Collection number: MC 197
Size: 7 boxes
(2.33 cu.ft.)
About Betty and Barney Hill
Betty and Barney Hill lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Betty (1919-2004) was a social worker, with a degree from the University of New Hampshire, and Barney (1923-1969) was a postal worker. The couple were catapulted into the international spotlight when in September 1961 they claimed to have been abducted by aliens in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The two were returning home to Portsmouth from a trip to Montreal, Canada, when as they were driving in the middle of the night, they saw lights approaching from the sky. What followed is said to be the first well-documented, feasibly legitimate UFO abduction in history. The couple claimed that they saw bipedal humanoid creatures in the window of a large spacecraft that landed in a field, after which they had no recollection of the next two hours. They returned home to Portsmouth unable to explain the two missing hours. Both Betty and Barney had physical changes from the night before, including Betty’s torn and stained dress, Barney’s scraped shoe, and a broken binocular strap. But neither of them had any memory of these things having happened.
About a year after their abduction, Betty and Barney sought hypnosis therapy to help reveal to them the events of the two missing hours. Through many hypnosis sessions, both were able to recall what had happened and both had similar stories. Betty Hill, through her experience, became one of the most well-known voices in UFO research. The publicity she received from her abduction made her internationally famous. She continued her research into UFOs for the remainder of her life, even after Barney’s sudden death in 1969. The Hills, though best known for their association with UFOs and their abduction, were also active civil servants in their seacoast New Hampshire community. Both were members of the NAACP and belonged to a local Unitarian church. Barney sat on a local board of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
About the Betty and Barney Hill Papers
The Betty and Barney Hill papers contain correspondence, personal journals and essays, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, photographs, slides, and DVDs relating to their experiences with and interest in UFOs. There is a small amount of materials concerning their involvement in the NAACP.
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Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
This collection is open.
Copyright Notice
Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff. For information about licensing materials from this collection, contact UNHInnovation, (603) 862-4125 or email
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder number], [Box number], Betty and Barney Hill Papers, 1961-2006, MC 197, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Donation, Kathleen Marden, Stratham, N.H., Nov. 28, 2006 (Accession number: 2007.01)
Separated Material
One folder of correspondence to and from D.R. has been remvoed according to the wishes of K.M. [Note to staff: It is held in the department files related to the various collections that are housed in the black cabinets in Room 104.]
Collection Contents
Series 1: Correspondence
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Aerial Phenomena Research Organization Inc.; Adams Study Club; Department of the Air Force (4 letters); University of Arizona; W.P. Armstrong; Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis | |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Baldwin-Wallace College; Albert H. Baller; Banglar Sanipod; Jim Bartlett; David Berman; Blackstone Valley Regional School District | |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Ted Bloecher, 1973-1977 (10 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Richard Bonarrigo (3 letters); Book King; Janet and Colin Bord (2 