Collection number: MC 280 [Stored Offsite]
Size: 40 boxes
(40 cu.ft.)
About George Fogg (1928-2022)
Dick Oakes of the Phantom Ranch writes:
"George A. Fogg was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and raised in the neighboring town of Salisbury. He went to Salisbury Grammar and Amesbury High School before a four year tour of duty in the U.S. Army. He then attended the University of New Hampshire in Durham.
"George began English dancing with the Country Dance Society, Boston Centre, Inc. In 1968, when the leader and principle teacher retired, the Appalachian Mountain Club's Country Dance Society "Cardigan Dance / Hiking Weekend" held near Bristol, New Hampshire, needed another teacher / leader. George was selected and has been teaching English Country Dance ever since. For his years of service to the organization, George was made a "Life Member" of the Country Dance Society, Boston Centre, Inc.
"In 1968, with Ms. Joe Ray, George started the South Weymouth English Country Dance Group in Weymouth, Mass. The group grew for a number of years until attrition forced the group to disband in 1998. George says, "This group was very tolerant of me in my beginning years and thus was a great and wonderful learning experience for all of us. This group was one of my extreme joys in the dance field. It was out of this group I was able to present my first George Washington's Birthday Ball in 1984." George has continued presenting the ball ever since.
"George is well known as a regular at the Mainewoods Dance Camp, whether he's on the staff or helping in the kitchen or wherever needed and teaching a dance or two at the evening parties. At the 2003 camp, he came up with the idea of "English Country Dances in 3/4 Time" at 2:30 a.m. the first night and they began appearing on the request lists!
"'One of my best experiences,' George relates, 'was to be invited by Ralph Page to lead his November Square Dance Weekend at East Hill Farm in Troy, New Hampshire. In addition to Ralph, other callers were Roger Whynot and George Hodgson. I learned much from them and later I found out they had learned from me! I was there for 17 years. The calling / leading was so superior and enjoyable. Unfortunately, after Ralph passed on, it was not continued as he was the guiding hand; another leader tried but the joy and loss of Ralph had its closure.'
"George has been very active in several dance-related organizations, including:
- Past President, Country Dance Society (CDS), Boston Centre
- Past Director, New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA)
- Past Director, Pinewoods Camp, Inc., Plymouth, Massachusetts
- Past Director, The Revels, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Past Director, Mainewoods Dance Camp, Bridgton, Maine
- Past Bagman, Pinewoods Morris Men (PMM) for 20 years
- Past Eastern Area Vice President, Country Dance and Song Society of America (CDSSA)
- Past Chairman, Playford Balls, CDS, Boston Centre (3)
- Past Chirman, CDS, Boston Centre, Food Booth, NEFFA Festival
- Past Committee Chairman, Ralph Page Memorial Fund Committee, NEFFA
- Producer, Black Joker Morris First Night Programmes
- Office Manager, CDS, Boston Centre and NEFFA
- Ex-Officio Member, CDS, Boston Centre, Board of Directors
"He has been the Dancing Master at the Hartford Playford Ball in Hartford, Connecticut, Sudbury Militia Balls at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Massachusetts, and the Billerica Colonial Minutemen, Billerica, Massachusetts. He holds membership in several dance organizations, including the Country Dance and Song Society of America (CDSSA, Haydenville, Massachusetts), Country Dance Society (CDS, Boston Centre, Inc.), English Folk Dance and Song Society (London, England), New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA), Pinewoods Morris Men (PMM), and Black Joker Morris Men. He has produced over forty Christmas Country Dance Balls and George Washington Birthday Balls. George has been on hundreds of Morris tours, including England with the PMM and Black Jokers. He also has participated in a dozen performances.
"In addition to teaching hundreds of "one-night stands," George has taught two dozen organizations, a dozen dance camps, and several workshops. He has also reconstructed Early American dances and steps, working closely with Kate V. W. Keller and Chip Hendrickson.
"In 2012, the CDSS governing board awarded George its Lifetime Contribution Award."
