Collection number: MC 334
(29 boxes)
(9.5 cu.ft.)
About the National Abortion Rights Action League of N.H. (NARAL-NH)
The National Abortion Rights Action League of N.H. (NARAL-NH) was founded in 1977 as a branch of what is now NARAL Pro-Choice America, eventually gaining more than 2,500 members state-wide. The organization was "dedicated to developing and sustaining a constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion." (1998)
The organization's activities included "Organizing hundreds of volunteer activists, naral pro-choice new hampshire's activities include grassroots organizing in targeted areas across the state, activist training and leadership development, voter education, lobbying on behalf of pro-choice policies, lobbying to defeat anti-choice policies, and pro-choice voter identification," as well as proactive legislation ensuring access to comprehensive sex education, contraception, and emergency contraception. NARAL-NH ceased functions in 2016.
About the NARAL-NH Collection
This collection consists of the minutes, correspondence, photographs, press materials/coverage, publications, financial paperwork, and memoribilia of NARAL-NH from 1977-2006. There is a small amount of material from other pro-choice organziations at the end of the collection. The box list in this finding aid was created from a donor-generated folder list. Topics include:
- Emergency Contraception
- Legislation both pro-choice and anti-choice
- Personhood definitions
- Paternal involvement for women under 18
- Rights of the father
- Political stratagy
- Women's stories before and after Roe v. Wade
- Politician's positions on choice
- Availability of abortion services in clinics and hospitals
- Bias in healthcare counseling and pharmacology
- Recognizing anti-choice women's health clinics
- Access to contraception on college campuses in N.H.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
This collection is open.
Copyright Notice
Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder Number], [Box Number], National Abortion Rights Action League of N.H. (NARAL-NH) Papers, 1977-2006, MC 334, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Donation of Robin McLane, 2018
Related Material
"Records of NARAL Pro-Choice America, 1977-2017" at Harvard University's Schlesinger Library, Boston, M.A.
Separated Material
A small number of widely available government published lists of politicians were removed and recycled.
Collection Arrangement
Collection is in original order as received. Files are largely chronological with different types of materials mixed together by year. Please note that this collection has been minimally processed and may require more effort on the part of the researcher to use.
Collection Contents
Box 1 | ||
Legislative Bills and Publications, 1983-2001
Publications: “In Our Own Words: Collected Recollections in Honor of Roe v. Wade 1910-1998” and “Real Voices: Journeys of 17 Oregonians Before and After Roe v. Wade”; Board of Directors Notes. 1983-1992-2001; Pamphlets – NARAL Sex Education (HB1453 (2010) Sex education notice (notification of parents); HB1345 (2001) Sex education instruction) Emergency Contraception (HB484 (2004); SB 343 (2006); HB1492 (2006) Granting immunity from liability to pharmacists who refuse to dispense; HB1276 (2001) Permitting pharmacists to dispense) Combination bills (HB1340 (2004) Biased counseling; HB1662 (2010) Informed consent and parental consent; HR 22 (2003) Fathers’ rights; HB193 (2003) Right to life; HB1464 (2002) Human cloning; HB602/422/319 (2001)) Personhood (HB217 (2011) Personhood via criminal code; HB1644 (2010) Personhood/criminal justice; HB1649 (2006) Fetal rights; HB1360 (2004) Violent acts toward pregnant women; HB1360 (2003) Unborn child personhood; HB1343 (2003) Homicide for death of fetus; HB1147 (2003) Defense of a fetus) [continues in next box] | ||
Box 2 | ||
Legislative Bills continued, 1996-2003
