When My Ship Comes In
| |
Box 116, Folder 34 | When My Sugar Walks Down The Street (All The Little Birdies
Go Tweet-Tweet-Tweet)
| |
Box 116, Folder 35 | When Old Bill Bailey Play The Ukulele
| |
Box 116, Folder 36 | When Reuben Comes To Town
| |
Box 116, Folder 37 | When Shadows Fall
| |
Box 116, Folder 38 | When Shall We Meet Again
| |
Box 116, Folder 39 | When Someone Really Cares
| |
Box 116, Folder 40 | When Spring Comes Peeping Thru
| |
Box 116, Folder 41 | When Sunday Comes To Town
| |
Box 116, Folder 42 | When That Great Big Church Organ Plays
| |
Box 116, Folder 43 | When The Angelus Is Ringing
| |
Box 116, Folder 44 | When The Apple Blossoms Fall
| |
Box 116, Folder 45 | When The Band Plays At Night
| |
Box 116, Folder 46 | When The Bees Make Honey Down In Sunny Alabam'
| |
Box 116, Folder 47 | When The Bluebirds Nest Again Sweet Nellie Gray
| |
Box 116, Folder 48 | When The Daisies Bloom
| |
Box 116, Folder 49 | When The Fields Are White With Daisies
| |
Box 116, Folder 50 | When The Flowers Bloom In Springtime
| |
Box 116, Folder 51 | When The Green Leaves Turn To Gold
| |
Box 116, Folder 52 | When The Grown Up Ladies Act Like Babies
| |
Box 116, Folder 53 | When The Harvest Moon Is Shining O'er The Meadow
| |
Box 116, Folder 54 | When The Harvest Moon Is Shining On The River
| |
Box 116, Folder 55 | When The Henry Clay Comes Steaming Into Mobile
| |
Box 116, Folder 56 | When The Honeymoon Was Over
| |
Box 116, Folder 57 | When The Leaves Begin To Fade
| |
Box 116, Folder 58 | When The Leaves Come Tumbling Down
| |
Box 116, Folder 59 | When The Lights Are Low
| |
Box 116, Folder 60 | When The Major Plays Those Miner Melodies
| |
Box 117 | ||
Box 117, Folder 1 | When The Mocking Birds Are Singing In The
| |
Box 117, Folder 2 | When The Moon Comes Over The Mountain
| |
Box 117, Folder 3 | When The Old Folks Were Young Folks
| |
Box 117, Folder 4 | When The Old Oaken Bucket Was New
| |
Box 117, Folder 5 | When The One You Love Loves You (with ukulele
| |
Box 117, Folder 6 | When The Organ Played At Twilight
| |
Box 117, Folder 7 | When The Organ Played O'Promise Me
| |
Box 117, Folder 8 | When The Orioles Come North Again
| |
Box 117, Folder 9 | When The Parson Hands The Wedding Band From Me To Mandy
| |
Box 117, Folder 10 | When The Poppies Bloom Again
| |
Box 117, Folder 11 | When The Real Thing Comes Your Way
| |
Box 117, Folder 12 | When The Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 117, Folder 13 | When The Rest Of The Crowd Goes Home I Always Go Home
| |
Box 117, Folder 14 | When The Rest Of The World Don't Want You, Go Back To The
Folks At Home
| |
Box 117, Folder 15 | When The Right Little Girl Comes Along
| |
Box 117, Folder 16 | When The Right One Comes Along
| |
Box 117, Folder 17 | When The Roses Are In Bloom I'll Come To You
| |
Box 117, Folder 18 | When The Roses Bloom In Loveland
| |
Box 117, Folder 19 | When The Silv'ry Moon Is Shining O'er The Hills Of Dear Old
| |
Box 117, Folder 20 | When The Springtime Brings The Roses, Jessie Dear
| |
Box 117, Folder 21 | When The Summer Time Comes 'Round
| |
Box 117, Folder 22 | When The Sun Goes Down
| |
Box 117, Folder 23 | When The Sun Goes Down In Cairo Town
| |
Box 117, Folder 24 | When The Sun Goes Down In Dixie
| |
Box 117, Folder 25 | When The Sun Goes Down In Romany
| |
Box 117, Folder 26 | When The Sun Goes Down In Switzerland
| |
Box 117, Folder 27 | When The Sun Sets In The West
| |
Box 117, Folder 28 | When The Sunset Turns The Ocean's Blue To Gold
| |
Box 117, Folder 29 | When The Twilight Comes To Kiss The Rose
| |
Box 117, Folder 30 | When The Violets Whisper "Marie"
| |
Box 117, Folder 31 | When The Whip-Poor-Will Sings "Marguerite"
| |
Box 117, Folder 32 | When The World Goes Back On You
| |
Box 117, Folder 33 | When They Ask About You
| |
Box 117, Folder 34 | When They Changed My Name To A Number
| |
Box 117, Folder 35 | When They Run That Airship Line (Down to New
| |
Box 117, Folder 36 | When Those Sweet Hawaiian Babies Roll Their Eyes
| |
Box 117, Folder 37 | When Twilight Shadows Are Falling
| |
Box 117, Folder 38 | When Twilight Slowly Gathers
| |
Box 117, Folder 39 | When Vagabond Dreams Come True
| |
Box 117, Folder 40 | When Verdi Plays The Hurdy Gurdy
| |
Box 117, Folder 41 | When We Meet In The Sweet Bye And Bye
| |
Box 117, Folder 42 | When We Ride On The Merry-Go-Round
| |
Box 117, Folder 43 | When We're Alone
| |
Box 117, Folder 44 | When Will I Know?
| |
Box 117, Folder 45 | When Will The Sun Shine For Me
| |
Box 117, Folder 46 | When Winter Comes (Spring Is Not Far Behind)
| |
Box 117, Folder 47 | When You And I
| |
Box 117, Folder 48 | When You And I Were Seventeen (with ukulele
| |
Box 117, Folder 49 | When You And I Were Young, Maggie
| |
Box 117, Folder 50 | When You And I Were Young, Maggie Blues
| |
Box 117, Folder 51 | When You Are Truly Mine
| |
Box 117, Folder 52 | When You Dream About Hawaii
| |
Box 117, Folder 53 | When You Dream Of Old New Hampshire, I Dream Of
| |
Box 117, Folder 54 | When You Fall In Love, Fall In Love With Me
| |
Box 117, Folder 55 | When You Find A Girl Who Loves You
| |
Box 117, Folder 56 | When You Find Her Remind Her Of Me
| |
Box 117, Folder 57 | When You Find There's Someone Missing
| |
Box 117, Folder 58 | When You Hold Me In Your Arms
| |
Box 117, Folder 59 | When You Know The Girl You Love, Loves You
| |
Box 117, Folder 60 | When You Know You're Not Forgotten By The Girl You Can't
| |
Box 118 | ||
Box 118, Folder 1 | When You Look In The Heart Of A Rose
| |
Box 118, Folder 2 | When You Play In The Game Of Love
| |
Box 118, Folder 3 | When You Sang Hush-A-Bye Baby To Me
| |
Box 118, Folder 4 | When You Were Sweet Sixteen
| |
Box 118, Folder 5 | When You Were The Blossom Of Buttercup Lane
| |
Box 118, Folder 6 | When You Were The Girl On The Scooter
| |
Box 118, Folder 7 | When You Were The World To Me
| |
Box 118, Folder 8 | When You Wish Upon A Star
| |
Box 118, Folder 9 | When You Wore A Pinafore
| |
Box 118, Folder 10 | When You Wore A Tulip And I Wore A Big Red Rose
| |
Box 118, Folder 11 | When Your Hair Has Turned To Silver
| |
Box 118, Folder 12 | When Your Lover Has Gone
| |
Box 118, Folder 13 | When Your Old Gray Bonnet Was New
| |
Box 118, Folder 14 | When Your Pal's Away
| |
Box 118, Folder 15 | When You're A Long Long Way From Home
| |
Box 118, Folder 16 | When You're All Dressed Up And No Place To Go
| |
Box 118, Folder 17 | When You're Alone
| |
Box 118, Folder 18 | When You're Broke
| |
Box 118, Folder 19 | When You're Good You're Lonesome
| |
Box 118, Folder 20 | When You're In Love With Somebody
| |
Box 118, Folder 21 | When You're In Love With Someone Who Is Not In Love With
| |
Box 118, Folder 22 | When You're Married
| |
Box 118, Folder 23 | When You're With Somebody Else (with ukulele
| |
Box 118, Folder 24 | Where Am I?
| |
Box 118, Folder 25 | Where Are The Scenes Of Yesterday?
| |
Box 118, Folder 26 | Where Are You?
| |
Box 118, Folder 27 | Where Can You Be?
| |
Box 118, Folder 28 | Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go With Friday On Saturday
| |
Box 118, Folder 29 | Where Did You Get That Girl
| |
Box 118, Folder 30 | Where Do You Work-a, John? (Push-a Push-a Push)
| |
Box 118, Folder 31 | Where Is My Meyer? (Where Is Himalaya?)
| |
Box 118, Folder 32 | Where Is My Rose Of Waikiki (with ukulele
| |
Box 118, Folder 33 | Where Is My Wandering Girl Tonight?