Reprinted from Dick Oakes's biography at The Phantom Ranch, n.d. The full biography may be seen here.
About the George Fogg Collection
The collection consists of dance diaries, correspondence, photographs, dance notation, ephemera, pedagogical materials, and audio visual materials from Fogg. Others’ materials are also included to a lesser extent, most notable are the dance diaries of Louise Winston and Evelyn Lamond.
The collection is particularly strong in English and Colonial American dance teaching and research, including several boxes of historical dance manuscripts documenting Fogg’s close scholarly collaboration with Kate Van Winkle Keller and others, as well as his practice of collecting older dance manuscripts and ephemera from the 18th through 21st centuries. Extensive involvement and/or directorship of organizations such as the New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA), the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend (RPDLW), and the Country Dance Society-Boston Centre (CDS-BC) are widely represented in photographs and papers. Smaller amounts of material relate to international folk dance, Morris dancing with the Black Jokers Morris Men and the Pinewoods Morris Men, American dance history, and New England contra and square dancing. It would be entirely possible to write a history of 20th century New England contra dance from this collection alone.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
This collection is open.
This collection is housed in the Library Storage Building; access requires 48 hours notice. Please contact the Special Collections staff prior to visiting the library.
Copyright Notice
Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder], [Box], George Fogg Collection, 1800-2015, MC 280, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Gift, 1996-2015
Related Material
MC 279, Country Dance Society - Boston Centre, Milne Special Collections and Archives, UNH
MC 288, Pinewoods Camp Collection, Milne Special Collections and Archives, UNH
Separated Material
Series 7: Audio/Visual Material is stored with the NHLTMD audio/visual collection
Collection Arrangement
The collection is arranged into 9 series. Original order was maintained where possible.
Collection Contents
- Series 1: Letters and Personal Dance Diaries, 1940-2013
- Series 2: Dance Notes and Diaries from Others, 1894-2014
- Series 3: Photos, 1915-2005
- Series 4: Dance Organizations, 1915-2015
- Series 5: Dance Materials, 1900-2015
- Series 7: Audio Materials, 1950-2015
- Series 8: Dance Ephemera, 1960-2000
- Series 9: Oversize Materials, 1944-2000
Series 1: Letters and Personal Dance Diaries, 1940-2013
(2 boxes)Correspondence related to both Fogg's personal life and his dance career, as well as extensive diaries of dances he both called and attended.
Box 1 | ||
Letters 1960-2010
Arrangement mixed chronological/subject files. Correspondents include Ralph Page, Nibs Matthew, Carrie Stahl, Harvey Gardener, Wendy Rowe, Liz Donaldson, Evelyn Lamond, Marshall Barron, George Hodgson, Ted Sannella, and many others. Several folders of Country Dance Society-Boston Centre (CDS-BC) correspondence are included as well. | ||
Box 2 | ||
Letters and Dance Diaries
Arrangement mixed chronological/subject files. Letters are dated ca. 1960-2013. Correspondents include Ted Sannella, Neil Kelly, George Hodgson, Michael and Mary-Ann Herman, Ralph Page, Ellen Mandigo, Kate Van Winkle Keller, Walter Lenk, Sylvia Miskoe, Dudley Laufman, and others. Dance diaries are dated ca. 1940-2013, and consist of notebooks of dance programs which Fogg personally attended or called. A partial transcription of the dance diaries is included for 1969-1985. |
Series 2: Dance Notes and Diaries from Others, 1894-2014
(1 box)Series consists of diaries and notes of individuals whose diaries Fogg collected through bequest or purchase. Most are primary sources.