Personhood, continued: HB581 (2003) Death records for aborted fetus; HB319 (2001) Fetus in definition of “another”; HB390 (2001) Live birth infants protection act; HB1292 (2000) Crime of cause of death of unborn child; HB 1367 (1996) Fetus as “another”) Miscellaneous (HB311 (2003) Family planning services; HB611 (2003) License plate; HB273 (2003) List of prices at pregnancy centers; HB422 (2001) Study for prevention of unintended pregnancies; HB289 (2001) Hospital care for abandoned child; HB602 (2001) Sale of fetal body parts; HB1269 (2001) Requiring HHS to compile abortion statistics; HB1412 (2001) Induced termination of pregnancy statistics; HB1209 (2001) Civil rights for health care providers; HB1177 (2003) Restrictions on abortion) Parental Involvement: (HB329 (2011) Legal research/ Planning tools and governor; HB1380 (2001) Parental consent; HB1340 (2003) Informed consent (NARAL-NH submission of George W. Bush’s war on the right to choose and the right to privacy (2004) | ||
Box 3 | ||
Files, 1968-1987
NH Politics of Abortion, 1968-1987; NARAL brochures; US Supreme Court Record, Roe v. Wade; Abortion, 1954 (article by Sherry Matulis); Keene Sentinel editorials & commentary; Union Leader editorials; Concord Monitor editorials; Press releases; NARAL-NH Board of Directors minutes, 1978-1982; NARAL-NH bylaws; Media coverage, 1977-1987; Media coverage, 1979-1987; NARAL-NH advertisements; National media coverage 1979-1987; Pro-choice lobbying and organizing | ||
Box 4 | ||
Files 1974-1987 and undated
1979: Publications by NARAL; NH Feminist Health Center grant; Haymarket grant; Grant proposals; “Womanwise” articles 1980: Fund-raising: Direct mail appeal to national members; Media – abortion, 1980s; Press releases, 1980-1987; Spring newsletter, NARAL-NH; Consultants; Grant proposals, spring 1980 Grants, national NARAL; ERA; Targeting grant, FY87, minors’ access; Fetal rights; Anti-choice impact on scientific research; Late abortions; Waiting periods; Adoption argument; Post-abortion syndrome; Repeat abortions; Mandatory HIV testing of newborns; Abortion access & denial; Silent Scream; House meetings | ||
Box 5 | ||
Files 1980-1985
1980 continued: Groups & planning; Bulletin board “stuff”. 1982 & 1983: Campaign NH, 1982; NARAL evaluation 1982; State senate candidates, 1982; Newsletter and pamphlet 1983; Membership committee 1983-1985; Direct mail appeal to physicians. 1984: Membership drive-Concord 5/1984; Membership drive, 10/83; Sample NARAL letters; Plans & goals; Recruitment, leadership development & grassroots fundraising; Bylaws amended 1984; Congressional race District 1, Dudley Dudley 1984; Voting 1984; Letters to Reagan 1984; Board agenda – Political action committee (PAC) ; Voter contact projects | ||
Box 6 | ||
Files 1985-1988
House campaign 1986; Presidential candidates 1988; Congressional races 1986 Senate district (letters to Reagan): Manchester district 16, 18, 20; Senate district 24, A-I; Senate district 11, A-I; Unknown senate districts 1985 plans: Testimony on SB 214 (list of testifiers); Letters 1985; Derry & Dover referenda on abortion; Active ministers; NARAL-NH newsletters; Letters to editor; Senate races 1986; NH Family Planning Council survey; Articles by NARAL staff | ||
Box 7 | ||
Files 1970s-1988
NARAL-NH taxes; Quarterly reports; Media, 1970s & 1980s; Leadership development; PAC reports; NARAL-NH newsletters; New board members 1987; Primary election information; Bork nomination to Supreme Court; Coalition list 1987 NH strategy; National strategy; NARAL “hits”; Rudman (Sen. Warren Rudman, R-NH); Action alerts 1987; Congressional candidates 1988; NARAL Choice delegate project; Dave Currier Press; PAC report 1988; Evaluations of NARAL-NH PAC Reproduction rights manual 1988; NH Enlightened on Abortion (article by Andrew Merton, Boston Globe 1988); Susan B. Anthony Dinner & Awards, 1988 | ||
Box 8 | ||
Files 1986-1990
