Square Dance Foundation of New England Collection, 1870-2015

Collection number: MC 270 [Stored Partially Offsite]
Size: 38 boxes (Ca. 15 cu.ft.)

About the Square Dance Foundation of New England (SDFNE)

The Square Dance Foundation of New England (SDFNE) was founded in 1973 by caller and editor of The New England Square Dance Caller Magazine, Charlie Baldwin and his wife Bertha. It has a membership of individuals, clubs, and organizations who continue the legacy of traditional, ethnic and social dance and who promote the preservation of dance history and memorabilia in a central archive, consisting of collections from personal clubs and organizations involved in social dance.

In 1992 the Foundation opened the Charlie and Bertha Baldwin Library and Museum in South Weymouth, Massachusetts. This collection of historical dance-related documents and artifacts of the last century comes not only from New England, but throughout the world, depicting the evolution of the social dance activity. The Museum moved to Manchester New Hampshire in 1999, where it remained until closing in 2015. Upon closing, much of this collection was donated to the New Hampshire Library of Traditional Music and Dance in the Milne Special Collections.


  • 1973 : SDFNE founded under the leadership of Charlie Baldwin
  • 1983 : Purchase of historic Kramor's Hayloft dance halls on farm in South Weymouth, Massachussets. Halls rented to local square dance clubs.
  • 1984 : Board of Trustees established, logo designed, work begins on transforming farm into living heritage dance center.
  • 1985 : Volunteer position of Archivist and Librarian curator established, reflecting growing interest in square dance history educational outreach.
  • 1988 : Increasing outreach in the form of educational programs and scholarships.
  • 1989 : SDFNE joins the American Folk Dance Committee and the National Dance Archives of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation.
  • 1992 : Charlie and Bertha Baldwin Library and Museum opened; Square Dance Hall of Fame established.
  • 1996 : Rising property taxes result in sale of farm. Materials boxed and put in storage in New Hampshire.
  • 1999 : New museum opens in Mill A Round Dance Center in Manchester's Waumbec Mill.
  • 2005 : Connections established with UNH's Milne Special Collections and Archives to help maintain collection data.
  • 2012 : Online presentation of digitized interviews and historical dance photography completed.
  • 2015 : Museum closed; materials gifted to Milne Special Collections and Archives.

About the Square Dance Foundation of New England Collection

The collection consists of organizational papers and display materials documenting the 42 year operations of the SDFNE and the Charlie and Bertha Baldwin Library and Museum. Extensive correspondence, photos, historical interpretive materials, audio/visual media, and Square Dance Hall of Fame awards are included, as well as the personal papers and calling materials of Bob Brundage, Al Brundage, Charles Baldwin, Lawrence Loy, and others. Extensive oral history interviews, dance photography, and rare publications are part of the collection as well. Cataloging of these materials is ongoing with direct support from the SDFNE.

To search for books in the UNH Library catalog enter the keyword SDFNE. Special Collections maintains an extensive collection of square dance recordings which can be listened to by visiting the library.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open.

Portions of this collection (including physical items, recordings, syllabi, periodicals, and history display boards) are stored in off-site storage and require 48 hours' notice to access. This includes boxes 34-45 and oversize boxes 3-6. Please contact Special Collections staff to view.

Copyright Notice

Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], [Folder], [Box], Square Dance Foundation of New England Collection, 1870-2015, MC 270, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.

Acquisitions Information

Gift, 2015

MC 285 Jim Mayo Collection, Milne Special Collections and Archives

Separated Material

  • Audio/Visual Materials, housed with the main audio/visual materials
  • Square Dance Foundation of New England trophies and banners, in offsite storage
  • Square Dance History Display Boards, in offsite storage
  • Syllabi and Periodicals, in offsite storage

Collection Arrangement

The selection and arrangement of the materials in this collection was done by the Square Dance Foundation of New England Archives Director, Dick Severence and Jim Mayo before delivery to Special Collections. The collection consists of 14 series and is in the original order as received. Some of the materials, however, were removed from their original containers and placed into archival folders and boxes.

Collection Contents

Series 1: Organizational Papers, 1973-2015

(1 cubic foot)

Papers relate to the history, founding, organization, financials, and other management activities of the Square Dance Foundation of New England (SDFNE). Included are by-laws, incorporation minutes, a 1985 Operations manual, feasibility studies, land sale information (including deeds and tax maps), logo design, non-profit status, and misc. other materials. Photos of the Charlie and Bertha Baldwin Museum and Library are included as well.