letters); Anthony Brooke (3 letters); Cynthia Brown (with Juanita Smith); Edie Buchanan; Eddie Bullard; Florence and Ted Butler | |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (2 letters); Canadian National Railways; Canadian UFO Report; Jack Carroll (2 letetrs); Centre School; J. Delgado Cerdan; Kay Chism; Robaire and Sody Clampette (6 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Jerome Clark; Clark Publishing Company; CNN; H.F. Cochrane(fragment); Gary Cohen; Columbia-Greene Community College; Contact; Hans Croon (2 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 7 | The David Susskind Show; Michael Davis; Vera deGill; John Detrick; Dell Publishing Company, Inc.; The Dial Press; DK Direct Ltd.; Millie Dufresne (2 letters); Robert J. Durant (2 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 8 | George W. Earley; Eastern Michigan University; P.M.H. Edwards (3 letters); Ralf Eschner | |
Box 1, Folder 9 | George D. Fawcett (2 letters); Lawrence Fawcett; Stanley Ferguson(5 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 10 | Marjorie Fish (34 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 11 | C.W. Fitch (5 letters); Andrea Florio (3 letters); The Foundation Faith of the Millennium (2 letters); Ray Fowler (2 letters); Mina L. French; Stanton T. Friedman (3 letters); Margaret Fry (5 letters); Curtis Fuller | |
Box 1, Folder 12 | John G. Fuller, 1975-1982 (19 letters, many undated) | |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Anne Gehman; Good Morning America; Vera Gill (2 letters); Global Television Network; Timothy Good; Gorvardhan Hill, Inc.; Elsa D. Griscom; Ground Saucer Watch | |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Bob Hair, 1980-1982 (8 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Hampton Jaycees; Hampton Public Schools; Friends of Gary Hart; Whitney C. Hayward | |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Bill Herman, 1979-198 (8 letters, 2 two photographs); Hingley | |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Robert E. Hohmann, 1965-Nov. 1966 (25 letters, some undated) | |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Robert E. Hohmann, April 1967-Nov. 1973 (26 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Rosetta Holmes (4 letters); Human Development Center; Allen Hynek, 1967 | |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Phil Imbrogno; International UFO Congress (see Curtis Fuller); Herbert Jonas. | |
Box 1, Folder 21 | KDKA-TV; Alice Keens-Soper; Bonnie Kelly; Philip J. Kenney; Carol Kenny; Donald Keyhoe (2 letters); KKZZ Country; Philip J. Klass; KTVU San Francisco; KYW Radio | |
Box 1, Folder 22 | John H. Luttrell, Sr.; David M. Leuser; William J. Lewis; Barbara Liscomb; (Mr.) Long; Look Magazine (2 letters); The Lou Gordon Program; Lucent Books | |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Jack Mack; Mari Major; Mike Marsulla; Maria Martin; McClellan Family; Kenneth McCulloch; Christine McElroy; Doris M. McKenna; Debra F. McMillin (3 letters); Edith Meinelt (2 letters); Melaney; Rev. Vincent P. Mellone; John and Virginia Meloney (7 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Mrs. Gerard Michaud (2 letters); Eleanor Milliken (3 letters, one frag.); Minnesota Society for Parapsychological Research; William L. Moore (2 letters); Jay Morrison (4 letters); Mutual UFO Network, Inc.; Mystery Hill | |
Box 1, Folder 25 | National Investigation Committee (2 letters); The New Hampshire; New Hampshire College; New Hampshire Public Television (2 letters); Paul Norman (2 letters); Mrs. Robert Guilford North; NOVA (2 letters) | |
Box 1, Folder 26 | Octopus Books Limited; Christian R. Page; Karl T. Pflock; The Phil Donahue Show (2 letters); Thierry Pinvidic (2 letters); Plymouth State College; Frank Procopio; Profile Jr./Sr. High School; Program Corporation of America; Roberta Pryor; Psychic Information Exchange; Psychic Science Research Association Inc. (3 letters); Psychical Awarness & Research Association | |
