Inquiry Files, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, 1970-1986

Collection number: UA 3/3/2 [Offsite Storage]
Size: 7 boxes (2.33 cu.ft.)

About the Institutional Research and Assessment Office

The mission of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment is to gather precise and meaningful data about the University's students, staff, faculty, and alumni. It also compiles information about the academic policies, financial aid, class sizes, and other data relevant to the upkeep of a large university. The Office currently resides in Thompson Hall.

About the Inquiry Files of the Institutional Research and Assessment Office

This series contains the inquiry files of the University of New Hampshire Institutional Research Office.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open.

This collection is housed in the Library Storage Building; access requires 48 hours’ notice. Please contact the Special Collections staff prior to visiting the library.

Copyright Notice

Copyright is retained by the University of New Hampshire.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], [Folder], [Box], Inquiry Files, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, 1970-1986, UA 3/3/2, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.

Acquisitions Information

These records were transferred to the University Library for storage prior to the establishment of the University Archives in 1992.

Collection Arrangement

This collection is arranged in its original order by log number.

Collection Contents

Box 1
Box 1, Folder 1Inquiry Files Log
Box 1, Folder 2Budget Information, Bob Tuttle, Development office1
Box 1, Folder 3Honors Convocation, News Bureau, C. Wolff2
Box 1, Folder 4Student Article, Jeff Tyler3
Box 1, Folder 5Impact of Budget Cuts, Aslanian and Lacomb4
Box 1, Folder 6Profiles, Sandy Amell5
Box 1, Folder 7Engineering Report, Sandy Amell6
Box 1, Folder 8TEV, Valerie Harrington7
Box 1, Folder 9Enrollment Distribution, Professor Allen Linden8
Box 1, Folder 10Minorities at UNH, Holiday Inn Office9
Box 1, Folder 11Tuition, Ten Year, Professor Winn10
Box 1, Folder 12Faculty Information, Paul Jones, Phi Beta Kappa11
Box 1, Folder 13Profile Information, Jan Hastings, Dunlap C.12
Box 1, Folder 14Info for Women's Committee report13
Box 1, Folder 151978 and 1980Enrollment, Ethnic Info (HEGIS reports)14
Box 1, Folder 161970-1980Recreational and Parks Degrees15
Box 1, Folder 17Occupational Education Enrollments15a
Box 1, Folder 18P.E. Interest Inventory16
Box 1, Folder 19Bio-Science task force, faculty/Credit Hour Info, Fettner and Smith17
Box 1, Folder 20Draft of Industrial Survey- Harvey Lyons18
Box 1, Folder 21Course Results from TEV, Political Science Department19
Box 1, Folder 22Army ROTC request20
Box 1, Folder 23Music Dept. Degrees, etc.21
Box 1, Folder 24Title III participation, J. Hose22
Box 1, Folder 25Graduate English Courses, 5 year study23
Box 1, Folder 26Financial Credit Info, "Ball State"24
Box 1, Folder 27Kaufman/Pollard Faculty Studies25
Box 1, Folder 28CES Survey, M. Heckel26
Box 1, Folder 29Project on reallocation Center for Study of Higher Education27
Box 1, Folder 30Geographic Distribution28
Box 1, Folder 31Class totals by major29
Box 1, Folder 32Biology and Zoology enrollments and degrees30
Box 1, Folder 33Biennial Budget Projections31
Box 1, Folder 34PAT Comparison, P. Hoff32
Box 1, Folder 35Ranks- Academic Senate, Lee Blythe33
Box 1, Folder 36Pegree info for Captain K., ROTC34
Box 1, Folder 37Biological Sciences, Joseph Lerner, VPAA35
Box 1, Folder 38Undergrad Catalog Update36