| |
Box 118, Folder 34 | Where My Caravan Has Rested
| |
Box 118, Folder 35 | Where The Bamboo Babies Grow
| |
Box 118, Folder 36 | Where The Black-Eyed Susans Grow
| |
Box 118, Folder 37 | Where The Blue Of the Night Meets The Gold Of The
| |
Box 118, Folder 38 | Where The Four Leaf Clovers Grow
| |
Box 118, Folder 39 | Where The Hudson River Flows
| |
Box 118, Folder 40 | Where The Lazy Daisies Grow
| |
Box 118, Folder 41 | Where The Morning Glories Grow
| |
Box 118, Folder 42 | Where The Morning Glories Twine Around The Door
| |
Box 118, Folder 43 | Where The Rainbow Ends
| |
Box 118, Folder 44 | Where The Red Red Roses Grow
| |
Box 118, Folder 45 | Where The River Shannon Flows
| |
Box 118, Folder 46 | Where The Shy Little Violets Grow (with ukulele
| |
Box 118, Folder 47 | Where The Susquehanna Flows
| |
Box 118, Folder 48 | Where The Sweet Arbutus Grows
| |
Box 118, Folder 49 | Where The Wild Wild Flowers Grow (with ukulele
| |
Box 118, Folder 50 | Where The Yang-Tze Ki-Ang Flows
| |
Box 118, Folder 51 | Where There's A Will There's A Way
| |
Box 118, Folder 52 | Where Were You Last Night
| |
Box 118, Folder 53 | Where You Goin'
| |
Box 118, Folder 54 | Where'd You Get Those Eyes? (with ukulele
| |
Box 118, Folder 55 | Where's Elmer?
| |
Box 118, Folder 56 | Where's My Sweetie Hiding?
| |
Box 118, Folder 57 | Which Hazel?
| |
Box 118, Folder 58 | Which Is Brown?
| |
Box 118, Folder 59 | Which Way Did My Heart Go?
| |
Box 118, Folder 60 | The Whiffenpoof Song
| |
Box 119 | ||
Box 119, Folder 1 | While Hearts Are Singing
| |
Box 119, Folder 2 | While I Am Dancing With You
| |
Box 119, Folder 3 | While Miami Dreams
| |
Box 119, Folder 4 | While Others Are Building Castles In The Air
| |
Box 119, Folder 5 | While The Incense Is Burning (I Dream Of You)
| |
Box 119, Folder 6 | While The Rivers Of Love Flow On
| |
Box 119, Folder 7 | While The Whole Damm Family Stuck Around
| |
Box 119, Folder 8 | While The Years Roll By
| |
Box 119, Folder 9 | While They Were Dancing Around
| |
Box 119, Folder 10 | While We Danced At The Mardi Gras
| |
Box 119, Folder 11 | While We Danced Till Dawn / Lonesome Melody
| |
Box 119, Folder 12 | While You Were Making Believe (I Fell In Love With
| |
Box 119, Folder 13 | Whisper To The Rose
| |
Box 119, Folder 14 | Whisper Your Mother's Name
| |
Box 119, Folder 15 | Whispering
| |
Box 119, Folder 16 | The Whispering Serenade
| |
Box 119, Folder 17 | Whispers In The Dark
| |
Box 119, Folder 18 | Whistle
| |
Box 119, Folder 19 | Whistle And Blow Your Blues Away
| |
Box 119, Folder 20 | Whistle It
| |
Box 119, Folder 21 | Whistle While You Work
| |
Box 119, Folder 22 | Whistling In The Dark
| |
Box 119, Folder 23 | Whistling In The Wildwood
| |
Box 119, Folder 24 | Whistling Jim
| |
Box 119, Folder 25 | Whistling Rufus
| |
Box 119, Folder 26 | White Blossom
| |
Box 119, Folder 27 | White Christmas
| |
Box 119, Folder 28 | Who Am I?
| |
Box 119, Folder 29 | Who Am I?
| |
Box 119, Folder 30 | Who Are We To Say
| |
Box 119, Folder 31 | Who Are You With Tonight?
| |
Box 119, Folder 32 | Who Cares?
| |
Box 119, Folder 33 | Who Dar!
| |
Box 119, Folder 34 | Who Did You Fool After All?
| |
Box 119, Folder 35 | Who Discovered Love
| |
Box 119, Folder 36 | Who Do You Love?
| |
Box 119, Folder 37 | Who Is The Meanest Gal In Town? Josephine
| |
Box 119, Folder 38 | Who Knows?
| |
Box 119, Folder 39 | Who Knows Love
| |
Box 119, Folder 40 | Who Loves You
| |
Box 119, Folder 41 | Who Paid The Rent For Mrs. Rip Van Winkle?
| |
Box 119, Folder 42 | Who Said Dixie?
| |
Box 119, Folder 43 | Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter (While The
Caretaker's busy Taking Care) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 119, Folder 44 | Who Threw The Overalls In Mistress Murphy's
| |
Box 119, Folder 45 | Who Tied The Can On The Old Dog's Tail
| |
Box 119, Folder 46 | Who Told You That Lie?
| |
Box 119, Folder 47 | Who Walks In When I Walk Out?
| |
Box 119, Folder 48 | Who Will Be with You When I Go Away
| |
Box 119, Folder 49 | Who Wouldn't Be Jealous Of You? (with ukulele
| |
Box 119, Folder 50 | Who Wouldn't Love You
| |
Box 119, Folder 51 | Whoa January (You're Going To Be Worse Than July)
| |
Box 119, Folder 52 | Who'll Be the Next One (To Cry Over You)
| |
Box 119, Folder 53 | Who'll Take My Place
| |
Box 119, Folder 54 | Who'll Take The Place Of Mary
| |
Box 119, Folder 55 | Who'll Take The Place Of the Song Bird Now Gone
| |
Box 119, Folder 56 | Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf
| |
Box 119, Folder 57 | Who's Calling You Sweetheart Tonight
| |
Box 119, Folder 58 | Who's Loony Now?
| |
Box 119, Folder 59 | Who's Sorry Now
| |
Box 119, Folder 60 | Who's That Knockin' At My Door (with ukulele
| |
Box 120 | ||
Box 120, Folder 1 | Who's Your Little Who-Zis!
| |
Box 120, Folder 2 | Whose Baby Are You?
| |
Box 120, Folder 3 | Whose Izzy Is He (Or Is He Yours Or Is He Mine)
| |
Box 120, Folder 4 | Whose Pretty Baby Are You Now
| |
Box 120, Folder 5 | Whose Who Are You? (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 6 | Why Can't I Be Like You
| |
Box 120, Folder 7 | Why Can't We Be Sweethearts Once Again?
| |
Box 120, Folder 8 | Why Can't You (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 9 | Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? (with ukulele
| |
Box 120, Folder 10 | Why Dance? (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 11 | Why Dear? (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 12 | Why Did I Kiss That Girl? (with ukulele
| |
Box 120, Folder 13 | Why Did You Make Me Care
| |
Box 120, Folder 14 | Why Didn't You Leave Me Years Ago (Instead of Leaving Me
| |
Box 120, Folder 15 | Why Do They All Take The Night Boat To Albany?
| |
Box 120, Folder 16 | Why Do You Keep Laughing At Me?
| |
Box 120, Folder 17 | Why Doesn't Santa Claus Go Next Door?
| |
Box 120, Folder 18 | Why Don't My Dreams Come True?
| |
Box 120, Folder 19 | Why Don't They Play With Me?
| |
Box 120, Folder 20 | Why Don't We Do This More Often?
| |
Box 120, Folder 21 | Why Don't You Love Me Like You Used To?
| |
Box 120, Folder 22 | Why Don't You Practice What You Preach? (with ukelele
| |
Box 120, Folder 23 | Why Don't You Speak To Me? Let's Be The Same Old
| |
Box 120, Folder 24 | Why Don't You Try
| |
Box 120, Folder 25 | Why Don't You Try To Get Along With Me
| |
Box 120, Folder 26 | Why Is The Ocean So Near The Shore (Why? Why?
| |
Box 120, Folder 27 | Why Should I Cry Over You?
| |
Box 120, Folder 28 | Why Shouldn't I (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 29 | Why Stars Come Out At Night
| |
Box 120, Folder 30 | Why'd Ya Make Me Fall In Love
| |
Box 120, Folder 31 | Wild Cherries
| |
Box 120, Folder 32 | Wild Orchids (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 33 | The Wild Wild Women Are Making A Wild Man Of Me
| |
Box 120, Folder 34 | Will The Old Home Look The Same
| |
Box 120, Folder 35 | Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May? (with ukelele
| |
Box 120, Folder 36 | Will You Wait Little Girl For Me?