State legislative races; Sample telephone scripts; National media articles; Remarks by Rev. Potter (legislative testimony); Clippings, media, 1988; Volunteer phone calls; MacEachren campaign; Election evaluation (results and summary of effort, 1990); Roe v. Wade celebration ( Choice Chocolate) 1986-1989; 20-year milestones and Gov. Shaheen’s intro Washington march, 4/9/1989; Peg Dobbie letters; Media, 1989 – Concord Monitor; US funding analysis, 1989; Webster Press; Media, How-to for press releases; Media, 1989 (and other miscellaneous items) ; Media coverage, Jan. 22, 1989 | ||
Box 9 | ||
Files and Photos 1990-2000
Election mailers 1990-2000; Evaluation of FY91 plan; Voices of NH Women, 1990; Photos; Media, 1990s; NH direct mail, sample copies; State Senate races; PAC notes and tasks; David Souter nomination to Supreme Court; Op-ed file, Concord Monitor; 1990s Media | ||
Box 10 | ||
Files 1990s
Shaheen victory, 1996; Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Supreme Court; Daniel Bromwell, anti-choice activist; Family Planning funding – NH; Campaign for Working Families; Ken Arndt, anti-choice activist; Dr. George Tiller, abortion doctor; Gov. Judd Gregg veto, 1990; Voter guides; Election mailings; NARAL-NH newsletter; PAC reports High-money donor sample letters; Kate Michelman, NARAL president, visit and luncheon, July, 1993; First Congressional District GOP primary; Photos of petition parade 1990; Choice voter TM project; 2nd Congressional district candidates, 1990; Pro-choice letters | ||
Box 11 | ||
Files 1991-1994
NARAL-NH publication, 1991; Newspaper articles; Newsletters; PAC guidelines, 1992; Facing a Future without choice: Report on Reproductive Liberty in America, 1992; Appeals for money; PAC laws Abortion rights movement goes mainstream (article in Image magazine, 1992); NARAL-NH Board of Directors minutes, 1992 (development, liability, mission); PAC reports; Dick Swett (anti-choice); Voter guides 1992; PAC mailings; 30 Days to Save Choice Campaign; PAC endorsements; School board election analysis 1992-1994; Voter guides primary election; Anti-choice candidates information | ||
Box 12 | ||
Files and Editorials 1992-1993
Federal races 1992; NH Senate election, 1992; Optional letterhead; PAC minutes, agendas, policies 1992; Abortion restrictions by state 1998; Presidential campaign visibility activities; Choice as a campaign issue; Ellen Goodman; Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, Legislative strategies; NH Medical Society, 1993; Action alerts; Newsletters, 1993 HB367 roll call; Charlie Bass; Newsletters and alerts HB1225; NH Christian Coalition; Concord Monitor editorial; NH Republicans for Choice; Opinion – Hank Nichols; Foster’s Daily Democrat editorials; Keene Sentinel editorials; RU486- NH test site Sen. Bob Smith; State Board of Education (LaMontagne) | ||
Box 13 | ||
Files 1992-1994
Primary phoning tallies; PAC budget; Statistics- voter contact; PAC candidates information; Primary choice voter guide; Abstinence; Sex Ed; Polling statistics Op-Ed by Kate Michelman 7/21/93; Presidential primary 1992; Election report; NH Senate races (miscellaneous); Convention delegates program; Choice voter guide samples; NARAL fact sheet; Membership analysis, 1977-1994; Election strategy, 1994; Member appeal | ||
Box 14 | ||
Files 1994-1998
General election campaign list; General election results, 1994; Newsletters, 1994; Primary work plan; HB1225 (1994); PAC info and minutes 1994; Legislative alerts 1995; Voter guides 1994; Direct mail; Boston Globe op-eds Roe v. Wade celebration and fund-raiser 1995; Ellen Goodman, columns; FY95 budget; FY95 Congressional voting record on choice; Norma McCorvey’s conversion (Roe of Roe v. Wade); Candidate info; Partial birth abortion discussion; NARAL media; NARAL-NH Foundation 1998 | ||
Box 15 | ||
Files 1994-2000