Box 1, Folder 39Nursing Student Info37
Box 1, Folder 40Faculty Info. William Rothwell38
Box 1, Folder 41Association of American Coll. Membership40
Box 1, Folder 42Linda Howe, Channel 1141
Box 1, Folder 43Professional Standards, Committee FIR info.43
Box 1, Folder 44Faculty Members Hired Since 12/18/8244
Box 1, Folder 45Headcounts by Major45
Box 1, Folder 46Profiles, 1979 to 198246
Box 1, Folder 47Principal Investigator Age Review47
Box 1, Folder 48Listing of Departments/Cost/Credit Hours48
Box 1, Folder 49New Faculty49
Box 1, Folder 50Minorities in technology50
Box 1, Folder 511982 Grads, Bachelors Only51
Box 1, Folder 52Enrollment Projection, Kresge Proposal52
Box 1, Folder 53821 and 822, English grads, minority breakdown53
Box 1, Folder 54Policies re: corporate and industrial contractors54
Box 1, Folder 55Report on responses to selected questionnaires55
Box 1, Folder 56Faculty Activities Summary, Madeline Cloutier56
Box 1, Folder 57List of Faculty by Specialty57
Box 1, Folder 58UNH Organizational Structure58
Box 1, Folder 59UMO Budget Director EACUBO Format59
Box 1, Folder 60Per Credit Charges at USNH60
Box 1, Folder 61Number of Full-time undergrads in Fall 198261
Box 1, Folder 62Statistical needs for article on students of the 80's62
Box 1, Folder 63Faculty numbers by sex63
Box 1, Folder 64Headcount no. professional/clerical employees64
Box 1, Folder 65Part-time Students working toward social service degree65
Box 1, Folder 66Library Services in a University Library66
Box 1, Folder 67Number of Black, Hispanic, American Indian, males in WSBE (Class of 1984)67
Box 1, Folder 68Student Association enrollment questions68
Box 1, Folder 69Minority enrollment69
Box 1, Folder 70Faculty 59 yrs. and older as of Fall 198270
Box 1, Folder 71Number of women at UNH71
Box 1, Folder 72Median Age and Income, Rockingham City72
Box 2
Box 2, Folder 1NAMEPA Program Survey73
Box 2, Folder 2Admissions enrollment data, Council of Presidents74
Box 2, Folder 3Fisk/New Science building enrollment projects75
Box 2, Folder 4Out of State full-time enrollment76
Box 2, Folder 5Professional Standards Committee, FIR Info77
Box 2, Folder 6Revisions of copy for 1984 Undergraduate Catalog, Bob Keesey78
Box 2, Folder 7No. Status employ./ Tenure Track Faculty/ Instructors/ Director and Associate Director79
Box 2, Folder 8International Study80
Box 2, Folder 9Square Footage for Academic Instruction and Library81
Box 2, Folder 10Commencement List82
Box 2, Folder 11New England State University reports for AAUP report83
Box 2, Folder 12Faculty Loads(FTE) Engineering courses.student credit hours gen. (undergraduate and graduate)84
Box 2, Folder 13No. Post-doctoral research associates85
Box 2, Folder 14Majors/Non-Majors in art Courses86
Box 2, Folder 15All staff by campus87
Box 2, Folder 16Enrollment and Top Administrators88
Box 2, Folder 17Degree Candidate Enrollment89
Box 2, Folder 18Minority Student Info90
Box 2, Folder 19Minority Student Enrollment91
Box 2, Folder 20Minority Enrollment92
Box 2, Folder 21Part-time undergrads by sex minority enrollment93
Box 2, Folder 22Total FTE Merrimack, SLL94
Box 2, Folder 23No. graduates in foreign language; single/dual majors95
Box 2, Folder 24No. Students in MVC when it was a branch96
Box 2, Folder 25Cost per student credit hour, faculty/student ratio grading patterns97
Box 2, Folder 26Questionnaire for the study of the status of the education of minority students in English98
Box 2, Folder 27Campus resident student from Salem99
Box 2, Folder 28Ethnic Minorities in State/ No. of international students at UNH100