Box 3 | ||
Dance Notes and Diaries 1894-2014
The bulk of the material is from Boston dancer Louise Winston (1917-1996). Daily diaries for 1929 and 1943-1984 document her involvement in the Cambridge YWCA dances with Ralph Page, her friendship with Page and others, her impressions of dances, etc. Also included are guest books for dances she hosted, song booklets, and her music collection inventory. Dance diaries for pianist Evelyn Lamond (1907-1990) span the years 1967-1975 of the weekly Drop-in Square and Contra Dance Evenings at 3 Joy St., Boston. A transcription by George Fogg, cross-indexed to Louise Winston’s diaries, is included. Callers Lamond played for include Louise Winston, Ted Sannella, Ralph Page, Charlie Hunter, Ralph Sweet, Rich Castner, Roger Whynot, George Hodgson, and others. Other dance diaries/notes include those of Clement Weeks (fascmile, Greenland NH, 18th century), Marcia E. Edgerton (diary and transcription, PA, 1915), Allen Wechsler (Boston, 1950s), and several others. Two anonymous original diaries are in very fragile condition. |
Series 3: Photos, 1915-2005
(2 boxes)Photos taken by Fogg and others of many types of dance events, particularly Morris and English dance. The series is particularly notable for its 1940s-1950s NEFFA photos and early American Morris photos ca. 1915-1920.
Box 4 | ||
Photos 1915-2005
Arranged by subject. Topics include early 20th century Morris dancing photos, early NEFFA, the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend 1990-1991, Morris teams Fogg danced with (The Black Jokers, Pinewoods Morris Men), English dancing, colonial reenactment balls, the Salute to Ted Sannella dance (1987), and photos of Ralph Page. | ||
Box 5 | ||
Photos 1940-2005
Arranged by subject. Subjects include the Black Jokers Morris team, Maine Folk Dance Camp/Mainewoods, Ralph Page, Country Dance Society (CDS) photos from Louise Winston, and early NEFFA photos (including the first festival in 1944). |
Series 4: Dance Organizations, 1915-2015
(3 boxes)Papers from Fogg and others related to involvement, activities, and leadership of the New England Folk Festiva (NEFFA), Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend (RPDLW), and Country Dance Society-Boston Centre (CDS-BC).
Box 5 | ||
Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend (RPDLW),
Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend (RPDLW), 1987-2013 Materials are foldered chronologically. Fogg was heavily involved in the founding and running of the RPDLW from its initial planning stages through the first 10-15 years of the festival. Materials related to each year begin with the formation of the “NEFFA Ralph Page Memorial Committee” in 1987, through the first festival in 1988, and include auxiliary files of lectures, benefit events, publicity, and dance notes. Prominent figures include Ted Sannella, Marianne Taylor, and others. | ||
Box 6 | ||
New England Folk Festival Association materials,
Arranged by subject. Papers reflect both Fogg’s personal involvement in NEFFA and his collection of early NEFFA materials. Included are letters, minutes, programs and a scrapbook from the first 10 years of NEFFA (1944-1954), a 1946 poster, and a copy of Ralph Page’s handwritten speeches which opened and closed the first festival in October of 1944.y | ||
Box 7 | ||
Country Dance Society-Boston Centre (CDS-BC),
Fogg served as the director of the CDS-BC for many years, during which he documented current activities as well as curating the papers of past directors. Included are the CDS-BC Presidential papers of Joe Kynoch, Playford Ball and square dance and historical reenactment programs sponsored by the organization, WWII dance newsletters (“The Country Dancer in Wartime”), and miscellaneous historical papers relating to the organization and affiliate teachers. |
Series 5: Dance Materials, 1900-2015
(13 boxes)This series consists of dance notations, sheet music, event posters, and related materials which reflect Fogg’s intensive involvement in the British and American folk dance scenes from the mid 1960s onwards. Also included is a small amount of sheet music and miscellaneous dance papers. Arrangement is alphabetical by style.