Box 1
Box 1, Folder 1Charlie and Bertha Baldwin Library and Museum: Photos, 2015
Box 1, Folder 2SDFNE History by Dick Severance: 1973-1983
Box 1, Folder 3By-laws, 1973-1984
Box 1, Folder 4By-law revisions, 1982
Box 1, Folder 5By-laws, Incorporation Minutes, 1973
Box 1, Folder 6By-laws, State of Massachusetts and IRS Incorporation papers, 1973
Box 1, Folder 7By-laws, 1984
Box 1, Folder 8Operations Manual, 1985
Box 1, Folder 9Objectives Outline
Box 1, Folder 10Promotion of Folkdance
Box 1, Folder 11Comments by Jim Mayo on donation of materials to UNH, 2015
Box 1, Folder 12Bobby Weaver: History of Square Dance Recordings
Box 1, Folder 13Timeline of SDFNE: 1973-2014
Box 1, Folder 14Hayloft News
Box 1, Folder 15Proposals re: 500 Club, Life Members, Fundraising
Box 1, Folder 16SDFNE: First Meeting minutes, 09/30/1973
Box 1, Folder 17SDFNE: Slide Presentation
Box 1, Folder 18Tea Party fundraiser dances
Box 1, Folder 19Feasability Study, 1986
Box 1, Folder 20Land Sale Information, 1984-1989
Box 2
Box 2, Folder 1Charlie Baldwin: SDFNE Beginnings
Box 2, Folder 2Acquisition and photographs, South Weymouth (Kramer) Property (1982)
Box 2, Folder 3Refinancing Papers
Box 2, Folder 4SDFNE Logo design
Box 2, Folder 5Non-profit papers, 1980
Box 2, Folder 6Zoning materials, Baldwin Library proposal, misc. pamplets

Series 2: Square Dance History and Subject Files, 1876-2012

(2.5 cubic feet)

Series 2 begins with folders marked "SDFNE" which relate to the founding, organisation, and early outreach of SDFNE. The rest of the series is grouped into subject files covering the history of square and round dancing in New England and Canada from ca. 1876-2012. Included is materials and syllabi on festivals, the laws and legislation effecting square dancing, square dancing at the Olympics/SuperBowl Half Time/World's Fairs, school outreach, extensive files on individual callers/leaders from New England and beyond, historical American postage stamps depicting square dancing, sheet music, and a small amount of name badges and square dance attire. Of particular note are dance cards from 1876, ca. 40 hand drawn posters from early SDFNE dances at Kramer's Barn, and autographed dance cards from SDFNE's "Century Club".