Box 1, Folder 27 | Patricia Rainey; Michael Rampami; A.J.S. Rayl; R/D Productions (5); David Rees; Renaissance Community, Inc.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; John Thomas Richards; George H. Roberts Jr.; Stanley Rothenberg; Lynelle Rush | |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Rutland Free Library (2); Harley Rutlege; Karen Sable; Valerii I. Sanarov (4); George Scher; Paul Schine (?); Bob Schmidt; Robert Sheaffer; Bob Sh(?); Terry L. Shorb (2); Dr. Benjamin Simon; John L. Spencer | |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle Jan. 1967- Dec. 1981 (15) | |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Mary Stevens; Tom Stevens; Wendelle C. Stevens; Whitley Streiber; Talcott Mountain Science Center for Student Involvement, Inc.; Brendan Taylor (2); Teddy Bart Productions; Jeff Thompson; Douglas Thorpe; To Tell the Truth (2) | |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Unity Fellowship; U.S. Department of Transportation; Dr. Arun Kumar Vajpey (6); Erich Von Daniken; Dr. Douglas J. Waters; WBZ Radio; WBZ-TV | |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Walter Webb Sept. 1961-Feb. 1976 (28) | |
Box 2, Folder 6 | Weekday (2); WEEP Radio; WGST News Radio; WHEB Radio; John W. White (2); WICC Radio; Gary Wilcox | |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Bob Williams 1967-1971 (15) | |
Box 2, Folder 8 | WKBD-TV; WLVI-TV (2); WNBH Radio; Ian Michael Wood; WREB Radio;WRKO/WROR Radio; WWSW Radio; WXLO Radio | |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Unidentified correspondence (most identities have been redacted), 1960s | |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Redacted correspondence, 1971-1977 | |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Redacted correspondence, 1978-1979 | |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Redacted correspondence, 1980-1990 | |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Redacted correspondence, undated | |
Box 2, Folder 14 | Correspondence from Betty Hill, 1967-1990 |
Series 2: Personal History
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | Personal history (childhood, genealogy, parents, marriage to Barney) | |
Box 3, Folder 2 | Certificates: Betty and Barney’s marriage certificate, Betty’s birth certificate, Barney’s honorable discharge from the U.S. Army, Barney’s enlistment record, Barney’s death certificate | |
Box 3, Folder 3 | Hill deaths (Betty’s obituary, “Barney’s Death” an essay by Betty Hill) | |
Box 3, Folder 4 | Requests for employment leaves/transfers. III. Notebooks and Journals |
Series 3: Notebooks and Journals
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 5 | Notebook of Betty’s UFO sightings, Nov. 1977-Dec. 1978 | |
Box 3, Folder 6 | Notebook of Betty’s UFO sightings, Dec. 1978-May 1980 | |
Box 3, Folder 7 | Notebook of Betty’s UFO sightings, June 1980-March 1984 | |
Box 3, Folder 8 | “Journal of UFO Sightings” by Betty Hill (part one, 1977-1978). [The typed version of Betty's notebooks of sightings for these years] | |
Box 3, Folder 9 | “Journal of UFO Sightings” by Betty Hill (part two, 1980-1983). [As above] | |
Box 3, Folder 10 | “Journal of UFO Sightings” by Betty Hill (part three, 1984-1991) | |
Box 3, Folder 11 | “Strange Events” by Betty Hill (1977-1988). [Contains selected events taken from the "Journal of UFO Sightings," presumably those sightings Betty valued as the most significant] | |
Box 3, Folder 12 | Betty’s typed reports of sightings by others, 1967-1978 |
Series 4: Manuscripts
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 13 | Fragments of The Interrupted Journey Continued by Betty Hill | |
Box 3, Folder 14 | Draft of The Interrupted Journey Continued by Betty Hill | |
Box 3, Folder 15 | Draft of The Interrupted Journey Continued by Betty Hill | |