| |
Box 120, Folder 37 | The Willow Tree
| |
Box 120, Folder 38 | Willow Weep For Me (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 39 | The Wimmen Won't Let Me Alone
| |
Box 120, Folder 40 | Win Her In The Old Fashioned Way
| |
Box 120, Folder 41 | Wine Song (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 42 | The Winged Foot March
| |
Box 120, Folder 43 | Wings (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 44 | The Winnipesaukee Waltz
| |
Box 120, Folder 45 | Winter
| |
Box 120, Folder 46 | Winter Nights
| |
Box 120, Folder 47 | Winter Wonderland
| |
Box 120, Folder 48 | The Wise Old Owl
| |
Box 120, Folder 49 | Wishing (Will Make It So)
| |
Box 120, Folder 50 | Wistful And Blue (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 51 | With A Song In My Heart
| |
Box 120, Folder 52 | With All My Heart
| |
Box 120, Folder 53 | With Every Breath I Take
| |
Box 120, Folder 54 | With My Eyes Wide Open I'm Dreaming (with ukelele
| |
Box 120, Folder 55 | With My Guitar And You (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 120, Folder 56 | With You Beside Me
| |
Box 120, Folder 57 | With You, Dear, In Bombay (with ukelele
| |
Box 120, Folder 58 | With You On My Mind
| |
Box 120, Folder 59 | Within The Law
| |
Box 120, Folder 60 | Within The Law
| |
Box 121 | ||
Box 121, Folder 1 | Within the Law
| |
Box 121, Folder 2 | Without A Song
| |
Box 121, Folder 3 | Without Thee
| |
Box 121, Folder 4 | Without Thee, Dear Heart
| |
Box 121, Folder 5 | Without You Sweetheart
| |
Box 121, Folder 6 | Without Your Love, Ah! Let Me Die!
| |
Box 121, Folder 7 | The Woman In White
| |
Box 121, Folder 8 | The Woman Thou Gavest Me
| |
Box 121, Folder 9 | Wonder When My Baby's Coming Home
| |
Box 121, Folder 10 | Wonderful One
| |
Box 121, Folder 11 | A Wonderful Thing
| |
Box 121, Folder 12 | Wonderful, Wonderful Day
| |
Box 121, Folder 13 | Wonderful You
| |
Box 121, Folder 14 | Wond'ring
| |
Box 121, Folder 15 | Wond'ring
| |
Box 121, Folder 16 | Won't You?
| |
Box 121, Folder 17 | Won't You Be A Friend Of Mine?
| |
Box 121, Folder 18 | Won't You Be My Girl?
| |
Box 121, Folder 19 | Won't You Be My Honey
| |
Box 121, Folder 20 | Won't You Change Your Name To Mine?
| |
Box 121, Folder 21 | Won't You Come And Love Me
| |
Box 121, Folder 22 | Won't You You Come Over And Play Croquet
| |
Box 121, Folder 23 | Won't You You Come Over To My House
| |
Box 121, Folder 24 | Won't You You Park Your Heart In My Little Garage Of
| |
Box 121, Folder 25 | Won't You Waltz "Home Sweet Home" With Me For Old Time's
| |
Box 121, Folder 26 | Woodland Rose
| |
Box 121, Folder 27 | The Woodpecker Song
| |
Box 121, Folder 28 | Wop Blues
| |
Box 121, Folder 29 | The Wop Cabaret Song
| |
Box 121, Folder 30 | The World Is Such A Lonesome Place (Since I Lost
| |
Box 121, Folder 31 | The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (with ukele
| |
Box 121, Folder 32 | A World Wide Romeo
| |
Box 121, Folder 33 | Worried (I'm Worried Over You)
| |
Box 121, Folder 34 | Would I Love You (Love You, Love You)
| |
Box 121, Folder 35 | Would You
| |
Box 121, Folder 36 | Would You Care?
| |
Box 121, Folder 37 | Would You Dance With A Stranger?
| |
Box 121, Folder 38 | Would You Take Back The Love You Gave Me
| |
Box 121, Folder 39 | Would You Take Me Back Again
| |
Box 121, Folder 40 | Wouldn't It be Fun
| |
Box 121, Folder 41 | Wouldn't You Like To Learn To Love Me?
| |
Box 121, Folder 42 | The Wreck Of The Titanic (piano solo)
| |
Box 121, Folder 43 | Wrinkles
| |
Box 121, Folder 44 | Wyoming (Go To Sleep My Baby)
| |
Box 121, Folder 45 | Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula
| |
Box 121, Folder 46 | Yaddie Kaddie Kiddie Kaddie Koo
| |
Box 121, Folder 47 | The Yaller Gal That Winked At Me
| |
Box 121, Folder 48 | The Yankee Doodle Blues
| |
Box 121, Folder 49 | The Yankee Doodle Boy
| |
Box 121, Folder 50 | The Yankee Girl
| |
Box 121, Folder 51 | Yankee Rose (with ukelele arrangement)
| |
Box 121, Folder 52 | Yearning
| |
Box 121, Folder 53 | Yearning (Just For You) (with ukelele
| |
Box 121, Folder 54 | The Yellow Rose Of Texas
| |
Box 121, Folder 55 | Yes Sir, That's My Baby
| |
Box 121, Folder 56 | YES! We Have No Bananas
| |
Box 121, Folder 57 | Yesterday
| |
Box 121, Folder 58 | Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay
| |
Box 121, Folder 59 | Yo-San (The Darling of the Gods)
| |
Box 121, Folder 60 | Yo Te Amo Means I Love You
| |
Box 122 | ||
Box 122, Folder 1 | Yoo-Hoo
| |
Box 122, Folder 2 | York Dance (The Newport)
| |
Box 122, Folder 3 | You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet
| |
Box 122, Folder 4 | You Always Hurt The One You Love
| |
Box 122, Folder 5 | You And I
| |
Box 122, Folder 6 | You And I Know
| |
Box 122, Folder 7 | (Have You Forgotten) The You And Me That Used To
| |
Box 122, Folder 8 | You Are The Ideal Of My Dreams
| |
Box 122, Folder 9 | You Are The Only Girl I'll Ever Care About
| |
Box 122, Folder 10 | You Broke My Heart
| |
Box 122, Folder 11 | You Broke My Heart To Pass The Time Away
| |
Box 122, Folder 12 | You Broke The Only Heart That Ever Loved You
| |
Box 122, Folder 13 | You Brought Ireland Right Over To Me
| |
Box 122, Folder 14 | You Call Everybody Darling
| |
Box 122, Folder 15 | You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
| |
Box 122, Folder 16 | You Can Have Ev'ry Light On Broadway (Give Me That One Little
Light At Home)
| |
Box 122, Folder 17 | You Can Have It, I Don't Want It
| |
Box 122, Folder 18 | You Can Make All My Love Dreams Come True
| |
Box 122, Folder 19 | You Can Take Me Away From Dixie
| |
Box 122, Folder 20 | You Can Tell She Comes From Dixie
| |
Box 122, Folder 21 | You Can't Be A Good Little Fellow And Still Be A Good Little
Girl (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 122, Folder 22 | You Can't Be True, Dear
| |
Box 122, Folder 23 | You Can't Bring Back Yesterday
| |
Box 122, Folder 24 | You Can't Buy Happiness
| |
Box 122, Folder 25 | You Can't Do That There 'ere
| |
Box 122, Folder 26 | You Can't Expect Kisses From Me
| |
Box 122, Folder 27 | You Can't Fool The Girls Any More
| |
Box 122, Folder 28 | You Can't Get Along With'em Or Without'em
| |
Box 122, Folder 29 | You Can't Get Away From It
| |
Box 122, Folder 30 | You Can't Guess What He Wrote On My Slate
| |
Box 122, Folder 31 | You Can't Put The Beauty Back In The Rose
| |
Box 122, Folder 32 | You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming
| |
Box 122, Folder 33 | You Can't Stop Me From Loving You
| |
Box 122, Folder 34 | You Can't Tell A Man By His Hat
| |
Box 122, Folder 35 | You Couldn't Be Cuter
| |
Box 122, Folder 36 | You Dear (Nobody Else But You)
| |
Box 122, Folder 37 | You Dear Old Mother Of Mine
| |
Box 122, Folder 38 | You Didn't Know The Music (I Didn't Know The
| |
Box 122, Folder 39 | You Didn't Want Me When You Had Me (So Why Do You Want Me
| |
Box 122, Folder 40 | You Do
| |
Box 122, Folder 41 | You Don't Seem The Same
| |
Box 122, Folder 42 | You Don't Have To Come From Ireland To Be Irish
| |
Box 122, Folder 43 | You Don't Have To Go To Borneo
| |
Box 122, Folder 44 | You Don't Know
| |
Box 122, Folder 45 | You Don't Like It - Not Much
| |
Box 122, Folder 46 | You Don't Mean Nothin' To Me Now (with ukulele
| |
Box 122, Folder 47 | You Fascinate Me
| |
Box 122, Folder 48 | You For Me In The Summertime
| |
Box 122, Folder 49 | You Gave Me Your Heart (So I Give You Mine)
| |