Box 2
Box 2, Folder 7SDFNE: Country Dance Serenaders 1953
Box 2, Folder 8Religous Protest to Dancing
Box 2, Folder 9SDFNE: Mayo: Article on Dance Notes
Box 2, Folder 10Baldwin: Dances presented in VT Schools 1953
Box 2, Folder 11SDFNE: Kramer's Dairy Farm Buildings, Dance materials Circa 1951-2000
Box 2, Folder 12SDFNE: Kramer's Hayloft dance posters, tickets
Box 2, Folder 13SDFNE: Clinton Model P-200 Midget 45 RPM Turntable instructions
Box 2, Folder 14SDFNE: Century Club: Caller Autographs and Programs Circa 1960-1980
Box 2, Folder 15Doc Alumbaugh: Callers Service Bulletin 1952
Box 2, Folder 16Ed Gilmore: Caller Institute
Box 2, Folder 17Mal Hayden: Calling Contras 1968
Box 2, Folder 18Rural Youth Conference, CT State College 1937
Box 2, Folder 19Jay King: Hash Wheel
Box 2, Folder 20School Dance Syllabi, 1920-1930
Box 2, Folder 21Square Dance Clothing: Patterns, Meanings
Box 3
Box 3, Folder 1Old Time Fiddle
Box 3, Folder 2Edwards Record Service: One Night Stand
Box 3, Folder 3Square Dance Poems
Box 3, Folder 4Charlie Webster: Tunebook
Box 3, Folder 5Eastern Square Dance and Round Dance Association festivals 1959-1961
Box 3, Folder 6Dance Drawings
Box 3, Folder 7Whole World Celebration 1975
Box 3, Folder 8Square Dance Awareness Day 1988-1992
Box 3, Folder 9Schaefer Football Stadium Square Dance Half Time Entertainment 1977-1979
Box 3, Folder 10Caller's School, East Hill Farm 1966
Box 3, Folder 11Square Dance Convention Banners: Photos 1977-2009
Box 3, Folder 12Leonard: Dreams of Love (Waltz Quadrille)
Box 3, Folder 13Thomas A. Jolly
Box 3, Folder 141976 Square and Round Dance Convention - Music, clippings
Box 3, Folder 15Bicentennial Program Material; Book List from Haverhill Library 1948, 1976
Box 3, Folder 16Katona: Square Dancing on the Home Front 1953
Box 3, Folder 17Ed Durlacher: Advice to Callers 1945
Box 3, Folder 18Charlie Baldwin: calls for Buffalo Quadrille
Box 3, Folder 19Square Dance Calls
Box 3, Folder 20Charlie Baldwin: Calls, music for the Loomis Lancers
Box 3, Folder 21Charlie Baldwin: Singing Patter Calls
Box 3, Folder 22Baldwin: Essential Attributes and Competencies for Square Dance Teaching and Calling 1959
Box 3, Folder 23Notes by Herb: No name square
Box 4
Box 4, Folder 1"Original Material": Larry McLaughlin square dance calls
Box 4, Folder 2Ted Sannella 1980
Box 4, Folder 3Stockton CA Folk Dance Camp 1950
Box 4, Folder 4Cornelia and Don Scott. Newton Pavilion 8 May 1963
Box 4, Folder 5Jimmy Carter (Pres.) Square Dance Materials
Box 4, Folder 6Jack Lasry 1973
Box 4, Folder 7Ed Larkin: Dance calls
Box 4, Folder 8Grant Longley; 1st Northeastern Square and Folk Dance Conference for Callers, Leaders, and Teachers 1958
Box 4, Folder 9Ricky Holden: Correspondence, calls 1950
Box 4, Folder 10Rod Linnell: Original Calls
Box 4, Folder 11Dudley Laufman: Correspondence, website, historical discussion
Box 4, Folder 12Edith Murphy: Material for One Night Stands
Box 4, Folder 13Ed Moody: Letter to the Editor re: square dance
Box 4, Folder 14McMorran, Angus and Catherine
Box 4, Folder 15Benjamin Lovett
Box 4, Folder 16Duke Miller: Letter from Ralph Page, Calls 1976
Box 4, Folder 17Veronica McClure: Correspondence, calls
Box 4, Folder 18Charlie Baldwin: Folk Festivals/Camps 1943-1958
Box 4, Folder 19New Hampshire Folk Festival materials 1949
Box 4, Folder 20Stockton CA Folk Dance Camp syllabus 1958
Box 4, Folder 21Middlesex County Square Dance Festival 1950
Box 4, Folder 22New England Contra Workshop Notes 1956
Box 5
Box 5, Folder 1-15History and Subject Files Ca. 1940-1990

Folders cover physical education, festivals (New Hampshire Folk Festival, New England Folk Festival), 1988 Olympics, mental choreography and timing, and 1964-1965 World's Fair.

Box 6
Box 6, Folder 1-21Festivals, Subject files, Cartoons1950-1980

Origins of the Dance Gypsy, New England and Canadian square and country dance festivals, Century Club caller-autographed dance books, 1963 Massachusetts Square Dance Law, Folk/Square dance postage stamps, Square dance drawings and cartoons.

Box 7
Box 7, Folder 1-11Caller Profiles, Memorabilia1876, 1960-2012

New England Square and Round Dance Directory, 2007-2012; Written profiles of historical dance callers and organizers; 1876 MA Ball dance card, Memorabilia from Hillie Baily and Jessie Brundage.

Series 3: Bob Brundage Papers, 1950/2010

(1.3 cubic feet)

The first three boxes consist of transcriptions of oral history interviews Brundage did with square dance callers ca. 1990-2006, in an effort to learn more about the background and careers of 68 western style square dance callers from the United States and Europe. The last box is Brudage's personal materials from his calling career, including clippings, photos, drafts and research materials for his memoir, and memorabilia from the 1950s-ca. 2010.