Box 3, Folder 16 | Draft of The Interrupted Journey Continued or A Common Sense Approach To UFOs by Betty Hill | |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | Proof copy of The Interrupted Journey Continued or A Common Sense Approach To UFOs by Betty Hill, including book jacket and photograph of earlier idea for the cover | |
Box 4, Folder 2 | Essay titled “Dreams or Recall?” | |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Essay titled “Misidentification of UFOs.” | |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Betty’s articles to editors | |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Betty’s articles, speeches and diary entries | |
Box 4, Folder 6 | The Interrupted Journey by John G. Fuller, chapters 1-5 | |
Box 4, Folder 7 | The Interrupted Journey by John G. Fuller, chapters 6-9 | |
Box 4, Folder 8 | The Interrupted Journey by John G. Fuller, chapters 10-13 | |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Press release for A Common Sense Approach to UFOs |
Series 5: Contracts and Agreements
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 10 | Book and Magazine contracts: Ashley Famous Agency (4); The Dial Press; International Creative Management (Reader’s Digest) | |
Box 4, Folder 11 | Television Contracts/Speaking Engagements: Associated Risk Analysts; “Bob Kennedy Contact”; CBS; “Contact”; The Dial Press (4); “Kup’s Show”; “LOOK”; MBC; Pease Air Force Base; Pierce Memorial Forum; “To Tell the Truth” (2); WCAU; WLOB | |
Box 4, Folder 12 | Contracts/speaking engagements | |
Box 4, Folder 13 | Entry for Encyclopedia of New England Culture, by Betty Hill |
Series 6: Subject Files
Box 5 | ||
Box 5, Folder 1 | Air Force Intelligence Report | |
Box 5, Folder 2 | David Baker, artist | |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Declassified CIA and FBI documents | |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Dress Analysis | |
Box 5, Folder 5 | Stanton Friedman | |
Box 5, Folder 6 | Grays Harbor County Civil Defense/UFA Report | |
Box 5, Folder 7 | Hypnosis Papers | |
Box 5, Folder 8 | Hypnosis Transcripts, Sessions 1-4 | |
Box 5, Folder 9 | Hypnosis Transcripts, Sessions 5-9 | |
Box 5, Folder 10 | Lie Detector Testing | |
Box 5, Folder 11 | Miscellaneous Subject Files:
Introductory Space Science text used by USAF Academy; Biological Effects of Radio-Frequency Radiation; “Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case” by Michael D. Swords; visit to Betty Hill’s Landing Site; Testimony of Betty and Barney Hill; letter from Col. Peter Bent of the Department of the Air Force, dated June 14, 1983, enclosing Charles Halt’s report of “Unexplained Lights” on Dec. 27, 1980. | |
Box 5, Folder 12 | NASA report on UFOs | |
Box 5, Folder 13 | National UFO Reporting center | |
Box 5, Folder 14 | NICAP reports; NICAP membership card | |
Box 5, Folder 15 | Project Blue Book | |
Box 5, Folder 16 | Betty’s Civic Work; Letters from Senators; photograph of John F. Kennedy | |
Box 5, Folder 17 | Dale A. Russell Papers, Part 1: “The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Problem”; “The Evolution of Intelligence on Earth” | |
Box 5, Folder 18 | Dale A. Russell Papers, Part 2: “Dinosaurs, Museums and Space Stations: The next decade in the natural sciences”; “Of Dinosaurs and Dirigibles: Questions on the Phanerozoic Atmosphere” | |
Box 5, Folder 19 | Dale A. Russell, miscellaneous | |
Box 5, Folder 20 | Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle Papers | |
Box 5, Folder 21 | Articles on UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence:
“Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Where Is Everybody?” by John A. Ball (American Scientist, Vol. 68); “The Age of Nearby Stars” by Jeffrey L. Kretsch (Astronomy, July 1975), and “Recent Developments in the Scientific Study of UFO’s” by Frank B. Salisbury (BioScience, Vol. 25 No. 8) | |
Box 5, Folder 22 | Unidentified speeches, maps, etc. and 1966 tour schedule | |
