Curriculum & Academics

  • The Department of Physical Education was founded in 1945 as the Department of Physical Education for Women. It became the Department of Physical Education ca. 1963, and merged with the Department of Leisure Management and Tourism in 1990. It is now part of the…
  • The Office of Community, Diversity, and Equity is located in Thompson Hall at UNH Durham. This collection contains materials generated by UNH's President's Commission on the Status of Women (including the DWALI group of single mothers), affirmative…
  • Granite State College was located in Concord, New Hampshire. It was established in 1972. In 1980 it merged with UNH-Manchester, then joined the University System of New Hampshire in 2023. It is now known as the UNH College of Professional Studies. The target audience is adult learners. This…
  • Mark W. Huddleston was the 19th president of the University of New Hampshire. This collection contains materials generated by Huddelston and his university administration.
  • The Moran Era Photograph Collection is a compilation of images from various sources which spans the 26 years for which Clement Moran was University of New Hampshire Photographer. This collection visually tells the story of early campus life during the…
  • University Archives
    "The Mission of Finance and Administration is to provide expert support to the President and to develop, implement, and continuously improve upon the best practices and highest quaility services for students, faculty, and staff that enable and enhance…
  • University Archives
    The College of Liberal Arts offers numerous faculty-directed study abroad programs to UNH studens from all its colleges. This collection contains information from both the Cambridge and London programs, dated 1993-2015. This collection consists of two…
  • University Archives
    Chappell Studio, Inc. from Fairfield, Iowa started offering a graduation archival program in 1993. UNH commencement ceremony photographs taken by Chappell Studios (no other universities are included)
  • University Archives
    The Botany Department was part of the curriculum of the Agriculture devision of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. This history was developed by the departmental review team, 1971.
  • University Archives
    Whittemore School Faculty Meetings
  • University Archives
    The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) was established in 1969-70 to offer an associate’s degree program specifically designed for the part-time, adult student. This collection contains a small sampling of the types of courses offered through DCE…
  • University Archives
    Teaching Excellence was a one page newsletter containing an article that was reproduced with permission from Teaching Excellence, a member service of the POD Network in Higher Education.
  • University Archives
    This is a collection of newsletters created by various UNH colleges and organizations. Most lasted only a short production run before being discontinued.
  • University Archives
    The University of New Hampshire Occupational Therapy program was initiated in 1942 as a major program offered by the Art Department of the College of Liberal Arts. It was first accredited by the American Occupational Therapy Association and the…
  • University Archives
    The Art Division of the Library was opened April 1939. The scrapbook of art division information was compiled by George R. Thomas.
  • University Archives
    Ann Weaver Hart was appointed eighteenth president of the University of New Hampshire on July 1, 2002. This collection contains the presidential papers of Ann Weaver Hart
  • University Archives
    The Beta of New Hampshire chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was installed on December 16, 1952. Members include UNH, UNH Manchester and the UNH School of Law faculty, staff, and administrators as well as students elected during their junior or senior year.…
  • University Archives
    James Horrigan led a distinguished career as a Professor of Accounting and Finance. He taught at Notre Dame from 1956 to 1966, and then at the University of New Hampshire for 30 years until his retirement in 1996. Teaching and community files of…
  • University Archives
    [bioghist abstract] One scrapbook of newspaper clippings created by the staff at the UNH College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
  • University Archives
    The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was established in 1866. In 1911, a major reorganization of the entire institution took place. Three divisions were established: the Agricultural Division, the Engineering Division and the…
  • University Archives
    Jean Brierley (1908-1986) graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1930 with a baccalaureate degree in Zoology. The first Brierley Award was presented in 1991 to Lester A. Fisher of the Department of English. In the years since then each winner of the…
  • University Archives
    The Office of Academic Affairs spearhead the university's progress in academic programming, faculty development, and student academic affairs. These files contain support materials for the 1983 University Accreditation process, minutes and reports…
  • University Archives
    Frank McCann, Ph.D., Indiana U., Bloomington, is a professor emeritus of history at the University of New Hampshire. His research focuses on Brazilian and Spanish-American history, U.S. relations with Latin America, and native peoples of the Americas…
  • University Archives
    The University of New Hampshire Occupational Therapy program was initiated in 1942 as a major program offered by the Art Department of the College of Liberal Arts. This collection contains memorabilia and artifacts compiled as part of the 50th…
  • University Archives
    The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was founded in 1866 and first located in Hanover, NH. The college moved to Durham, NH in 1893 and in 1923 became the University of New Hampshire. The first class to graduate consisted of…
  • University Archives
    Edward Morgan Lewis served as president of the University of New Hampshire from September 1, 1927 to May 24, 1936. Lewis received both his undergraduate and graduate education from Williams College. He came to UNH from Massachusetts Agricultural…
  • University Archives
    The Accreditation Steering Committee oversaw re-accreditation processes at the University of New Hampshire from 1983-1994. This series consists of records maintained by the Steering Committee for UNH Regional Accreditation by the New England…
  • University Archives
    This series contains the pamphlet Agricultural Education Historically Considered, by Charles W. Scott. Scott was a professor at the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts and he covers the history of agricultural education in his essay.