Box 8
Box 8, Folder 1-27Interview Transcripts A-H 1990-2000

Transcripts of recorded interviews with western style square dance callers conducted by Bob Brundage for the SDFNE. Audio tapes housed separately. Callers are alphabetically arranged.

Box 9
Box 9, Folder 1-25Interview Transcripts H-M 1990-2000

Transcripts of recorded interviews with western style square dance callers conducted by Bob Brundage for the SDFNE. Audio tapes housed separately. Callers are alphabetically arranged.

Box 10
Box 10, Folder 1-17Interview Transcripts M-W Ca. 2000-2006

Transcripts of recorded interviews with western style square dance callers conducted by Bob Brundage for the SDFNE. Audio tapes housed separately. Callers are alphabetically arranged.

Box 11
Box 11, Folder 1-10Book Materials, Scrapbook materials Ca. 1950-2010

Materials related to the research and writing of Brundage's memoir, correspondence, calling lists, background material on the oral history interview project, flyers, calling tours, photos, articles, and a knit microphone sock from the 1950s. Bob Brundage was the brother of Al Brundage.

Series 4: Al Brundage Papers, Ca. 1935-1970

(0.33 cubic feet)

Papers, photos, calling materials relating to Al Brundage. One folder documents his parents Harold and Gene Brundage.

Box 12
Box 12, Folder 1-16

Papers relate to the entire span of Al Brundage's career, from playing in the Brundage family square dance band (the King Street Pioneers) to his later professional work in clubs and on tours. His calling notebook, newsletters, a booklet from the Al and Mary Brundage Institute, a pocket dictionary of square dance terms which Brundage wrote, and numerous photographs document his life and work. Al Brundage was the brother of Bob Brundage. Included also is a folder of material from the calling of Harold and Gene Brundage, their parents, who appeared several times on the cover of American Squares magazine.

Series 5: Charles Baldwin Papers, 1940-1980

(0.5 cubic feet)

Charles Baldwin (1907-1986) was a prominant New England square dance caller and acquaintence of many leading callers of the day, including Lawrence Loy. As part of his tireless advocacy for the dance form, he served as the first director of the SDFNE. The series contains many folders of awards he received, correspondence, ca. 40 nametags, and several folders of photographs documenting his and others' calling.

Box 13
Box 13, Folder 1-11Photos and Calling Awards 1960-1980

Photographs of Baldwin and others, spanning his career. Folders of awards and newspaper clippings documenting his many calling achievements, letters from callers such as Duke Miller, Dick and Judy Severance nametags from the 64th National Square Dance Convention, and memorial articles for Charles and Bertha Baldwin.

Box 14
Box 14, Folder Baldwin Nametags Ca. 1940-1970

Approximately 30 nametags and ribbons from Charlie and Bertha Baldwin. Tags are marked with "Master of Ceremonies", "Honorary Member", and the like.

Series 6: Lawrence V. Loy Papers, 1945-1955

(0.33 cubic feet)

Photos, call books, and awards for caller Lawrence V. Loy (1907-1955).

Box 15
Box 15, Folder 1-11Photos, Awards, teaching Materials

Photographs, awards, and articles documenting the calling of Lawrence V. Loy. Materials include syllabi from his work with the Cooperative Extension, personal call books, early life materials, materials from the Country Dance Festival at UMass Amherst, tributes, and a plaque inducting Loy into the Square Dance Hall of Fame.

Series 7: Dick Leger, Camp Becket, 1940-1999

(1 cubic foot)

Papers and photographs documenting New England and National Square Dance Conventions, 1940s-1999, as well as caller Dick Leger (1925-1999), background material on the Yankee Clipper Award, a book of patter calls, a scrapbook, and square dance cartoons.

Box 16
Box 16, Folder 1-9Camp Becket Ca. 1940-1970

Photographs and syllabi from the New England Square and Round Dance Conventions in Becket, MA.

Box 17
Box 17, Folder 1-8Convention Materials and Patter Calls, 1940-1999

Papers and memorabilia from the 17th, 25th, and 34th Square and Round Dance Conventions, 1999 New England Square and Round Dance Convention, as well as several folders of patter calls from Windsor Records. Also the ship's log from The Flying Cloud, the clippership for which the Yankee Clipper Award was named. Video of Joe Casey receiving the Yankee Clipper Award is housed with the audio tapes.