Box 122, Folder 50 | You Go To My Head
| |
Box 122, Folder 51 | You Gotta Be A Football Hero (To Get Along With The Beautiful
| |
Box 122, Folder 52 | You Gotta Be Good To Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 122, Folder 53 | You Gotta S-M-I-L-E To Be H-A Double P-Y
| |
Box 122, Folder 54 | You Grow Sweeter As The Years Go By
| |
Box 122, Folder 55 | You Have A Wonderful Way (Of Doing What You Do)
| |
Box 122, Folder 56 | You Have Proved A Faithful Wife
| |
Box 122, Folder 57 | You Hit the Spot
| |
Box 122, Folder 58 | You Know (I Love You)
| |
Box 122, Folder 59 | You Know What I Mean
| |
Box 123 | ||
Box 123, Folder 1 | You Know You Belong To Somebody Else (So Why Don't You Leave
Me Alone)
| |
Box 123, Folder 2 | You Little So-And-So
| |
Box 123, Folder 3 | You Look Good To Me
| |
Box 123, Folder 4 | You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want To Do It)
| |
Box 123, Folder 5 | You May Be The World To A World Of Friends But You're More
Than the World To Me
| |
Box 123, Folder 6 | You May Belong To Someone Else, But Your Heart Belongs To
| |
Box 123, Folder 7 | You May Hold A Million Girlies In Your Arms
| |
Box 123, Folder 8 | You May Not Remember
| |
Box 123, Folder 9 | You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby
| |
Box 123, Folder 10 | You Must Love Someone
| |
Box 123, Folder 11 | You Need Someone To Love (with ukulele
| |
Box 123, Folder 12 | You Never Can Tell
| |
Box 123, Folder 13 | You Never Gave Me Nothin' But The Blues
| |
Box 123, Folder 14 | You Never Get Nowhere Holding Hands (with ukulele
| |
Box 123, Folder 15 | You Never Spoke Like That To Me Before
| |
Box 123, Folder 16 | You Only Want Me When You're Lonesome
| |
Box 123, Folder 17 | You Ought To See Her Now
| |
Box 123, Folder 18 | You Oughta Be In Pictures
| |
Box 123, Folder 19 | You Picked Me, When I Picked You In Berry Pickin'
| |
Box 123, Folder 20 | You Planted A Rose In The Garden Of Love
| |
Box 123, Folder 21 | You Said It
| |
Box 123, Folder 22 | You Showed Me The Way
| |
Box 123, Folder 23 | (I'm Afraid) You Sing That Song To Somebody Else (with
ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 123, Folder 24 | You Splash Me And I'll Splash You
| |
Box 123, Folder 25 | You Started Me Dreaming
| |
Box 123, Folder 26 | You Stingy Baby
| |
Box 123, Folder 27 | You Taught Me How To Love You (So Please Don't Leave Me
| |
Box 123, Folder 28 | You Taught Me How To Love You, Now Teach Me To
| |
Box 123, Folder 29 | You Tell Her I S-T-U-T-T-E-R
| |
Box 123, Folder 30 | You Told A Lie (I Believed You)
| |
Box 123, Folder 31 | You Told Me To Go
| |
Box 123, Folder 32 | You Took My Breath Away
| |
Box 123, Folder 33 | You Took The Words Right Out Of My Heart
| |
Box 123, Folder 34 | You Try Somebody Else (We'll Be Back Together
| |
Box 123, Folder 35 | You Turned The Tables On Me
| |
Box 123, Folder 36 | You Wake Up In The Morning In Chicago
| |
Box 123, Folder 37 | You Want Lovin' (But I Want Love)
| |
Box 123, Folder 38 | You Went Away Too Far And Stayed Away Too Long (with ukulele
| |
Box 123, Folder 39 | You Were Meant For Me
| |
Box 123, Folder 40 | You Will Always Be The Same Dear Little Girl To
| |
Box 123, Folder 41 | You Will Come Back To Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 123, Folder 42 | You Will Never Miss Your Mother 'Till She's Gone
| |
Box 123, Folder 43 | You Wonderful You
| |
Box 123, Folder 44 | You Won't Be Satisfied (Until You Break My Heart)
| |
Box 123, Folder 45 | You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To
| |
Box 123, Folder 46 | You'd Close The Gates Of Heaven (If You Closed Your Heart To
| |
Box 123, Folder 47 | You'd Never Know That Old Town Of Mine
| |
Box 123, Folder 48 | You'll Always Be The Same Sweet Baby
| |
Box 123, Folder 49 | You'll Always Be The Same Sweet Girl
| |
Box 123, Folder 50 | You'll Be Sorry That You Made Me Cry
| |
Box 123, Folder 51 | You'll Be Sorry Just Too Late
| |
Box 123, Folder 52 | You'll Do The Same Thing Over Again
| |
Box 123, Folder 53 | You'll Find A Little Bit Of Ireland Everywhere
| |
Box 123, Folder 54 | You'll Find Your Answer In My Eyes
| |
Box 123, Folder 55 | (If You Can't Sing It) You'll Have To Swing It
| |
Box 123, Folder 56 | You'll Love Me Someday (So Why Not Now?)
| |
Box 123, Folder 57 | You'll Never Be Missed A Hundred Years From Now (with ukulele
| |
Box 123, Folder 58 | You'll Never Go To Heaven (If You Break My Heart)
| |
Box 123, Folder 59 | You'll Never Know
| |
Box 123, Folder 60 | You'll Never Know
| |
Box 124 | ||
Box 124, Folder 1 | You'll Never Know The Good Fellow I've Been ('Till I've Gone
| |
Box 124, Folder 2 | You'll Never Need A Doctor No More
| |
Box 124, Folder 3 | Young America, We're Strong For You
| |
Box 124, Folder 4 | Your Dad Gave His Life For His Country
| |
Box 124, Folder 5 | Your Daddy Did The Same Thing Fifty Years Ago
| |
Box 124, Folder 6 | Your Eyes Have Told Me So
| |
Box 124, Folder 7 | Your Feet's Too Big
| |
Box 124, Folder 8 | Your Great Big Baby Smile
| |
Box 124, Folder 9 | Your Head On My Shoulder
| |
Box 124, Folder 10 | Your Lips Say You Love Me (But Your Eyes Tell Me
| |
Box 124, Folder 11 | Your Love Is All
| |
Box 124, Folder 12 | Your Mother
| |
Box 124, Folder 13 | Your Mother Still Believes In You
| |
Box 124, Folder 14 | Your Mother's Awf'lly Worried, Won't You Please Come
| |
Box 124, Folder 15 | Your Wife
| |
Box 124, Folder 16 | You're A Bad Bad Boy
| |
Box 124, Folder 17 | You're A Dangerous Girl
| |
Box 124, Folder 18 | You're A Great Big Blue Eyed Baby
| |
Box 124, Folder 19 | You're A Great Big Lonesome Baby
| |
Box 124, Folder 20 | You're A Heavenly Thing
| |
Box 124, Folder 21 | You're A Little Naughty Baby
| |
Box 124, Folder 22 | You're A Million Miles From Nowhere
| |
Box 124, Folder 23 | You're A Pain The Heart To Me
| |
Box 124, Folder 24 | You're A Real Sweetheart (with ukulele
| |
Box 124, Folder 25 | You're A Sweet Little Headache
| |
Box 124, Folder 26 | You're A Sweetheart
| |
Box 124, Folder 27 | You're All I Need
| |
Box 124, Folder 28 | You're All I Want For Christmas
| |
Box 124, Folder 29 | You're All To Blame
| |
Box 124, Folder 30 | You're Always Welcome At Our House
| |
Box 124, Folder 31 | You're As Dear To Me, As "Dixie" Was To Lee
| |
Box 124, Folder 32 | You're As Pretty As A Picture
| |
Box 124, Folder 33 | You're As Welcome As The Flowers In May
| |
Box 124, Folder 34 | You're Beautiful Tonight, My Dear
| |
Box 124, Folder 35 | You're Blasé
| |
Box 124, Folder 36 | You're Drifting Away From Me
| |
Box 124, Folder 37 | You're Driving Me Crazy! (What Did I Do?)
| |
Box 124, Folder 38 | You're Here, You're There (You're Everywhere)
| |
Box 124, Folder 39 | You're In Kentucky, Sure As You're Born (with ukulele
| |
Box 124, Folder 40 | You're In Love And I'm In Love
| |
Box 124, Folder 41 | You're In Love With Everyone (But The One Who's In Love With
| |
Box 124, Folder 42 | You're In My Power
| |
Box 124, Folder 43 | You're In Style When You're Wearing A Smile
| |
Box 124, Folder 44 | You're Just A Flower From An Old Bouquet
| |
Box 124, Folder 45 | You're Just Another Memory
| |
Box 124, Folder 46 | You're Just Homesick That's All
| |
Box 124, Folder 47 | (Somehow) You're Just My Style
| |
Box 124, Folder 48 | You're Just The Girl I'm Looking For
| |
Box 124, Folder 49 | You're Just the One For Me
| |
Box 124, Folder 50 | You're Making A Miser Of Me
| |
Box 124, Folder 51 | You're Mine, You!