Box 8 | ||
English/Colonial Dance,
Alphabetical. Subject folders from dances and camps Fogg attended or at which he taught, including: Florida Folk Dance Camp, Germantown PA Folk Dancers, Heritage Dance Festival (PA), Lost Pines Dance Camp (Texas), NEFFA, South Weymouth MA, San Antonio Folk Dance Festival (Texas), Turtle Frolic (Rhode Island), Williamsburg Virginia Heritage Dancers, and others. | ||
Box 9 | ||
English/Playford Dance,
Largely alphabetical by event. Materials consist of teaching notes, posters, programs, travel arrangements, and the like. Headings include: CDSS dances across the United States, George Washington Birthday Balls, Richmond (VA) Colonial Dance Club, James Monroe Balls, and individual English dances in Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Virgina, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, Kentucky, California, Oregon, New Jersey, Maryland, New Hampshire, and others. One folder covers a dance taught in Ontario. | ||
Box 10 | ||
English/Colonial Dance 1980-2012
Partially alphabetical. Mostly English dance programs, history, and teaching notes from the northeast United States independently and through CDS-BC. This includes the annual CDS-BC Christmas Ball, whose folders are chronological 1984-2011. A small amount of Scottish and Welsh dancing material is also included in this box. | ||
Box 11 | ||
English Country/Sword/Mummers Dance,
Partially alphabetical. English country dance programs, mummer’s plays, sword dances, and a small amount of scholarly material on historical dance and dance teachers such as Cecil Sharpe (“C#”). Specific events include the Champlain Valley Festival, George Washington Birthday Balls, Richmond Assemblies, Pinewoods Dance Camp, and others. | ||
Box 12 | ||
English Dance Historical Materials,
By subject. Includes a small amount of dance notations and syllabi, but is mostly historical dance files and articles relating to books Fogg co-authored or owned. Topics include the work of James Alexander, Cecil Sharpe, and Neal Kelley, and a small amount relating to Portuguese contra dancing in the early 19th century. An 1984-2007 index and materials from the South Weymouth George Washington Ball sponsored by Fogg are chronological. Of particular note are extensive photocopies and transcriptions of letters between Maud Karples and Evelyn K. Wells, 1940-1973, which discuss in detail English country dance past and present as well as contemporary events such as the bombings and food rationing in London during WWII. | ||
Box 13 | ||
International Folk Dance and Early Kentucky Dance Institute
(KDI), 1958-1980
A small amount of International Folk Dance materials from the Scottish, Scandinavian, Native American, French, and Cajun, as well as syllabi for the Kentucky Dance Institute (KDI) in Berea KY where Fogg taught for many years. Syllabi are chronological from 1958-1976. | ||
Box 14 | ||
Kentucky Dance Institute and Other Syllabi,
Chronological. Includes Kentucky Dance Institute syllabi 1987-2012 and misc. other folk dance syllabi 1950-1980 and undated. | ||
Box 15 | ||
Maine Folk Dance Camp/Mainewoods Syllabi and Others
Fogg attended the Maine Folk Dance Camp and Mainewoods for many years as a participant/teacher and as a director. Syllabi are chronological 1952-1999. Also included are a small number of Oglebay Folk Dancers syllabi and a poster from a 1985 “Folk Dance Weekend in Memory of Ralph Page” held at the East Hill Farm in Troy, NH. | ||
Box 16 | ||
Mainewoods Syllabi 1995-2013
Mainewoods syllabi, chronological 1995-2013. Miscellaious other materials, including some international folk dance step notations. | ||
Box 17 | ||
Mainewoods and Other Syllabi
Mainewoods syllabi, chronological 1996-2011. Various other syllabi and folk dance materials, including Irish, Polish, Balkan, and teachings of Dick Crum and Émile Jaques-Dalcroze. | ||
Box 18 | ||
Black Jokers Morris Men and Misc. Morris History Papers
Fogg danced for many years as a member of the Black Jokers Morris Men (Boston), serving as Bagman. (The name is taken from a popular English Morris dance tune called the Black Joke.) Included is correspondence, posters, internal papers, and a large amount of folders relating to the yearly performances at Boston’s First Night celebration. Non-Black Joker material includes Mary Neal and the Esperance Morris, Great Western Morris, Sherborne Morris, “Proposal to Form a Women’s Morris Organization” (n.d., 1940s?), and a postcard from May Gadd. | ||