Box 18
Box 18, Folder 1King Scrapbook, Dick Leger, Cartoons, 1940-1980

Scrapebook from Joe and Helen King, who documented the many conventions, tours, and cruises they went on as dancers. Two folders of photographs, publicity, and writings from square dance caller Dick Leger (Richard Dick Leger 1925-1999). Several folders of original hand-drawn cartoons intended for publication in American Squares.

Box 18A
Box 18A, Folder 1-15Dick Leger's Calling Cards, 1970s-1990s

Several sets of index cards, both handwritten and commercially printed, containing square dance calls.

Series 8: New England Square and Round Dance Convention slides, 1974-1999

(1.3 cubic feet)

Slides from various New England Square and Round Dance Conventions (NESRDC), plus a few from the National Square and Round Dance Conventions. Some historical reenactments at Kramer's Barn in MA and Dearborn Michigan. Photos of Charles Baldwin's Silver Spur award.

Box 19
Box 19, Folder 1-12Square Dance convention Slides, New England and Hawai'i 1966-1975

Folders of slides documenting New England and National Square Dance Conventions in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, and Hawai'i.

Box 20
Box 20, Folder 1-11Square Dance Convention and Award Slides 1976-1978

Slides from the 1976 Square and Round dance convention in Portland, Maine; the 1978 Danvers, MA Convention, and the presentation of the Silver Spur award to Charles Baldwin (award housed with trophies).

Box 21
Box 21, Folder 1-11New England Square and Round Dance Conventions (NESRDC), 1979-1987

Slides from the 20th to 29th NE Square and Round Dance Conventions.

Box 22
Box 22, Folder 1-10NESRDC Conventions, Historical Dances 1974-1999

Slides from NESRDC Conventions 1974-1999; Historical dances in Dearborn Michigan and at Kramer's Barn in Massachusetts, some unidentified wedding pictures.

Box 23
Box 23, Folder 1-329th New England Square Dance and Round Convention 1997

Slides from the 29th NESDRC convention, held in Maine.

Series 9: Photos, 1930-2000

(1.65 cubic feet)

Photos of square dance callers, dancers, and events from across the United States. Events include competitions, clubs, conventions, and radio/TV broadcasts. Some photos are labeled with names; most are labeled with scan numbers which can be matched to a list to find the names of the subjects (Box 24 Folder 8).

Box 24
Box 24, Folder 1-7Square Dance Photos

Photographs of square dancing throughout the mid 20th century. A list of subjects is in Box 24 Folder 8; photographs can be matched to the list via the scanning number located on the back of each photo.

Box 25
Box 25, Folder Square Dance Photos

Photographs of square dancing throughout the mid 20th century. A list of subjects is in Box 24 Folder 8; photographs can be matched to the list via the scanning number located on the back of each photo.

Box 26
Box 26, Folder 1-7Square Dance Photos

Photographs of square dancing throughout the mid 20th century. Events include "Teen Traveler, Lowell" and "Square Acres Pictures". A list of subjects is in Box 24 Folder 8; photographs can be matched to the list via the scanning number located on the back of each photo.

Box 27
Box 27, Folder 1-7Square Dance Photos

Photographs of square dancing throughout the mid 20th century, including photos and an obituary of Helen Mould (1948-1995). A list of subjects is in Box 24 Folder 8; photographs can be matched to the list via the scanning number located on the back of each photo.

Box 28
Box 28, Folder 1-9Square Dance Photos

Photographs of square dancing throughout the mid 20th century, including folders of caller photos. A list of subjects is in Box 24 Folder 8; photographs can be matched to the list via the scanning number located on the back of each photo.

Series 10: Square Dance Hall of Fame Awards, 1993-2015

(0.66 cubic feet)

The Square Dance Hall of Fame was begun in 1993 as a way of honoring callers, organizors, and dancers who have made a major contribution to the advancement of square dancing in the 20th century US. Included are photos, award plaques, nomination forms, and biographies for each individual/couple. Box 29 Folder 1 contains copies of the binder covers from the Baldwin Museum which list individuals by year. Materials are in chronological order by year of award.