| |
Box 124, Folder 52 | You're More Than The World To Me
| |
Box 124, Folder 53 | You're My Baby
| |
Box 124, Folder 54 | You're My Desire
| |
Box 124, Folder 55 | You're My Dish
| |
Box 124, Folder 56 | You're My Girl
| |
Box 124, Folder 57 | You're My Only Sweetheart (Honest I Love You)
| |
Box 124, Folder 58 | You're Not So Easy To Forget
| |
Box 124, Folder 59 | You're Never Too Old To Love
| |
Box 124, Folder 60 | You're Not The Oyster In The Stew
| |
Box 125 | ||
Box 125, Folder 1 | You're Only Passing The Time With Me (And Later You'll Pass
Me By) (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 125, Folder 2 | You're Simply Delish
| |
Box 125, Folder 3 | You're So Understanding
| |
Box 125, Folder 4 | You're Some Pretty Doll
| |
Box 125, Folder 5 | You're Still An Old Sweetheart Of Mine
| |
Box 125, Folder 6 | You're Still In My Heart
| |
Box 125, Folder 7 | You're Still That Old Sweetheart Of Mine
| |
Box 125, Folder 8 | You're Such A Comfort to Me
| |
Box 125, Folder 9 | You're Telling Me
| |
Box 125, Folder 10 | You're The Best Little Mother That God Ever Made
| |
Box 125, Folder 11 | You're The Dawn Of A Perfect Day
| |
Box 125, Folder 12 | You're The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline
| |
Box 125, Folder 13 | You're The Most Wonderful Girl
| |
Box 125, Folder 14 | You're The Nicest Little Girl I Ever Knew
| |
Box 125, Folder 15 | You're The One For Me
| |
Box 125, Folder 16 | You're The One I Care About
| |
Box 125, Folder 17 | You're The One, You Beautiful Son-Of-A-Gun
| |
Box 125, Folder 18 | You're The Only Girl That Made Me Cry
| |
Box 125, Folder 19 | You're The Only One (with ukulele arrangement)
| |
Box 125, Folder 20 | You're The Only One For Me (with ukulele
| |
Box 125, Folder 21 | You're The Sweetest Flower That Grows In
| |
Box 125, Folder 22 | You're The Sweetest Girl (In All The World)
| |
Box 125, Folder 23 | You're Too Far Away
| |
Box 125, Folder 24 | You're Wonderful
| |
Box 125, Folder 25 | Yours
| |
Box 125, Folder 26 | Yours And Mine
| |
Box 125, Folder 27 | Yours For A Song
| |
Box 125, Folder 28 | Yours Is My Heart Alone
| |
Box 125, Folder 29 | You'se Honey To Yo' Mammy Just The Same
| |
Box 125, Folder 30 | You've Been A Dear Old Pal, Mother Of Mine
| |
Box 125, Folder 31 | You've Been The Sunshine Of My Life
| |
Box 125, Folder 32 | You've Got Me In The Palm Of Your Hand
| |
Box 125, Folder 33 | You've Got Something There
| |
Box 125, Folder 34 | You've Got to Mix Today, So Mix The "New Mix" Way
| |
Box 125, Folder 35 | You've Got to See Mamma Ev'ry Night (Or You Can't See Mamma
At All)
| |
Box 125, Folder 36 | You've Got To Take The Good With The Bad
| |
Box 125, Folder 37 | Yum Pum Pa
| |
Box 125, Folder 38 | Zenda
| |
Box 125, Folder 39 | Zing A Little Zong
| |
Box 125, Folder 40 | Zoma
Series C: I-M
Box 125, Folder 17 | It Happened In
| ||
Box 125, Folder 18 | Jack And Jill
| ||
Box 125, Folder 19 | Jack And Jill
| ||
Box 125, Folder 20 | Jack O'Lantern
| ||
Box 125, Folder 21 | Jack's Romance
| ||
Box 125, Folder 22 | Jackpot
| ||
Box 125, Folder 23 | Jamaica
| ||
Box 125, Folder 24 | The Japskys
| ||
Box 125, Folder 25 | Jenny
| ||
Box 125, Folder 26 | Jerry
| ||
Box 125, Folder 27 | Jewel Of Asia
| ||
Box 125, Folder 28 | Jim Jam Jems
| ||
Box 125, Folder 29 | The Jim-Jam Revue
| ||
Box 125, Folder 30 | Jimmie
| ||
Box 125, Folder 31 | Joan Of Arkansaw
| ||
Box 125, Folder 32 | Johnny Johnson
| ||
Box 125, Folder 33 | The Jolly Bachelors
| ||
Box 125, Folder 34 | The Jolly Baron
| ||
Box 125, Folder 35 | The Jolson Song
| ||
Box 125, Folder 36 | Jonica
| ||
Box 125, Folder 37 | Jubilee
| ||
Box 125, Folder 38 | Judy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 39 | Judy Forgot
| ||
Box 125, Folder 40 | Jumbo
| ||
Box 125, Folder 18 | Box 125, Folder 1 | Jumping Jupiter
| |
Box 125, Folder 2 | Jumping Jupiter
| ||
Box 125, Folder 3 | The June Bride
| ||
Box 125, Folder 4 | June Days
| ||
Box 125, Folder 5 | June Love
| ||
Box 125, Folder 6 | Just A Minute
| ||
Box 125, Folder 7 | Just A Minute
| ||
Box 125, Folder 8 | Just Around The Corner
| ||
Box 125, Folder 9 | Just Because
| ||
Box 125, Folder 10 | Just Fancy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 11 | Just Imagine
| ||
Box 125, Folder 12 | Katie Did
| ||
Box 125, Folder 13 | Katinka
| ||
Box 125, Folder 14 | Katja, The Dancer
| ||
Box 125, Folder 15 | Kean
| ||
Box 125, Folder 16 | Keep Kool
| ||
Box 125, Folder 17 | Keep Shufflin'
| ||
Box 125, Folder 18 | Kelly
| ||
Box 125, Folder 19 | Kid Boots
| ||
Box 125, Folder 20 | Kill That Story
| ||
Box 125, Folder 21 | The King And I
| ||
Box 125, Folder 22 | The King And I
| ||
Box 125, Folder 23 | King Dodo
| ||
Box 125, Folder 24 | Kismet
| ||
Box 125, Folder 25 | The Kiss Burglar
| ||
Box 125, Folder 26 | Kiss Me, Again
| ||
Box 125, Folder 27 | Kiss Me Kate
| ||
Box 125, Folder 28 | The Kiss Waltz
| ||
Box 125, Folder 29 | Kissing Time
| ||
Box 125, Folder 30 | Kittie Grey
| ||
Box 125, Folder 31 | Kitty's Kisses
| ||
Box 125, Folder 32 | Knickerbocker Girl
| ||
Box 125, Folder 33 | The Knickerbocker
| ||
Box 125, Folder 34 | The Knickerbockers
| ||
Box 125, Folder 35 | A Knight For A Day
| ||
Box 125, Folder 36 | Kwamina
| ||
Box 125, Folder 37 | La Belle Paree
| ||
Box 125, Folder 38 | La La Lucille
| ||
Box 125, Folder 39 | La Revue Des Ambassadeurs
| ||
Box 125, Folder 40 | Lady, Be Good
| ||
Box 125, Folder 19 | Box 125, Folder 1 | Lady Fair
| |
Box 125, Folder 2 | The Lace Petticoat
| ||
Box 125, Folder 3 | Ladies First
| ||
Box 125, Folder 4 | Ladies In Love
| ||
Box 125, Folder 5 | Lady Billy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 6 | Lady Butterfly
| ||
Box 125, Folder 7 | Lady Do
| ||
Box 125, Folder 8 | Lady Fingers
| ||
Box 125, Folder 9 | The Lady In Ermine
| ||
Box 125, Folder 10 | The Lady In Red
| ||
Box 125, Folder 11 | Lady In the Dark
| ||
Box 125, Folder 12 | Lady In the Dark
| ||
Box 125, Folder 13 | Lady Luxury
| ||
Box 125, Folder 14 | The Lady Of The
| ||
Box 125, Folder 15 | Lady Teazie
| ||
Box 125, Folder 16 | The Land Of Joy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 17 | Land Of Romance
| ||
Box 125, Folder 18 | The Land Where Dreams Come
| ||
Box 125, Folder 19 | Lassie
| ||
Box 125, Folder 20 | The Last Of The Rohans
| ||
Box 125, Folder 21 | The Last Waltz
| ||
Box 125, Folder 22 | The Laugh Parade
| ||
Box 125, Folder 23 | The Laughing Husband
| ||
Box 125, Folder 24 | League Of Notions
| ||
Box 125, Folder 25 | Leave It to Jane
| ||
Box 125, Folder 26 | Leave It To Lester
| ||
Box 125, Folder 27 | Leave It To Me
| ||
Box 125, Folder 28 | Lend An Ear
| ||
Box 125, Folder 29 | Rufus LeMaire's
| ||
Box 125, Folder 30 | Les Girls
| ||
Box 125, Folder 31 | Let 'Em Eat Cake
| ||
Box 125, Folder 32 | Let 'er Go (one book from 12th
Annual Tech Show)
| ||
Box 125, Folder 33 | Let It Ride
| ||
Box 125, Folder 34 | Let's Dance
| ||
Box 125, Folder 35 | Let's Face It
| ||
Box 125, Folder 36 | Letty Pepper
| ||
Box 125, Folder 37 | Lew Dockstader & His Minstrel
| ||
Box 125, Folder 38 | Lew Leslie's Blackbirds Of
| ||
Box 125, Folder 39 | Lew Leslie's Blackbirds Of
| ||
Box 125, Folder 40 | Lew Leslie's Blackbirds Of
| ||
Box 125, Folder 41 | Lew Leslie's Rhapsody In
| ||
Box 125, Folder 42 | Macushla
| ||
Box 125, Folder 20 | Box 125, Folder 1 | Madame Moselle
| |
Box 125, Folder 2 | Madame Pompadour
| ||
Box 125, Folder 3 | Madame Sherry
| ||
Box 125, Folder 4 | A Madcap Princess
| ||
Box 125, Folder 5 | Magdalena
| ||
Box 125, Folder 6 | The Magic Melody
| ||
Box 125, Folder 7 | Magic Night
| ||
Box 125, Folder 8 | The Maid And The Mummy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 9 | Maid In America
| ||
Box 125, Folder 10 | The Maid Of The
| ||
Box 125, Folder 11 | Maid To Love
| ||
Box 125, Folder 12 | Make A Wish
| ||
Box 125, Folder 13 | Make It Snappy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 14 | Make Mine Manhattan