  • University Archives
    The UNH undergraduate writing requirement was instituted in 1995. This collection contains the files of the Writing Across the Curriculum Program.
  • University Archives
    The Department of Chemistry originated in 1868, when the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts opened its doors in Hanover, NH. Ezekiel Dimond was the college's first faculty member, as well as the department's only full time professor in the early years. In 1893, Fred Morse…
  • University Archives
    This series contains videotapes covering a variety of subjects associated with the university.
  • University Archives
    The Committee on Academic Programs and Teaching Methods was a committee of the Faculty Council. This series contains the records of the Committee on Academic Programs and Teaching Methods of the University of New Hampshire.
  • University Archives
    The School of Health and Human Services was established as the Division of Health Studies in 1969. The following year it was renamed the School of Health Studies. In 1990, it was reorganized as the School of Health and Human Services. Prior to 1969 health studies courses were part of the College of…
  • University Archives
    The University of New Hampshire was founded in 1866 by the state legislature as the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. First situated in Hanover in connection with Dartmouth College, the NHCAMA was removed to its Durham campus…
  • University Archives
    Roy Deneale Hunter was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of New Hampshire in 1916. He then became president of the Board in 1931 until his death in 1944. Hunter also acted as Chief Executive Officer of UNH twice, following the death of President Lewis in 1937 and President…
  • University Archives
    The Merrimack Valley Branch of the University of New Hampshire was established in Manchester in September 1967. The branch started as an extension center. There were thirty-one credit courses, taught almost entirely by regular faculty members from the…
  • University Archives
    Governor Huntley N. Spaulding of New Hampshire presented a gift to UNH in 1934 of $15,000. The money was set up as a revolving loan to be given to needy students for anything from tuition to books or living expenses. The president of the University was in charge of the fund. This series contains…
  • University Archives
    In October 1989, M. Daniel Smith of the Dept. of Education received a grant from the USNH Innovation and Opportunity Grants program to conduct a project he called “Outcomes/Antecedents Assessment Inquiry” that would assess cognitive outcomes of the…
  • University Archives
    In 1915 the Electrical Engineering Department offered a correspondence course in the use of measuring instruments. This folder contains booklets titled "Measuring Instruments and Integrating Wattmeters".
  • University Archives
    This series contains videotapes produced for the Computer and Information Services.
  • University Archives
    The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was incorporated in 1866 by the state legislature as was one of the early land-grant institutions of public higher education established under the Morrill Act. Orignally located in Hanover, NH, it was removed to Durham in 1893 and…
  • University Archives
    The School of Health and Human Services was established as the Division of Health Studies in 1969. The following year it was renamed the School of Health Studies. In 1990, it was reorganized as the School of Health and Human Services. Prior to 1969 health studies courses were part of the College of…
  • University Archives
    The inaugural celebration for UNH President Dr. Ann Weaver Hart held on November 21-22, 2002 included an academic convocation to celebrate the scholarly and creative work of its faculty. In 2004, the academic convocation became part of University Day events.
  • University Archives
    Dr. Fred Engelhardt was chosen as president of UNH on December 1, 1936, assuming office the following April. He served as president until his death on February 3, 1944. The Fred Engelhardt Papers include topics such as library alterations, the WPA, the National Defence, and the military department.
  • University Archives
    The Merrimack Valley Branch of the University of New Hampshire was established in Manchester in September 1967. The branch started as an extension center. There were thirty-one credit courses, taught almost entirely by regular faculty members from the…
  • University Archives
    This series contains the address delivered by Charles H. Burns in favor of the Leach Bill. The Bill proposed that a two-year course in practical and theoretical agriculture, a department of horticulture, and a system of practical instruction and manual training be added to the curriculum at the New…
  • University Archives
    The Office of Parent Programs is the culmination of the UNH Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association was created in 1976 in order to facilitate parent involvement in the University’s education and student life activities, and to improve…
  • University Archives
    This series contains the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee for the College of Liberal Arts. Included are discussions of curriculum changes and petitions from students.
  • University Archives
    This series contains videotapes of the University of New Hampshire academic ceremonies organized through the Public Programs and Events division of University Relations. Includes videotapes of the University of New Hampshire Honors Convocation…
  • University Archives
    The University of New Hampshire, incorporated in 1866 by the state legislature as the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, was one of the early land-grant institutions of public higher education established under the Morrill Act…