Box 2, Folder 29No. Full-time students/ no. from Strafford County, projection to 1990-1992101
Box 2, Folder 30Questionnaire on enrollment, degree, faculty, expenditures, and tuition102
Box 2, Folder 31Info regarding full-time undergrads103
Box 2, Folder 32Percent of males in SHS104
Box 2, Folder 33Total FTE/ Education and general expenses105
Box 2, Folder 34No. associate, baccalaureate, masters, doctorates/semester and no. full-time and part-time freshmen106
Box 2, Folder 35Tuition and fees/ Room and Board107
Box 2, Folder 36Full-time undergrad./grad. enrollment108
Box 2, Folder 37Enrollment/operating budget/endowment109
Box 2, Folder 38Fall 1983Enrollment figures, 1978 to the present110
Box 2, Folder 39Profiles part-time faculty count111
Box 2, Folder 40HEGIS financial/Hegis faculty info112
Box 2, Folder 41Keene/Plymouth enrollment and tuition113
Box 2, Folder 42Breakdown of New Hampshire at each institution by zip code114
Box 2, Folder 43Total credit hours115
Box 2, Folder 44No. Graduates in engineering in 1982, 1983116
Box 2, Folder 45Undergrad/graduate degree candidates117
Box 2, Folder 46Faculty/Student Headcounts FTE118
Box 2, Folder 47In-state tuition and fees by semester and credit hour119
Box 2, Folder 48Fall 1983 headcounts, undergraduate/graduate, degree/non-degree by town (N.H.)120
Box 2, Folder 49Lecturers appointed since 1978121
Box 2, Folder 50How many employees died on the job?122
Box 2, Folder 51Full and part-time faculty, staff, teaching assistants, etc.123
Box 2, Folder 52undergrads, grads enrolled in languages, degrees awarded124
Box 2, Folder 53No. in State with post-secondary degree125
Box 2, Folder 544-year undergrad and grad, U.S., Canada, other126
Box 2, Folder 55No. degree candidates at R+30 from Hillsborough, Merrimack and Rockingham Co.'s127
Box 2, Folder 56Graduate faculty labels and names128
Box 2, Folder 57Faculty Statistics129
Box 2, Folder 58Salary ranges/placement of graduates130
Box 2, Folder 59Tenured faculty by department131
Box 2, Folder 601979-1983Tenured Faculty by Rank132
Box 2, Folder 611978-1984Promotion and tenure133
Box 2, Folder 62Full and part-time counts E and P students w/ c.h. part-time134
Box 2, Folder 63Spring 1984 faculty135
Box 2, Folder 64Student/Faculty info; count; commuters, minorities, administrative personnel136
Box 2, Folder 65L.A. Enrollments (undeclared/declared) and 1983 grades137
Box 2, Folder 661978-1983Faculty salaries, percent increase138
Box 2, Folder 67Fall 1973-1975, Fall 1983Majors by sex139
Box 2, Folder 681982-1983Number of MS in Biology Academic Year140
Box 2, Folder 691979-1983Faculty Salary numbers141
Box 2, Folder 70No. Canadian Students enrolled in last 10 years142
Box 2, Folder 71Tuition, room and board, 1976 to now; total junior and senior in WSBE143
Box 2, Folder 721979-1981Entering student data, fraternities and sororities144
Box 2, Folder 73N.H. County Breakdown of Students-Fall 1983 Enrollment145
Box 2, Folder 74University of Guam Request for Information146
Box 2, Folder 75Faculty Development Coordinator147
Box 2, Folder 76Student residence/ UNH daily traffic148
Box 2, Folder 77Students in DCE/Students in MBA Program149
Box 2, Folder 78Fall 1983Number tenured Faculty; Average age of faculty150
Box 2, Folder 79Army ROTC Market Information151
Box 2, Folder 80Tuition 1984-1985, credit hours 1983-1984, degree candidates 1983152
Box 2, Folder 81Undergraduate and Graduate degree candidates and programs153
Box 2, Folder 82Longitudinal Study- age of certain group or H.S. graduation year154
Box 2, Folder 83Projection of Degrees Awarded155