Box 19 | ||
Pinewoods Morris Men (PMM) Papers
Foldered by subject. The Pinewoods Morris Men (formed in 1954) are the official Morris team of the Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS), and are one of the longest-running Morris teams in the United States. Fogg danced as a member of the team for many years and served as treasurer, dancer, and other roles. Included are extensive financials, correspondence, programs, publicity, newsletters, minutes, materials related to the 50th anniversary in 2014, and materials from PMM’s 1980 English tour. | ||
Box 20 | ||
New England Dance, Western Squares, and Misc. Papers
Foldered by subject. Within New England, Fogg has called many times for contra and square dances at such events as the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, as well as collecting considerable amounts of historical materials. Included are extensive files related to Ralph Page, 18-20th century Maine dancing, text of a Bob McQuillen workshop on Maine caller Rod Linnell, historical manuscripts of 18th century Mainers H.G.O. Washburn, James Alexander, Merrill, Thompson, and others. Newer material includes papers from George Hodgson, Dudley Laufman, Kate Van Winkle Keller, Ralph Page, Helen Tracy, and writings on Henry Ford’s dance revival. The western square dance materials are minimal, and largely consist of dance notes (Fogg was not a Western square dance caller). The miscellaneous ephemera are related to Fogg’s childhood involvement in grange dancing and more contemporary dancing of various styles. | ||
Box 21 | ||
Sheet Music, Dance Illustrations
Largely alphabetical. A small amount of reproductions of historical dance illustrations. The remainder is English, New England, and Morris sheet music, alphabetical by first letter of tune title. | ||
Box 22 | ||
Historical Dance Files 1900-2015
Original order: alphabetical by subject. A large variety of historical dance flyers, pamphlets, ball programs, articles, etc. relating mostly to English Country Dancing and contra dancing in New England. A small amount of material on Morris dance and Canadian dancing is included as well. | ||
Box 23 | ||
Historical Dance Files, Historical Dance Materials
(Note: This material is not yet processed.) | ||
Box 24 | ||
Historical Dance Files, Historical Dance Materials
(Note: This material is not yet processed.) |
Series 7: Audio Materials, 1950-2015
(5 boxes)Five boxes of audio/visual materials collected by Fogg. This series is stored with the main audio/visual collection.
Box 25-29 | ||
Audio Materials 1950-2015
Audio cassettes, DVDs, CDs, and phonographic records. (Note: This material is not yet processed.) |
Series 8: Dance Ephemera, 1960-2000
(3 boxes)Dance ephemera from Fogg and others. Mostly related to Morris dance.
Box 30-33 | ||
Dance Ephemera 1960-2000
Morris dance clothing including several hats, bell pads, ribbons, buttons, and Fogg's Black Jokers outfit (he played the role of the fool). |
Series 9: Oversize Materials, 1944-2000
(3 boxes)Series consists of posters depicting historical dance scenes and events, and a small amount of sheet music.
Oversize Box 1 | ||
The Morris Ring 1960-1990
Large copies of the newsletter "The Morris Ring". | ||
Oversize Box 2 | ||
Morris and NEFFA Posters
Pinewoods Morris Men posters, early NEFFA posters, and a photocopy of a historical dance music manuscript dated approximately 1790. | ||
Oversize Box 3 | ||
English Dance and NEFFA Posters
Posters depicting historical dance woodcuts, an undated NEFFA poster, and other misc. dance posters. |

George Fogg, 2003
Collection Content
- Series 1: Letters and Personal Dance Diaries, 1940-2013
- Series 2: Dance Notes and Diaries from Others, 1894-2014
- Series 3: Photos, 1915-2005
- Series 4: Dance Organizations, 1915-2015
- Series 5: Dance Materials, 1900-2015
- Series 7: Audio Materials, 1950-2015
- Series 8: Dance Ephemera, 1960-2000
- Series 9: Oversize Materials, 1944-2000