Elections – 1994; Media- 1995; Voter guides; PAC reports – general election, 1996; Dover sex education; Campaign 1996; PAC targeting criteria; PAC reports – primary, 1996; PAC appeals; Democratic convention rules Primary voters’ guide; Voters’ guide – general; Roe events – 1996-2000; Presidential primary – 1996; Abortion issue in GOP primary; NARAL Presidential profiles; Presidential primary polling, 1996; GOP Presidential candidates (Pete Wilson, Arlen Specter, Colin Powell, Pat Buchanan) Statement of Joe Granmasion on choice; Op-eds – Foster’s Daily Democrat; Op-eds – Union Leader; Clinic violence – top-drawer issues; Training – 1996 (Helping campaigns win, indirect voter contact); Fact Sheet: Abortions in hospitals 1996 | ||
Box 16 | ||
Files and Photos 1997-2010
NARAL-NH newsletters; Propaganda; NARAL-NH lobbying reports; Volunteer sign-up; Director’s contract and evaluation; NARAL Foundation; Campaign for Choice – field program; Peg Dobbie’s op-ed, Concord Monitor; Media – 1997 NARAL-NH – 20 Years of Pro-Choice Activism, 1977-1997; Candidates support; Choice-related bills 1998-2010 (15 bills); Choices: Women Speak Out About Abortion (NARAL national); Pro-Choice Idea: Roe v. Wade at 25, by Martha Gershun; Project to Stop the Abortion Ban (Feminist Majority Foundation); Jim Rubin – abortion letter; Roe celebration, 1997 – director’s remarks; Photos and negatives; Reproductive Rights Coalition – Shaheen | ||
Box 17 | ||
Files and photos 1997-1999
Voters’ guide – 1998; NARAL-NH newsletters; National Conference 1998; PAC report; Mixed file 1998; Reproductive Rights Coalition; March for Women’s Lives, 1998; NH voters’ statistics; Pregnancy options; Photos NARAL’s 30th anniversary journal, 1999; Alliance for Justice; Strategies for Creating & Operating PACs; Newsletter alerts; Website. 1997; Roe v. Wade celebration, 1997-1998 | ||
Box 18 | ||
Files 1999-2001
Media, 1999; Newsletters, 1999; Media, 1999-2000 Organizing: History and Principles; Media, 2000; Powers of US President; Voter guides; New member acquisitions; Electoral background; NARAL PAC NH (NPCNH) election mail; Sample campaign scripts; Action alerts; Building grassroots 2000-2001: Newsletters; Minor abortion – Baylor article (Judicial Bypass of Parental Involvement in a Minor’s Abortion); Mixed file 2001 | ||
Box 19 | ||
Files 2000-2002
2000-2001 continued: Legislation phone banks 2001; Media 2001-2002; Cash balance sheet; Choice Chocolate cost-benefit analysis; Legislative alert, March, 2001; Assault & related offenses - state law; New brochure Portsmouth Herald, column, environment & Roe v. Wade Take Wallop; Newsletters; Reproductive Rights Caucus; Choice Chocolates 2002; NH Campaign maps; Senate races Voter’s guide, 2002; Coordinated grassroots plan for Shaheen; PAC materials; Peer lobbyists; Repeal of NH abortion laws, 2002; Voters guide; PAC mailings; NARAL mailings 2002; Millham for state Senate; Peterson for state Senate; Kalob for state Senate | ||
Box 20 | ||
Files 2002-2003; Memorial for Peg Dobbie, 2003
Pro-choice Organizing Project (POP) (2002) Annual plans, 2003; Newsletters, 2003; Restrictions on abortion, HB 1253; Partial-birth abortion, HB 1220; Legislative alert; Fetal rights; Undue burden fact sheet; Legislative alert; Phone banks; Mandatory parental notification, HB 763 Memorial service for Peg Dobbie, May 3 2003 | ||
Box 21 | ||
Files 2004-2008
Presidential 2004; Parental consent, HB 763; Peer lobbying; Legislative alerts; Legislative organizing; General elections; PAC 2004; Election ads; Union Leader ad Restrictions on abortion, HB 1220. (2004); Restrictions on abortion, HB 1177 (2004); Parental notification, HB 1682 (2006); Restrictions on abortion rape and incest, HB 1253 (2008); Media tracking forms; Emergency contraception; Emergency contraception (EC) Pharmacy Access in NH (study by coalition of organizations) Supreme Court background info: Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, US Supreme Court, 2005 #1; Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, US Supreme Court, 2005 #2 Legislative alert 2005; Legislative alert and notes 2006; Campaign support from NARAL; List rental agreement; Media, 2005; National NARAL (Congressional record on choice, & Voices of Women) 2006; PAC mailings 2006; Legislation, 2008; Miscellaneous, 2008; Roe v. Wade event | ||
Box 22 | ||
Files 2009-2010