Box 2, Folder 84No. of teaching Faculty156
Box 2, Folder 85List of tenured/non-tenured faculty157
Box 2, Folder 86Tenure-track faculty158
Box 2, Folder 87Tenure and T.T. female faculty who have left since 1980159
Box 3
Box 3, Folder 1Faculty in the Biological Sciences160
Box 3, Folder 2Credit hour information, Swap of UNH with URI161
Box 3, Folder 3PAT/OS data (only 100 percent time)162
Box 3, Folder 4Fall 1984No. undeclared students liberal arts163
Box 3, Folder 51980-1984Entering Students SPSS164
Box 3, Folder 6Part-time faculty counts165
Box 3, Folder 7Japanese Program Enrollments166
Box 3, Folder 8Nutritional Enrollments167
Box 3, Folder 9Gilford Middle HS Phone Questionnaire168
Box 3, Folder 10List of emeritus faculty169
Box 3, Folder 11Highland/Bennett Faculty Salary Information170
Box 3, Folder 121984Enrollment, Faculty FTE, E and G Budget171
Box 3, Folder 13Fall 1984Review of Exempt Students172
Box 3, Folder 14Faculty Workload173
Box 3, Folder 15N.H. per-capita income174
Box 3, Folder 16Large scale info175
Box 3, Folder 17ROTC Report Info176
Box 3, Folder 18RECO 411 Enrollments177
Box 3, Folder 19Cost per student credit hour (political science)178
Box 3, Folder 20Graduate student headcount by college179
Box 3, Folder 21Guilford Middle HS Statistical Report on dropouts180
Box 3, Folder 22Kent, Nartling data for Bear, Stearns and Company181
Box 3, Folder 23UMASS Request for Liberal Arts "Instructional Costs"182
Box 3, Folder 24Bear Stearns request for additional information- admissions/geographical distribution183
Box 3, Folder 25No. Engineering Graduates 1983, No. of Women, No. of Minorities184
Box 3, Folder 26Boston University SAT info185
Box 3, Folder 27Full-time/Part-time Grad Headcount in Education Department186
Box 3, Folder 28N.H. College Competition187
Box 3, Folder 29Facilities HEGIS188
Box 3, Folder 30Diversity Committee Data Collection189
Box 3, Folder 31SUNY Salary Compensation Information190
Box 3, Folder 32Professor Yamanato request for UNH profile-type information191
Box 3, Folder 33Marketing Research Class Project: Requested general demographics192
Box 3, Folder 34Cindy Leerer request for statistics report193
Box 3, Folder 35Faculty Salary- Ls and A for economic welfare committee194
Box 3, Folder 36Kevin Campbell request for demographic information195
Box 3, Folder 37DCE wants to look at AA grad; opinions about UNH196
Box 3, Folder 38Survey of institutional advancement offices197
Box 3, Folder 39John Dawson request for faculty info (Economic Welfare Committee)198
Box 3, Folder 40City/State of origin-full-time undergrad, minority, HEGIS Fall enrollment199
Box 3, Folder 41Spring 1985Faculty and Staff Headcounts and FTE200
Box 3, Folder 42No. of students enrolled in computer courses201
Box 3, Folder 43No. of students withdrawing for financial reasons202
Box 3, Folder 44Professional standards comm. FIR info203
Box 3, Folder 45Commencement List204
Box 3, Folder 46No. Grades- 1984 in HAP, Med. Tech., Nutrition205
Box 3, Folder 47Media Services request for faculty detailed information206
Box 3, Folder 48Lon Stadler request for Veteran's cost of instruction207
Box 3, Folder 49BET/ Dean's office departmental profiles breakdown208
Box 3, Folder 50Fall 1984HEGIS ethnic information209
Box 3, Folder 51No. of classes with enrollments less than 100, 50, 25210
Box 3, Folder 52Part-time "Adjunct" salary range211
Box 3, Folder 53Minority Student Information, comparative enrollments212
Box 3, Folder 54Salary schedules by college (Assistant prof. and Instr.)213
Box 3, Folder 55Information for benefits study214
Box 3, Folder 56WSBE SDM Questionnaire215