Box 29
Box 29, Folder 1-36Hall of Fame: 1992-2000

Photos, biographies, nomination materials, and plaques from the beginning of the Square Dance Hall of Fame award through 2000. Selected individuals include Charlie and Bertha Baldwin, Jim and JoAnn Mayo, Al and Bea Brundage, Hillie and Elizabeth Bailey, Ted and Jean Sannella, and others.

Box 30
Box 30, Folder 1-32Hall of Fame: 2001-2015

Square Dance Hall of Fame photos, biographies, nomination materials, and plaques from 2001-its end in 2015. Selected individuals include Lawrence V. Loy, Ralph and Ada Page, and others.

Series 14: Square Dance History Display Boards, 2008

(2 boxes)

Fifty-five educational posters from the Charlie and Bertha Baldwin Museum. Topics include the history, people, periodicals, and major events pertaining to square dancing in the United States from Colonial times through the present. This series is stored off-site and requires 24 hours notice for retrieval.

Box 31
Square Dance Educational Posters

Posters numbered 1-28. Catagories are History (1-28), Magazines (16-19), American Squares (20-26), and Preserving History (27-28).

Box 32
Square Dance Educational Posters

Posters numbered 29-55. Catagories are Conventions (29-32; 55), Major Events (33-48; 53-54), and People (49-52).

Series 15: Syllabi/Periodicals, 1930-2000

(3.5 cubic feet)

Syllabi from various New England Square and Round Dance Conventions, International Association of Round Dance Teachers materials, autographed issues of American Squares, and a complete 2006-2015 run of the North East Square Dancer Magazine. Boxes 34-36 are stored off-site and require 24 hours notice for retrieval.

Box 33
Box 33, Folder 1-7Autographed American Squares Magazines, 1964-1978

American Squares Magazines with cover photos signed by featured caller, collected by caller Jim Mayo. Autographs include Charlie Baldwin, Al Brundage, Marshall Flippo, Gene Anthony, Don Armstrong, and others. Arrangement is chronological.

Box 34
Square and Round Syllabi, 1959-2015

Syllabi and pedagogical materials: New England Square and Round Dance Convention programs (ca. 1960-2015), National Square Dance Convention syllabi (complete collection 1959-2015), and by-laws and teaching materials for the International Association of Round Dance Teachers.

Box 35
Box 35, Folder 1-23North East Square Dancer magazine, 2006-2015

A complete run of the North East Square Dancer, 2006-2015.

Box 36
Russell Hoekstra Choreographic Method, Ca. 1950-1980

Caller's choreographic learning aid devised by Russell and Eloise Hoekstra known as the "Pie Squares Choreographic Aid". Included are teaching notes, 10 boxes of instruction cards, 2 books of dances, and misc. other pedagogical materials.

Series 16: Callerlab Awards, Square Dance Club Histories, 1930-2010

(0.33 cubic feet)

Callerlab National Milestone Award recipients, 1975-2010; Histories of selected square dance clubs from New England and Maritime Canada ca. 1930-2000.

Box 37
Box 37, Folder 1-17Milestone Awards and Square Dance Club Histories

Folders 1-5 contain biographies of individual Milestone Award receipients, choronological by year, with an index in Folder 1. Folders 6-17 contain histories of New England and Maritime Canadian square dance clubs, alphabetical by state, with an index in Folder 6.

Series 17: Oversize Materials, 1930-1995

(2 oversize boxes)

Posters, certificates, large size photos, paintings, cartoons, and other materials related to square dancing. Of particular interest is the original letter relating to the SDFNE logo, a scrapbook from Lawrence Loy, and a photo of the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers in which Lloyd Shaw appears twice in the same photo. Portions of this series are stored offsite and require 48 hours' notice for access: Oversize Boxes 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7.

Box 1, Oversize
Box 1, Oversize, Folder 1-20Oversize Materials 1930-2000

Oversize materials, including photographs of conventions, SDFNE presidents, a painting of Lloyd Shaw, and the original SDFNE logo proposal.

Box 2, Oversize
Box 2, Oversize, Folder 1-20Oversize Materials 1930-2000

Oversize materials, including photos of Camp Becket attendees 1959-1961, square dance posters ca. 1940-1995, a painting of Harold and Gene Brundage, a scrapbook from Lawrence Loy, a large photo of the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers in 1959, cartoon originals, etc.