| ||
Box 125, Folder 15 | Making Mary
| ||
Box 125, Folder 16 | Mame
| ||
Box 125, Folder 17 | Mammy
| ||
Box 125, Folder 18 | Mam'selle 'awkins
| ||
Box 125, Folder 19 | Mam'selle Napoleon
| ||
Box 125, Folder 20 | The Man From Cook's
| ||
Box 125, Folder 21 | The Man From Now
| ||
Box 125, Folder 22 | The Man From Wicklow
| ||
Box 125, Folder 23 | Man Of La Mancha
| ||
Box 125, Folder 24 | The Man Who Owns
| ||
Box 125, Folder 25 | The Man With Three
| ||
Box 125, Folder 26 | Manhattan Mary
| ||
Box 125, Folder 27 | Marcelle
| ||
Box 125, Folder 28 | Margery Daw
| ||
Box 125, Folder 29 | Marjorie
| ||
Box 125, Folder 30 | Marianne
| ||
Box 125, Folder 31 | Marigold
| ||
Box 125, Folder 32 | Marinka
| ||
Box 125, Folder 33 | Marjolaine
| ||
Box 125, Folder 34 | Marriage A La Carte
| ||
Box 125, Folder 35 | The Marriage Market
| ||
Box 125, Folder 36 | Marrying Mary
| ||
Box 125, Folder 37 | Martini
| ||
Box 125, Folder 38 | Mary
| ||
Box 125, Folder 39 | Mary Jane McKane
| ||
Box 125, Folder 40 | Mary's Lamb
| ||
Box 125, Folder 21 | Box 125, Folder 1 | A Matinee Idol
| |
Box 125, Folder 2 | May Wine
| ||
Box 125, Folder 3 | Mayflowers
| ||
Box 125, Folder 4 | The Mayor Of Tokio
| ||
Box 125, Folder 5 | Maytime
| ||
Box 125, Folder 6 | Me And Juliet
| ||
Box 125, Folder 7 | Me And My Girl
| ||
Box 125, Folder 8 | Meet Me In St. Louis
| ||
Box 125, Folder 9 | Melody
| ||
Box 125, Folder 10 | Meet The People
| ||
Box 125, Folder 11 | Meet The Prince (one book - 29th Annual
Haresfoot Club of University Of Wisconsin)
| ||
Box 125, Folder 12 | The Melting Of Molly
| ||
Box 125, Folder 13 | Memphis Bound
| ||
Box 125, Folder 14 | Mercenary Mary
| ||
Box 125, Folder 15 | The Merry Countess
| ||
Box 125, Folder 16 | The Merry-Go-Round
| ||
Box 125, Folder 17 | The Merry Malones
| ||
Box 125, Folder 18 | Merry - Merry
| ||
Box 125, Folder 19 | The Merry Widow
| ||
Box 125, Folder 20 | The Merry Widow
| ||
Box 125, Folder 21 | The Merry Widow
| ||
Box 125, Folder 22 | The Merry Widow
| ||
Box 125, Folder 23 | Messin'Around
| ||
Box 125, Folder 24 | Mexicana
| ||
Box 125, Folder 25 | Michael Todd's Mexican
| ||
Box 125, Folder 26 | The Midnight Girl
| ||
Box 125, Folder 27 | The Midnight Girl
| ||
Box 125, Folder 28 | The Midnight Rounders
| ||
Box 125, Folder 29 | The Midnight Sons
| ||
Box 125, Folder 30 | The Midnight Sons
| ||
Box 125, Folder 31 | A
| ||
Box 125, Folder 32 | The Military Girl
| ||
Box 125, Folder 33 | Milk And Honey
| ||
Box 125, Folder 34 | A Million
| ||
Box 125, Folder 35 | The Mimic World
| ||
Box 125, Folder 36 | Minnie An Me
| ||
Box 125, Folder 37 | Miss Bob White
| ||
Box 125, Folder 38 | Miss Dolly Dollars
| ||
Box 125, Folder 39 | Miss Happiness
| ||
Box 125, Folder 40 | Miss Hook Of Holland
| ||
Box 125, Folder 41 | Miss Innocence
| ||
Box 22 | |||
Box 22, Folder 1 | Miss Liberty
| ||
Box 22, Folder 2 | Miss Millions
| ||
Box 22, Folder 3 | Miss Molly May
| ||
Box 22, Folder 4 | Miss 1917
| ||
Box 22, Folder 5 | Miss Nobody From
| ||
Box 22, Folder 6 | Miss Princess
| ||
Box 22, Folder 7 | Miss Simplicity
| ||
Box 22, Folder 8 | Miss Springtime
| ||
Box 22, Folder 9 | Miss Tabasco
| ||
Box 22, Folder 10 | Mississippi
| ||
Box 22, Folder 11 | M'lle Baby
| ||
Box 22, Folder 12 | M'lle Mischief
| ||
Box 22, Folder 13 | M'lle Modiste
| ||
Box 22, Folder 14 | The Mocking Bird
| ||
Box 22, Folder 15 | The Model Maid
| ||
Box 22, Folder 16 | A Modern Eve
| ||
Box 22, Folder 17 | Modest Suzanne
| ||
Box 22, Folder 18 | Molly Darling
| ||
Box 22, Folder 19 | The Monarch And The
| ||
Box 22, Folder 20 | Monkey Business
| ||
Box 22, Folder 21 | Monsieur Beaucaire
| ||
Box 22, Folder 22 | Monte Carlo
| ||
Box 22, Folder 23 | Monte Cristo Jr.
| ||
Box 22, Folder 24 | The Moon Maiden
| ||
Box 22, Folder 25 | Moonlight
| ||
Box 22, Folder 26 | Moonlight And Pretzels
| ||
Box 22, Folder 27 | Moonshine
| ||
Box 22, Folder 28 | The Morals Of Marcus
| ||
Box 22, Folder 29 | Morris Gest Midnight
| ||
Box 22, Folder 30 | The Most Happy Fella
| ||
Box 22, Folder 31 | Mother Wore Tights
| ||
Box 22, Folder 32 | The Motor Girl
| ||
Box 22, Folder 33 | Moulin Rouge
| ||
Box 22, Folder 34 | Mr. Bluebeard
| ||
Box 22, Folder 35 | Mr. Hamlet Of Broadway
| ||
Box 22, Folder 36 | Mr. Pickwick
| ||
Box 22, Folder 37 | Mr. Pipp
| ||
Box 22, Folder 38 | Mr. President
| ||
Box 22, Folder 39 | Mr. Strauss Goes To
| ||
Box 22, Folder 40 | Mr. Wonderful
| ||
Box 22, Folder 41 | Much Ado About Love
| ||
Box 23 | |||
Box 23, Folder 1 | Mulligan's Follies
| ||
Box 23, Folder 2 | Murder At The Vanities
| ||
Box 23, Folder 3 | Music Box Revue
| ||
Box 23, Folder 4 | Music Box Revue (2nd Annual
| ||
Box 23, Folder 5 | Music Box Revue (3rd Annual
| ||
Box 23, Folder 6 | Music Box Revue (4th Annual
| ||
Box 23, Folder 7 | Music Hath Charms
| ||
Box 23, Folder 8 | Music In May
| ||
Box 23, Folder 9 | Music In My Heart
| ||
Box 23, Folder 10 | Music In My Heart
| ||
Box 23, Folder 11 | Music In The Air
| ||
Box 23, Folder 12 | The Music Man
| ||
Box 23, Folder 13 | Mutt And Jeff
| ||
Box 23, Folder 14 | My Best Girl
| ||
Box 23, Folder 15 | My Boy Friend
| ||
Box 23, Folder 16 | My China Doll
| ||
Box 23, Folder 17 | My Dear Public
| ||
Box 23, Folder 18 | My Fair Lady
| ||
Box 23, Folder 19 | My Fair Lady
| ||
Box 23, Folder 20 | My Girl
| ||
Box 23, Folder 21 | My Golden Girl
| ||
Box 23, Folder 22 | My Golden West
| ||
Box 23, Folder 23 | My Home Town Girl
| ||
Box 23, Folder 24 | My Little Friend
| ||
Box 23, Folder 25 | My Maryland
| ||
Box 23, Folder 26 | My Romance
| ||
Box 23, Folder 27 | My Soldier Girl
| ||
Box 23, Folder 28 | My Wonder Girl
| ||
Box 23, Folder 29 | Myles Aroon
Series 6: Irving Berlin Compositions
(3 boxes)Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | After You Get What You Want (You Don't Want It)
| |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Alexander's Ragtime Band
| |
Box 1, Folder 3 | All Alone
| |
Box 1, Folder 4 | All By Myself
| |
Box 1, Folder 5 | All My Life
| |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Along Came Ruth
| |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Always
| |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Araby
| |
Box 1, Folder 9 | At Peace With The World
| |
Box 1, Folder 10 | At The Devils Ball
| |
Box 1, Folder 11 | Beautiful Faces
| |
Box 1, Folder 12 | Because I Love You
| |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Becky's Got A Job In A Musical Show or (Becky Joined A Musical
| |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Blues Skies
| |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon
| |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Come Along To Toy Town
| |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Coquette
| |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Don't Wait Too Long
| |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Down In Chattanooga
| |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Dreams Just Dreams
| |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Easter Parade
| |
Box 1, Folder 22 | Everybody Knew But Me
| |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Everybody's Doing It Now
| |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Everything Is Rosy Now For Rosie
| |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Follow The Crowd
| |
Box 1, Folder 26 | For The Very First Time
| |
Box 1, Folder 27 | From Here To Shanghai
| |
Box 1, Folder 28 | The Girl On The Magazine
| |
Box 1, Folder 29 | God Bless America
| |
Box 1, Folder 30 | Goody, Goody, Goody, Goody, Good
| |
Box 1, Folder 31 | The Hand That Rocked My Cradle Rules My Heart
| |
Box 1, Folder 32 | Happy Little Country Girl
| |
Box 1, Folder 33 | He Played It On His Fid, Fid, Fiddle Dee-Dee
| |
Box 1, Folder 34 | He's A Devil In His Own Town
| |
Box 1, Folder 35 | He's A Rag Picker
| |
Box 1, Folder 36 | Homesick
| |
Box 1, Folder 37 | How About Me?