Box 3, Folder 57Hotel and Restaurant enrollments and Degrees216
Box 3, Folder 58Enrollments per faculty217
Box 3, Folder 59Minority enrollments(esp.blacks) in hotel/administration/food service type majors218
Box 4
Box 4, Folder 1FIR and part-time faculty information219
Box 4, Folder 2Special Services degrees awarded220
Box 4, Folder 3Tuition rates, projected enrollment221
Box 4, Folder 4U.Mass. Information sharing222
Box 4, Folder 5UNH Tuition rates223
Box 4, Folder 6FY 1986State Appropriations224
Box 4, Folder 7CIRP Survey Inquiry225
Box 4, Folder 8Women Tenure-track faculty at UNH-M226
Box 4, Folder 9Undergraduate, master, doctoral, full-time, part-time227
Box 4, Folder 10New Faculty/College/Dept.228
Box 4, Folder 111984-1985Degrees WSBE Majors (Undergrad and Grad)229
Box 4, Folder 12No. of Majors in Communications230
Box 4, Folder 13Recent Alumni Optional Questions231
Box 4, Folder 14Student Opinion on Work Experience; Internships232
Box 4, Folder 15Faculty Lists for December Commencement233
Box 4, Folder 16Total FTE( UNH and System)234
Box 4, Folder 17Enrollment/Faculty/# Undergraduate Program235
Box 4, Folder 18Fall 1985System Enrollments236
Box 4, Folder 19Faculty Salaries Information237
Box 4, Folder 20List of Undergraduate catalog faculty by department238
Box 4, Folder 21Selections Unlimited College Counsel239
Box 4, Folder 22Lists of full-time faculty by name and dept.(1 list of tenured, 1 of non-tenured)240
Box 4, Folder 23New Alumni Directory Survey241
Box 4, Folder 24ROTC Annual Report Information242
Box 4, Folder 25General information Update for Undergraduate Catalog243
Box 4, Folder 26Retirement in Next 10 years244
Box 4, Folder 27No. Full-time faculty by Dept.(Including UNH-M)245
Box 4, Folder 28Faculty Members 65 Years or Older246
Box 4, Folder 29HEGIS degrees awarded data247
Box 4, Folder 30Full-time Instr./Fac. by name, dept., rank248
Box 4, Folder 31Contact Hour249
Box 4, Folder 32Salary Equity Information250
Box 5
Box 5, Folder 1Faculty/Student Ratio251
Box 5, Folder 21984Freshmen admissions at land-grants252
Box 5, Folder 3Degrees/credit hours/headcount in languages253
Box 5, Folder 4FTE of Faculty254
Box 5, Folder 5"Student Oceans Project" study255
Box 5, Folder 61986College Youth Study256
Box 5, Folder 7No. Classes, students, faculty257
Box 5, Folder 8Employees who died on the job258
Box 5, Folder 9Fact Sheet update259
Box 5, Folder 10Research Office Readership Survey260
Box 5, Folder 11Selected Faculty Information re: Fall 1985 contact hour review form261
Box 5, Folder 12Full-time and part-time faculty holding PhD262
Box 5, Folder 13Teacher education in the sciences263
Box 5, Folder 14No. Post-docs Fall 1985264
Box 5, Folder 15Student Profiles265
Box 5, Folder 16Tuition Increases since 1980266
Box 5, Folder 17List of non-traditional students (aged 24+)267
Box 5, Folder 18Women's Commission Request for Information268
Box 5, Folder 19Headcount by majors269
Box 5, Folder 20Prepared material NHCUC presentation270
Box 5, Folder 21New Faculty since Fall 1984271
Box 5, Folder 22Full-time matriculated students, 45 years or older (undergrad)272
Box 5, Folder 23Budget Info273
Box 5, Folder 24ROTC request GPA; majors274
Box 5, Folder 25Enrollment and Degree Data275
Box 5, Folder 26Older Women Survey276
Box 5, Folder 27Fall 1983-1985Student FTE. resident and non-resident277
Box 5, Folder 28Percent full-time faculty tenured by rank278
Box 5, Folder 29List of non-tenured faculty(full-time) by name, rank, dept., and date hire279
Box 5, Folder 30No. of Liberal Arts Majors(Jr. Class) in each Liberal Arts Program (Major)280