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 1 | Star charts:
Various charts titled “Stars in the Hill Map Volume” by Marjorie Fish; star maps, including photograph, plot, and chart of stars; “An Analysis of the Fish Model” by Walter N. Webb, and a letter, dated May 2, 1975, from Fish in which she mentions Robert Scheaffer’s criticism of her work and its probable publication in Astronomy | |
Box 6, Folder 2 | Star maps and UFO drawing by the Hills; unidentified drawing of alien | |
Box 6, Folder 3 | Zeta Reticuli material:
Two issues of Astronomy (Dec 1974 and Jan 1976) that include Terence Dickinson’s article “The Zeta Reticuli Incident”; “Zeta Reticula Update” (1980) by Terence Dickinson; two offprints of “The Zeta Reticuli Incident” with related commentary by Jeffrey L. Kretsch, Carl Sagan, Steven Soter, Robert Scheaffer, Marjorie Fish, David Saunders, and Michael Peck, and a photocopy of the various commentaries from Astronomy, July 1975; drawing of Reticular pin |
Series 7: Publications
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 4 | “Aboard a Flying Saucer” by John G. Fuller; “Aliens Visit Voronezh” by Lev Aksyonov and Boris Zverev; Bulletin of Anomalous Experience | |
Box 6, Folder 5 | Argosy; The Australian UFO Bulletin; Caveat Emptor | |
Box 6, Folder 6 | Christian Life; Cleveland Press (2); The Communion Letter; Delve report; Fate; Fortean Times; Great Flying Saucer Hoax | |
Box 6, Folder 7 | “The Gimlet Eye” by D. Keith Mano; Greenhaven Press; “How to Make an Alien” by Thomas E. Bullard; Incident at Indian Lake | |
Box 6, Folder 8 | Look magazine (6 articles) | |
Box 6, Folder 9 | “Mixed Message” by John S. Carpenter; The Most Amazing Case of All; The MUFON UFO Journal (2); National Enquirer; “A New Model of Investigation: Part 1″ by John L. Spencer | |
Box 6, Folder 10 | “PSI and the Life Cycle” by Berthold E. Schwarz; “Telepathic Homoreque” by Berthold E. Schwarz; “UFO Hunting” by Thomas Elliot’ “Use and Misuse of Hypnosis in UFO Abduction Cases” by Kathleen Marden | |
Box 6, Folder 11 | UFO Investigator (3) Sept-Oct 1964; April 1972; Sept. 1972,; UFO Journal (3): Sept 2001; Aug 2002; Jan 2004; UFOLOGY (photocopy) April 28, 1977 | |
Box 6, Folder 12 | UFO Perceptions: Sept. 1989; Dec. 1989; July 1990; Fall 1993 |
Series 8: Newsclippings
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 13 | Apr 196 - Oct
| |
Box 6, Folder 14 | Nov 1965 - Nov
| |
Box 6, Folder 15 | Nov 1966 - Oct
| |
Box 6, Folder 16 | Jan 1976 - Feb
| |
Box 6, Folder 17 | Aug 1985 - Jan
| |
Box 6, Folder 18 | Apr 1987 - Sept
| |
Box 6, Folder 19 | Newsclippings about the Hills from unidentified sources | |
Box 6, Folder 20 | Newsclippings, miscellaneous |
Series 9: Photographs
Box 7 | ||
Folder 1 | Barney Hill at home (b&w) | |
Folder 2 | Barney Hill with US Mail truck (b&w). | |
Folder 3 | Betty and Barney Hill with Delsey the dog and article about themselves (b&w) | |
Folder 4 | Barney Hill (b&w) | |
Folder 5 | Barney Hill in lawn chair (b&w) | |
Folder 6 | Barney Hill with model ship (b&w) | |
Folder 7 | Betty and Barney Hill with drawing of space ship (b&w) | |
Folder 8 | Betty and Barney Hill with The Interrupted Journey (b&w) | |
Folder 9 | Betty Hill with Delsey the dog (b&w) | |
Folder 10 | Betty and Barney Hill on lawn (b&w) | |
Folder 11 | Barney Hill at work sorting mail (b&w) | |
Folder 12 | Betty and Barney Hill on show or panel (b&w) | |
Folder 13 | Betty Hill with picture of Barney (b&w) | |
Folder 14 | Betty Hill outside (b&w) | |
Folder 15 | Betty and Barney Hill in apartment (b&w) | |
Folder 16 | Betty Hill with interviewer (color) | |
Folder 17 | Betty Hill with Delsey the dog (b&w) | |
Folder 18 | Betty and Barney Hill on lawn (b&w) | |
Folder 19 | Betty with guest and The Interrupted Journey (b&w) | |
Folder 20 | Betty and Barney Hill with friends (b&w) | |
Folder 21 | Betty Hill in chair (b&w) | |
Folder 22 | Betty and Barney Hill with drawing of UFO (b&w) | |