| |
Box 1, Folder 38 | How Deep Is The Ocean
| |
Box 1, Folder 39 | How Many Times?
| |
Box 1, Folder 40 | I Can Always Find A Little Sunshine In The Y.M.C.A.
| |
Box 1, Folder 41 | I Can't Do Without You
| |
Box 1, Folder 42 | I Can't Remember
| |
Box 1, Folder 43 | I Left My Door Open And My Daddy Walked Out
| |
Box 1, Folder 44 | I Like It
| |
Box 1, Folder 45 | I Never Had A Chance
| |
Box 1, Folder 46 | I Threw A Kiss In The Ocean
| |
Box 1, Folder 47 | I Want To Be In Dixie
| |
Box 1, Folder 48 | I Want To Go Back To Michigan
| |
Box 1, Folder 49 | I Wonder
| |
Box 1, Folder 50 | If That's Your Idea Of A Wonderful Time (Take Me
| |
Box 1, Folder 51 | I'll Miss You In The Evening
| |
Box 1, Folder 52 | I'll See You In C-U-B-A
| |
Box 1, Folder 53 | I'll Take You Back To Italy
| |
Box 1, Folder 54 | I'm Beginning To Miss You
| |
Box 1, Folder 55 | I'm On My Way Home
| |
Box 1, Folder 56 | I'm Playing With Fire
| |
Box 1, Folder 57 | In Florida Among The Palms
| |
Box 1, Folder 58 | In My Harem
| |
Box 1, Folder 59 | I've Got A Sweet Tooth Bothering Me
| |
Box 1, Folder 60 | Just A Little Longer
| |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Just A Little While
| |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Just Like The Rose
| |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Kate (Have I Come Too Early, Too Late)
| |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Kiss Me, My Honey, Kiss Me
| |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Lazy
| |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Let's Have Another Cup Of Coffee
| |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Listening
| |
Box 2, Folder 8 | The Little Things In Life
| |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Love And The Weather
| |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Marie
| |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Maybe I Love You Too Much
| |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Me
| |
Box 2, Folder 13 | My Bird Of Paradise (My Honolulu Girl)
| |
Box 2, Folder 14 | My Sweetie
| |
Box 2, Folder 15 | My Wife's Gone To The Country
| |
Box 2, Folder 16 | The New Moon
| |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Next To Your Mother, Who Do You Love?
| |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Nobody Knows (And Nobody Seems To Care)
| |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Now It Can Be Told
| |
Box 2, Folder 20 | The Old Maid's Ball
| |
Box 2, Folder 21 | The Passion Flower
| |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Pick, Pick, Pick, Pick, On The Mandolin, Antonio
| |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Pullman Porters Parade
| |
Box 2, Folder 24 | The Ragtime Violin
| |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Reaching For The Moon
| |
Box 2, Folder 26 | Remember
| |
Box 2, Folder 27 | The Road That Leads To Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 28 | Roses Of Yesterday
| |
Box 2, Folder 29 | Run Home And Tell Your Mother
| |
Box 2, Folder 30 | Russian Lullaby
| |
Box 2, Folder 31 | San Francisco Bound
| |
Box 2, Folder 32 | Say It Isn't So
| |
Box 2, Folder 33 | Snookey Ookums
| |
Box 2, Folder 34 | Some Sunny Day
| |
Box 2, Folder 35 | Somebody's Coming To My House
| |
Box 2, Folder 36 | Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone
| |
Box 2, Folder 37 | The Song Is Ended (But The Melody Lingers On)
| |
Box 2, Folder 38 | Spring And Fall
| |
Box 2, Folder 39 | Stay Down Here Where You Belong
| |
Box 2, Folder 40 | Stop! Stop! Stop! (Come Over and Love Me Some More)
| |
Box 2, Folder 41 | Sunshine
| |
Box 2, Folder 42 | Swanee Shuffle
| |
Box 2, Folder 43 | Sweet Italian Love
| |
Box 2, Folder 44 | Take A Little Tip From Father
| |
Box 2, Folder 45 | Take Me Back
| |
Box 2, Folder 46 | Tell Me Little Gypsy
| |
Box 2, Folder 47 | That International Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 48 | That Mesmerizing Mendelssohn Tune
| |
Box 2, Folder 49 | That Mysterious Rag
| |
Box 2, Folder 50 | That Society Bear
| |
Box 2, Folder 51 | That's A Good Girl
| |
Box 2, Folder 52 | There's A Girl In Arizona
| |
Box 2, Folder 53 | They Were All Out Of Step But Jim
| |
Box 2, Folder 54 | They've Got Me Doin' It Now
| |
Box 2, Folder 55 | This Is The Life
| |
Box 2, Folder 56 | To Be Forgotten
| |
Box 2, Folder 57 | Together, We Two
| |
Box 2, Folder 58 | Wait Until Your Daddy Comes Home
| |
Box 2, Folder 59 | Waiting At The End Of The Road
| |
Box 2, Folder 60 | Was There Ever A Pal Like You
| |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | We Have Much To Be Thankful For
| |
Box 3, Folder 2 | We Saw The Sea
| |
Box 3, Folder 3 | What Does It Matter?