Box 5, Folder 31Ages of Health Studies Faculty281
Box 5, Folder 32Gordon Highland questions and answers282
Box 5, Folder 33Average Annual Instructional Expenditure per Student283
Box 5, Folder 34Part-time Faculty284
Box 5, Folder 35Women Faculty282
Box 5, Folder 36Course Enrollment Analysis, folder 1 of 2286
Box 6
Box 6, Folder 1Course Enrollment Analysis, folder 2 of 2286
Box 6, Folder 2General Course Enrollment Analysis287
Box 6, Folder 31980-1985Resident/non-resident/exempt headcount288
Box 6, Folder 4HEGIS Degrees Awarded for Keene289
Box 6, Folder 5Administrative Staffing Analysis Project290
Box 6, Folder 6Average Salaries, faculty291
Box 6, Folder 7No. of High School Graduates in New Hampshire292
Box 6, Folder 8Student Minority Population293
Box 6, Folder 9R+30 Enrollment294
Box 6, Folder 10UNH Productivity Measures295
Box 6, Folder 11No. of Athletes Personnel296
Box 6, Folder 12UNH/USNH Organization Chart297
Box 6, Folder 13Estimated Increase for faculty Salaries for FY 1987298
Box 6, Folder 141984-1985Chronicle of Higher Education student-faculty ratios299
Box 6, Folder 15Math Dept. Statistics per O'Brien request (U. Mass.)300
Box 6, Folder 16Fall 1986Graduate Assistant Stipends301
Box 6, Folder 17Chancellor's General Education Questions302
Box 6, Folder 18FTE of Students303
Box 6, Folder 19List of tenured/non-tenured faculty(faculty reception invitation list)304
Box 6, Folder 20SDM Comparisons305
Box 6, Folder 21Financial Aid Expenditures, PSC306
Box 6, Folder 22Wall St. Journal, Faculty Tenure-track Positions307
Box 6, Folder 23UNH-M Accreditation308
Box 6, Folder 24Special Service Grant Proposal Request309
Box 6, Folder 25Demographics for Diversity Committee310
Box 6, Folder 26University Financial Information311
Box 6, Folder 27No. Women Full Professors312
Box 6, Folder 28Faculty by Department (Headcount of Full-time and tenure track)313
Box 6, Folder 29List of faculty by College/Dept./name with all salary increases314
Box 7
Box 7, Folder 1PAT Council Survey315
Box 7, Folder 2Physics faculty; credit hours, # of Students taught, # masters, PhD (3yrs)316
Box 7, Folder 3Minority Enrollment at UNH317
Box 7, Folder 4Grads who stay in-state318
Box 7, Folder 5Full-time faculty for Fall 1986 by sex319
Box 7, Folder 6Dick Kaufmann request for HEGIS information320
Box 7, Folder 7Headcount of Majors, 5 year trends for WSBE321
Box 7, Folder 8Recent Graduate/Recent Alumni Information322
Box 7, Folder 9Hoff List of Student Names323
Box 7, Folder 10Fall 1986Student FTE324
Box 7, Folder 11Fall 1986 Course Capacity Analysis325
Box 7, Folder 121982-1996Hersh graph Analysis326
Box 7, Folder 131975-1987Degree Candidate Headcount by degree for system campuses327
Box 7, Folder 14No. of teaching assistants teaching courses(excluding labs)328
Box 7, Folder 15Hersh request for percent of freshmen teachers who are regular faculty329
Box 7, Folder 16December Commencement List330
Box 7, Folder 17Demographics for UNH Students331
Box 7, Folder 18Mean Salary Studies of Faculty332
Box 7, Folder 19(1986)Student Headcount, Faculty FTE, E and G Budget333
Box 7, Folder 202 Surveys forwarded by Drew Sanborn334
Box 7, Folder 21Student FTE, Enrollments, and Admissions Counts335
Box 7, Folder 22Fall 1986Student Enrollment336
Box 7, Folder 231976-1985Continuing Education FTE337
Box 7, Folder 24College Databooks, College Charts section338
Box 7, Folder 25Student Counts339
Box 7, Folder 26N.H. Voc.-Tech Admissions340
Box 7, Folder 27Women's Commission Annual Request for Information341
Box 7, Folder 28Art Grant Enrollment Request342