Newsletters 2009, 2010, 2012; Board minutes, 2009 #1; Roe event, 2008; Financial meeting, 2009; Board minutes, 2009 #2; Short-term plan, August 2009; Board minutes, 2009 #3; Board minutes, 2009 #4; Legislative lunch; Merger watch (hospitals) Media, 2009; Brankman & Co., CPA report; Parental notification, HB 274, (2009); Planned Parenthood of Northern New England abortion services contract, HB 486 (2009); Parental Notification, HB 531 (2009); Proof of counseling, HB 262 (2009); Budget, 2008-09; Board minutes, April 2009 #5; Interim plan, FY 08; Rollcall votes, 2009 Committees, 2009; (Parental) Notification votes, 2009; Electoral, 2010; Senate candidate questionnaire; PAC planning, 2010; NH Campaign finance – online registration; Special election – Senate District 16; Kuster for Congress, 2010 | ||
Box 23 | ||
Files 2010-2011
State Senate candidates (re: rental of NARAL mailing list): Molly Kelly, Betty Lasky, Matthew Houde, Amanda Merrill, Martha Fuller-Clark, Michelle Tremblay, Bob Jones, Bob Odell Grassroots 2010; NH House of Representatives candidates – 2010 (Belknap County, Cheshire County, Coos County, Grafton County, Hillsborough County, Merrimack County, Rockingham County, Strafford County, Sullivan County, Carroll County) Legislative notes; Gov. Lynch campaign; Parental consent for medical procedures, HB 1454 (2010); Emergency contraception information packet, Kaiser Family Health fact sheet; Choice Chocolate 2010; Targeted regulation of abortion providers 2010; Licensing out-patient abortion facilities, HB 1666 (2010); Defund abortion providers, HB 228 (2011); Brankman CPA contract (2010); Roe event (2010) Financial report, NARAL PAC-NH (2010); Budget 2010; Catholic medical center and Dartmouth-Mary Hitchcock, HCR 30 (2010); America Votes 2010 | ||
Box 24 | ||
Files 2011-2012
Miscellaneous board meeting documents 2011; Minors’ access to abortion; Emergency Contraception in NH; Budget 2012; Who Decides? Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in US, 2012; Choice Action Kit – unmasking fake clinics Budget, 2012; List of bills to watch, 2012; Governor, 2012; House, 2012; Senate, 2012; Targeting, 2012; Voter guides, 2012; Day of Action, 2012; Votes to enter (computerized voting records on 12 bills); America Votes 2012 Presidential Candidates: Where they Stand on Choice (NARAL) July 2011 | ||
Box 25 | ||
Files 2012-2016, Newsletters 1978-2015
Voter guide; Legislative bad actors 2012; Miscellaneous, 2013; Relative to School District Policies on health and sex education, HB 161; Choice Out Loud: On campus Toolkit (NARAL) (2013); Photos 2013; Family planning Medicaid expansion, SB194; America Votes recommendations for candidates; Relative to information regarding abortion, HB483 (2013) (mandating biased counseling) HB483 – details; GSP. Summer Accountability Project 2013; We Won’t Go Back, pro-choice NH Roe v Wade celebration; Fetal homicide, 2014; Miscellaneous, 2015; Board notes, 2015-2016; Options for merging with ACLU and disbanding organization, 2016 NARAL -NH newsletters 1978-2015 Folder 1 of 2 | ||
Box 26 | ||
Newsletters, Events, Press 1978-2015
| ||
Box 27 | ||
Photos and Media 1979-2001
| ||
Box 28 | ||
Other Organizations in N.H., n.d.
Population Policy Social Justice, and Quality of Life (World Council of Churches); NH Reproductive Rights Council, funding, history, mission; Republicans for Choice; Republicans for Choice in NH Coalitions: NH Health Care Coalition; Republican Majority Coalition; Commission on the Status of Women; Newsletters and brochures of other organizations; NH for Life; Abortion Rights Coalition; AFL-CIO; 50+1; NH Feminist Health Center; Women’s Lobby 1981-1991 | ||
Box 29 | ||
Other Coalitions in N.H. cont., n.d.
PPNNE – 1986-89 (Planned Parenthood of Northern New England); Family Planning NH; National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association; Catholics for Free Choice; NH Council of Churches; Unitarian Universalist Association; Operation Rescue; ACLU; Rockingham County Christian Council, candidate poll |