| |
Box 3, Folder 4 | What'll I Do
| |
Box 3, Folder 5 | When I Leave The World Behind
| |
Box 3, Folder 6 | When I Lost You
| |
Box 3, Folder 7 | When I'm Alone I'm Lonesome
| |
Box 3, Folder 8 | When It's Night Time In Dixie Land
| |
Box 3, Folder 9 | When My Baby Smiles
| |
Box 3, Folder 10 | When My Dreams Come True
| |
Box 3, Folder 11 | When That Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves For Alabam'
| |
Box 3, Folder 12 | When The Black Sheep Returns To The Fold
| |
Box 3, Folder 13 | When The Curtain Falls
| |
Box 3, Folder 14 | When You're In Town In My Home Town
| |
Box 3, Folder 15 | Where Is The Song Of Songs For Me
| |
Box 3, Folder 16 | White Christmas
| |
Box 3, Folder 17 | Will She Come From The East? (East-North-West Or
| |
Box 3, Folder 18 | Yiddle On Your Fiddle, Play Some Ragtime
| |
Box 3, Folder 19 | You Forgot To Remember
| |
Box 3, Folder 20 | You Keep Coming Back Like A Song
| |
Box 3, Folder 21 | You'd Be Surprised
| |
Box 3, Folder 22 | You've Got Your Mother's Big Blue Eyes
Series 7: Susan S. Sulloway Materials
(1 box)Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Playbooks | |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Professional Photographs | |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Bloomer Girl Photos and Programs | |
Box 1, Item 4 | Bloomer Girl Scrapbook |
Series B: Souvenir Books
Box 8 | ||
Box 8, Folder 1 | Abe Lincoln in
| |
Box 8, Folder 2 | America, New York Hippodrome,
| |
Box 8, Folder 3 | Annie Get Your Gun
| |
Box 8, Folder 4 | Army, Navy and Marines Song
| |
Box 8, Folder 5 | Around The World, New York
Hippodrome, 1911-1912
| |
Box 8, Folder 6 | Balieff's Chauve Souris of
Moscow, Southampton, Long Island, 1922
| |
Box 8, Folder 7 | Billy Rose's Aquacade, New
York's Worlds Fair, 1939
| |
Box 8, Folder 8 | Bloomer Girl
| |
Box 8, Folder 9 | Call Me Madam
| |
Box 8, Folder 10 | Camelot
| |
Box 8, Folder 11 | Carousel
| |
Box 8, Folder 12 | Cleopatra
| |
Box 8, Folder 13 | The Consul, Shubert Theatre,
Boston, 1950
| |
Box 8, Folder 14 | The Covered Wagon
| |
Box 8, Folder 15 | Do I Hear A Waltz
| |
Box 8, Folder 16 | A Doll's House
| |
Box 8, Folder 17 | Earl Carroll Vanities, New
York, 1928
| |
Box 8, Folder 18 | The Fantastiks, New York,
| |
Box 8, Folder 19 | Gentlemen Prefer
| |
Box 8, Folder 20 | Guys and Dolls
| |
Box 8, Folder 21 | Hansel und Gretel,
Metropolitan Opera House, 1905-06
| |
Box 8, Folder 22 | Happy Hunting, 1956
| |
Box 8, Folder 23 | Her First Roman, 1968
| |
Box 8, Folder 24 | Hip-Hip-Hooray, New York
Hippodrome, 1915-16
| |
Box 8, Folder 25 | The Hunchback of Notre Dame,
1923 film
| |
Box 8, Folder 26 | Iolanthe
| |
Box 8, Folder 27 | Jamaica
| |
Box 8, Folder 28 | The King and I
| |
Box 8, Folder 29 | The King of Kings
| |
Box 8, Folder 30 | La Folie D'Amour, Folies
Bergère, Paris, 1936
| |
Box 8, Folder 31 | Looking Hollywood Way 1970
| |
Box 8, Folder 32 | Macbeth
| |
Box 8, Folder 33 | Madam Sherry, 1910
| |
Box 8, Folder 3 | The Maid and the Mummy, circa
| |
Box 9 | ||
Box 9, Folder 1 | Married Alive
| |
Box 9, Folder 2 | Moiseyev Dance Company,
| |
Box 9, Folder 3 | Musicals of the 1930s,
| |
Box 9, Folder 4 | New Faces of 1952
| |
Box 9, Folder 5 | Othello
| |
Box 9, Folder 6 | Promises, Promises
| |
Box 9, Folder 7 | Rio Rita, Ziegfield Theater,
| |
Box 9, Folder 8 | Sousa and His Band, 1921
| |
Box 9, Folder 9 | Sweet Charity
| |
Box 9, Folder 10 | Tip Top, Colonial Theatre,
| |
Box 9, Folder 11 | Twelfth Night
| |
Box 9, Folder 12 | Two by Two
| |
Box 9, Folder 13 | Very Good Eddie, The Goodspeed
Opera House
| |
Box 9, Folder 14 | Where's Charlie
| |
Box 9, Folder 15 | You Can't Take It With
| |
Box 9, Folder 16 | You're a Good Man Charlie
Brown, 1967
Series 10: Photographs and Movie Stills
(1 box)Subseries A: Negatives
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Eddie Cantor (print in folder 12); George Cohen (f. 15); W.C. Fields (f. 19); "Leave It To Me" (f. 30); Charles A. Lindbergh (f. 31); Mary Martin & Richard Rodgers (f. 34); Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart (f. 46); "Tonight At 8:30" (f. 52) |
Subseries B: 8x11 Prints
Box 1, Folder 2 | "Ali Baba Goes To Town" with Eddie Cantor | |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Fred Astaire | |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers | |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers | |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers | |
Box 1, Folder 7 | "The Band Wagon" with Nanette Fabray | |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Irving Berlin & Tyrone Power | |
Box 1, Folder 9 | "The Big Parade Of Comedy" with Bert Lahr | |
Box 1, Folder 10 | Ray Bolger | |
Box 1, Folder 11 | Eddie Cantor - autographed | |
Box 1, Folder 12 | Eddie Cantor | |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Earl Carroll | |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Jack Carter Show 1950-51 Season (?) | |
Box 1, Folder 15 | George M. Cohan - Then and Now | |
Box 1, Folder 16 | "Count Your Blessings" with Maurice Chevalier | |
Box 1, Folder 17 | "Doubting Thomas" with Will Rogers, Billie Burke & Alison Skipworth | |
Box 1, Folder 18 | The Duncan Sisters - autographed | |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Jimmy Durante | |
Box 1, Folder 20 | W.C. Fields | |
Box 1, Folder 21 | W.C. Fields | |
Box 1, Folder 22 | W.C. Fields | |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Babe & Helen Gardiner - autographed, 1920 | |
Box 1, Folder 24 | "Hellzafreezin" with Olson & Johnson, 1941 | |
Box 1, Folder 25 | "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying" - 11 photos including Rudy Vallée, Robert Morse, Maureen Arthur & Michele Lee | |
Box 1, Folder 26 | "Invitation To A March" with Celeste Holm & Jane Fonda | |
Box 1, Folder 27 | Al Jolson | |
Box 1, Folder 28 | "The King And I" - 2 photos with Deborah Kerr & Yul Brynner, 1961 | |
Box 1, Folder 29 | Bert Lahr | |
Box 1, Folder 30 | "Leave It To Me" with Bella & Samuel Spewack | |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Charles A. Lindbergh | |
Box 1, Folder 32 | Frank Loesser | |
Box 1, Folder 33 | Mary Martin | |
Box 1, Folder 34 | Mary Martin & Richard Rodgers | |
Box 1, Folder 35 | Marx Brothers | |
Box 1, Folder 36 | Marx Brothers | |
Box 1, Folder 37 | Allyn McLerie | |
Box 1, Folder 38 | Johnny Mercer - autographed | |
Box 1, Folder 39 | Ethel Merman, Marilyn Monroe, Donald O'Connor, Dan Dailey & Mitzi Gaynor | |
Box 1, Folder 40 | Marilyn Monroe | |
Box 1, Folder 41 | "Oh! What A Lovely War" - 3 photos | |
Box 1, Folder 42 | "Palooka" with Jimmy Durante & Marjory Rambeau, autographed by Marjory Rambeau | |
Box 1, Folder 43 | Ann Pennington - autographed | |
Box 1, Folder 44 | Ann Pennington - autographed | |
Box 1, Folder 45 | Ezio Pinza | |
Box 1, Folder 46 | Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart | |
Box 1, Folder 47 | Ginger Rogers | |
Box 1, Folder 48 | Will Rogers | |
Box 1, Folder 49 | Phil Silvers & Nanette Fabray | |
Box 1, Folder 50 | Fred Stone | |
Box 1, Folder 51 | "Thoroughly Modern Millie" - 8 photos including Julie Andrews, Carol Channing & Mary Tyler Moore | |
Box 1, Folder 52 | "Tonight At 8:30" with Gertrude Lawrence & Noel Coward | |
Box 1, Folder 53 | Sophie Tucker - autographed, 1929 | |
Box 1, Folder 54 | "Vagabond Lover" with Rudy Vallée | |
Box 1, Folder 55 | Rudy Vallée | |
Box 1, Folder 56 | Rudy Vallée | |
Box 1, Folder 57 | Gwen Verdon |
Subseries C: 11x15 Prints
Box 1, Folder 58 | "Camelot" - 15 photos including Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave & Franco Nero | |
Box 1, Folder 59 | Lew Leslie's "International Revue" with Evelyn Groves | |
Box 1, Folder 60 | Ted Lewis - autographed, 1929 | |
Box 1, Folder 61 | "Simple Simon" - with Doree Leslie, 1930 | |
Box 1, Folder 62 | Sophie Tucker - autographed, 1929 | |
Box 1, Folder 63 | "Up She Goes" - with Gloria Foy, 1922 | |
Box 1, Folder 64 | George White's "Scandals" with Adele Smith | |
Box 1, Folder 65 | Ziegfeld Beauty - Beryl Williams, 1924 | |
Box 1, Folder 66 | Ziegfeld Beauty - Hilda Ferguson, 1920 | |
Box 1, Folder 67 | Ziegfeld Beauty - Dorothy Flood | |
Box 1, Folder 68 | Ziegfeld Beauty - Reri, 1931 (2 shots) | |
Box 1, Folder 69 | Ziegfeld Beauty - Barbara Smith | |
Box 1, Folder 70 | Ziegfeld"s "Rio Rita" with Peggy Blake |

Oh You Hesitating
Tango Trot
by Ethel Patterson
(Series III Box 3 f.21)
Collection Content
- Series 1: World War I Sheet Music
- Series 2: World War II Sheet Music
- Series 3: Dance Sheet Music
- Series A: Popular Music Titles A-D
- Series B: Popular Music Titles E-H
- Series C: Popular Music Titles I-K
- Series D: Popular Music Titles L-M
- Series E: Popular Music Titles N-S
- Series G: Popular Music Titles T-Z
- Series C: I-M
- Series 6: Irving Berlin Compositions
- Series 7: Susan S. Sulloway Materials
- Series B: Souvenir Books
- Series 10: Photographs and Movie Stills