Folder 23 | Picture of papier-mache alien head (b&w) | |
Folder 24 | Coins with larger object (color) | |
Folder 25 | Lights on railroad tracks (color) | |
Folder 26-105 | Unidentified lights, likely sent to Betty Hill by UFO seekers (all color) | |
Box 8 | ||
Folder 1 | Picture of painting of aliens seen by Betty and Barney (color) | |
Folder 2-6 | Matted-down turf, East Kingston (color) | |
Folder 7 | Railroad tracks, unidentified light (color) | |
Folder 8-17 | Star chart model (b&w) | |
Folder 18 | Alleged alien face (b&w) | |
Folder 19 | Lights on horizon (color) | |
Folder 20 | People with binoculars, on boat, in water (color) | |
Folder 21-22 | Object in water (color) | |
Folder 23 | Object in water, light above water (color) | |
Folder 24 | Object on railroad tracks, object in sky (color) | |
Folder 25-26 | Broken tree branches (color) | |
Folder 27-30 | Lights near railroad tracks (color) | |
Folder 31-33 | Electrical box (color) | |
Folder 34-38 | Light on horizon (color) | |
Folder 39 | Picture of papier-mache alien head (b&w) | |
Folder 40 | Unidentified disk-shaped objects (color) | |
Folder 42-54 | Unidentified lights in sky, likely sent to Betty Hill by UFO seekers (color) | |
Folder 55 | Bill Hermann and friends (b&w) | |
Folder 56 | Friends of Betty Hill (b&w) | |
Folder 57 | Betty Hill and horse (in dress she was later "abducted" in) (b&w) | |
Folder 58 | Betty and Barney Hill with another couple (b&w) | |
Folder 59 | Betty and Barney Hill with others in diner (b&w) | |
Folder 60 | Model of star system, includes star information (color) | |
Folder 61-68 | Star system model (color) | |
Folder 69 | Star system model (b&w) | |
Folder 70 | Star system model (b&w) | |
Folder 71 | Photo of papier-mache alien head (b&w) | |
Folder 72-77 | Unidentified lights, likely sent to Betty Hill by UFO seekers (b&w) | |
Folder 78-90 | Unidentified lights, likely sent to Betty Hill by UFO seekers (color) | |
Folder 91 | Betty Hill with alien head, dress, and cat (b&w) | |
Folder 92 | Betty and Barney Hill with Delsey the dog (b&w) | |
Folder 93 | Barney Hill in mailman uniform (b&w) | |
Folder 94 | Photo of papier-mache alien head (b&w) | |
Folder 95 | Barney Hill in mailman uniform (b&w) | |
Folder 96 | Betty and Barney Hill (color) | |
Folder 97 | Betty with papier-mache alien head (b&w) | |
Folder 98 | Slides |
Series 10: DVDs
Box 9 | ||
Item 1 | Betty Hill Interviews, Norwich, CT. 9/17/79 & 9/20/79 | |
Item 2 | The UFO Experience: Betty Hill Presentation. 1987 | |
Item 3 | Betty Hill: The UFO Connection. Feb. 22 & 23, 1985 | |
Item 4 | The UFO Incident. 10/20/75 | |
Item 5 | "Strange Septembers: The Hill Abduction & the Exeter Encounter" A documentary by Jeff & Jess Finn © 2011 | |
Item 6 | "Betty Hill Interview: The Interrupted Journey...Continues" RRAR Productions © 2003 |
Series 11: Artifacts and Oversized Materials
Oversize Box 1 | ||
Betty Hill’s dress | ||
Oversize Box 2 | ||
| ||
Oversize Box 2 | ||
Art works by David G. Baker, 1967
There are three 18×17″ mounted color paintings and two 11×17″ black and white mounted drawings “drawn from verbal description by Barney and Betty Hill, Oct 1, 1967″ | ||
Alien (18x17" color) | ||
Landscape (18x17 color) | ||
One of the 11x17" black and white drawings | ||
Oversize Box 3 | ||
Barney Hill Materials | ||
Folder 1 | Photos of Barney Hill, undated and unidentified | |
Folder 2 | Barney Hill correspondence with NAACP | |
Folder 3 | Barney Hill correspondence | |
Folder 4 | Barney Hill correspondence | |
Folder 5 | Notes from a speech given by Barney Hill at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard | |
Folder 6 | Copy of One Step Together by the Boston Branch of the NAACP, 1965 | |
Item 7 | Scrapbook about Barney Hill's NAACP activities and newspaper articles | |
Item 8 | Plaque to Barney Hill for Life Membership to NAACP | |
Item 9 | Plaque to Betty Hill for Life Membership to NAACP | |
Oversize Box 4 | ||
Alien bust |